War thunder rangefinder upgrade. Distance Tables and Range Tables are included in the book.
War thunder rangefinder upgrade Laser rangefinder, anti-fragment liner, domestic engine and transmission, and a better autoloader feeding a powerful 155mm with HE, radio or SAP shells. Aug 24, 2024 · all good man, am not saying that the Python-4 is not an amazing missile and its not gonna shine being the most dangerous IR missile if its added, but seriously speaking and like i said before the Python-4 is the best of his generation (AAM-3, AIM-9M, R-73, MAGIC-2) people actually needs to assume that the Python-4 needs to come before we get the 9X, IRIS-T, ASRAAM, MICA-IR, PL-10 this missiles Dec 21, 2024 · I mean, it costs a bunch of money to upgrade aircraft, and the TC. Additionally with a laser rangefinder, this tank is good for long-range engagements! Jan 13, 2025 · poll poll Hello all, this is the upgrade of the T. 7 and above) normal range finding can not be trusted even with max crew it can frequently come up short of the real distance and will just say a certain range regardless how far away they are after a certain point eg 1500m will come back as 800. This new gun enabled it to fire a much wider range of modern projectiles, including APFSDS, HEAT-FS, HESH, HE, and more. A few of the upgrades actually give more speed and less range, which is usually worth it. Aug 13, 2023 · It already had the Laser range finder upgrade, which was part of that upgrade package anyway. The drones were launchable by the event "Hydra" rocket tank, and was useful for reconnaissance and as a loiter munition as the April Fool's version is configured with a shaped charge Oct 18, 2023 · poll The Italian company Leonardo in 2017 presented an updated version of an example of the M60A3, the purpose of this update is to give the possibility to those nations that have the M60A3 in service, to have an economical update more in line with the MBTs third generation which have a higher cost. But this really has be scratching The '''rangefinder''' is a device used to determine the range to a target. Featuring a 1,200 HP engine, the FV4030/3 can reach speeds of up to 56 km/h and can fire the L23 APFSDS round from its 120 mm gun. To make sure you will not make a mistake and to improve your chances of hitting the target, use the sights and rangefinding mechanics in game, which work just like their real counterparts - and the War Thunder Wiki team will help you to understand them! 7,891 likes, 220 comments - warthunder on October 18, 2024: "The PLZ05 is a further development of the PLZ45, planned for the next War Thunder major update. British got the Sea Harrier FA. This is very helpful during and against flank attacks. Sep 13, 2024 · Ground vehicles without any form of rangefinder (as a modification) are limited to 1200 meters of precise distance measuring (you must gain 'experts'+'aces'+'leadership' (commander's perk)+'distance measuring' (gunner's perk) maxed to have such limitation). Total of 170 M60A1 were upgraded to Sabra Mark II standards and accepted in service as M60T. Feb 6, 2024 · Reasons to add: This vehicle (upgrade package, really) would be a massively improved version of the M551 Sheridan we already have in War Thunder, with improved scouting capability thanks to its gen 1 thermal sight and far better first-hit probability thanks to its laser rangefinder. Following a modernization in in the mid to late 1970s, the tanks were set for a long life with the Sep 24, 2023 · In between 1987 and 1990 a proposal to upgrade this vehicles was offered by TENSA (Talleres Electromecanicos Norte SA) to the Argentine Army, this upgrade consisted in the addition of a turret (similar to the one in the AML-90) and a range of modifications to accept this turret, thus making the Grenadier an exploration vehicle that would serve Jan 19, 2024 · IIRC maxing the skill increases the distance up to which the crew is able to determine range to 1200m. 10 (B60) - The final upgrade Although the T-80B is an older variant than the previous T-80U, this upgrade package is more than enough to bring it to par. ARMOUR Upper front: 38mm at 45 degrees Lower front: 38mm at 30 degrees Upper sides: 44mm Lower sides 32mm Rear: 44mm at 9 degrees Ramp: 44mm at 8 degrees Top: 38mm at 8 degrees Floor: 32mm at 90 degrees. Dec 15, 2024 · At higher tiers, the game turns into a fast paced point a click game. I do like to engage at long range more but I personally don't use the rangefinder. Oct 21, 2023 · Yeah, I’m trying to get a understanding of how the m60s fire control was different. Range, shoot, repeat. 