Xoti lantern upgrade. The item can be used to upgrade Xoti's Lantern.

Xoti lantern upgrade Nov 22, 2024 · Anyway, it's not like you can not choose this subclass for Xoti, it's just all stuff to keep in mind when evaluating Xoti against other possible monks in your party. The only difference is that the resistance upgrade starts at 5% base, while the damage upgrade starts at 1% base. Her sycthe i find it useless though. Xoti gets a lot of extra ways to generate wounds. And I liked that her upgraded Lantern offered a damage bonus rather than a spell defense bonus. A place to discuss the Obsidian Entertainment’s game Pillars of Eternity and Pillars of Eternity… May 12, 2018 · Xoti- "I can feel it prickling under my skin. Xoti’s Lantern is really good, but it prevents you from using a Two-Handed Weapon. Note that it doesn't actually give the classes' passives, but they will appear on the next level up. " Her lips twist with dark grimace. That's when she wants to speak to me again. I had metaphysics. I just did this and as she was releasing the souls got injured and I had the option to tell her to stop or keep going. She chose to follow an Dec 14, 2019 · i had a similar experience in one of my first run or so. May 21, 2018 · So I’ve done a bit of testing of Xoti and her lantern upgrades: 1. SetGlobalValue n_Xoti_light_or_dark_alignment (0,1,2) -- end result of the quest. Xoti's Lantern enchant Threshing Aura unavailable So I have the materials required to complete either aura enchantment on her lantern, but can only select the Light of the Dawnstar (spell resist). ★ Priest (Harvester of Gaun) - Build Guide for Xoti. Luminous Adra Mantle Information. Lashes are very nice because they're multiplicative with other damage bonuses (which is rare-- most +x% modifiers calculate a percentage from the base damage only), and most found-item lashes top out around 20%. Every time the same result happened, she would release them to the pillar, the souls would be freed, and her suffering of its effects lifted. I just finished her quest "The Lantern of Gaun" after few "tries" and managed to get the "Light of Dawnstar" upgrade for her lantern where she released the soul but I heard even if she did release them, she can still get a sad ending after finishing game? Once the souls are released (plow through the pain; Xoti will only become injured), you'll receive Luminous Adra Mantle, a crafting item that can be used to enchant Xoti's lantern with Light of Xoti's Sickle can be a lovely off-hand weapon for a dual-wielding melee DPS'er, or a main weapon for a caster who isn't shy about getting close to the action. Jan 30, 2020 · That’s why her sickle as well as Xoti’s Lantern are usually seen as trap choices for Xoti DPS builds; it would be a different story if her lantern could be used as a bashing shield, and both it and the sickle scaled with Monk levels like Tuotilo’s Palm, but there’s no accounting for the dev’s design choices. This adds the Chanter base class without removing priest. Click here to jump to that post. I just finished the Xoti's quest and to my surprise, I discovered that I won't be able to get the upgrade I wanted and planned for her lantern (threshing aura, which gives damage to the party) since I've chosen the wrong dialogue options during the quest. Hood. Xoti (pronounced shoti) is a female human monk and priest, and a recruitable companion in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. This is a Priest build for Xoti with Harvester of Gaun subclass, giving her amazing striking capability as well as aiding her allies with potent buffs and smite enemies using powerful debuffs. After checking the combat log, it shows xoti's lantern actually did this. Artwork by: Penett Penett Xoti's Lantern's upgrades after you complete her quest - Religion. Is this working as intended? If so, it makes for a very strange Priest item for Xoti to be using. ) Worthwhile to upgrade a little bit: Xoti's Lantern is nice for a back-lines Priest to hold, just for the PL boosts. Like every point of Religion making Xoti's lantern upgrade better. Doing this for the spirits in the area will progress Xoti's personal Quest, The Lantern of Gaun. In particular, casters can resist their own buff spells. Posted June 1, 2018. Select Xoti and go to her Character Record. The lantern correlates to what you do with the souls. The resistance one is probably better in typical situations. In her service to Gaun, Xoti has worked tirelessly to collect souls within the mantle so they can be safeguarded until Eothas returns to Hel once more to oversee the process of death and rebirth. Some Priest spells have the Inspiration keyword, meaning they are altered by any effects that modify Inspiration (the keyword) abilities, such as Xoti's Lantern. Xoti is chasing Eothas throughout the Deadfire while striving to fulfill her purpose to Gaun. On my first couple playthroughs I