Mythology syllabus high school. COURSE TITLE : Mythology and Folklore.

Mythology syllabus high school Course Design/Redesign Planning Looking to add some Greek mythology to your summer school curriculum or ELA classroom? This Greek Mythology bundle is the unit that I teach every May. Units: 3. Mythology is an essential part of the Ninth Grade Curriculum, for it contains historical elements, it exemplifies the morals and values of a society, and it represents many cultures, which diversifies the curriculum. Students will be using the internet to explore – care needs to be taken regarding school and audience appropriateness, as well as, safety and security. My plan time will vary depending on the schedule, but is 3 rd & 4 th. The aims of the course are to help the student to: (1) become aware of the orally transmitted culture in their lives; (2) become aware of the mythical element in all of man's history; (3) know the meanings of the following words: folklore, myth, culture hero World Mythology. COURSE DESCRIPTION Mythology & Folklore . view affects the narrative, as well as their knowledge of Greek mythology. You see them in the constellations and when studying astronomy and science. The Lightning Thief describes several ways in which Greek mythology is present in American culture Mythology and Folklore. hour on alternating, “odd” days. Rick Riordan Discusses Mythology. This complete 6-week curriculum introduces the structure and purpose of myths in society, highlighting the similarities of mythology to the modern day. Included in this b Has anyone here every taught classical mythology at the high school level? I have been tasked to teach a semester classical mythology course this upcoming school year and I would love some advice, recommendations, or even some shared material I could use as a starting place. Questions for teaching and background information on each object are included in the Image Bank. The Roman Emperor Claudius in the guise of Jupiter, Vatican Museums. The document provides a course syllabus for an elective course titled "Mythology and Folklore". Expand your offerings and broaden the scope of a humanities curriculum for middle and high school with☝100 educational units! Entirely print + digital — Adobe Acrobat and Google Workspace power each download. Hamilton WilIiam H. Anna Duin. Lesson 5: The Social Significance 8. God Adventures of Gods, Balder and Ragnarok. MYTHOLOGY Syllabus Instructor: Stephanie McCabe (WLHS) Phone: 704-736-9453 Email: REMIND code: smccabe@lcsnc. May 14, 2023 · It is one of my favorite middle and high school topics to cover. george@spcollege. Previous Catalogs: RHS High School Catalog 24-25 FINAL 2024 08 01. I have a MA in English Most elementary and junior high school children find that mythology is one of their favorite units in school. com 2 student’s needs and capabilities. The ancient civilizations of Greece and Rome left behind many myths that Oct 7, 2022 · Student Reading Growth During the 2023-2024 School Year. Middle Eastern Mythology 1: Inanna's Descent; Epic of Gilgamesh tablets 1-4 Apr. COURSE CODE : MYTHOFOLK. docx 20. I love mythology and ancient cultures, and I have a background in Anthropology and Archaeology. Outcomes-based Education (OBE) Course Syllabus (Based on the suggested CHED curriculum) I. RHS High School Catalog 2023-24 FINAL. Contact Us UA graduates are universally achieving Professionals imbued with high personal integrity and commitment Research – oriented innovators and life-long learners; Intellectuals with strong environmental, cultural, and artistic sense; Development – driven leaders and socially responsible change agents; and Execellent workers with high *If the course is off pace for your school/schedule, we recommended that lessons denoted by an asterisk could be shortened or skipped. The exam is consistently given to over 10,000 students in approximately 400 schools around the United Section ID: CLASS 2604 001-LEC: Number: 1130: Session: 3-week Winter session: Class dates: January 2-18, 2025: Final exam/project due: Friday January 17, 11:59 PM (see Final exams) About 50 minutes 8 M + 10 F + 1 Any Gender, plus Harpies and Creatures, doubling possible Simple set Recommended for High Schools & Middle Schools Free essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politics Norse Mythology I and Norse Mythology II are both four week long units (that is, 20 days each). OBJECTIVES: a. Thanks in advance! In this course, students will study and compare all types of stories from classical myths, including stories of Zeus and the Titans, to folktales like Little Red Riding Hood, and fairy tales like Cinderella. Evaluation will include exams, papers, presentations, and quizzes The Understanding the Times high school curriculum by Summit Ministries is a one or two semester video-based curriculum designed specifically for the 12th grade homeschool classroom. 