Matlab string to variable name. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover .
Matlab string to variable name User inputs fundVar = 'var1 var2 var8'; y = var1 + var2 * var8; If you happen to have a variable called "contact" already in the workspace that is equivalent to the variable "Contact" defined in your script, then that would explain why your script runs correctly now (perhaps "contact" came from a run of a previous version of the script that defined "contact" the same exact way "Contact" is defined now, for instance), but if you want your script to run in Apr 28, 2016 · There have been lots of discussion on this topic, if you really want to solve your question in a robust way then you need to avoid accessing variables names dynamically. Jul 8, 2011 · Each of those strings that are variable names are variables whos values are arrays and I'd like to concatenate whatever variables do exist. *Want:* How to change name from Old_var to New_var by using code, so I will have new variable "New_var=55". ) May 15, 2018 · Being given the name of a variable as a string (in my case the name of an existing Simulink. Jan 3, 2013 · I want to create a new variable named "omega" (assume double type) using the string "omega". e. Syntax: t = isvarname(s Sep 10, 2014 · I've trawled through these forums and found loads on inputting variables as titles, however, none of them work for me. If str is a string array or cell array of character vectors, genvarname returns a string array or cell array of character vectors in varname. Which one? May 13, 2014 · Once you have the user's input string and have created the variable name, you can use the eval function to access that variable. Confusion arises when these two totally different concepts are mixed up, as in your question: GENVARNAME and MAKEVALIDNAME apply to names of workspace Jul 8, 2011 · Each of those strings that are variable names are variables whos values are arrays and I'd like to concatenate whatever variables do exist. Otherwise, it returns logical 0 (false). It should work. Essentially, you have to create your own function to do this. cell indexing) to get the strings from it As with many problems in MATLAB, there are a number of different ways you can solve this Option 1: You could use the function REGEXPREP. Learn more about variable names, matlab, create variables MATLAB Learn more about matlab, ann, string MATLAB Hello, So The idea is to construct a string of the name of a variable (network class) that already exists in the workspace, and then calling that string for a specific input would output the same Sep 12, 2012 · Here is a a generic function: Can be used for either structs or class objects. save variables with original name. Learn more about table, string, matrix MATLAB May 14, 2020 · I tested the title call. 0 Comments Show -2 older comments Hide -2 older comments Oct 13, 2016 · Right now I'm trying to convert the n-value to a string and inserting into the a variable that is used in the code, but I can't figure out how to make matlab know I'm not creating y into a string "x1" but to figure out it's a variable it should write instead. Im trying to change the title of a plot with respect to a parameter the user w Jun 12, 2013 · I want to create a structure with a variable name in a matlab script. The table and cell array can store your variable names at the top. makeValidName(S) constructs valid MATLAB® identifiers, N, from input strings, S. This command requires that your variable names are separated from the data itself: newtable = array2table(origarray(2:end,:),'VariableNames',origarray(1,:)) Nov 13, 2013 · Also note that MATLAB variable names cannot have the dot character in them, so your example variable names are invalid and would not work, even though you incorrectly state that "you can call them pic1. Aug 16, 2013 · This seems like to name the fields within a variable. png, pic2. Many beginners in programming struggle with the problem of hiding indices in the names of variables, because they do not have enough experiences with the efficient using of arrays. com/help/matlab/ref/inputname. Which one? Right now I'm trying to convert the n-value to a string and inserting into the a variable that is used in the code, but I can't figure out how to make matlab know I'm not creating y into a string "x1" but to figure out it's a variable it should write instead. 