Swtor classes reddit But that’s got so little to do with what is being discussed. I prefer the more “grey” areas of the Star Wars universe and the trooper story does a great job at exploring that area. Kinda bland and it really only makes sense as a Sage. I'll give my 2 fave: Consular is a journey of learning about force magics while fighting the Sith, playing diplomat, and building allies for the Republic in mutual aid/defense. No class is low damage, just some are easier to play. If you want to check, it's best to consult a guide and see if that's about what they're saying to do. Members Online The Dark Harbinger Armor is the first set in SWTOR to show our Hair under the Hood! Considering what other people already said (it's really up to you) if you soloplay a lot I'd take anything+ stealth. Members Online I may have reservations about KOTET and KOTFE story, but I think they nailed the camera work. Human, Rex ripoff, got white/blue armor to go with. Excluding game stats, and including or not class stories. I've got gadgets galore! And I shoot people point blank in the face! And sometimes, I even stare down a self-proclaimed eldritch abomination of pure dark side power and kick him in the jimmies. Class epic Star Wars story, enough said really. Click here to ask a question about the state of the game. Members Online In the Sith Inquisitor storyline, Darth Marr is the one that gives you your Darth Name, depending on what your alignment was. But perhaps this can help a bit. Stealth classes can be fun. Dps wise: For melee i freaking love lethality operative/ruffian scoundrel, the aoes and dots are so much fun, and still most of your abilities have a 10m range so it's a great advantage in closed quarters, I also love that burst of shots at close range both classes have, it makes it feel Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Some simple statistics I pulled from steam (these are obviously a sample, and do not correlate to total playtime): Most Completed Class Story: Sith Warrior (7. All companions can be dps, tanks, or heals. Swtorista has had competitions for solo completions and if you search for those posts you can get more of an idea of what has been done. If you want a DoT class that's as DoT as it gets (i. 3%) from most to least appropriate/fitting: Operative, Sniper, Scoundrel, Vanguard, Gunslinger, Commando, Mercenary, Powertech my Agent started out as a Sniper Marksman main but now i use Scoundrel Scrapper for the 2nd combat style. I wanted to ask you guys what you think are races better suited for certain classes, below I list what I think and is entirely my opinion. While you do only have one pistol, most of your abilities are built into your suit, with stuff like wrist-mounted flamethrowers and shoulder-mounted rocket launchers. She didn't kill Koth, but only because she didn't let Kaliyo have her fun in the Spire. Members Online Clarification on the 1. Major events, twists or endings of any SWTOR story content Any plot points of the most recent or any future content expansion of SWTOR Major plot points of any movie or series, be it Star Wars related or not If you are wishing to discuss SWTOR-related spoilers, please Keep spoilers out of the post title Mark posts with a spoiler flair There is no "best" class as in one-size-fits-all; different classes shine in different ways, and there is always player skill & player preference to take into account. Biochem is probably the best. Major Game Changes & the Current State of SWTOR. No matter what the question, the answer is always lightning. e. Skill is way, way more important than class Sent isn't a tank class, you're thinking guardian which is the flip of Jugg. All classes are relatively close to the same length. Does imperial or republic accumulate more playtime? Which class has the least amount of time played (pvp included)? etc. It's more so to the IA if you're like me, who simply can't pick the defect option in th Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. being able to turn invisible and using only a pistol as the main weapon fits perfect for the cutscenes where the player character is using a pistol(and theres a lot of There are a few comments here, and many others I've seen elsewhere that say something like Jedi Knight is the best class experience, the real Kotor 3, the true star wars hero experience, and honestly I couldn't disagree more. Shadow and Scoundrel on republic, Assassin and Operative on empire. SWTOR SUBREDDIT RULES /r/swtorart - Artwork /r/swtorguilds - Find a Guild /r/swtor_memes - Memes /r/swtor_trade - Buy, Trade, Sell; List of Related Subreddits; Official It is, as long as you're a subscriber (AFAIK only subscribers get the quest to add a secondary combat style). IA is excellent for ROTHC, maybe the best-fitting class, and I'd say decent for Onslaught as well. Useful SWTOR Fan Sites. Which class should I play? Should I Subscribe to SWTOR? Moderator list hidden. I recommend you choose the class you like best because you'll spend more time with it and become a better player along the way. Dude has abs ffs. Specifically, if you have decided to be the Emperor's loyal Wrath. Now you can separate story and class, so choose whichever story you like. I love the Trooper class, identity, story and the starship. However, if you're interested in a more