4. This class will help students clearly understand the tenets of the Christian worldview and how it compares with the tenets of other leading worldviews of our day COURSE OUTLINE IN MYTHOLOGY & FOLKLORE. The planet is named after him. Mythology Syllabus 2024-2025. Below are Greek mythology lesson plans that teachers and librarians can incorporate with Thanatos. This course is designed for the general student; there are no prerequisites. Mythology can refer to folklore in any country. For example, even if you are aiming for a 4. gods and goddesses of Norse mythology. Surban. One of the popular units in this course focuses on Star Wars as modern myth. OP please do something else, especially if you have a Black and Brown campus, they’ve got to see themselves. 1303 East Central Drive, Meridian, ID 83642. 03 fall 21 syllabus; Classical Mythology Syllabus; Myths (CLA 101) syllabus; CLA 101 - Essay - Grade: A+ Mighty heroes. CONTACT HOURS : 3 HOURS. With a lengthy cast of characters, teaching mythology can be a complex process. Learn more about women’s literature and mythology. Embark on a Mythology Unit Study for middle school and high school students. Therefore you should plan to cover 14 stories in each of the 20 day units. It outlines the course description, objectives, classroom expectations, grading policy, make-up test policy, required texts and materials, assignment information, and the first unit plan on creation myths. CLASSICS 40: GREEK MYTHOLOGY WINTER TERM 2019. Classical Mythology. As an introduction to this curriculum unit, and as a way of leveraging student interest in the Percy Jackson books and movie, have students watch this video of Rick Riordan, author of the award-winning children's book series Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Each day is mapped out in this course's scope and sequence. I am a certified teacher and taught in the public school system for seven years. Maybe useful for a Junior High or High School class but not college. 03 1 of 12 Curriculum Units by Fellows of the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute 1983 Volume II: Greek and Roman Mythology Prometheus, the Firebringer Curriculum Unit 83. 2025-26 High School Course Catalog . Some of them have to do with events Enroll for free. May 4, 2021 · Greek Mythology is hands-down one of the most popular units that I have ever taught to my middle school students--second only to my Fun Poetry Unit. You can usually contact me before or after school. 03 by Kelley O’Rourke In the ancient Greek myths we are told how Prometheus brought new life to Man by giving him the gift of fire. Since the beginning of time, people have gathered around fires to tell stories of angry gods, harrowing journeys, cunning animals, horrible beasts, and the Zeus was the chief among the gods. The MYTHOLOGY WEEK 1 Introduction to Mythology Reading: Introduction; Understanding Myth The purpose and themes of mythology WEEK 2 The Gods The Titans and the Twelve Great Olympians The Twelve Olympians Made Up a Divine Family The Lesser Gods of Olympus The Gods of the Waters The Underworld The Lesser Gods of Earth WEEK 3 The Roman Gods There was a fundamental difference in attitudes toward mythology during these two periods. 11. Since the first people gathered around fires, mythology and folklore has been used as a way to make sense of humankind and our world. Assessment strategies and rubrics are included. Based on an curriculum with the greatest ease of use for the edu-cator. The lessons may be given to the students for individual self-guided work, or they may be taught in a classroom or a home-school setting. Summarize stories of love in mythology. org . October 2022. Hello everyone. The anthology of legends, Gods & Heroes from Viking Mythology, contains 28 stories. Lesson Overview: Students will examine a scene depicting Herakles (known as Hercules to the Romans) and the Hydra on the face of a black-figure hydria. B e l l R i n g ers : G o d D ic ti o n a r y K W L Introduction to Greek Mythology (Two-Day Lesson) Objectives: Students will be able to explain why they are learning about Greek Mythology and its relevance to the rest of the curriculum. CLA 101 section 006 Fall 2021 MW 4:10 – 5:25pm Online Office Hours: via Collaborate Ultra M 1:30 – 2:30pm, TH 11:15am – 12:15pm or by appointment NB: No appointment is set until I confirm via e-mail e-mail: sle0100@hunter. Classical Mythology is a high school course perfect for homeschool history that examines the history and development of Greek and Roman mythology and its continuing influence on our world today. 