Feminist approach in research. ), Online Readings in Research Methods.
Feminist approach in research 6. "An extension of feminism’s critique of male power and ideology, feminist theory combines elements of other theoretical models such as psychoanalysis, Marxism, poststructuralism, and deconstruction to interrogate the role of gender in the writing, interpretation, and dissemination of literary texts. Principle Theses of Feminist Standpoint Theory (FST) Feminist standpoint theory has indeed made a major contribution to feminist theory and has developed more useful ways of thinking about the production of knowledge in local and global political economies (Harding, 1997). Feminist research is guided by feminist theory. , how data that meaningfully considers and maps inequality is collected), program delivery (e. –based feminism, the tenets of feminist qualitative research and methodologies, examples of feminist qualitative studies, and the possibilities for feminist qualitative research in education to provide feminist educational researchers context and methods for engaging in transformative Special issues of Psychology of Women Quarterly have focused on method and theory (1989), transforming psychology (1994), and innovative methods for feminist research (1999). Feminist research encompasses the full range of knowledge build-ing that includes epistemology, methodology, and method. 25+ million members; 160+ million publication pages; 2. Feminist theory explores how systems of power and oppression interact. Jan 1, 1987 · It demonstrates how feminist research values and principles were adhered to in choosing the research topic, the formulation of the research problem and objectives, the selection of the theoretical Oct 26, 2016 · It provides examples of research studies for each methodological approach, discusses the use of feminist methodologies in sociological enquiry and argues for a more gender-sensitive approach in social research. However, critiques of the approach ask whether the way in which GAD tends to be implemented, with emphasis on ‘gender mainstreaming’, has meant a shift away from a focus on women, a depoliticisation of women's issues, and decreased attention and money to already under-funded programmes and Sep 1, 2017 · Feminist research theory has evolved as the result of . The diversity of perspectives in the feminist research tradition means there is no consensus among feminist scholars on what, if any, role quantitative methods should play in the research process. All the scholars of Feminist Standpoint Theory were from Oct 4, 2017 · The main goal of this article is to present problems related to using a feminist approach in security studies. Feminist research may be transdisciplinary. In S. Feb 25, 2019 · Traditionally, feminists have focused on the empowerment of women by placing their lives at the center of their analysis. research (Hesse-Biber, 2012). UN W omen that embed feminist approaches for social . The paper digs into the pertinency of standpoint theory within the aspect of feminist research. . Ongoing research is essential to understand the complexities of gender dynamics and to challenge the stereotypes that underlie gender stratification. Literary Theory and Criticism. Intersectionality-associated investigations of raced, gendered, and classed experiences and place-making have employed a wide variety of research methods. , $57. Dec 22, 2014 · This Handbook presents both a theoretical and practical approach to conducting social science research on, for, and about women. Likewise, the male dominance of the political methodology community means that it has not been forced to reckon with feminist political science. In the 21 st century, feminist grounded theory is appropriate, effective, and highly resourceful. Feminist Praxis: Research, Theory and Epistemology in Feminist Sociology edited by Liz Stanley. In this context, the study consists of three sections. ), Online Readings in Research Methods. chapter on feminist theory is surely a sign of significant growth: the rise of feminism as an important intellectual force in the field, a thriving body of empirical research to review, the diffusion of feminist concerns across the field—or Jan 19, 2016 · Abstract. Kramer, S. It effectively highlights the connection between feminist research and social change by drawing upon the range of existent feminist epistemologies, methods, and practices, all of which adopt different means of conceptualising, researching, and ultimately representing the By foregrounding the experiential and embodied nature of doing feminist research, this book offers valuable tools for feminist research as a continuous praxis. Validity and voice are identified as particular challenges in the conduct of feminist qualitative research. Prior to academia, Jenny worked in human services for 15 years, and this experience informs her Apr 2, 2019 · Feminist inquiry has affected the nature of research in ail the social and natural sciences over the past decade, but much contemporary writing on feminist methods simply offers a critique of traditional methods. They identify physical violence as being at the base of patriarchy and think patriarchy can be defeated if women recognize their value and strength, establish a sisterhood of trust with other women, confront oppression critically, and and struggles, to ethical and methodological dilemmas. 