7 of Quantum Computing for Everyone Jul 14, 2022 · Convert string to variable. But I want to save it as PM25_year in which the year changes based on `str = fname(13:end)' This might be a very bizarre question (and probably I might be advised against doing such a weird thing) but if I have a string as in v_str ='var_name' and I want to transform the contents of that code into the actual code, is that possible in MATLAB? As in: v_str = 'var_name' x = make_string_to_code(v_str) translates to the functioning code: x Learn more about variables, strings, matlab function, file MATLAB. Since I don’t want to write the file to my computer, I didn’t test the savefig call. To avoid potential conflicts, do not use the names of existing variables or functions as field names. Apr 26, 2018 · N = matlab. Learn more about table, string, matrix MATLAB Jun 19, 2012 · This way, I only have to use text variables once to create the matrices in the right order (each row is a node or a flux vector). Which one? Jun 2, 2016 · I developed a matlab code that I now have to modify to turn into a loop. Otherwise you can create a 2nd variable that stores the variable names so you can identify the rows, columns, etc. S=struct; field1='z'; S. I want the name of my structure to be SUB_34, e. But I cant find a way to create a variable with that name. Learn more about matlab, eval, dynamic variable names MATLAB This might be a very bizarre question (and probably I might be advised against doing such a weird thing) but if I have a string as in `v_str ='var_name'` and I want to transform the contents of tha Mar 30, 2022 · I have a variable which reflects a user choice between OptionA - OptionG, e. Parameter variable in the workspace selected by the user as a design variable for optimization), I would like to be able to access the properties of the object such as Simulink. Which one? Apr 12, 2012 · Hello, I have a variable (vector) defined at the beginning of my code, say A1. Which one? Jan 17, 2020 · You can store them in a matrix or a multidimensional array (if the variables are all numeric or logical), or in a cell array or a table. I. How to concatenate strings in a loop? 0. But I don't know how to do this. Nov 10, 2019 · In different files, I have a struct. Using double quotes: When you create a string with double quotes, you create a string array. Confusion arises when these two totally different concepts are mixed up, as in your question: GENVARNAME and MAKEVALIDNAME apply to names of workspace Dec 14, 2012 · is the basic syntax for use. mat file (MATLAB's proprietary tabular format) into the Scilab workspace. When you write code properly (without dynamic variable names) then it is faster, neater, more robust, easier to debug, less obfuscated, much more efficient, etc. In your example of the third cell, the string is already "IST_WANDLER_MOM" so there's nothing to change. Hi, Is it possible to use a string as a variable name to which I can assign values??? If you happen to have a variable called "contact" already in the workspace that is equivalent to the variable "Contact" defined in your script, then that would explain why your script runs correctly now (perhaps "contact" came from a run of a previous version of the script that defined "contact" the same exact way "Contact" is defined now, for instance), but if you want your script to run in Feb 2, 2024 · Insert Variable Into String in MATLAB Using string() In MATLAB, one of the most flexible and convenient methods for inserting variable values into strings is by using the string() function. May 15, 2018 · Being given the name of a variable as a string (in my case the name of an existing Simulink. Is there a way to use this variable to dot index into the structure? So if the user were to select "OptionC", I would like to loop through each of the Levels and extract the OptionC value from each. Each of those strings that are variable names are variables whos values are arrays and I'd like to concatenate whatever variables do exist. You can construct the loop to either loop through and generate all the names first and store in cellstr or string array or, just build the filename inside the overall calculation loop at the point you're ready to use it. These objects are more versatile Convert string to variable. xs, ys and zs contain strings that happen to be variable names, and I'm checking to see if these variables exist using the find. e the new variable omega should be able to hold numerical values (eg below). x. Feb 18, 2015 · I'd like to know how to find a variable in the base MATLAB Workspace by entering only a part of its name. You will have to use eval or another function (e. A valid MATLAB identifier is a character vector of alphanumerics (A–Z, a–z, 0–9) and underscores, such that the first character is a letter and the length of the Learn more about string, convert, inputname() MATLAB Hi I need to make a lot of plot to debug my code. Which one? For reasons beyond my understanding, TMW in their infinite wisdom decided to name the columns of a table as "variables", which is the same name used for arrays stored in the MATLAB workspace. As I say, it's messy to do that, and at least you may want to have things stored within a structure, which allows programmatic creation of elements using string variables Jul 14, 2011 · MATLAB: create a string array with a list of variable names with a given prefix 0 Can a constructor access the name of the variable its object is being store to? Creating Variable Names from Strings. I want to create a new variable named "omega" (assume double type) using the string "omega". Saving matlab files with a name having a variable input. lang. Learn more about string, variable, handles MATLAB I have a table with 30-ish columns and thousands of rows containing strings and numerical values (small sample attached). Each struct has the same underlying structure and variable names. html Jul 8, 2011 · Each of those strings that are variable names are variables whos values are arrays and I'd like to concatenate whatever variables do exist. 