Okuma alarm 1757. Okuma OSP-U100M OSP-U10M Alarms .
Okuma alarm 1757 Door Closed Code is On, or Door Close Command is issued; when Synchronized Peripherals at Waiting Position code is off. Okuma OSP-P300S/P300L Alarm-A list. Probable Faulty Locations. I used the tow along which is essentially a plunger that hooks up the tail stock to the Okuma Alarm-A 1705 Oil pressure low The hydraulic oil pressure low signal continued to be ON for over 2[s]. It’s on, the machine alarms. old timer okuma. Jul 16, 2024 · Okuma Alarm-A 1192 MCS Motor overload 4ec04ed dxxa006; Aug 8, 2023; Okuma; Replies 5 Views 2K. Door Closed Code is On, or Door Close Command is issued; whenSynchronized Peripherals at Waiting Position Code is off. I have tried using M157/156 but it has no affect This is on an OSP10UL Crown Lathe Similar Threads: Anyone used sub-spindle as tailstock? Need Help!-NL2500 using sub spindle as a tailstock; Need Help!-Tailstock quill condition alarm Okuma Alarm-P 0818 ADP initialization failure An alarm occurred while the AD conversion processor board was initialized after power ON. Loader door interlock is activated when a loader move command (M37 to M39) is designated. Okuma G/M Codes Mill G/M Codes Lathe Okuma CNC Mill Okuma G73 Drilling Cycle Okuma G74 Reverse Tapping Okuma G76 Fine Boring Cycle Okuma CNC Lathe Okuma G75 C-chamfering Okuma G76 Rounding Okuma M203 Turret Unclamp Okuma Alarm-A 1717 Unable to use M40, M43, M44 commands Any of M40, M43 and M44 command is designated for the VAC winding changeover type motor specificati ≡ MENU Home Fanuc Learn Examples Sinumerik Haas Reference Alarms Programming About Aug 30, 2012 · Hi guys! Maybe this won't solve the problems listed under but i wuld like to share my experiences about alarm 1151 #13 and #14. 6->The connection command is given to C-axis under the Okuma Alarm-D 4057 Battery life UPS battery and coin battery are out of life. . I think I've got the basic syntax down, but had some questions on some stuff the manual didn't do a good job of explaining. Nov 15, 2024 · The following Okuma alarm codes are specific to machine tools with OSP-P500. so I reset the overload relay and see if the motors are working normally. Okuma Alarm-A 1713 Spindle rotation interlock May 2, 2018 · Okuma control and machine are little finicky when it comes to tool changing and sometimes you get the machine stuck and not sure why. 2->The… Okuma Alarm-B 2728 Invalid magazine tool no. Alarm P (listed below) Alarm A; Alarm B; Alarm C; Alarm D; ERROR; Below are listed Okuma P type alarms for Okuma OSP-P300S/P300L CNC systems. Sep 6, 2017 #2 Okuma Alarm-A 1756 Loader inside machine. Code 0->The parts catcher advance command is designated when the Z-axis is not at the positive end limit. 2->The spindle is not at a still. Object None Character-string None Code It means a name of Non-answered software by ASCII. Dec 1, 2023 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Oct 31, 2016 · Supplier and product research Targeted search for over 3,800 companies Nov 16, 2017 · I am experiencing an alarm that is both a first and seems odd. Hi. Resetting the machine clears the alarm, and turning the feed rate back to zero turns the light off. " Okuma G/M Codes Mill G/M Codes Lathe Okuma CNC Mill Okuma G73 Drilling Cycle Okuma G74 Reverse Tapping Okuma G76 Fine Boring Cycle Okuma CNC Lathe Okuma G75 C-chamfering Okuma G76 Rounding Okuma M203 Turret Unclamp Okuma Alarm-A 1259 Tow-along tailstock connecting G02, G03, G30, G31, G32, G33, G34, or G35 is designated while the tow-along tailstock body is connected. Can someone help us to solve this problem? Thanks in advance Similar Threads: okuma MB46VAE alarm; OKUMA LB15 Showa MLB 03 W Oil Lube Lubrication System; Alarm 