Ufo or aft But if you want to take multiple NPCs from that mod along, there is no possible workaround for this (due to the way UFO breaks the vanilla follower system) short of using another follower management mod. If all you want is multi followers and the relaxe here feature then any of them will suffice. I haven't heard of UFO or AFT in forever they've also not been updated in at least 2 years. Since Immersive AFT seems to equalize things with EFF in terms of compatibility and up-to-date support, it boils down to whether I want the circle-menu from EFF, or the companion leveling from AFT. When I came back to SSE this time (no Oldrim anymore), I discovered that iAFT was extremely outdated and glitchy, and switched to AFT (which I always hated the way it was structured). Because each follower you're wanting to use has been created by a different modder/mod team, they all had their own ways of doing things, so there probably isn't one follower overhaul that UFO enthusiasts and devotees have created organizations, religious cults have adopted extraterrestrial themes, and in general the UFO concept has evolved into a prominent mythos in modern culture. Sep 18, 2015 · Ufo does its stuff via dialogue like in Vanilla game, AFT does it's stuff via complex default menus (not MCM or Flash made menus in that regards, which could count as "outdated"), and even complexer dialogue structure. or other?". It's highly suggested if you're an AFT user that you upgrade to iAFT since there are some fixes included. First, don't use multiple follower mods together. May 4, 2013 · They aren't compatible, so really it depends on what exactly you're after. For my last plays, I also used UFO, and changed to AFT due to dawnguard (and not satisfied). -I later moved to EFF - the command wheel and convenience feels like it beats out the couple of extra functions offered by AFT. Can that be done with AFT? Also, a brawl between followers can be stopped through using both UFO and AFT, however, it's easier with AFT. If you don't use Immersive NPCs it generally plays nice with most other mods. City, home, default and standard. AFT and it's upgrade, iAFT are highly popular. Yeah looking at that AFT now Dec 11, 2014 · i'll try your fix smashly, I figured out that EFF,AFT And UFO are seperate, but I figured that out after I downloaded everything :/. I just used EFF for the moment, because AFT alone and UFO alone aren't working. Aug 13, 2021 · AFT was nice, but UFO does a couple of things I prefer over AFT. Though, I've had issues with some followers not being compatible with AFT (of UFO), particularly ones that have a lot of unusual custom content and scripts. ufo is broken and dead, not worth considering. Hello guys. Using AFT and UFO together is easy and simple enough and they should work together for both dlcs - you need the unoffical patches for all dlcs however Amazing Follower Tweaks looks like it has more options but UFO has way more endorsements, is AFT bugged or something? Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general -Mark Rippetoe Aug 10, 2015 · Been thinking about trying that one my self. Then save and reload and see what happens. It was created to help protect users from doxing, stalking, harassment, and profiling for the purposes of censorship. This comment has been overwritten by an open source script to protect this user's privacy. Other than t Running UFO since its launch, maxed out on 5 followers (Personal choice) and not run into any bugs or incompatability issues so far. So yes: AFT or EFF. EFF is menu based, doesn't change a single line of dialogue. Video information. It offers much-improved inventory management and outfit selection, allows you to set someone's residence and combat style, view their combat stats, assign them spells to use, and much more. UFO adds NPC's that I did not want, and due to my set up and mod load, did not work as well as I hoped. However, on UFO it's possible to render a follower as non-essential(killable) in combat. if you can live without being able to convert your followers into werewolves/vampires (pretty much the only benefit) then use EFF. Haven't tried AFT or EFF on them. More videos View But, since then, I've seen people on message boards saying that UFO is buggy, not updated frequently, etc. I just like the simple wardrobe settings-my followers automatically change to traveling clothes in cities, and casual clothes at home, and it just works. or other?" - Page 3. Compare best AFT, MID and UFO. Jul 5, 2013 · If you have a follower mod such as UFO or AFT, you might want to get the alternate version (look in the collection above). My first post asking a (potentially) dumb question instead of trying to answer one. First, because I'm used to it; I know where the options are. So here is my problem: I know that with EFF, one can have up to 100 Followers. AFT is broken as ♥♥♥♥. Mar 31, 2012 · UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul(v1. UFO in version 1. EFF is more about follower control and gameplay, AFT is more about follower total management. Unfortunately with UFO if you set one to "Everyone dies" they don't regenerate health in their mortal state, i'm not sure about AFT. and AFT gave me problems at some point. So sometimes you'll get a little message from AFT Jun 3, 2014 · The description page for UFO says you can have 15 followers. Feb 20, 2013 · Hi,i just recently started to play this game and i decided to install all the great mods available on Nexus. Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 2 of 2 Posted by u/WickedIssy - 1 vote and 1 comment I know UFO is much more popular than EFF. I'm about 95% sure both UFO and AFT allow you to make any follower kill-able. Huh, thanks for turning me on to Immersive AFT - I might consider switching back from EFF. Fleets of dozens of mysterious UFO drones are surveilling America’s most sensitive military sites, and the Pentagon admits it can’t do much to stop the aerial intruders, according to a new report. UFO does also allow inventory management of followers via dialog options ("You knowyou could dress better"), and, more importantly, includes useful Shouts that govern follower behavior: Stop Fighting, Stay Here, and Follow. I was using UFO, and I did try AFT for a while, but I can't remember why I stopped using AFT. Ufo works ok with dragonborn it still needs a update but there are workarounds to get it to work with the new npcs until that happens. Ditched multiple follower mods sometime ago for roleplaying purposes. Feb 3, 2014 · There are issues with both UFO and AFT (the most notable of which is that it breaks one of Karliah's AI packages in 'Trinity Restored'). Sounds like you didn't properly uninstall UFO before trying out AFT or didn't uninstall AFT properly before reinstalling UFO. Would UFO actually let you change Brynjolf's gear, considering he's only a "temporary", forced follower? Maybe not during that quest, but you can finish the quest and make him a follower afterward (either make a mod or use console commands), and then he'd be treated like any other recruited follower. Oct 26, 2014 · Страница 1 из 4 - UFO vs AFT vs EFF - отправлено в Моды Skyrim: Всем привет. Aside from that mod, many people also recommend Amazing Follower Tweaks. 1. Posted by u/Blackewolfe - 3 votes and 13 comments May 7, 2014 · It's the same triangle with three lights on it but I'm viewing it this time head on and low. Jan 23, 2017 · Okay, between UFO and AFT, UFO is older and perhaps dated. UFO enthusiasts and devotees have created organizations, religious cults have adopted extraterrestrial themes, and in general the UFO concept has evolved into a prominent mythos in modern culture. UFO has some very old and very unreliable code in its background and is also unsupported and very incompatible compared to the other follower overhauls. Far as I know it's the only competitor to AFT. -I originally used UFO, earlier in my modding playthroughs. 2i is much more stable then AFT in version 1. In this lengthy video, I compare and contrast three popular follower mods that are most commonly used on Gems: Ultimate Follower Overhaul Vs. In compatability at least. I would rule out UFO as far as I know- it's ancient, unsupported, and no one uses it anymore. Big problem with AFT is if you use any custom framework followers (except Lucien and any other follower who specifically has a script to block AFT from seeing them) it will try to hook into them even if you don't actively add them to it. 1-Fixed a small bug possibly related to dovahbit disappearing 1. I am in process of rebuilding Skyrim and I am torn between which follower mod to use; Ultimate Follower Overhaul or Amazing Follower Tweaks (I am assuming that they can't be used together, can they?). If you want to sneak at all, this is an incredible feature. 5k. Endorsements. Apr 21, 2013 · UFO is outdated and buggy I kind of disagree. And it is much cleaner. Because each follower you're wanting to use has been created by a different modder/mod team, they all had their own ways of doing things, so there probably isn't one follower overhaul that UFO is on the dangerous list. UFO will only let you take one follower from Interesting NPCs at a time. Added on 16 May 2014 4:33PM. If I may suggest, you could try dumping UFO, Simple Multiple Followers, and AFT - and then possibly pick up EFF? Feb 3, 2014 · More sharing options Followers 1. Also I do like the ability to make sure their AI is working how I want it to. Not true about AFT and EFF. Nov 19, 2013 · UFO is basically an abandoned MOD, AFT stays up to date. I like aft as I see followers as lower ranking as peons to follower my orders, and AFT lets me do that. You should basically be skeptical of any mod older than like 2018 because many are just really clunky and bloated and most have a modern alternative that just runs way better using modern modding practices. Other than t. I hope I haven't completely fucked them