0. Jan 29, 2018 · There is no direct way to get the name of a variable as a string, but there is a function called "inputname" that will return the name of a variable that was input into a function: https://www. png". . and now the variable Name1 is created and has a value of 18. Then I define string: Mar 7, 2024 · That also works if the variable name is not a normal MATLAB variable name (for example containing a space or other special characters). The idea is to extract a part of an input string filled by the user and to create a structure with this name. Feb 12, 2015 · I am trying to write a function since I have to make a similar calculation for many variables. eval([ 'dataset = ' ,variableName, ';' ]); the chosen dataset will now be stored in the variable 'dataset' and you can use it as per normal. I have a long list of variables & I don't know the exact variable name. Jan 20, 2024 · Creating Variable Names from Strings. For reasons beyond my understanding, TMW in their infinite wisdom decided to name the columns of a table as "variables", which is the same name used for arrays stored in the MATLAB workspace. String to variable name MATLAB. Confusion arises when these two totally different concepts are mixed up, as in your question: GENVARNAME and MAKEVALIDNAME apply to names of workspace Learn more about matlab, eval, dynamic variable names MATLAB This might be a very bizarre question (and probably I might be advised against doing such a weird thing) but if I have a string as in `v_str ='var_name'` and I want to transform the contents of tha Jun 17, 2013 · But again, dynamically building variable names is rarely legitimate. For example: if x1a and xA exist, I want to join both of those arrays to make one array stored in grids2project. png, pic3. Jan 13, 2018 · @Vladislav Kargin: Exactly. The function genvarname has a different purpose, which is to generate acceptable and non-conflicting variable names, and not the variables themselves. Jun 26, 2020 · Use Excel table row names as variable names in MATLAB Hot Network Questions Interpreting Spin Outcomes in Figure 1. 1. function obj_to = set_props(obj_to, obj_from) % insert properties from obj_from into obj_to. The makeValidName function does not guarantee the strings in N are unique. May 18, 2021 · Hello, I have an array of string names for variables I need to use, and variables with such names in workspace. 7 of Quantum Computing for Everyone Apr 11, 2014 · The variable is large enough and in a complicated enough form that I want to save the variable each time it comes out of the loop with a different name. Which one? Sep 29, 2017 · If your data is currently in an array, the MATLAB command to create a table from an array is array2table. The following Field names, like variable names, must begin with a letter, can contain letters, digits, or underscore characters, and are case sensitive. Min, Simulink. define variable by Jan 3, 2013 · I want to create a new variable named "omega" (assume double type) using the string "omega". If it is a valid MATLAB variable name the isvarname function returns logical 1 (true). This function determines if the input is a valid variable name. Matlab is a tool and you can use it the wrong way. The most commonly-used MATLAB function for exporting data which relies on the variable names is SAVE, but of course SAVE has the -STRUCT option which completely avoids the need for dynamically named variables, so you must be using some other export function. But care for the FAQ link Matt has posted. After that, I can just cycle through the matrix using a loop, without having to use complicated stuff with strings and text (which I find to be very unwieldy in Matlab). Sep 22, 2021 · Check whether the input is a valid variable name: To check whether the input is a valid variable name isvarname( ) is used. In this example, I want the variable Lifetime to take value Jul 14, 2022 · Convert string to variable. content indexing) instead of (i. It is not useful to call with respect to variables in the current workspace, in that in each case you would need the plain name of the variable to pass to the getVarName call, and if you know the plain name of the variable then you might as well just put it in '' instead of calling a May 10, 2014 · In each cell is simply a string. There may be variables in the program that have the same name as the strings in the 55 cells, but what you have in the cells are simply strings. Max, Simulink. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover Jan 13, 2018 · The most commonly-used MATLAB function for exporting data which relies on the variable names is SAVE, but of course SAVE has the -STRUCT option which completely avoids the need for dynamically named variables, so you must be using some other export function. Creating strings in MATLAB can be done in a straightforward manner. Aug 23, 2021 · For reasons beyond my understanding, TMW in their infinite wisdom decided to name the columns of a table as "variables", which is the same name used for arrays stored in the MATLAB workspace. Field names cannot contain periods. Jan 31, 2012 · Can you please explain more on how to use a cell array or a struct data type for dynamic variable names? I was using this to let a user set the name of a variable: eval([var2n '=' num2str(var2v)]); where var2n is the string entered by the user – Mar 29, 2012 · Using strings as variable names works with eval. In particular, I have 'Xaws1', 'Xaws2', 'Xaws3' variables other than others in my workspace, and I want their names to populate an array which would look something like {'Xaws1', 'Xaws2', 'Xaws3'}. (field1); Aug 23, 2021 · For reasons beyond my understanding, TMW in their infinite wisdom decided to name the columns of a table as "variables", which is the same name used for arrays stored in the MATLAB workspace. Oct 27, 2020 · This is workable, but not quite as clean as keeping a variable listing the file names, searching it to find the index of a given file name, and using that index to index a structure array or cell array (those permit easier processing of all the stored information since if you need to (say) normalize all of the data you do not care what its Creating Strings in MATLAB. Is there a function that compares/matches character order in a list of variable strings? Thanks, For reasons beyond my understanding, TMW in their infinite wisdom decided to name the columns of a table as "variables", which is the same name used for arrays stored in the MATLAB workspace. choice = "OptionC". The inputs will be Var_name and Var_range. With respect to suggesting a good resource for learning MATLAB, you shouldn't underestimate the value of the MATLAB documentation. Here I provide an example to explain what I want to do: Right now I'm trying to convert the n-value to a string and inserting into the a variable that is used in the code, but I can't figure out how to make matlab know I'm not creating y into a string "x1" but to figure out it's a variable it should write instead. So you can just reassign them to whatever you want. assignin, mentioned in an earlier answer) to utilise this variable name. Mar 11, 2019 · For each element that is changed in any of the input variables you need to build a name. I know that you can assign strings to a specific field name for example for structure S if I want field1 to be called z then. Now the problem is, to tell Matlab when to evaluate what part of the expression. I would like to save my data at every iteration with a different variable name (without changing the variable name at the beginning of every iteration). inputname() can only be used when what is passed to the function is a plain variable with no indexing at all. png, pic4. For this purpose, I have a function that plots the vector I give her as input. Confusion arises when these two totally different concepts are mixed up, as in your question: GENVARNAME and MAKEVALIDNAME apply to names of workspace Dec 6, 2022 · How to convert a string into a variable name and Learn more about image, variable, evil, eval, bad idea, anti-pattern, anti pattern, slow, complicated I've read multiple post: converting a string into a variable name seems quite problematic, but in my case convenient. (It would likely help to include the figure handle as the first argument in the savefig call, just to be certain it’s doing what you want it to, although that’s snot required. If I just want to make a variable name from a string, how to do it? Thanks! Apr 2, 2012 · The loadmatfile, as far as I have understood, "tries" to load the variables defined in a MATLAB . Learn more about strings, variables, conversion, workspace, sprintf, str2, eval Apr 23, 2015 · If you want to create variables programmatically (not a recommended practice, but if you insist), see the previous question: A way to dynamically create variables in Matlab?. i. In this example, I want the variable Lifetime to take value Jun 26, 2020 · Use Excel table row names as variable names in MATLAB Hot Network Questions Interpreting Spin Outcomes in Figure 1. Confusion arises when these two totally different concepts are mixed up, as in your question: GENVARNAME and MAKEVALIDNAME apply to names of workspace The most commonly-used MATLAB function for exporting data which relies on the variable names is SAVE, but of course SAVE has the -STRUCT option which completely avoids the need for dynamically named variables, so you must be using some other export function. This format is more Mar 4, 2019 · How to create a table name using a string Learn more about rename table name with string variable, evil eval MATLAB Hi, How can I use a string variable for a table name? The most commonly-used MATLAB function for exporting data which relies on the variable names is SAVE, but of course SAVE has the -STRUCT option which completely avoids the need for dynamically named