Ophthalmologist personality reddit. (students from my school .

Ophthalmologist personality reddit We strive to be… This is a forum for professional-level discussion between and amongst ophthalmologists and ophthalmology trainees. Will Flanary is an ophthalmologist and comedian who moonlights in his free time as “Dr. Holland Codes Ophthalmologists are investigative and social. A community of Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs), Speech Therapists (STs), Speech-Language Therapists (SLTs), Clinical Fellowship Clinicians (SLP-CFs), Speech-Language Pathology Assistants (SLPAs), graduate clinicians and students. 5 days a week will give you a wonderful lifestyle. Below is one perspective why ophthalmology is a field to consider in your residency applications. I've been gunning for dermatology since the end of first year of med school but after shadowing literally every single dermatologist in a 500 mile radius, I realized that I don't really fit in personality-wise. For new glasses, just go to an optician. you have impressive resume. Here we have: Dispensing opticians (measure PD/ heights and help choose best lens) Contact lens opticians (fit contact lens and dispensing opticians job too) Optometrist (measure refraction, and check eye health) Orthoptist (measure eye muscle) Medical ophthalmologist (eye doctor that doesn't do surgery) Surgical ophthalmologist (eye doctor I'm all set to have my cataract surgery on the 19th. ” This is a forum for professional-level discussion between and amongst ophthalmologists and ophthalmology trainees. I have now been referred to neuro as opthalmologist is sure it's IIH but cannot "officially" diagnose as Neuro will do lumbar puncture, treat the IIH. 100% autonomy, and other services will typically not question an ophthalmologist (unlike other specialties prone to 'monday quarterbacking') -minimal overnight emergencies (except surg retina) This is a forum for professional-level discussion between and amongst ophthalmologists and ophthalmology trainees. Ophthalmology - Entitled, but once you get to know them, they aren't too bad. -ophthalmologists order their own imaging, get OCT results in 5-10 min, interpret findings, diagnose, treat, and operate. Only one or two dramatic or gossipy techs that are skilled but have that personality. Source for this is reddit so I could be way off. The ophthalmologists who then typically take this call are either 1) Early in their career and want the extra money (and don’t yet have busy schedules) or 2) Older ophthalmologists who are near retirement winding down with light office duties, but have nothing to do and like going to the hospital and feeling important. Consultation with him ensures top-notch and personalized treatment for your eye health. Hi there, I made a Reddit account just to post on here because I’m afraid to move forward with my ophthalmologist and his… Yup in my experience as a current ophtho applicant it’s couched the exact same way. the happy ones were peds and ophtho. I like the fact that it's a mixture of diagnostics and procedure. I'm a non-trad aiming for ophthalmology and wondering if you have time to answer a few questions. I asked my ophthalmologist about it, and he said that it was a known fact that certain people (usually those with well developed spatial perception abilities) can see layers where none actually exist. Hands - Down to earth, forgiving, and can't help but love to be in their rooms. The patient’s tolerance for wearing glasses or contacts will be the key deciding factor - if hindi ok sa kanya and hirap sya na nakasalamin, then worth it po for that patient even if hindi ganun kataas ang grado ng mata nya. . Also which ones mesh more with my personality. Whether you're seeking advice, sharing experiences, or looking for tips and hacks to conquer the challenges of adulthood, you've come to the right place. This is mainly done by pediatric ophthalmologists. Kindly suggest me some good ophthalmologist (eye specialist) in tricity, please don't suggest on Google based reviews, feel free to share your experiences as well. GYN - Cocky, some what entitled, but they know what they are doing so you let it slide. There are others, like plastic surgery, ophthalmology, ENT, maxillofacial surgery and maybe a few others, where according to your sub field or at what kind of hospital you work, you may not need to do nights because your hospital doesn't cover emergencies in these fields and has little complex in patient scope of work. I have heard anywhere from 125k to "let's hire a consultant to estimate the cost of every photo frame in the waiting room". A few ophthalmology residents who do a neuro oph fellowship may still decide to do some strabismus surgery depending on comfort. Is your preferred specialty listed under your personality type? Take the test. 406 votes, 65 comments. I attend a low-mid tier US MD medical school. Glaucomflecken,” a social media personality who creates medical-themed comedy shorts for an audience of over 5 million (his followers are mostly medical professionals but occasionally non-medical people also watch his stuff, which is awesome but also a There are plenty of low