Homemade router table saw extension. Plus, it does double duty as a sanding station.
Homemade router table saw extension That square ended up being 22-1/2" wide by 20-3/4" long. I made mine 34-1/4-in. Constructed from MDF, lumber, plywood, and hardware. You will also need a mini router table, of the type intended to be mounted on a workbench. Plus, it does double duty as a sanding station. Router Table Extension For a Table Saw | Evolution Rage 5S | Part 1In this video I will show you how to make a router table extension for a table saw. Jan 25, 2014 · In this video I cut an opening to the table saw extension to house a DIY tilting router table insert. This modification is convenient, saves space, and is inexpensive to build. It had a folding outfeed table and a shelf underneath. Feb 23, 2023 · I'll show you how to make this unique Dewalt DIY Router Table for your DWE7485 Dewault Table Saw. Has anyone built one into a contractor table saw like the Ridgid one or have any recommendations for parts? May 23, 2018 · I got the router extension that fit the router plates I already had from Peachtree. It allows you to cut stock up to about 32" wide. Constructed from melamine and poplar. So by putting the new router table on the left, I now have a ma Nov 28, 2014 · Table Saw Router Extension Delta 36-725. We welcome posts about "new tool day", estate sale/car boot sale finds, "what is this" tool, advice about the best tool for a job, homemade tools, 3D printed accessories, toolbox/shop tours. Homemade router mount constructed in a table saw extension utilizing an impromptu lifting system. I’ve looked at the router plates and the Jessem ones seem great but are way to expensive for hobbyist like myself. The router table then functions as a wing for the saw. The attached drawings show my saw table top (27 x 48), the 3 inch x 3 inch angle iron with the 3 inch x 1 3/4 inch steel tube attached. STEP 3 With a square, extend the lines down the edge of the table extension banding (B). If you have any pictures of fences that you've built I'd love to see them. Subscribe Here: https://goo. The greatest benefit is that it takes up no additional space in the shop, while not compromising on functionality. The cast iron top on your saw should already be tapped, while the stamped steel wings have holes drilled. The router table top has four holes on each side that can be used for mounting it to the saw, two of which aligned with existing holes on the side of my saw. The router table also has a router lift. I plan to use my router's fixed base as the router lift, mounted to the insert plate. Most table saws come with an extension wing on the right-hand side, which can be replaced with a router table or extended to provide more workspace. It worked out really well. The heavily ribbed extruded aluminum fence is straighter, longer and taller than your standard rip fence. My shop is very tiny and I didn't really need a dedicated router table, so I built Homemade router table extension for a table saw. If you are interested in that build, the video can be found here: https://yout The router table is 27 in (68. This is the first video in a series I'll be doing on Mar 16, 2020 · In this video i continue upgrading my new table saw with extension wing. JPG photo 1. Jun 20, 2018 · This is a super versatile router lift and storage cabinet built around the Rockler ProLift router lift that lives in the extension wing of my table saw accompanied with some t-track. Measure the dimensions of the desired extension for your table saw. If you want to do the same, you may have to alter the height of the sides and back. Learn how to build a table saw stand with an integrated router table using these step-by-step DIY plans. I have a bad habit of leaving projects undone (in this instance, since Christmas 2019), so I thought I'd take the time to install this over the weekend. Apr 10, 2014 · Router Table Extension Overview. That way the router table can act as an outfeed support for the saw or vice versa. Although only rarely does this equipment show up on eBay Table Saw Extension Cabinet - FineWoodworking I needed an extension table for my Table saw and I also needed additional storage space for all those table saw accessories that seem to accumulate over time. Perfect for woodworking enthusiasts, this attachment allows you to easily create precise cuts and designs. STEP 2 Position the extension table against the saw table, and transfer the marks. Weighing over 50 pounds, it's designed to handle heavy loads and long-term use without warping. This extension will make a regular Dewalt DW745 job site table saw to a router table in seconds. Jan 21, 2025 · That will make the best router table. It features 3/8 in. The Making a DIY router table for my Laguna Fusion 3 table saw using a Triton router#tablesaw #woodworking #router #triton May 1, 2018 · I placed the table saw on the bottom right corner of the MDF and marked off with a pencil where to cut out a square for the little table the Saw will actually sit on. The other side of the saw has less room for a router due to the motor being on that side. In this project we are adding a router lift into the wing of a table saw. Make your table saw mobile with this innovative woodworking project. 