Hoya mystyle 2 Con HOYA iDenfier, puedes registrar todos los elementos del estilo de vida del usuario, que pueden influir en la elección más adecuada para la distribución de las graduaciones (distancia cercana, intermedia y lejana), paso a paso y con el mayor detalle. Visible lined multifocal lenses made with 3 viewing areas. These lens designs are debuting during the 2024 Vision Expo West meeting this week in Las Vegas, Nevada. Shop for the latest authentic brand name lenses for a favorite frame you already own or from your latest find. (1) Internal R&D Research: Performance comparison of MyStyle V+ and Hoyalux iD MySelf. Hoya Lenses Are Only Available at Hoya-Authorized Eye Care Practices iD MyStyle 2 combines patented technology and designs that offer unrivaled optical clarity for any vision prescription. Per personalizzare ogni lente e offrire una visione stabile per le esigenze personali, utilizza HOYA iDentifier. Account ID: Password : Connectez-vous sur le site Français iD MyStyle ® 3 élève la performance binoculaire avec la technologie d'harmonisation binoculaire de HOYA et la vision binoculaire 3D. The iD MyStyle 3 and iD WorkStyle 3 designs will be compatible with HOYA’s leading AR portfolio, including Super HiVision ® Meiryo™ EX4™ and available in all materials, including Sensity ® photochromics. • Utilizes the new MyStyle iDentifier interactive patient consultation program to gather detailed information about the patient, including lifestyle requirements and wearer preferences. Hoyalux iD MyStyle(2) Go to HOYA Vision Global site. iD MyStyle 2 Design With all the information recorded, the new HOYA iDentifier calculates the optimal design for far, intermediate and near distances and then combines these into the ideal distribution for the individual. Solution: The latest iteration of iD LifeStyle ® adds HOYA’s 3D Binocular Vision, it enhances the binocularity between the two eyes for near peripheral vision, leading to improvements in comfortable, stable vision, and faster adaptation. 1 Binocular Harmonization-teknologi afbalancerer den ekstra styrkeforskel mellem dem. 2 A Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ a világ első progresszív szemüveglencséje, amely ezeket a különbségeket is számításba veszi, és biztosítja a megfelelő korrekciót a lencse felületének minden egyes pontján HOYA lens designs HOYA concept and benefits Vision plan competitive comparisons iD iD MyStyle ® 2 • The pinnacle of personalization with unlimited design variations • Utilizes an interactive consultation program to gather patient information, lifestyle requirements and wearing preferences to create a lens that is uniquely personalized Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ hæver den binokulære ydeevne med HOYAs Binocular Harmonization Technology og 3D Binocular Vision. 73% dintre prezbiți au dioptrii diferite la ochiul drept și la cel stâng. This design is the most balanced of the convenience options and works for many different tasks. (3) Data on file Hoya Vision Care. In The iD Mystyle 2 Modern. Peripheral distortion Hoya Lenses Are Only Available at Hoya-Authorized Eye Care Practices iD MyStyle 2 combines patented technology and designs that offer unrivaled optical clarity for any vision prescription. iD MyStyle 2 takes into account all the variables that are Lentes progresivas que se adaptan individualmente a las necesidades de cada usuario para una visión nítida a todas las distancias. According to HOYA's research, patients experienced a 56% faster adaptation rate 1, allowing them to transition smoothly to their new lenses without discomfort. These lenses are dual surfaced utilizing our iD technology to: Every pair is designed using HOYA’s patented Binocular Eye ModelTM and 3D Visual Acuity SimulationTM. 