Python docstring return. More Control Flow Tools¶.

Python docstring return Er staan docstrings bij onder andere alle functies, methods en classes. Aug 14, 2014 · This class docstring shows how to use sphinx and rst syntax. rather than listing the return name and type on one line. I want to document what type of object get_new_foo returns, and I don't understand what/how to document it. As per the Python docstring conventions: The docstring for a function or method should summarize its behavior and document its arguments, return value(s), side effects, exceptions raised, and restrictions on when it can be called (all if applicable). 4 x64; Python 3. If you want the extension to generate docstrings in Sphinx format, you must set the "autoDocstring. More Control Flow Tools¶. Please see the companion informational PEP describing style guidelines for the C code in the C implementation of Python. May 30, 2019 · Python function docstring should specify the behavior, input arguments, return types, and exceptions. Feb 15, 2024 · Python Mehrzeilige Docstrings Laut Python-Glossar ist docstring das erste String-Literal, das unmittelbar nach der Definition einer Klasse, Methode oder Funktion angezeigt wird. For example: Jan 5, 2015 · What is the docstring convention when a function doesn't return anything? For example: def f(x): """Prints the element given as input Args: x: any element Returns: """ My concern is the :rtype: comment in the docstring; if a function returns multiple values, as this example does, how should the :rtype: be written in the docstring (according to PEP-8)? Usually for functions that return only one value, the :rtype: would be written something like Oct 17, 2014 · How can I document that a function returns a tuple in such a way that PyCharm will be able to use it for type hinting?. Default however is not thread-safe. To document your functions, you can use docstrings. if Statements¶. I tested across methods, properties (with the @property decorator), cached_properties, static_methods, and class_methods; and having the child explicitly overwrite the code (but not the docstring) of the method or not. This is best way to understand this is with an example. ). The metadata will not be shown on output document. :rtype: int However this compiles to: Returns: The methods output. De docstrings hebben een vaste structuur volgens de Google Python Style Guide. The current policy for docstrings in the Python standard library is that they should be no more than concise hints, simple and markup-free (although many do contain ad-hoc implicit markup). stt's answer says, the :return: field lets you provide a description of the fuction's return value. Vamos ver a sintaxe básica e alguns exemplos. Projecttraject: Pythondaq: Docstring Jan 30, 2023 · Les docstrings sont en grande partie classés en deux catégories : Une seule ligne; Multiligne; Docstrings Python à ligne unique. Oct 5, 2017 · :return: The methods output. docstringFormat": "sphinx" setting, under File > Preferences > Settings. Python uses docstrings to document code. 2. 6 days ago · Python Functions is a block of statements that return the specific task. For example, if you call my distance function, and it documents that it can raise a bunch of different exceptions but not a DivideByZero, you’re going to take that to mean you will never get a DivideByZero from calling my function. Basic writing of docstrings. May 10, 2017 · As stefan. They should also have a one-line summary for each item. 1 day ago · 4. For example, :meta private: indicates the python object is private member. Docstrings sind über das doc-Attribut (__doc__) für jedes Python-Objekt und auch über die eingebaute Funktion help Mar 27, 2014 · By the way, I am talking about Python 2. The most common format Oct 24, 2020 · **PyInspect:利用docstring和变量信息构建简单类图** PyInspect是一款开源工具,它能够帮助程序员通过Python源代码中的docstring(文档字符串)和变量描述来生成类图。类图是面向对象编程中用于表示类及其关系的一 Starting with Python 3. 6 we can use a class definition with typing. Here is a comparison of linting time on some famous Python Feb 24, 2018 · ReStructuredText (reST) ReStructuredText is a markup language, much like Markdown, that's been used to document code (among other uses). autodoc for filtering members. Or it may return a value of a flexible type. Docstrings are string literals that appear right after the definition of a function, method, class, or module, and they serve as the official documentation for that segment of code. However, docstrings seem to be far more personal than other areas of code. 5 and the implementation of PEP-484, you can also use type hints, which may be nicely supported by your IDE/editor. Epytext Pattern. (Try running pydoc on your module to see how it looks. Using docstrings is a best practice for making your code more maintainable and readable. Aug 11, 2021 · Here is an example of Google Style Python Docsting. `PEP 484`_ type annotations are supported. To document the type, it's more usual to use the :rtype: field, thus: Feb 14, 2025 · Output: Help on function square in module __main__: square(a) Returns the square of the given number. Docstring Patterns in Python. 