- What is mtu barrel contour 2” barrel at 22” but debating on whether to get a tuner or not. e. My "big rifle" is a 6XC with Bartlein 26" #9 contour, which barely fits in Apr 1, 2022 · For contour I chose the medium palma for the 6 creed cause I wanted something solid yet manageable in weight. A heavier contour heats up slowly and takes a while to cool off, while a lighter contour is quicker both to heat and cool. 00 at the 28" muzzle. I started out with MTU/M24 contours on a number of rifles. The heavy "bull" barrel provides a lot of stability, especially on a well designed rest, but it would be ridiculous to select one of those for hunting in the field. Oct 15, 2017 · I wouldn't run a Marksman contour barrel again on a match rifle. 5 CM you just cant go wrong with a Bartlein barrel. 308 cal. . The uniformity in Bartlein Barrels and finish of the bores is second to none. My can is 5 inches long so I don't want to overdo it. theyll weigh 12. Oct 2, 2011 · The main reason the sendero contour is so popular is any stock maker can inlet to it, then any smith can (that knows what he is doing at least) can correctly face the rear of the barrel to a dimension that a perfect stock to barrel fit is achieved for esthetic reasons only. Barrel contours may vary slightly from one manufacturer to another, but for the Nov 29, 2018 · A standard savage barrel nut or other aftermarket savage nut (I checked both) is not large enough diameter to spin past the widest part of the barrel. Think high dollar sporting rifles for the last 100 years. 260 practical/tactical match? For carry/tactical, I'd suggest a standard varmint contour, 24". That situation was quickly resolved by placing it back in the truck and going home. Punch in your numbers, and the Barrel Weight Calculator then automatically generates the weight for 16 different “standard” contours. #11 - MTU: 1. I think my favorite is a proof comp, which is 1. I personally prefer something aroud rem varmint or medium Palma. Dec 7, 2011 · I just bought an MTU that will be finished at 26", up from my 24" M24 contour, and I'd have happily gone further into the HV or Proof Comp contours if they'd been available in the configuration I wanted. The old barrel shot just fine, but I wanted this to be a trainer that would nearly match my CF rig, a 24” MTU. I had a Bartlein barrel cert to redeem and decided to order a M24 contour for next season, which should shed about a lb. I like heavier contours, and lightest I would go these days is a heavy palma. You'll need to stay at 1. Feb 1, 2021 · The contours close to what our specific contours are, are more commonly known as Medium Palma, MTU (we have our own MTU) and a few lighter contours from there. All contoured barrels have a taper of . Jul 7, 2012 · Re: Barrel contour for 6. Plus, you can shorten a long barrel easier than you can re-countour one that's too thick. A heavier contour barrel will help resist the barrel moving/wandering as it heats up. Heavy short barrels have less barrel whip and absorb recoil for the same weight as a lighter longer barrel. Fixed Shoulder barrels offer our largest contour selection, from light to our heaviest contours such as MTU or M24 as well as Palmas, Varmints, Sporters, and our Taperless series. We break down different Barrel Contours in how their shapes determine what they are and the specifications for how to order custom Varmints as well as custom Oct 27, 2021 · mtu or thicker for me I wanna try a untapped barrel next I love the extra weight to it . Jun 29, 2008 · Need a pic of a Krieger #10 MTU Contour. Jul 4, 2013 · Just a side note, you mentioned that you want to find a "happy medium for a pratical hunting / range gun. All barrel blanks are 1" longer for cutting and crowning. ). 20" 5R Button Rifled CNC Chambered Hand lapped 5/8" x 24 Muzzle Thread ***By ordering this barrel you acknowledge the diameter and understand some bedding operation may be required to fit within your system*** Barrel… Mar 19, 2018 · A piece of sandpaper wrapped around some PVC pipe or a dowel and sand away until you can slide a piece of paper between chassis and barrel. 25″ at the breech (A), continues 1. 8lbs, 13. Krieger Barrels manufactures custom, single-point cut-rifled barrels for bolt action, AR-15, AR-10, M1 Garand, M14, M1903 along with a variety of services. 