2 and Tornado F. The new Israeli “ram” will be waiting for you in the big winter update of War Thunder. Measure the distance to the target with a laser rangefinder and send fragmentation shells towards an enemy vehicle behind low cover. The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Great War to today. Additionally, the Kfir C. 7, other than allowing it to track drones, and upgrade the 1980 gen 1 thermals to like gen 3. Depth charges Mines Rocket Launcher Mortar: Allows you to equip additional weaponry. _____ #warthunder https://wt. The ERA is shaped like a "pike" or triangular prism. Distinctive arrays of third-generation "Relikt" ERA offer high protection against both chemical and kinetic rounds, the gun can now fire top-notch 3BM60 "Svinets" APFSDS and 9M119M1 "Refleks" ATGMs with improved handling Aug 24, 2024 · Brother, china literally just got the Jeff and J-10 in the same update, both top tier aircraft my guy… so no that’s not how this works. Rangefinder on the yellow mark on the map. The Type 99 155 mm SPH (99式自走155mmりゅう弾砲) is currently one of the 155 mm howitzers in JGSDF service as the direct replacement of the obsolete, shorter-barreled Type 75 155 mm SPH. the way the M48A1 sight worked was that the gun would lay on target, the commander would use the rangefinder to get the range, and that would be fed through the ballistic computer to the sights, which would have the elevation added (making the aim point go down from the gunners point of view. Aug 22, 2024 · This sophisticated radar system significantly enhances the aircraft’s ability to detect and track targets, moving beyond the limitations of a simple radar rangefinder. (Laser) Rangefinder Improves accuracy and speed of the gunner's rangefinding abilities. It was developed in 1963 as a private venture to provide the German Army a modern/effective SPAAG The T-80UD emerged in 1985 with a 1,000 hp 6TD opposed-piston diesel engine originally designed as an upgrade for the T-64 and entered service alongside its turbine sibling before the fall of the Soviet Union. The FOV post launch is ofc much better with 0. This post will be somewhat similar to my post on the Pantsir-S1M, much of the information over on that one is still relevant to this vehicle. Tor-M1 to HQ-17: added thermal, better missile, better radar. After three are researched moving on to tier 3 would be a good choice. Not to mention you’re still stuck with a lower than average countermeasure count and worse flight performance than the C. Author Support Program. You can rangefind on any tank by binding a key to it in the controls, but it caps out at a relatively low range, I think 800-ish meters, so it's mostly useless. That has never been changed. Mar 15, 2024 · The old system annoyed me - it’s a RANGE finder ffs - not a “direction finder”!! Although electrical-mechanical fire control systems did both of course… Guns are still far too accurate and damage too little per hit compared to RL of course… but it’s a game… This video is a great intro to how they worked: The T-80U is an all-round upgrade to the T-80B and one of the most advanced MBTs fielded by the Soviet Union. TL;DR: The Belgian T. 0s even whilst easily able to kill almost any vehicle in the game. This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. Uses screenshots and overlay. For top tier tank RB, a laser rangefinder is very useful for those long range shots. 2S6 to 2S6M1: added thermal, better missile, better radar. Modernisation package developed by Israeli firm IMI and upgrade undertaken by 2nd Main Maintenance Center Command in Turkey between 2007-2009 with IMI supplied kits. The key to use the rangefinder can be bound in Controls > Ground Vehicles > Miscellaneous. 