Indian english a national model The influence of upper-castes is greatly felt in the socio-religious and cultural lives of the marginalized sections over the years. How did you settle on the Indian English pronunciation model? We base all our models on current phonetic research, and we also consult academics with knowledge of the relevant World English. We have proved the case, by doing transfer learning Baidu's DeepSpeech pre-trained model on Indian-English Speech data from multiple states. 1 A Neutral Accent 2. Jan 31, 2018 · An experimental investigation was conducted to compare preferred models of English for personal, national, and global communication in ELF context between Filipinos and Indians. Doubtlessly, English is the language of global market and also well accepted in the multinational country like India, therefore Indian literature translated into English has its unique place. 6. 1 Introduction 2. One of its basic tenets is unity in diversity. Our school strives to provide a comprehensive and meaningful interational education in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment. of India honour A K Ramanujan with Padmashri? (a. British India. “We have unlocked the power of data through our data empowerment and protection architecture, and we have made digital commerce democratic and accessible to all. Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T S is a . 6 % or 61 million speakers, Urdu with 4. The book Indian English Drama: Themes & Techniques is a volume of research articles on contemporary Indian dramatists and their works starting from Rabindranath Tagore to nearly all present generation of dramatists like Girish Karnad, Vijay Tendulkar, Mahesh Dattani, Badal Sirkar, Habib Tanvir, Utpal Dutt, Mahasweta Devi, Usha Ganguli, Manjula Jul 26, 2014 · Indian National Anthem Jana Gana Mana Lyrics (with English Translation) written by Rabindranath Tagore. Jan 3, 2025 · Indian English is a vibrant and dynamic variety of English, shaped by the interplay between British English and the rich tapestry of India’s regional languages. 8 % or 74 million speakers, Marathi with 6. 2 % Jun 1, 2012 · The nature and extent of substrate influence and its intersection with L2 universals, and a debate on the phase to which Indian English belongs in Schneider's dynamic model of evolution for New Englishes: phase 3 of nativisation or phase 4 of endonormative stabilisation. 3. Indians usually recite the Indian national pledge. Indian English as the national model, due to a set of unique lexical, grammatical, phonological and discourse features that would allow it to act as both a lingua franca within the country and on the international stage. Suryanarayana Murti has rightly mentioned in his book titled Kohinoor in the Crown Critical Studies in Indian English Literature (1987) that “The rich Indian cultural and spiritual heritage and imagination’ is like the precious Kohinoor, cut and polished, emitting its The nineteenth century Indian English poetry in the hands of woman poets like Sarojini Naidu and Toru Dutt quite clearly project a phase which is the cultural intersection from within and without. Sarojini Naidu: The Coromandel Fishers. Cambridge University Press. The present chapter focuses on the pronunciation features of the most commonly used variety of Indian The second is a debate on the phase to which Indian English belongs in Schneider's dynamic model of evolution for New Englishes: phase 3 of nativisation or phase 4 of endonormative stabilisation. Figure 2. 7 % or 52 million speakers, Gujarati with 4. It brought together educated, English-speaking Indians who initially sought modest reforms but gradually began campaigning for full independence as British rule remained unchanged. See full list on encyclopedia. [2] UNIT 2 GLOBAL ENGLISH AND INDIAN ENGLISH 2. 4 British English and American English 2. "Indian English--A National Model. In this write-up, let us introduce you to Indian English and its distinctive features. Interrogating this received idea, Priyamvada Gopal shows how the English-language or Anglophone Indian novel is a heterogeneous body of fiction in which certain dominant trends and recurrent One of the most widely circulated Indian newspapers. Aug 21, 2017 · These scholarships, located within the postcolonial framework, raise concerns regarding the colonial legacy and ideological motivation behind the implementation of ELE (Viswanathan, 2014). The first is the nature and extent of substrate influence and its intersection with L2 universals. IE demonstrates an affinity to Scottish English in its use of back mid-vowels. Malayalam b. Historical Perspective is an effort to contextualize the growth and rise of Indian English Literature, from its inception to its present glory. Though Indian English Drama came to the scene before these above-mentioned genres but failed to keep pace with them because of some reasons. 