Tailwind css theme function.
Mar 8, 2025 · Use the css.
Tailwind css theme function Directives are custom Tailwind-specific at-rules you can use in your CSS that offer special functionality for Tailwind CSS projects. gray. The following is a guide on how to define light and dark themes using Tailwind v4: Since the CSS is generated based on the class name, Tailwind can recognize classes using arbitrary values like bg-[#316ff6] and generate the necessary CSS, even when the value isn't part of your theme. Jul 3, 2024 · Is there anyway to use the theme() syntax for declaring a css variable with tailwind and using an opacity modifier after? /*globals. content-area {height: calc (100 vh-theme (spacing For more information about Tailwind's responsive design features, check out the Responsive Design documentation. content-area {height: calc (100 vh-theme (spacing Sep 5, 2021 · You're are referencig the function inside it self, creating an infinite loop and thus exceding js callstack. css */ @import ' tailwindcss '; @theme {--color-primary: #aab9ff;} Functions. medium screen sizes and above: < Examples of building buttons with Tailwind CSS. If it is, the function changes the theme to Every section of the config file is optional, so you only have to specify what you’d like to change. In Tailwind v3 this is how I changed the custom CSS properties depending on the them CSS theme variables. medium screen sizes and above: Aug 20, 2020 · Tailwind's functions and directives only work if your CSS is proccessed by Tailwind. Please tell me a fix to solve this problem. We’ll focus on using CSS variables in Sep 20, 2023 · This article aims to guide you through creating and using themes in Tailwind CSS, with a focus on the value of consolidating repetitive parameters and practical examples of theme values in components. Theme variables are special CSS variables defined using the @theme directive that influence which utility classes exist in your project. Start using Tailwind’s utility classes to style your content, making sure to import your Tailwind CSS theme for any <style> blocks that need to be processed by Tailwind. php; Add Theme Metadata to style. Learn more about customizing your theme in the theme documentation. Instead of using pixel values, we'll reach for those theme values with Tailwind's theme function. They provide an equivalent or better developer experience but with more flexibility, giving you more control over how Tailwind and PostCSS are configured. ts file. Overriding the default spacing scale. Customizing Timing values. ts file I need to add in my project, but in tailwind v4 I have no tailwind. We think this is the best choice for most projects, and have found it easier to maintain than using abstract names like primary or danger. This can be a useful alternative to @apply when you want to reference a value from your theme configuration for only part of a declaration:. 5 First of all, I am almost sure that it is not a bug, but that I am doing something wrong, I just can't find the problem. You may also find that most of the things you’ve used variables for in the past can be replaced with Tailwind’s theme() function, which gives you access to all of your design tokens from your tailwind. As described in the theme documentation, if you’d like to override the default spacing scale, you can do so using the theme. exports = {important: true,} Now all of Tailwind's utility classes will be generated as !important: The default key also needs to be specified when accessed via the theme() function: theme Beautiful UI components by the creators of Tailwind CSS. css. Generate an optimized CSS output file. 300', 'currentColor'), }), It would look like this with your code colors: (theme) => ({ alert: theme('colors. spacing section of your tailwind. Here’s an example of creating custom responsive hover classes: Setting up Tailwind CSS in a SvelteKit project. Search. Interactivity. We use CSS variables extensively within Tailwind itself, so if you can use Tailwind, you can use native CSS variables. Use utilities with no variant to target light mode, and use the dark variant to provide overrides for dark mode: You may also find that most of the things you’ve used variables for in the past can be replaced with Tailwind’s theme() function, which gives you access to all of your design tokens from your tailwind. js 15. 4 days ago · 从基础的utility-first理念出发,通过大量实战案例,帮助读者掌握Tailwind CSS的开发思维和技术要点。 不仅涵盖了框架的基础用法,还深入探讨了自定义配置、性能优化、组件设计等进阶主题,让读者能够在实际项目中高效地应用Tailwind CSS。 We highly recommend using Vite, Next. This is just a shorthand for ease-[var(<custom-property>)] that adds the var() function for you automatically. medium screen sizes and above: 除了 screens、colors 和 spacing 之外,theme 对象中的所有键都映射到 Tailwind 的 core plugins 之一。由于许多插件负责仅接受一组静态值的 CSS 属性(例如 float),请注意并非每个插件在 theme 对象中都有相应的键。 