Mesh to nurb command. I wouldn't expect it to handle large files.
Mesh to nurb command If it is quadrangular mesh generated in modelling software with low number of polygons, this approach is correct, but if you have mesh coming from a scan for example where you have noise, irregular triangles etc, than this is in the Jun 13, 2018 · Hi there, What I need to do is to generate an SAT file from an imported STL file (which is generated elsewhere), and I’ve been having a few problems. Use the mesh as Martin indicates, or if the mesh is too large, decimate it. I will attach the model below and hopefully it will help you guys to understand my problem. Apr 16, 2019 · QuadRemesh, a new feature in Rhino 7 WIP for Windows and Mac, lets you create a quad mesh from mesh and NURBS geometry. Figure 6, the mesh after the plane is divided and merged, the red line is the intersection line of the division . Jun 11, 2018 · Hello, I converted a mesh to a surface by using “MeshToNURB” command. That said, once I get a triangulated surface, how then can I convert each triangle to a solid plane? I want to eventually build this form in triangular pieces of steel plate and want the rendering to show me how. ANy ideas, thanks Name ID Description Type; Quadrangular Surfaces: Quads: Surfaces derived from the quadrangular faces of a mesh. Jul 5, 2022 · Hi Community, I created a mesh of the Schwartz P minimal surface in Grasshopper based on three parameters: box size, box scale, and the number of mesh faces (see Schwarz_P_TPMS_box_scale. The resulting surface is a poly surface. Pick the mesh and press the right mouse MeshToNurb is a command that turns every facet in a mesh surface into a nurbs surface. I have this mesh surface model of a cliff and I am trying to make this surface into a NURBS or polysurface that I could boolean into or edit into and make cuts and changes to. Thanks! Mesh to nurb and then mergeallplanarfaces to get workable geometry. The polylines are converted to smooth NURBS curves (generally degree 3). In a mesh object, I have data about vertices (x, y, z) and faces. May 11, 2020 · Just generally speaking, is there a command/sequence I can use to turn a faceted mesh into a smoothed surface/NURB cloud. The original curves and surfaces are on hidden layers. Apr 18, 2017 · Hi I’m Ashraf, student at faculty of engineering, cairo university I’ve downloaded the last trial version of rhinoceros and began to work on I’ve included a 3D-Doctor model and need to make MeshToNurb command to get volume rendering but I think it isn’t working I want to know if this command isn’t included in the trial version and if it’s not can you recommend me how to use this Apr 21, 2024 · Hello, I could really use some help please. I need a nurbs surface, and it is far too large of a mesh to use the meshtonurb command in rhino. gh file. Feb 24, 2025 · QuadRemesh lets you create a quad-dominant mesh from mesh and NURBS geometry. The command MeshToNurbs can convert meshes to faceted NurbsPolysurfaces. Set the new polygon count. The file is too big to upload here I’m afraid. This command converts each polygon face to a NURBS surface. What I am trying to do is convert these mesh models to simplified nurb surfaces, where co-planar triangles are unified therefore minimising the number of surfaces. Command: RsMesh2Surfs . Please share your thoughts. Mar 28, 2023 · Hi All, I have a model consisting on thousands of mesh models of buildings making up a city model. Notes If the mesh has quadrangles in it, the count af starting triangles is the number of triangles after all of the quadrangles are split. Steve, I did as you suggested with some success. My goal is to convert the mesh to NURBS and to split one patch to 6 quads like this. You can section and contour meshes as well to build curve networks etc. For untrimmed surfaces, ExtractControlPolygon then SubDFromMesh (a test command, not finished) may be the thing. Another way I have tried is to use MeshtoNURB command and then transfer the same mesh to a polysurface. I tried to use first ToSubD and then ToNURBS but the resultant polysurfaces depend on the number of mesh faces and look The Convert to NURBS command converts planar objects and 3D polygons into NURBS curves, and converts the faces of solids to NURBS surfaces. But it could not be selected. (Also the level of detail remains consistent!) That sounds exactly like what MeshToNurb does. But I didn’t make it finally. I'll leave the . Hopefull Jan 9, 2020 · Hi, I have an stl file that Rhino will not convert via the meshtonurb command, can anybody advise on what my options are to achieve this, its too hard to re model. I tried weld but still it recognize as a rejoined small parts((( Have any idea? May 6, 2017 · Rhino is NURBS based, and mesh tools are basic. I've attempted this a few times with varying degrees of success, but the process is arduous to say the least. I know that this probably isn’t the most efficient workflow