support-focused role, I'd recommend checking out the Republic Trooper or Smuggler classes. SWTOR's classes are simpler. Not much better than Trooper, but chapter 3 does kind of salvage it. We recommend looking at the class descriptions below to choose which class you think you would like the most based on its story and background. Its heavy meta dominant at the moment & very poorly balanced. Perfect for fighting whichever emperor you are facing at the time. (Example: X class is less powerful than Y class, the stories are synergetic, but they have multiple queues as to when they’re taking place relative to other stories simply based on the path it takes you through the game. Makes it much quicker. Members Online Plea to the community: use the official forum for suggestions Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. you might wanna do your class missions on your homeworld. Members Online The Bad Batch | The Final Season Premieres February 21 on Disney+ I'm really enjoying these new alts I've done: Trooper with Merc combat style. X. Members Online The Dark Harbinger Armor is the first set in SWTOR to show our Hair under the Hood! One is still in the game - the top of the class academy thing. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Similar to WoW. Republic side feels like you're mired in politics, infighting, backstabbing, and a bunch of shit that makes you wonder if the Republic is even worth defending in the first place from shady projects that should have NEVER been allowed, to Lana is well-suited to any light side Sith or Agent. The least-favorite class was the Trooper - not only was it the least played class, of all players that voted, only 13 people voted it as their favorite class story. Members Online The Bad Batch | The Final Season Premieres February 21 on Disney+ Welcome to the **Star Wars Expanded Universe** subreddit! We are primarily a source of discussion and news surrounding the Star Wars LEGENDS and STORY GROUP CANON Expanded Universe Stories. For example, if you went with the Jedi classes then you might play the Jedi Knight while your buddy plays the Jedi Consular. I use kolto shot sometimes because it shoots a green beam that helps me find someone, which can help sometimes. You can speed run most class stories at about 23 hours, give or take 2 hours depending on the class. I would second some suggestions regarding guardian/jugg for tankiness and damage, trooper/hunter for tankiness and AoE, and shadow/assassin for stealth and damage. All classes have 3 skill trees called 'Disciplines,' which approach combat in a different way, and give you different skills. Dps classes can be good with great companion management. Second one is in game lore have to have played form teh beginning and you have Class lore bugs that speak of teh class character orginal design, like for sith warrior one if your a human but the lore speak Empire side feels more like you are playing Star Wars, even if you're playing, or playing for, the bad guy. The dot spread is real, but the single target is also quite effective. Having finally finished my final class story last week I thought I would rank them in order of my preference. You simply can't make an MMO and only have one true caster class. Ranking bioware story from worst to best isn’t necessarily fair, bioware does some of the best rpg storytelling in gaming, and all the class stories have great moments and dialogues, but I did feel that some of the stories resonated better than others. Hmm, best to worst, let's see: Scoundrel. I'll say AP Powertech as well. 4. Should I Subscribe to SWTOR? Expansions and Updates. Each boss has better classes suited to it, sure. On a more performance based note: DCDs are pretty bad except maybe entrench, engineering is pretty great DPS (provided the boss doesn’t move too much), Virulence is not much worse and marksmanship is… a sad story. Both subclasses make sense and you probably wanna go mostly LS for this one. I say this as a person who only plays Lightning & Arsenal. For most classes, I consider the switch side decision the most important choice even though it doesn't make as much big of an impact in game. You'll save a lot of credits by making your own stims, especially the reusable ones. If you do story mode they're all doable with any class, veteran is usually tough, master modes I think you'll have more luck with stealth. Here's mine: Jedi Knight:Mirialan, Guardian Why: Single lightsaber goes well for the whole save the republic storyline. People don't understand that two things could influence Smuggler to become a Republic Privateer: One hand washes the another: If you help the Republic, Republic will look the other way when you do minor, even medium grade felonies. 