Apr 17, 2024 · React JS and Tailwind CSS should be installed and set up on your computer. With Tailwind CSS v4. css*/ @layer base { :root { /*these work fine*/ --almost- Skip to main content Create beautiful color themes for Tailwind CSS and shadcn/ui. For the smallest file size and best development experience, we highly recommend relying on your content configuration to tell Tailwind which classes to generate as much as possible. The exception to this is the extend key, which is collected across all configurations and applied on top of the rest of the theme configuration. Directives. It also works recursively, so as long as there is a static value at the end of the chain it will be able to resolve the value you are looking for. theme() Use the theme() function to access your Tailwind config values using dot notation. js file. js file is where you define your project’s color palette, type scale, fonts, breakpoints, border radius values, and more. Learn more about customizing your theme in the Theme Configuration documentation. When overriding the default variants, make sure you always specify all the variants you’d like to enable, not just the new ones you’d like to add. 0:20. 0. Except for screens, colors, and spacing, all of the keys in the theme object map to one of Tailwind's core plugins. Good luck. Let me show you what I'm trying to do. This is just a shorthand for w-[var(<custom-property>)] that adds the var() function for you automatically. Use the @tailwind directive to insert Tailwind’s base, components, utilities and variants styles into your CSS. To remove a default breakpoint, reset its value to the initial keyword: Setting up Tailwind CSS in a Vite project. For example text-lg and text-black both share the text-namespace, but one is for font-size and the other is for color. Mar 8, 2025 · Use the css. Live preview, instant export, and perfect color harmony. In 'tailwind. Instead, import Tailwind into globals. dark in your CSS. screens') theme ('screens') If you'd like to reference the user's variants configuration, it's recommended that you use the variants() function instead of the config function. By default Tailwind provides four general purpose transition-timing-function utilities. Pseudo-classes: Work within CSS using Tailwind's utilities for states like hover, focus, etc. 0 or later: For more information about Tailwind's responsive design features, check out the Responsive Design documentation. For example, this simplified version of the built-in container plugin uses the theme function to get the user’s configured breakpoints: Theme. Prefix a width utility with a breakpoint variant like md: to only apply the utility at . Removing default breakpoints. 5 days ago · Starting from TailwindCSS v4, the CSS-first configuration is preferred, meaning the init process and the tailwind. ' Tailwind uses rem for the default breakpoints, so if you are adding additional breakpoints to the defaults, make sure you use rem as well. css index. js replacing the same top-level keys in any presets. Using the example @theme from earlier, all of these values will be added to your CSS to as regular custom properties: Customizing your theme. Functions. Example For more information about Tailwind’s responsive design features, check out the Responsive Design documentation. It's got hundreds of ready-to-use examples to choose from, and is guaranteed to help you find the perfect starting point for what you want to build. Tailwind CSS uses custom CSS syntax like @theme, @variant, and @source, and in some editors this can trigger warnings or errors where these rules aren't recognized. extend. 0 takes all of your design tokens and makes them available as CSS variables by default, so you can reference any value you need at run-time using just CSS. In this article, I'll walk through my journey of implementing a dynamic theme toggle, share my learnings of both frameworks. function: CSS. Generate a Tailwind config file for your project using the Tailwind CLI utility included when you install the tailwindcss npm package: This means that you can't feed output from Tailwind's theme() function into a Sass color function for example, because the theme() function isn't actually evaluated until your Sass has been compiled to CSS and fed into PostCSS. 9. Utilities for controlling the color scheme of an element. 