1K views 3 replies 3 participants last post by 716 Feb 12, 2016 The height of the outfeed table should be at least 1/8 inch below the saw table, which will facilitate the transition between the saw and the outfeed table. Mar 4, 2024 · Just remember, our 315's have horrible frames, and if there's too much weight mounted to the saw table, the thin box frame can buckle. This is a great project if your shop is small, or you do not have the space for a dedicated table. Nov 1, 2022 · Fitting back- and side panele – DWE7492 – How to build a table saw stand with router table. I know how step by step is the favorite around here, but I get too into what I'm doing to take pictures. Apr 21, 2015 · I browsed the internet for ideas, then commenced to draw my version of the extension. One essential shop tool that doesn't have to take up additional room is a router table. ) Oct 4, 2010 · The project entails making a extension wing on the right hand side (RHS) of my table saw. Beyond the table saw, I used a cordless drill, a hand saw, a jigsaw, measuring tape, square, wood glue, 1. I had bought a Craftsman saw like the saw you have when I first started. 5" drywall screws, some clamps and sandpaper. com)Due to May 6, 2024 · Adding an extension wing to your table saw is a great way to increase its functionality and make your woodworking projects easier. The table saw's tables are around 33" high or so, and that's too low for some precision routing operations. JPG photo 4. T-slots on each fence face and on the table for attaching feather boards or other hold-down devices, a 2-1/4 in. I plan to use it with an old Craftsman router; however, I do not have any of the red inserts, or any other pieces of the puzzle. -2-1/2 dust port and 3 included table inserts. With the stop block incorporated into the new router lift that is no longer a problem. jpgHere's my Unisaw extension table. Bench Dog Tools 40-102 ProMax Cast Iron Router Table Extension. The last step in the DIY DeWALT DWE7492* base frame with router table is the side and rear panels. Sep 6, 2023 · I have both an router table extension, A Bench Dog and a separate stand alone table also the same extension mounted in a shop welded table at about 40" high. For the fence, I have used a shelf which we had laying around. Journals Projects Workshops Reviews EricLew Nov 28, 2014 · Updated Sep 19, 2022 Oct 4, 2016 · [PART 2] Homemade table saw extension. Whether you choose to build your own or invest in a commercial product, the ultimate goal is the same: improving safety, precision, and efficiency in your workshop. (Or do what I did an make a table that you can mount your saw in and have it suspended by the tabletop. I use a Triton router that has good below Apr 25, 2018 · Diy project - Table saw extension and out feed table. Sep 1, 2018 · #woodworkingBuilding A Table Saw Extension Wing! - Part 1Hello everyone! Thank you so much for watching this video! I do hope that you enjoyed it :)Have a pr This Pin was discovered by Ted Darling. May 9, 2023 · Away from the mini table is this wide 3-in-1 table that can function as a router table, table saw, and workbench. I have an old craftsman113 table saw with a homemade router table as one of the wings. When I use the saw all I do is make sure the router bit is below the router table and fence is removed if necessary. Oct 1, 2014 · I am definitely putting a router in but am undecided on if I want to build a router lift or buy one. bolts and nuts to attach the outfeed table to the saw. I bought the plan when I saw it. Adaptive Cutting System Saw + Guide Track Kit; Rip-Cut™ Accu-Cut™ Cabinet Hardware Jig Pro; Cabinet Face Frame Clamp; Ultimate Hardware Installation Kit; Precision Router Table System; Precision Router Lift; Corner Routing Guide Set; Mobile Project Center; Dust Separator; Universal Bench with Hardwood Top + Dog Holes; 90° Corner Clamp Dec 29, 2015 · Looks pretty dang good. The most critical dimension is the width — the distance between saw fence rails; mine was 271⁄8″. Recently, I have also added a Bosch 1617EVSPK. This ensures that whatever you’re cutting won’t catch as it passes from saw table to outfeed table. I had an existing router fence that I adapted to fit the slots in the Peachtree table. . This is the first video in this new series I am calling I CAN MAKE THAT May 21, 2013 · I just finished up the router table for my Ridgid R4512. You simply switch out the router insert Dec 23, 2008 · I have been going over threads about router inserts for table saws, and I thought I should go ahead and post a few questions. I have thought of making a router fence that fits over the Sawstop fence and that might give better dust collection above the table. Nov 27, 2012 · Re: My Ridgid R4512 Table Saw Setup with Homemade Router Table Extension Very nice work, the side table, the router fence, the high rip fence jig and especially the wisdom to seize on the availability of a free cast iron extension table to replace the stamped steel extension the R4512 comes with - mass is good and sounds solid when you toss a timber on it. The fence slides on the steel tube. co. gl/u1jZSqInstagram: http:/ Homemade router table extension for a table saw. [PART 2] Dec 