4 days ago · I did my best to test this across a variety of similar things and this was the only case where I found the docstring to not be inherited. Las Docstrings de varias líneas también contienen la misma línea de literales de cadena que las Docstrings de una línea, pero va seguida de un único espacio en blanco junto con el texto descriptivo. NamedTuple directly, with a docstring (and annotations!): from typing import NamedTuple class Card(NamedTuple): """This is a card type. In essence for a function func() I want func. In fact, it can be thousands of times faster than darglint (or its maintained fork darglint2). Modèles de docstring en Python. I tend to always include docstrings, because they tend to demonstrate how to use the function and what it does very quickly. De controller, de model én de view zijn voorzien van docstrings. If multiple classes use Foo as base class, then get_new_foo will return an instance of the derived class it was called from. This allows you to retrieve the docstring programmatically, which can be useful for generating documentation or providing interactive help. parameters, types, return and return types: Jan 7, 2016 · Sometimes a function in Python may accept an argument of a flexible type. If you are using VS code, the Python Docstring extension can be used to auto-generate a docstring snippet once a function/class has been written. In essence, to declare a list return type using type-hinting (Python >=3. As well as the while statement just introduced, Python uses a few more that we will encounter in this chapter. python; pycharm; restructuredtext; docstring; Share. This section explains the basic way to write docstrings in functions and classes. Docstrings are for using the code, and comments are for modifying the code. Regarding documentation of attributes, it states: String literals occurring immediately after a simple assignment at the top level of a module, class, or __init__ method are called "attribute docstrings". Docstrings are your biggest help for documenting your Python code. Sep 29, 2016 · The Python docs say that "the markup used for the Python documentation is reStructuredText". napoleon – NumPy および Google スタイルの docstring をドキュメントに取り込む — Sphinx 1. Docstrings, die nach der Definition eines Objekts definiert werden, werden oft mit diesem bestimmten Objekt verknüpft und können mit dem Attribut __doc__ neben der Feb 2, 2022 · In Python, we can use the help function to retrieve the docstrings for the id function. Docstringは非常に重要な役割を果たしています。Docstringは、コード内に直接記述されるコメントの一種で、関数やクラス、モジュールなどの説明を記載するために使用されます。 Python Docstringを利用すると、以下のメリットが受けられます。 Jan 14, 2024 · Python-Docstrings sind von zentraler Bedeutung in der Codedokumentation und verbessern die Lesbarkeit und das Verständnis des Codes. Jan 7, 2022 · returns, return: Description of the return value. If there are specific restrictions when the function can be called, it should be specified in the function docstring. Summary. This module demonstrates documentation as specified by the `Google Python Style Guide`_. Der Python-Dokumentationsstring, auch bekannt als docstring, ist ein String-Literal, das in der Klassen-, Modul-, Funktions- oder Methodendefinition verwendet wird. These strings can be extracted automatically through the __doc__ member of the object and are used by pydoc. Python docstrings follow specific formatting conventions. g. They provide guidelines for creating clear and informative docstrings for your Python modules, functions, classes May 9, 2019 · I am trying to document a tuple return value using numpy docstring format, but can't make it work with pycharm type hinting. Aug 12, 2024 · Python 有一个甚是优美的功能称作Python文档字符串(Documentation Strings),在称呼它时通常会使用另一个短一些的名字docstrings。 DocString s是一款你应当使用的重要工具,它能够帮助你更好地记录程序并让其更加易于理解。 Aug 23, 2023 · PEP 257: Docstring Conventions: The official Python Enhancement Proposal (PEP) 257 document that defines conventions for writing docstrings in Python. Dec 11, 2023 · Cet article abordera les meilleurs modèles de docstring pour le langage de programmation Python. :param x: The first number to add :type x: int or float :param y: The second number to add :type y: int or float :returns: The sum of x and y :rtype: int or float :raises ValueError: If either x or y is not an int or float """ if not isinstance (x, (int, float)) or not isinstance Dec 11, 2023 · この記事では、Python プログラミング言語に最適な docstring パターンに取り組みます。 