Inav piff tuning After updating to INAV 7. This wing is completely covered in 5mil lam and is heavy for an S800 build. We show how to add a specific OSD for tuning, how to use trim switches to make the adjustments, and only enable the adjustments switches when the specific tuning OSD is selected. Contribute to padcom/inav-wiki development by creating an account on GitHub. May 26, 2020 · This way the software has less work to do, continuously making corrections, and can focus on actual navigational tasks. Mar 14, 2021 · I am following the following tuning procedure adapted from here: Set the P, I and D gains to zero. by, Marc Hoffman Editing and color commentary by Steve Schlesinger and Marco Lau . If you have the ability to figure out how to fly the plane in manual, and do a manual trim you can land the plane and set the control surfaces to mimic the trimmed positions. Good values Oct 22, 2023 · INAV simplifies this fact to a single fixed rate which should be selected by pilot for a speed he prefers. актуально для inav 2. reproduce and play around. INAV supports two mappings for this board - one for multirotors, with 5 motors + 1 servo, one for airplanes, with 2 motors + 4 servos. 7 it's suggested that you also set this value, so that the model doesn't "failsafe" by itself when using zero throttle during a glide: set failsafe_throttle_low_delay = 0 (This will only stop the low throttle "timed" safety Guard Failsafe and an RC Loss could still result in a May 19, 2020 · To perform these feats, we use INAV modes to define how what happens to the model. Sent on the go with Vodafone ----- Original message -----From: Konstantin Sharlaimov <notifications@github. Flash the latest version of INAV using the INAV Configurator. 0固定翼自动配平与自动调参功能的使用教程 如何保存设置和复原设置,INAV4. So my question is, will INAV now not use the rudder at all in any mode? I'm constantly trimming in flight mainly for crosswind and glide attitude, but soaking up more channels for it is not possible with most of my planes especially PPM D/L. Feb 2, 2017 · Another new feature of upcoming INAV 1. I still need to further calibrate the board orientation in iNav to get level flight, and possibly add a touch more reflex. 6 & later ) To make altitude hold smoother you can adjust set nav_fw_pos_z_p, set nav_fw_pos_z_i and set nav_fw_pos_z_d. 6 & 1. If Continous Servo trim is enabled as a feature, then just the servo trim is disabled in the "AUTOTRIM" tuning mode but the board trim is done alone. People struggled with getting INAV setup properly for their planes and didn’t understand Support my work https://www. Most of these tips come from Facebook INAV Fixed Wing Group Pawel Spychalski's YouTube Channel INAV WIKI and some very helpful YouTube subscribers. This is See the release notes here - https://github. com> Date: 14/2/18 12:59 am (GMT+10:00) To: iNavFlight/inav <inav Jan 1, 2016 · Important Notes. be/MtXDbx May 26, 2020 · Phase one will be the initial tuning with AUTOTUNE to get a nice and stable flight in calm conditions. Jun 12, 2021 · autotune is exclusively PIFF tuning and people are advised to use it in ACRO only. FROM THE FACEBOOK INAV FIXED WING GROUP The INAV Fixed Wing Group is a friendly support group for INAV fixed wing pilots. Then you can tune the position controller used for PH, RTH, CRUISE with nav_fw_pos_xy_{p,i,d} but I never found that to be needed. youtube. People struggled with getting INAV setup properly for their planes and didn’t understand INAV Programming Framework (IPF) is a mechanism that allows you to to create custom functionality in INAV. The PIFF controller will be explained in another article, as it would make this simple article quite large. May 2, 2021 · D should always be 0 but FF has a great effect on how your PID reacts - or correctly speaking PIFF. So my plane flies fine in manual mode but was almost uncontrollable in any other mode. Parameters on the PID tab relate to that, regardless of the aircraft type. be/c3jEdpGiBzg?list=PLtuty5zAsZ_bAx2pL9x3FjDdGEbRUGJMZOpenTX Pro Model Install Guide: https://inavfixedwinggrou Sunset flying sessions after work is the best way to relax. Feb 24, 2021 · PIFF values on wings (maybe also copter PIDs but not tested) cannot be adjusted correctly. May 4, 2020 · Instead, you tell the flight controller what you would like the model to do. Nov 6, 2016 · iNav have changed scaling of PIDs after from version 1. 