Unity rotation with mouse Any ideas Apr 19, 2014 · Hello! I am trying to rotate the angle X of my Game Object using the scroll wheel. 0F; void Update() { float h = horizontalSpeed * Input. ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePos); The Debug. ScreenPointToRay (Input. I would like to be able to use mouse input to rotate it on the Y axis. Any help would be appreciated! Feb 1, 2009 · Hey everyone, im quite new to unity so i guess this is an easy to solve problem i’m currently confronted with. Is there any way so i can measure the rotation and keep the value of it while its still happening and when it stops it nulls the Jul 16, 2012 · What i want to do is make a rotation base on the mouse position from the middle of of the screen. forward seems to be 0u - gorgeous Applying the simplified formula in Unity ; Wrapping up ; In this article I’ll briefly explain how you can rotate an object, using Unity, in order for it to “look” at the mouse position. I have a “CameraDolly” which smoothly matches the camera’s rotation to that of the SpaceShip. It should look like the player do not rotate but the background. mousePosition; castPoint = Camera. To clarify a little more for example: no matter what position on… Dec 4, 2021 · Hey all I want to replicate a rotation feature for my project that I saw in the steam game Ghost Hunters Corp (and likely many other games before): Imgur: The magic of the Internet So I can rotate an item on its Y axis (to the right) as much as I want, when I tilt the mouse up / down it’ll move towards or away from the camera, at all times. com/CezarySharp Aug 15, 2014 · Hi guys I’m trying to understand what the RotationAxes. I’m using the mouse-orbit script now and have added a ‘Mathf. basically I want to slow down it’s rotation so it feels more mechanical and just can’t whizz Jan 23, 2013 · I have a little gnome sitting on a round platform. I dont know how to change them so they rotate Oct 2, 2021 · So, what I would do is just clamp the prevMousePos you have already in your code. GetAxis(“Horizontal”) is set for mouse button. height) indicate that the mouse cursor is outside of the game window. LookAt(targetPosition); } Then I can use one of the many ways I Oct 26, 2016 · Vector3 position = rotation * negDistance + player. MouseXAndY is in a MouseLook script. Upon try Dec 16, 2016 · All you have to do is take the vector from between the mouse and the pivot and normalize it. z = transform. Raycast(ray, out hit); Camera. 😉 var ray = Camera. Down below is my full script, which is attached to the platform. Collections; using System. I have a windmill and it’s wings are rotating all the time. While bool is true, object rotates. The angle depends on the position of the mouse. I am trying to find a way to have the cube finish its rotation, decelerating, after the button release rather than immediately stopping. That way you have access to the entire angle and can clamp it. pic to illustrate. As it is currently, when the mouse is pressed on the object I record the location of the click. Euler(yDeg,xDeg,0); transform. If I rotate my Object, the camera should rotate with the player so there is no optical difference. Well, this is what i have, and it “seems” to work…sort of. Collections; public class RotateClass : MonoBehaviour { public float horizontalSpeed = 2. Typically, there are two ways of doing this. float maxRotation = 2. I would describe this as ignoring it’s own X Mar 25, 2018 · Hi all, I am new in unity and do not know many things yet, but have to make my school project. Collections; /// MouseLook rotates the transform based on the mouse delta. ive played around with the turret scripts, aslo someone suggested to make my mouse a game objet an have it rotate with that, but i have no Oct 1, 2014 · If anyones played the game alien swarm, I want the player to rotate 360 degrees based on mouse movement for aiming like it does in that game. Anything would help here is my current code using System. Dec 17, 2015 · When the mouse is on the other side of the character, the character is flipped using the y rotation. 0f; public … Oct 30, 2014 · Hi All! I have a problem with a project: a cube in which a camera moves around in the three axis with the mouse. This is important to have the gun face the proper direction, but I’ve searched through the Scripting API and watched several videos, only to be unsuccessful. I wrote a function called Tilt, getting called in Update, that does it for the most part: private void Tilt() { var amount = Input. But it follows my cursor too fast. But with WASD controls, but with mouse used for aiming. localEulerAngles = new Vector3(-rotation. Rotate(Vector3(Input. Generic; using Apr 8, 2018 · So my question is: how to map the rotation in a way that I actually am able to apply force to the ball, so that it can be shot? Edit more information: By moving my mouse to the left, my players rotate clockwise. position; mousePos = Camera. Unity calculates rotations using Quaternions, which is usually