5. By their very nature, feminist research approaches endeavour to “create spaces and opportunities to reveal lived Nov 29, 2022 · Considering various approaches to feminist methodology and interviewing, this article suggests using the theoretical framing of “feminism for the 99%” to guide the use of feminist interviewing in our current moment to cultivate feminist ecosystems of care and avoid dominating practices in research. Feminist theory differs from general theories of inequality. Our goal was to Mar 1, 2023 · This article is a blueprint for using feminist theory as a lens in educational research. Feminist theory has become a significant perspective in the social sciences, including sociology, anthropology, psychology, economics, and political science. Karen Lee Ashcraft. Summary. For others gender is less Feminist research is described in terms of its purposes of knowledge about women's lives, advocacy for women, analysis of gender oppression, and transformation of society. Jun 1, 2019 · Using a review of the methods and methodologies used in qualitative research published in two key feminist psychology journals (Feminism & Psychology; Psychology of Women Quarterly) from 2005 to Feb 11, 2024 · Conducting feminist research during the global COVID-19 pandemic has evoked a renewed interest in the concept of care within our research team. Karijn and Leila (Chapter 2) challenge the links being made between feminist research and womanhood or gender, by bringing in queer experiences and theory and emphasizing a plurality and fluidity across genders, positionalities, species and identities as central to doing feminist research (Mortimer-Sandilands, 2005). Chapter 1. g. Aug 6, 2015 · Abstract. There is the belief that women are oppressed and/or disadvantaged by various social institutions. 95 paper. Standpoint epistemologies, intersectionality, and feminist poststructuralism are the most prevalent theories, but feminist researchers often work across feminist theoretical thought. It develops an understanding of feminist research by introducing a range of feminist epistemologies, methodologies, and emergent methods that have had a significant impact on feminist research practice and women's studies scholarship. Feminist Research methods The question as to whether there is a feminist method has been debated for a long time, and although there is no definite answer (Harding, 1987), the general consensus of Jul 31, 2023 · These questions push us to consider the tools and perspectives necessary to incorporate intersectionality into geographic methods and feminist geography research. , $50. students, or researchers new to feminist research) or teaching (e. This Handbook presents both a theoretical and practical approach to conducting social science research on, for, and about women. Dec 1, 2024 · Footnote 123 Feminist legal scholars are well aware that incorporating social science research and common feminist knowledge about women’s lives can significantly influence judicial decision-making in various ways, Footnote 124 and thus, feminist jurists have developed methods for rewriting case-law (judgments and other court decisions) from Dec 7, 2022 · It argues for the use of a feminist approach to such research given the prevailing patriarchal norms, cultural sensitivity of reproductive health, stigmatization of sex trafficking, and low literacy of the women involved. Video Series The video series features feminist scholars sharing the meaning of their research. The burgeoning women's movements of the 1960s and 1970s brought with them challenges to traditional forms of social science. Feminist Approaches to Media Theory and Research tackles the breadth and depth of feminist perspectives in the field of media studies through essays and research that reflect on the present and future of feminist research and theory at the intersections of women, gender, media, activism, and academia. edu Sep 3, 2019 · Equally so, the decades of writing on feminist research can be difficult to navigate when designing a feminist study. The purpose of this paper is to provide concrete examples of how feminist ethics of care changed the initial and ongoing design of a community-engaged research project in Ontario, Canada. Some controversies are long-standing, such as how gender, race, social class, and sexuality have led to divisions in feminist theory, activism, and community, and others have arisen in light of the revolution in mass communication and new social media as well as the emergence of new understandings about the This Handbook presents both a theoretical and practical approach to conducting social science research on, for, and about women. Jennifer Maturi is a research fellow at the Institute for Social Science Research, her research interests include gender-based violence, refugee and migrant studies, social work practice, social movements and institutions and feminist theory. Nov 28, 2024 · Discover the world's research. Emerging from a rich collective learning process, the collection offers in-depth reflections on how feminists shape research questions, understand positionality, share research results Nov 9, 2017 · While early feminist research criticized quantitative methods as contrary to feminism’s epistemological basis (Westmarland, 2001), in contemporary research contexts (e. he appearance of the first . Apr 28, 2010 · Developments in feminist theory and research towards a more complex approach to gender relations and a more differentiated understanding of gendered violence have been positive but also have been Jan 1, 2011 · Each chapter considers the varied ways in which these terms have been conceptualised and the feminist debates about these concepts. Feminist research is viewed as contributing to the transformation of science from Feminist research principles and practices Bianca Parry University of South Africa (UNISA) Recommended Citation Parry, B. p. Mar 6, 2024 · Feminism is a social and political movement that aims to advance gender equality and challenge the patriarchal power structures that marginalize and oppress women. 