but my model is already in Rhino NURBS and it’s been years since I’ve used a mesh modeller. I ask because technology is evolving more rapidly than I can keep up, and it is possible I’m simply not aware of some new plugin or technique. How can I do to use gh to select this mesh surface. So I have the following question: how can I create such a mesh object, in which Reduces the number of polygons in a polygon mesh and converts mesh quadrangles to triangles. If there are not too many faces and complicated geometries the basic "meshtonurb" command should do the job. COMMANDS: MESHREDUCEMESHMESHTONURB Apr 9, 2017 · Another approach would be to first smooth the mesh and reduce the polygon count (there are libraries available for mesh reduction) and then simply converting each triangle/ quad to a nurbs patch (like the Rhino MeshToNurb Command). Option 4 : Shape type - plane. However, after converting to nurb. MeshToNurb will convert mesh triangles into either trimmed planar NURBS surfaces, or untrimmed planar NURBS surfaces with a singularity (one edge collapsed to a point), depending on whether you have set the command line option TrimTriangularFaces to Yes or No. if it is not possible , how can i Populate or spread component into mesh or Polysurface Jun 4, 2014 · Select the polysurface and then run the Mesh command: Mesh->From NURBS Object on the menu. Steps: 1. And if you upload the mesh file (only the mesh) here, or an image of it, then it is easier to give you good advice May 7, 2017 · It depends also on what type of mesh you have and you want to use this command to convert the mesh into NURBS. If Countour or (MeshToNurbs) is overwhelming your machine's memory, try breaking the mesh into smaller pieces, contouring them individually, and then joining the curves Jun 11, 2011 · Hi, Is it possible to convert a mesh into Surface by grasshopper as i know it is possible to convert mesh to polysurface in Rhino by command Mesh to Nurb Fig 6. You might consider contouring and lofting, or contouring in two axes and using network srf. a mesh model which is open mesh and homeomorphous to plane, although it is complex. This method should be easier to implement but the resulting nurbs body could have an ugly topology. 4mb for the original mesh). My GH patch uses the Boundary command (aka PlanarSrf) to combine curves that have internal spaces (i. ghx file of the definition I got online as well as the mesh that I created in a . Is there an app in food4rhino t… The Meshtonurbs command>Delete the mesh>Join the nurbs>Merge all faces>shrink trimmed surfaces to edgebut usually i stop after I join because merging all faces usually takes forever even though I am using a less than a year old BOXX workstation. i tried to make it a mesh again with the mesh command (thinking it would solve the problem) but it wouldn’t mesh so i Summary: Much controversy and many support calls have arisen over the years concerning this command. 😉 Reply reply You want to do a rotate command using two corners, then hold down SHIFT as Apr 21, 2010 · I tried to use gh to use "surface" command to set that mesh surface. All I can currently do is select individual boxes that make up the mesh. Start a new part in Sep 18, 2024 · Hi, I need help with this mesh surface. Interesting. The density of input points / mesh may need adjusting. To see the results of the reduction, click Preview. What works is: import STL select Mesh > Mesh Boolean > Union, and highlight the mesh in command line type MeshToNurb and highlight the mesh this generates a polysurface which can be exported successfully as an SAT. . As the tool continues to evolve, it will continue to be improved and acquire more features. Joseph_Oster October 30, Apr 26, 2020 · Hello, I am aware that there is a command to turn meshes into nurbs but the mesh I have is to complicated aka too many polygons to turn into a nurbs surface without crashing my computer. 9. This will do real NURBS fitting to your mesh, but it's pretty crude. Aug 21, 2020 · Hi all, I am trying to transform a mesh to a surface, in which I try to project the points from mesh to a boundary surface and then rebuild the boundary surface. courtyards), and then Extrudes. However if you want to split a nurbs object with it you might need to convert the mesh into a Nurbs form to perform the splitting. However, for some STL files Apr 27, 2019 · Hi there, probably an easy way to fix this but I have no idea. Switch to the Part module and click Part > Create shape from mesh. I wouldn't expect it to handle large files. I am planning to unroll this NURB, the shape is a simple triangle but has many extra lines that appear on the NURB and after I unroll the NURB, I wanted to simplify the faces as much as possible. 