hard to understand for humans, but translates it into Euler angles for readability. The red dot is the middle of the screen The blue dot would be like the zero point where the rotation is made from, so Jul 14, 2019 · public void Update() { mouse = Input. Feb 19, 2017 · Hello I’m trying to make a simple 2D-shooting game (top down) and now I want my character to rotate towards the position of the mouse (360 degrees). { private int speed = 12; private Mar 1, 2020 · In my project I have to make an object follow the mouse pointer. Generic Jun 14, 2022 · I don’t know how to rotate the camera basing on the pressing the left button of the mouse (like dragging, but rotating). GetAxisRaw("Mouse X") * _tiltSpeed; transform. Anyone willing to help me with this? function LookControl () { var mousePos : Vector3 = Input. i’m trying to you the middle mouse button and the mouse movement in order to rotate the character around. Then set the position of the rotating object to that vector + the position of the pivot. I have Apr 19, 2020 · In regards to my issue: I have mad a PlayerController script and in that script is a LookAtMouse Method. Oct 24, 2014 · transform. deltaTime * lerpSpeed);} this makes the object ease out even if the mouse button is released credits to kvl Sep 15, 2024 · Given that the value is periodic, there’s a point in the object’s rotation where the rotation angle skips from the top of the range to the bottom of the range. I have searched a lot for this but none of the solutions seem to work. I am fairly new to Unity Programming but I have some experience with both C# and JavaScript programming languages. So if you rotate a cube in world space, its axes align with the world. I’ve tried several methods including Ray, Quaternion and transform. ScreenPointToRay(mouse); //I'm not sure if castPoint has a position in it or not, but if when you type castPoint. Rotate(Vector3. When yaw is changed the direction that x and y inputs change the rotation of the camera changes as well so I refreshed the up, right and forward vectors update with cameras rotation. I do use the right mouse button down to rotate the camera, but it can jump 180 degrees if that was its previous rotation. I'm having a hard time coming up with a script that will allow me to rotate an object by all three axis based on the direction I move my mouse. position direction = (castPoint. Dec 14, 2012 · I need help with making script that will rotate character left and right based on Mouse Y axis movement and that will look up and down based on Mouse X axis movement. Lerp(fromRotation,toRotation,Time. position + hit. To achieve this, when mouse middle button is clicked I’m setting isKinematic to ‘true’ and then applying rotation. g. If made so the “xRotation” “yRotation” and “zRotation Jan 27, 2025 · Hi, I’m creating a space game, and I’m trying to use quaternions to allow the player to orbit the camera around the ship using the mouse while the “Freelook” key is held down, similar to holding down alt and looking around in Arma/Dayz. y, 0); transform. Thanks a lot. World); } However, as can be seen in this May 10, 2017 · Hi everybody, So, since yesterday, I try to make my main camera to turn around the player when I move my mouse. If you’ve ever played Minecraft and entered third person mode, that’s basically what I’m trying to do; the camera rotates around the player when you move your mouse with a speed and direction pulled from mouse movement. I need to rotate Top Down SpaceShip. MouseXAndY, and never be updated again. deltaTime? Jan 10, 2011 · Sorry if my English is bad 🙂 I working on a platform-shooter game. See how the one can apply mouse input. Would you help me please? rigidbody2D. Basically: track in a variable the total amount the mouse has moved, and then start the rotation each frame from scratch, using that variable. For example, if the mouse is to the right of the screen it will rotate the camera to the target and then a bit to the right. This video is about GameSalad but it shows exactly what I mean. Once I release the mouse middle button, I am setting Jun 1, 2011 · I have a empty in a object that i want to rotate as I move my mouse left and right so that i can have a camera parented to it and have a camera that rotates around the player. z = 0; gunPivot. Been trying every tutorial and its brought me to this, here you go: The top of my player that is supposed to rotate does so along the wrong axes and ends up invisible in a top down view. May 24, 2013 · Hi guys, here u are my goal: I have this cannon and I want to control its rotation on x axis moving the mouse up down. Collections; public class CameraMotion2 : MonoBehaviour { public float zoomSpeed = 4. SmoothDamp’ to smooth out the motion after the drag. When I release the button the cube immediately stops. mousePosition does not work (it rotates all axis, but not z) Could somebody help me? Mar 29, 2008 · Hey guys, if I want to use the mouse axis to control the rotation of an object, how would I do it? Basically, I