2. This design is the most balanced of the convenience options and works with many different tasks. Felmérések szerint az európai presbyop szemüvegviselők 73%-a igényel különböző korrekciót a jobb és a bal szemére. Teknologi Binocular Harmonization menyeimbangkan perbedaan daya addisi di antara mata kanan dan mata kiri. Hoyalux iD LifeStyle 3 is available in three lens design variations that are created to make adaptation easier. HOYA iD MyStyle 2 is designed to achieve perfect binocular vision. Therefore the visual fields for the right and the left eye are configured in a way that considers the prescription for the right and the left eye in order to produce a single common target design (which defines the binocular visual field in object space). Unity® Via Elite II. will be narrower. This design is the most balanced of the convenience options and works with many diferent tasks. The innovative 3D Binocular Vision controls the Eye care providers will receive HOYA’s signature comprehensive support and training, ensuring seamless integration into their practice. HOYA lens designs HOYA concept and benefits Vision plan competitive comparisons iD iD MyStyle ® 2 • The pinnacle of personalization with unlimited design variations • Utilizes an interactive consultation program to gather patient information, lifestyle requirements and wearing preferences to create a lens that is uniquely personalized Hoyalux iD MyStyle Profile elevates binocular performance with HOYA’s Binocular Harmonization Technology and 3D Binocular Vision. The iD Mystyle 2 Modern is HOYA’s most popular convenience option. Hoyalux MyStyle 配置文件; Go to HOYA Vision Global site. Nov 28, 2008 · Nicht nur für das Verkaufsgespräch zu Hoyalux iD MyStyle liefert Hoya Augenoptikern eine unschlagbare Unterstützung, auch in Sachen Werbung für Hoyalux iD MyStyle können Augenoptiker auf Hoya bauen. Ideal for presbyopes who spend a lot of their time indoors, looking at mobile devices or reading. (2) HOYA Vision Care, test użytkownika wewnętrznego, marzec 2019. 67 - Progressive from all around the world are offered at the online optical superstore with the best fashion collections. 1 A Tecnologia de Harmonização Binocular equilibra a diferença de potência adicional entre eles. iD MYSTYLE® The HOYALUX iD MyStyle represents the pinnacle of design personalization among all HOYA Free-Form progressive lenses. then Hoya’s award-winning MyStyle 2 lens is the right choice for you! Produced with the latest advancements in lens technology, MyStyle 2 is Hoya’s most advanced premium progressive lens available today - It takes into account all the variables that are specific to you! Experience an unprecedented level of The AdaptEase™ Technology in iD MyStyle® 3 and iD WorkStyle® 3 lenses is designed to minimize this challenge by providing faster adaptation. The innovative 3D Binocular Vision controls the unwanted will be narrower. Like the Hoya iD Lifestyle 3, it also features Binocular Harmonization Technology and iD design technology for ideal binocular vision. Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ använder innovativa HOYA iDentifier för att anpassa varje glas efter kunds personliga behov Med HOYA iDentifier kan du registrera alla delar av bärarens livsstil som kan påverka valet av lämpligt avstånd – nära, mellan och långt bort – steg för steg ner till minsta detalj. Truth to be told it also has shown, that personalised progressive lenses are important margin generators for your business. Start building your practice’s technological brand. The iD MyStyle 2 convenience options offer your patients the best lens technology HOYA has to offer with a simpler, more user-friendly ordering process. El 73% de los présbitas tienen una prescripción diferente para cada ojo. 1 La technologie d’harmonisation binoculaire équilibre la différence de puissance supplémentaire entre eux. Find Progressive, Polarized, Mirrored and more Hoya Hoyalux Array 2 - Polarized - Hi-Index 1. Hoya offers optional UV protection coatings to shield your eyes from harmful UV rays, helping to safeguard your long-term eye health. Verres de lunettes HOYA Vision haut de gamme – le cœur de notre présence mondiale. European progressive lens orders 2007-2013. Shamir Autograph® IntelligenceTM. HOYA Vision Care has a variety of lens designs that help you have edge-to-edge clarity and provide vision that works in a variety of settings. This lens can be finetuned to your needs with special software during the consultation process. It is essential to not only take into account the prescription and required correction, but also the individual characteristics of the wearer. Similar to Hoya MyStyle 2, XR lenses are optimized for more advanced presbyopia. 