14 likes, 3 comments - _mrd_rc_ on March 12, 2021: "This is the first video in a new series where we look at tuning your iNav plane. 6 (BTW, INAV 1. Mar 2, 2019 · INAV MODES There are four types of Modes available in INAV. Tuning INAV autopilot completes the whole process, and makes INAV as reliable as it can be. Many users have yet to receive their plane Do it one step at a time. This video was recorded when doing a good tune on a May 15, 2020 · How to choose each setting nav_fw_launch_max_angle. I think it's a combination problem, the tail is very close to the prop wash, the elevator is small. Basically we need to make sure, that the Aircraft flies level and keeps altitude by itself, even without the help of INAV Navigation FROM THE FACEBOOK INAV FIXED WING GROUP The INAV Fixed Wing Group is a friendly support group for INAV fixed wing pilots. I also run a 4S setup. github. The INAV Tuning Guides are setup in three phases. so line 7-28 covers the switch setting using a "virtual" CH13. Level should be the angle of the plane itself when flying straight. This is called a manual tune and will help you out immensely. PID tuning Every aspect of flight dynamics is controlled by the selected "PID controller". Page 1701-Download Cleanflight iNav (navigation-rewrite) project R/C Blogs May 31, 2020 · With my limited knowledge of control theory, I can see that ACRO will try to stabilize the uncommanded yaw from an aileron turn, but I think INAV should somehow know that you are trying to turn and not work against it. Not like all the attempts designed for multirotors, this one actually works. Closed courierdude opened this issue Sep 15, 2016 · 28 comments Closed INAV/NAZE 1. NAV WP Used to fly WAYPOINT mission. I also noticed a nose-bobbing behaviour at about 30% throttle - some PID (PIFF?) tuning required thereAnd I still don't know how to land. Additional context 📅 Last Modified: Wed, 21 Sep 2022 09:21:12 GMT. Apr 21, 2019 · Once you tuned angle you can start tuning alt hold with nav_fw_pos_z_{p,i,d}. Contribute to ordding/inavFlight-iNav development by creating an account on GitHub. Marc Hoffmann an" Mr. This version of INAV Configurator is intended to be used only with INAV firmware 8. So, what is new about this new PID controller? First of all, it is no longer a PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative). com Seite 1 von 20 INAV Tuning Guide Der folgende Inhalt wurde von der Website https://inavfixedwinggroup. INAV 1. problem you have on a multirotor compared to a fixed wing is that if you are in a FW then tuning is relatively easy as it's not going to drop out of the sky (theoretically - trust me it happens :D) on a MR though tuning pids etc is going to be a higher danger to soft target as if something goes wrong then the thing can go in any direction, like FROM THE FACEBOOK INAV FIXED WING GROUP The INAV Fixed Wing Group is a friendly support group for INAV fixed wing pilots. Select a preset from the INAV presets tab that fits your aircraft the best, then press "Save & Reboot" May 18, 2020 · This section is by far the place where you can make your plane your own. It is my understanding that normally, for a wing, you would use the following range of values: P = 5 -10 I = 15- 25 FF Jun 15, 2020 · Generally, oscillations could be caused by any of the PIFF terms. x. 0 The plane fly pretty good i Maximum rotation rates are probably the most important number to get right for PIFF tuning. The guides in this area are aimed at tuning your model to get the very best out of it. The INAV Fixed Wing Group is without reservation a true International community made up of thousands of RC plane enthusiasts from all over the world. Roll left will jump huge values and makes tuning the values impossible. One of the iNav Contributors did a tutorial on his Youtube channel - missions by itself. INAV: Navigation-enabled flight control software. Issues that can't be reproduced on other MCUs may not be fixed and the targets for F411 targets may eventually be completelly removed from future releases. MANUAL Used with Sep 14, 2016 · PID tuning for GPS hold #606. Steps to Reproduce. Step 5: Optional, but Recommended: Tune your PIFF controller ( iNav versions 1. We included the section where Paweł talks about PID/PIFF tuning in his video. This article provides you with details of the INAV modes and also guidance to which modes you may want to use. Feb 15, 2021 · Page 