256 Head Lubrication Alarm; OKUMA LB15 Showa MLB 03 W Oil Lube Lubrication System We have a small number of identical Okuma's One machine keeps giving me alarm 758 Alarm P Safety I/O 41600040 on bootup Alarms out during auto mode 758 Help please Okuma OSP-200 Safety I/O alarm 758 598,763 members Nov 5, 2011 · I've been having issues with our new Genos(tm) L300-M from Okuma. Code None:UPS battery & coin battery 1:The battery for the relocation detection unit Aug 15, 2017 · This is a Okuma MC-V4020 2001 A travel end limit switch X,Y, or Z has been activated, Doesn't happen all the time so I know it's not System Parameter settings, Probable Faulty Cause also says, Malfunction of the limit switch, that's what I'm thinking it is. Or, W-axis movement command is issued in avobe condition. jdgarner13 Plastic. 5->When the loader is not in the retract position, X- or Z-axis has moved. I have tried using M157/156 but it has no affect This is on an OSP10UL Crown Lathe Okuma > Tailstock Spindle Condition Illegal Alarm1717 Somebody Over-traveled, luckily it's not on the hard switches. ) (Identification number of bus error) Okuma Alarm-A 1151 MCS Inverter unit fault A fatal alarm occurred while the MCS inverter unit and MCS software are executing their processing. And you may do this for weeks because you don’t want to take the time to dig out your Okuma Alarm Manual and research the meaning of the Alarm. Measures to Take 1)Close the door. 1->The circuit breaker of the EC Okuma Alarm-D 4717 Dual cycle start button interlock In dual palm cycle start specifications, start-up of 2 pieces of cycle start button or fall time has slipped more than 1[s]. Character-string None. View operating history and production rates in visual graph format and see alarm history with live links to alarm details, all on an easy-to-read display. Object Axis name or… Okuma Alarm-A 1157 MCS Motor overcurrent Nov 4, 2013 · Help in okuma osp5020 539 alarm B wrong t commander 2 . Object AXIS. 2)If the code 11, 12, or 13 appears, release the alarm by changing the parameter setting (the standard parameter for switching between chuck work and center work). We have an Okuma P200L lathe, and the top turret is throwing this "TURRET UNCLAMP OVER TIME" alarm. Dec 27, 2016 · Okuma Eurocenter V50 (esv4020) osp u10m ALARM 3705 condition 220; Okuma MC-4VB tool change variable for active tool; Okuma MA40HA Tool change help; Serious and urgent disassembling problem on esv4020 okuma thru spindle coolant system Classification Of Okuma Alarms. Display Format of CPU Alarms (Bus error) (Indicates the CPU alarm number. Okuma Alarm-A 1735 Sub-spindle chuck pressure insufficient During sub-spindle rotation or sub-spindle chuck open/close operation, the sub-spindle chuck pressure has dropped. 3055 Device temperature too high; 3056 Non-functioning device detected Nov 19, 2014 · The alarm is 106 A (EC overload), and the book says: "The overlad relay of the EC is tripped. 97->While a door was closed, door close PS turned it on more for a long time than parameter time. Joined Nov 4, 2013 Location Utah, USA. Voor cnc-bewerkers die werken aan cnc-machines met Okuma cnc-besturingen. Okuma OSP-U100M OSP-U10M Alarms When I try to tool change to a designated large diameter tool I get an alarm 2715, Wrong T command, 15. 5->C-axis is interlocked. Views: 94980 . Code 1 (fixed). 2->The X-/Z-axis oil mist drop lubrication sensor was not turned ON at all for two consecutive cycles of X-/Z-axis oil mist lubrication pump drive air ON. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Gallery Uploads I want to leave center work activated but when I command the spindle I get the 1717 alarm. Okuma Alarm-A 1157 MCS Motor overcurrent This alarm shows sometimes 2-3 times a day but sometimes every 6 min after lubrication interval. Nov 14, 2012 · Hey guys, Been getting occasional alarms ever since having this LR15 lathe. 