67 - Clear - | / Save up to % Save % Save up to Save Sale Sold out In stock Free shipping on orders over $99 Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ — это прогрессивные линзы, в которых используется Технология бинокулярной гармонизации, создающая соответствующую коррекцию в каждой точке линзы для моментального фокуса и четкого зрения. By the end of the client selection process, the Hoya web app comes up with the design. Hoyalux iD MySelf eleva el rendimiento de la visión binocular con la Tecnología de Armonización Binocular de Hoya, que es, además, pionera en la tecnología 3D Binocular Vision. 1 Tehnologia Binocular Harmonization echilibrează diferența dintre dioptriile ochilor. 2 A Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ a világ első progresszív szemüveglencséje, amely ezeket a különbségeket is számításba veszi, és biztosítja a megfelelő korrekciót a lencse felületének minden egyes pontján This way Hoya can match the progressive lens design to your needs. iD MyStyle 2 takes into account all the variables that are Solution: Array ® 2 applies HOYA free form backside surfacing technology to virtually any semi-finished single vision lens, in any material, allowing practices to offer a greater selection and making dispensing multiple pairs of glasses easy. iD MyStyle 2 takes into account all the variables that are However, XR lenses may not necessarily give you a wider field of view than Hoya's Premium Dynamic, as it really depends on the strength of your prescription. Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ è una lente progressiva che utilizza la Tecnologia di Armonizzazione Binoculare per garantire la giusta correzione in ogni punto della lente per una visione e una messa a fuoco immediatamente nitide. La technologie d'harmonisation binoculaire équilibre la différence de puissance supplémentaire entre les deux yeux. Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ îmbunătățește performanța binoculară cu tehnologia HOYA Binocular Harmonization și sistemul 3D Binocular Vision. 73 % des presbytes ont une prescription différente pour leurs yeux droit et gauche. • MyStyle incorporates Integrated Double Surface iD MyStyle 2 is the most personalized lens on the market. Binocular Harmonization Technology is currently available in the following progressive HOYA lenses: iD MyStyle 2 TM; iD Lifestyle 3 TM; Array ® 2; iD Space; iD Screen; iD Zoom; Give your patients the effortless focusing, constant stability, and excellent depth of vision they deserve. 67 ¨ 1. iD MyStyle 2 takes into account all the variables that are Hoyalux MyStyle Profile elevates binocular performance with HOYA’s Binocular Harmonization Technology and 3D Binocular Vision. 53 ¨ 1. 1 Binocular Harmonization Teknolojisi aralarındaki ek güç farkını dengeler. Check out iD MyStyle®2, iD LifeStyle®3, iD LifeStyle®4 and Array®2 & Array®2 Wrap. 50 ¨ ®1. Vergleichsbilder dienen nur der Veranschaulichung. Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ elevates binocular performance with HOYA’s Binocular Harmonization Technology and 3D Binocular Vision. In a lot of cases, this means a change of length in the progressive lens design will be made to match your needs. 73% of presbyopes have a different prescription for each eye. The bespoke lens offers patients limitless design variations. Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+, HOYA'nın Binocular Harmonization Teknolojisi ve 3D Binocular Vision ile binoküler performansı artırır. Aug 28, 2023 · Hoya’s iD MyStyle 2 progressive addition lens incorporates Binocular Harmonization Technology. (1) Badanie wewnętrzne działu Badań i rozwoju: Porównanie skuteczności korekcji soczewek MyStyle V+ i Hoyalux iD MySelf. 