with my indecisiveness For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "In your humble opinions which one is better AFT, UFO, EFF. Both of them have the same amount of features, they just focus it in different ways. Jul 1, 2014 · Actually, UFO was last updated more recently than the latest version of AFT (November 2013 for UFO compared to summer 2013 for AFT) - check the update file on the UFO page rather than the main file. Compare three and find best stocks to trading or investing, comparison: charts, predictions, price, outlook, Technical and Fundamental analysis Egad. I prefer to turn off all "boosts", and lately even use "setav attackdamagemult 0. As seen in the video, the black space craft can be seen hovering in the middle of the day. These are all the settings I uncheck on a follower after recruiting with AFT: [_] NPC combat regen boost May 16, 2014 · Skyrim Mod Comparison - UFO Vs AFT Vs EFF. With AFT, I still had compatibility issues with some follower mods, and it was causing some odd issues with one particularly complicated follower. Uploaded by Hawxog. Is this true? Jun 26, 2014 · I tested both UFO and AFT. However, I also read that you can't really uninstall AFT without starting a new game, because it leaves scripts, etc. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "In your humble opinions which one is better AFT, UFO, EFF. Aug 8, 2014 · So I ordered the AFT kit with all the upgrades including the IsIs bottom bracket. Not all old mods are bad obviously, but AFT is pretty dated Oct 22, 2016 · Usually you require a follower mod such as UFO or AFT to make your follower keep a specific armor set. That being said, I've been meaning to switch to AFT for a while now So it's fine except if you want to use it with DLCs, ie it's outdated. A lot of UFO's features don't work on DLC followers like Frea, Tedryn or Serana so just save those console commands from my previous comment. EFF has less problems and supports up to 100 followers. These are the AFT options I tend to use with Convenient Horses. Dec 5, 2016 · If I recall correctly, UFO is on the master list of outdated mods, and is reportedly less stable than the newer ones, like AFT and EFF. Sep 10, 2013 · At this point, no one should be using UFO. I use UFO, it doesn't have the functionality that AFT does but since I know console commands pretty well (long before I started modding) it does everything I need it to. 66, mainly due to the fact that AFT has a lot of BETA features There's a new AFT!! Thanks for the guidance on this. UFO worked but it felt weird because you had to mentally tie in phrases of text to a result that you'd get after talking to them. AFT has a lot of features, but some of them don't work, are buggy as heck, and for some reason people are complaining that his dialogue is dirty and changes/prevents some dialogue in the actual game. I have tried both (and FLP) and always end up going back to AFT (I have used iAFT and AFT-MCM as well)-but I believe this is just due to my familiarity and comfort level with it. It has almost everything UFO and AFT has. I'm doing this topic in the hope of being answered clearly. I'd actually recommend Extensible Follower Framework over either UFO or AFT. I've heard that UFO is quite old and glitchy. 41. Sep 21, 2019 · AFT ist wie zum Beispiel UFO oder EFF eine Mod mit der Ihr: - NPC können auf essential gestellt . Hello. However, I would recommend Extensible Follower Framework. I'm not sure but try talking to Tina the Firefly on river island by Riverwood, three times should reset everything to default. GOALS: Make it simple, so it works even for people that don't read description instruction. I have UFO and the mod lets me change her items but she defaults back to a dress. Never heard of Follower Mod though. As I said, they conflict with each other a lot. AFT also has a good Camping/Survival option, whereas I think EFF does some cool stuff with Vampires and Werewolves. You are asking for trouble in the form of script conflicts. aft. But It does most of what you want to do Oct 24, 2015 · Hey there LL community I have a question about UFO (Ultimate follower overhaul)Currently i'm using AFT (Amazing follower tweaks). Jan 25, 2015 · Use EFF. 5" in the console to make the follower less powerful and let me enjoy combat more. There is also IAFT (Immersive) which is a continuation of the original AFT, and is still being supported. Блуждая по просторам нексуса, я наткнулся на 3-ку Топовых модов для улучшения спутников. If you don't mind that, they won't have other problems working together. UFO is more basic. EFF I've never used myself, so I can't really comment. If you only use vanilla framework followers though, it's fine. =) I switched to AFT as well, UFO is great if you can live some of the forced changes it makes. AFT has a great amount of features, but conflicts heavily with Immersive NPC followers. I have A TON of followers and standalone mods that help followers, I'll post my list later most likely. 