3)In the case of Okuma Alarm-C 3745 Mist lubrication unit The mist lubrication unit failed (for oil-mist turret lubrication types). It consists of five digits. Scribd es red social de lectura y publicación más importante del mundo. 2049 PLC axis stroke end over; 2050 PLC axis command; 2051 PLC axis continuous Dec 9, 2010 · The last bunch of times we have had the alarm pop up we have turned the machine off and on a bunch of times to work the breaker and the issue quit. Promoting cleaning, proper lubrication, accurate alignment, and replacing worn items using OEM-certified parts are all beneficial in increasing your machine’s performance and lifespan. You dont specify the code of each alarm but W07 alludes to trying to start the spindle too soon after an "A" list alarm (says 10 seconds is the time to wait after resetting an A alarm) or bad VAC The 266 A says Spindle Revolution error, spindle Okuma G75 C-chanfrado Okuma G75 C-chanfrado Okuma G75 G Code é usado para chanfrar uma aresta viva. number 2. 3->Magazine oil pressure low signal continued to be ON for 2[s]. 15->When it was not a tailstock concatenation carriage return place , they went along M189 instructions. G75 é não modal e ativo apenas no bloco comandado. Jul 18, 2024 · Preview Connect Plan on a single machine with just a quick download from the Okuma App Store. This alarm occurs when I/O check NO. 4->When the loader is not in the retract position, the spindle rotation command is issued. Apr 19, 2016 · When your Okuma machine tool throws up an alarm on the display, it’s often trying to tell you something very important. 1->A loader move command is designated when the door is open. Which relay is usually an indicator of what device has the problem. Classification Of Okuma Alarms. 1->The link ON/OFF switch input signals were kept ON or OFF for 0. Index None. Okuma Alarm-A 1797 Invalid mode switch Some switch input signals were kept ON or OFF. 8->When the loader is not . Results 1 to 3 of 3 Thread Tools. Change to Manual mode, press the O/T release button on teh back of the Machine, then use the handwheel to jog the Turret off the switch. 3->When 0x19000000->Stack overflow in the MF-SAFETY CPU 0x1A00XXXX->Illegal address is in the label table Nov 1, 2017 · I have recently been self teaching myself this machine we have had sitting idle on the floor for about 4 years. 3->The spindle rotation command is active. Alarm P; Alarm A; Alarm B (listed below) Alarm C; Alarm D; ERROR; Below are listed Okuma B type alarms for Okuma OSP-P300S/P300L CNC systems. So inside my code I have VIRD00050. 3->B axis brake OFF confirmaition switch is not ON. Code 2->The turret oil-mist drip sensor switch kept ON for 30 second or longer…. 17->Concerning NC tailstook, an axis movement instruction Okuma Alarm-A 1701 EC overload The overload relay of the EC is tripped. “My filter needs changed. is overheated or a problem with them is detected. When this alarm occurs, you should immediately change the battery for a fresh one. Okuma Alarm B List. Aug 29, 2011 · Our Okuma Crown turning center is throwing an alarm 1157, which says its a motor over current alarm. Alarm P; Alarm A; Alarm B; Alarm C; Alarm D (listed below) ERROR; Below are listed Okuma D type alarms for Okuma OSP-P300S/P300L CNC systems. ≡ MENU. Thread starter jdgarner13; Start date Aug 3, 2020; Replies 4 Views 4,811 J. Or you can simply press the “i” button, and voilà! Apr 21, 2016 · IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Okuma > Help please Okuma OSP-200 Safety I/O alarm 758 Thread: Help please Okuma OSP-200 Safety I/O alarm 758 Results 1 to 2 of 2 Classification Of Okuma Alarms. L Tamanho da face chanfrada. 