20. Esmeralda T. The course emphasizes the following: critical and analytical skills; vocabulary development; a study of the influences of Greek, Roman, and Norse Hillsdale CollegeK-12 Curriculum Overview selected grade, or for high school, an overview of recommended course selections. CLAS 21 Syllabus. Description: Greek myths are not only inherently interesting, but they are an incomparable starting point for the study of Greek culture, with a profound influence on modern psychologists, anthropologists, and other thinkers. ) Monday Myths of Creation: Rise of Zeus, Powell, ch. cuny Course Overview: This course explores Greek and Roman mythology through cultural, historical, artistic and literary lenses. Overview. 9 (135) Add more fun to your homeschool curriculum with gamification. It is often the word used to de-scribe a story involving supernatural ele-ments that conveys a moral idea, explains a natural phenomenon, or unravels the mysteries of the past. Lesson 2: Warrior Women 4. Our upper-level homeschool curriculum is designed to guide you on immersive study experiences, rich with deep-level thinking, research and reflection prompts, and project-based learning. Return to original context and texts of ancient Greek and Roman thought and mythology. 9-12) Begin reading Morales, Classical Mythology: A Very Short Introduction (Your TA will discuss the requirements of this extra credit assignment in section. Materials : blank paper and mythology sheet that follows Time: 90 minutes Steps: 1. West Ada School District. This book has lesson plans for teaching mythology in the classroom, including creation myths, nature myths, fire myths, and hero myths. Unlike what many people assume, many myths do contain historical content. Describe famous greek mythology families and their cities. on theory and analytic practices within mythology. Books; CLA101 Mythology syllabus Fall 2022 updated; Classical Mythology Syllabus; Related documents. b) Final Exam Review. High School. A study of the 2023-2024 school year showed that CommonLit usage predicted reading growth CommonLit conducted a study of the 2023-2024 school year that included usage and achievement data from *If you don’t begin your classical education until middle or high school, we would suggest that you start with Year 5 and move forward from there. Look for ways to leverage a museum's current exhibits while also offering hands-on activities, workshops, guided tours and live presentations. Jennifer Smith, MA. The course surveys world mythology by concentrating on heroic literature, the epic in its oral tradition, Jan 26, 2018 · 1. High School The Medusa Mythology Exam is open to all students in grades 9-12. ga. Extra addition: Includes free-to-use out-of-the-box Ea Mythology Syllabus - Mr. Lesson 1: Introduction to Mythology & Folklore 3. One kid asked if it was true because he didn’t know Black people had myths. Thus, the student will learn the basics of Greek and Roman mythology but also look at the Testament religions of the Middle East and the various systems of the Far East as well. The outline of Norse Mythology II is included here so that you can see how the stories unfold. Myths are traditional stories that have endured over a long time. 50 for paper test Eligibility: Pegasus Mythology Exam: students in grades 3 to 8; Medusa Mythology Exam: students in grades 9 to 12 UA graduates are universally achieving Professionals imbued with high personal integrity and commitment Research – oriented innovators and life-long learners; Intellectuals with strong environmental, cultural, and artistic sense; Development – driven leaders and socially responsible change agents; and Execellent workers with high to gain an in-depth knowledge of the mythology of Ancient Greece, and to become familiar with the key mythological narratives of the ancient Near East and Northern Europe; to develop an understanding of how these myths reflect the social structure, material culture, and religious and historical beliefs of the worlds which gave rise to them; Hansen Jr/Sr High School Curriculum Map Mythology Amelia White C o u r s e O ve r vi e w ( l earn in g o utco m e s): P ro vide studen ts w ith a basic k n o w l e d g e o f w o r l d my th o lo g ie s an d ho w th ey im pact culture in th e p re sent. PREREQUISITE : LANGCULSOC. He was the chief messenger. Norse Mythology for High School. Starting with an overview of mythology and the many kinds of folklore, the student will journey with ancient heroes as they slay dragons and outwit the gods, follow fearless warrior women into battle and watch as clever animals out. g. a) Discussion: Norse Mythology. You could put together a simple light study with a few retellings and the why of how Greek myths came to be or take a deep dive with your child and spend a month or more with these resources if they enjoy it. I have also led literature workshops for adults. I read and studied Mythology in high school and college. 14, Thursday Middle Eastern Mythology 2: Epic of Gilgamesh tablets 5-12 Curriculum Unit 83. Course Information Course Code : ENGLISH 5 Course Title : Mythology and Folklore Course Description: This course is a study of major myths and folklore of various cultures around the world. 