variables, so you must be using some other export function. For example: varname = genvarname(str) constructs a string or character vector varname that is similar to or the same as the str input, and can be used as a valid variable name. Jan 13, 2018 · The most commonly-used MATLAB function for exporting data which relies on the variable names is SAVE, but of course SAVE has the -STRUCT option which completely avoids the need for dynamically named variables, so you must be using some other export function. Oct 13, 2016 · Right now I'm trying to convert the n-value to a string and inserting into the a variable that is used in the code, but I can't figure out how to make matlab know I'm not creating y into a string "x1" but to figure out it's a variable it should write instead. For example if there is a variable foo it will "try" to create the variable foo and loads its value from the MATLAB script. = ismember() function. This function is used to create string objects. User inputs fundVar = 'var1 var2 var8'; y = var1 + var2 * var8; Apr 26, 2018 · Convert variable name to string in Matlab? 1. A string object is a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes ("). mathworks. Oct 1, 2012 · MATLAB will automatically assign the first output d (which has the value 3 in this case) to the default workspace variable ans. – Jul 1, 2015 · Learn more about variable, string MATLAB *Given:* I have variable "Old_var=55" and string "New_var". Aug 22, 2015 · When you create a function handle, the workspace variables are copied and the expression is evaluated when you call the function handle (Typically not a problem in memory consumption, matlab stores only changes). How can I convert it into a variable? It might no Feb 26, 2014 · Is there the possibility to construct a variable name in Matlab? The pattern in my example would be ["x", num2str(i)] . But the name of each struct is different, yet predicable by the filename I want to programat Mar 29, 2017 · Note: I'm guessing your variable name is a cell array of strings, in which case you will want to use {} (i. Aug 4, 2015 · I would like to store the names of some variables in my workspace into a string array given a prefix. Take advantage of Matlab's functionality for getting the variable name of the INPUT ARGUMENT to a function. Value without using Dear Experts, Suppose the user wants to load a series of variables from a database and then compute these variables. Which one? Jan 3, 2013 · I want to create a new variable named "omega" (assume double type) using the string "omega". Jan 13, 2018 · The most commonly-used MATLAB function for exporting data which relies on the variable names is SAVE, but of course SAVE has the -STRUCT option which completely avoids the need for dynamically named variables, so you must be using some other export function. Jul 8, 2011 · I copied a piece of code below. Confusion arises when these two totally different concepts are mixed up, as in your question: GENVARNAME and MAKEVALIDNAME apply to names of workspace Strings to variable names. MATLAB documentation has detailed examples of using this function with an exclusion list (for ensuring unique variable names). Learn more about variable names, matlab, create variables MATLAB Mar 29, 2017 · I want to then name my structure such that it contains this string i. Learn more about char, variable, bad idea, anti-pattern, antipattern, slow, inefficient I try to do like this if true Varname=matlab. g. PM25 is my variable. Then I define string: Name=strcat('A','1'); Now Name='A1'. You can denote a string using either double quotes or single quotes, although the functionality differs slightly between the two. ) Oct 13, 2016 · Right now I'm trying to convert the n-value to a string and inserting into the a variable that is used in the code, but I can't figure out how to make matlab know I'm not creating y into a string "x1" but to figure out it's a variable it should write instead. Creating variables dynamically is a bad programming style, prone to errors, nearly impossible to debug and it slows down Matlab substantially. How to turn a string into a variable name within a loop? 0. xgrdc(i) = [x1a;xA]. To answer the question completely, How to convert string to variable name ?. Parameter. SUB_34. , etc. Convert string to variable. makeValidName(strcat('Indiv_Reg_',Month)) end where Month is a input variable represent char '01,02,,12' My problem is I cann Jul 12, 2012 · MATLAB doesn't provide built-in functionality for this, but there is a workaround, as employed here. field1. If you wanted, for example, to read multiple files which include field names and values, and have their content stored in structs with these field names, you could create a cell array of structs indexed by a file ID if field names could vary among files, or a struct array if fields would be similar among files. function out = varname(var) out = inputname(1); end Then I have a variable (vector) defined at the beginning of my code, say A1. mywrh dqtu spsp kezkuty qtmth dntysr ilfpc rkhsze qjak bauiz vsdo tolq hiijus qia khekaol