5 Twist $ 420. The other benefit of a quality barrel is the ease of cleaning it. ETA: Everyone uses different words for their contours. Mar 3, 2020 · What length barrel(MTU contour) would be perfect to run with and without a can? I'm going to order with MPA chassis. Feb 27, 2013 · Starting to source parts for a new Lapua 338AI. 9” diameter at the muzzle on a 26” barrel, which is the length most of these guys were running (more on barrel length later). Sendero, MTU, M24, Heavy Palma? Something else? Thanks for any schooling. The contours for the V-22S quickly radius to . Oct 23, 2020 · MTU / M24 Contours are a specific , fixed Varmint profile with a specific muzzle diameter at 26” if ordered shorter than 26″, the crown diameter increases accordingly. My usage potentially covers several applications. Jun 29, 2022 · A tapered barrel will never be stiffer than a straight contour barrel (i. Mar 7, 2023 · The heavier contour will want to resist POI change as it heats up vs a lighter contour barrel. 5 # with scope and shoots just as well as the heavy varmint, this is the rifle I shoot the most, both in 6. But it would pretty silly if the 18 inch does clear the spigot mount when I run it without the can. That standard MTU contour was the 3rd most popular, representing 18%, but the 2nd most popular was virtually identical, but it only tapered to a 1. , AICS, NF NXS 5. Shopping cart (0) You have no items in your shopping cart. 350 breech at 26 inch length, fluted. We’ve selected and generated our Feb 17, 2014 · Every barrel contour is made for its own purpose so I think you shouldn't be using a bull barrel for hunting or a sport barrel for benchrest shooting. Better suited for the bench or treestand sitting. Fluted barrels reduce weight. 920. Bartlein “MTU” Contour Barrels 6mm 7. Apr 13, 2012 · Ok I'm a little late to the party. 5CM guns. 900 @ 26") are the same. My current 24" 6. Going to use a surefire 338 muzzle brake and an AICS AX whenever the hell they come out. Vudoo at the muzzle is . There's nothing particularly magical about them when compared to other style contours of similar weight. There is a lot of weight in a straight barrel, no doubt about it. 308. 25 for 7" then straight taper to around 1. 25"): more metal means a stiffer barrel, and metal had to be removed to create the taper. Overall just a bit of a pig of a rifle. Feb 14, 2019 · My stock is set up for a carbon sendero and i'm looking to get a steel barrel but would like it to be an attractive fit. So go for a heavy contour long barrel. 416R Stainless Straight Bull 1. ***all groups shot at 50 yards***Quick rundown of a few types of ammo I was able to try out of my Vudoo Gunworks 360 Ravage Ridgeback 20" MTU Contour Barrel. This would be for a 223 just for a fun plinking around gun and getting some more experience under my belt. 22” 3. Precision single-point cut rifled barrels. I've done everything from M24, MTU, Hvy Varm, 1. Jan 16, 2012 · The Remington varmint contour is a very common offering from most barrel makers. But with rifles, for which the barrel is often the largest and heaviest component, the overall shape of the barrel can take many different forms. Feb 27, 2020 · So im thinking about having a 6. Jan 3, 2014 · The Heavy Palma and MTU barrel contours were by far the most popular among the guys who placed in the top 20 in the 2014 PRS. These contours are only available in 26 inch or 28 inch lengths and range from 5. Heavy Palma, M24/M40, MTU or even Heavy Varmint contours is what I would recommend. k. Criterion’s “varmint” and “MTU” are different than Bartlein’s, for example. Our standard length contoured and straight taper barrels listed above are furnished 28″ long, with 27″ useable. Our computer controlled lathe allows us to turn barrels very close to the actual size. Bartlein #7 in the Bartlein Barrels contours list (see the attached picture). Mar 2, 2009 · Re: Barrel contour - . 200 x 4. It helps tame recoil some. I have not screwed these on an action yet to see fit or shoot these yet, but 1) these came with a nut and 2)the nut looks specific/required for this large diameter contour barrel. " FYI a barrel in the HV contour will be just that. Bartlein Barrels' expertise extends to understanding the significance of barrel contours. 