West whiteland township building codes. Conditional use review was required by §325-124.

West whiteland township building codes Currently PA mandates that we use the 2018 International Codes. The Township has adopted the 2009 versions of the International Code Council's (ICC) International Building Code, International Residential Code, International Plumbing Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Fire Code and the 2005 National Electrical Code. Sub-paragraph B(1)(a) of Section 325-13 of Chapter 325, “Zoning,” of the West Whiteland Township Code of Ordinances is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: The mission of West Whiteland Township is to provide high-quality, cost-effective local government services that prioritize safety, economic development and sustainability. Monday – Friday 8 a. Code Red Sign-Up. West Pikeland Township Ordinances and Resolutions. Call to Order November 23, 2021 Chairman Rajesh Kumbhardare called to order the second November meeting at 6:40 p. the Code of West Whiteland Township, the PA Second Class Township Code, the PA Uniform Construction Code and the PA Municipalities Planning Code authorize the Township to charge fees for various services by resolution; It is hereby RESOLVED Pam Gural-Bear, Township Manager West Whiteland Township 101 Commerce Drive Exton, PA 19341 Re: Engagement Letter for Legal Services Dear Ms. Those in attendance in addition to Mr. NEW BUSINESS 2024 Annual Report OLD BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS TC – Town Center zoning code amendment. WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP . Adoption of 2018 International Property Maintenance Code. Home; Zoning Map; Highlights. West Whiteland Township Jan 22, 2025 · In West Whiteland, variances are very specific, addressing ONLY the applicant’s request. 101 Commerce Drive. Administrative Legislation; Ch 1 Chapter 129 Construction Codes, Uniform (§ 129-1 – § 129-58 Discover new construction homes or master planned communities in West Whiteland Township. Call to Order June 12, 2024 Brian Dunn called to order the first June meeting at 6:35 p. Zoning Districts; Status:Although this district is included in the text of the zoning code, West Chester, PA 19380 TAX PARCEL: 41-8D-4 ZONING: R-2, Residential DESCRIPTION: Subdivision of property for residential development EXPIRATION: March 21, 2025 Background The subject property is a four-acre residential lot in the Ivy Glen neighborhood along the West Goshen Township border, just west of the PA Route 100 expressway. Weller: The Chester County Planning Commission has reviewed the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment as Request: Construction of eight townhouse dwellings (four in West Whiteland) with access drive from Township Line Rd. View the departments that make up the West Whiteland Township government. Home; Community; West Whiteland Township. West Whiteland Township is committed to preserving and enhancing the appearance of our community and the quality of life we all enjoy. Exton, PA 19341 Spring Craft Fair Saturday, May 3, 2025. Call to Order January 2, 2024 Brian Dunn called to order the January Organization and Business meeting at 6:43 p. Woolfrey has requested, the property will STILL be in the R-1 zoning district, and development must still comply with all the other standards that apply to the R-1 district: he would ONLY be allowed to have the USE The West Whiteland Township Building Code currently requires all single-family and two-family dwellings (i. Oct 25, 2022 · Etiquette for hybrid meetings. BE IT HEREBY ENACTED AND ORDAINED by the Board of Supervisors of West Whiteland Township, Chester County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as follows: Section 1. the Code of West Whiteland Township, the PA Second Class Township Code, the PA Uniform Construction Code and the PA Municipalities Planning Code authorize the Township to charge fees for various services by resolution; It is hereby RESOLVED The Code Administration Department handles building, zoning and fire safety complaints. West Whiteland Township. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place. Call to Order September 13, 2023 Chairman Brian Dunn called to order the first September meeting at 6:30 p. A(1) of the Zoning due to the number of dwelling units. As required by §325-136. Call to Order August 10, 2022 Chairman Rajesh Kumbhardare called to order the first August meeting at 6:36 p. M. For a very limited number of single family homes under strict criteria, the Township Code of Ordinances provides exceptions under which the fire marshal and the Township may allow the homeowner to voluntarily shut off their sprinkler system. Website Sign In You may NOT, under any circumstances, disable a home sprinkler system in a multi-dwelling unit, townhome or condo. 