7 % or 84 million speakers, Telugu with 6. The book Indian English Drama: Themes & Techniques is a volume of research articles on contemporary Indian dramatists and their works starting from Rabindranath Tagore to nearly all present generation of dramatists like Girish Karnad, Vijay Tendulkar, Mahesh Dattani, Badal Sirkar, Habib Tanvir, Utpal Dutt, Mahasweta Devi, Usha Ganguli, Manjula Jan 19, 2023 · India, along with the contemporary and colonial history of the postcolonial culture, is seen to offer the study's a rich site that has intertextuality and influence. In his model, he represented the current sociolinguistic profile of the spread of English around the world as three concentric circles which he labelled as the Inner, the Outer, and the Expanding Circle Contemporary Indian Writers in English (CIWE) is a series that presents critical commentaries on some of the best-known names in the genre. Indian Express was founded in 1931 and owned by the Indian Express Group. Jan 29, 2009 · It is often claimed that unlike the British novel or the novel in indigenous Indian languages, Anglophone fiction in India has no genealogy of its own. Because of many factors, Indian English was especially complex, and the process of researching the model took a long time. Dr Catherine Sangster, Oxford University Press, Divyanshi Shaktawat , University of Glasgow , and Dr Matthew Moreland , University of East Anglia , talk about the project, discussing: (To appear). ,Vol. 1 Borrowing West Brook, Naduhatty Village Panchayat, Ooty Road, Kotagiri Tamil Nadu 643213 · National Model School Education today is the synonym of globalization. Indian English --A National Model. . evaluation) Looking for a Cousin on a Swing A K Ramanujan. S. Pioneer. 2 Dialect, Accent and Style 2. The Apr 1, 2018 · the role of indian writers and their contribution to depict personal and national destinies in contemporary indian english novels April 2018 Asian Journal of Social Science 04:68-73 He transfigured the Please Cite This Article As: Dr. References: Journal Articles and thesis Costa, Daniel. Kannada c. No parody/distortion of words or music of the National Anthem is allowed. Also, discarding the dominance of the rigid Hindu brahmanical system that was prevalent in India, Indian nationalism envisages establishing inter-faith tolerance and pluralism. Tamil) When did Govt. Jan 19, 2023 · India, along with the contemporary and colonial history of the postcolonial culture, is seen to offer the study's a rich site that has intertextuality and influence. To understand if the data we have crawled is useful, we sample 500k chunks from the train set and fine-tune an English ASR model using that for an epoch. An Indian English pronunciation model, accompanied by several hundred audio recordings, has been added for the first time to the Oxford English Dictionary. Rabindranath Tagore: Two verses -one each from The Gitanjali and The Gardener. Feb 24, 2022 · The English language can be taught through a set of cultures that form “a social construct, the product of self and others’ perceptions” (Kramsch, 1993, p. By studying Indian women's literature through research on international literature, it possible to define the characteristicsof feminist writing in India, and make a conformation systemof consciousness, as well as different cultural traditions. - While British English has traditionally been the model promoted in India's education system, Indian English is advocated as a more appropriate national model that could serve as a lingua franca within India and This paper advocates the use of Indian English as the national model, due to a set of unique lexical, grammatical, phonological and discourse features that would allow it to act as both a lingua franca within the country and on the international stage 1 day ago · Indian Army Soldier GD Sample And Previous Year Papers PDF 2022-2023 Indian army Soldier GD Sample Model practice set question paper - 01, CISF Head Constable Book pdf Arihant , Model Practice set - 1 , CISF Head Constable Book PDF Download An Indian English pronunciation model, accompanied by several hundred audio recordings, has been added for the first time to the Oxford English Dictionary. people beyond boundaries. Projection of Marginalization in the Indian English Literature India is a multicultural and multi lingual country where ethics and morals are its core. However, a There is variability in whether length contrast is indicated in accounts of Indian English, with variation in use of length for contrast reported both on a group and individual basis, but Wiltshire (2020) concludes there is ‘widespread uniformity’ to the use of length for contrast and this feature of the description by Gargesh (2008) is represented in the OED model. It notes that English is not India's native language but it has become necessary for education, technology, communication, and interacting in a multicultural society. download Download free PDF View PDF chevron_right Indians, however, did not start writing in English in a dayit took several historical events. 2 (2019): 16-28. Humour b. This paper advocates the use of Indian English as the national model, due to a set of unique lexical, grammatical, phonological and discourse features that would allow it to act as both a lingua franca within the country and on the international stage In less than 200 years since its formal introduction as part of a nascent and westernized education system, English has grown to be the medium through which the people of India communicate with the world, and often with one another. 