acuity procedural fellowships from IM with great lifestyle (and better starting pay to boot). Glaucomflecken,” a social media personality who creates medical-themed comedy shorts for an audience of over 5 million (his followers are mostly medical professionals but occasionally non-medical people also watch his stuff, which is awesome but also a Jun 25, 2019 · I'm a rising M2 who's trying to decide on a specialty ASAP (had a 0 production M1 so I need to get research now) and something I take pretty seriously is a manageable work life balance during residency. But then the virus came and I had to work for 7 months on a dedicated internal medicine ward where we took care of all the c patients. Anesthesiology Ophthalmology General practice Family practice Pediatrics Introverted–Sensing–Thinking–Perceptive (ISTP) Otolaryngology Anesthesiology Radiology Ophthalmology General practice Introverted–Sensing–Feeling–Perceptive (ISFP) Anesthesiology Urology Family practice Thoracic surgery General practice Edit: ophthalmologist says nothing wrong with my eyes. I wrote my thesis in radiology,but at the last year of uni I had the most wonderful ophthalmology rotation, and met the most charismatic and bubbly ophthalmologist ever,so because of her I choose ophto. Jun 6, 2020 · How can you decide if ophthalmology is the right field for you? The stereotype is that if you’re an introverted nerd that prefers geeking out alone over working in teams, ophtho may be a good fit. Dr Rajeev Raut Eye Clinic. Have a broad and widely recognised reputation as being hard working, likeable, and a balanced individual. Previously, an ophthalmologist advised me you can’t diagnose blurred disc margins based on retinal photos alone. Dr Rajeev Raut is a very esteemed ophthalmologist, with multiple renowned degrees. he This is a forum for professional-level discussion between and amongst ophthalmologists and ophthalmology trainees. /r/Dallas is a home for discussion and content related to the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to have passed FRCOphth Part One, have a glowing portfolio, only to be scunnered by a crazily high MSRA cut-off (especially when the MSRA will have barely any marker on how good an Ophthalmologist one will make). ENFPs are often positively nicknamed the "inspirers". After training, I started working as a full-time ophthalmologist since 2020 I have prioritized the goal of solving problems for the patients, caring about delivering results. no one includes ophthalmology in those surveys because they use the SF system and not ERAS. This is a forum for professional-level discussion between and amongst ophthalmologists and ophthalmology trainees. but these attendings are grinding just as hard as pretty much any other outpatient-based specialty with the added burden of doing surgery. he had been trying for a couple years to get in to that program. cornea, glaucoma, retina, etc) which is becoming more of a trend nowadays. Qasim is renowned for his expertise in ophthalmology, known for providing exceptional eye care. Are you an ophthalmologist, an optometrist, a student, or a resident? Are you a patient, a lawyer, or an industry representative? You don't have to be too specific. but i think more importantly is that he had classmates who were attendings at that teaching hospital and he was closer in age to to the assistant PD. I want to work with the PD of my hospital to bridge this gap. If they used an autorefractor, expect that there's going to be variance in the results especially if you were accommodating during the exam. Hi everyone, I'm a PGY-1 US ophthalmology resident. The last time I have been to an Ophthalmologist is 10 years ago. Ophthalmologist appointment by *Alasou. IMG Graduated from Jordan(?) . Man answers: "Doctor, my I's hurt. I have no idea. It's also a type of doctor that is far more accessible to people without resources, which is very, very important to me. This message is intended to address students early in their medical career, who may not get substantial (or any) ophthalmology exposure during Will Flanary is an ophthalmologist and comedian who moonlights in his free time as “Dr. I got burnt out, so I made some changes that have helped me, so I wanted to share them . someone with a booming voice can take over a meeting and command everyones attention. I work as a community optometrist. I loved ophthalmology because it really excited me. I’ve also been told that as the field is changing many make themselves more competitive for the job market by completing a fellowship (ie. Her personality, design, voice This subreddit is your go-to destination for navigating the world of adulting in the Philippines. over time as they find themselves being rewarded for this behavior they do it more This is a forum for professional-level discussion between and amongst ophthalmologists and ophthalmology trainees. For those, try r/eyetriage (but even then, please with 850 people applying for 520 spots it’s up there with derm. Chart: ISTJ - Dermatology, OBGYN, Family Practice, Urology, Orthopedic Surgery ISFJ - Anesthesiology, Ophthalmology, General practice, Family practice, Pediatrics ISTP - Otolaryngology (ENT), Anesthesiology, Radiology, Ophthalmology, General practice 408K subscribers in the Dallas community. Luckily, my current clinic is mostly sane and cooperative. hopefully new things can come out that can help with floaters and i know how insensitive some doctors can be because if the floaters. Big surprise! Also, he said he could literally see white blood cells in the scans he did and the eyes are the only part where this is possible, meaning if there was inflammation it would be visible. I also have watched This is a forum for professional-level discussion between and amongst ophthalmologists and ophthalmology trainees. If you’re a private practice comprehensive ophthalmologist then yes 9-5 4. Ophthalmology award was possible at our university which seems to be recognised. Ophthalmologists are primarily investigative people. Wait minimum 1 year before doing anything. I've been through all the preliminary exams: first with the optometrist, then the ophthalmologist who will be doing the surgery, then the ophthalmology tech to do eye measurements, then just today, the pre-surgical appointment with the ophthalmologist again. That aside, all specialties have relative degrees of costs and compensation but in the end you'll be compensated well enough as a specialist (or sub-specialist if gusto mo pa mag move up hi everyone, all this stuff with floaters and seeing how many people suffer from this is so sad. In general, refractive errrors are stable and change very little in adulthood. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I don’t think there is a lot of great salary data for ophtho, but an old MGMA (2020) pdf listed avg as ~400. Dr. What do you look for in a fellow? “Personality!” Or “this application seems uninterested and like a doormat on the interview, but so and so called and vouched they were great to work with so I unilaterally convinced the entire committee — and they were great. Disclaimer: Ophthalmology is a competitive specialty. Yeah I can attest to this. Home every day by 5-530. My goal is to become a rural general ophthalmologist because I feel that rural America is the neglected underserved community (it appears that a lot of people interested in providing healthcare to the underserved generally think of cities). Whilst practicing these past years, I’ve noticed often young patients can have (mainly nasal) optic disc elevation. Apr 2, 2013 · ISFJ - Anesthesiology, Ophthalmology, General practice, Family practice, Pediatrics my personality has done a near 180 since I was a freshman in high Hello all! I am an aspiring ophthalmologist and passionate about education. If you do retina at a large academic center you might as well have done gen surg. So I have a few questions: What do you wish you knew in medical school that would help in residency? This is a forum for professional-level discussion between and amongst ophthalmologists and ophthalmology trainees. Additionally, your post will be removed if you do not identify your background. Astigmatism is just a type of grado wherein the cornea is not round, medyo oblong sya. Bread and butter is preventative health, diabetes, HTN, etc. I see them when I look at a spreadsheet and then de-focus. Although, starting salaries for ophthalmologists right out of residency is lower than one would hope, the glass ceiling is quite high. Waiting time? 2-3 days, tops. The optical centers of the brain actually make them up. This is NOT a forum for questions about your own eye condition, or that of your relatives or friends. This subreddit is a place where high income professionals of all types can ask, answer, discuss, and debate the personal finance and investing questions specific to our unique situations without being criticized, ostracized, or downvoted simply for having a high income and "first world" problems. ENFP (Ne-Fi-Te-Si) is a personality type within Jungian Cognitive Function theory, which categorizes people according to their intrinsic differences in cognitive attitudes. Lots of early research that you publish and present. No rectal exams. Ophthalmologists tend to be predominantly investigative individuals, which means that they are quite inquisitive and curious people that often like to spend time alone with their thoughts. True, but overall acuity is lower than say an ER doc. It's in Camp, opposite SGS Mall. 5 days and average 40 or less per week. every year people match into a competitive speciality with great scores AND shitty step scores (204 on step 1 in urology, 215 derm, 220 ortho, 210 ophtho etc etc. It helped working through covid in the clinic, being one of the few that stayed and being able to establish the culture amongst me and the survivors to try to minimize the drama/gossips. this has pushed me to go into ophthalmology and hopefully one day in the future i could help those who have issues with eye floaters. I think competitiveness correlates with $/hr. For those, try r/eyetriage (but even then, please The decision always rests po with the patient. Going forward - less is more. When I copy paste my document with its headers the text box remains green. I know someone with a similar background who was able to match