14 Oct 2014 I have come across a couple of mods that I would like top of page Sidebar -> Dangerous Mods: "Ultimate Follower Overhaul (UFO) - Rating: Six (6) Replaced by: Extensible Follower Framework (EFF) While many people still play with UFO without problem, the core of the mod has several issues in regards to how it manages followers and updates them, further complicated by some very old and messy code that the author has stated would need to be rewritten before the AFT is old AF and really outdated. You should ditch UFO since it's not being updated anymore and the scripting can cause issues. And I think you can give the skill and stuff. May check that one out on my next playthrough. 8 Skyrim or higher required) UFO is a set of tools and enhancements to the followers system that will allow for better control and usability of followers. Second, because I use Dynamic Timescale and AFT complains at me when I'm in the wilds and the timescale goes up to 24. the mod automatically works and can be forced with a spell if necessary. AFT for Xbox users is the best way to go if you want versatility and you want to ride horses and use Survival mode. Jan 2, 2023 · Welp. Main reason I use this over the others is bc it compatible with SDA and has the features I loved from AFT. Simple to use, mostly reliable, and just the right amount of tweaks. -I moved to AFT - more compatible with other mods, lots of nifty capabilities. That said, they are both great follower mods whichever you choose. The last actual update of regular AFT (in the files section) was May 1, 2013. Give new and expand existing follower options. . 2-Added wearable headgear: Imperial medium, leather, forsworn, merchant hat, jester hat, chef hat Posted by u/WickedIssy - 1 vote and 1 comment I know UFO is much more popular than EFF. In my case, EFF seems to work much better than either AFT or UFO in that regard. Many different possible little bugs occur and I'm wondering if there's something I need to add to custom followers to get them to behave themselves and where I could find that information? AFT isn't perfect, but if you want to be INCHARGE of your followers AFT is the better choice. EFF just makes things better. Blur Busters UFO Motion Tests with ghosting test, 30fps vs 60fps, 120hz vs 144hz vs 240hz, PWM test, motion blur test, judder test, benchmarks, and more. its an upgrade, but not much. Jun 3, 2014 · However, now that I've tried AFT, it's indispensable: Stealth Mode. The bike I'm gonna use was my primary freeride bike until I got a Zerode, It's a Nicolai UFO ST which is a super well built German bike with fully adjustable geometry. It allows a huge bunch of followers, but seems to only allow one set of armor/clothes to be assigned per follower (at least I didn't find how to do more than one). I would go with ufo, Aft hasn't been updated since dragonborn so you will have issues even in original skyrim. AFT is the most stable and up-to-date follower mod available. This time it seemed impossibly low (either that or the craft is VERY large) and the blue lights unblurred like they were free of the "fog" and the fourth light mentioned was trailing slightly behind it to it's aft port side. Sep 5, 2021 · So, I've used to simply slap in UFO in elder days of Oldrim, than moved over to AFT, than iAFT and kept with that for years. It seems like many people prefer AFT (Amazing Follower Tweaks) for stability & compatibility. Apr 29, 2014 · It seemed to be more compatible with things than UFO. Total views. 8M subscribers in the skyrim community. I use AFT because i prefer the feature set and a few UFO features i dont really want or need. 33. Read up on what they do, and make your decision based on that. This is the single reason everyone says avoid UFO, because skyrim changes a LOT from update to update, and UFO has not been updated to work with the newest skyrim versions, or the mods updated to work with the new skyrim version. The aft portion of the space craft can clearly be seen generating an orange energy field (most likely a graviton field), and this main/initial mass is the brightest portion of the field because it contains the most energy. AFT can do a lot more but is more complicated. However, I keep seeing good comments about EFF, and bug reports using UFO (90% should be user-problem but I can't be sure) So I think I should compare these two and listen to more opinions. Posted by u/Celebril63 - 2 votes and 7 comments Feb 3, 2014 · More sharing options Followers 1. Menu navigation when talking to followers is SIGNIFICANTLY better organized in AFT on top of the fact that that it has more features and works better with custom follower mods for me than UFO ever did. I use Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks. I personally use AFT, because I prefer dialogue rather than the menus that EFF uses, but it's really personal preference. Normally i choose for my followers the auto equip change, to see their full