12'));} This can be really useful when using Tailwind with existing CSS that has high specificity selectors. Creating your configuration file. Jan 25, 2025 · Tailwind v4 has changed significantly the light/dark theme design due to the removal of tailwind. What you want is a reference to the default values. Use the @source directive to explicitly specify source files that aren't picked up by Tailwind's automatic content detection: Customizing the default theme for your project. Responsive design. Because the theme() is a Tailwind function the value is NOT available during your preprocessor compilation. The prefers-color-scheme media query tells you whether the user prefers a light theme or dark theme, and is usually configured at the operating system level. Tailwind adds a few custom functions you can use in your CSS to access Tailwind-specific values. When using arbitrary values, Tailwind can generally handle this ambiguity automatically based on the value you pass in: The theme() function attempts to find the value you are looking for from the fully merged theme object, so it can reference your own customizations as well as the default theme values. Use @theme to add custom colors to your project under the --color-* theme Many utilities in Tailwind share a common namespace but map to different CSS properties. the function checks if your app is currently set to the “dark” theme. Note that the theme function is really just a shortcut for using the config function to access the theme section of the user's config: // These are equivalent config ('theme. Each package should share a @theme configuration to ensure consisten CSS theme variables. js. These functions are evaluated at build-time, and are replaced by static values in your final CSS. I want to use the theme() function inside of CSS files in different packages. I have been trying to use Aceterni 您提供给 @config 指令的路径相对于该 CSS 文件,并且优先于 PostCSS 配置或 Tailwind CLI 中定义的路径。. transitionTimingFunction in your tailwind. One of the key new features in v4 is the ability to customize the theme directly in a CSS file instead of the Tailwind config. The theme() function attempts to find the value you are looking for from the fully merged theme object, so it can reference your own customizations as well as the default theme values. To access values from your Tailwind config, simply use the theme() function with dot notation. Install tailwindcss and its peer dependencies via npm, and then run the init command to generate both tailwind. 1. My config file l 0:07. 1! For a complete list of every fix and improvement check out the release notes, but here's the highlights: First-party TypeScript types; Built-in support for CSS imports in the CLI; Change color opacity when using the theme function; Easier CSS variable color configuration; Border spacing utilities Customizing your theme. Setup Step 1. js file directly in your CSS: Mar 9, 2025 · Here is the tailwind. This particular situation is explained further in the documentation. This is just a shorthand for opacity-[var(<custom-property>)] that adds the var() function for you automatically. 0 generates variables for all theme values so the theme() function is not necessary. @theme. Disabling a default color. For editing any existing configuration settings, edit them where they currently exist, whether in the CSS or JS/TS configuration file(s). js for any new features, unless specifically asked to make changes in the JS Tailwind config file (tailwind. Try to log theme and you'll see. The theme section of your tailwind. Jun 7, 2022 · So here it is — Tailwind CSS v3. CSS-first configuration - TailwindCSS v4 Blog; Functions and directives - TailwindCSS v4 Docs; New configuration option in v4 - StackOverflow; Customize theme with CSS-first directives Dec 10, 2024 · I'm trying to use tailwindcss in a monorepo setup. Compile those utility classes into standard CSS. js file: Oct 23, 2020 · Tailwindcss v. export default function App {return Jan 6, 2025 · Using the theme() function. Theme. my-class { background-color: var(--color-red-500); } This is just a shorthand for w-[var(<custom-property>)] that adds the var() function for you automatically. Since they do more than regular CSS variables, Tailwind uses special syntax so that defining theme variables is always explicit. js', the 'Theme' section lets you define your project's color palette, type scale, fonts, breakpoints, border radius values, and more. Prefix an animation utility with a breakpoint variant like md: to only apply the utility at . Директивы являются настраиваемыми, специфичными для Tailwind at-rules, которые вы можете использовать в своем CSS, которые предлагают специальные функции для проектов Tailwind CSS. php functions. Safelisting classes. Tailwind は、CSS で Tailwind 固有の値にアクセスするために使用できるカスタム関数をいくつか追加します。これらの関数はビルド時に評価され、最終的な CSS で static 値に置き換えられます。 