3rd Edition. As a class, ask students to brainstorm a list of fairy tales and fables they know well: Little Red Riding Hood, Goldilocks, Cinderella, etc. The ebook version of Thanatos is currently on sale for $0. Students will read and interpret myths to understand their significance and compare characters, events, and symbols. I have an MA in English. Caring Student Service When students are accepted at American School, they not only receive interesting curriculum at a reasonable cost from a pioneer in distance education; they also receive outstanding, caring student South Paulding High School Mythology Course Syllabus *NOTE: This syllabus is subject to change without prior notice* Instructor: Shayna Harris Email: skharris@paulding. advertisement Colt James Klements GREEN RIVER HIGH SCHOOL ROOM 309 SCHOOL PHONE NUMBER: (307) 872-8334 Free essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politics. Included in this curriculum are creation myths, hero stories, and epics from various mythologies. Mythology and folklore have been used since the first people gathered around the fire as a way to make sense of humankind and our world. k12. It includes activities, write-on tables, flow-charts and illustrations. COURSE REQUIREMENTS : Compilation/Anthology of Folklore of a selected town in Pampanga Group presentations Written Activities Oral Presentations The Pegasus National Mythology Exam strives to make mythology accessible to all grades 3-8 students. Final Exam 12 Ephrata Area School District is committed to providing students with a quality, standards-aligned curriculum. Browse high school mythology syllabus resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. This helps students identify the enduring patterns and motif Everything related to broadening the scope of a humanities curriculum for middle and high school is included in this growing bundle. (ENG 210) Mythology (3) The major mythological systems of Western society Greek, Roman and Norse. Students will also be able to identify key aspects of a Greek myth through the analysis of picture books. Paul Colevas Multiple Page Template - Onteora High School The Elizabethtown Area School District Board of Education declares it to be the policy of this District to provide an equal opportunity for all students to achieve their maximum potential through the programs and activities offered in the schools without discrimination on the basis of race, color, age, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, marital status Jan 30, 2024 · Cost: $20 per school for registration cost, $6. Mythology & Folklore . The gods are one big dysfunctional family. Students will compare myth elements like creation, love, gender roles, and death across spatial and temporal Students also viewed. The grading system outlined above is designed to give you some flexibility to make your own choices during the semester. Students in grades 3-8 should register for the Pegasus Mythology Exam. Mythology of other parts of the world and related material are also considered. It is important to be familiar with these concepts and some of the myths and the Greek belief systems. Flexibility. This particular lesson plan is primarily effective in a classroom setting. Students in grades 9-12 should register for the Medusa National Mythology Exam. My target audience is introductory level undergraduate students, though this material could be used by High School teachers and students, as well as graduate students as a reference material. The Medusa Mythology Exam is given annually to over 3,000 students in approximately 100 schools nationally and internationally. Mythology Syllabus 2024-2025; SAT Prep Syllabus; Brunswick High School 3885 Altama Avenue, Brunswick, GA 31520 Phone: (912) en into cultures around the world. Week 1. Artemis was another of the Olympian gods. This is provided for guidance so the parent teacher and student can understand the framework for the teacher/facilitator’s recommended grade. I currently teach several other Mythology classes on Outschool. Mighty heroes. Activity 1. ☝211 and growing educational units! Entirely print + digital — Adobe Acrobat and Google Apps power each download. This modular curriculum for independent study by high school students is a one-fourth unit credit course on Comparative Mythology. This course offers a captivating exploration of these timeless tales from the origins of the gods to stories of love, heroism, and legendary families. 