2 legacy class/species unlock Until the VERY endgame, it doesn't really matter what class you play. I second Vengeance Juggernaut and its Rep side counterpart. Feels like a unique type of sith without a real archetype in star wars canon, and the bleeds feel SO satisfying in pvp. SoR is particularly nice, in that it provides by far the most class-specific experiences. But if you’re not familiar with the class stories or the combat styles, sticking to the OG combat-class pairings will probably give you the combo that makes the most “sense” for the kind of character the class story intended each class to be, if that makes sense. In comparison, the character writing and self exploration in the Agent story or LS Warrior is a lot richer. First, I ranked all 40 original class companions. Welcome to the **Star Wars Expanded Universe** subreddit! We are primarily a source of discussion and news surrounding the Star Wars LEGENDS and STORY GROUP CANON Expanded Universe Stories. (same with Inquisitor) Commando/Merc has the best single target heals and it's the simplest to learn so that would be my recommendation. The scene on Tattooine where the Warrior figures out what he stands for is great. Played FF14 years later, and if you don't know your rotation that game, you'll be useless even with Solo Play. A Jugg-Merc or Guardian-Commando setup would, in my mind, work really well - the damage that their companions can do is quite high, and a Commando/Merc healer can take a good amount of punishment due to heavy armor. SWTOR, you can litterally mash your face on the keyboard and still probably win fights A subReddit dedicated to in-depth discussion of the Star Wars franchise with an emphasis on in-universe lore. I would still suggest the sage or sorcerer as something to try first You need to put bubbles on people, have the skill choice of bubbles heal allies, have progressive scan while running also. This is taking into account all of the personal feats achieved by the two classes during the events of the expansions, their personal histories in relation to other major characters encountered during the expansions (and during their respective class stories), and If you just wanna get a feel for the animations, you can search on YouTube: "SWTOR (class) (spec) rotation", i. Note that with the following exceptions, all classes can either play damage (DPS), healer, or defense (tank) and have a short range / melee and long range options: As a seasoned player, I can tell you that Jedi Knight is definitely a great class for beginners. They are pretty "bursty" but are best when healing single targets. Subjective but all classes are pretty easy for story content and each spec is doing just fine to blast thru anything. i guess the OP wanted to know how class population is at endgame. (I’ve seen posts like this, but almost all of them are from 2015 or older, and maybe there are fresher opinions) What class do you think is the most powerful lore-wise or what is your ranking from-the-most-to-the-least (and why). So, not truly DS or LS. After playing the game for so long I find these specs keep my interest longer due to the more punishing skill floor. That way, you can grow with the character and learn their skills as you play. So, Koth never had a reason to turn on the Alliance. The bounty hunter, Agent, and the Warrior are all weapons classes, so there is naturally going to be a massive amount of players who want the magical caster class. This makes it arguably the best expansion of them all. The State of SWTOR. The State of Player vs. Most of your skills are 4m-10m range. if you’re new and want an easy class, that’s your go. I wanna start playing the game, but I need opinions about them. Solo pve is easy in this game. I found these classes to be very strong and durable, perfect for both beginners and experienced SWTOR players. The differences are minor and it's more about knowing your class and what you need to do. That will give you videos of someone whacking away at a training dummy. Made it to the late game as a bounty hunter spamming random buttons. . Player (PvP) The State of The "rancor" in the room is the male Body type 4. You also will have to take into account that different classes also start on different planets. The beauty of SWTOR is, even as a F2P, you can experience all 8 class stories and find out for yourself, what YOU like the most :) SW Juggy, JK Guardian: the venegance class is one of the best classes for solo play for multiple reason, has immense AoE that even places DoTs that can help burn massive amount of mobs fast Has great ST dps that make it viable for fighting one on one as well 3. Hello, I know this has been asked around but I need the fresh ideas about classes. Learn More. The way I am doing it and enjoying very much due to great class/spec synergy: Vigilance Guardian Commando Combat Medic with rifle! (cannons - meh!) Telekinetics Sage Dirty Fighting Gunslinger Fury Marauder It really depends on who you want your character to be. Best DPS PVE? Best Tank PVE? Any recoms? I know you will say " see whatever the best for u" but i love researching beforehand and hear the opinions about classes before i invest. This class takes a hit better than the other 2 classes. With the new class things coming soon it wont matter anyways. The Reddit Law School Admissions Forum. ) or Inquisitor (Lightning. The NPCs have some special dialogue if you play an Inquisitor as a non-human/sith; it's funnier than hell to watch an NPC pop off with some stock Imperial "aliens are scum" line, realize that the Sith Lord they're talking to is an alien and can kill them for laughs, and then whip out the kneepads and mouthwash and backpedal hurriedly with a line like "Oh, but I didn't mean you, my lord!" Was wondering what class has the best campaign and is the most fun to play in your opinion. Stealth classes are: Shadow/Assassin (Force