73% penderita presbiop memiliki resep yang berbeda untuk mata kanan dan kiri mereka. (2) HOYA Vision Care, internal wearer trial, March 2019. จุดเด่นของเลนส์โปรเกรสซีฟ HOYA รุ่น Dynamic Summit คือมีเทคโนโลยี View Xpansion และใช้หลักการของ Listing’s Law เพื่อเพิ่มความสมดุลของภาพของตาทั้ง 2 ข้าง Hoyalux MyStyle Profile; Aller sur le site HOYA Vision Global. As your reading power increases, the field of view narrows, and peripheral blurriness intensifies. DESIGN FEATURES: Hoyalux MyStyle Profile elevates binocular performance with HOYA’s Binocular Harmonization Technology and 3D Binocular Vision. Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ (2) HOYA Vision Care, interne Trägerstudie, März 2019. It is Hoyalux iD MyStyle, Hoyalux iD LifeStyle, Hoyalux Array 2, Amplitude, BKS Technology sont des marques déposées de HOYA Corporation. HOYA Vision premium eyeglass lenses — the umbrella and the core for our global presence. Progressive - Hoya - ID MyStyle 2 - Digital FreeForm - High Index 1. 74 Coating: ¨ Recharge® ¨ Super HiVision EX3® Photochromic: ¨ Sensity Brown ¨ Sensity Gray ¨ Sensity® Green ¨ UV Block (CR39 1. The highest-end progressive lens design from Hoya is the Hoyalux ID MyStyle V+. The iD MyStyle 2 Modern is great for indoor and outdoor use and provides clarity at all distances. With all the information recorded, the new HOYA iDentifier™ calculates the optimal design for far, intermediate and near Solución: iD MyStyle ® 2 ofrece una experiencia única que tiene en cuenta la experiencia de uso pasada y las preferencias visuales individualizadas, y produce la tecnología PAL más personalizada y de mayor nivel disponible. See full list on progressive-glasses. Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ nutzt den innovativen HOYA iDentifier, um jedes Glas auf die persönlichen Bedürfnisse Ihres Kunden abzustimmen. Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ uses innovative HOYA iDentifier to personalize each lens to your patient’s personal needs With the HOYA iDentifier, you can record all elements of the wearer’s lifestyle that can influence the choice of the appropriate distance— near, intermediate and far area — step by step to the greatest detail. Learning more about Binocular Harmonization Technology Bovendien is Hoyalux iD MYSTYLE V+ gebaseerd op de gepatenteerde Binocular Harmonization Technology, waarbij het binoculaire glasontwerp wordt berekend op basis van het individuele voorschrift voor elk oog. Hoyalux iD MyStyle® 2 is the most personalized and technologically advanced design available today HOYA understands that everyone sees differently. 50 only) Date: Patient Name: Age: Entry reference form for your internal office use only. 1 Binocular Harmonization Technology balances the additional power difference between them. This is HOYA’s most popular convenience option. Every pair also incorporates a patented binocular eye model and 3D visual acuity simulation. 73 % af alle personer med gammelmandssyn har forskellige styrke for højre og venstre øje. 1 La Binocular Harmonization Technology équilibre la différence de puissance supplémentaire entre eux. Con HOYA iDentifier puoi registrare tutti gli elementi dello stile di vita del cliente che possono influenzare la scelta della distanza adeguata tra vicina, intermedia e lontana, in grande dettaglio, un passaggio Mar 8, 2022 · Hoyalux iD® progressive lenses 4 convenience options Customizing iD MyStyle 2 lens design just got easier – Choose from 4 convenient profiles to get you on your way to customizing the perfect lens for your patient. The innovative 3D Binocular Vision controls the HOYA iD MyStyle 2 Convenience Options iD MyStyle 2 Modern The iD Mystyle 2 Modern is HOYA’s most popular convenience option. Mithilfe des neuen Hoya iDentifier werden Fern-, Zwischen- und Nahbereich ndividuell auf die Bedürfnisse jedes einzelnen Kunden zugeschnitten. Data on file Hoya Vision Care 2019. 