410k research to get the vehicle and another 88,700 to get the thermal. English; Laser rangefinder: Elevation Mechanism: MILAN 2: 30х170 APDS-T Nov 7, 2015 · Weiß schon jemand, was es mit dem Modul "Rangefinder" auf sich hat, der seit dem letzten Update bei einigen Endpanzer zu erforschen ist? Zum Beispiel beim M60 oder Leopard? Wie funktioniert das Teil? Macht es sich irgendwie bemerkbar? Dec 21, 2024 · I mean, it costs a bunch of money to upgrade aircraft, and the TC. . Useful to understand stadiametric system and use it efficiently in combat. A second choice would be LR/LWS because the laser rangefinder allows for taking accurate shots at long range with a better first shot hit probability. The T-62 has poor mobility and poor shells,it also did not have diastimeter. All calculations go through the processor Jan 31, 2025 · Hello, I wanted to try custom sights for tanks, but… Well as expected it doesnt work, even if I select a preset that is in game for C1 Ariete the laser rangefinder stops working. Additionally, the tank crew will usually finish calling out the range long before your visual rangefinder does, even with the extra callout that Aug 2, 2023 · During the past times when they were in 9. Despite the initial plan to upgrade to the 120 mm Rheinmetall L/44 tank gun, this was not carried out since the Leopard 2s is already in production and offers many more advantages. However, being built on the same M113 chassis as the Hovet, the Machbet remains minimally armoured but relatively mobile. Jan 19, 2024 · Yes, experienced crew get more accurate and can estimate ranges that are further away. Apr 24, 2018 · Rangefinder upgrade cut the time needed for its use, depending of the rangefinder you have & gunner skill you get a 150m error margin. Basic Description : In the early 1990s after its independence from Yugoslavia, the newly-formed country of Slovenia had inherited a small inventory of M-84 and T-55A main battle tanks that made the bulk of its armor. After 1991, as the design bureau and factory responsible for the T-80UD were located in the former Ukrainian SSR, the T-80UD served as Aug 19, 2024 · This sophisticated radar system significantly enhances the aircraft’s ability to detect and track targets, moving beyond the limitations of a simple radar rangefinder. True a “real” rangefinder is more percise and faster, but again the ranges we get ingame are laughable. Thank you. Jan 16, 2016 · I always upgrade the crew skills "repair" and vitality, because I didn't consider the rest important at all, now I'm thinking about targeting and rangefinding, since I have enough RP points, should I increase them too? shoul I spend some eagles? do they help at all? what's your experience about t Oct 3, 2024 · Although supporting a wide range of armaments, the highlight of the upgrade was the possibility to equip the Boxer with a 105 mm cannon, turning it into a fully fledged fire support vehicle. The optical rangefinder has an increased maximum range and decreased maximum error over tanks without ranging equipment, with their maximum distance topping out at 4 km, and substantially faster at only around three seconds. All in one modification. cuts the time for its use, but also increases the distance of rangefinding of up to 2km. When you complete 8 stages, you’ll receive a non-tradable coupon for Strasbourg, where using it will immediately activate the vehicle onto your account. 0 and 8. sources. 0 have the laser rangefinder stock Aug 24, 2024 · poll Overview The Eurofighter Typhoon is a 4th generation fighter developed primarily by the UK, Germany, Italy, and Spain. T-64A has the same problems such as lack of laser diastimeter and long rod APFSDS. Mar 14, 2019 · Although there is no need to purchase shells for Golden Eagles, the value of each shot is still high and every mistake or miss can be fatal. Distance Tables and Range Tables are included in the book. M60T Feb 21, 2025 · The Upgrade for coupon. Official Website Store Market WT Live Portal Forum. Dec 15, 2015 · rangefinger diye bi muhabbet var tuş atıyabiliyoruz ama ne işe yaradığını anlamadım, denedim ama çözemedim. It has less range than an Aim-120A/B, and the current iteration of the Python 4 lacks dual plane G-pull. Dec 28, 2018 · This happens if any allied vehicle sees them (including aircraft), with a default range of 250 m. 187 meters? align the tank just below the 200 meter line, but at that range you pretty much just shoot dead on. In-game, optical rangefinders are a clear improvement. This time we’ll be looking at the Leopard 1A5BE, the last MBT to see service with the Belgian army. Jun 9, 2017 · A basic crew can only range to around 800m and it takes some time, so upgrading is needed to get better and further measurements. 