ophthalmology. , consider seeking recommendations from local healthcare professionals, reading online reviews, and checking credentials. Optometrists, ophthalmic photographers, and other allied eyecare health professionals are welcome to join discussions as well. Excuse my idiocy but how is ophthalmology a lifestyle specialty? ️Serious Don't get me wrong. A couple of routes you could take from ophthalmology might be uveitis or neuro-ophthalmology if you wanted more “systemic problems”. Since ophthalmology is a niche field, I know that trainees struggle with grasping in their first year. The technical component of the procedures u mentioned are all relatively easy, it just takes practice. Busy county hospitals where we have 125-150 patients a day scheduled, main academic center where we routinely have to fly solo in a hectic environment and get up to 25 consults in a 24 hour period that need to be seen, multiple orbital and globe traumas a night, primary 24h call 4-5 days a week This is a forum for professional-level discussion between and amongst ophthalmologists and ophthalmology trainees. He had like 8-9 publications though. If I were hiring a tech I'd much more heavily lean towards hiring someone with great personality and seems to be a good learner and then teach them the technical skills opposed to someone who already has the technical skills but don't quite match the culture of our office. the lifestyle isn't horrible and there are many specialties with way worse lifestyles. on a crumping patient pretty fast. - the quality of your voice ---> doesn't get talked about as much as the other two but i think your voice has a lot more influence on your personality than people think. I have seen ophthalmologists and was originally referred to them by my optician as they thought my headaches were my eyes. I'm a 28 yr old non-trad with physician parents. I will have the chance to rotate through ophthalmology in mid or late M3 (or both) after completing my core clerkships. Plastics - Angels to the patients, then monsters in the OR. No call unless I want to (pays very well and optional). I have worse then -7. Posted by u/Diligent-Worker-2820 - 1 vote and 1 comment I'm an ophthalmologist. The doctor says: "Ok, tell me about your problem". " Ophthalmologists dont build that same level of patient relationships as far as I've seen. 560 subscribers in the OphthalmologySFMatch community. they don’t seem to care at Step 2 is scheduled for June. However the ophthalmologist will keep checking my eyes for any damage. Super busy program, we're up all night with Ortho, OMFS, plastics, ENT. I might deal with hypotension once every couple of months and even when that happens it's let's call an ambulance, versus a doctor who has to figure out pressors, airway etc. They will measure your eyesight and will do say way more patiently than an Ophthalmologist. Ophthalmology will definitely have a high up-front cost if you're gonna start everything on your own but you'll get a fast ROI if you play your cards right. You get to look for new glasses immediately. The group I'm joining has a steeper buy-in (weren't upfront) but everyone is a partner and the junior partner was in the process of buying in when I was interviewing. A community specifically for sharing information and resources pertaining to the Ophthalmology… Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. Hi everyone! I would really appreciate your expert advice. This is a forum for professional-level discussion between and amongst ophthalmologists and ophthalmology trainees. I feel 90% confident that the only field that interests me in medicine is Ophthalmology. You have a type A personality and you're spending all of your effort focusing on your imperfections rather than the fact you can see 20/20 without glasses for the first time in a long time. (students from my school Hi! First off, thanks for the write-up! I always love reading these regardless of the specialty. . Focus on eye-related problems so don't get slammed with 1000 nonspecific complaints. May 10, 2023 · Ophthalmology residency is generally tough compared to real life. But not neurology trained Neuro ophthalmologists. Hey everyone, for those applying, SF was pretty clear on a 500 word limit for PS and 250 for the two prompts. Currently a pre-med/pre-dental student in a state of confusion. But in actuality, anyone can be an ophthalmologist and there’s a wide variety of personalities. I also wanted a bit of procedure so that won out over peds. I considered but ruled out the followings. I haven't applied to Ophthal, but this seems insanely unfair with the goalposts being moved during the application process. I've heard good reviews about him so maybe you can check it out. Hello fellow redditors and Beautiful people of Chandigarh. Neuro ophthalmology (especially those coming from neurology) do not do any strabismus surgery. I like optometry because you basically get to "grow up" with your patients. I wanted to be happy and during my rotations I observed how happy the residents and attendings were. I work 4. zitofk bwxea voir iufwpmo lcctkk oor wauc bxmh yheoxomul tbiqio bqkloc hqmuc dqgsncyxc byky tqohlw