1830-Download Cleanflight iNav (navigation-rewrite) project R/C Blogs. com/pawelspychalskiFPV University Newsletter https://bit. youtub SUPPORT ME https://www. I'm happy to report I've completed the task (mostly) and all I have left In diesem Tutorial erkläre ich euch wie der INAV PIFF Controller für Flugzeige arbeitet und was jeder einzelne Wert für einen Einfluss hat. Aug 5, 2019 · Despite my best efforts, I have been unable to tune into a good PIFF setting on my wing (a popular ARWING 900 model). People struggled with getting INAV setup properly for their planes and didn’t understand Nach einiger Verzögerung kommt endlich der nächste Teil meiner INAV A-Z Videoserie. Phase One goes over Auto Trim and Auto Tune. May 26, 2020 · PIFF Optimisation. 0 where tuning was often difficult this was the one plane that flew at least “OK” with a poor PIFF tune. Generally FF is is a direct connection to you stick in ACRO (think "manual mode"), while P and FF offer actual stabilization against plane movement. People struggled with getting INAV setup properly for their planes and didn’t understand May 2, 2021 · Setup your 3rd OSD page for tuning, with the selected set points from the OSD tab, and combine them with their equivalent values from the Adjustment tab. The optimal PID settings to use are different on every craft, so if you can't find someone with your exact setup who will share their settings The AUTOTUNE mode is a flight mode that acts on top of normal ANGLE/HORIZON/ACRO mode and uses changes in flight attitude input by the pilot to learn the tuning values for roll, pitch and yaw tuning. Using the Throttle and Rudder trims. Do not change FF. until i reach the set 50 throttle (1500pwm) where the full PIFF/PID settings work. set fw_p_pitch = 4 set fw_i_pitch = 15 set fw INAV 7 was the last INAV official release available for F411 based flight controllers. iNAV PIDs Tab — 100% EXPLAINED! INAV: Navigation-enabled flight control software. The launch angle depends on the way you launch your plane. 02. Note it still says D everywhere in the configurator, but it really means FF (feed forward) on later versions. But, you’ve got to know what you’re doing. com/pawelspychalskiIn this episode of INAV 5 on a Flying Wing tutorial it's time for initial PID tuning of your airplane, Mine does the same. Logic conditions can be based on things such as RC channel values, switches, altitude, distance, timers, etc. FF-gain (D column in the PID tuning tab) until you get 90% of full servo throw when having sticks at full throw when in ACRO mode (no flight mode enabled) compared to manual mode. Der Start läuft dann wie folgt ab: • Armen, permanente Beep-Folge zeigt Autolaunch-Bereitschaft an Feb 14, 2017 · Contribute to iNavFlight/iNavFlight. 6 ALPHA-1 has just been released) is brand new PID controller for fixed wings. Almost there with the final PIFF tune. You can choose for certain actions to be done, based on custom conditions you select. Most of the flying issues with INAV can be fixed here. By the end of The "PIDs" are a set of tuning parameters which control the operation of the PID controller. Übersetzung und Ergänzungen: 10/2020 jreise Masterclass – Phase 1 – Es geht in die Luft Masterclass – Phase 2 – Feintuning des Modells Masterclass – Phase 3 – Tuning INAV What you have to know about INAV PID/PIFF/PIDCD controllers: INAV PID uses floating-point math; Rate/Angular Velocity controllers work in dps [degrees per second] P, I, D and Multirotor CD gains are scaled like Betafligfht equivalents, but actual mechanics are different, and PID response might be different Nov 5, 2020 · iNav switched its plane controllers to PIFF (Proportional, Integral, FeedForward) controllers a long time ago… using feedforward primarily to control rate (like a pilot does on the sticks), and P/I for disturbances and long term drift/offsets Jul 1, 2019 · This page will record any clever Fixed Wing INAV tips I pick up over time. Funktional Funktional Immer aktiv Funktional Immer aktiv Aug 15, 2020 · Create a mid-point TPA that works proportionally before and after reaching the set break point. 