13 self-propelled gun/tank destroyer is a vehicle that is little known to the general public. General map knowledge regarding ranges is less useless overall. Aug 26, 2023 · poll poll Welcome again to yet another suggestion for a Belgian Leopard 1 variant. 0 since it wouldn’t change much over the normal a2 at 9. Soon! You can greatly speed up the research on this vehicle with: Jan 4, 2025 · - Game Discussion / Realistic Battle - War Thunder — official forum yep,and i just make a post about it 12. In the sight it only shows 0 or if I laser rangefind something it shows *0. In reality a Rangefinder, even from WWII, can range accurately for more than 5km. The combat load consists of 18 lethal and 18 non-lethal grenades. Jul 28, 2023 · A ZTQ-15 without add-on armor in the factory. 0, able to face 7. Nov 14, 2018 · So far, I've passed on all the range upgrade mode switches. 7. 13 B2 tank Destroyer standards. 3,the T-64A and T-62 were already out of date for the lack of auxiliary equipments. Available in hard copy and digital formats. This hypervelocity missile, derived from the HFK-L2 demonstrator missile, featured a kinetic kill vehicle equipped with an infrared seeker, inertial reference unit, aerodynamic control system, and directed-effect warhead, capable of reaching a maximum speed Dec 1, 2022 · Magach 7 is probably one of the best that happened to the M60 tanks in the entire history of their production and upgrades. Hydroplane Apr 24, 2018 · War Thunder. and coupled to a hydro-mechanical fully automatic transmission with a pivot steering capability and a cooling system. The third could be either adjustment of fire for increased accuracy. Throughout the '90s, the Slovenian Ground Forces went through a modernization period, focusing on modernizing its M-84 and T-55A Jan 25, 2024 · In War Thunder, the vehicle would provide a new style of gameplay for the UK and South Africa lineups specifically by giving a new wheeled autocannon IFV option at a higher BR with more modern optical and combat capabilities as currently the Ratel 20 is the only wheeled autocannon IFV in the Tech Tree. It is powered by a 1,000 hp electronically controlled diesel engine mounted at the rear of the hull. With a new turret and Kontakt-5 ERA, it visually distances itself from its T-64 ancestors and boasts hefty protection against both chemical and kinetic rounds. 75°. Oct 4, 2023 · Range: 480 km. Ammunition: Unlocks different ammo for usage in the ship's armaments. 7 material. 13 B2, a fully domestic produced Tank-Destroyer armed with a 47mm gun History <details><summary>History</summary>The Belgian T. Vehicle History Nearly a decade following its entry War Thunder — official forum Stock the laser rangefinder on tanks over 10. 0 br. Dec 5, 2019 · The unique Leopard A1A1 combines the Leopard 1 chassis with the firepower of the Leopard 2, featuring the awesome L/44 120mm cannon that is truly devastating in combat. It works on any computer (Windows 10), even the oldest one. It is puzzling that why their rates are increased. 10s are used for air to ground and trainer purposes in Colombian service. 5° which was the point. Jul 15, 2024 · The TSWA can fire both lethal and non-lethal grenades and is equipped with 360-degree day and night vision optics and a laser rangefinder. 10s to TC. The tank's low profile allows players to avoid detection and utilize forms of cover that other tanks cannot. i know some tanks get these stuff very early on and they are totally fine without them and i agree so just Oct 15, 2015 · Any of my search term words; All of my search term words; Find results in Content titles and body; Content titles only Jul 20, 2023 · poll Gepard 1A2: Rounds Down Range German Flakpanzer Gepard 1A2 mobile anti-aircraft system. 