26, 2017 · I have a few projects coming up that would benefit from having a router table. This sub is for tool enthusiasts worldwide to talk about tools, professionals and hobbyists alike. I got a table saw. The plate is made of melamine to eliminate expansion and contraction as much as possible, not to mention a really smooth surface on the melamine that has very little resistance on the stock Find and save ideas about table saw router extension on Pinterest. [PART 1] Sep 21, 2010 · I spotted clamps like them recently while searching tool catalogs/websites for a specialty router bit. 5" by 27". Ultimate Router Table & Storage Cabinet (table Saw Extension Wing): This is a super versatile router lift and storage cabinet built around the Rockler ProLift router lift that lives in the extension wing of my table saw accompanied with some t-track. So, when you add a new tool to your shop, you need to find ways to make the best use of the space that's available. I have a General 10" contractor saw with a 52" fence. tall to match the height of my table saw. Be the first to comment on this DIY Table Saw Router Table Jul 10, 2020 · I recently bought a Craftsman 315. It's not the prettiest router table, but it's a tool, not a project. I've seen a couple of designs that slip over the ts fence and a few that bolt to the ts fence. I think a router table is one of those tools that we often think “Bigger is Better!!” And the ideal standard seems to be Norm’s huge router table from The New Yankee Workshop. I cut out the square with a circular saw and built a very simple table based off those dimensions. Here’s some of the intricacies of my design: The wider t-track was notched out to allow for the t-bolts from the fence to slide into the blue t-track. Pretty easy actually. Most table saws come with an extension wing on the right-hand side, which can be replaced with a router table. Prior to this I'd made a similar setup for my Delta contractor's saw with a right side extension table with a shop-made router insert. I will leave a flat plate on the table saw extension, so I can continue to store my shop vac under the table saw wing. epidemicsound. ca. x 3/4 in. Follow along as I build a new fence and install a router insert in my Sawstop table saw extension wing. STEP 1 Mark and transfer the centerlines from the saw-table holes to masking tape. Jess-Em makes tables specific to their router lifts, but Aug 11, 2018 · #diyroutertable #plywoodworking #routertable #buildaBenchtopROUTERTABLEIf you like The video Please Subscribe and share this channel!!DONT FORGET join on Pl Oct 18, 2024 · Learn how to build a compact DIY table saw stand with folding outfeed table and extension wing with a step-by-step tutorial, video, and plans. Jul 16, 2015 · Remove the extension wing of your saw and determine the size of your new router table extension. JPG IMG_1791. I decided to build it with laminate, love this material because it is super durableO Apr 20, 2014 · After moving into my new shop I designed something different. The wing will require me to turn my table saw around in the shop, which isn't that big of a deal. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Good to see this setup. Describes my SawStop changes to add a Bench Dog cast iron router table into my SawStop PCS table saw. 1 out of 5 stars 7pcs Aluminum Precision Setup Blocks Height Gauge Set for Router Table Saw Jun 1, 2019 · I made a router table extension for my Dewalt table saw. It will also serve to allow me to cut wider pieces on the table saw. I'm torn between a free standing or an extension wing. Didn't Make a step by step how to, but would be happy to take more pictures/ give instruction if there is interest. The first thought I had with that wood extension wing the table saw came with was that it would make a great router table. A homemade fence was installed featuring twin T-tracks to enable the placement of featherboards and other fixtures. My plan is to span the 22 or so inches with a piece of plywood, reinforced on the bottom side with trusses (to reduce sagging), and cut out Making a router table by adding a router lift to my table saw extension wing. Basically a shallow box. It's time to build and install a router table on the extension wing of my table saw! In this video we'll build the table and get it installed on the table sa Aug 28, 2023 · 4 With the top edges perfectly flush, fasten the extension table to the saw table and rails. Attaching The Extension To The Table Saw So, if the router table goes, I need a replacement and after giving it a lot of thought, I decided the best solution was to install a router and lift in the extension wing of my table saw. Now that I was done using my table saw I could remove the top from the old outfeed table and use it for the lower shelf. Finally, use a long straightedge to be sure that the outfeed table is a smidge below the saw table, and raise or lower the support legs to align the two surfaces. All in all, very worthy upgrade. I have a bad habit of leaving projects undone (in this case since Christmas 2019), so I thought I'd take the time to install this over the weekend. The T1244 Router Table Wing fits as a replacement or extension to most table saw wings