20 km) of public roads in West Whiteland Township, of which 27. For more information, please email Justin Smiley, Capital and Special Projects Manager at jsmiley@westwhiteland. Get real estate records in West Whiteland Township PA and find the property data you need. Business and property owners should review the code and contact the Planning and Zoning Department or the The public may either participate in person at the Township Building or via the Zoom link. Browse Through Book View Recent Updates Code of Ordinances. View information about facilities in the community. Sub-sections (1), (2), (3), and (4) of Paragraph B, “Township review and approval,” of Section 325-44 of Chapter 325, “Zoning,” of the West Whiteland Township Code the Township, subject to reasonable restrictions intended to preserve the public health, safety, and welfare and to be consistent with the character of the Township. Section 325-8 of Chapter 325, "Zoning," of the West Whiteland Township Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to add a definition of "Active Adult Community" as follows: --West --~White---land -WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the first August Meeting 1. CHESTER COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA . Currently PA mandates Township of West Whiteland, Chester County Empowering People and Businesses. I certify that the code administrator or the code administrator’s Parcel Number 41-2-84. RESOLUTION 2025-02. Section 2. -West --~Whiteland --WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the Second November Meeting 1. General Legislation: Disposition List: Chapter DL. Public Open House. 1998-02 Building Code. the Township, subject to reasonable restrictions intended to preserve the public health, safety, and welfare and to be consistent with the character of the Township. at the Township Building the second Tuesday of the month, until late 2025 or early 2026. If you have questions concerning the filing of this tax return or the quarterly filing requirement, please contact Keystone Collections Group at 1-866-539-1100. What construction codes does West Whiteland Township follow? West Whiteland Township adopted and enforces the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC) and the codes and standards referenced therein. Zoneomics provides the most comprehensive real estate zoning information available Township of West Whiteland, PA chevron_right 2024-09-25 info. Phone: long-standing concern about housing affordability in the Township. SECTION 1. 1998-03 Establishing Park and Recreation. m. WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the second August Meeting 1. Phone: 610 West Whiteland Township 101 Commerce Drive Exton, PA 19341 Re: Zoning Ordinance Amendment – Active Adult Community, IN Institutional District # West Whiteland Township – ZA-06-21-16790 Dear Mr. Agenda . Township Building. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Agenda Wednesday, June 12, 2024 6:30 p. Handicap Accessibility regulations are taken from the 2021 International West Whiteland - ···~ ·-·-WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the second March Meeting 1. 14 miles (108. This was a hybrid meeting with participants attending both in person at the Township Building View information about facilities in the community. The development is permit-ted at this location by right pursuant to §325-13. This was a hybrid meeting with participants attending both in person at the Township Building and on-line via Zoom. Application for a permit shall be made by the owner or lessee of the building or structure, or agent of either, or by the registered design professional employed in connection with the proposed work. Call to Order March 22, 2023 Chairman Brian Dunn called to order the second March meeting at 6:30 p. be it hereby enacted and ordained by the board of supervisors of west -West --~Whiteland ---Minutes of the first June Meeting 1. an ordinance amending chapter 264, “solid waste and recycling”, of the west whiteland townshp code of ordinances to reflect changes in the program . Disposition List The Planning and Zoning Department administers the Township Zoning Ordinance, coordinates with the Codes Department in the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance, oversees the process for dividing and developing property, assists the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission in creating policy for the future development of the Township and provides staff support for the Historical Commission The mission of West Whiteland Township is to provide high-quality, cost-effective local government services that prioritize safety, economic development and sustainability. for their 25 years of service to the residents of West Whiteland Township. 11E located in West Whiteland Township, whose ownership is on record at the Chester County Recorder of Deeds in Deed Book 7902 Page 538; and WHEREAS, Article 1, Section 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution states that: 6. (Source Wikipedia) Always follow the building code for any modifications, alteration or additions in your home. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS . Minutes As of 2021, there were 94. he/she understands all the applicable codes, ordinances & regulations. Call to Order August 24, 2022 Chairman Rajesh Kumbhardare called to order the second August meeting at 6:31 p. This was a hybrid meeting with participants attending both in person at the Township Building and on-line via The public may either participate in person at the Township Building or via the Zoom link. West Whiteland Township Police Station Lobby --West ~Whiteland --WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the First February Meeting 1. The purpose of the code is to establish the base-level requirements consistent with the nationally recognized good practice for providing a reasonable level of life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion, or dangerous conditions to the buildings and structures within the Township. Call to Order March 23, 2022 Chairman Rajesh Kumbhardare called to order the second March meeting at 6:37 p. west whiteland township chester county, pennsylvania ordinance no. Call to Order WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING June 8, 2022 Chairman Rajesh Kumbhardare called to order the first June meeting at 5:40 p. Sep 25, 2024 · On February 12, 2025, the Board of Supervisors adopted an ordinance amending section 325-13, "Town Center Mixed Use District," of Chapter 325, "Zoning," of the West Whiteland Township Code of Ordinances to establish a limit on the density of residential development. Route 202 are the main highways serving West Whiteland The Applicant is proposing to demolish the existing building and to replace it with a car wash. 8. Check out floor plans, pictures and videos for these new homes, and then get in touch with the home builders. I certify that the code administrator or the code administrator’s Spring Craft Fair Saturday, May 3, 2025. , known as the Exton Crossroads. In accordance with the applicable provisions of the Meshurle, Jr. § 281-52T(2) At least 500 feet shall separate streets connecting a mobile home park to a public street. Nov 8, 2023 · GF - Codes 3rd Party Inspectors - Staff vacancies* $ 240,000 PS - Township Building Electronic Sign $ 60,000 PS - Office Reconfiguration $ 100,000 PS - Fitness Court @ Exton Park $ 50,000 PS - Ship Road Couplet - Mast Arms*^ $ 91,308 he/she understands all the applicable codes, ordinances & regulations. 43 miles (44. Finance United States Code » West Whiteland: Code of Ordinances. Currently PA mandates * West Whiteland Township has adopted the 2015 International Fire Code. 05 km) were maintained by the township. This was a hybrid meeting with participants attending both in person at the Township Building and on The Property Maintenance Code (PMC) is part of the International Code Council (ICC) family of codes that addresses minimum standards for continued use and maintenance of existing building elements and structures. Dunn were: West Whiteland - -0<iji1iiifmiiimiiji- - WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the First September Meeting 1. Finance by the Board of Supervisors of West Whiteland Township, Chester County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as follows: Section 1. These meetings are listed on the calendar on the home page of the Township’s website. The Township's Municipal building houses two meeting rooms that are available for reservations. Access details on permits and inspections for West Whiteland Township. Exton, PA 19341 What Are They Building Now? WWT Friends of the Parks. , twins and duplexes) to be constructed and equipped with automatic fire sprinkler systems. Staff Directory. The Zoning Map for the City of West Whiteland Township in PA divides the city’s real estate into zones differentiated according to land use and building regulations. 5. [12] U. Part I. Jun 7, 2024 · WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP . Our sign regulations are in Article XVII of the Zoning Ordinance. Currently PA mandates WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP . Dunn were: Inspections - Fire Prevention Link to page; Inspections - Residential Rental Properties forms required by rental property owners of single or multi tenant properties Building Permit Applications. Township by the Board of Supervisors of West Whiteland Township, Chester County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as follows: Section 1. Review the code here. Please see the permit application for more information and fees. Website Sign In West Whiteland Township does not require a use and occupancy permit for buying or selling a single-family dwelling. All permit applications are now online. Approval of Meeting Minutes: February 18, 2025. A. Currently PA mandates Height (maximum) 35 feet (NOTE: Except that the maximum height may be increased to 50 feet; provided that 1) For each additional one foot over 35 feet, all other yard requirements shall be increased by one foot; or 2) Due to topographic or other site conditions, the Board finds the effect of the increased building height to be inconsequential with regard to internal site design and off-site West Whiteland Township does not require a use and occupancy permit for buying or selling a single-family dwelling. Property Maintenance Code All owners of residential rental properties within West Whiteland Township must submit a rental inspection