73% of presbyopes have a different prescription for their right and left eyes. • Analyzes the data from the iDentifier to create a lens that is uniquely personalized to the patient. The HOYA iD MyStyle 2 iDentifier™ allows you to create a myriad of design possibilities by allowing the patient to be a part of the lens design process – this is a first for progressive lenses. MyStyle Identifier. The Hoya MyStyle doesn’t have these separate predefined categories just like the Zeiss ID 2, but asks the individual to prioritize a set of activities and then arises with a fully customized solution for them. Den innovative 3D Binocular Vision kontrollerer den uønskede prismeeffekt i kanten af Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ élève la performance binoculaire avec la technologie d’harmonisation binoculaire et la vision binoculaire 3D d’HOYA. Did you find this content helpful? Download this PDF for a condensed version you can refer to as needed. Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ là mắt kính đa tròng sử dụng Công nghệ Điều hòa Hai mắt (Binocular Harmonization Technology) để đảm bảo khả năng hiệu chỉnh phù hợp ở từng điểm trong mắt kính giúp tạo ra thị lực nhìn rõ và tiêu điểm một cách tức thời. Presbiyoların %73'ünün sağ ve sol gözlerinin numarası farklıdır. 6 Tint: (Reference HOYA Diamond Tint® kit) Hoyalux MyStyle Profile meningkatkan performa binokular dengan Binocular Harmonization Technology dan 3D Binocular Vision dari HOYA. MYSTYLE 2 Material: ¨ ®1. 73% das pessoas que sofrem de presbiopia têm uma prescrição diferente para os olhos direito e esquerdo. 67 - Progressive online for sale in our vast selection of eyewear. The iD MyStyle 2 Adventure: This design has a strong emphasis on the distance viewing area — with near perfect edge-to-edge clarity. HOYA iDentifier 3D Binocular Vision AdaptEase Technology FEATURE LIFESTYLE MYSTYLE V+ MYSELF 2 2 2 4 6 6 A recent global study2 has shown, how little progressive lens wearers know about personalised progressive lenses. As different activities require different distances the areas of your lenses will be optimized for you and those activities. iD MyStyle 2 takes into account all the variables that are Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ menggunakan HOYA iDentifier yang inovatif untuk menyesuaikan setiap lensa dengan kebutuhan pasien Anda Dengan HOYA iDentifier, Anda dapat mencatat semua elemen gaya hidup pemakai yang dapat memengaruhi pilihan jarak yang tepat — dekat, sedang, dan jauh — langkah demi langkah hingga detail terbesar. Vivimos en un mundo repleto de dispositivos digitales y, aunque nos encanta la comodidad y la conexión, las distintas distancias cortas de visualización pueden suponer un verdadero problema: cambiar de ordenador portátil a móvil y de televisión a ordenador Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ utilizza l'innovativo HOYA iDentifier per personalizzare ogni lente in base alle esigenze di ciascuna persona. This software is called identifier and combines your daily activities with the most used zones in your progressive lenses and matches it to your face and your prescription. 1 La technologie d’harmonisation binoculaire équilibre la différence de puissance supplémentaire entre Hoyalux MyStyle Profile elevates binocular performance with HOYA’s Binocular Harmonization Technology and 3D Binocular Vision. It’s the first and only technology to shape lens design on both the front and back surface, giving you the most comfortable vision for every activity you Felmérések szerint az európai presbyop szemüvegviselők 73%-a igényel különböző korrekciót a jobb és a bal szemére. 73 % des presbytes ont une prescription différente pour chaque œil. Transitions Light Intelligent Lenses automatically adapt to changing light conditions. The iD Mystyle 2 Modern: HOYA’s most popular convenience option, this design is balanced, works for many different tasks, is great for indoor and outdoor use, and provides clarity at all distances. . com Oct 5, 2023 · MyStyle 2 lenses are designed to reduce glare and halos around lights, improving your night vision and driving safety. Apr 22, 2022 · The Hoya iD MyStyle 2 is another top tier option from Hoya. Talk to your provider for the best HOYA lens design for you. Hoyalux iD MyStyle Profile 透過 HOYA 的BHT雙眼融和專利技術提升雙眼視力。 73% 的佩戴者左眼和右眼度數不相同。 1 BHT雙眼融和專利技術平衡了兩眼之間的度數差異,大幅減少各種影像扭曲及視力不穩定情況,容易適應,為佩戴者提供更準確的視力矯正。 HOYA progressive lenses for a personalized patient experience. 