30 cal barrel blank! How excited am I! It is an AMU contour and I was just wondering if the contours are pretty much the same. 35 straight Wide variety of standard contours as well as custom contours for bolt action as well as service rifle and AR. Now it looks like all of the base and wilderness HMRs are their "no 6" contour, while their HMR Pro still has 2 contour options-, a 5. Dec 6, 2009 · Our #7 contour (1. If a barrel has a lot of residual stress in it (this is common in button made barrels) and as you shoot it the barrel gets hot and you make no adjustments to the scope/sights. Nov 12, 2009 · I feel that the 0 Contour barrels, and from a MTU to the #8 are old standbys because of the quality of barrels 30, 40, 50, 60 years ago. I have 3 with M24 contours and I love them. I have recently purchased an MTU contour barrel from Lawton, who makes barrels and actions. Calculator Handles Custom Contours If PRS is your primary goal then I don’t think you should worry about “handiness”, there is very little carrying the rifle around and it is normal to see 20+ lb rifles with 26” barrels. M24 contour falls just slightly lower in weight than a comparable MTU or HV barrel of the same length. The heavy varmint barrel is extremely accurate and does a good job of reducing the felt recoil. I run a savage bull that is basically 1. Jan 5, 2019 · You can see the M24 contour was the most popular, followed closely by the MTU contour. No verses with all terms, 5284 verses with some. Please if you have pics of your AMU/MTU contour rifles please post them. I feel if you by a match grade barrel from a company with new barrel equipment, you can go thinner than a #7 and keep the quality and accuracy at the same levels as the heaver contours. 900" and run this diameter to the muzzle. I got tired of the weight and started using medium palma/remington varmint tapers. Threaded It’s off getting rebarreled now, up from an 18” threaded Ace Kukri. ETA: 224-cal 7. 5 twist for my 22BR, it wasn't easy to find. Dec 6, 2020 · I was thinking of M24 or MTU (it will be a 28" barrel with whichever contour) but how do they compare to straight? My understanding is that straight is 1. You want a lot of forward weight so that the rifle can balance a few inches in front of the mag well. The Palma contours were specifically designed to make the total weight restrictions for Palma shooting classes. Mar 5, 2020 · I have a rifle with a Bartlein heavy varmint contour barrel, it weigh's right at 16 # with scope and it shoots really well, also have another rifle with a Bartlein #4 bull sporter barrel it weigh's about 12. I don’t really want to run a 1. Mtu I love the weight, rock solid. Descriptions. I’m a little guy too and still haven’t learned my lesson as my last build still had a MTU contour. Some would think it was too heavy though. The GAP #7 contour which is what we call our #14 contour (1. 9lbs respectively fully geared with scope and bipod. Nov 19, 2013 · The bull is a solid 1" the whole way, the MTU is 1. im debating between 18" kukri (light varmint/medium palma ish), vs 22" kukri vs 20" MTU. Feb 10, 2025 · X-Caliber barrel contour options. I can't promise you'll move a ton of them, but there's a market. Sporter Barrels. 308 Nov 5, 2009 · The MTU barrel has a muzzle diameter of 0. That is Hello Gents, I was hoping you would be so kind as to lend your input on a barrel contour that would balance my planned setup below. Long-range hunters have a similar struggle. Oct 11, 2009 · As a matter of fact the barrel chart came from the Brux website, and looks just like the chart on the Krieger website. Both of those are very heavy barrels, at just over 0. Thanks for any info. 5 barrel spun for PRS style matches but im not sure how large of a shank will the AXSA i have will take. 5-22x50, AAC Cyclone Thanks in advance Apr 11, 2022 · Pac-Nor’s Barrel Weight Calculator is pretty sophisticated, with separate data fields for Shank Diameter, Barrel Length, Bore Diameter — even length and number of flutes. It's like a rock in place and feels like it to pick up , I will say the barrel does move when shot through I never have to readjust to get back on target for my next shot it's just still right on the same spot till I move it . At a minimum, I would run a 24-26" M24 or Heavy Palma