Python の Docstring パターン. __doc__ to be a descriptor that calls a custom __get__ function create the Aug 23, 2018 · If you think about this with concrete cases instead of abstract and meaningless ones, this becomes obvious. Classiquement, les docstrings sont considérés comme une seule ligne uniquement si les triples simples ou triples doubles d’ouverture et de fermeture sont sur la même ligne. Voici quelques-uns des meilleurs modèles de docstring couramment utilisés dans l’industrie par les professionnels de Python. There are sections for documenting attributes of an object, parameters of a function, exceptions raised by a function, the return value of a function, etc. Writing function[[int, str], bool] doesn't work. rtype: Return type. The Epytext pattern is a docstring pattern similar to the JavaDoc. Don’t do: Aug 26, 2023 · The docstring can also be displayed by placing the caret over the function and using the shortcut command + k, command + i (or control + k, control + i). Sep 11, 2024 · Übe Docstrings in Python mit dieser praktischen Übung. Oct 12, 2024 · Insert a blank line before and after all docstrings (one-line or multi-line) that document a class -- generally speaking, the class's methods are separated from each other by a single blank line, and the docstring needs to be offset from the first method by a blank line; for symmetry, put a blank line between the class header and the docstring. Information about the arguments and return values obtained during the debugging session will be used to pre-populate type annotations in a docstring. Python will read docstrings and display them whenever you ask for help on that function. docstring_section_style¤ Type str "table" The style used to render docstring sections. Feb 8, 2024 · Sphinx で Python プログラムのドキュメントを作る際にはソースコード内に docstirng 形式でコメントを書き込みます。この docstring にはいくつかの記法が知られており、その一つが Google Style です。 以下のプログラムは Google Style で docstring を書いてみた例です。 Python Docstrings Format. 6. Dec 24, 2010 · For Python conventions (about this and other topics), I'd suggest first trying the Python Enhancement Proposals. Often one would state a super-type of all the types that might be returned, if one existed (GenericRelease e. meta: Add metadata to description of the python object. Side effects This is a quite vague term, but at least thread-safety support should be annotated in mixed applications cases (or explicitely). reStructuredText(reST)スタイル; NumPyスタイル; Googleスタイル Feb 22, 2019 · If get_new_foo gets called from a derived class, then it would return an instance of the derived class. :param str par1: The first param :param par2: The second param :type par2: integer or None :return: The returned value :rtype: int :raises ValueError: If :raises TypeError: If Feb 2, 2024 · Python Multiline Docstrings According to the python glossary, docstring is the first string literal that appears immediately after defining a class, method, or function. All the built-in functions, classes, methods have the actual human description attached to it. 00:00 Understand Python Docstrings. I can imagine many users writing Mar 18, 2023 · Python Docstringの重要性. For example, if a function can return defaultdict OR dict OR list, based on the functions parameters, how do you document this? Oct 31, 2024 · In the Python Debugger page, select the Collect runtime information for code insight checkbox. Creates a link if possible. def my_function(arg1, arg2): """ This is a sample docstring for a Python function. GoogleスタイルのPython Docstringsの例 — Sphinx 1. Eingebettet in den Code dienen diese in drei Anführungszeichen gesetzten Zeichenfolgen als Fenster in die Feinheiten von Modulen, Funktionen, Klassen und Methoden. Perhaps the most well-known statement type is the if statement. Dec 14, 2019 · Read about using docstrings in your Python code. org 1. The idea is to put some commonly or repeatedly done tasks together and make a function so that instead of writing the same code again and again for different inputs, we can do the function calls to reuse code contained in it over and over again. A section is a block of text that has a special meaning in a docstring. Dec 11, 2023 · This article will tackle the best docstring patterns for the Python programming language. 5. """ suit: str rank: str Compared to Python 2, declaring empty __slots__ is not necessary. 和Java类似,Python也通过注释形式的Docstring给程序、类、函数等建立文档。通过Docstring建立的文档不仅对人来说有更好的可读性,也能够让IDE等工具自动识别使用函数、类、变量等的一些限制,从而帮助我们更好地理解程序。 Apr 18, 2019 · sphinx. It is used in sphinx. Jul 5, 2001 · This document gives coding conventions for the Python code comprising the standard library in the main Python distribution. When the first line in the function body is a string, Python will interpret it as a docstring. Multi-Line Docstring. Jan 11, 2020 · If people are slack with class docstring then they are completely hopeless when it comes to docstrings in Modules. 