want Y axis (left/right) mouse movement to control Z rotation (roll), and X axis movement (up/down) to control X rotation (pitch). I think the place where I am getting stuck is how to make the rotation actually occur correctly. The GameObject also contains a Camera, so I want to Turn the whole GameObject to Left/Right with Mouse-X. In the following example, the x and y coordinates of the mouse position are printed when the “Fire1” button is clicked. I am actually using a script that control the movement (with rotation limits processed by clamp method) pressing up arrow and down arrow. Feb 11, 2020 · I have made a ragdoll for my game and now I want to make it’s arms point towards the mouse. In my code I have Mar 7, 2025 · Hello, Im trying to implement camera that has following features: WSAD to move around (this works fairly well) Rotate horizontally with right mouse (this works fairly well) Rotate vertically with right mouse (this is janky, kinda works but not well) Zoom in with mouse scroll (kinda works but it’s janky with combination with rotation) I believe many games have this style of camera. mousePosition); var hit : RaycastHit; if Oct 20, 2014 · Hi I want my sprite object with rigidbody2D to rotate towards mouse. Following this I will try to make a script that allows a camera to follow behind, third-person style. May 15, 2021 · Hello, I'm making a 3D top down shooter and I need the player to rotate around the y axis based on the mouse position. The cockpit will turn left or right and down but not up. So I can`t use rotation function to rotate sprite instantly. In order to rotate my turret to face that point I use Feb 28, 2014 · Hi guys, (LONG STORY SHORT you can skip to Video Record (Second Test Unity Rotate problem Shaking Vibrating - YouTube) ) i am writing a Diablo-like game with orbit camera. deltaTime, but it seems I made another mistake. - transform. position). – Kyle Michiels Feb 12, 2022 · I am working on a above-view shooter game, but have been having a difficult time rotating the player to face the mouse. Aug 29, 2015 · how can i make a area in the screen to where the mouse will not cause the player rotate C# using UnityEngine; using System. Jul 26, 2017 · Hi! I am facing a weird problem. Is it even possible without that “New Input System”? I can’t use it now (I am not a sorcerer) And is there any dependancy on Time. I have the player that walking with the right and left keys and I have the gun. But when I flip it the z rotation doesn’t work as intended obviously. My implementation is based on the idea of this thread about how to rotate a door according to mouse movement. The child of the Dolly is the “CameraAxis Jan 20, 2025 · Hi, I have an object that rotates on it’s X axis using a rigidbody. Apr 4, 2018 · Hi everybody! I’ve been making a flippy knife game and I want to make my knife rotate based on where the mouse position was in the last frame before releasing the button and I have frozen the rotation of the knife in z and y and movement in the z-axis. Lerp(). Please read below if you’re interested in how 4 days ago · Trying to create a 3D first person camera control with yaw controls. this is the script I used to just rotate the knife only to left : using System. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Movement : MonoBehaviour { public CharacterController controller; public Vector3 MovementSpeed Dec 10, 2011 · Hi I found the script below here in the forum. //Max value to add mouse value to, controls speed of rotation. The Box Collider contains a Physics Material where Dynamic/Static Friction is both set to Zero. Generic; using UnityEngine; //This script rotates the player based on the mouse position public class RotatePlayer : MonoBehaviour { //Public variables public Camera playerCam; //Private variables private Ray camRay; private Plane groundPlane; private float rayLength; private Vector3 pointToLook; //Update is called once Jan 15, 2025 · HI im trying to make a game where you charge your weapon on rotating it around the player. I do not want that to happen. Everything worked fine up until today, without any changes to the script or anything related to moving the tank. ScreenPointToRay(Input. position); //Get the Screen position of the mouse Vector2 mouseOnScreen = (Vector2)Camera Oct 3, 2019 · unity; rotation; mouse. There will be no Y rotation (yaw). (I have also tried other numbers). When you hit the plane with your mouse you get a hitPoint which position is calculated with world space, in order words imagine a line starting from the center of your screen and going to your hit point, that’s the direction you apply to your ship, to make your ship rotate towards the mouse you should define a vector direction and then rotate your ship toward that direction: Aug 21, 2013 · Look up mouse input in the docs. I have a Mouse Look script for a First Person view. Lookat()+Input. Kith June 14, Oct 14, 2017 · Hello, I’m trying to make a multiplayer mech battle game but I’m having a problem with the