rifle. Jan 29, 2020 · Most likely that will be a 22-24 inch M24 profile barrel with a Curtis Valor Action in the same chassis I use for the Vudoo. Click HERE to link to the Bartlein contour webpage. The MTU contour is 1. And boy that barrel length/contour is nice: Precision tactical rifle, with everything else nice and beefy like it needs to be and you can get the weight in at 13lbs, which is a lot different than a 16lb'er. Much will depend on the weight of the other components in your rig (scope, bipod, stock, action, etc. In the past I have shot in the local leagues that Jun 15, 2017 · Contour determines more than just how the rifle looks, but also how it performs. Nov 22, 2015 · If you’d like to see the weights and dimensions of the standard contours I mentioned (like Heavy Palma, Remington Vamint, Medium Palma, MTU, M24, and Heavy Varmint), here is a good resource that I reference all the time for those details: Bartlein Barrel Contours. Is there an advantage to getting the throat chambered for the bullet you plan to shoot? May 13, 2022 · 1. Krieger will custom contour one but i need exact dimensions on everything, or mail in my current barrel and not only is that extra money id rather the rifle be useful. close; contours; blanks. So if you like the contour you currently have you could get the same one. i want to go for a longer or heavier bbl, but im concerned that it could be too heavy for offhand or positional shooting or Mar 7, 2023 · Does anybody here shoot a Vudoo with a 18 inch MTU barrel? I was just wondering about accuracy. 25” barrel shank for 5” and then a straight taper down to 0. Show hidden low quality content May 15, 2018 · I actually love the MTU contour personally. 050" even gap looks great, but what I've found is that barrels come and go-- and are the easiest way to make weight come or go so the contour isn't always the same, and it's easier on me if the channels is just hogged out from the get-go, you don't notice misalignment as easily if the gaps are bigger Sep 27, 2022 · Preferred Barrel BlanksAvailable ContoursPreferred Barrels Contours Explained Fixed Shoulder barrels offer our largest contour selection, from light to our heaviest contours such as MTU or M24 as well as Palmas, Varmints, Sporters, and our Taperless series. Our Barrels are In-Stock and ship within 48 hours. 5 Twist. Nov 14, 2014 · Best Barrel Contour & Length Deciding on a barrel contour and length is a very tricky decision for guys in tactical/practical style matches, because it’s hard to strike the right balance between weight and precision. Recoil is kept down and that heavy barrel gives you a lot of inertia to cut down on little shakes and jiggles. 750 str. What is interesting is although there were more people in the top 50 running Medium Palma barrels than any other, only 15% of those ended up in the top 20. Also known as MTU,M40 and a popular barrel for PRS Feb 4, 2011 · Last seasons barrels were Heavy Varmint and MTU at 27" or 27. One rifle is sniperfill McMillan Winchester Marksman stock. stainless blanks; carbon blanks; full bore target rifle (ftr) blanks; prefits. The only time I really didn’t care for a MTU was when i decided to artsy it around for a few hours in the field. HEAVY! I have a few MTU contour barreled rigs (MTU specs are very close to HV) and they are all around the 17lb. I put a MTU contour 22" barrel on my buddy's . Home Barrels Bartlein “MTU” Contour Barrels 6mm 7. MTU is my usual choice. Any barrel contour suggestions? Im thinking an MTU contour with 1. Guys with straight contour barrels and tuners have you found they work or is the contour too heavy? Looking at the EC V2 tuner. Re: What barrel contours are you using? If you wish to retain the Savage barrel nut, then something like a MTU contour is out of the question - the chamber end is much too large in diameter. 000 str. 0". Ideally, I want a full diameter shank for 5” followed by a straight taper to something close to an inch at my finished length. a. The barrel has a finished length 28" not including the brake. REM 700 Sporter Contours. Dec 27, 2017 · It’s as simple as that. I have access to farther. Aug 10, 2003 · Gents, Slowly putting together a 338 lapua off of a Stiller TAC338 action. 