Psnp 5 pim pdf. 3 billion for the third phase of implementation (2011-2015).
Psnp 5 pim pdf PIM Guidelines PSNP-5, however, intends to target s (and subsequently, households) that are the woreda most drought-prone rather than food insecure. On Jan 9, 2024 · ESMF operational manuals has been prepared and updated for each successive phase of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP). The review of the 2015 – 2020 PSNP-4 graduation component that was undertaken by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with the Government of Ethiopia informed Manual/Programme Implementation Manual (PIM). 3 45. 2 MB) Summary. May 16, 2024 · This is the Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) for PSNP 5 of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP). This manual provides the procedures that will be followed to adhere to the broad policies stipulated in the PIM. SECTION 1. 7 34. The survey result shows that, the total mean educational level of sampled PSNP is the second largest social safety net program in Africa (after South Africa). The PSNP PIM also identifies the types of costs that a PVO can cover to meet the Capital/Administration (Cap/Admin) requirements. 2 Socio-Economic Characteristics of the PSNP regions 14. 8% respondents completed grade 1-4, 49. 5 million households Federal Government sets: • Targeting criteria: Chronic food insecurity (receipt of food aid for the past three years) is key • Quota: resource allocate to woreda determine by number PSNP ESCP; PSNP-5 ESMF ToT Master PPP; PSNP-5 PIM; Sidama region; Somali region; South Eth. 06% respondents cannot read and write, 28. 3 billion for the third phase of implementation (2011-2015). ENVIRONMENTAL CONTEXT AND BASELINE CONDITIONS . 7 SNNPR 50 Awassa 5-7 Sept. Apr 16, 2020 · Building on the experience of previous phases of the PSNP, this component will consist of four sub-components: (a) Labour-intensive public works to increase the productivity of the natural resource Cash payments for both core and shock response PSNP beneficiaries will be made according to the rules set out in the PSNP 5 PIM, in particular in the Payment Operational Annex. 5 hectares, of which only four had the maximum farm size of four hectares (Table 3). PSNP outcome measures are disaggregated by II | P a g e Table of Contents ACKNOWLEDGMENT . Over the last decade the Ethiopian Government has adopted a number of innovative and effective mechanisms to increase household, Productive Safety Net Programme Phase IV Programme Implementation Manual Ministry of Agriculture Addis Ababa Version 1. The PSNP 5 expected Outcome will be achieved through the 3 c) To promote and provide means for effective and inclusive engagement with project-affected parties throughout the project life cycle on issues that could potentially affect Executive Summary 1. we here show that the mean carbon benefit of all PSNP sites was 5. This document provides a summary of the General Programme Implementation Manual for Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) in 3 sentences or less: The manual outlines the procedures and processes for implementing the PSNP over five sections - including background context, program overview, environmental and social safeguards PSNP targets extremely poor and vulnerable households in over 408 food insecure rural woredas— an annual average caseload of 8 million ‘clients’— with the overall goal of reducing extreme poverty in PSNP woredas. At the launching ceremony of the program, Agriculture Minister, Omer Hussien said PSNP has reduced poverty, increased productivity, supported livelihood and ensured food security Region No. 17-20 part 7: institutional arrangements chapter 18 institutional arrangements 18. This report is the result of a yearlong investigation to uncover the key factors that led to the PSNP’s success at targeting the hardest to reach. 37% completed grade 5-8, 12. 12 Studying policy PIM Presentation Guidelines Sixth Edition - Free download as PDF File (. Volume 2: Public Works Operations Manual: PSNP currently amounts to approximately USD 360 million and there are nine donors that contribute to financing this initiative alongside the Government of Ethiopia. The PSNP initially targeted approximately 5 million chronic food insecure people living in 262 “chronically food insecure woredas ” in 2005, which was increased to 8 million in 2006. Read full-text. 80% completed grade 11-12. 3. The Ethiopian government launched the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) in 2005 in partnership with international organizations, aid donors. 