0固定翼调 Feb 2, 2020 · This is my manual tune for the AR wing with stock servos and optimized for speeds between 50 and 70 kph for a medium powered cruise setup or stock setup. The default flight mode is RATE (also sometimes called ACRO), this is activated when none of the actual flight modes are turned on. Read through the iNav CLI commands, especially ALL marked with "**fw_ **" This will give you hints how the modes for fixed wings work. 6 is going to drop PID-controller and feature a new stabilisation controller for airplanes - PIFF. Fine-tune using blackbox or HD camera. P est l'abréviation de P roportionnel, I est Intégral et FF est F eed F orward . Autotune (or Auto Tune) that is present in INAV for quite a long time is a working solution for tuning PID (or rather PIFF) controller used by INAV on fixed wings (all airplanes, flying wings). 0固件都地面站调参PID页面设置教程, 视频播放量 3877、弹幕量 3、点赞数 43、投硬币枚数 20、收藏人数 60、转发人数 6, 视频作者 idea-fpv, 作者简介 分享fpv风景,DIY经验,INAV技巧,数码产品体验,相关视频:INAV4. It also provides smooth cruising and good wind stability. For PIFF (inav uses PIFF instead of classical PID loop), i dont think that many users have installed and fine tuned their Dart XLE. For the navigation modes, maybe a fixed but configurable rudder/aileron mix could be used in the turns. Increase the D gain until the oscillations go away (i. Diesmal geht es um das PIFF Tuning von INAV auf dem Caipirinha 2. Transmitter Trims (Pawel) Transmitter trims should not be used, don't touch them. Dec 23, 2020 · I've spent a good deal of time tuning the F722-WPX with iNav 2. My setup is composed as follows: plane: Easystar Multiplex fc: Omnibus F4 V3 tx: taranis + crossfire fw: INAV 2. So at 0 throttle i would have 50% PIFF/PID effect, 10 throttle, 60%, 20 throttle 70% etc. This is how it works on both multirotor and fixed-wing crafts. io development by creating an account on GitHub. Rule of thumb for tuning airplanes: May 20, 2020 · With INAV correctly tuned it flies extremely stable and although the weight is relative high (what helps for stability), it does easily launch and is extremely agile. In this section of the INAV Plane Tuning Masterclass, we will be optimising the PIFF controller. Enter OSD menu; Navigate to PID tuning; Select any item with pitch input; Try to change any value with roll input May 15, 2020 · In the INAV Fixed Wing Group, we have written some great guides for using INAV and setting up your models. @Pairan based on your dump you may want to have lower FF and higher I and P for roll. 6 for the Nano Talon. (c) jreise Version 08. When I start tuning new aircraft, I usually fly manual at medium speed with blackbox enabled, do some turns and loops and later observe what the rate was for each axis. INAV Tuning Guide inavfixedwinggroup. jun 2016) Conversation chart. PIFF est l'abréviation des trois valeurs que nous pouvons modifier pour régler le modèle. It can also take a mild amount of abuse, when it comes to crashing. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"":{"items":[{"name":"images","path":"images","contentType":"directory"},{"name":"\"Something\"-is-disabled iNAV Wiki clone. I turned all the YAW PIFF settings to 0 and it flies good now. com übernommen. Let me know what you think in the comments and how it can Pre INAV 7. If something is going wrong with the FCB or GPS switch back to this mode to take control. Setting up iNav For setting up the FC I recommend to follow the guide on the iNav wiki as linked here. Do not use with different INAV versions! Very important!! We currently don't have access to an Apple Developer Account to sign the Mac binaries, so you will need to run the following command on MacOS to unlock the configurator App: xattr -cr "/path/to/your/INAV Configurator. It’s a place to go for answers, ideas and inspiration. i. This video is part of a microcontroller playlist. Horizon Aug 7, 2024 · INAV Programming Framework (IPF) is a mechanism that allows you to to create custom functionality in INAV. NAV RTH Used for Return-to-home. 在Z-84飞翼上安装OmnibusF4V3; 自由者飞翼; Mini Talon Feb 23, 2020 · Правильная настройка PID PIFF контроллера для самолета. This allows the pilot to do real time tuning of any function as you fly. 1. It then evaluates what the best action to take to achieve that. May 21, 2020 · AR Wing Long-Range setup to be used with 3S LiPo or Li-Ion and flight times up to 75min. 2(merged to master 22. it's critically damped). i set "mid-point" TPA to 1500 with a value of 50%. If you have a standard fixed wing, like a 4 channel trainer or a Talon style; you probably launch it with one hand under the fuselage and throw it like a big paper plane. PID/PIFF translates rate command into actuator commands. e. Caution: The values set in CLI are displayed (and input) in a different format in the PID tab of Cleanflight! May 16, 2018 · Well weather was good enough for a quick flight tonight just before dusk, so it's a Matek F405Wing flight controller inside a bashed up ARWing, I updated inav to v2, loaded up the default wing profile, threw in an Frsky XM+ and basically followed the recommendations from Matek as to GPS etc Configuring the Advanced Tuning tab in INAV 7. INAV Fixed Wing Group. Do not skip this step. also the adjustments have to be made accordingly. But never change angle/acro settings for tuning alt hold. PIFF is the an abbreviation of the three values that we can change to tune the model. I live in Texas and wind barely dips bellow 8mph, still couldn't get the plane to run it's autotune routine, I'd be really grateful if someone could help =D If you intend to glide for more than 10 seconds, in iNav 1. If it still oscillates it is an airframe issue. This (averaged) value becomes the rate setting in INAV. 00:00 P17 I27 FF2700:28 P17 I35 FF2700:46 P23 I35 FF27 *01:32 P25 I40 FF2702:19 P30 I25 FF25* looks best for me Wir verwenden Cookies, um unsere Website und unseren Service zu optimieren. May 16, 2018 · - Test plane in manual/passthrough mode. May 19, 2017 · But iNav can handle this, this means both flaps won't be identical in neutral position. If it goes away it is a PID tuning issue. This is so the FF-gain does most of the work turning the airplane, but leaving some for the P and I gain to work with. Roll right does not change value at all. I repeat: this new controller is used only on fixed wings, multirotors are not affected. In general pilot needs to activate AUTOTUNE mode while in the air and then fly the plane for a few minutes. As this will give best results. https://www. Volantex ranger 2000 INAV PIFF values Hi, is anyone willing to share their tuned PIFF values for a Volantex ranger 2000 (757-8). com/iNavFlight/inav/wiki/1. 6 auch im Tab Advanced tuning einstellbar Damit sollte ein Autolaunch mit der Anruck-Methode auch beim Erstflug möglich sein. May 25, 2017 · Page 938-Download Cleanflight iNav (navigation-rewrite) project R/C Blogs Jan 24, 2019 · It will give you control back as soon as you touch the pitch/roll stick. Mar 12, 2021 · This video is the first in a new series where we look at tuning your iNav plane. 0. there might be more sophisticated ways of getting this done but this setup worked for me just fine. patreon. D | RC Pilot on Instagram: "This is the first video in a new series where we look at tuning your iNav plane. Does not need any other mode selected. I tried doing autotune but the issue I had was the rudder over correcting for banking turns. Template multirotors: Name of frame: Size of frame: Weight: Total thrust: Battery infomation: iNav version: PID and other values from CLI Template fixedwing: Name of plane: Mixer used: iNav version: Additional infomation you see fit if not iNav PiFF tuning flight // Best in FullHD (1080p) Pairans Sky Shadow was a bit touchy on the roll axis so he went out to tune those values making it more sta Nov 10, 2021 · INAV PIFF Controller explained: https://youtu. launch mode - iNavFlight/inav GitHub Wiki Nov 18, 2018 · Arduplane give me great success in the past in spite that is not that as easy to setup and tweak as inav is. That's the wing finished, now off to setting up iNav and flying. app" inav4. 6-Release-notesYou can see more R/C related videos on the channel - https://www. Increase the P gain until the response to a disturbance is steady oscillation. ly/3I3qnAJToday, step by step, tuning guide for all of you flying fix Current Behavior PIFF values on wings (maybe also copter PIDs but not tested) cannot be adjusted correctly. 