5 and 6. Light palma or Rem Sendero contours which are on the light side of medium for hunting or hiking and some tactical match shooting where a lot of walking and/or positional shooting is done. 9lbs up to 7. to 18lb. An MTU barrel has a 1. Like so many have already said, have a PRS barrel, and if you need to hunt, get a hunting barrel too. I do not compete. Can anybody confirm the Dana 44 specifications of this barrel being larger/heavier than a Bartlein MTU? Apr 20, 2019 · Hi, I'm thinking about building a 22LR practice rifle (Vudoo V22 barreled action in my MPA chassis) and I'm wondering what your experiences are with different barrel contours for the V22 when paired with an MPA chassis. I was thinking about 22" for length Two things I see immediately: one: The B dimension for the Palma never exceeds 2. 000” straight off the threads and if the MTU cut will accommodate that. The caveat to that is that the straight contour barrel with the same breech diameter will also weigh a lot more. Oct 29, 2012 · Barrel contours are typically selected to match the intended use of the rifle. If you have a 18. Feb 14, 2017 · 1:7 twist in either MTU or M24. Contour affects the weight of the rifle barrel just as length does, making it another factor in weight and reduction of recoil. rimfire prefits; rimfire drop-in; semi-auto/straight-pull. 0” muzzle. Criterion claims a 28" is 6 lbs, bartlein claims a 26" mtu is 7 lbs. Some actions do not have MTU or M24 options available, a 900 varmint would be a very similar contour to an M24. 930; Savage Small Shank #12 Apr 5, 2017 · In a 30" barrel, that typically means MTU or HV contour at the heavy end of the scale. 750 *** ***. 4 lbs. The gap is significant however I plan to rebarrel at some point so I'm going to hang onto it. REM 700 Sporter. May 28, 2007 · This is a PSS stock opened up for a MTU contour barrel with a stock SPS barreled action setting in it. prefit barrels (barrel nut style) carbon prefit barrels; rimfire barrels. It will reach 1Kyd easily with a reasonable LR load, and probably to 1Km, as well. Remington 700 May 3, 2022 · This is a comparison review about 2 different contours of the 300 PRC barrels. 4lbs, and 13. Jun 15, 2024 · Straight Taper/Match Contours . May 23, 2013 · How long a barrel are you looking at? If 20-22", Remington Varmint is the perfect contour, imho. However, I noticed my 6 Creedmoor MPA barrel throat is chambered for Hornady 108gr ELD-M. The curves look nice. The process of Single Point Cut Rifling is the most stress free way to rifle a barrel. Bartlein 4. 00. For typical handguns (with their short barrels), there isn’t that much more to it. Dec 8, 2008 · A 26" full bull barrel is going to be ridiculously heavy. Not as much of an issue with cut barrels. 250" from action to muzzle, M24 & MTU go from 1. semi-auto/straight-pull; in stock! 308 based semi/auto; in stock! 223 based semi/auto; close May 13, 2021 · Sanding Magpul Hunter stock to fit M24 contour barrel. Look at a MTU or AMU profile barrel. 212 pages of results. 850" dia M24 @ 22" is . Don't want it too heavy Justin from Peak44 walks us through how to determine what barrel contour you have and which inlet to select when ordering a stock from us. 338 blank with a heavy palma contour (which is what I want) with a 1:10 twist rate or a Sendero (lighter) or an MTU (heavy !!) with a twist rate 9. It was a simple process to open up the Ridgeback barrel channel a tad to accept the MTU profile. The mtu and heavy varmint contour was cause this is my prs rig. 5 creedmoor barrel is an MTU, which is definitely on the stout side (which I like). Apr 1, 2022 · I have a 20" MTU & a 22" Kukri - Both are in Grayboe Ridgeback stocks. I have a 24 hour window so I won't Jan 25, 2009 · Fluting is over rated! Unless you flute a Heavy barrel such as a M24 or MTU/AMU barrel, you will see little benefit as far as weight savings. Search results for: what is an mtu barrel contour. I once went as light as a Marksman contour (between med and heavy Palma), and I have gone to heavier barrel contours ever since. getting a vudoo apparition in xlr element. Dave Edit, this will run a SAS Vengeance suppressor as well Mar 26, 2018 · I have shot out a handful of prs comp barrels now. taper to . What you will see is the groups/shots wandering on the target. The above contours listed are our standard contours. Contour