6->When the loader is not in the retract position, the touch setter retract end signal has gone OFF. Classificatie van Okuma-alarmen Alarmen gerelateerd aan de OSP zijn geclassificeerd in vijf typen, namelijk Alarm P Alarm A Alarm B Alarm C (hieronder vermeld) Alarm D FOUT Hieronder vin Okuma Alarm-B 2457 X-axis correction stroke end over In Y-axis command or XY-axis command under Y-axis control, the XA-axis target point, which includes th ≡ MENU Home Fanuc Learn Examples Sinumerik Haas Reference Alarms Programming About The display format of CPU alarm, alarm P, A, B, C and D is indicated on pages 2 and 4. 136-1 Alarm-A SM Command A-turret 5 and W07 Alarm-D VAC motor not ready to start 1 Happens when press Cycle Start, but clears when put in Manual Mode, then usually starts fine afterwards when pressing Cycle Start Okuma G/M Codes Mill G/M Codes Lathe Okuma CNC Mill Okuma G73 Drilling Cycle Okuma G74 Reverse Tapping Okuma G76 Fine Boring Cycle Okuma CNC Lathe Okuma G75 C-chamfering Okuma G76 Rounding Okuma M203 Turret Unclamp Okuma Alarm-A 1753 Parts catcher interlock Parts catcher interlock is activated when an attempt is made to advance or retract the parts catcher. Apr 19, 2016 · See the example Alarm condition below: You may choose to reset this Alarm and run the machine to meet your production quota. Dec 15, 2014 · Preview Connect Plan on a single machine with just a quick download from the Okuma App Store. Nov 8, 2018 · VIRD being an input. It is a 2000 Okuma es-v4020 with OSP u10m controller. The 2nd to last time it was running the tail stock was used (same day). Probable Faulty Locations – Inverter unit – Overload operation Nov 7, 2014 · Okuma MA600HB Alarm A 1703-03. Okuma G/M Codes Mill G/M Codes Lathe Okuma CNC Mill Okuma G73 Drilling Cycle Okuma G74 Reverse Tapping Okuma G76 Fine Boring Cycle Okuma CNC Lathe Okuma G75 C-chamfering Okuma G76 Rounding Okuma M203 Turret Unclamp 2->M55 or M56 command is designated while the machine is not set for the center work. Okuma Alarm-B 2794 Mist air lube unit The mist air lubrication unit turned OFF the normal operation signal or turned ON the unit abnormal signal. 0700 NC start-up error; 0701 P100-Menu initialization failure; 0702 Power failure Okuma Alarm-A 1158 MCS Power unit overheat The inverter unit temperature has risen abnormally. Object None Character-string None Code X X=1:Synchronous counter value remains… Okuma OSP-P300S/P300L Alarm-C lijst. 2->TA axis clutch connect confirmation switch is not ON. For cnc machinists who work on cnc machines with Okuma cnc controls. This alarm indicates the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) battery for the control is near the end of its life, which is approximately six years. 4->If this alarm occurs with alarm C3745 ‘Mist Lubrication Unit Code 4’ pending, switch the oil-mist lubrication unit OFF and switch ON again for initial dripping. 3->The loader LINK/TEACH OKUMA ALARM; Attached Thumbnails Posted via Mobile Device . The machine is great and runs well, when it runs! I had an issue after drilling a hole thru the center of an aluminum cylinder where the turret tried to rotate, made a clunk, then gave me an alarm 1784-01 (Turret clamp time over). This issue just started. Okuma OSP-P300S/P300L ALARM & ERROR LIST. 5 second or longer. Aug 3, 2020 #1 Sep 20, 2008 · Hi guys, Need some back up on this one, I have here a Crown-L1420 with OSP-U10L control. Is it a problem with the VAC drive or power to the drive and how can I check? Okuma > Okuma Cadet OSP700 alarm 1055-20 Okuma Alarm-B 2734 Coolant level Coolant is running short or overflown. Joined Nov 7, 2014. 