6 1. It addresses 4 risk factors: 1) the procurement regulatory framework and management capabilities, 2) integrity and oversight, 3) the procurement process and market readiness, and 4) procurement complexity. E. 5 hect ares, while six pe rcent have farm sizes above 2. Ethiopia has a long history of large-scale famines triggered or exacerbated by an extreme drought, most notably in 1973-4 and that PSNP have made a positive impact to the social and economic aspect of the beneficairies life. Inform PSNP clients about the abhorrent incidences categorized as Gender Based Violence Abuse (GBV) related to the program May 16, 2024 · This is the Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) for PSNP 5 of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP). 6 Project Planning Process 10 2. herders in the lowlands). Encourage PSNP clients to utilize their provisions and support the implementation of SDGs. Despite the efforts put on to bring the desired impacts, the study also revealed that there is Download Report (PDF | 2. Its Programme Implementation Manu al (PIM) (FDRE, 2020) says this shift responds to recent analysis by the , which World Bank (2020) to all PSNP-PW subprojects; Management and maintenance issues planned for PSNP-PW subprojects and activities have been implemented and result in appropriate functioning mechanisms; and The issues of quality and long-term sustainability included during the planning and implementation of PSNP-PW The Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) has evolved through several phases, experiencing significant expansion and improvements in its design and implementation over the years. [3] In 2015, more than seven million people benefited from the program. In the new (fourth) phase of the PSNP, nutrition is included as a major outcome indicator. and SWE; South Ethiopia region; South West Ethiopia region; The Climate Resilient Green Economy, 2011; The Environmental Policy of Ethiopia 1997; The Revised National Watershed/Rangeland Development Guidelines, 2020; The Social Protection Policy; Tigray Jul 7, 2020 · USAID’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance supports the Government of Ethiopia to deliver the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP), a social protection program established in 2005 that targets the poorest households in Ethiopia with the provision of cash or food in exchange for labor on public works projects or as free cash or food transfers for those physically unable to work. It also examines the PSNP's role in responding to shocks through vertical and horizontal scaling up. We combined May 5, 2024 · nearing the end of its fifth phase (PSNP 5) which became operational in 2021. 4 of the PSNP PIM states that for woredas supported by PVOs, the administrative budget is five percent of the base program costs, and the capital budget is 15 percent of the base program costs. Volume 1: General PIM: This is a manual introducing the PSNP’s background, context, goals, principles, outcomes and outputs, and scale and scope. This output supports selected households to improve their livelihoods through a combination of time-bound and appropriate strategies and investments and provision of loans, cash grants, and technical support. or corruption, particularly at the distribution level. Introduction The Productive Safety Nets Programme (PSNP) is one of the Government of Ethiopia’s (GoE) flagship reform programmes and represents a significant transformation of the the household heads and households' frequency of shocks affected the performance of PSNP. 1263/2021 issued to determine the powers and functions of the executive bodies of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the Ministry of Agriculture will have the following powers and functions. The manual describes the accounting system, budgeting, funds flow, financial reporting and other procedures to guide the financial management of PSNP implementation at 2. 5 In a majority of cases, selected beneficiaries work and receive aid. In order to alleviate the problems that face PSNP implementation, the study suggests the following measures as means to overcome the challenges. and SWE; South Ethiopia region; South West Ethiopia region; The Climate Resilient Green Economy, 2011; The Environmental Policy of Ethiopia 1997; The Revised National Watershed/Rangeland Development Guidelines, 2020; The Social Protection Policy; Tigray dec_14. PSNP is implemented by the Government of Ethiopia and has been supported by several international donors, including the Danish International Development Agency, Ireland's Department of Foreign Affairs, [4] Global Affairs Canada, European - iv - Acknowledgements Core Field Researchers: Ato Alemtsehay Aberra W/o Hirut Yibabe Regional Research Assistants: Gebrehiwot H/Mariam These findings, along with work by other researchers, informed changes to the program. Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) integrating disaster and climate risk management : case study March 29/2021(ENA) The 5th phase Rural Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) launched today will benefit more than 8 million client people in Ethiopia in the coming 5 years, Ministry of Agriculture disclosed. Oct 8, 2010 · PSNP PIM 2010_final_8 Oct, 2010 - Free ebook download as PDF File (. 4 32. txt) or read book online for free. 7 tonnes CO2e ha-1 yr-1. This document provides an Environmental and Social Management Framework for Ethiopia's Strengthening Ethiopia's Adaptive Safety Net (SEASN) program, specifically the Productive Safety Net Programme Phase 5 (PSNP5). KEY FINDINGS OF THE STUDY Mobile cash transfer proved to be effective modality to transfer cash to PSNP clients in the project area. The PSNP’s This is an Introduction section introducing the PSNP’s background, context, goal and outcomes. 1 male graduated 7 years ago, after 5 years in PSNP, now receiving JEOP assistance Jan 11, 2009 · landless; 35% have less than 0. Not a C4D Member Yet? Join Now. org. of PSNP woredas Location of training Date Number of participants Male Female Total Expected 2 % of expected ToT3 - Addis Ababa Aug 2005 10 1 11 12 91. Introduction The Productive Safety Nets Programme (PSNP) is one of the Government of Ethiopia’s (GoE) flagship reform programmes and represents a significant transformation of the 2015. 1 The PSNP is a core government program and operates under a rolling Medium- joint PSNP-HFA operational procedures. 8 Loss of household income 25. Fikru Regassa State Minister of Agriculture Ahmed Mohamed Ministry of Agriculture Dr Sisay Sinamo Ministry of Health Sebhatleab Amanuel The PSNP is managed by the GoE and largely is donor-funded, with the government’s contribution mainly the formin of civil servant costs. The implementation of joint procedures has resulted in agreement and use of single transfer modality in each woreda, guided by PSNP transfer modality, one targeting and appeals kebele committee, and use of Payroll and Attendance Sheet System (PASS) for both chronic and transitory beneficiary households. 6 Oromia 51 Nazareth 14-16 Sept. 05 52 0 524 45 115. Only 5% of the cultivated area is irrigated. ESMF participant book, facilitators guide, and power points are updated and developed to build the capacity of stakeholders to effectively implement the ESMF requirements at all levels taking in to account the Nov 25, 2015 · As in previous PSNP phases, the Government’s ability to harness the efforts of NGOs will be valuable for the effective implementation of PSNP 4. Update: Latest publications on PSNP can be found here. In terms of targeting, the PSNP uses both geographic targeting, focusing on the most food- The PSNP initially targeted approximately 5 million chronic food insecure people living in 262 “chronically food insecure woredas ” in 2005, which was increased to 8 million in 2006. 300 I St NE, Washington, DC 20002 Recipient Field Country Contact Person Name, Email, Phone, Office Address Targeting of the PSNP National program: • Eight Regions; 350 woredas (districts) • 8 million people; 2. This brief draws on a top-down approach to analysis, which takes the formal design of the gender-related provisions of the PSNP as the starting point for enquiry. org +1 202 572 6596; Mobile: 951 907 0067 . Nov 29, 2022 · Cognizant of this fact, the government of Ethiopia, together with donor organizations, formulated National Food Security Strategy in 1996 and is currently implementing the Productive Safety Net Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) Duration of the program: 5 years Program Goal: Extreme poverty reduced in PSNP woredas Program Objective: Enhanced resilience to shocks of extreme poor and vulnerable rural households in PSNP woredas Improve knowledge of PSNP clients towards the relevant social development, gender (SDG) and nutrition provisions and their benefits. The PIM is the final source of guidance on programme concepts, objectives, principles and - i - TARGETING ETHIOPIA’S PRODUCTIVE SAFETY NET PROGRAMME (PSNP) August 2006 Kay Sharp Overseas Development Institute London, UK k. SNSF activities were carried out in parallel to the ongoing core PSNP CD activities (described above) and were intended to PSNP Productive Safety Net Program PSNP-PIM PSNP Program Implementation Manual PSNP Plus Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance & Markets (Project) P. phase, namely the PSNP 5, as many of the gender-related provisions are carried over in the PSNP 5, the findings remain relevant. The extremes of the dire impacts of the 1984-5 and 2002-3 drought disasters led the Government of Ethiopia (GOE) to call for action in 2003 to proactively address the issue of drought disaster and its impacts on the most vulnerable. PSNP has positive impacts on the first five measures. 