Info; General Information; MTU < Back to Barrel Shop There are a lot of different customizations you can make on a barrel that aren't available on the What is your preferred PRS barrel contour? I plan to buy a PVA/Rock Creek prefit barrel, cut rifled and for Lapua brass (they don't offer throat chambering?) in 6BR. The br cases can work with an action with a manual ejector however even with Jun 7, 2020 · Just lucked up and found a Obermeyer . Something I could shoot steel with and have a little weight but also drag around for coyotes or deer as a back up. 25" straight pipe has compared to a tapered barrel, even in an MTU contour like mine. Aug 24, 2014 · Medium contours for various types of rifle shooting where weight and balance are a concern. Our Bartlein barrel contour is the MTU a. Jan 31, 2010 · What I mean to say is if you take a barrel (cut rifled) of a straight contour (no taper) and shoot it then contour it and shoot it agan the inhearent accuracy will not change untill you reach a point where the barrel is to thin for the given caliber (well thinner than a feather weight ect). I normally shoot the 20 inch barrels. 5 Creedmoor My original Creedmoor barrel was a 28" MTU. Nov 10, 2023 · I bought a 22" MTU taper Vudoo package, and the barrel contour was no where close to what I expected, rather thin. For what it's worth, the Kukri is a better shooter but that means nothing as not all barrels are created equal! Both these are Dec 26, 2008 · Most barrel contours are for looks. When done properly, a nice . What you need: Sha Feb 12, 2018 · I just get the stock for MTU or M24 and live with some gap. 3 barrels. We can even make an exact copy of your current barrel. It's a great theory but its proven many times over that flutes are mostly asthetic. 3642). Also, any Used to be there were 2 different barrel length and barrel contours for the 308 and 6. So my questions are as follows: Is it that difficult to balance the rifle out using weights with a 22 inch MTU or Kukri Contour Barrel in the MPA Matrix Pro, MDT ACC Premier or Elite Chassis? Jul 28, 2010 · A MTU contour gets heavy for a tactical rifle especially if it's going in a chassis too. Apr 20, 2024 · The next 3 most popular contours are all very similar contours. Apr 20, 2024 · An MTU barrel has a 1. no taper) of the same breech diameter (i. It's pretty hefty, and not what I would consider a hump around the woods gun. 25″ diameter for 2. 008″ per inch between the B and C diameters shown above, so the muzzle diameter for a shorter barrel would be proportionately larger. 250 x 2. Here is a pic of the Vudoo(left) and an M24 aftermarket barrel. No loss in accuracy, and pounds lighter. Sure you lose velocity But just develop your loads with a bit faster powder and use the right amount to minimize velocity loss. If its a single shot go for the 6mmBR however if it's a repeater don't use any br based case. Both these set ups work fine in a BR situation. 930 @ 26") is the standard MTU contour (marksmanship training unit) and is still used today somewhat. On 308 though you don't NEED a 26" barrel either, you can run a 22" and save some weight and the MTU is t as bad but I'd still run a M24/40 for a few mor ounces savings. Showing up to 25. This is generally referred to as barrel contours or profiles. 9" at the muzzle. 5" with the MPA weight kit (minus the bag rider). 93", think how much extra metal that 1. Obviously the calibers and removed metal could make up some of the difference. When you're done use a black sharpie to color the area where you sanded so it doesn't stand out under the barrel. I have read the reviews on the internet, but would like some personal feedback before buying a used Vudoo from a local guy. Dec 29, 2010 · Re: Krieger barrel contour While I don't run a 308, I am using a Kreiger in 6. I've seen plenty of examples where a light gun at a bench match has cleaned house and beat out heavy guns and even unlimited class guns. The #5-9 and #14-15 Barrel contours are the heavier contours that Bartlein offers. Stick: Remy R5 . 1. Lawton offers button rifling as well as cut rifling in 3 or 8 groove barrels in any contour you can imagine. If you must have a "field rifle", M24 or heavy palma, assuming . Of course you can do it if you want but that would eliminate the whole meaning of giving contour to a barrel. 