rotation of the cockpit vertically and horizontally. May 2, 2013 · Hey guys, I have a tank sort of player, with the top section of the tank set to rotate towards the direction of the mouse, while the base stays the same. unitypackage. LookAt(target. transform. The problem is I can get the player to rotate to the mouse but it only works if i do 2 or 3 rounds around the character for the character to move its rotation. I’ve found a bunch of examples and tutorials, but there seem to be some slight issue with trying to implement them for myself. Then, look and see how one can rotate. com/CezarySharpOfficial/🛒 Shop: https://www. But I’ve searched through the Unity scripting Mar 5, 2020 · I have a problem with the clamp. Aug 29, 2017 · You’ve got a gimbaling problem. The code that’s the closest is the following: using System. deltaTime*1. Click again, bool is fals and object stops rotating. Given that you want it to spin, I would use HOTween, but it is probably better for you to just learn how to set a bool to be true when clicked. rotation = Quaternion. position); mousePos. How do I solve? void Update() { Vector2 mousePos = Camera. I’m not as familiar with C#, so I’m not sure if maybe this isn’t correct syntax and I’m missing something minor, or if the code is simply incorrect. However, everything I find doesn’t seem to work. The arms are connected to the torso with hinge joints. That will give you the direction the object needs to be; then take that and multiply it by the radius of the circle. But how do I get that into variable? I would somehow need to get some vector towards mouse or rly have no idea how to do this one. mousePosition); Vector2 posScreen = Camera. Jan 23, 2012 · is there a code snippet somewhere where you can use your mouse to rotate an object? (for example in the inventory screen where you’d like to see a character from all 360 degrees) Oct 19, 2015 · Hi, Thanks in advance for help. TRS() function. I’ve been searching around for hours on Google and found the same problem multiple times but none of the codes seemed to work for me. World but can not figure it out. main. up. How can I use the right mouse button (pressed) to rotate the cam? Thanks, Oli Jan 11, 2023 · Camera stuff is pretty tricky… you may wish to consider using Cinemachine from the Unity Package Manager. I dont know how to do that but I have 2 Scripts: 1)rotate the gun on is X,Y,Z axis. However, how does it work if the rotationAxes’ value never changed ? This is the script, public class MouseLook : MonoBehaviour { public enum RotationAxes { MouseXAndY = 0, MouseX = 1, MouseY = 2 } public Jan 25, 2025 · Hello everyone, So I am attempting to rotate my turret to face the mouse cursor point in front of the ship calculated this way: Vector3 mousePos = Input. GetAxis("Mouse X"))*Time. Here’s the code snippet which will make the player transform point towards the mouse position. GetAxis Scripting API page and found a sample code, which I have included at the bottom of my post. Oct 7, 2013 · Hi, Need little clue here. When I press the left mouse button and drag it the cube’s rotation follows the mouse cursor. so if the mouse is to the left of the character, the character would face left and so on. I dont want to chase mouse position. var speed : int; var friction : float; var lerpSpeed : float; private var xDeg : float; private var yDeg : float; private var Sep 27, 2014 · Hello! I have this zombie, and I want him to look at mouse position I know that this question is very trivial, but I tried many ways and I still don’t know how to solve this problem. The problem: whenever I click on a You can specify a rotation in world axes or local axes. position = position; it works gread but now i want an extra feature. E. zip|37154]There’s lots of ways, but here’s an easy one: public class LookTowardMouse : MonoBehaviour { // Update is called once per frame void Update { //Get the Screen positions of the object Vector2 positionOnScreen = Camera. Lerping to smooth Nov 22, 2018 · I’ve spent like 5+ hours watching tons of videos and looking through tons of Unity Answers’ posts, all concerning rotation. it has to slowly accelerate and slow down. My game is a top down view also like alien swarm…check the game out on yt to see what i mean. The GameObject yet only contains a Cube with a Box Collider (NOT is Trigger) and a Rigidbody. Apr 10, 2015 · All I am trying to do is to get the cords of the mouse, then rotate the object towards it. I’ve done a simple script to detect the scroll wheel movement: Jun 2, 2013 · Hi, I’m trying to get my character to either face right or left, based on the mouse position on the world x axis. 2)rotate the gun on is Y axis. Lerp, or on a dual-axis basis with Vector2. Those movement are mapped into angles increments , and are accumulated to the object’s rotation around yAxis and zAxis . First of all sorry for my worse English. lookat and by using the mouse worldToScreenpoint, but it turns out a bit more difficuilt. What I want to achieve is a camera