4 Tuesday Myths of Creation: Origins of Mortals, Powell, ch. With the recent popularity of Percy Jackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan as well as Harry Potter and The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings , it has never been easier to capture their This curriculum is designed for elementary and secondary teachers. Of course mythology isn't limited to the Greeks and Romans. Metillo. Looking for decolonized secular homeschool curriculum and resources? Eager to keep the homeschool magic all through in the homeschool home stretch? COLUMBUS HIGH SCHOOL LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE PREPARATORY MAGNET COURSE SELECTION GUIDE 2024-2025 INTRODUCTION The Columbus High School Liberal Arts College Preparatory Magnet offers a student the opportunity to pursue a strong college preparatory program through an interdisciplinary, integrated curriculum. Before beginning your study of the classics, it is always helpful if your student has a basic knowledge of Greek mythology ( D’Aulaires’ Greek Myths ) and has read a retelling of the Trojan War Page 1 of 11 COURSE SYLLABUS Ancient Greek Mythology CLT 2373 Online Instruction 0615 Spring 2023 PROFESSOR Name: • Dr. LATIN I INTRODUCTION TO LATIN SYLLABUS AND EXPECTATIONS 2018-2019 Welcome to the wonderful world of Latin! Think of yourselves as foreign Looking for a Greek mythology unit for an older audience? Take those beloved mythological stories and ramp them up with this bundle of five weeks of complete lesson materials designed for advanced middle school students and high school freshmen/sophomores as they connect their studies of Greek mytho English Language Arts Curriculum; Santa Ana Unified School District; 1997 Teacher's Resource Manual for Grades 9, 10, & 11; Mark Keppel High School English Department; 2000, 2001 Recommended Literature Grades Nine Through Twelve; California State Department of Education; 1989 Offered by University of Pennsylvania. High School; Early Childhood Development Center Curriculum & Instruction; 2015-2016 School Supply Lists; Summer 2016 K-4 Reading Lists; Title I / ESSA Aralia Education is an innovative online education platform for ambitious middle and high school students worldwide. Since 1989, the National Mythology Exam has been offered to students in elementary and middle school grades. Need a free curriculum to set up a high school mythology course for grades 9-12? Look no further! This page contains a semester of coursework dedicated to Greek mythology as well as a second semester dedicated to world mythology. 5 Wed. Whereas in antiquity mythology was inextricably linked with religion and daily life, in post-antiquity, mythology primarily became a source of inspiration for a variety of themes in art and literature. I am a new teacher at a high school in the United States. MYTHOLOGY AND FOLKLORE. Literary elements such as symbols, themes, and plots of myths are analyzed, enabling the student to identify common characteristics and patterns in myths originating in various cultures […] order to practice the components and purposes of mythology. Angry gods and goddesses. Shamokin Area Middle & High School Dedicated To Excellence In Education Shamokin Area Middle & High School; Mythology . Cite this lesson Perry-Lecompton High School MYTHOLOGY- Syllabus Instructor Susie Whitaker E-mail swhitake@usd343. Describe the great heroes during the trojan war. Cunning animals. With this unit plan, Studying CLA 101 Classical Mythology at Hunter College CUNY? On Studocu you will find 37 assignments, lecture notes, coursework, summaries, practice materials, High School Greek 1Grades 9-12+1High school students may be awarded 1 Language credit upon completion of this course. Course Description: This elective course builds upon the language arts skills introduced in middle school and high school English courses. In the book of Acts in the Bible, Paul was called Hermes because he was speaking the most. I am a veteran homeschool educator. Execellent workers with high technological and technical expertise. Demonstrate mastery of lesson content at levels of 70% or higher. For the ancients, myth was a religion, a means of alleviating common fears, a way of adding structure to the world, and a means of communicating values from one generation to the next. George Mitsis Email: • mitsis. Contact Hours . Instructor Janelle Carey E-mail jcarey@usd343. Course Description This course provides an overview of world mythology and its relationship to ancient and current cultures. We read The People Could Fly and my 6th graders loved it. Greek Mythology Tongue-Cut Sparrow Week 2 (Aug. Lesson 8: Modern Myths & Legends 11. Content Accuracy rating: 3 The stories are more or less accurate tellings of the Greek myths, but do little to cover the many variations. Homeschooling confessions COURSE SYLLABUS . About this course: CLA 210 is an introduction to the mythology of ancient Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia, and Northern Europe, with a focus on ancient Greece and Rome. Perry-Lecompton High School Mythology- Syllabus . The study of mythology is a study into the ancient beliefs and customs of past civilizations which will include mature content and images. Explore how these compelling tales continue to Grades/Level: Middle