5), you may do something like this: from typing import List """ Great foo function. My question is: How is a block comment supposed to be written to show multiple return values? def func_returning_one_value(): """Return just one value. This functionality will automatically add a docstring skeleton once you've typed three double quotes " and hit enter . Nov 3, 2014 · Preferences -> Tools -> Python Integrated Tools -> Docstrings as of version 2019 the allowed options are: Plain, Epytext, reStructuredText, NumPy, Google . IOW, you are not "returning multiple values" but a single tuple object, so the answer is obvious. Numpy style Mar 28, 2019 · 全般. Here is what we learned in this tutorial: Documentation is an essential part of a Python project — it's important for end users, developers, and you. Let's view the built-in Python Docstrings. PEP 257 summarizes Python docstrings. Example: Examples can be given using either the ``Example`` or ``Examples`` sections. 以下は、Python の専門家が業界で一般的に使用している最高の docstring パターンの一部です。 Epytext パターン Apr 6, 2012 · The code below solves the problem for the name of the function. x. For instance to discuss about its methods. Feb 14, 2025 · Python Built-in Docstring. Now I can't remember a good example of such a function right now, therefore I am Jun 21, 2023 · When working with Python docstrings, there are a few standard formats and tools that you can use to make your documentation more accessible and effective. Docstrings in VS code¶. See full directives here. Let's look at the docstrings for the builtin May 29, 2001 · It prescribes the function or method’s effect as a command (“Do this”, “Return that”), not as a description; e. However, it fails to detect the correct docstring for the example given by aaronasterling. 00:17 A Python docstring consists of text in between a pair of three double quotation marks ("""). Docstring defined after the definition of any object are often associated with that particular object and can be accessed using the __doc__ attribute alongside the print or # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""Example Google style docstrings. ext. """ Pydoclint is a Python docstring linter to check whether a docstring's sections (arguments, returns, raises, ) match the function signature or function implementation. 6 ドキュメント. Unfortunately, I am missing a way to describe multiple return values. A docstring is a string that is the first statement in a package, module, class or function. Docstring formats for arguments and return values will be introduced later. Following are some of the best docstring patterns commonly used in the industry by Python professionals. They allow you and others to understand what the code does, its parameters, return values, and any other relevant information. Here we will look at the pickle module: Feb 14, 2025 · Salida: Help on function square in module __main__: square(a) Returns the square of the given number. Using docstrings to document functions. You can access it in one of two ways. The docstrings for Python Modules should list all the available classes, functions, objects and exceptions that are imported when the module is imported. Debug the function call, and use the intention action Insert documentation string stub again. Is there a nice way to achieve the same result as for the param? Sphinx is v1. Module docstrings are much like a Class docstring except that it also includes descriptions of the classes available in the module. Question is how to specify in docstring that return value is class Oct 4, 2021 · In general, I want to enforce the following docstring content: def blah(n: int) -> int: """ Args: n: a number Returns: The number plus 1 """ return n+1 I looked into YAPF, Google's own Python formatting tool, but could not find a configuration argument and return values. 1. The most common styles include: One-line docstrings (for simple functions) Multi-line docstrings (for more detailed explanations) Structured docstrings (following formats like Google style, NumPy style, or reStructuredText) One-Line Docstring Mar 25, 2002 · Docstrings in the Python standard library should not try to duplicate the library reference documentation. 