1) do you have to get some sort of token to be able to put it up for sale in the marketplace. Light protection. Plus, both rangefinder and laser rangefinder decrease the time required to get an estimate, helps return fire quicker if you get shot. Game Discussion This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. ne olduğunu açıklayabilir misiniz? Oct 3, 2024 · The Boxer MGS is one of the latest iterations of the Boxer IFV, originally developed under a German-Dutch joint venture, featuring a larger Belgian turret fitted with a powerful 105 mm main gun. Developed based on lessons learned during the 2014 war and subsequent conflicts, the Mk 4M-400 addresses the limitations of the original Mk 4M and Dec 12, 2024 · Gaijin should make HQ-17 an upgrade kit modification for Tor-M1, as it is the same situation as the 2S6. To suit its role as a light tank, the ZTQ-15 has to be able to be fast and mobile. Background: The Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer Gepard (“anti-aircraft cannon tank Cheetah”, also known as the Flakpanzer Gepard) is an all-weather-capable German self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG). Feb 6, 2024 · -Solution 1:the stock grind can be improved by simply giving people the important modifications such as missiles and mixed flares and chaffs for planes and these under that context,and for tanks stuff like laser range finder and thermals. The pre launch FOV is 4. Not even mention the missile is not that much better: 35m/s more top Dec 16, 2024 · also if you didnt know the Python-4 have a declared effective kill range of 25km head-on, on non manouvering targets and a 10km tail-on on non manouvering targets and this is from official sources (Rafael), compared to the declared effective kill range of the R-27ET that is between 50-55km in head on, on non manouvering targets and a maximum of The rangefinder is a device used to determine the range to a target in War Thunder. 10 is equipped with a Helmet-Mounted Display (HMD) and two 127x177mm Multi-Function Displays (MFDs), which provide the pilot with essential flight and 6 days ago · Das Upgrade für den Gutschein. 10 is equipped with a Helmet-Mounted Display (HMD) and two 127x177mm Multi-Function Displays (MFDs), which provide the pilot with essential flight and Jan 13, 2025 · The FV4030/3 Shir 2 is a modified and modernized Chieftain, designed in Great Britain to meet the needs of Iran. However This is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S. Sep 7, 2024 · Magic 2/R-73 are much better dogfight missiles than the AIM-9M, I basically never carry the 9M when the pylon they use can carry amraams, even though amraams are useless at close range, they can at least hit things that are further than 3 - 4 miles away. 7 br like the Pzh 2000 Thank you. Apr 19, 2024 · poll Pantsir-SM 8x8 Ultimate Short Range Air Defense Missile System and SPAAG This post is still being edited and will be changed as I gather more Information. The PT-76-2000 has been up-gunned to mount a Belgian Cockerill 90mm MK3 cannon in place of the original 76. It was built in several variants, called tranches, of which Tranche 2 was of course the second. I propose Dec 17, 2024 · With the current state of Derby’s, it absolutely is not 13. Naturally all the main systems and subsystems have been updated, starting from the main gun May 6, 2024 · poll Panzer 68 ET History The Panzer 68 ET (Panzer 68 Erprobungsträger) was part of Switzerland’s efforts to maintain a technologically advanced and competitive armoured force during the latter half of the 20th century. Introduction The Pantsir-SM variant features an advanced targeting station that Oct 11, 2024 · This upgrade aims to ensure that the Merkava remains highly resilient in both conventional and asymmetric warfare, especially in urban environments where close-range attacks and ambushes are common. Not only do crews only range out to about 1000m with horrible accuracy, it also take considerable time. Introduction The Pantsir-SM variant features an advanced targeting station that Jul 1, 2023 · The primary upgrade here is the gun. Nov 10, 2023 · The Optics of cold war tanks should easily allow ranging of up to 2km. Based on a neural network YOLOv5 from ultralitics. Dec 7, 2024 · Leopard 1A6 VT-5 poll Another expensive upgrade German Leopard 1A6 VT-2 (left) & VT-5 (right) German Ingenuity - ii Suggestion made in collaboration with @NER055 It was the early 1980s, and the Cold war was only looming over the skies of the East and West alike more and more. Although the venture aimed to export this upgrade services to other M48 users across the globe, this came right around the end of the Cold War as all European nations began downsizing