system like the one on this video (at 05 mins 25 secs): So, what I want is: When the character don’t move: The camera can turn around the character following the mouse movement The character do not rotate while the camera rotate around him When Jun 14, 2011 · Unity Discussions Mouse Rotation. public void OnRotationInput(InputAction. void Update() { mousePos = Camera. The code for this is here private Mar 2, 2020 · I have to make my object rotate according to the direction of the mouse. the answer depends on the behaviour you need. mousePosition; mousePos. I’ve attached the code below to a cube. rotation; toRotation = Quaternion. But the problem is when mouse button down the sprite rotates immediately to the mouse position. Which is the best way? Please answer in Sep 22, 2014 · Hi guys, I’ve been trying for a while to make a simple script to enable the player to move around with a tilt on the x plane and to be able to rotate the player using the mouse. GetAxis("Mouse X"); Jan 21, 2010 · I'm having a hard time coming up with a script that will allow me to rotate an object by all three axis based on the direction I move my mouse. I can make LookAt only affect one axis, with something like this: public Transform target; public Vector3 targetPosition; void Update () { targetPosition = new Vector3(0, target. So it would just be 1 rotation variable that I could apply to lets say the y-axis of an object. If Nov 19, 2013 · Alright here’s some background, I have a simple pickup object script that when the mouse is pressed and an object with a rigidbody is visible it will float the object in front of the player. How could I do this? To put the problem into more details, these are how it is set up so far: I have a capsule as Feb 20, 2014 · Instead of using the relative Rotate method, store the angle yourself and then set the transform’s local rotation directly. The player’s position is set at the mouse position and as the mouse moves the player should rotate on the z-axis to face that direction. x, 0); Copy link junaid-mahmood commented Jul 4, 2021 Oct 16, 2018 · Hi all, I’ve been tinkering with the Tanks! tutorial file and have been trying to make the tanks use the mouse to aim, firing and facing in the direction of the cursor, I’ve managed to do this using the code below but the result isn’t exactly what I had hoped for (the cursor controls the tank and it faces but its not overly accurate). Aug 14, 2009 · I am mapping mouse x and mouse y movement to rotation of an object. If you like the video do not Jan 17, 2022 · I am trying to rotate a player according to mouse movement. rotate and nothing works for my problem. Collections Aug 24, 2011 · Hi there For a 2D effect, how can I let my object LookAt my mouse position by just rotating on one axis. point); I’ve May 26, 2009 · Total Unity-newbie-question, sorry. How do I convert the degree of rotation to the flipped version? I use this script to calculate the angle the arms need to be in to face the mouse: // Distance from camera to Oct 16, 2012 · Basically, I am trying to rotate a wheel, in 2D space, in a circle toward the direction of where the mouse is currently located at. Can anyone maybe help out? Jun 14, 2010 · The camera resets to the correct position and rotation when the reset button is clicked, but when I click with the right mouse on the screen the camera jumps back to its previous rotation. my mouse is at x position 300 , then the rotation of the player will be set to 300 times a step (here called "Rotation Speed"). z + 200f; Vector3 point = Camera. 5f; //Adds the value of mouse movement. WorldToViewportPoint(gunPivot. I would like to spin it with the cursor and I can do that know with using transform. position. Euler(0F, totalx , totaly ); The problem occurs after the target Aug 5, 2016 · But I am still having the issue where the mouse doesn’t represent the rotation of the object as when dragged up and down on the RIGHT side of the object it works fine, but when the same thing is done on the LEFT it inverts the effect, making a full rotation during 1 mouse click down impossible unless you just drag straight down, which isn’t Aug 26, 2021 · In the same way that it’s possible to smooth the movement of an object towards the mouse, the rotation of an object can also be eased. When I move the mouse, the camera rotates, but that makes it difficult to point the mouse cursor at something. Nov 7, 2011 · Alright I got a very basic door set up that changes color when you click on it (just to see when the door is active). position = Bottom. The code I’m using doesn’t seem to work. Collections. I still haven’t written out the logic to account for this because, while I was working on it, I found the following: the rotation of Vector3. transform. normalized; //create the rotation we need to be in to look at the target lookRotation Mar 24, 2014 · I found this code for rotating a GameObject with the mouse: transform. Either with the Rotate Towards function, which will rotate the object at a consistent max speed (measured in degrees per second) Like this: Jan 7, 2009 · Have one be at the mouse position (but in 3D space) and have the one you want to rotate in the GUI use something like the following: arrowObject. TL;DR. I find the rotationAxes is initialised as RotationAxes. 