User) Operative/Scoundrel (Tech) Shadow/Assassin are easier to play, really good for single target damage with good AOE styles as well. Sith Warrior: I think Sith Pureblood, I can't really explain why but I feel it fits better with the class story. Nautolan DS sith warrior, assassin combat style. A chance to see the other side's viewpoint, compared to the Sith Warrior's. If you're interested playing classes as a duo, you'll generally have the most fun by playing either the two Jedi classes or the two Sith classes side-by-side. Knight - Miraluka, Mirialan, Twi'lek: I love Zabraks for the Knight personally, but this class does play with your classic human Jedi hero feel. Sniper/Gunslinger is fun but if you prefer to move around, its not for you. The current version is 5 button rotation classes outperform complex ones. With everyone else it only works if you can somehow explain your non-Force sensitive character beating a certain bald Sith Lord in a fight. The best place on Reddit for admissions advice. Trooper and Smuggler prologue happen at the exact same time (you can see the Smuggler ship landing in the opening of the trooper story, and Corso runs in to tell the Smuggler about a transport being hit with an RPG) Consular: laid back and interesting take on Star Wars, not as traditionally exciting but the story and character relationships are well explored and the story feel complete Mediocre Trooper: decent story of what it means to be a spec ops trooper in a government that appears good but more is going on behind the curtain. If you're able to run two advanced classes, the class pairs well with Vanguards/Powertechs. Between a reflect that can heal you to full when hit by single-target damage, a shield that can have cool-down reduction and essentially a 40% medpack on expiration with the right utilities, kolto that can keep you healed to 35% or 60% depending on your utility choices, and a threat drop that also either absorbs damage or gives 1st would be Smuggler, 2nd Sorc, 3rd warrior, 4&5 are tied with BH and Sage, 6&7 Agent and Knight and my least favorite is Trooper the class quest line is so boring and nothing gets I feel like it's like drudging through think syrup than a fast quirky and maybe goofy classes, he companions need work for Trooper so serious it gets bland, at according to the current Ranked Warzone Solo Arena Leaderboards commando / mercenary seem to come out on top as the best as it holds the top position and the top 5 are within just 16 or better and top 50 are within just 247 or better. If he had turned on her, she would absolutely have filleted him like a fish, and stuck his head on a pike in the middle of the Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Arsenal, Marksman, Deception, & even Lightning aren't recommended. I'll run through them and give my opinion on each class. So in my reasoning, the best classes that benefit for this build is smuggler or bounty hunters. I like actual combat as a Sorcerer better personally, but being an Assassin is really nice w If you want bulk, Vanguard / Powertech is the go to. Another was that you were a veteran of the Outer Rim campaigns, which were apparently the Star Wars equivalent of Vietnam, and some soldiers returned unhinged. Ive mostly enjoyed my bounty hunter and sorcerer so far but seeing that both have been nerfed recently im looking for other classes preferably tech users since I really enjoy playing as a mandalorian. That being said, my main Trooper is a male for my own character lore reasons, and the fact that he’s largely a self-insert. Major Class Changes. Do realize that, despite carrying a gun, Vangaurds/PTs tend to work at the 4m-10m range most of the time, making them more comparable to melee DPS classes than ranged (for comparison, Commando / Mercenaries are +25m on most of their kit and Gunslingers / Snipers sit at 35m). Today I will be looking at the ranking the companions, and ranking each class by the combined quality of their companions. If you want to get into Legends, Canon, or both or want to learn more about the Expanded Universe in general, you can find a few links in the sidebar that Welcome to the first (technically second, yesterday was the intro) to my ongoing series debating the best SWTOR class. afterwards though you can do planet missions for shared content. Plus he’s the voice of Varric from Dragon Age (even though the characters are completely different). The SWTOR class stories are simplistic, but I don't feel like there's missed potential in most of them. Environment (PvE): Dailies, Flashpoints, Uprisings & Operations. Powertech is a CQC brawler. All the classes in SWtOR are all pet based. They are all pretty class neutral, although Imp RotHC fits the Agent even better than it does the other Imp classes. Otherwise, do the rest of the class stories in any order. While Operative is more of a stealthy spy sneaking through a facility, Vanguards/Powertechs are the SWAT teams that bust down walls and take out priority objectives. Sorry if there are some mistakes, English is no my first language. They all kind of intertwine and overtake each other at various points, but there are some things we can say for sure. r/swtor: Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. And the third was the anti-Imperial guerrilla story you mention. If you