High plains observer dumas. com • bgillispie@ptsi.

High plains observer dumas HPO Stratford. NEWS. , Dave McGary, JD Challenger, Thom Wheeler, Carla Romero, Ben Wright and numerous other highly notable and award-winning artists. Lane Haley is a 4th generation farmer and rancher in Ochiltree County, Texas. A visitor from Miami viewed 'High Plains Observer' 12 hrs 17 mins ago. The Windmill Fire started off North River Road in Roberts County off Highway 70 later Friday morning. 4804 HAPPY NEW YEAR 2025! As 2025 begins, a new endeavor for the High Plains Observer begins too! HIGH PLAINS OBSERVER CANADIAN! The Canadian HPO has been bubbling in my soul for a couple of years now High Plains Observer. 2003 S. A visitor from Gruver viewed 'High Plains Observer' 1 hr 59 mins ago A visitor from Perryton viewed ' SISD Superintendent Layman Speaks With KXDJ’S Chri ' 3 hrs 29 mins ago A visitor from Guymon viewed ' Georgia Holt ' 3 hrs 32 mins ago A visitor from Canyon viewed 'Dumas ISD Teachers of the Year, Robby Mason & Lori' 3 mins ago A visitor from Shandong viewed ' highplainsobserverdumas. A visitor from Gruver viewed 'High Plains Observer' 11 hrs 22 mins Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. I REPORT. 1. It’s like talking to God. 1st Street, North to Success Boulevard. The 69th Judicial District covers Moore, Sherman, Hartley and Dallam counties (Dumas, Sunray, Cactus, parts of Fritch, Texhoma, Stratford, Dalhart, Channing, Hartley, Texline). 8 degrees F - Dumas 3SE 8 degrees F - Palo Duro Lake 1NW 9 degrees F - Dalhart 12SW 10 degrees F - Stinnett 1NNW High Plains Observer Adds New Columnist Lane Haley. Maddox Avenue running from E. The bride-elect is a 2002 graduate of Spearman High School and a 2006 graduate of West Texas A&M University in Canyon. January Dumas. You can contact us to sponsor a team on Facebook or at 806-270-0822 preferably through text in case we are busy and cannot answer the phone. Daily Devotional A visitor from Grand prairie viewed 'High Plains Observer Hutchinson County' 6 hrs 12 mins ago. 300 S. Therefore, residents of these counties are represented by their elected 69th Judicial District Attorney in felony crimes occurring in these A visitor from Abilene viewed 'High Plains Observer' 10 hrs 33 mins ago A visitor from Texline viewed ' City of Stratford and Sherman County Development C ' 10 hrs 40 mins ago A visitor from Whitney viewed ' Sweetheart Dance February 15 ' 11 hrs 6 mins ago He grew up in Spearman, Texas, which was always his home, even after he had moved away. Unfortunately, this has not been enough to meet This years featured artist is MANUEL S. Please email resume to The first grassfire of the day was confirmed southwest of Dumas on FM722 early Friday morning. Dumas Police Department officers arrested a man early Sunday morning around Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. Graveside services are scheduled for 2 o'clock in the afternoon on Saturday, May 17, 2014 at Fairview Cemetery in Pampa TX with Rev. A visitor from Iowa viewed 'High Plains Observer' 14 mins ago. Church News. Oil and Gas experience preferred but not required. – Abandoned Vehicle - Dispatched to Walmart in reference to an abandoned vehicle. 5. Duties include data entry of oil and gas accounts payable and revenue as well as other clerical duties as needed. The commissioners met for approximately an hour in executive session to discuss the the situation. event is being presented for the 13th year Mark Stroebel, 56 of Dumas, passed away on Tuesday, May 13, 2014. 7. your small town Spearman Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. Scam – A local resident received a phone call from a subject pretending to be High temperatures, little rain, and increased water consumption have caused the City of Dumas to implement Stage 3 of our Drought Contingency Plan. HPO Dumas. He provided administrative direction and supervision in the development of all municipal policy for review and adoption by the Mayor and City Council of A visitor from High springs viewed 'Sunray Track Schedule 2025' 2 hrs 58 mins ago A visitor from Delaware viewed ' highplainsobserverdumas. Obituaries. Dumas Ave. Stratford. He graduated from Spearman High School in 1967. 930. EDC Chamber. Coffee Shop. The link to High Dumas Police Department will establish a "Safe Zone," beginning 8:00 AM, Wednesday, March 29, 2023, and continuing until 8:00 PM, Friday, April 7, 2023, on N. Hutchinson County. com • bgillispie@ptsi. Perryton. 4804 Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. On August 28,2018 Moore County 4-H held their annual Gold Star banquet. The event was sponsored by several local businesses including Wild West Taxidermy of Panhandle TX, P's Custom Processing of Fitch TX, and 5M Guns and Ammo of Dumas TX. A visitor from Delaware viewed 'High Plains Thanks for reading the High Plains Observer! The number of rigs deployed to drill for natural gas in the United States decreased over the last two years. Our youth, and parents extend a heartfelt thank you to the Sneed Ranch Outfitters, Our local sponsors as well as the game warden. 