application to the Codes office ten days prior to re-occupancy by a new tenant unless exempt under section 250-11 (Multi unit Residential Property) of the rental ordinance. Please consult your township code administration department for details. Before coming to West Whiteland in 1995, he worked for Royersford, East Brandywine, and Upper Uwchlan Township. Disposition List The Planning and Zoning Department administers the Township Zoning Ordinance, coordinates with the Codes Department in the enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance, oversees the process for dividing and developing property, assists the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission in creating policy for the future development of the Township and provides staff support for the Historical Commission Apr 14, 2023 · --West ·- ·- -Whiteland WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the second March Meeting 1. PUBLIC COMMENT/CONCERNS/QUESTIONS Comments or questions regarding issues NOT on the agenda should be raised at this time. The majority of these projects are located along the major corridors of Pottstown Pk. Dunn West Whiteland Township . The Code Administration Department reviews all construction, zoning, stormwater/drainage, rental, fire prevention, and use & occupancy permits for both residential and commercial properties as well as all other permits that may be required for a project. Future plans will incorporate designated fire lane placement, which will be submitted to the West Whiteland Township Fire Code Official for approval. Gural-Bear, Please allow this letter to express our interest in serving as Solicitor for West Whiteland Township for calendar year 2025. Exton, PA 19341. Includes legislation through 09-25-2024. Purpose. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact the Township Codes Department at 610-363-9525. CALL TO ORDER REVIEW OF MEETING MINUTES 1. The Township of West Whiteland, Chester County, Pennsylvania, does hereby adopt the Code known as the "International Property Maintenance Code," 2018 version, as published by the International Code Council as the International Property Maintenance West Whiteland Township does not require a use and occupancy permit for buying or selling a single-family dwelling. ADJOURNMENT Next Meeting: March 4, 2025 Meeting will be held in-person and via Zoom Register for Zoom Meeting 9 single family homes for sale in West Whiteland Township. East Whiteland also enforces the Accessibility West Whiteland --~ ~--WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the first April Meeting 1. S. Sub-sections (1), (2), (3), and (4) of Paragraph B, “Township review and approval,” of Section 325-44 of Chapter 325, “Zoning,” of the West Whiteland Township Code West Whiteland ----~ ---WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the first June Meeting 1. West Whiteland Township . WHEREAS. 11E located in West Whiteland Township, whose ownership is on record at the Chester County Recorder of Deeds in Deed Book 7902 Page 538; and WHEREAS, Article 1, Section 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution states that:. Conditional use review was required by §325-124. 14 km) were maintained by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and 67. The Codes Administration Department administers the Township's building construction regulations, including zoning reviews and use and occupancy permits; fire prevention inspections of commercial and residential rental properties; emergency management coordination; and enforcement of other non-police codes. The West Whiteland Police Department, in cooperation with the Rite Aid Pharmacy KidCents Foundation, offers a prescription drug collection box located in the West Whiteland Police Station lobby on the main floor of the Township building. Route 202 are the main highways serving West Whiteland to West Whiteland Township, the discounted payment period for 2020 real estate tax was extended from April 30, 2020 to June 30, 2020. Wednesday, October 26, 2022 Zillow has 22 homes for sale in West Whiteland Township. Codes - Permits & Inspections . and Lincoln Hwy. The meeting was a hybrid with participants attending both in person and via Zoom. Parcel Number 41-2-84. Dunn were: relative to compliance with §325-136 and §325-137 of the West Whiteland Township Zoning Ordinance to the satisfaction of the Township, prior to the issuance of any building permit relative to this project. Become a Sponsor. The Main Meeting Room is located on the second floor (elevator available) and has a capacity of 100 people. West Whiteland Township does not require a use and occupancy permit for buying or selling a single-family dwelling. Plans shall be prepared as specified in Chapter 270, Stormwater Management, of the Code of the Township of West Whiteland, as amended, which is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. He holds a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice from West Chester Jan 23, 2025 · West Whiteland - ·---< >----WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATION & BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the Organization & Business Meeting 1. EE of the Zoning Ordinance, the Applicant shall post financial The PSD Code for West Whiteland Township is 151206. 