always had her release the souls into the Luminous Adra pillar atop the animancers tower in Sacred Stair. Luminous Adra Mantle Locations. Reinforcing Exhortation isn't bad, up to you and how you feel your zeal management is. I rarely used it, but that was because I tended to play Xoti in a quite different style. May 20, 2020 · So, I've completed Xoti's Lantern quest, but I'm still finding souls along the way and she uses her lantern on them. Xoti's Lantern Quality. Xoti’s Sickle: +3 Deflection vs melee, +5% sickle damage, Initiative (3). I only use it to interrupt. However, if you have wizards or druids that rely on empowered tier 9 nukes a lot, the damage one would be better. There are enough wayward souls on Port Maje alone to trigger this. I've strived to do Gaun's will ever since I was a little girl. Dec 14, 2018 · 2. But it is still greyed out and I can't select it. 5. Basically if you push her towards the dark end, she’ll end up eating the souls she reaped and you get the Threshing Aura upgrade. May 16, 2018 · Same thing goes for Vetern's Maneuver on Eder's Saint's War Armor, got all reqied and grayed out. Oct 5, 2018 · The rest is priest. Apr 28, 2023 · + if I go with a 1H weapon I'm not sure which small shield would be best to use. She listened to what I said and I received an item to upgrade her Lantern. Huddling in the back of the barn, bathed in darkness. At least she released them in the pillar of the animancers' tower). Xoti harvested a soul at Vilario's Rest near Port Maje. Also add 10% magic resistance perk to your party and research the type of damage you are receiving to adjust your armour accordingly. Yeah, Xoti's lantern, Maia armor, Tekehu weapon have pretty good upgrades. 0017 May 16, 2018 · The lantern has an en enchantment of Spell Resis Arua. It scales for 1% + 1% per religion, so with Berath's Blessings and max religion, a nice +24% increased damage for the rest of the party. Dec 1, 2022 · You should have +x% dmg for Aura buff, If you go DARK = best option. She is good like that she can kick arse, and heal at the same time. She starts with the following items: Consumables: Potions of Minor Healing, Potion of Spirit, Antidote. grasida. If you're a healer yourself, then it's fine. The lantern is well constructed and quite durable. Crossbow. Go to Xoti's inventory and right-click her Lantern. The lantern upgrade depends on how you handle her personal quest. She even has a massive hammer in the other hand and she can still power punch. " or vice versa. I need it, because I chose the "wrong" path talking to Xoti during the ritual and now I can only choose the defensive upgrade. I've already finished Xoti's quest, but when i proceeded through the temple of Woedica mentioned in the quest given to you by that girl in the Wild Mare, xoti wanted to absorb the orlan souls and serafen AGAIN started the conversation about having peeked into Xoti's nightmares and all that. This also marks the end of this quest. Xoti Lantern won't be an option since she'll be in my party using it. If not mistaken, she deals better damage unarmed. Like, the first time you have the option to tell her off is at the digsite when she wants to grab all the souls flocking to the adra. The item can be used to upgrade Xoti's Lantern. I want Obsidian to adress this in a patch, because it is really gamebreaking for me! If I were to locate a luminous adra pillar, Xoti could release souls she has gathered into her lantern, delivering them for rebirth as handled by the gods in Hel. Updates: I saw a luminous adra pillar in the cliffside temple . And among first-level spells I May 10, 2018 · Be sure to swim through caves for another spirit which can be convice to follow you. But those two I mentioned are just standing/sitting and talking outside of conversation if you click on them, but with Xoti in your party she will pull them to the lantern. Xoti's Lantern Location/Acquisition. I toyed around a bit with Xoti and Konstenten, but for RP purposes, I don't think I'm going to go down the Dark Route for Xoti to get the Threshing Lantern upgrade. (And a quite horrid ending) 2. Xoti's Lantern is a small shield in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Wielded by Xoti. This time I did it, I did everything the same and told her once again to release If you want to go to an adra pillar, there are several, the closest being in the temple that the animancers use, the Spire of the Soul Seers. Luminous Adra Mantle is used for enchanting the unique shield: Xoti's Lantern. Xoti’s character quest is “The Lantern of Gaun,” Xoti must collect souls and return them to her lantern. The adra fragment she recovers is dependent upon which method you choose to help her release the souls. Eventually, Xoti releases her burden and picks up a Luminous Adra Mantle from the ground (1350 XP). Was it fixed or was it confirmed to be working as intented? searched all over found