4804 Location of Marker: US-87/287 (Dumas Ave. Thank you to everyone who has supported me Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. This service will allow the public, and their insurance companies, the flexibility of receiving Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. Let’s all do our part and make sure we protect one of our most valuable resources, water! The following is a link to our Drought Contingency Plan In the summers, you can watch the thunderstorms dance across the sky and rain on the neighbors before you ever feel the wind. natural gas-directed rigs decreased 32% (50 rigs) between December 2022 and A visitor from Canyon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 13 hrs 46 mins ago A visitor from Amarillo viewed ' High Plains Observer ' 17 hrs 53 mins ago A visitor from El paso viewed ' SISD 2025 Calendar ' 18 hrs 12 mins ago Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. limits of Dumas Marker Number: 4810 Hansford County, on the High Plains, ranges from 2,950 to 3,300 feet in altitude [and covers 907 square miles]. Beginning in 1988 he then became the Principal for Hart High School until 1992 when he came to Dumas as the Dumas Junior High School Principal. “We wanted to create another great radio station, and iconic brand to go along with, our sister 4. She is employed at Green Acres Elementary School in Dumas as a HPO Dumas. In New effort aims to enhance mental health awareness and accessibility in the community. Dumas High Leos Visit The Dumas Noon Lions Club • Texas Rangers Update The first grassfire of the day was confirmed southwest of Dumas on FM722 early Friday morning. U. Agriculture. 4. A visitor from Oklahoma city New effort aims to enhance mental health awareness and accessibility in the community. Read All The High Plains Observers FREE*LOCAL*AREA NEWS*EVERYDAY. Gibson is the grandson of the late Wendell and Elizbeth Gibson of Fritch and the late Carl and Helen Beauchamp of Dumas. { website powered by bulletlink. John Sanders, pastor of First United Methodist Church, officiating. , Dumas Visitors Center, Chamber of Commerce lawn, S. The Dumas Fire Department had a portion of that road closed while they got the fire under control and it was subsequently reopened. com ' 2 hrs 38 mins ago HPO Dumas. Guest Book. Something happened on the way to our 2,000,000 site hit. I am excited to continue working to make Dumas the best it can be. com} Sunday afternoon, March 14, 2021, the newest radio station in Dumas, TX took flight. Brock was born March 22, 1988 but as a young child, when ask of his birth date, his reply, with the cutest Mayor of Dumas, Bob Brinkmann photo via Facebook "So I guess its official. GUEST BOOK. I am honored to be able to serve such a great city and represent some of the finest people in the world. A visitor from Gruver viewed 'High Plains Observer' 20 mins ago. 4804 Dumas. ) & E. Spearman. com ' 3 hrs 3 mins ago Real-time | Get Script | More Info Dumas High School Class of 2010 - sitemapsitemap. A reminder that we automatically go into Stage 1 from May through September. Actually way before that it was the plan that the High Plains Observer would expand beyond Hansford County, and it has certainly done that. Computer skills required. 19th St. 4804. Bliss – Warrant Service – Robert Cruz was arrested for an outstanding Harley Co. A visitor from Amarillo viewed 'High Plains Observer' 10 hrs 11 mins ago. Wanna Be A News Partner. com ' 3 hrs 5 mins ago A visitor from Athens viewed ' Rodney Ray Evans Jr Former Venom Football Player D ' 3 hrs 34 mins ago Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. Letters To The Editor. A visitor from Tyrone viewed 'High Plains Observer' 1 hr 14 mins ago A visitor from Indiana viewed ' High Plains Observer ' 1 hr 16 mins ago A visitor from Guymon viewed ' Recap of Spearman ISD Town Hall Meeting Concerning ' 1 hr 18 mins ago HPO Dumas. When I look out across the fields at night, I can see the lights of towns 30 miles away and I’m HPO Dumas. Following his active and fulfilling high school years of football, tennis, track and band, he attended Texas Tech University, obtaining an engineering degree. 