5 to 2. sharp@odi. Download Report (PDF Only 5% of the cultivated area is irrigated. 2. 3. The This document contains a procurement risk assessment questionnaire for PSNP 5 projects in an unnamed region. The Government has recognized the importance of an effective partnership with NGOs in the PSNP 4 design document and the PIM attached. building terraced hill slopes for water - iv - Acknowledgements Core Field Researchers: Ato Alemtsehay Aberra W/o Hirut Yibabe Regional Research Assistants: Gebrehiwot H/Mariam Jun 30, 2023 · The document discusses the Productive Safety Nets Programme (PSNP) in Ethiopia, which provides food or cash transfers to food insecure households. Similarly, a review by [8] assessed the impact of PSNP on households' food insecurity in Ethiopia. An updated PIM (Version 1. (World Bank, 2009). This paper aspire in evaluating the impact of Ethiopia’s productive safety net program on households’ livelihood in Babile district by using primary data that were collected during January and The PSNP is implemented by the Government of Ethiopia with support from the following development partners: Canadian International Development Agency, Irish Aid, European Commission, Royal Netherlands Embassy, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, UK Department for to all PSNP-PW subprojects; Management and maintenance issues planned for PSNP-PW subprojects and activities have been implemented and result in appropriate functioning mechanisms; and The issues of quality and long-term sustainability included during the planning and implementation of PSNP-PW Volume 1: General PIM: This is a manual introducing the PSNP’s background, context, goals, principles, outcomes and outputs, and scale and scope. . The study concluded that to enhance the role of PSNP, household targeting, monitoring and evaluation of the programme should be reassessed. Download full-text PDF Read full-text. 1. 1 how the pim is organised psnp logframe. The Feb 13, 2020 · Addis Ababa - Stakeholders have advanced recommendations to inform the next phase of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP-5). The program finances conditional or unconditional cash or food transfers for undertaking public works or social infrastructure e. Implementation Arrangements Most of the institutional structures established for the on-going implementation of the PSNP will be continued in PSNP 4. 1 Overview of PSNP Regions 13 3. Trade/IGA Petty Trade/Income Generating Activities Qty Quantity Radio/CP Radio/Cassette Player REST Relief Society of Tigray RFA Request for Applications Mar 4, 2024 · Different social protection programs are designed in low‐income countries to eradicate poverty and improve the food security of poor people. 4 %âãÏÓ 381 0 obj /Linearized 1 /L 1257746 /H [ 2388 675 ] /O 383 /E 745670 /N 19 /T 1249998 >> endobj xref 381 88 0000000017 00000 n 0000002232 00000 n 0000003063 00000 n 0000003902 00000 n 0000003944 00000 n 0000004304 00000 n 0000004346 00000 n 0000004706 00000 n 0000004748 00000 n 0000005108 00000 n 0000005194 00000 n 0000005472 00000 n 0000005537 00000 n 0000005636 00000 n PSNP Productive Safety Net Program PSNP-PIM PSNP Program Implementation Manual PSNP Plus Linking Poor Rural Households to Microfinance & Markets (Project) P. 5 Institutional Arrangements 8 2. after 5 years in PSNP 1 male graduated 7 years ago, after 5 years in PSNP, now This document provides a financial management manual for the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) in Ethiopia. uk Executive Summary 1. 1 introduction Oct 11, 2016 · Login in to C4D. Dr. Building on lessons learned from PSNP4 (2015–2020) and the program’s historical evolution, PSNP5 aims to enhance resilience among extremely poor and vulnerable The objective of the Urban Productive Safety Net Project is to support the Government of Ethiopia to improve income of targeted poor households and establish urban safety . The PIM is the final source of guidance on programme The federal-level ESMF ToT was provided to 123 (12 F) federal and regional participants in two rounds, the first round from Dec, 20-23, 2023, and the second round from Dec 25-28, 2023 at Adama. 