4035 Replace memory board battery; 4036 Key-code data receipt error; 4037 CCP-CPU Jan 19, 2024 · Preview Connect Plan on a single machine with just a quick download from the Okuma App Store. 34 INPUT bit 0 (iCOL/)) remained OFF longer than 1[s]. Those five digits are the address, 0005 and the bit, 0. (I/O check NO. Alarms related with the OSP are classified into five types, which are. Object Axis name or none (spindle). Trouble with MF-EC1 CARD 14->When the signal for confirming disconnection of tailstock was OFF, a tailstock chuck clamp command was issued. 5->The Okuma G/M Codes Mill G/M Codes Lathe Okuma CNC Mill Okuma G73 Drilling Cycle Okuma G74 Reverse Tapping Okuma G76 Fine Boring Cycle Okuma CNC Lathe Okuma G75 C-chamfering Okuma G76 Rounding Okuma M203 Turret Unclamp Jul 18, 2011 · After the alarm on the controller I get alarm 17 on the VAC Drive. The alarm book says probable fault locations are the Inverter Unit or Faulty motor insulation. J. Code 1->Turret unclamp confirmation switch is not ON. Okuma Alarm C List. Read Download. so I've been getting the alarm EC Overload Alarm-A 1707-1 and when I look at the manual, It says that the overload relay is tripped. There are 2 ways to get off the soft switch. 2->The oil motor is not ON. Recommended. The dealer said that since there is no reference to a specific axis with each alarm, that it has to be the spindle drive unit. litlerob1 Diamond. ≡ MENU Home Fanuc Learn Examples Sinumerik Haas Reference Alarms Programming About Preview Connect Plan on a single machine with just a quick download from the Okuma App Store. N. View Profile View Forum Jan 12, 2012 · I want to leave center work activated but when I command the spindle I get the 1717 alarm. ) This alarm occurs when any of the spindle lubrication motor, the hydraulic pump motor, the slideway lubrication motor, etc. Views: 425055 . Object Axis. Okuma Crown Alarm 1157 Motor over current; Crown 1060 trouble; Need Help!-Okuma Crown 2226 alarm ?? 02-25-2013, 09:40 PM #2. G75 é eficaz apenas no modo G01. ” “My lubrication is low. we could rotate the spindle with 100 RPM, but when we tried to trim the RPM via override or in MDI wit S commands then the spindle load Okuma Alarm-A 1156 MCS DC-bus voltage alarm The DC-bus voltage in the inverter unit has abnormally risen or fallen, disabling the inverter from supplying the current. 100->The work cover upturn/downturn command was issued while the door was Classification Of Okuma Alarms. What this says is if this light is on, alarm the machine. 2->The steadyrest EFFECTIVE/INEFFECTIVE switch input signals were kept ON or OFF for a second or longer. (bit 2 of EC input #8 is 0. Our Okuma Crown turning center is throwing an alarm 1157, which says its a motor over current alarm. The machine was operating perfectly on Saturday and this morning it would not turn the spindle. Okuma Lathe LB15 Programming Manual. Continue with reading or go to download page. May 18, 2010 · I have a Okuma MX45 machining center that keeps giving me one of the following alarms: has anyone had a similar experience? The alarms occur most of the time, but not always, during a peck drilling cycle. 4E484D49:NHMI-> NC-HMI 4D41434D:MACM-> MACMAN 414E494D:ANIM-> SIMULATION… How to Recover from a Tool Change Interruption on an Okuma Mill Posted by Gosiger on Thu, Nov 01, 2018 If the automatic tool changer on your Okuma vertical or horizontal milling machine suddenly stops in the middle of changing a tool, there’s a quick and easy way to solve the problem. Code 1->The spindle is not at zero speed. 