their armies by selling their surplus tanks on the market, reducing the need to rely on the old M48 design and ending the venture. NEW UPDGRADES F1 New heater New Charging system New Cold start system Added Internal pall lines Nov 27, 2023 · The first iteration of drones, specifically the scout drones used by light tanks, was introduced back in War Thunder 2021 April Fool's Event "Warfare 2077". Boxer MGS: An Event Vehicle Light tank for Germany at Rank VII At a glance: Excellent mobility! Powerful 105 mm cannon. Germany received its Tranche 2s in 2003, ordering 68 tyough receiving 79, the extra 11 Tranche 2s being in exchange for 11 Tranche 1s given to Austria. the gunner would Improved Rangefinder: Increases the accuracy and speed of rangefinding. Increases the detection radius of enemy vehicles by +30% of the crew's visual range. In Realistic mode, it increases the range at which the enemy players detected by the allied team are displayed (through red arrows pointing downward on the borders of the screen). If a program to modernize the TC. 5 lol. Belgium had started its story with the Leopard 1 MBT in 1967, becoming the first export customer of the type. 2mm D-56T cannon. Sep 3, 2022 · Please can we get some improvements to the accuracy of the rangefinder, not only is often completely wrong, but It would be good if it updated at the same rate/time that the lead indicator updated, or at least had an additional UI element to track when it would update. The Block 10 was the WAR THUNDER. Jan 26, 2024 · BGT introduced an alternative missile upgrade for the Roland air defense system, named the HFK-KV, as a replacement for the VT-1 missile. Jul 20, 2023 · poll M-55S: Slovenian Wrath An M-55S on display. Nov 22, 2023 · From a little test drive you just range the target and aim slightly up and it hits every time, beyond that it’s the same issue as all the other artillery vehicles but with thermals, rangefinder, faster reload, mobility, equal or better shell velocity, stupid survivability and you get all that at 8. Tanks that are stock can’t play this game. Maybe. The laser rangefinder upgrade increases the accuracy even more and the max range to a whopping 5000m. Additionally, players have access to a "Kontakt-1" explosive reactive armour (ERA) upgrade, which significantly alters the tank's appearance. Aug 31, 2022 · The second noticeable feature of the T-80UK are the 3OF26 EDKV high-explosive fragmentation shells with a programmable fuse. I think the tank is pretty "Ok" and seems to be a pit tougher than my Ausf G. Nov 14, 2024 · The intriguing part is that the ranges they announce often exceed the maximum range of the visual rangefinder, in older tanks without bespoke rangefinder modifications or modern laser rangefinders. With a laser rangefinder and thermal imaging equipment, it improves the Leopard 1A5's lethality, allowing players to see adversaries first and deliver precise shots. Might change later when shots over large open areas at big ships that don't dodge so well become more important. Autoloader. Originating from the earlier Panzer 61, the Panzer 68 was an initial upgrade that sought to improve on its predecessor’s design and capabilities. 13 B artillery tractor used by the Chasseurs Ardennais to T. Oct 3, 2023 · poll M-51 Repotenciado History: By the end of the 70s, Chile was in a precarious situation in terms of armored material, this was really worrying since in those years Peru had acquired the Soviet T-55s and Argentina had the repowered Shermans and by then Chile had the old M4A1E9 that despite being slightly improved versions of the Shermans were insufficient to face the Peruvian and Argentine Jul 27, 2023 · poll poll M60TM Background M60T Main Battle Tank is extensively modernised M60A1, currently in active service Turkish Armed Forces. It has a range of up to 400 meters and a rate of fire of three rounds per second. Wenn ihr 7 Stufen abgeschlossen habt, erhaltet ihr einen nicht handelbaren Gutschein für den FIAT 6614 FIROS, mit dem ihr das Fahrzeug sofort auf eurem Konto aktiviert. I tried to dissable the rangefinder option in the sight and it works, but if I have the rangefinder field ON in the custom sight, it stops Jan 27, 2025 · It would be very useful to have it because when you grind the modifications you wouldn’t have a big difference on the long distance compared to other wagons already full grinded or premium that are automatically full grinded, this reduces the difficulty and would increase the balance since all over 10. You also get two upgrades on some tanks, the rangefinder and the laser rangefinder which help you find ranges even more accurately and at longer distances. link/PLZ05". Sep 13, 2024 · just a heads up without a dedicated rangefinder module (They start showing up 7. Torpedo Mode: Increases the range of a torpedo in exchange for reducing its speed (or vice versa). 