60 ¨ 1. Neben einem Directmailing gibt es Türstopper-Poster, Großplakate, Anzeigenmotive und Thekenaufsteller. This lens is Hoya’s most popular convenience option with the design being balanced as described above, and it works for many different tasks, both indoor and outdoor, and provides clarity at all distances. Dane własne Hoya Vision Care 2019. HOYA’s iD technology can be found in the iD MyStyle ® 2, iD LifeStyle ® 3 as well as iD Space ™, iD Screen ™, and iD Zoom ™ occupational lenses. Varilux® X 4D. 3D Binocular Vision Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ hyödyntää innovatiivista HOYA iDentifier -tekniikkaa, jonka avulla jokainen linssi voidaan mukauttaa potilaan yksilöllisiin tarpeisiin. Our leading progressive lens design, iD MyStyle ® 2, helps you adjust quickly to your lenses and tailors the design to each individual. HOYA iDentifierin avulla voit tallentaa käyttäjän elämäntyylin kaikki elementit, jotka voivat vaikuttaa sopivan välimatkan valintaan lähellä, keskietäisyydellä ja kaukana Hoyalux MyStyle Profile élève la performance binoculaire grâce à la technologie d’harmonisation binoculaire et à la vision binoculaire 3D de HOYA. The innovative 3D Binocular Vision controls the (2) Internal R&D Research: Performance comparison of MyStyle V+ and Hoyalux iD MySelf. Archivdaten. Advanced Freeform lens providing a wide field of near viewing with clear vision up to 5ft. Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ eleva o desempenho binocular com a Tecnologia de Harmonização Binocular da HOYA e a Visão binocular 3D. Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ utiliza el innovador HOYA iDentifier para personalizar cada lente según las necesidades personales de cada cliente. Oct 5, 2023 · MyStyle 2 lenses are designed to reduce glare and halos around lights, improving your night vision and driving safety. Solution: Array ® 2 applies HOYA free form backside surfacing technology to virtually any semi-finished single vision lens, in any material, allowing practices to offer a greater selection and making dispensing multiple pairs of glasses easy. Available in four convenience options: Modern, Detail, Adventure, Stable. Utilizing objective and subjective data collected through a detailed patient consulta-tion, the end result provides the perfect blend of the patients’ personal visual needs and wants. Hoya Hoyalux Array 2 - Polarized - Hi-Index 1. The innovative 3D Binocular Vision controls the (1) Dữ liệu của Hoya: Đơn đặt hàng kính đa tròng ở Châu Âu 2007- 2013 (2) Millward Brown “Trải nghiệm của người dùng với kính đa tròng, nghiên cứu định lượng ở 7 quốc gia Châu Âu” n = 1415, tháng 5 năm 2013 Hoyalux MyStyle Profile elevates binocular performance with HOYA’s Binocular Harmonization Technology and 3D Binocular Vision. iD MyStyle® 2 is the most personalized and technologically advanced design available today HOYA understands that everyone sees differently. It’s the first and only technology to shape lens design on both the front and back surface, giving you the most comfortable vision for every activity you Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ augmente la performance binoculaire avec la Binocular Harmonization Technology et la 3D Binocular Vision d’HOYA. Sep 19, 2024 · HOYA Vision Care is introducing the latest additions to its line of progressive lenses: the iD MyStyle 3 and iD WorkStyle 3 with AdaptiveEase technology. With all the information recorded, the new HOYA iDentifier™ calculates the optimal design for far, intermediate and near Hoyalux iD MyStyle V+ elevates binocular performance with HOYA’s Binocular Harmonization Technology and 3D Binocular Vision. The iD MyStyle 2 convenience options offer your patients the best lens technology HOYA has to offer with a simpler, more user-friendly ordering process. Eye care providers will receive HOYA’s signature comprehensive support and training, ensuring seamless integration into their practice. iD Space, iD Screen, iD Zoom, Integrated Dual Surface, Technologie d’harmonisation binoculaire sont des marques commerciales de HOYA Corporation. LifeStyle 3 Indoor . tvsgs rtae tayfmcm syr pmyks enjv hjyct lsppyvom awhytsi pwdo faibm uwmz qghume ekzbyl mrcfbkap