9 % or 329 million speakers, followed by Bengali with 7. Besides, in order to accelerate the interest in translation, many agencies and institution like Sahitya Academy, National Book Trust, and National There are at least two major narrative strands of English India. A descriptive account of English as it is used in India Oct 7, 2024 · The Indian National Congress was formed in 1885 to advocate for greater self-government and representation for Indians under British rule. Marathi d. What is Indian English? Indian English is the term given to the variant of English language spoken in the Republic of India. However, there has been a dearth of research that explores code-switching in Indian English (IE The most contentious topics, along with their shorthand designations, are (1) the desirable roles of English in post-colonial India and the need to contain their possible overreach (status planning question); (2) the potential harm to Indian languages and literatures from dependence on English (language identity and endangerment question); (3 Indian English Pingali Sailaja. criticism c. While Hindi was considered as a national language, English continues to be the official language and holds May 7, 2014 · The number of English speakers in India has grown significantly over time to around 280 million currently, making it the largest English-speaking population worldwide. When one goes through the history of Indian English Drama, one comes to know that it has made a little progress than Indian English Fiction and Poetry. (2019). [3] Oct 1, 2021 · Modern or the post-1947 Indian Poetry in English marks a departure from the imitative or the derivative background of Indian English poetry and is engaged in technical and thematic innovativeness by incorporating the true picture of the day-to-day reality, moral and spiritual upheaval corroding the vitals of rich tradition and cultures, sense May 28, 2012 · Two theoretical debates emerge in this scenario. Experts warn that without local AI development, India could lose billions in economic value and control over its data. The book Indian English Drama: Themes & Techniques is a volume of research articles on contemporary Indian dramatists and their works starting from Rabindranath Tagore to nearly all present generation of dramatists like Girish Karnad, Vijay Tendulkar, Mahesh Dattani, Badal Sirkar, Habib Tanvir, Utpal Dutt, Mahasweta Devi, Usha Ganguli, Manjula Mar 31, 2017 · The purview of postcolonial studies has mainly focused on the contours of writing in English or in the other ex-colonial languages, beginning with Ashcroft, Griffiths, and Tiffin’s seminal definition of the field in 1989, with the publication of The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literature (where it should be noted that the noun ‘literature’ is very much in the Oct 4, 2022 · Costa, D. The current study is a part of a larger longitudinal study that analyzes code-switching patterns across the previous decade in Indian English tv talk shows and is the first in the series of follow-up studies. Hindustan Times (HT) Leading newspaper in English-language. Indian English is a variety of British and American English with Indian spices, for example having its specific grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary etc. K. Many distinguished personalities had tried hard to bring Indian writing in English to its present eminence. This study Indian English has been the subject of study since colonial times, with several works written over the years describing its linguistic features. [6] Aug 1, 2015 · This study investigates acoustic properties of the monophthongal vowels of English as spoken by 20 Assamese speakers in North East India, based on their medium of education being English or Assamese. Significance. This chapter aims at providing an end-to-end speech recognition model for recognizing different native accents of the English language spoken in different parts of India that would take in audio files as input via a fully built user interface and give the transcribed text as output to users. Mass singing of the National Anthem is to accompany the unfurling of the National Flag. ). 2. This portrayal suggests that all nonnative speakers of English are expected to be the same, Demographic and English Proficiency Profiles TABLE 2 I have triangulated data about their English language proficiency by relying on their scores from the computer 3 days ago · India’s growing digital economy depends on foreign AI models, creating risks to data sovereignty and economic dependence. (a. 1 (right panel) shows the relative number of speakers for individual languages. Feb 24, 2022 · Culture plays an integral role in English language teaching (ELT) and is the reading components of ELT textbooks. Madhukar Janrao Nikam , Mahatma Gandhi's influence in Indian writing in English (Novels) : Indian Streams Research Journal (Feb ; 2012) Mahatma Gandhi's influence in Indian writing in English (Novels) image of India as she was poor, starving and helpless, but with an untapped potential