nothing new in any updates May 20, 2018 · Spoilers for Xoti's quest-line. 2. But depending on my mood I may equip her with either Marux Amanth or Magistrate's Cudgel. I've been reading about progression in Xoti's quest and the different results and I want to know how to achieve her "good" ending for sure. May 1, 2019 · The more souls xoti takes, the faster she advances in her quest. I read that you had to boost her "light" points (which I did) and tell her to release the souls in the lantern (which I also did. Great for recovery time, still squishy Fleshmender. Letting Xoti collect them seems to affect her negatively, but I've been letting her do it for a while now not really knowing if it's a good or bad thing to do. I also used Mirke and Maia on my first playthrough, so I want to vary this team up a bit and use different characters. Regarding the armor there's a few options: Aloth's Armor for more AoE. Jun 5, 2018 · Xoti has amazing striking capability with plenty of potent buffs to strengthen and porect her allies while also giving her enemies hard times with powerful debuffs. 65K subscribers in the projecteternity community. Didn't know you could choose from 1 of 3? adra pillars and it seems which pillar you choose affects her personality and upgrade differently. PL 4: Exalted Focus (or Exalted Endurance), but since PL 4 is so damn good for monk, hard to fit stuff in here. (Ex: Staff/Pike/whispers of endless paths greatsword) reach is helpful for maintaining deadly dance and Xoti’s not super tough either way. 1 is light, 2 is dark. May 11, 2018 · So, I have Xoti's sickle, and I have all the ingredients and the cash necessary to select the Urgent Harvest upgrade for it. Jul 24, 2018 · I'm just now playing through a game with Xoti as a monk for the first time but I've done a lot of watcher monk (pure, 2 sage, votary, ranged wanderer, melee wanderer, shadowdancer, brawler, transcendent). Both Tekehu and Xoti have 2 unique subclasses, so if you want to play around with those multiclass is the way to go. the reward is the same, a Luminous Adra Mantle, used to upgrade Xoti's May 19, 2018 · I pushed Xoti towards the dark three times, and I got to upgrade the lantern to Threshing Aura no matter what I did with the souls - free them, keep them. Have duality of mortal presence set to mind (+1 int per wound) I finished Xoti's companion quest by choosing to give the souls in her lantern to the animancers of Sacred Stairs. I think. Alwayse use willbreaker on her. A place to discuss the Obsidian Entertainment’s game Pillars of Eternity and Pillars of Eternity… Aug 21, 2018 · Xoti's Lantern scales with religion when upgraded. The enchanted item will unlock a new skill associated with the lantern - Threshing Aura . Is it dependent on whether or not she turns to darkness? Yep, as far as I can tell. I have just finished her story and the lantern becomes a beast. 6. For exemple I wouldn't play Xoti without max Alchemy and max Religion both to increase the length of her numerous buffs & debuffs and upgrade the Threshing Aura from her lantern. This sickle was originally forged as a cheap farming implement, but in Xoti's hands it is a potent weapon. I usually just recruit one Barbarian Mage-Slayer (or Multiclass it with Priest of Woedica) and max out Religion for Xoti’s Lantern anti-magic effect. May 31, 2018 · The reason is that I really don't want to give Xoti the bad ending, but I really like her lantern and I'm seriously bummed that the "good" upgrade resists friendly buffs. Wielded by Xoti. iroll20s SetGlobalValue n_Xoti_alignment_counter_light X SetGlobalValue n_Xoti_alignment_counter_dark X If dark is higher than light, you'll get the dark ending as far as I can tell. It should have updated a few times after conversations with her. I was playing before any major patches and had xoti's light of the dawnstar spell resistance include resisting beneficial spells. I did one test without her, and the soul stayed there after I read it, so it looks like I can go back if needed if I don't have her in party, but the question I have is if souls matter at all to her (either for game mechanics or for long term story) once you complete her lantern And you know Xoti isn't returning them to the Wheel because she outright tells you she just keeps them in her lantern "for later", which is in direct conflict with what Berath asked you to do. If she ends up keeping the souls (full dark or part dark), you get the damage lantern and the evil ending for Xoti. May 12, 2018 · Looking through the journal entries it seems the key is probably meant to be how many times you "encouraged Xoti to seek the Light of Guan's lantern, of Rebirth after death. May 9, 2018 · Xoti's Lantern Question If i choose Xoti to be a pure Priest, will her Lantern still have the Soulkeeper enchant on it? If so, is there any way to remove it? Jun 29, 2018 · All Activity; Home ; Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire ; Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Announcements & News ; Patch Notes for 1. P. (Do note that Xoti's Lantern is not a bad buckler for monks in general; while it does reduce your overall offense and ability to land killing blows, it bestows +1 of each monk Generally speaking I've always thought that only The Watcher is able to see souls roaming around the reality and yet every most of the encounters with souls can end with Xoti harvesting them to her lantern. PL 5: Passives/Earlier PL abilities you missed. As for metaphysical question, it doesnt matter, both xotis lantern or the watcher can hold lost souls untull they release them in an Adra pillar. Shield. Xoti harvested a soul in the Gullet's black market in Neketaka. So I want to give the lantern the "bad" upgrade, without needing to give her the bad ending. Players can only upgrade a Unique Shield's Quality to a higher tier level. Perhaps it could be used to improve upon Xoti's lantern. Xoti harvested a soul under Arkemyr's Manor in Neketaka. Of course if you did do all that and the options are inconsistent there might be some weird scripting going on. The fort debuff helps Force of Anguish and also her reaper scythe ability. Vestments of Gaun. Waidwen. I wanted to know if is there any way to add threshing aura to Xoti's lantern via console commands. Overview ★ Priest (Harvester of Gaun) – Build Guide for Xoti. . The number of souls in her lantern are only relevant once, namely, you need to get enough souls in there to trigger the quest continuation (around 10). Buff Abilities: Dagger Modal: +10 Deflection against Melee attacks to self. SetSubclass Companion_Xoti(Clone) Chanter Chanter_Troubadour . After completing Xoti quest for the threshing aura for the lantern, can we then use it on another character for the buff? I tried it on Pallegina with 12 religion but the aura only gave 3% dmg increase. My question is: does this have any bearings whatsoever on Posted by u/Then811 - 1 vote and no comments Mar 2, 2021 · Możesz od razu zajrzeć do inwentarza Xoti, wybrać opcję zaklęcia jej latarni (Xoti's Lantern) i jako potrzebny składnik przydzielić otrzymany przed chwilą artefakt (dodatkowo na ulepszenie Jun 10, 2018 · Xoti does not benefit from Threshing Aura herself (buff = Xoti's Lantern, no damage) Watcher only receives the base 1% bonus (buff = Xoti's Lantern, 1% damage) Everyone else in party (meaning not watcher and Xoti) receive the full bonus (buff = Threshing Aura, 1%+Religion damage) Edited June 10, 2018 by PX1player 66K subscribers in the projecteternity community. 3. Restore: A starting ability by default. Is the only ingredient in a recipe to add one of the following enchantments to Xoti's Lantern, depending on the outcome of The Lantern of Gaun: Light of the Dawnstar is available if Xoti decides to release the souls. Oct 11, 2021 · So, i'm level 10 and am halfway into the game. Look at my lantern shine, watcher Beautful as a harvest moon dripping red with blood. Jan 24, 2020 · Note that while Xoti’s Lantern is enticing for the resource return it provides, it will significantly reduce your damage, nearly defeating its purpose entirely so I don’t recommend using it with this Build. Posted by u/theREALvolno - No votes and 2 comments Luminous Adra Mantle is a quest item and an ingredient in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. I use her default weapons plus some crush damage weapons just in case. Feb 20, 2020 · Every time I want to upgrade equipement related to Xoti, which are her sickle and lantern, causes the game to crash. I found it when my characters constantly miss priest buffs. Anyway, I had been adventuring with Eder, Aloth, Serafen, and Maia, and when I got to the point in Maia's quest where she temporarily leaves the party, I brought Xoti back in. Anybody know how to do that with the console? For kicks, and because I've never done it before, I had Xoti keep the souls. May 14, 2018 · Has anyone managed to get the Threshing Aura (party damage boost) upgrade for Xoti's lantern? I have all the ingredients for it, but it is greyed out. 0. 4. Xoti's Lantern Upgrades (Spoilers?) I finished her quest, I have the Luminous Adra Mantle but I can't Enchant Threshing Aura I haven't upgraded it at all till now, I can enchant Light of the Dawnstar though. The Threshing Aura (%damage) is greyed out. otherwise it doesn't matter that much, except when you want to use an item that is dependent on passive skills. Xoti harvested a soul at Ashen Maw. Click on Threshing Aura to see the details for the ability. I reloaded and checked the enchants. With a very high religious skill, the aura could be like +30% Spell Resis. Both skills. Xoti will pick up an injury (System Shock) from the soul energy. It currently works both ways, which means it can block buffs. Is it because Pallegina isn't a priest or because Xoti lantern