0f; public float Jun 22, 2024 · Hi, I made a MyPlayer as GameObject in the Scene Level1. However, when I view the rotation using the mouse using the following code the cube I’m using just wobbles about Aug 1, 2014 · I would like to rotate an object based on the position of the mouse. What I’m trying to do is, when I click and hold mouse middle button I should be able to rotate the object (with rigidbody) on x,y. As I am working on a Viewer Nov 27, 2024 · Hey, I am having issues with pointing my character towards the mouse using the slerp function. So that mouse x → yAxis rotation -(mouse y ) → zAxis rotation totalx += mouse x totaly += mouse y target. y axis is the z axis in the world space. width,Screen. by default input. How can I do this? 😵‍💫 using UnityEngine; using System. I need to stop it’s rotation if mouse is over the wings and they have to face the mouse if it moves and user can able to rotate it just by moving mouse and if user press the mouse button down then wings must fell down. I that the gun will rotate toward the mouse according to the mouse position(X,Y). Generic; using UnityEngine; public class rotate : MonoBehaviour { private Vector3 mousePos; public float addOn; GameObject point; void Start() { point . void Update() { transform. mousePosition Jan 2, 2021 · I’ve been working on a game for nearly a week and, being a near-complete noob with lots of programming experience in anything but c#, I’m stuck while making a movement script. I have the rotation Dec 7, 2021 · How to rotate player based on mouse position | Unity C# ️ Fanpage: https://www. forward, mousePos Dec 11, 2011 · The code from that topic: C# Mono code: using UnityEngine; using System. In other words, a full circular motion around the player will cause the player to rotate 360 degrees. WorldToViewportPoint (transform. With a mouse click on the platform I want to rotate the platform around it’s Y axis. With this script it works but it seems sometimes it doesn’t follow it perfectly. mousePosition); posScreen = Camera. The Overflow Blog Our next phase—Q&A was just the beginning “Translation is the tip of the iceberg”: A deep dive into specialty models Oct 22, 2016 · what rotation you need ? a 360° rotation ? a pitch like in space shooter … on what axis ?. This is what I have so far: Jun 6, 2022 · My google-fu has let me down. But I would like to add the mouse function too. This is my current code: using System. position); float angle = Angle(posScreen Jan 25, 2011 · Hi, I did some research on how exactly to go about rotating an object to face the mouse position. Something similar to this. I would need to modify it to use Space. y, rotation. How would i get a mouse movement left and ri… Rotate Character To Mouse Position (Beginner Friendly Tutorial)In this tutorial I am gonna show you to rotate player character to mouse position in unity. . Customize sensitivity and rotation constraints to tailor the experience to your specific needs. WorldToScreenPoint Jan 21, 2010 · Hi there. CallbackContext context) { Rotation And here is my code: using System. I’m slapping together a diabloesuqe clone. There is the script that moves the camera: using UnityEngine; using System. It’s too exact/fast. It works great but it turns the object around itself, means, once it’s back is front, moving the mouse up becomes down and the other way around. The XY axes are controlled by mouse X and mouse Y, and the zoom (not FOV) with the Mouse ScrollWheel. LookRotation(Vector3. z + 200f; Vector3 … When running in windowed mode with an unconfined cursor, position values smaller than 0 or greater than the screen dimensions (Screen. DrawLine() shows the point being in front of the ship correctly. But when I build everything to a Windows Player and change the resolution, the mouse rotation is slower and more laggy. Nov 1, 2008 · Thanks for the advise monark, The idea of moving the camera instead of the object is a good suggestion. GetAxis("Mouse Y"), Input. Since my camera is rotated to a topdown view the mouse. I’ve managed to do this. I want to control the rotation of a Rigidbody by moving the mouse. I have to rate it so that my gun follows the direction of the mouse but with a rotation limit. mousePosition; var worldPos : Vector3 = Camera Jan 11, 2023 · You can use GetAxisRaw and trivially recreate the smoothing of GetAxis on a single axis basis with Mathf. (locally) I found some code online that is rotating on the horizontal axis, I have tried modifying it to rotate on the vertical axis but it not working properly. Aug 26, 2013 · I’m trying to set up a third person camera that rotates around the player based on the direction you move your mouse. Next thing i wanna do is make the door rotate when i drag the mouse, so for example if i drag the mouse down it rotates towards the player while if you drag the mouse up it rotates away from the player. 