to create a feature-packed router station attached to your saw. For the 36" Professional Cabinet Saw, an optional cast iron filler table is available creating a full length cast iron table. One essential shop tool that doesn’t have to take up additional room is a router table. Measuring And Cutting The Extension. The following plans are for building a table saw infeed table. Again the dust collecting/easily adjustable fence was the hang-up. So when you add a new tool to your shop, you need to find ways to make the best use of the space that’s available. The plywood fence faces found on most modern rip fences are subject to movement from temperature and humidity changes Jul 15, 2012 · Basically, the design for the router table insert is a piece of 3/4" MDF which is cut in the same shape as the opening on the table saw when fully opened. Oct 1, 2014 · Here's my homemade router wing for my Craftsman 10" contractor table saw. The router table can also be mounted to the left of the saw, attaching to the left cast iron wing. Feb 4, 2015 · I previously had a table saw mounted router table but my main issue with it was breaking down the router table setup to use the table saw. Get started on your next project today! Feb 26, 2011 · photo 3-1. I will be adding a Kreg Router Lift into my Ridgid R4512 table saw. Dec 20, 2008 · It is really nice. I just bought an old Powermatic 66 with 50" rails and no extension; there was a homemade extension on it when I bought it, but it wasn't exactly a prize, so I discarded it. I hope you enjoy the descriptions and pictures. I got the router lift plans from woodgears. I talk about how to add these to your saw, and how the This DIY table saw fence extension exemplifies the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the woodworking community. The lift is installed in a Metabo TS 254M. My plan is different. This is not absolutely necessary from a functional point of view. 228390 table saw with Router Table built-in to the Extension wing. 💻 My Amazon Store: https://www. The 3/4" stock was cut in half, it was used as a spacer as the thickness of my table saw from bolting point to surface was 1 3/4". As many of us can appreciate how valuable shop space is I decided to use this space to house my third router table. Part 1 Homemade Router Table & Table Saw. For the one-man shop, this table saw outfeed table is perfect! Feb 6, 2025 · When you're searching for a robust router table extension that can seamlessly integrate with your table saw, the O'Skool 27" x 16" Cast Iron Router Table Extension Wing stands out as an excellent choice. Be the first to comment on this DIY Table Saw Router Table Extension, or add details on how to make a Table Saw Router Table Extension! Click the "add comment" button above to comment. I have cut support pieces which extend form under the insert into the rails on the saw extension. Vince This is a video about how to add a router lift to a table saw extension wing. Feb 12, 2016 · grizzly t10222 router table Jump to Latest 2. My reasoning for the left was that when I bought the saw I purchased the extension which goes on the right, and it seemed silly to replace it. Floor space is at a premium in most shops. There is a plan for a fence included with it for the new part of the table. The one I bought came with a fixed base router and all the fittings. Oct 4, 2016 · Homemade table saw extension. The new extension table will be about 24 inches wide x 11 - 12 inches deep. In the realm of woodworking mastery, the humble table saw takes center stage, and when paired with the often-overlooked infeed table, the results are nothing short of transformative. Mine does. The whole cabinet is made from ½” aromatic cedar Purebond plywood … Homemade router table extension designed for an R4512 table saw. Unfollow Follow. Picture this: a seamlessly integrated extension that supports your workpieces as they glide through the blade, […] Find and save ideas about dewalt table saw router extension on Pinterest. Woodpeckers new Auxiliary Rip Fence adds precision, safety, and versatility to your standard table saw rip fence, no matter whether it's brand new or 60 years old. Two more holes were easily drilled into the aluminum router table. I cut it to length with my Kreg Track Saw then cut it to width on the table saw to fit the opening. Great space saving shop project using a Rockler Pro Router lift on my Sawstop t Nov 19, 2009 · Am looking to build a DIY router extension to my Jet JPS 10 table saw. Constructed from plywood, wood, clamps, brackets, and hardware. Mar 28, 2024 · In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of creating and attaching your own table saw extension. uk/shop/sumeraybui Install a Router Lift in a Table Saw Extension: In this article, I'll be installing a Jess-Em Rout-R-Lift II in my table saw extension. This table replaces the extension wing of your table saw. Use a table saw to carefully cut the extension to the correct size. And even though the top was really beat up, I just flipped it over and the underside was clean as a whistle. Feb 23, 2020 · Hello friends. Dec 9, 2016 · Enlarge the holes in your miter gauge to 17 ⁄ 64", and fasten the extension to the miter gauge, as shown below. Was going to remove the entire right cast iron wing on the TS and insert the extension in between the rails. May 2, 2024 · Building table saw extension wings can be a great way to customise your table saw and make your woodworking projects more efficient. After milling the outfeed table, add a piece of wood with miter slots to accommodate the leg pivot brackets of the folding outfeed. 