of Indian English refers to the variety of English that is spoken and written in India, characterized by unique vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation influenced by the country's diverse languages and cultures. May 2019; (Indian National Congress 2010, Jawaharlal Nehru had advocated “unity in diversity,” “a model . Indian English has been the subject of study since colonial times, with several works written over the years describing its code-switching in Indian English (IE) within the genre of sociopolitical talk in Indian English tv talk shows. Journal of English as an International . This study explores the issue of cultural representation in ELT textbooks in India Jan 1, 2025 · National Pledge of India Usage. Feb 11, 2025 · PM Modi said that India has harnessed the power of data and it is the foundation of India National AI mission. I. Indian English Prosody. The researcher proposes to further explore and investigate into the intentions and deliberations related to the existence of English language in India. conformation systemof consciousness, as well as different cultural traditions. phonology, lexicogrammar, and pragmatics) that have been examined from a descriptive perspective. 3 Standard English - A Model: British, or American? 2. Regarding the contribution of Indian English writings to the world, K. Much work on Indian English has focused on establishing the Indianness of the language. Indian English prosody Abstract This present paper reviews studies on Indian English prosody, in the main, syllable structure, word-stress, speech rhythm, intonation and information structure. They have expressed Indian sensibility and devoted to the multiculturality of Indian pluralistic society and have their mark firm and rooted. With the high visibility of Indian writing in English in academic, critical, pedagogic and reader circles, there is a perceivable demand for lucid yet rigorous introductions to several of its authors and genres. 99 160pp 216 x 138 mm Hb 978 0 7486 2594 9 £60. In which language A K Ramanujan used to write apart from English? (a. We chose QuartzNet (Ultra-Tiny) pre-trained model for the fine-tuning because it was lightweight as well as very competitive in accuracy as seen above. Considerable attention has been paid to the lexis, morphology and syntactic constructions, as also the sound system. Agha Shahid Ali: Country without Post office Module 2: Prose 1. [5] English is used by the Government of India for communication, and is enshrined in the Constitution of India. Indian Express. Indian English dialect shows its own grammatical and lexical idiosyncrasies and its use is particular to a certain place. Engagement with such cultural representations is a crucial part of English language teaching (ELT), as promoting cultural understanding is one of the most significant objectives of language teaching (Byram G. (South Asia, Indian English, language variation) In 1988, the Indian-American linguist Braj B. Furthermore, it has also the influences of Departments of English across India show the twofold patterns of control: (i) the overall syllabus is an apparatus of Americanised Western cultural hegemony; and (ii) in the field of Indian English literature, the racial model of Western hegemony is replaced by the castebased model. With 22 official languages, India needs indigenous AI models to serve its diverse population. g. Madhukar Janrao Nikam , Mahatma Gandhi's influence in Indian writing in English (Novels) : Indian Streams Research Journal (Feb ; 2012) Mahatma Gandhi's influence in Indian writing in English (Novels) image of India as she was poor, starving and helpless, but with an untapped potential of In state-of-the-art Deep Neural Networks, features are intrinsically learnt. com This paper advocates the use of Indian English as the national model, due to a set of unique lexical, grammatical, phonological and discourse features that would allow it to act as both a lingua franca within the country and on the international stage. The success of the Indian English writers of the 1970s and the 1980s, in fact, has turned them into models for Indian writers. The second is a debate on the phase to which Indian English belongs in Schneider’s dynamic model of evolution for New Englishes: phase 3 of nativisation or phase 4 of endonormative stabilisation. ) Communicating with Asia. Jul 30, 2010 · The document discusses the importance and role of English in India. against Indian English users. May 22, 2019 · The Emergency and the Indian English Novel: Memory, Culture and Politics. Narayan and Mulk Raj Anand among others, Rosemary Marangoly George exposes the painstaking efforts that went into the elaboration of a 'national literature' in English for independent . In today’s fast changing world, International Education has become a necessity rather than a luxury. India is a nation of multiple languages and dialects therein. 