School (6–8), High School (9–12) Subjects: Visual Arts, History—Social Science Lesson Overview: Students discuss the sculptural group Three Goddesses by Joseph Nollekens. Jul 21, 2022 · High School Curriculum Edwin 2022-07-21T15:49:36 This course introduces the importance of myths and tales of classical mythology, focusing on a comparative study A local museum may offer exhibits or programs on Greek mythology or mythology from other cultures. Submitted by: Marsheil Francesca Y. RH S High School C atalog 2022-23 FINAL . The best preparation for the quiz Mythology (Greek, Roman, Norse) This course introduces the importance of myths and tales of classical mythology, focusing on a comparative study of plot, characters, themes, and figurative devices. I have also taught my children Mythology as part of our homeschool curriculum. Course Description: The course includes a survey of the major myths of Greek, Roman, and Norse antiquity, including the appropriate gods, heroes and heroines, and the stories these cultures told about them. Greek Mythology is FUN! Jan 4, 2016 · The league is dedicated to promoting and supporting the study of the classics at the elementary, middle school, and high school levels. An Ultimate Guide To Philippine Mythology’s Legendary Deities (Filipiknow Website) Class Discussion Graded Recitation Pdf file via Share It. May 5, 2021 · Considering all the curriculum teachers are required to cover throughout a school year, why should a teacher consider incorporating Greek Mythology? While there may be many reasons, I have noted four of my top reasons why teachers--from elementary to high school--should incorporate Greek Mythology into their curriculum. This Greek mythology, a profound reflection of ancient Greek civilization's beliefs and cultural norms, remains influential in today's narratives, art, and language. She has master's degrees in applied, clinical and community psychology. edu b) Lecture: Welcome To Middle Earth -- Norse Mythology (II) Wednesday, November 27. Submitted to: Prof. , 1999. Students in junior high and high school classes can benefit from a curriculum that includes reading Thanatos: The Underworld Saga, Book One in that the book introduces students to almost every deity in the Greek pantheon. org Text @mythologyo to 81010 I. Greek Mythology and Religion; Syllabus; Syllabus. Improve analysis skills and learn to unpack aims of texts and not just plot. BSED – English 2nd Year. The course runs for two semesters and covers Chapters 1-10 of Athenaze: An Introduction to Ancient Greek Book I. The course will cover myths and folklore from various world cultures across 9 subject content areas over 30 hours. Curriculum Home Page. 36 weeks, 5 days a week; Includes readings, research, and more I have a MA in English, and I currently teach several other Mythology classes on Outschool. They will be able to identify characteristics, types, and purposes of myths, folklore, folktales, and fairy tales. If time allows, we will study Hawaiian, Norse, and Native American mythology. Define Greek Mythology. 208-855-4500. Text(s): Mythology, Edith. Hermes was his son in the mythology. TPT's #1 Best-Selling High School Sex Education Unit!! This impactful 3 to 4-Week High School Sex Education Unit contains powerful lessons with information on healthy relationships, how to prevent dating violence and sexual abuse, ways to avoid unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections, and how to develop social/emotional learning, and increased media literacy. Written reports and research papers must follow specific standards regarding citations of an author's work within the text and references at the end of the paper. I previously taught a mythology class to high schoolers using this book in a homeschool co-op setting. Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30– 10 : 45 , in Middlebush 142 Instructor: John McDonald E-mail address: mcdonaldj@missouri Office hours: Tuesdays from 3 to 3:50, Wednesdays from 1 to 1:50, and by appointment (e-mail me with a proposed date and time), in Swallow Hall 311 YES! I took a mythology course in college, same Roman and Greek stuff from high school. updated 7. Getting Started with Our Classical Mythology Homeschool History Curriculum. Students will study the patterns of cultural human development and thought. Aug 1, 2024 · Planning for 2025-2026 High School Courses. The Medusa Mythology Exam welcomes all students of classical mythology. DescriptionMaterialsHigh School Greek 1 is designed for students at the high school level with little or no previous experience with Classical Greek. Midterm Exam 7. Myths (CLA 101) syllabus; CLA 101 - Essay Please check with school administration prior to enrollment if a student intends to take the course for credit or grade to insure that the school will award such upon successful completion. Greek mythology is quite complex. This page has been created to help families transition from the lower years of Elementary school into the upper years of Junior High and High School. 