1. We believe that preventive maintenance can help you get the most out of your Okuma GENOS M460/560-V. I have an Okuma ESV4020 equipped with an Okuma Osp U10M control and we were getting these errors appeared from one day to another. We have ran this same tool in the same pot for a very long time. 2)After the emergency limit switch has been released, turn off the emergency limit release switch in the original position and reset the soft-limit position. 0945 MEMORY BOARD/BATTERY LIFE. Object Axis name or none (spindle) Okuma Alarm-D 4068 Non-responsive software detected Non-answered software was detected. ” “My CPU fan has stopped rotating and I’m getting a little warm. Okuma Alarm P List. Okuma Alarm-A 1259 Tow-along tailstock connecting G02, G03, G30, G31, G32, G33, G34, or G35 is designated while the tow-along tailstock body is connected. May 9, 2017 · I've done this before on our HAAS machines, but this is for our new Okuma lathe (OSP300L controller). 01-05-2021, 10:46 AM #2. 2 TURRET/DOOR “Door open/close monitor timer”, an instruction output and state input do not solidarity and answer of door opening and shutting has not returned. 7->When the loader is not in the retract position, the loader (ceiling) door open signal has gone OFF. The alarm description page explains that the tool pot cannot accept large diameter tools. 32 INPUT bit5… EC overload alarm is caused by the relay tripping. 2->In the case of stacker crane I/F specification, if the APC operation OK signal turned OFF during APC operation in the ON state of 1757 装载机互锁 Okuma OSP-P300S/P300L Alarm-C 列表。适用于使用 Okuma cnc 控件的 cnc 机器的 cnc 机械师。 Okuma报警器的分类 与OSP Okuma Alarm-A 1759 Loader/robot not at escape position Lathe with Auto Loader/Robot Door: Loader at Waiting Position Code is Off. More often Okuma Alarm-A 1703 EC circuit breaker The circuit breaker of the EC is tripped. 16->Concerning NC tailstook in tailstook unclamp at G02, G03, G30, G31, G32, G33, G34, G35 command is designated. Probable Faulty Locations Lathe with Auto Loader/Robot Door:Loader at Waiting Position Code is Off. Issue: Alarm A, 1151-20 Motion Control System exception processing, Spindle,5001000 ' #13 ' "A fatal alarm occured while the MCS inverter unit and MCS software are executing their processing" '#13'-> IPM protective function activated Not long ago we replaced the MIP22 spindle drive with a refurbished unit. Set the time to be elapsed before the turret oil-mist drip sensor switch turns ON, with the mist lubrication unit check timer to avoid alarm check. Code None->The production/setting/test mode switches were kept OFF for 0. I need Help adjusting acceleration Jan 12, 2023 · Hi, I'm pretty new to doing maintenance on Okuma machines. Show Printable Version; Okuma CNC Systems OSP U100L OSP U10L Alarm Error List - Free ebook download as PDF File (. The last time the machine was running the tail stock was not engaged. Okuma Alarm-A 1783 Turret unclamp time over Unclamp operation is disabled or takes time. 3->M55 or M56 command is designated while the M-tool spindle is not in the stopped state (zero rotation input ON, spindle rotation command (M13/M14) not active, spindle rotating signal not ON). Alarm P; Alarm A; Alarm B; Alarm C (listed below) Alarm D; ERROR; Below are listed Okuma C type alarms for Okuma OSP-P300S/P300L CNC systems. Dec 28, 2023. pdf) or read book online for free. Code None->Defective or improperly adjusted connection ON/OFF confirmation LS’s Okuma Alarm-A 1787 Door open/close check NG After a door opening and shutting instruction, even though it is done the time progress which has set on MC SYSTEM PARAMETER NO. Any help on this would be great Similar Threads: Need Code XXXXYYYY XXXX= U-phase current detected when this alarm occurs, expressed in signed hexadecimal [Tolerance: 3FFF] YYYY= V-phase current detected when this alarm occurs, expressed in signed hexadecimal [Tolerance: 3FFF] Probable Faulty Locations – Inverter unit – Faulty motor insulation. Measures to Take 1)Push the reset button in the manual mode while turning on the emergency limit release switch on the control box, then move the turret away from the emergency limit position by rotating the pulse handle. Object SYSTEM. 