10 Block 60 standard occurs well likely hear about it. I would also like to see the modernized retrofit version (Gepard 1 a2(r) ?) at maybe like 10. This makes big maps arguably unplayable in vehicles without the modification. In 1984, as part of a Jan 13, 2025 · The FV4030/3 Shir 2 is a modified and modernized Chieftain, designed in Great Britain to meet the needs of Iran. Jan 24, 2025 · The Japanese Type 99 in facts has laser rangefinder, like as the pzh 2000; i got this info from Microsoft: So id beg u gajin , add him the laser rangefinder, and make him 7. For automated systems like laser rangefinders, this obviously should not be affected by crew skill, just as reload rate of autoloaders is not affected by the crew skill. Seems totally random if/whe Oct 17, 2024 · I cant find information so i want to ask about thr event. 3 Late last update, ant the USA got the AV-8B+ and F-15C MSIP II last update, and all of those could be considered top tier aircraft if you ask me. The Leopard 1 system had gone through a wide list of upgrades, ranging from major upgrades like the 1A1-A5 series Sep 8, 2024 · The R-27T is smaller on launch but that doesn’t jack the R-73 all the way up to 4. 7 ground br War Thunder — official forum Kfir C. May 3, 2018 · A good book about Russian tank sight: "Distance is not a Range" on Amazon dot com. Wenn ihr das Fahrzeug nicht wollt und den Gutschein auf dem Markt verkaufen wollt, braucht ihr den Gegenstand „Upgrade für Gutschein“. Additionally with a laser rangefinder, this tank is good for long-range engagements! Dec 7, 2024 · Leopard 1A6 VT-2 poll An expensive upgrade German Ingenuity - i Suggestion made in collaboration with @NER055 It was the early 1980s, and the Cold war was only looming over the skies of the East and West alike more and more. The aim of the modification was to showcase the upgrade potential of the Boxer to potential customers. max range with range finder goes up to 1950 from 1184 for aced crew. The Leopard 1 system had gone through a wide list of upgrades, ranging from major upgrades like the 1A1-A5 series, giving the leopard cast and welded turrets that would Feb 8, 2016 · So, I got this thing all unlocked, and was figuring there would actually be something to the "Range Finder" upgrade on it. Camaroon order Mar 1, 2025 · maybe this game isn't for you if you can't figure out you need to take the number the range finder gives, and match it with the numbers literally in your gunners optic that shows the different ranges you need to align with the enemy. If you don’t want the vehicle and would like to sell the coupon on the Market, you’ll need the “Upgrade for coupon” item. and how?2) can you play a few round with it or would it become non tradable? Apr 19, 2024 · poll Pantsir-SM 8x8 Ultimate Short Range Air Defense Missile System and SPAAG This post is still being edited and will be changed as I gather more Information. Post war ones even further from the right position. Oct 29, 2024 · Who would’ve thought that the old Mi-8 would transform from a transport aircraft into an incredible attack helicopter with the most modern weapons and advanced electronics? Meet the Mi-8AMTSh-VN “Sapsan”, a direct successor to the War Thunder record holder for the number of rockets, the Mi-8AMTSh. So I don;t mind the tank itself as I am a fan of the Panthers. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Rangefinder upgrade cut the time needed for its use, depending of the While players will quickly notice the disappearance of the radar rangefinder, the overall capability is improved by the new optical tracker and four FIM-92 Stingers to handle longer range targets. wtod hkuj dvlg kvku bjglk ovpw cgxz gsoq nudinujs sszr goc tcb ibvoudl plqo mwtenkuf