6 Indian English and South Asian English 2. views on Indian English, he posits the notion of Indian English to which the speakers comply with instead of having a so-called standard model, thus accepting ‘Educated Indian English’ and even recognizes varieties within Indian English. English language daily newspaper published from Delhi, Lucknow, Bhubaneswar, Dehradun, Kochi, Bhopal and Chandigarh. In Gerhard Leitner, Azirah Hashim and Hans-Georg Wolf (Eds. 5 Prescriptive and Permissive Attitudes to Language 2. During public events, daily assemblies in schools, and celebrations of national events like Independence Day and Republic Day. By studying Indian women's literature through research on international literature, it possible to define the characteristicsof feminist writing in India, and make a Oct 31, 2023 · Prose fiction, especially the novel, outgrow as intellectuals as a result of British education in India began to write in English, both fictions and non fictions in the 19 th C. 00. V. Now, the Pledge of India has been translated into over 50 Jul 14, 2016 · This article provides a survey of the developments that have taken place in the description of Indian English (IndE) in the past two centuries, with particular attention to the phenomena of language (e. " Journal of English as an International Language 14. Language, 14 (2), 16 What is the Indian model of Nationalism? Unlike Europe, nationalism in India has been the fallout of anti-colonialism. This is based on British English but is highly influenced by American English as well. 5. Jana Gana Mana was officially adopted as the Indian national anthem on January 24, 1950. Word formation in IE parallels the processes utilised in other varieties of English. A study of the Indian English fiction introduced in MA 4 Indian English (IndE, [4] IE) is a group of English dialects spoken in the Republic of India and among the Indian diaspora. Deccan Herald The Indian English poetry establishes its genre by presenting India in typical Indian variety of English language with own essence and characteristics which can be seen as a process of The Indian Poems in English: A Kachruvian Analysis 15 decolonizing English language in India. It is writtern Sanskritized Bengali, it is composed and scored by Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore. This variety of English has developed over time and showcases India's colonial history, linguistic diversity, and sociocultural context, making it a distinct global variety of English. The English language established a foothold on the Indian subcontinent with the granting of the East India Company charter by Queen Elizabeth I in 1600 and the subsequent establishment of trading ports in coastal cities such as Surat, Mumbai (called Bombay before 1995), Chennai (called Madras before 1996), and Kolkata (called Calcutta before 2001). Kamala Das: Introduction. According to Singh, ‘the standard procedure of Vishwabharati Research Centre, Latur, India, 2018. Arun Kolatkar: Old Woman. The book Indian English Drama: Themes & Techniques is a volume of research articles on contemporary Indian dramatists and their works starting from Rabindranath Tagore to nearly all present generation of dramatists like Girish Karnad, Vijay Tendulkar, Mahesh Dattani, Badal Sirkar, Habib Tanvir, Utpal Dutt, Mahasweta Devi, Usha Ganguli, Manjula Indian writing in English 4 Syllabus for ENGB10 Indian writing in English Module 1: Poetry 1. 6 % or 72 million speakers, Tamil with 5. In order to describe the particularities of Indian English, British English, the variety of English that arrived in India after its colonization must be taken as a point of reference. Dr Catherine Sangster, Oxford University Press, Divyanshi Shaktawat , University of Glasgow , and Dr Matthew Moreland , University of East Anglia , talk about the project, discussing: 8 hours ago · National Vaccination Day 2025: Vaccination is the key process for building resistance against any disease in the body through a vaccine. February 2009 Pb 978 0 7486 2595 6 £19. Gopal states that The book draws on novels that have been translated from Indian languages into English (prominently Bankimchandra Chatterjee's Anandamath and Rabindranath Tagore's The Home and the World), [2] but focuses on works composed originally in English, whose status in India Gopal characterises as "rootless" yet also India's pan-national tongue. By studying Indian women's literature through research on international literature, it possible to define the characteristicsof feminist writing in India, and make a This paper explores the impact of Gandhian thoughts on the Indian English Fiction, and how the promulgation of Minutes on Education (1835) established the hegemony of the Western knowledge system over the prevailing system of Indian education. Born as a legacy of British colonial rule, Indian English has since developed into a unique form of expression that mirrors the cultural and linguistic diversity of the subcontinent. Kachru produced what has become the most influential model to represent the spread of English. Examining English anthologies of 'Indian literature', as well as the establishment of the Sahitya Akademi (the national academy of letters) and the work of R. 2. J. Feb 7, 2025 · In 2023, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman’s remarks in India on the cost of training foundational AI models — like the ones that power ChatGPT — sparked a debate on whether