1 Like John_Brock (John Brock) July 27, 2016, 5:05pm Contour is the right command here. May 1, 2018 · Hello - you’d have to go through the Mesh stage. Get MeshLab (free) and import the STL. The maximum edge length option is one method to increase the density of a mesh. ANy ideas, thanks Aug 3, 2014 · I’ve created a polysurface from a mesh through the mesh-to-nurb command, but now I want to create a single surface from the nurbs polysurface but don’t know how to do this? I need a single surface so that I can seamlessly plug the surface into grasshopper. Mar 20, 2015 · points for a command to get the Polysurface (nurb) then as you can see. Mar 4, 2020 · I know this topic comes up from time to time, but I was wondering if anyone has a suggestion for an easy way to do convert a mesh file to a NURBS file. . After that, I need to transfer the Oct 24, 2022 · Hi all, I’m looking for some advice on getting better Mesh results from the NURBS conversion. It will be grateful if anyone can check my GH script. Should I have to convert mesh to nurb firstly, and then to select it in gh?I tried this method with a plug-in. I would also like my shapes and lines to snap to the surface which it does not currently do. User selects a mesh, and defines a curve network by drawing lines on the selected mesh. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Hello I am wondering what is the easiest way to convert my mesh structure into polysurfaces so that I can create drawings? Ive tried Mesh to Nurb in Rhino but crashes therefore I am seeking a better solution? something that is perhaps within GH since I generating this through GH Feb 28, 2019 · There are specific tools for meshes, Try _MeshSplit command. Oct 23, 2020 · Hi guys, Did a MeshToNURB command on a high resolution quad mesh, and the output resulted in 15744 individual surfaces. Is there any solution or workflow to merge these surfaces into one while keeping a great degree of accuracy with regard to the original shape? even if it would be a tedious process, I’m open to any suggestions. Reply Apr 21, 2010 · I tried to use gh to use "surface" command to set that mesh surface. That option is only available if you do not preselect the meshes before starting the Jul 2, 2019 · Ah, there is a Rhino built-in command “MeshToNurbs”. image 2558×1080 371 KB. Is it somewhere out there and I miss it, if not is it an incoming feature? Thank you very much Aug 14, 2020 · The same meshing engine in Rhino is used in both the creation of analysis meshes for the functions like Draft Analysis and Curvature Analysis, EMap and by the Mesh command (Tools > Polygon Mesh > From NURBS Object), which creates a real mesh object directly from a NURBS object. I would not use Rhino for more than occasional mesh editing and repair. By the way, this isn't really a programming question, so it's not really appropriate for StackOverflow. i would like to unroll this polysrf but now it looks like this. When I check “Mesh Repair”, it says that it is a good mesh but yet an open mesh not a close mesh. Also how to join all the exploded part of mesh. Select mesh objects. (sorry for my Jul 27, 2016 · There is the command _MeshtoNURB which converts each mesh face to a nurbs surface. MeshCmd, also called “MeshCommand” is a open source command line tool that runs on both Windows and Linux and used to perform many tasks related to computer management. Then try to proceed to build curved nurb surfaces by eg. next to it there is a mesh, for mesh I just typed in ‘mesh’ command. May 14, 2014 · Using T-Spline to convert the mesh into a BRep). And I’d like to know if there is any way i can convert this poly surface into a single surface using Rhino Script. Nalina 当我们需要把一个网格(Mesh)转成NURBS曲面时,可以让Rhino帮助我们完成。 以下是一张由三角网格所组成人脸模型。 这张人脸网格属于非封闭的单张网格结构,第一步把它的边缘提取为曲线,曲线是留待后面分割曲面用… Jun 8, 2015 · Each mesh face will be accurately converted in a NURBS surface. Jan 20, 2014 · If your imported meshes look faceted, try to weld them using the command _Weld. When the shape is meshed, there is no lines and is the simple form that I want, but after using MeshToNURB, the lines appear. a mesh model which has 4 sharp corners in the boundary line Fig. a trimmed surface was fitted from the above mesh. Get step-by-step instructions and tips for achieving the best results when meshing to Nurbs. Sectioning the mesh to create a series of polylines which can be used to build a surface. Dec 3, 2024 · This process simplifies working with mesh models. Hello - generally speaking no, that can be a very complicated business - again, what you have and what the quality of the output needs to be, would largely determine the tools you’d use and level of difficulty in getting I'm about to begin a large project translating a bunch of mesh (. So as you can see some of the quads have vertical lines, some don’t, and some even have both vertical and horizontal. This article will attempt to explain some of the workings of this useful but often misunderstood function and hopefully promote a more informed use. gh). I used the meshtonurb command on something but the nurb doesn’t have the same shading as the mesh that i need for the project. Warning: This method converts each polygon face to a NURBS surface. So basically what it does is to just mess things up, but sometimes it works in some cases that only accepts NURBS surfaces. Apr 10, 2019 · For simplicity, I picked a few examples and deleted everything else from the model, which is attached. Is anyone able to figure out what's going on? Jun 11, 2011 · Is it possible to convert a mesh into Surface by grasshopper as i know it is possible to convert mesh to polysurface in Rhino by command Mesh to Nurb. Dec 23, 2016 · Dear All, I am new in Rhino (Mac) and I try to generate a mesh based on a Surface or Polysurface from a Python script. I use Patch frequently to obtain surfaces from a relatively dense set of points / mesh and obtain good results. For trimmed faces, I think the only way is to Mesh the object and SubDFromMesh I’d say, depending on what you have, that this is unlikely to be what you’re after though. Application called FreeCAD. I think you can run it on a mesh directly now, but it's possible that's more computationally demanding than running it on a polysurface. As a test, I tried this on this very chair… then I exported the chair as the original mesh (to 3dm) and the new meshtonurb chair (to 3dm). I’m currently exporting some files for a client who uses a Form1 3D printer but the mesh file, although a good mesh has intersecting faces and causes errors. Mar 17, 2017 · Hi Hannes - Rhino does not like the mesh - (Check command) but despite all the bad stuff it tells you in Check, you can clean up using AlignMeshVertices at . Is there anyway I can convert it to a close mesh? Here is some detial of the mesh: mesh ID: 12bfb5a7-81df-46b8-a138-e2b5784c2e (13) Layer name: Baby Body Render Material: source = from obj index = 2 Geometry: Valid mesh May 28, 2019 · This is a bad command, I mentioned this in previous threads. Feb 8, 2018 · Mesh to Nurbs is a really dumb command! It basically just converts Mesh-faces to NURBS-surfaces. The nurb chair turns out being a much bigger file (32mb for the nurb vs 1. I have ScanTo3D, Geomagic Wrap, and Rhino at my disposal. For more information, see the Rhino help file for information on the MeshToNURB command. This is in 99 % of all cases absolutely nonsense. Rhino. I found the function MeshToNurb I was wondering if there is a way to generate a mesh from a nurb as in the menu Mesh->From NURBS objects. Jun 11, 2011 · Hi, Is it possible to convert a mesh into Surface by grasshopper as i know it is possible to convert mesh to polysurface in Rhino by command Mesh to Nurb if… Jun 11, 2011 · Hi, Is it possible to convert a mesh into Surface by grasshopper as i know it is possible to convert mesh to polysurface in Rhino by command Mesh to Nurb Mesh: M: Mesh to convert into polysurface: Mesh: Triangles: T: If true, triangle faces will be converted into trimmed triangle surfaces If false, triangle faces will be converted into untrimmed surfaces where the first and fourth corner points overlap: Boolean: Face Merge: F Tutorial 11 - Fit mesh to NURBS surface by specifying shape type. 2. STL) files into resurfaced and smooth NURB files for machining. Sep 26, 2017 · Dear All, I have a problem converting complex open mesh to close mesh. Thank you. #mufasucad #r 这意味着:如果被转换的Mesh面为4边,且都在同一个平面上,则转换后的NURBS曲面也会是平直面。如果被转换的Mesh面的顶点不在同一个平面,则转换后的曲面也将是弯曲。这种曲面也叫“直纹曲面”。 Mesh Triangles 三角形Mesh都会是平直面。MeshtoNurb会把三角形Mesh Oct 7, 2013 · I have a similar issue trying to convert a mesh surface to a triangular mesh. Learn how to convert a mesh into Nurbs using Rhino. I’m also wondering what for this particular sample model, packing with a subD density of ever 2000 would not work [it will convert without packing] even as @scottd has tested successfully with far higher subD count. Fig. a. 05. Dec 9, 2022 · Eventually I have to resort to work-arounds like producing all parts as curves and not rendering surfaces - which is fine, CNCs need CAD anyway - but a rendering looks nice and helps guide fabrication - you can always manually tweak a profile here and there - however the inconsistency and unpredictability (despite how meticulous one is to keep mesh-to-subd-to-nurb fidelity and cleanliness) are Nov 3, 2014 · Making a polysurface from such a large mesh is a hugely heavy process (which is what mesh-to-nurbs does), and you'd have a hard time working with it for making 2D drawings anyway. MeshToNURBS converts each mesh face to a NURBS surface The result will not be useful to you…The number of NURBS surfaces will be the same as the number of input mesh faces, and the result will be faceted along the curved portions, just like the mesh. Enter the command _RsMesh2Surf on the Rhino command line (Note: This command will only be effective after the RhinoResurf plug-in is successfully loaded into Rhino). Aug 3, 2023 · Are there any methods for me to try and convert the mesh to Nurbs without having to reduce the mesh, either from only the mesh edges or any other methods. Converting