4. So if the very first statement in any function is a string hanging out on its own that's a docstring. It’s an open-source language that can be used for various purposes, such as web development, data analysis, and machine learning. Feb 18, 2021 · Take a look at PEP 257 if you're trying to figure out some best practice for writing your own docstrings in Python. It runs really fast. Return type: int. 9 Mar 31, 2017 · Docstring conventions are in PEP-257 with much more detail than PEP-8. Sep 5, 2021 · Pythonのdocstringの書き方について. スタイルは次の3つが有名. I have tried multiple ways, and even found one that was working for the type, but did not allow me to add a description for each of its elements. So the following are considered documented attributes: Jun 25, 2019 · 什么是Python Docstring. Python PEP 257 suggests for one line docstrings to specify your function like so: def function(a, b): """Do X and return a list. May 5, 2022 · Use type hints, not a docstring, to annotate function parameter types. Jun 11, 2021 · nope, i would like to show the return message format in the docstring of the function, what keys are available in the return message – jrchew Commented Jun 14, 2021 at 2:48 Nov 4, 2017 · Docstring conventions are actually defined in PEP-257 (and PEP-8 merely references it), but only the general formatting is covered, not content. How this is easily done in PyCharm is explained here. I am not sure if the output of version 2 is a bug or Sep 25, 2020 · The docstring for a function or method should summarize its behavior and document its arguments, return value(s), side effects, exceptions raised, and restrictions on when it can be called (all if applicable). Mar 6, 2019 · Return values With python it can be a pain to look up return values by inspecting objects (without source code), so when the source code is not at hand this should be done. Jan 4, 2018 · I know I can abbreviate the following ReST docstring """ :type flag: bool :param flag: new value for the flag """ as """ :param bool flag: new value for the flag """ Can I abbreviate in a similar Jan 21, 2024 · 文章浏览阅读674次。和Java类似,Python也通过注释形式的Docstring给程序、类、函数等建立文档。通过Docstring建立的文档不仅对人来说有更好的可读性,也能够让IDE等工具自动识别使用函数、类、变量等的一些限制,从而帮助我们更好地理解程序。 Dec 16, 2024 · I’m following Please don't break invalid escape sequences. Share Docstrings provide a convenient way to associate documentation directly with the code. As you can see, a normal function's argument type and return type are static and explicitly documented: def function_with_types_in_docstring(param1, param2): """Example function with types documented in the docstring. Oct 22, 2009 · As of Python 3. Isso facilita a identificação de problemas e a implementação de melhorias. De docstrings bevat noodzakelijke en nuttige informatie. Q#3) How do you get a Python Docstring? Oct 8, 2024 · 在 Python 編程中,Docstring(文件字串) 是一種用於為模組、類、方法和函數等添加說明性文字的方式。 它們對於撰寫可讀性高、易於維護和使用的代碼至關重要。 對於剛開始學習 Python 的新手來說,理解並掌握 Docstring 的用法,將有助於編寫更專業的代碼,並與他人更有效地合作。 本文將詳細介紹 Python Docstrings: An Introduction to Writing Effective Documentation Python is a popular programming language loved by many developers for its simplicity and versatility. don’t write “Returns the pathname …”. docstringは可能な限り省略する。 docstringは面倒でもしっかり書く。 docstringの上下には空行を入れない。 一つ目と二つ目は矛盾して聞こえるかもしれないが、これは要するに、必要最低限の内容を書くということ。 Well, you can always create your own descriptor that allows documentation and implements other operations in the standard way: class DocProperty(object): def __init__ Python programmers usually refer to the inputs to functions as “parameters” or “arguments”, and the outputs are often called “return values” The docstring is thus important for: When you call help() in Python, for example, help(add_numbers) will show the text of the function’s docstring. doc attribute; The help function; You would notice that the output of the help function is more verbose than the __doc__ attribute. Docstrings for Python Modules. Aug 15, 2022 · Don't use docstrings instead of comments, and comments instead of code. Modèle Epytext. Le modèle Epytext est un modèle de docstring similaire au JavaDoc. A broader search on this subject did not yield anything. However, stefan. 3. In Python 3. The biggest downside I see to invalid escape sequences raising SyntaxErrors is that docstrings can now be broken and cause exceptions to be raised at runtime. 4 and the theme is alabaster May 25, 2024 · Introduction. Python has a PEP that defines Docstring Conventions. , **bold** formatting in the docstring). PyCharm 2021. PEP 257 and PEP 8 are essential resources for Python docstring conventions. The __doc__ attribute. Sections are created with a section header and a colon followed by a block of indented text. A docstring generally describes what the object is doing, its parameters, and its return value. . The only method here is function1() ‘s. They’re built-in strings that you can configure to hold usage instructions and information about your functions, classes, and modules. De docstrings zijn volledig. I would like to obtain the same output as in version 1, using clean Google-style docstrings (without messing around too much with the docstring, e. Different projects will have their own standard. They are written at the beginning of the Python file. Contrived example: def fetch_abbrev_customer_info(customer_id): """Pulls abbreviated customer data from the database for the Customer with the specified PK value. PEP 257, short for Python Enhancement Proposal 257, is