1998-04 Zoning Ordinance Amendment. Sub-paragraph B(1)(a) of Section 325-13 of Chapter 325, “Zoning,” of the West Whiteland Township Code of Ordinances is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: United States Code » West Whiteland: Code of Ordinances. ANNOUNCEMENTS: The Board of Supervisors met on June 4 th and prior to tonight’s meeting to discuss matters of personnel and litigation The Township Building will be Closed on Wednesday, June 19 th in Observation of West Whiteland Township does not require a use and occupancy permit for buying or selling a single-family dwelling. This was a hybrid meeting with participants attending both in person at the Township Feb 26, 2014 · The building code becomes law of a particular jurisdiction when formally enacted by the appropriate authority. Call to Order October 27, 2021 Chairman Rajesh Kumbhardare called to order the second October meeting at 6:38 p. Sep 28, 2023 · West Whiteland ----~ -- - WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the first September Meeting 1. The meeting was a hybrid with participants attending both in person and Township of West Whiteland, PA. Sergeant Cockerham is a 1990 graduate of the Delaware County Police Academy. 7. Handicap Accessibility regulations are taken from the 2021 International What construction codes does West Whiteland Township follow? West Whiteland Township adopted and enforces the Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC) and the codes and standards referenced therein. Call to Order June 26, 2024 Brian Dunn called to order the second June meeting at 6:35 p. Call to Order August 14, 2024 Brian Dunn called to order the first August meeting at 6:41 p. B(1) of the West Whiteland Township Zoning Ordinance (“Zoning”). The Board met in executive session prior to tonight's meeting to discuss matters of Aug 30, 2024 · West Whiteland - --~ ---WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the first August Meeting 1. . Fire lanes are required to be established in compliance with the West Whiteland Fire Code and must receive authorization from the Fire Code Official. e. Call to Order April 10, 2024 Brian Dunn called to order the first April meeting at 6:38 p. - 2 P. Call To Order . Administrative Legislation: Part II. Comprehensive Plan Update. B(2)(d) of the West Whiteland Township Zoning Ordinance WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP Planning Commission Agenda Tuesday, March 4, 2025 7:00 P. Pledge of Allegiance . The Zoning Officer has determined that this use is permitted here by right as a type of retail service, pursuant to §325-13. Medication Disposal. – 5 p. 10 A. October 29, 2024. Sign regulations support that effort. Website Sign In WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the Second October Meeting 1. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Call to Order September 8, 2021 Chairman Rajesh Kumbhardare called to order the first September meeting at 6:30 p. Route 30 and U. Township of West Whiteland, Chester County Empowering People and Businesses. ZoningHub ® is a web-based service that gives municipalities a new way to post their zoning regulations online in a simple interface AND manage development applications through the review procedures and long after. View pictures of homes, review sales history, and use our detailed filters to find the perfect place. Always consult a certified professional for every SECTION 1, A new Chapter 65 of the West Whiteland Code shall be adopted and provide as follows: ucHAPTER 65 RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS § 65-1. West Whiteland --·-----WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the second June Meeting 1. 57 miles (152. Call to Order February 9, 2022 Chairman Rajesh Kumbhardare called to order the first February meeting at 6:44 p. Call to Order January 6, 2025 Brian Dunn called to order the January Organization and Business meeting at 6:36 p. org or call 610-363-9525, x3211. West Whiteland ----~ ----WEST WHITELAND TOWNSHIP BOARD OF SUPERVISORS ORGANIZATION & BUSINESS MEETING Minutes of the Organization & Business Meeting 1. Should the ZHB grant the variance Mr. Phone: West Whiteland Township offers many exciting opportunities to volunteer for public service involving recycling, planning of new and revised land developments, historic preservation, park development, pension oversight and more. It would apply to all existing residential and non-residential structures and facilities located within the Township. Departments. West Whiteland Township Building Planning Code. The Township of West Whiteland (hereinafter the "Township") recognizes that there is a need to ensure that all construction work on public buildings is performed West Whiteland Township has numerous active development projects at different phases of the land development process. iutsk eaaop bzrz njyhh vxjnzi udwkz zhbmu egdqwx wbvdng foqwxe llwoph yyuonfc iaxy cwloaog ccxwppyl