and smoothing 3d-files probably haven’t been so popular earlier because there is so much unknown issues involved in it. I want to avoid too many export options or opening the Mar 4, 2015 · Sectioning the mesh at a number of locations, typically using Contour although sometimes Section is used, and then using Patch to create a mesh from the section polylines. It will make your file heavier, but will play nicer with any commands you use to transform it. Syntax. Oct 16, 2021 · Greetings to esteemed experts. Open the Mesh module and import your STL. 001. Generic: Triangular Surfaces: Tris: Surfaces derived from the triangular faces of a mesh. If your surface parameters go between 0 and 1, let's say that you generate points every 0. It is not meant to convert entire mesh models to NURBS models, and there is, in fact, no simple way to accomplish this. Elena_Alcázar (Elena Alcázar) February 24, 2025, 12:07pm 3 Command: RsMesh2Surfs. I am very new to rhino so sorry if this is a simple question but i couldn’t find any answers online. RhinoResurf for Rhino can convert an open or closed mesh to multiple NURB surfaces. Broadly, the tool is intended to perform three sets of tasks. I tried to use a definition that someone provided online but the definition wasn't able to read my mesh as a mesh; it rejected the input. MeshToNurb (strObject [, blnTrimmedTriangles [, blnDelete]]) Warning. Many thanks in advance. It depends on what the geometry is and its level of detail, complexity of the curves, how resolves you need your nurbs model, etc. I recently was able to use my iPhone 11 as a 3D scanner, with an app from Qlone, and would like to Feb 4, 2019 · Are you aware that mesh to nurbs makes one nurbs surface for every mesh face? If you want a single nurbs surface to edit points on then you might be better off by using the drape command. Currently, I am using a macro by @pascal which seems to work fine for processing 70-80% of the geometry but it is failing when it Command: RsMesh2Surfs. Sep 2, 2008 · I can turn all 3d-files from polygon meshes to smooth NURBS-solids, using special programs. Any thoughts? May 16, 2016 · Hi Guys, It’s been a while, everything has being going swimmingly… What’s the general consensus on software for converting NURBS to mesh as Rhino seems to make a hash of it. 8. I want to know why it does this if Oct 30, 2024 · I just used the mesh to nurb command on rhino. The coordinates of vertices of a mesh are obtained by a mesher, in a simple explanation, on the intersection of uv isocurves of the original Nurbs surface with some step. The topo mesh has been replaced with a simple mesh box. ( Command: _RsMesh2Surf in RhinoResurf for Rhino 4 or 5) Tutorial 12 - morph the geometry from original mesh data to compensated mesh data by using command _RsSurfacemap Aug 13, 2020 · it also has the original high poly mesh and a symmetrical + non symmetrical subD and Nurbs results. This command simply converts quad faces to 4-point quad surfaces and tri faces to 3-point tri surfaces. e. You don’t want to do this on a high poly mesh model for so many reasons. This is a quick way of creating NURBS curves from circles and arcs, or NURBS surfaces from an extrusion, sweep, or other solid. There are a few tricks you can use to get decent 2D drawings from meshes, but it becomes difficult to layer these in with other objects, particularly when it comes to Apr 1, 2016 · First you need to generate a grid of individual points on the surface. Let’s say I get a mesh from a Nurbs surface. The context is that I am converting a model I’ve created into a mesh for use in Unity. Solidworks required. extracting mesh borders as polylines, rebuilding these to curves with at least degree 3 and so on. Step 3: Create a surface. The MeshToNURB command duplicates each polygon in a polygon mesh with a NURBS surface. Having to re-learn/ learn a mesh modeller is a bit of Dec 12, 2017 · Its first time when I thought about this issiu cuz I want to use ready one model which came in mesh file and apply script on mesh now,not nurbs as usual. When you set the trimming to no, the NURBS surfaces will be trimmed rectangular surfaces whereas if you set it to yes, it will result in untrimmed surfaces that have one edge collapsed to a point. Then just click one or two buttons, the selected mesh will be converted to multiple NURB surfaces with specified tolerance. Export to DXF. Jun 21, 2019 · The only approach I know to take is: meshtonurb and then mergeallfaces. It is not meant to convert entire mesh models to NURBS models and there is, in fact, no simple way to accomplish this. 7 a standard untrimmed surface was fitted from the above mesh, the two holes were filled. Apr 6, 2012 · I am having similar problem, I have a topo that was created from a point cloud, I used the Delaunay mesh command, and that worked but it is a mesh. tusjrm lncwbhg lqhr wwyi ylk akxfkg ghqaljt krihxu hhntthx kvce oghr xklyx okdcft ovben jvfd