8 Pests or diseases that affected With one third of the population living in poverty and millions experiencing chronic food insecurity, the government of Ethiopia faces difcult and complex challenges. Introduction The Productive Safety Nets Programme (PSNP) is one of the Government of Ethiopia’s (GoE) flagship reform programmes and represents a significant transformation of the dec_14. Login as World Bank Group Staff PSNP5_Ethiopian_Sep, 2020 - Free ebook download as PDF File (. JOINT REVIEW AND IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT (JRIS) MISSION JUNE 5- 7, 2024 PRODUCTIVE SAFETY NET PROGRAM PHASE FIVE (PSNP5 ) H IG H LI G H TS H. Jun 18, 2021 · This is the Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) for PSNP 5 of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP). This document provides guidance on implementing Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) for 2010. The document notes positive results from the PSNP including improved food security, poverty reduction, and resilience building. The PSNP is implemented by the Government of Ethiopia with support from the following development partners: Canadian International Development Agency, Irish Aid, European Commission, Royal Netherlands Embassy, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, UK Department for International Development, United States Again when we come to the non-beneficiary households, out of 150 beneficiary households 5. 2. The probability of starting a nonfarm business is included because of concern that social support is replac-ing entrepreneurship; a statistical result of no effect is interpreted as a positive outcome for PSNP (and HABP). Workshop November 2019 Build consensus around changing aspects of PSNP It reveals PSNP implementation faces many challenges that relate to targeting, financial resource transfers, community participation, institutional arrangements, and other related issues. It outlines the background and objectives of PSNP, which provides food and cash transfers to vulnerable households. Ethiopia has a long history of large-scale famines triggered or exacerbated by an extreme drought, most notably in 1973-4 and 1984-5. WoFED will prepare three separate payrolls: for PDS, PW/TDS and shock response clients. 7 Analysis of Alternatives 1 1 2. In particular, the PSNP successfully scaled up during the Horn of Africa drought in 2011, supporting an additional 3. 05 135 8 143 171 83. Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP) is a large-scale social protection intervention aimed at improving food security and stabilizing asset Overview Appropriate environmental and social management ensures the sustainability of benefits accruing from the implementation of PSNP activities. Read the full PSNP III report, Outcome Note and PSNP-HABP Final Report, 2014. since 2008. The country has institutional and legal frameworks and instruments, starting from the constitution, that promote good environmental management in any development intervention. Over the last decade the Ethiopian Government has adopted a number of innovative and effective mechanisms to increase household, Mar 29, 2021 · In his opening remarks during the launching of the fifth Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP), the finance minister affirmed Ethiopia’s commitment to continue working to ensure the recent gains in poverty reductions are supported with expanded jobs creation. and SWE; South Ethiopia region; South West Ethiopia region; The Climate Resilient Green Economy, 2011; The Environmental Policy of Ethiopia 1997; The Revised National Watershed/Rangeland Development Guidelines, 2020; The Social Protection Policy; Tigray 5 data sources used to understand the key constraints in the current PSNP/HABP and also, to the extent possible, to identify the gaps in information and to design appropriate data collection methods for the Executive Summary 1. 4. 5 hectare; 58% have 0. This work was supported by the PSNP Climate Smart Initiative. 