theme() Recently came across Adam Wathan's tweet where he advises to use theme function instead of @apply directive. ts). You just have to import them like this: Theme variables aren't just CSS variables — they also instruct Tailwind to create new utility classes that you can use in your HTML. We've integrated Lightning CSS directly into the framework so you don't have to configure anything about your CSS pipeline. Prefix an opacity utility with a breakpoint variant like md: to only apply the utility at . content-area {height: calc (100 vh-theme (spacing Директивы. Tailwind CSS v4. Any missing sections will fall back to Tailwind’s default configuration. You change, add, or remove these by customizing the transitionTimingFunction section of your Tailwind theme config. content-area {height: calc (100 vh-theme ('spacing. Using arbitrary values While you can usually build the bulk of a well-crafted design using a constrained set of design tokens, once in a while you need to break out of those constraints to get things pixel-perfect. Create beautiful, consistent color themes for your applications using AI or manual tools Mar 6, 2025 · Use the @theme directive in CSS instead of tailwind. Step-by-Step Example Using @theme and @variant. css Tailwind uses rem for the default breakpoints, so if you are adding additional breakpoints to the defaults, make sure you use rem as well. css: @import "tailwindcss"; Step 4: Customizing Dark Mode in globals. A starter Nextjs Boilerplate theme built with Tailwind CSS Get notified when we add new designs. Tailwind doesn't include pre-designed button styles out of the box, but they're easy to build using existing utilities. This blog outlines the steps for using Tailwind with CRA. Using the example @theme from earlier, all of these values will be added to your CSS to as regular custom properties: 9 hours ago · 在大型项目中,良好的代码组织和维护策略对于项目的可持续发展至关重要。本节将介绍如何在使用 Tailwind CSS 的项目中组织和维护代码,以提高开发效率和代码 Sep 16, 2020 · Tailwind is applied during the PostCSS phase which is after less, scss, sass processors. Using and customizing the color palette in Tailwind CSS projects. @tailwind. Jan 22, 2025 · CSS theme variables. Naming your colors. Using the example @theme from earlier, all of these values will be added to your CSS to as regular custom properties: Tailwind CSS Theme Configuration specifies theme for the project. js 文件中的所有设计标记: Jan 26, 2025 · In the past, changing themes in Tailwind involved toggling styles manually using class names like . Dec 1, 2024 · Dark mode support has become a fundamental aspect of modern web applications, and I recently tackled this feature for my personal blog using Tailwind CSS v4 beta with Next. 500'), 10 %);} 4 days ago · 插件系统是 Tailwind CSS 的核心特性之一,它允许我们扩展和定制框架的功能。通过开发插件,我们可以添加新的工具类、组件和功能,使 Tailwind CSS 更好地满 theme() Use the theme() function to access your Tailwind config values using dot notation. Theme values (like colors, font sizes, spacing) can be defined with CSS variables like so: /* app/styles. Here are a few examples to help you get an idea of how to build components like this using Tailwind. . Color definition is ok because it works with normal usage like: 3 days ago · 从基础的utility-first理念出发,通过大量实战案例,帮助读者掌握Tailwind CSS的开发思维和技术要点。 不仅涵盖了框架的基础用法,还深入探讨了自定义配置、性能优化、组件设计等进阶主题,让读者能够在实际项目中高效地应用Tailwind CSS。 Create a New Theme Directory: Navigate to wp-content/themes in your WordPress installation and create a folder for your new theme: mkdir my-tailwind-theme; Add Required Theme Files: In your theme folder, create the following files: style. Sep 5, 2021 · borderColor: (theme) => ({ theme('colors'), default: theme('colors. Going through the Tailwind's doc on `theme` function, I see vanilla CSS accessing the theme function to create CSS classes which defeats the purpose of using Tailwind CSS. With Tailwind v4’s @theme and @variant directives, the process becomes more structured and scalable. 3 days ago · 从基础的utility-first理念出发,通过大量实战案例,帮助读者掌握Tailwind CSS的开发思维和技术要点。 不仅涵盖了框架的基础用法,还深入探讨了自定义配置、性能优化、组件设计等进阶主题,让读者能够在实际项目中高效地应用Tailwind CSS。 Theme variables aren't just CSS variables — they also instruct Tailwind to create new utility classes that you can use in your HTML. Got it? It's a circular reference. v4. medium screen sizes and above: < There aren’t many valid use-cases for this — safelisting is usually what you really want instead. js, Remix, or Parcel instead of Create React App. For example, you can add a new color to your project by defining a theme variable like --color-mint-500 : Use the @theme directive to define your project's custom design tokens, like fonts, colors, and breakpoints: /* */ Learn more about customizing your theme in the theme variables documentation. 你可能还会发现,你过去使用变量的大部分事情都可以用 Tailwind 的 theme() 函数代替,它使你可以直接在 CSS 中访问 tailwind. js module. With Tailwind, you can use custom functions in your CSS to access Tailwind-specific values. Built-in @import handling — no need to setup and configure a tool like postcss-import. The theme object is merged shallowly, with top-level keys in tailwind. These functions are calculated at build time and are converted into static values in the final CSS. To generate utilities as !important, set the important key in your configuration options to true: // tailwind. medium screen sizes and above: < ¥We use CSS variables extensively within Tailwind itself, so if you can use Tailwind, you can use native CSS variables. color-scheme. Instead of just using a pixel value, we will use the CSS calc() function to explicitly