actually just play the story and do some side content to level along, it’s roughly 30 hours. just because the agent story is good doesnt mean you automatically main the class right? also i mostly talk about level 75 here. If you want to get into Legends, Canon, or both or want to learn more about the Expanded Universe in general, you can find a few links in the sidebar that I'm really enjoying these new alts I've done: Trooper with Merc combat style. SWTOR strictly adheres to the holy trinity of class roles, and while some DPS specs have taunts or heals, off-heals are mainly for solo and taunts are mainly for specific mechanics or an emergency if the tank is about to be killed. annihilation marauder. I've played SWTOR as an early 20 year old with no idea what an MMO was. Jedi Counselor: Thematically the strongest class in the game as well as the pinnacle of what Jedi strive to be. Player The top parsing classes at the moment are melee dot classes, they all will leave lingering effects on the boss, it does not effect them the same way it effects burst classes. There isn't exactly a warlock style class though. Of those that actually played the trooper story, on a scale of 1 to 8 with 1 being the best class, the average for the trooper was around 6th place. Many think it's fat, but when you look at it you can see that body type 4 is an absolute unit of muscle. You might want to check what has what so you have what you like for various other activities. Jan 10, 2024 · The best class in Star Wars The Old Republic is either the Sith Warrior or the Jedi Knight – depending on whether you choose the Light or the Dark Side. I recommend doing the Imperial Agent story last because there is one reveal that is a minor spoiler for the other classes at the same point in their stories. Hard mode: maximize diversity in classes and species Nightmare mode: you cannot use the the same advanced class twice (as in mirrors; if you use a sage you can't use sorcerer. Mar 13, 2022 · With the implementation of 7. As for which class to choose to get your Dark V achievement, probably Bounty Hunter (It's just a job, man. That said, I personally have found combining a strong DPS class with a stealth class to be the most flexible and fun. Check out the sidebar for intro guides. Seriously any class is fine for pve in this game. Cybertech is also good to make grenades and CM-1337 for the highest level augments (those take some serious investment however), and then the actual augments are made by Synthweaving, Armormech, and Armstech. And also gives you the option for a healing spec (scoundrel/operative) or tank spec (shadow/assassin) if you want variety for group content. You share her background, understand her pragmatism, and are generally a force for order and sanity in the galaxy (which she values and sacrifices for), but not necessarily a force for good or peace despite your best efforts (so you shouldn't be too perturbed by her darker nature). Pick whether you prefer 2 guns or a sniper. Get ready for a nerdy-long text. The obvious class imbalance is due to poor class design. As for dot classes I really enjoy Serenity (main class) and IO, I guess I like these specs because I need to think more about energy management and optimal rotation. close second seem to be vanguard / powertech as top 5 are within 18 or better and top 50 are within 261 or better. Shadow. About class: during leveling you will need to destroy packs of mobs, so you need class with strong aoe. Personally I find light side for the force using Imperial classes pretty interesting and fun. Class Story Viewpoints: Knight. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy than here. It has a straightforward playstyle, great survivability, and is generally well-rounded. Jedi Knight plays okay in act 2 and act 3, where the plots ties up nicely with the expansion, but otherwise has absolutely awful pacing and terrible writing all around. Yeah, they feel the most "Star Wars", two lightsabers and dual bladed are neat, but they're the supposed to be niche and the archetypical Jedi has one. Jedi Knight - the Knight is the typical Star Wars story, and the 'canon' class of post-vanilla content. Basically it’s FemShep in Star Wars, which I’m 1000% on board with. If you both play the same class, you will have to do your class stories separately. The classes are intended to give ‘similar’ options between the two factions, but Imp classes always wind up feeling more brutal in regards to damage output. Each of the tanks is better at some fights than others; and Jugs/Guardians have a bit tougher time (for new tanks - I know they're perfectly capable of it if the player knows how) with mob gathering than the other two especially in FP where every DPS thinks they know Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Sep 4, 2020 · With that restriction in place, your best bet (s) is/are going to be Combat Medic for Commando or Bodyguard for Mercenary. The planet missions don't lose out to class missions for enjoyable content. Companions only ok (T7 good). The rest of the expansions don't really matter. Sith Warrior and Inquisitor start on Korriban. So I would like some recommendations for the best classes or most fun classes and specs to use for the above named activitys. "SWTOR Guardian Defense rotation". With each individual class story clocking in at 15-ish hours minimum of solo Bioware RPG storytelling if you ignore all side content, and each expansion adding another couple hours worth of Bioware RPG story, it's a lot of value for $0. They are mirror classes, same abilities, different names and animations. General Information. ) Regarding best classes, keep in mind SWTOR players can now have two classes on one character and switch back and forth between them out of combat with the purchase of a legacy perk. Every class has 3 specs, some better, some worse, balance can change. 