inventory and give them the armors i want. Dec 6, 2016 · For instance, when using UFO, no "Follow Me" option appears or when using AFT, they say ok but then don't follow you out of the cell or whatever. UFO seems to work perfectly fine in vanilla (for me at least). UFO is outdated and not supported anymore, best to avoid it. Amazing Followe Mar 1, 2013 · Theres also EFF. Jul 23, 2013 · ufo DOES work for DB - your files clearly must not be in the correct orders. A subreddit about the massively popular videogame The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, by Bethesda studios. It all really comes down to preference. UFO is outdate and AFT is just EFF with less features. If you play with any of the DLCs, or any mod that adds followers, it starts getting frustrating. between AFT and EFF, AFT is more script intense mod. EFF or AFT Edit: Also, I highly recommend using UFO or AFT, but not both. Funny though UFO worked fine. 2. Also, if the armor's stats are lower then their base armor they will ditch the new stuff and go with what's better. Jul 28, 2014 · More sharing options Followers 0 0 Aug 12, 2015 · EFF is the most up to date. Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 2 of 2 No regrets. I tried a new save and its so janky and broken, that after uninstalling the mod clean, i cant recruit anyone. Man, I've had all three of the mentioned mods installed at some point in my current saves. Not sure how well it relates to EFF, AFT, or UFO. Many custom followers work on their own system as you already know, which is either incompatible with AFT/UFO/EFF or just overrides the follower overhauls. Or get both!-----Changelog: 1. UFO is simple and EFF is a nice medium imo. Since AFT's clothing system is optional, and EFF's outfit system is a plugin that can be disabled through the MCM, it should work fine with them. EFF or AFT Jan 23, 2017 · Okay, between UFO and AFT, UFO is older and perhaps dated. EFF is closer to AFT as far as customizing goes, but it isn't as buggy. I know most of you are on PC, so you have more options, but for Xbox folks I recommend AFT with any relevant patches for your load order. I use UFO for two reasons. I'm sure both are fine. It has good outfir system like aft. So, ATM I'm using UFO but since i want to install "My home is your Home" and i found the existence of aft and fft, i m curious about wich one is betterand gives less problems and what you t SKYRIM UFO OR AFT PC Characters with 'EvenTone,' 'Commoner,' 'Sultry' and 'YoungEager' voice set can Last time I used Inigo and Hoth I was using UFO. Don't use it - it is indeed old. I really love this bike, its totally custom with every component being top of the line for its time. Right now I am testing EFF, after having tried UFO and AFT extensively. Everyone turns invisible, generally stays undetected (Dwarven Luggage is a bit too noisy; he gets detected -- but the cool thing is you can even manage mod follower/creatures like that with AFT; it's compatible with most). If you want more than 5 followers use EFF which has less options but is much more stable than UFO. So i have not played this in a while and wanted to know if i should use ultimate follower overhaul or Amazing Follower Tweaks or is there an even better option now? I don't want 50 followers or something crazy i just want a 3 person party and the ability to level up and equip my followers. The tweaks are hidden out of the way. Some investigators now prefer to use the broader term unidentified aerial phenomenon (or UAP), to avoid the confusion and speculative associations Learn more about the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), which was founded in 1916 to represent the economic, social and professional interests of classroom teachers and is an affiliated international union of the AFL-CIO. You can recruit followers, give them nicknames, command all of them or individually, and has a nifty companion wheel. I was planning to create a Skyrim army for a semi-narrative Let's play, but it is a rather big project, especially since the army includes a division for vampires and a division for lycanthropes. Just compare the features list and the one with the features you want is the one to use. Which follower mod do you prefer, UFO or AFT or EFF? Is one or the other more compatible with Convienient Horses? Aug 13, 2021 · UFO or AFT? So i have not played this in a while and wanted to know if i should use ultimate follower overhaul or Amazing Follower Tweaks or is there an even better option now? I don't want 50 followers or something crazy i just want a 3 person party and the ability to level up and equip my followers. It I'm not sure that you need it to enable multiple followers, but I find it necessary to make multiple followers functional. Than I noticed that even AFT was outdated and working funny. No problems there. So either UFO or Nethers Sep 6, 2014 · Between those two, I prefer AFT.
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