4->C-axis is clamped. So the Alarm help says Find out witch limit switch is activated on the ( check panel ). ≡ MENU Home Fanuc Learn Examples Sinumerik Haas Reference Alarms Programming About We believe that preventive maintenance can help you get the most out of your Okuma GENOS M460/560-V. 2->A loader move command is designated when the loader is not at a longitudinal position in the automatic operation mode. Code 1->The X-/Z-axis oil mist lubrication drop sensor remained ON for more than 2[s]. Plugging a vacuum cleaner into the 120v 2a outlet on the machine can cause this alarm for example. I also took the motors apart and cleaned them just to make sure they were okay. Code None->The coolant level low switch (I/O check NO. I'll post back the results. 13->The condition of tailstock retract and unclamp is continued for 6[s]. 24 INPUT bit A (iOLA/) = 0) This alarm occurs when any of the spindle lubrication motor, the hydraulic pump motor, the coolant motor, the slideway lubrication motor, etc. 24 INPUT bit 9 (iCBA/) = 0) This alarm occurs when a circuit breaker in the EC control circuit is tripped. Oct 18, 2011 · IndustryArena Forum > MetalWorking Machines > Okuma > Alarm 1749. Okuma Alarm D List. Okuma Alarm-A 1156 MCS DC-bus voltage alarm The DC-bus voltage in the inverter unit has abnormally risen or fallen, disabling the inverter from supplying the current. Algirdas. Contact your Okuma dealer, they should be able to send you a copy of the PDF of the alarm book. 98->When door open command was performed, even though the time which was set on a parameter passes, a door does not open 99->When door interlock ON and a front door was not closed, air motor operation command was issued. In this manual, alarm codes are explained using such as "X", "XX", and "XXYY". The maintenance guy said it isn't the Okuma Alarm-A 1754 Coupling device alarm An abnormality is detected with the device coupled with the machine. 1: custom alarms - I know that VUACM calls the alarm, but the rest of the syntax is poorly explained. Programação Okuma G75 G75 X Z L Parâmetros Parâmetro Descrição X, Z Coordenadas do ponto de interseção. Thread: Alarm 1749. 4->M-tool spindle rotation command is designated while the tailstock is not at the specified position. Spindle Revolution, Sub-Spindle Revolution, or Milling Tool Revolution Command is issued; when Synchronized Peripherals at Waiting Position code is Okuma OSP-U100L OSP-U10L ALARM & ERROR LIST. Code 1->Input signals from the loader (Loader Continuous Operation and No Loader Interference) turned OFF at the same time (for loader interface types). Check the tripped breaker to locate the cause of the alarm. ” “If you push that reset button over and over and my fever will get higher. Code None->The circuit breaker of the EC is tripped. Code 1->Hydraulic oil pressure low signal continued to be ON for 2[s]. I just got in a new breaker from Okuma and will give it a shot. I had it tool changing and running test programs the other day while getting a feel for the machine and setting it up. Explanation is given in the following methods: (1) The alarm code indicated in this text can be used directly as the key to find the contents of error. This can be one reason Okuma Alarm-A 1727 C-axis ON/OFF command not possible C-axis connect/disconnect command (M110, M109, M892, M891) is designated under illegal conditions. ptcu hkhrk jimcc owb nhi qrw kfjdfc jpe eezmer pnzoavq ildgvh epyu kzjk gsdx yik