Indian firms should spend Examining English anthologies of 'Indian literature', as well as the establishment of the Sahitya Akademi (the national academy of letters) and the work of R. There is neutralisation in British received pronunciation and American English, but Scottish and Indian varieties show a distinction in vowel quality in words such as mourn and morning. spoken in India along with Indian diaspora. There are five major types of words in Indian English that are distinct from words seen across other varieties of English: borrowings from Indian languages; novel constructions through processes of affixation and compounding; hybrid constructions which bring together English and Indian languages; loan translations or calques; and, finally May 28, 2012 · Two theoretical debates emerge in this scenario. Hence, we can transfer learn a pre-trained model with mutiple accents, to let the model learn the accent peculiarities on its own. Dec 1, 2019 · This paper advocates the use of Indian English as the national model, due to a set of unique lexical, grammatical, phonological and discourse features that would allow it to act as both a lingua franca within the country and on the international stage. The first, sponsored by the historians of British India, both Indian and western, is the better-known story of English missionary schools and Macaulay’s Minute (the bell-book-and-candle fame) that now forms a subplot to the larger record of colonial transactions. The series is an Indian version of Tyra Banks-created 2003 American reality television series America's Next Top Model. 0 Objectives 2. Jun 28, 2021 · In India, the prevalence of (Indian) English and code-switching between languages is not new. Rajmohan's Wife, published in 1864 by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay (1838–94), is generally regarded as the first Indian novel in English, significant not only because its author was the greatest Bengali novelist of the nineteenth century but also because it speaks to an emergent genre in the literature of colonial modernity. It stimulates the body’s immune system to protect against subsequent infection or disease and prevent it from further growing or hampering the cells. 4. Vishwabharati Research Centre, Latur, India, 2018. The National Anthem is perhaps one of the most potent declarations of a country’s independent status. this vision is the foundation of India National AI mission,” he said. sarcasm d. Jana Gana Mana is the national anthem of India. Among the eastern national cultures, India's culture remains deeplysignificant. Hindi is the largest language with 38. Indian English has developed its own stylistic, vocabulary, pronunciation and syntactic features that differ from other varieties of English due to the influence of Indian languages. He transfigured the Please Cite This Article As: Dr. 3). - Indian English has emerged as a distinct variety of English with its own lexical, grammatical, phonological and discourse features due to the impact of local culture and context. The viewers see several women compete for the title of India's Next Top Model, providing them with an opportunity to begin their career in the modeling industry. As Kachru points out, studies of Indian English consider “linguistic interference and the Indian cultural context as essential for the understanding and description of the Indianness in this variety of English” (The Indianness of Indian English 391). 3(4):128-135 (July-August, 2014) ISSN: 2319-8834 SOCIOLINGUISTICS OF ENGLISH IN INDIA Shaivya Singh1 & Rajesh Kumar2 1 2 Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, Patna, Bihar, India Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu TABLE 1 The above table presents an unimpressive view of the nonnative speakers in an Anglophone environment as surveyed by Shuck (2006). Narayan and Mulk Raj Anand among others, Rosemary Marangoly George exposes the painstaking efforts that went into the elaboration of a 'national literature' in English for independent Feb 19, 2009 · Sources for features of Anglo-Indian English are discussed, including possible inheritance from both standard and non-standard BrE dialects as well as transfer from Tamil, the likely substrate Indian language for this section of the Anglo-Indian community. The National Oath of India is an oath of commitment to the Republic of India. Aug 13, 2018 · While trying to capture a sense of the current status of the discipline of English as it is taught at college and university level in India, and brought up short by the impossible task of pulling together the many ways in which the discipline exists here, I realized that perhaps the only common thread that runs through its multiple practices is the growing interest in Dalit writing from all Indian English Pronunciation Indian English is a major dialect of English today with a range of variation across region and educational level. Indian English texts have become an accepted part not only as Indian Literature, but also as British or Commonwealth Literature, Third World and Post-colonial Literature, and Contemporary International Literature.
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