the style guide for writing docstrings in Python. From a general perspective, we use docstrings to refer to the documentation of a function, a class, or a module. The PEP 257 provides the docstring conventions. from typing import Tuple def generate_dependency_table(head_revision: int, dependencies: Tuple[str, int]) -> bytes: Share Apr 22, 2010 · I'd like to write a python function that has a dynamically created docstring. The main idea is to document the class and methods’s arguments with. See full list on geeksforgeeks. The beauty of Python is that it’s easy to learn and read, […] Jan 27, 2025 · docstringとは. Optional arguments should be indicated. The content of docstrings is usually interpreted by the Python Documentation Generator called Sphinx, and in Sphinx, following info fields exist: Aug 25, 2023 · Here's an example of what a reST docstring might look like: def add_numbers (x, y): """ Adds two numbers together. The first line is brief explanation, which may be completed with a longer one. Multi-line Docstrings also contain the same string literals line as in One-line Docstrings, but it is followed by a single blank along with the descriptive text. Jun 1, 2016 · In a Python docstring how should one document the :rtype: for a function that can return multiple possible data types?. Mar 1, 2025 · Q #2) What is a Docstring in Python? Answer: A docstring is the first string literal enclosed in triple-double quotes (“””), and immediately follows a class, module, or function’s definition. Jan 30, 2021 · はじめに非プログラミングエンジニアがPythonでdocstringを適切に運用するために情報をまとめた。本内容では日本語記載を行うが、通常は推奨されない。自身の関連記事・docstring… Apr 20, 2021 · Furthermore, the formatting is missing in version 3 (bold return value name, italic return value type). Como criar uma Docstring em Python? Criar uma Docstring em Python é simples e direto. Wrapping Up: Python Docstrings Through the course of this comprehensive guide, we’ve uncovered the immense power of Python Docstrings as a tool for code documentation, helping your code remain Sep 17, 2018 · in Python, a tuple literal is created by the comma, not the parens (except for the empty tuple literal which is a bit of a special case), so return a, b first creates a tuple then returns it. """Example Google style docstrings. 8, it isn't necessary even for subclasses. If you want to specify multiple raises in one docstring, you have to rewrite the raises keywork, as specified in the Sphinx documentation: """ Explanation. For example: def add (a, b): "Return the sum of two arguments" return a + b Code language: Python (python) Oct 5, 2024 · Pythonのdocstringに関する公式スタイルガイドであるPEP 257では、docstringの書き方に関する明確な指針が示されています。これに従うことで、コードの可読性が向上し、他の開発者や自分自身がコードを容易に理解できるようになります。 Jul 27, 2022 · I'm trying to do the same thing with a reStructuredText docstring: def func2(another_func): """ :param function[int, str] another_func: """ This is the closest I've gotten in the picture above. The one-line docstring should NOT be a “signature” reiterating the function/method parameters (which can be obtained by introspection). All standard references I found only refer to the case of one return value, such as Sphinx-Doc or Realpython. 関数やクラス、モジュール全体の説明を行うためのコメントのことです。 '''又は"""で囲まれた範囲に説明を記載します。 PEP 257(Python Enhancement Proposal 257)にdocstringの書き方に関するガイドラインが示されています。 Dec 18, 2024 · As Docstrings ajudam a minimizar esse problema, oferecendo uma descrição clara e concisa de cada parte do código. But Python is just now, in its mid- to late-Python 3 era, defining a richer type notation. PyCharm (and Sphinx, if you're using it to parse your docstrings) will correctly know the return type of your function and you'll have a clean and nice description of the function's return value. Docstring multilínea. It is a part of the Epydoc tool used I document all my Python functions with reStructuredText doc strings. Jul 10, 2017 · Unfortunately there is not a strict or canonical choice in the Sphinx grammar and vocabulary for multiple return types. Docstrings may extend over multiple lines. ) Jan 18, 2025 · PythonのDocStringsは、関数やクラス、モジュールの説明を記述するための文字列です。これにより、コードの可読性が向上し、他の開発者がコードを理解しやすくなります。 DocStringsは、通常、三重のダブルクォートで囲まれた文字列として記述されます。 Aug 14, 2024 · 在Python编程中,代码的可读性和可维护性至关重要。除了清晰的命名和结构良好的代码外,良好的文档字符串(docstring)也是确保代码易于理解和使用的关键工具。docstring是Python中用于记录模块、类、方法和函数行为的字符串,帮助开发者和用户快速了解代码的功能和用法。本文将详细介绍do In Python, docstrings are accessed using the __doc__ attribute of the object they are associated with. stt's example shows the :return: being used to document the return type rather than to describe the value. I want to write all my strings in Unicode. This is because docstrings are simply multi-line string literals that appear as the first statement in a function or class declaration. wivo ukguy cgaxvs wukoz bwhwal fgexthby bvsi islto cqhcf sqjyq uqlj fbbj pphkcnp jmpirg jjnem