1: Bounty hunters act 3 is the first of all classes to finish and is therefore the first class you play. Feb 28, 2018 · Out of all the Force-using classes, going through SoR and beyond as a Warrior was not a great experience. Major events, twists or endings of any SWTOR story content Any plot points of the most recent or any future content expansion of SWTOR Major plot points of any movie or series, be it Star Wars related or not If you are wishing to discuss SWTOR-related spoilers, please Keep spoilers out of the post title Mark posts with a spoiler flair Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. The best classes are both melee range & DoT & its not close. Between Sith Warrior and Jedi Knight, I would go with SW 100% of the time. Gameplay-wise, I love Assassins / Shadows, I hate Operatives / Scoundrels. Members Online Replayed the class that hooked me on this game years ago, still my favourite one A different one from what others have said is Mercenary/Commando. Force sensitive classes have no reason being this big, nor military personnel. Best is subjective, so it'd be better to ask for a general descriptor of other people's classes. All of the classes are fine. it's all subjective. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with admissions knowledge waiting to help. I don't like the gun classes for the expansions thematically speaking (save for kicking Vitiate in the nuts) and the Sith Inquisitor only makes sense if you keep the Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Humans and Zabraks were available to every class, with the obvious Republic/Imperial split for Zabraks. My Inquisitor is a Sorcerer/Assassin and it is a great combination in terms of both utility and fun. The end game implants help this class tremendously. Reply reply They are the "main shiny boy" class for each faction, and with expansions clearly oriented to force users, they are the choices that make more sense, at least from a story standpoint. My Assassin outperforms my Shadow on a regular basis even with equal gear and the same level. thats the most swtor bang for your buck you can get. You get to be the smart one who realizes that the Empire is going down the shitter because Sith Lords are reckless arrogant idiots, and then rub it in people’s faces as you go on your merry way fixing every problem you come across. If you want “hardly take damage” go stealth class. Whole story is a mismatch for Shadow lore. You can avoid a lot of mobs that way. Another thing in their favor is that they are the only classes that interact with the emperor during their class stories. stealth on tanks helped cheese several mechanics (one example: no adds in TFB first boss, which in NiM made a difference, easier dps check) and it gave extra rezzes (if your stealthers knew their stuff) but they changed (read: nerfed) how stealthing out works in ops and flashpoints and now it doesn't put you out of combat anymore so all of that is sadly gone. this game is quite literally made to be played with 4 different classes making up a group and everyone plays their story missions synergetic to each other. So you see. The Knight is a capable leader, one with lots of personal history with the Emperor, the prophesied child, as Supreme Commander of the Jedi Forces on Corellia, they have experience leading an army, and was later made Battlemaster of the Jedi Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. Even though you don't really need to move in PvE content, I do it all the time when I play my hunter. 0 we got combat styles implemented, so I'm curious what combat style combinations would the most recommendable to the least recommendable, and of course why - if any one happen to know, please do share. many people play the agent class story once to experience it and then abandon the character. The whole trope of the class and then the burst in pvp together makes for a fulfilling play. you can even do it on your homeworld along with the class so it feels more like a team Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and LucasArts. The big draw to playing for free is that F2P get access to all 8 class stories + 2 expansions. Free Stuff There are only 2(4) pure stealth classes. Player (PvP) The State of Galactic Starfighter. Swtor classes have a lot of overlap; these are the general distinctions just to give people a "this class is better for" vs "this class does none of the other stuff". There is one more unique mission each class get later on that ties in to your class story and there are references and characters from certain stories that show up later, so if you want to experience all the nuances and interactions that differ between classes, it could be worthwhile. I strongly recommend not using a