6 Twindly ridge harter School: Mythology – High School ridge ourse; Fall Semester 2024 Teacher/Facilitator: Sarah Wilson (907)707-9652 sarahewilson11@gmail. Hamilton, copyright: 1969 Greek Mythology MYTHS: The word myth comes from the Greek word mythos, meaning story or speech. Amherst College 220 South Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002. Understood the difference between Norse and Greek mythology. There is a lot of material to work with here, and there is no wrong way to use these resources, so generally use them in any order. His Roman name was Mercury. us Phone: 770-949-9221 Room: 1016 Course description and objectives: Mythology is an English elective that is offered to students in grades nine through twelve. Klements' World Lit/Mythology and. Day 1 Warm up: What do you know? syllabus classical mythology, cla 101 georgios spiliotopoulos, phd section 12, fall 2023 classes meet: synchronously, once week, on tuesdays 1:00 2:15 via zoom Dana teaches social sciences at the college level and English and psychology at the high school level. NUMBER OF UNITS : 3 UNITS. Mythology Curriculum Share free summaries, lecture notes, exam prep and more!! Mar 9, 2015 · Teaching mythology in middle school and high school is a great way to get students interested in reading, writing, and researching ancient history. Aralia’s instructors propel students forward by helping them build a strong foundation in traditional academic courses. Lesson 3: The Heroic Monomyth in Mythology and Folklore 5. This class is designed to be an introduction to various types of mythology, including Greek, Native American, Egyptian, Chinese, and Norse. Week 2. of Sessions Day of Per Lesson Semester AOPA FOUNDATION HIGH SCHOOL AVIATION STEM CURRICULUM PACING GUIDE NINTH GRADE CURRICULUM LAUNCHING INTO AVIATION SEMESTER ONE Unit 1: Aviation 101 The mythology of at least four cultures will be covered each term. RHS High School Catalog 2021-22 AMENDED World Mythology: an Anthology of the Great Myths and Epics. 2. The Pegasus National Mythology Exam is given annually to over 6,500 students in approximately 450 schools nationally and internationally. High School Curriculum Home Page. 0. 1. Monthly payment plans are available for students in full years of American School’s middle school or high school program. Myths were passed on by spoken word, and their function was to explain, to teach lessons, and to entertain. Myths of Zeus, Hera, and his brothers, Powell, ch. Classical Mythology (homework #1) Updated; Cla 101. Feeling a little nervous-cited about homeschooling middle and high school?. One way to organize your unit is by time period: The Creation of the World and the Age of the Gods, The Age of Gods and Men, and The Age of Heroes. 10. org Contact Hours 7:45am – 8:15am; 3:15pm – 3:45pm Plan time will vary depending on schedule Course Description: TLW: explore the three types of themes in mythology; stories about heroes, stories about "how it came to be" and stories about the consequences of unwise behavior. (Note this can be done as homework the Mar 14, 2021 · Wondering what a world literature high school curriculum could look like? Curious how you can build world literature thematic units? Are you trying to get together your World Literature pacing guide? You have come to the right place! ️ Would you LOVE to check out a scope and sequence for the full year to see how you could… OHS Mythology Syllabus. 70 KB; Oakland High School 2225 Patriot Dr Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Phone: (615) 904-3780 Fax: (615) 904-3781 . With the rise of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson series and other modern allusions to Greek Mythology, students' interest in the ancient stories is higher than ever. Homer and Hesiod) use the same characters. 1 . Dec 3, 2019 · Allusions to Greek Mythology are everywhere in our society and in the literature our children will read when they are high school students and in college. Hall High School Hall High School prepares all students to be educated, responsible citizens who contribute collaboratively, independently, and innovatively to a dynamic global community. Consider mythology as treated in literature and how different authors (e. Homework Assignment #5: Follow the instructions outlined within the Norse Mythology Discussion Topic and come both with your completed notes and ready to talk briefly in class about what you studied. Section Navigation. Students will explore in-depth the world of mythological gods and Share free summaries, lecture notes, exam prep and more!! Your middle school students may be familiar with mythology, whether from childhood stories, school lessons, or popular movies. They then discuss the 18th-century tradition of the Grand Tour and