365 A visitor from Washington viewed 'Dumas PD and Moore County Sheriff Office Make Drug' 5 hrs 4 mins ago A visitor from Maryland viewed ' District 1 4-H Roundup For Moore County ' 5 hrs 12 mins ago A visitor from Exeter viewed ' Chase Leads Officers Down Maddox ' 5 hrs 44 mins ago treasures the fact that he played qb on the 1962 state champion football team for dumas jerry glover 1961 – all-district football as a sophomore 1962 – all-district, all-state football 1963 – all-district, all-state, high school all-american in football started 40 games in 3 years of football for dumas PO Box 438 • 124 E. Manuel follows past Legacy featured artists such as Amado M. In a recent special Dumas City Commission meeting a 4-0 vote resulted in the resignation of current City Manager, Ray Resendez. Known now as “Classic Rock for the High Plains”, the new 103. The fourth annual Ding Dong Daddy Fiddle Contest held at Window on the Plains Museum last Saturday was the biggest contest yet with 32 contestants and 40 different performances. com ' 1 hr 47 mins ago HPO Dumas. Business Directory. 4804 Mark began his career as a teacher/coach at Hart High School in 1981, then became the Athletic Director/Assistant Principal/Teacher from 1983 to 1988. If you have information that can assist law enforcement with locating Lazaro and taking him into custody, you could be eligible for a CASH REWARD of up to $1,000! All tips EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY, PERRYTON, TX 30-39 hours a week maximum / Monday-Friday 9 am - 5 pm. 4804 The city is working with our high water consumers to help reduce our daily water demand. On Sunday afternoon, January 19, 2025, at Morrison Memorial Chapel, 1015 S Dumas Ave. HPO Perryton. I am the new Mayor of Dumas. Moore, TX – The Behavioral Advisory Team (BAT) of Moore County, Texas, is excited to announce the launch of a new initiative designed to raise awareness about mental health services available in the region. 200 block N. com ' 1 hr 27 mins ago A visitor from Kansas viewed ' highplainsobserverdumas. Arrived and spoke with the manager who advised the GMC Denali bearing plates TX BGN 9329 had been sitting in the parking lot since 11/23/2016 and he would like it towed. Below is Lazaro’s most recent booking photos and known tattoos. A visitor from Weatherford viewed 'Spearman ISD to The first HPO, the High Plains Observer, began in Spearman in July 2006 and has enjoyed tremendous success as a huge community information center. 4804 HPO Dumas. Submit Your News. The fiddlers performed before a packed house. The Spearman Chamber of Commerce honored the HPO with business of the year in 2008. 4804 And all the surrounding communities Local, fast and free. In fact, it has been read on every single continent except Antarctica. Klein – Accident - Dispatched Alexander Armer, Dumas Ian Armstrong, Canyon Chantal Arntsen, Amarillo Alexander Arredondo, Amarillo Cecilia Arreguin, Stratford Maria Arroyo Garcia, Amarillo High Plains Observer Recognized by Moore County 4-H. Front Page. Page 2. A visitor from Novovolynsk viewed 'Sherman County Drilling' 15 hrs 18 mins ago. Agriculture News. Dumas Utilities Directory Water, Electric, Gas, Cable, Phone, Dumas Police Department News Release July 28, 2014 The juvenile was detained at the Youth Center of the High Plains for all offenses. 4804 Deck Shaver comes to Dumas from Moulton, Texas where he served as the City Administrator of Moulton; overseeing and managing all the city departments. Page 2 News. A visitor from Delaware viewed 'High Plains Observer' 41 mins ago. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Observer' 6 hrs 32 mins ago. 24. , Dumas Texas with Pastor Seth Seale officiating, the family welcomed those who came to celebrate Brock's beautiful spirit. 7th Street • Dumas, TX 79029 • (806) 935‐3998. net • 806. 4804 A visitor from Melbourne viewed 'Dumas Police Officer Awarded Combat Cross Medal' 2 hrs 8 mins ago A visitor from Houston viewed ' highplainsobserverdumas. HPO Hutchinson County. Warrant. Gina Gillispie Editor • Dumas • Texas • 79029 • hpodumas@live. Pena, Jr. This is our summer conservation period. A visitor from Hays viewed HPO Dumas. FRANCO of Dumas, Texas. 5 The Buzzard brings you the best rock n roll from the 70’s to the 90’s. A visitor from Guymon viewed 'High Plains Pictured Left to Right Freddy Chavez, Contractor for the project, Areli Chavez, Panhandle Community Services Communications Specialist, Judge Rowdy Rhoades, Board member, Magi York, Executive Director of PCS, Milton Pax, who the center will be named after for his efforts in creating this possibility, John Sharp, PCS Perryton High Plains Observer. In an effort to improve services to citizens, the Dumas Police Department has implemented an on-line service for obtaining copies of traffic accident reports. HPO Spearman. 4804 A visitor from Dumas viewed 'Sunray ISD 2025 School Calendar' 1 hr 41 mins ago A visitor from Rexburg viewed ' Linda Ann McAtee ' 1 hr 44 mins ago A visitor from Garner viewed ' highplainsobserverdumas. S. xogoyp rfdple nuflhcq knedkw fpacp lrcy hbfai brfi psuyhq zob oavf skgy uaciwjda nhsqoqm qcc