4. But I like the idea of being able to use the fence from the table saw as double duty for the router too. So for that reason I decided it would be best to save shop space and put this one back in the table saw. My father recently bought a new table saw which has an extension for just this purpose. Use 1⁄4-in. So, I've undertaken to build my own router table. A versatile, easy-to-make Router and Saw table for small workshops Dec 14, 2016 · A quick and simple router table extension for the table saw. I can’t think of any pitfalls. amazon. You can see my new homemade router lift here and the extension wing for my table saw here. The depth of the extension is somewhat arbitrary. I would like to build a fence for the router table that would attach to the table saw fence. In my Save space by mounting the table in-line between the rails and replacing the existing extension table. It does however have just enough room to do the same for a dedicated laminate router with a 1/4” round over bit. But, like most of us, I'm a bit short on shop space, so I made a router table Vintage work crew photos by Jon on 2023-03-05 09:07:01 ; Machining an adapter plate for a rotary table and 3 jaw chuck (Part 2/4) by mylilmule on 2023-03-05 09:02:03 Punt guns - enormous old shotguns for hunting waterfowl by bruce. So you will want have a light router rable wing. Oct 10, 2007 · I am adding a router table extension to the right side of my Ridgid 3650 table saw. desertrat on 2023-03-05 08:40:26 Mini Mill - DIY Milling Machine by DIYer on 2024-10-08 03:14:44 A novel workshop hook for your jacket or cloths by DIYer on 2024-10-08 03:09:06 Vintage exhaust jack - GIF by Bony on 2024-10-08 00:33:30 Jul 18, 2010 · I replaced the table extensions on my Craftsman table saw with a plate designed to have the router attached to the underside of the new table extension. When one end of the extension gets chewed up, loosen the bolts, and slide it off. I have an offcut laminated 30mm tabletop which I plan to use for the extension plus a drop in router insert from Incra. The video also includes the construc May 7, 2021 · So I added a cast iron router table to my Ridgid r4512. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest ** EDIT ** I have since replaced this router table with a full router cabinet. You match the height of the table to the height of the saw table, and bolt the saw in the hole. It consistently scored the best reviews, is routinely on sale for $200, and includes both a fixed base and a plunge base. You simply switch out the router insert Cut two pieces of 1/8" flat steel plate for the sides of the router table and drill holes to attach. On the 1" pieces, I drilled a 3/4" hole with my hole saw and used the pilot bit in the saw to drill the hole in the bottom of the stock; the 3/4" hole allows me to fit a ratchet in to tighten the bolts. My Ridgid R4512 Table Saw Setup with Homemade Router Table Extension - Canadian Woodworking and Home Improvement Forum I have the 3 1/2 hp cabinet saw (which I absolutely love), and I mounted the router table on the left side. Some router models support above table adjustment, others do not. However, it is a visual highlight! Upgrade your table saw with this DIY router table insert. I need to do a router table in the future. I have a Ridgid R4514 table saw and want to use the space in the extendable table to put in a Router table top. DIY removable router table / wing extension for DeWalt jobsite saw (DWE7491RS) Made this and thought I would share for others for inspiration. The versatile table shelves are made from laminated MDF boards; the table frame uses 2x4s, while the legs use 4×4 lumber for stability. Flip the extension end for end, slide it back over the bolts, and tighten the nuts, bringing the uncut end of the extension into play, as shown below. About 5 years ago, when I first got my table saw, I had built a table saw stand. Have you been wanting to add a router table to your woodworking setup but don't have enough space? In this three-part video series, I'll show you how to crea Apr 18, 2019 · Hey guys, This video turned out to be a lot longer then I expected, but sometimes they have to be that long to get all the info in!I go over how I made this Floor space is at a premium in most shops. Sep 26, 2024 · But before you start on the cabinet, think about the height of your table. It's made from 3/4 BB plywood with 3" Maple edging and 1x2 Maple support beams around the router plate cutout. Music by Epidemic Sound (http://www. It fits in the right side of the saw and is about 14. 5 cm) in width which is the same depth as the cast iron top of my saw. Jess-Em mak… Dec 17, 2020 · In this article, I'll be installing a Jess-Em Rout-R-Lift II in my table saw extension. zudgfkw lttr qut xsbls txipry auc ruqukb oruaddso zbcyhjpk gngop nkyg qguvj mfew ejv rspok