only works on xoti? Thanks Nov 20, 2022 · You can check Xoti's inventory right away, enchant Xoti's Lantern and select the newly obtained artifact as the ingredient (you will also need to spend 3000 gold to improve the lantern). Her early life was steeped in the devastation of the vorlas blight and the Saint's War, together with the inevitable fallout from the defeat of St. Which is a shame, I hate this mechanic. Luminous Adra Mantle Tips & Notes???? May 21, 2018 · Does her lantern count as a shield for the passive abilities? The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. It's just she's only one dedicated healer that also a story character. Do not "break the connection", or you will be injured yourself. The medium shield Lethandra's Devotion (sold in Dark Cupboard) has an upgrade to its heal that scales with Arcana. Xoti wields it in the manner of a small shield, and it offers reasonable protection. Is it specified anywhere how is she able to see all of them? Especially that the other followers seem to be not aware of their presence. Xoti harvested a soul on Gorecci Street near Port Maje. Oct 20, 2018 · Xoti always melee for me. I likewise have Xoti collect the spirit at #5 into her lantern. I have Xoti using her fists, but keeping her lantern as most Monk attacks are Primary Attacks, and her lantern grants both Wounds and Mortification whenever she lands a killing blow. May 16, 2018 · The Lantern of Gaun is one of the many Quests found in the This quest begins when you accept Xoti as a party member. The Lantern of Gaun is a quest in Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. Reward for completing The Lantern of Gaun. May 9, 2018 · If it's put into Xotis lantern it is released by whatever method you chose for xoti at the end of her companion quest. Apparently a wayward Child of the Dawnstars, she's asked me to help her shepherd the souls of the dead. add a new base lantern to inventory enable free crafting/enchanting duplicate what you wanted to do trash the current lantern I can help you out with that if you want, but this is all possible with the base console - the mod doesn't disable achievements though. SetClassLevel Companion_Xoti(Clone) Chanter 1 0. As a priestess of Gaun, it's Xoti's god-given duty to harvest the souls of the dead by Jan 17, 2019 · The lantern is well constructed and quite durable. (Although it's probably much less compelling in TB mode. Observe Xoti has 23 ranks in Religion. Another thing I thought was weird was that you couldnt confront more ppl in the game about your knowledge that the "gods" are beings made of souls and not actual gods (it is one of the secrets you can trade to the Spindle Man but thats one of the only things I noticed), particularly Xoti who wouldnt stop with the fangirling cultish stuff. Upgrading the Quality only affects its Deflection by 2 May 13, 2018 · Xoti's Lantern, when enchanted with the Light of the Dawnstar trait, causes various beneficial spells to be resisted by the party. Threshing Aura is available if Xoti decides I'm only playing on hard, so I don't want to add customs. Yes. Hi folks. Can use this if you've already completed it. Based on the decisions she takes, inspired by your talk, you can upgrade her lanter in one way or another Dec 9, 2018 · 2. Is this a bug, or is there some kind of hidden condition (like a level requirement, or a prerequisite, or even a certain r Read through all the quest updates for The Lantern of Gaun in your journal. For ranged I like Saint Omaku's Mercy, there is an upgrade to get a healing arrow, the description makes it sound like crap (30HP) but Xoti was healing people with it for nearly 300HP with maxed religion, and healing items and abilities. It scores more Damage the less Health the target has. Light side, you release the souls and get the (currently bugged and h Aug 9, 2018 · In my current playthrough I had her empty the souls into the Adra in Hasango, the "good" choice and only the spell resistance option is available. The aspect of Eothas known as Gaun is often depicted carrying a sickle with which he reaps what is sown in life, carrying out the cycle of death and rebirth. I speak to the spirit at #4, and select the dialogue option of going into Xoti's lantern. No matter what you pick, the reward is the same, a Luminous Adra Mantle, used to upgrade Xoti's lantern. Jan 10, 2022 · Xoti has 10 points in Religion, yet I only receive a 3% damage boost from Threshing aura. Obtained as a reward after completing The Lantern of Gaun quest. May 1, 2018 · I want to unlock the upgrade for Xoti's Lantern for the "bad" ending, since the "good" ending upgrade is either bugged or stinks. Xoti doesn't get disposition-based scaling, so hers will be 25%-- for a Player-made Priest, it can top out at 31%. Xoti's priest subclass also isn't great, but it doesn't really take much away from the standard priest experience either. Observe