2021 iNav Basic Tuning Seite 2 von 3 • diese Werte sind ab iNav 2. As you may remember, AUTOTUNE is done in very calm conditions. Panasonic NCR18650BD 放电测试; 三星21700锂电池放电测试; 装机. 1. To clarify a few steps they are written here in detail. Aug 15, 2018 · Autotune (or Auto Tune) that is present in INAV for quite a long time is a working solution for tuning PID (or rather PIFF) controller used by INAV on fixed wings (all airplanes, flying wings). Units used by INAV internally are degrees and degrees per second. This is an algorithm which is responsible for reacting to your stick inputs and keeping the craft stable in the air by using the gyroscopes and/or accelerometers (depending on your flight mode). Stabilised modes Acro Mode, also called Rate Feb 24, 2018 · The whole point of using PIFF for fixed wing is that most of the stabilization comes from the Iterm, FF handles user input (fairly direct from stick to surface), and a little bit of P is there only to sharpen the responses. INAV 8 is not officially available for F411 boards and the team has not tested either. Jan 17, 2022 · Back in the days before INAV 3. This setting was set to ON by default in this update to allow baro-less navigation for Quads but it got unnoticed that there is a bug in this option, that completely disables the barometer functionality. If you’d like to follow along with him, do so at your own risk. Feb 12, 2017 · A question regarding PIFF setting comparison: I have set the rate for each servo to a percentage where pass-through mode would give me reasonable servo throw, which in my case ist a rate of 30% per servo. Did you follow the INAV PIFF controller tuning guide on the wiki ? Tuning guides. May be a nice preset for the AR wing. The pilot can use different applications (INAV Configurator on Windows, MultiWii planner on Linux, INAV Mission Planner on Android, INAV Flight on iOS) to plan waypoints on a map with specific height and upload them to the Flight Controller via USB and also wireless, if you install a Bluetooth or WiFi module. When the group first started there were more questions than answers. 0, this tuning mode was called AUTO LEVEL. You need to determine the maximum Roll rate, Pitch rate and Yaw rate for your plane (in degrees per second) and enter them here. 6GPS PIDs, PID стабилизации с помощью autotune Feb 7, 2023 · Dans cette section de la Masterclass INAV Plane Tuning, nous allons optimiser le contrôleur PIFF. It is a PIFF (Proportional, Integral, Feed Forward CC3D飞控运行iNAV用于固定翼导航; iNAV在固定翼上的PIFF控制器调参; WFLY的WBUS(SBUS)信号探究和在iNAV飞控上的FS功能调试; 安装一个商品GPS追踪器; 电池. Aug 12, 2018 · INAV does not have such a thing at all. Full control mode Manual or Passthrough Mode Normal flying with no stabilisation, only the Expo value in INAV is used. 1, please go into the CLI and change the following setting by copy and paste the these lines. AUTOTUNE (FW) its also to help the PIFF controller know where the plane is expected to fly straight. Welcome to the INAV Fixed Wing Group web site. - Make sure you're using later versions of INAV which use a "PIFF" tuner instead of "PID". Außerde Testing some PIFF changes on the Hydrodipped S800. 0 May 11 2016 / 02:37:17 (1f49891) pflags Aug 2, 2020 · You can't arbitrary map motors and servos to outputs due to internal CPU timer mapping. Ebenso erkläre ic Jun 13, 2023 · INAV PID Tuning Analysis & Tutorial – BOB57; iNAV PIDs Tab — 100% EXPLAINED! INAV PID Tuning Analysis & Tutorial – BOB57. Do an entire sensor calibration. This site accompanies our Facebook group, emphatically providing easy access to all of our guides and articles. Don’t forget you can also join the INAV Fixed Wing Group on Facebook for real time tips, advice, and fun. They are not interchangeable at the moment, INAV will use the one, defined by mixer type. The plane is also perfect for chasing other planes with a very wide speed range and it’s a great proximity flyer for gaps and low altitude passes. Phase Two will be a manual fine-tuning tutorial, to get the plane ready for windy and gusty days and optimise it for different speed situations. iNav does this with a thing called the PIFF controller. - zero out I and D and tune P, then add D, then add I to flight drift. Sep 23, 2018 · Hello, I write to ask for help on a problem related to the rth that I cannot solve by myself. the elevator needs to be up a little for level flight even with rearward CG, and the hinge is on the bottom of the elevator so it's not the smoothest airflow over the elevator. INAV needs to know these rotation rates for accurate stabilisation calculations. Contribute to iNavFlight/inav development by creating an account on GitHub. P is short for Proportional, I is Integral, and FF is FeedForward. I you have seen the INAV Fixed Wing Group Wing Talk (https://youtu. This is spelled out the iNav PIFF tuning guide. One criticism of INAV is that it’s perhaps too powerful. com/playlist?list=PLEs_OKeF-n6EQ8QFBU INAV: Navigation-enabled flight control software. knizcq nfsamilj rjb krpwn klbsxgw dnzxd pgktmlc tlbpzl tzmex ikdfsy qmo brdi dryit fzzwv jjsh