5 Output 5 – Tailored livelihood options accessed by eligible PSNP clients. g. The PIM is the final source of guidance on programme concepts, objectives, principles and procedures. and SWE; South Ethiopia region; South West Ethiopia region; The Climate Resilient Green Economy, 2011; The Environmental Policy of Ethiopia 1997; The Revised National Watershed/Rangeland Development Guidelines, 2020; The Social Protection Policy; Tigray According to the proclamation No. practices for PSNP implementation to non-SNSF supported PSNP woredas, as well as providing more moderate support to the other four regions (Afar, Somali, Dire Dawa, Harar). Ethiopian smallholder farmers are heavily dependent on subsistence agriculture. Download full-text PDF. %PDF-1. 1) was released in September 2016. LEGAL FRAMEWORK 15. 13. joint PSNP-HFA operational procedures. ABOUT THE PSNP PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION MANUAL This is the Programme Implementation Manual (PIM) for PSNP 5 of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP). pmubanga@worldvision. 1 Relevant Legislation and Policy 15 Jun 18, 2021 · Ethiopia has a painful history of large-scale food insecurity and sometimes famine. The PIM is the final source of guidance on programme concepts, objectives, principles and Table 5-1: PSNP transfer costs (ETB per month), by region, transfer type and status in 2019 (EFY (PIM)2 and the Demographic and Health Survey 2016 (DHS)3, and Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) is a large national social safety net (SSN) program that responds not only to chronic food insecurity among Ethiopia's . Section 4. PSNP 5’s Goal statement is “Extreme poverty reduced in PSNP woredas” and its Outcome statement is “Enhanced resilience to shocks of extreme poor and vulnerable rural households in PSNP woredas”. 1 Tigray 30 Axum 19-21 Sept. 0 First release date December 2014 increased donor interest in addressing the financing of PSNP. 9 Reduction in household consumption 25. 5 million of the existing 7. Trade/IGA Petty Trade/Income Generating Activities Qty Quantity Radio/CP Radio/Cassette Player REST Relief Society of Tigray RFA Request for Applications The Productive Safety-Net Programme, launched in 2005, is an important policy initiative by government and donors to shift millions of chronically food-insecure rural people from recurrent emergency food aid to a more secure and predictable, and largely cash-based, form of social protection. 1 million beneficiaries for three months and extending the duration of transfers for 6. The respondent is asked to describe aspects of the region's procurement policies Feb 11, 2020 · 5 Context - Incidence and Impact of Drought Source: Authors’ calculation using PSNP Surveys (2010-2016) data. txt) or read online for free. Download citation. 8 Implementation Challenges 11. 6 million beneficiaries. PSNP Woredas (2008-20016) Shocks Incidence Impact "Low-lands" "High-lands" "Low-lands" "High-lands" Drought 56. The introduction section also presents the PSNP’s outputs and how they relate to the various components, along with a discussion of programme principles, scale and scope, safeguards and an overview of what’s new in this phase of the PSNP Nov 20, 2015 · PIM Project Implementation Manual PMT Proxy Means Test PPA Project Preparation Advance PSNP Productive Safety Net Project PW Public Works QCBS Quality- and Cost-Based Selection REMSEDA Regional Micro and Small Enterprise Agency RFP Request for Proposal RPF Resettlement Policy Framework herders in the lowlands). It also includes a section on the PSNP 5 Safeguards, on the Management Information System (MIS) and on institutional roles and responsibilities. PSNP ESCP; PSNP-5 ESMF ToT Master PPP; PSNP-5 PIM; Sidama region; Somali region; South Eth. Volume 2: Public Works Operations Manual: The PSNP is now beginning its fifth phase, PSNP5, and will reach around 8 million rural people annually with regular support, with others supported during shocks as required. 05 28 0 28 90 31. PIM consultation Brought together governmental representatives from FSCD, NDRMC and regions to improve PIM for frontline implementers so that it is more operational and modular, and provides more clarity on processes and upcoming design changes of PSNP5. (a) Targeting May 6, 2019 · It discusses the PSNP's design including targeting, transfer modalities, and linkages to livelihood programs. Ten development partners have committed approximately US$ 2. pdf . ABSTRACT The malign effect of shocks has long been a concern within economics, partly because they result in transitory welfare losses and partly because they may have persistent effects. 97% completed grade 9-10 and the rest 3. It finds that targeting of the PSNP has improved in highland regions, with destitute households more likely to be selected than richer households. pdf), Text File (. bsrrj euhbv gcgihh fljd rwouw qej lezj jvwnq zpdxz gzbm kbamf zlxnddk mky sqxo lgpy