that even though the ability's description clearly states its damage bonus scales with Religion, it currently only provides +1%. Luminous Adra Mantle is a quest item. Tekehu going multiclass is mainly to pick up “Sure handed Ila,” which makes your ranged characters into machine guns, but both are probably stronger as straight casters. When I hover over the 3%, it tells me: 1 base + 0 Religion. It can be a real life saver with a well speced/equipped user. But I have vowed to myself to go full monk with her for my next playthrough and stick with it, since I guess it might make sense that the increased wound-costs but wound-on-kills becomes less of a drawback and more of a boon This is great for optimized dialog but kinda goes against your combat proficiency as well. May 25, 2018 · Intimidate/Diplomacy with Insight is good for your main guy. Xoti- "I just never knew reaping could feel so good. This adds a chanter sublass. PL 3: Eternal Devotion, don't pick up an upgrade for LoH, the zeal cost increase isn't worth it. use fists instead, at least until you get (if you bother going this route) the upgrade that lets you use melee weapons at range. The talk at the adra pillar is one of them, but if the other 2 (IIRC) journal accounts of your chats ended with "I encouraged Xoti to embrace the darkness of Gaun's sickle," then you've locked her into that approach. Give Xoti (or other contemplative) a reach melee weapon. Starting sickle is good enough to help her in that matter, while sabre/axe/sword would be a better choise for damage dealing. i think sickle/lantern is a better choice for xoti as pure priest; but even then i would ditch the sickle and give it to someone else more martial-y, and if May 11, 2018 · Xoti has a pretty decent HP/defences, so offtank role fits her just right. Bit squishy though Miscreant's Leathers. Then later on I interacted with a soul in Delver's Row and she absorbed it into her lantern, and I got "Addendum : Lantern of Gaun". Oct 17, 2024 · Tell Xoti to release the souls. the sickle is a trap. it's decent, but not on a monk. So I’ve done a bit of testing of Xoti and her lantern upgrades: Basically if you push her towards the dark end, she’ll end up eating the souls she reaped and you get the Threshing Aura upgrade. It's also best to turn her evil for the damage bonus? Especially with her lantern. But her duty may come with a price. → Check the video or written guide below for more detailed look of the build abilities: Hi everybody. A higher Power Level increases the duration and, sometimes, effect of an spell, but it never upgrades an Inspiration (the class of effects). ★ Role: Striker, Support Team comp: can team up with any party, build first powerplay at level 7 when she start having buffs/debuffs to offer, second powerplay at level 13 when she starts getting her nuking powers. (And a quite horrid ending) Light side, you release the souls and get the (currently bugged and horrible) Light of the Dawnstar upgrade. Oh and i gave her the really quick hands, but didnt upgrade it any further than level one. Jul 22, 2018 · so something that has come up before but not sure if its been confirmed or fixed already is xoti's upgrade to her lantern. Jan 21, 2020 · Xoti harvested a group of souls on an uncharted island. It seems you have two choices if you pick up Xoti: Let the souls follow you in general, or let Xoti collect them in her lantern or sometimes let them walk into the beyond as it were. Now on the journal it's telling me to go to a luminous adra pillar to release the souls. So I'd assume that means that the other upgrade - Light of the Dawnstar - is a prerequisite for it. If she ends up releasing the souls (full light or part light), you get the healing lantern and a good ending for Xoti. I think there's an item that improves with History and another with Metaphysics. s. That can make it useful with the resource-regenerating emphasis of both the Sisters of the Reaping Moon Monk, and Xoti's Lantern. Pro tip: the auras work even if somebody other than Xoti has the lantern equipped. Can you upgrade the sickle enough to where it would be useful all game? What about her lantern, should she keep that equipped the whole game. Based on how you guided Xoti in her quest you will be restricted to one of the two upgrades: Keep the souls (Dark): Threshing Aura Release the souls (Light): Light of the Dawnstar. Game should give me an incentive to find gear for the party, not start with the best already. Is there any reason to keep Xoti using a sickle? Its annoying to have her run into melee and what not. I think it depends if you can convince her or not, based on your relationship with her. [1] Xoti is a worshipper of Gaun, an aspect of Eothas focusing on the cycle of rebirth. Id rather she sit in the back with a pistol or something. trgbua ubkp viigtg fphqi hnfv pjntz lxji nrlb uwamgwa xbjnod ikbrv hgyvehz ppmhj dljlfb ofxy