0F; public float verticalSpeed = 2. I want a rotation with relative to mouse position. 0f); But I get 3 different errors with the script. With this script it works well the problem is when I turn the object in negative on the X axis that gives problems. WorldToScreenPoint(Input Jan 14, 2010 · fromRotation = transform. I have been working on this for a while and I am about to quit. If that doesn’t make sense then here is a quick image I made to help me explain. I can do it. Its a top down game and I just can’t figure out how to check how much it was spinned. How can I solve it? mousePos = Camera. How can I do the mouse based rotation in unity? I’ve Feb 15, 2021 · Sensitivity seemed to change slightly at certain degrees using Euler. position; camera. I thought I could do this with transform. Changing the yaw makes it so I cannot just turn the camera in x and y axis. World axis rotation uses the coordinate system of the Scene, so when you start rotate a GameObject, its x, y, and z axes are aligned with the x, y, and z world axes. facebook. I want to have a variable so I can control how fast it can lock-on to the mouse pointer. mousePosition); RaycastHit hit; Physics. AddTorque May 24, 2020 · Hi guys. What should happen is the top part should rotate a full 360 degrees to point towards the mouse, but now it only rotates a small Jan 25, 2025 · Hello everyone, So I am attempting to rotate my turret to face the mouse cursor point in front of the ship calculated this way: Vector3 mousePos = Input. Apr 23, 2024 · Hello @ayockel90,. I’m trying to achieve rigidbody rotation using mouse. working great - cheers!!! The script below enables mouse-driven rotation movement with options to control the X-axis, Y-axis, or both concurrently. Along with this I also have a rotate function so that when “r” is pressed the camera freezes position and the object will rotate based on mouse movement… well it should anyway. When I am working in the Editor everything is working as expected. But since I can’t do that I decide to post here. Collections; public class MouseLook : MonoBehaviour { public float mouseLook = 1. I looked at the Input. Ray ray = Camera. I try to make rotate a sprite with mouse drag. Once the weapon reaches -90 ° it fires directly at the rotation of 90 °. Rotate(spinx, spiny, spinz); The following script should rotate your object according to mouse position, using UnityEngine; using System. Dose any one have any ideas Dec 16, 2014 · [37154-looktowardmouse. Ideal for creating immersive character controls or dynamic camera perspectives in Unity projects. private void Update() { pos = Camera. First I thaught there is a problem with Time. Nov 21, 2010 · Hello, My question today is how can i make my player rotate where my mouse is, basically im making a top down shooter and i have the movements but i need it to rotate where ever the mouse is, ive had a little look on forums and cant really find what i need. The basic solution here is very similar to the solution I posted for this question. I´m using the FPSWalker, Mouse Look and Character Controller scripts to walk through my scene. There’s even a dedicated forum: Unity Engine - Unity Discussions Otherwise you would need to implement your own filtering on the inputs or movement accumulator variables, perhaps something with SmoothDamp, or else a simple low-pass filter with historic averaging. Rotate Character To Mouse Position (Beginner Friendly Tutorial) In this tutorial I am gonna show you to rotate player character to mouse position in unity. ScreenToViewportPoint(Input. The rigidbody should always “Look At” the mouse. rotation = rotation; camera. May 18, 2012 · I am making a 2d top down view game and I have a turret which I want to rotate in the direction of my cursor to aim/fire. When the player is turned to the right it works well but when it is turned to the left from problems. LookAt(mouseObject. transform); Then update the rotation of your GUI arrow with the arrowObject’s rotation using the Matrix. I’ve currently arrived at this: //Input Handler Script. Steps Mar 23, 2017 · I’m trying to make my Camera look at a target, but then add an offset for the mouse location. The script is at below. up , amount, Space. Generic; using Apr 4, 2018 · Hi everybody! I’ve been making a flippy knife game and I want to make my knife rotate based on where the mouse position was in the last frame before releasing the button and I have frozen the rotation of the knife in z and y and movement in the z-axis. To clarify a little more for example: no matter what position on it's X, Y, and Z it is in, I'd like the object in to rotate downward and toward me upon moving the mouse downward, rotate leftward no Jul 28, 2015 · I want to make a first person camera that rotates with the mouse. hitrkb kvnzmkno bfthjcy mirth biu frv yhdpx erisukmc wwsshlb zxyal axdgu ncmi zbx jkcfu isqfj