consider why wealthy 18th-century Europeans and people today seek associations This document provides a syllabus for a mythology course at Battery Creek High School. This has been my dream, and I am so excited to be teaching something I love so much. Center Footer Links. Mythology Author: Edith Hamilton. CLASS SYLABBUS classics 40 greek mythology fall 2023 an introduction to the major myths of ancient greece, and to how these myths construct understandings of May 19, 2016 · Syllabus S–5 CLST 2090 Greek and Roman Mythology 14 Roman Mythology 15 Survival of Classical Mythology Final Examination Module Assignments Your mastery of each module will be tested by a multiple-choice quiz in Moodle and a short-answer written assignment that you will upload to Moodle. Extra addition: Includes free-to-use out-of-the-box Easel Activities and Easel Assessments This course introduces the academic study of mythology through an examination of the role archetypes play in the development of a culture’s spiritual perspective as sources of myths. It can be fascinating to learn about Zeus and Jupiter and their expansive families. Jul 15, 2024 · The text covers a wide array of Greek myth, but I'd like to see more info. Describe the gods and early heroes in mythology. Course Description: Free essays, homework help, flashcards, research papers, book reports, term papers, history, science, politics AMS 1060 : Classical Mythology Fall 2022 Syllabus. National Textbook Co. The course will analyze myths from various cultures around the world to explore how they reflect societal attitudes and influences. 50 for online test and $8. 99. Greek and Roman mythology is at the spiritual core of much of Western civilization. Help your students see Greek myths in a whole new light with this Greek Mythology Unit. Teachers can Nov 16, 2023 · To gain an in-depth knowledge of the mythology of Ancient Greece, and to become familiar with the key mythological narratives of the ancient Near East and Northern Europe; To develop an understanding of how these myths reflect the social structure, material culture, and religious and historical beliefs of the worlds which gave rise to them; The arts in high school (48) The arts in middle school (88) Tips for effectively teaching high school students (72) Tips for learning translating latin (107) Tips strategies for summer school teachers (15) Tips strategies for teaching grade school (237) Writing Across the Curriculum: Students are expected to demonstrate writing skills in describing, analyzing and evaluating ideas and experiences. This unit plan will help you build a framework for understanding cultural mythology and give your high The lessons below engage your students in the investigation of ancient Greek and Roman mythology in Western art and literature. cuny Hunter College, Spring, 2020 CLA 101: Classical Mythology Office Hours: Mon/Wed 5:30-6:00 PM or by Appt, Room 1431 HW: Room 605 Section 6, M/W 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM Section 13, T/Th 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM Instructor: Louise Michaud Email: lmichaud@hunter. Lesson 6: Myths of the World 9. The curriculum enables all students to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to live productive, meaningful lives. Lesson 4: The Roles of Animals 6. They will go beyond the stories and look at the structure, purpose This syllabus outlines the course description, required materials, grading procedures, and policies for a mythology class at Chapel Hill High School. 0, you could miss one week of the online forum. It is designed to give students an exposure to different myths and folklore and their Welcome to House of Education, AmblesideOnline's curriculum for grades 7-12. 02. Lesson 7: Comparative Mythology 10. Mythology and folklore have provided a way for these colorful stories to spring to life for thousands of years and helped humans make sense of the world. I have taken several folklore & mythology courses online, and I have taught literature, mythology, and folklore classes to middle and high school students. 21 No. 12. The course is designed to help students develop familiarity with classical myths and recognize their I am a certified teacher and taught in the public school system for seven years. Fulfills GE Area C2 course. I am a 2nd year teacher, and I was able to nab a section of mythology. They also actively engage and guide students in exploring personal interests beyond their school curriculum. COURSE TITLE : Mythology and Folklore. Five representative objects from the Getty Museum's collection will prompt classroom discussion and learning about mythology. Since the beginning of time, people have gathered around fires to tell stories of angry gods, harrowing journeys, cunning animals, horrible beasts, and the mighty heroes who vanquished them. aaponj qvdsw jzxuja zbkaj kss vxdwkng bdfoq zewrb dtqgp rvjgdb