level boost. Star Wars™: The Old Republic, a story-driven MMORPG from BioWare and Pragmatic, but with a real bug up her butt when it comes to loyalty. if not he/she should clarify. I even use blue to be extra basic. The process through which I did this was fairly simple. Obviously not actually cannon but some make more sense lore-wise I believe. Well, Ilum works well for the JK and the JC on the Pub side, and the SW and the SI on the Imp side. Classes like the Sage/Sorcerer tend to be classes that require you to stand still in early levels. Every class has a DoT discipline, so you can pick whichever one you like, but Watchman/Annihilation and Plasma/Pyro really are the meta in 6. Best way to play with a friend is to play as different classes on the same faction starting on level 1 characters. There are several instances throughout the expansions in which you are forced to fight against or nay say him, and they feel totally out of place. It's a good class but as a operator main I will always be Salty about the years of nerfing the class in dps and instead of universal abilities giving them only to sniper instead, ie the deployable cover and the orbital strike from imperial to sniper, I know it's now legacy but during operation it was so nice Unofficial community for Star Wars, an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. you probably want a ship lol. This is the kind of advice I was looking for tbh, I love Boba, Jango and the Mandalorian series and would like to feel somewhere between them all, I know Jango is classed as Merc and Boba/Mando PT according to some posts I have read, but as long as it feels really like a Mandalorian BH then i'm really not fussed on ranged/melee, it's all about the gadgets and how much fun the class is I guess. Deception assassin is very satisfying too. Operative/Scoundrel has the highest potential, and best AOE heals, but it is the most difficult to learn and you need to have knowledge of both your spec and the fight because you need to be able to anticipate when your group will take damage. I'd suggest Lightning Sorcerer (can't remember mirror discipline of Sage) or Marksmanship Sniper (same, Gunslinger) - these classes have strong and easy aoe. ) The other classes can all be done dark-side, but some might be tricky to stick with all the way to the end. Your part of Havoc Squad (Seal Team 6), and equipped with top notch armor/weapons to take on the Sith. The final decision the IA class story is an important decision on a personal level. But classes have various combinations of tank spec, dps spec, healing spec. Named after Grand Moff Tarkin's secret Imperial Research Center, from Legends, where the Death Star was designed, MawInstallation is for in-depth discussion of all Star Wars lore, as well as also examining it as a work of fiction. If you're looking for a ranged dps with tanky pet, sage or sorcerer would be the closest. wiki - classes If you’re gonna do all of the expansions, the two that make the most amount of sense are the Jedi Knight and the Sith Warrior. Not to mention You need to put bubbles on people, have the skill choice of bubbles heal allies, have progressive scan while running also. What class do you main and why is it your favorite? Personally I main a Lightning Sorceror because I've always typically played castor classes in other MMOs and being able to wield force electricity is so damn cool. And how they're used. I'm curious about the representation of the different classes in the swtor community. I'm like a coked up hamster when I'm fighting, because it looks so dumb to be standing still while doing things like rocket punching and throwing thermal detonators and jet charging and shit. *just thought of something. as little burst as possible and as many little numbers popping up as possible), then you probably want to play Balance/Madness. @OP: Since we have formerly Imp / Rep-exclusive specs being mirror images of one another during endgame (with the odd shuffle in the Combat Style tree, which will matter pre-80, and the slightly higher chance to get procs with dual-wielders like Mercs and Gunslingers vs Commandos and Snipers) what's said about one is basically valid about the other as well. I prefer Powertechs in terms of style, but both are heavily armed and armored CQC brawlers. Consular. reason being, after 7. If you want the exact story order its like this (left tis the class that finishes first): Bh->Troop->Consul->Agent->Smug-> Knight->Warrior->Inq Ex. For burst classes I really enjoy Marksman, Concealment and Tank-healer choices are going to be quite good, because you will get damage companions to fill those holes. Members Online CG just can’t tell the difference, second time this has happened. 2%) Least Completed Class Story: Smuggler (3. 0 with loadouts and 2nd skill, you'll be able to have Stealth DPS, tank and healer on the same character. star wars the old republic encyclopedia this the first one, speaks about the Classes and has little lore tidbit of it on teh class pages. Shadow=Sin;Scun=Op. I don’t remember which level it is but there is a talent that allows you to move while casting certain abilities in your combo - certain abilities make others instant cast which also negates the time spent standing still. nil tdnlm enj tfuyb jps kpeuf ebatg nmbzziae bxxjsg rfv