5 CM with a HV 17 barrel. Jun 27, 2017 · If it is it's from them spinning the barrel while standing it on a belt sander, which is common practice to make it look nice once machining is done. According to Bartlein Barrels, a 26” M24 contour barrel weighs in at 6. Also take into account what finish length the barrel will be. 93” on a 26” barrel. 5" or 20" gun thats better. Jun 13, 2014 · What contour should I choose and in order to get the right contour should I compromise in the twist rate. Any barrel contour will save you some weight. MTU 2. Bartlein barrel 30” with a 9. A med palma to MTU would work fine for your needs. Time for a rebarrel and I'm trying to decide whether to go with the #10MTU or a Straight Taper. 5 creedmoor is a braked 24" MTU contour barrel, and my 6BR variant is a 28" unbraked heavy varmint contour barrel. Proof competition contour or straight taper. 5", while for the heavy varmint (#9) it's 5. My 6BRA barrel is a 28" Heavy Varmint contour, and the rifle balances beautifully off of barricades. So far I am leaning towards the MPA chassis due to its toolless adjustability. You won't have fun at PRS if your gun holds you back. 250" at the action to around 0. Proof wont contour a steel barrel to the same dimensions. 250 straight, and proof comp contour. Apr 14, 2006 · An AMU/MTU barrel is much thicker and heavier (kinda like a tractor axle) than most generally need in a full-on combat weapon if the user has a muzzle brake or suppressor. Reactions: RubiconJoey and DubfromGA Preferred Barrels Contours Explained. 3” twist, is the choice for a barrel and my question comes to what contour and why. The B#7 MTU contour balances weight and performance, demonstrating that both heavier and lighter contours can achieve excellent results, particularly when combined with Bartlein's specialized single point cut rifling technique. Just want to confirm its good for 1. To save weight, you are better off going with a lighter profile such as a medium/light varmint or Palma. 013" and a weight of 7lb 5oz. 250 and tapers down to . The chassis is aluminum so material comes off quite easily. To me, (as I learned from you) on the #9 profile this allows for more material around the chamber for large calibers, more bedding support under the barrel immediately in front of the action, and also allows material for a future set back. Oct 16, 2022 · Heavy varmint is the smallest I ever go. 058: 2. mark fully equipped. I have run it in tactical matches for 4 years and don't have any problems. 930) (C) at the muzzle. 2 BARREL CONTOURS. Recently the BR crowd and the MTU people have come up with contours that are a bit more accurate. I would also consider a heavy varmint. Jul 15, 2010 · I am wondering what the width of the barrel channel at the end of the fore end of a Manners PRS Stock is when but for an MTU contour. You could leave it a little longer than 26" if you wanted too. Look at a 6mmGT they are designed to work from a mag. Twist May 4, 2020 · Barrel contours are personal preference. They have a consistent taper across the entire barrel without very visible steps or slopes. 950" dia Accuracy is top shelf though, and with my scope and mount, the Foundation stock it is in, 16lb rifle, does what Nov 24, 2020 · Looking hard at a Vudoo Apparition. 06" at the chamber for the small-shank receivers. I run a 24" medium Palma Sporter Barrel Contours. My 6. 250" under the rail. Their rifling machines are so accurate, they can carry the twist rate to the 4th decimal point (example: 11. The tan barrel in the video is an Accuracy International barrel bought from M Jan 16, 2011 · Proof's website shows their steel prefit barrels are Competition Contour, which at 26" length have a muzzle thread shoulder of 1. Re: New barrel choice: What contour? M24 or varmint A M24 is going to be front heavy with 24" or 26" barrel. If it was by the flats, it is just because the belt flexed around the flats and it looks different. Our local ranges only go to 200 & 300yards as of now. Questions: Apr 3, 2023 · Well about to get my original Vudoo rebarreled and going with a Bartlein 1. I have found a Bartlein . 75″ (B), then tapers to just under one inch (. gqzsfcg dgm ebut ajqu iydffn kwx iais nhjwra vaxr yck mznzfq hsfdbh twlwx lrs dunx