communicate how we landed on that value. If you're using VS Code, our official Tailwind CSS IntelliSense plugin includes a dedicated Tailwind CSS language mode that has support for all of the custom at-rules and functions Tailwind автоматически переместит любой CSS в директиве @layer в то же место, что и соответствующее правило @tailwind, поэтому вам не нужно так сильно беспокоиться об авторстве CSS в определенном порядке, чтобы избежать проблем со Tailwind Plus is a collection of beautiful, fully responsive UI components, designed and developed by us, the creators of Tailwind CSS. Dec 13, 2024 · Step 3: Configuring Tailwind CSS. It’s important to note that when overriding variants, variants are generated in the order you specify them, so variants at the end of the list will take precedence over variants at the beginning of the list. borderWidth section of your tailwind. Jan 25, 2025 · Utilize the valuable functions and directives, such as: Media Queries: Define responsive styles using custom breakpoints established in @theme. If you’d like to disable a default color because you aren’t using it in your project, the easiest approach is to just build a new color palette that doesn’t include the color you’d like to disable. Ordering variants. Use @theme to add custom colors to your project under the --color The divide width scale inherits its values from the borderWidth scale by default, so if you’d like to customize your values for both border width and divide width together, use the theme. js file directly in your CSS: A reference for the custom functions and directives Tailwind exposes to your CSS. From what you've shared it looks like your CSS modules aren't ran through Tailwind and so Tailwind's theme() function is never compiled down to pure CSS. TailwindCSS function to process your Tailwind CSS files. You can remove the tailwind. Configuration reference. js and postcss. ) and a numeric scale (where 50 is light and 900 is dark) by default. This will generate classes like p-13, m-15, and h-128 in addition to all of Tailwind’s default spacing/sizing utilities. This is just a shorthand for animate-[var(<custom-property>)] that adds the var() function for you automatically. config. Mar 9, 2024 · Theme configuration in CSS. red. To remove a default breakpoint, reset its value to the initial keyword: Configuring which utility variants are enabled in your project. Won't work, Sass is processed first. transitionTimingFunction or theme. js or tailwind. For the next-themes package to handle. This function uses the Tailwind CSS CLI to: Scan your templates for Tailwind CSS utility class usage. Tailwind uses literal color names (like red, green, etc. The config, theme, and variants functions allow you to ask for a value from the user’s Tailwind configuration using dot notation, providing a default value if that path doesn’t exist. By default, Tailwind provides four general purpose transition-timing-function utilities. js file directly in your CSS: Mar 6, 2024 · Tailwind CSS v4 isn't just a plugin anymore — it's an all-in-one tool for processing your CSS. js file: This will add classes like bg-blue-450 without losing existing classes like bg-blue-400 or bg-blue-500. js file have been removed. Feb 1, 2022 · It works when it's in tailwind. js but I had to move this part due to tailwind update from 1->3 and removing deprecated custom-forms plugin definition from config to css files. alert {background-color: darken (theme ('colors. Tailwind CSS on GitHub. Install the Tailwind CSS CLI v4. If you want to change things like your color palette, spacing scale, typography scale, or breakpoints, add your customizations to the theme section of your tailwind. You can customize these values by editing theme. Tailwind recommends that all theme() functions in your project be replaced with CSS variables wherever possible: @import "tailwindcss"; . red') }) Dec 20, 2023 · In this article, we’ll explore the impact of clean architecture principles in theming — including how it influences and impacts web applications. Twice a month I share the best Tailwind templates, UI kits and components in my newsletter. Prefix a transition-timing-function utility with a breakpoint variant like md: to only apply the utility at . The default key also needs to be specified when accessed via the theme() function: theme Beautiful UI components by the creators of Tailwind CSS. 0, configuration shifts from JavaScript to CSS. The theme function is calling the colors function inside the colors functions. 请注意,如果您使用 postcss-import,则 @import 语句需要位于 @config 之前才能正常工作,因为 postcss-import 严格遵循 CSS 规范,该规范要求 @import 语句位于文件中的任何其他规则之前。 Since the entire theme object is available in your CSS using the theme function, you might also add a key just to be able to reference it in your CSS. kdtwt nvm lcsbg pttepnv gfhn mfbegmn ncrzwf ewqiy cme wdsbt ewpmk otnlr iavl hvaty esrc