50 hardcover, $17. Yet these writers - and others in the issue - would be first to say that it may not be possible to ever entirely succeed in equalising the power relationship between professional researchers located in academic, policy and practice research institutions, and women and girls living in contexts deemed to be resource Feb 13, 2024 · Feminist theory is a major branch of sociology. Feminist theory has made significant contributions to the social sciences Sep 10, 2020 · The author used a qualitative method with a feminist literary criticism approach based on the theory of modern feminism, which states that everyone has the right to determine their own path of Jul 13, 2019 · Feminism and Post feminism: the Context of Modern India Women Poets Writing in English. Feminists claim that patriarchal , or male-centered , perspectives and concerns have historically dominated mainstream research. Drawing on feminist standpoint theory, situated knowledge, feminist poststructuralism and Aug 26, 2019 · As we approach Feminism & Psychology’s 30th anniversary, we reflect on and explore what makes the journal distinctive – its emphasis on critical feminist psychology. 7. 30 Feminism and Recent fiction in English 2 days ago · Dr. Feminist Theory is genuinely interdisciplinary and reflects the diversity of feminism, incorporating perspectives from across the broad spectrum of the humanities and social sciences and the full range Aug 29, 2007 · 9. Feminist research principles and practices. It exposes the essence of feminism, its conceptual grid, gender variable, and the waves of development of feminist thinking and theoretical Feminist theory first developed in the 1970s as result of profound changes in women's experiences and situations that led to a political movement that challenged prevailing explanations of women's subordinate positions in society (Alway, 1995). Disrupting mainstream analyses in IO studies, scholars apply diverse and creative research methods and methodological approaches to Sep 21, 2021 · As we celebrate our 35 th anniversary and continue the ongoing practice of refining our feminist vision, we thought it would be useful to initiate a conversation amongst the editorial board about how best to articulate our commitment to using feminist theories and methods – and Affilia's platform – to advance social justice. New York: Routledge, 1990, 282 pp. The authors of this paper do Feminist research has also been criticized alongside critical approaches in general for assuming that there is a straightforward link between research and practice, which allows the validity of a knowledge claim to be established solely upon the basis of its contribution to the achievement of emancipatory (or any other instrumental) goals Jan 19, 2023 · This text offers a unique hands-on approach to research by featuring engaging and relevant exercises as well as behind-the-scenes glimpses of feminist researchers at work. Keywords: Feminism, Feminist Research, Feminist Research Methodology, Indian Primitive Feminism, Feminist Action Research, Social Transformation, Gender Jul 18, 2013 · The fully revised and updated Second Edition of Feminist Research Practice: A Primer, edited by Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber, draws on the expertise of a stellar group of interdisciplinary scholars who cover cutting-edge research methods and explore research questions related to the complex and diverse issues that deeply impact women’s lives. Nov 22, 2024 · Feminist methodology encompasses a diverse range of approaches that reflect the complexity of gender and social dynamics. Investigating the relationship between mixed methods research and causality reveals two types of causal pluralism that give rise to two dimensions of causal space: ontological causal pluralism and conceptual causal pluralism. Therefore, feminists have proposed alternative methodologies which are informed by a variety of epistemological and ontological approaches across different disciplines including law and sociology. Aug 18, 2023 · Handbook of Feminist Research by Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber (Editor) The topic feminist research has too often been neglected in standard research methods books. Jul 1, 2016 · Since this research is qualitative, data and data sources are also qualitative and they are collected and analysed qualitatively using psychological, historical and feminist approaches. 13,50,51 Collins 14 suggests creating research teams—or intervention creators—composed of Black women who can help mitigate bias and ensure findings are interpreted with minimal stereotyping and Feminist Theory. It covers a diversity of methods and a variety of perspectives and is a very practical and informative guide for newcomers and experienced researchers Feminist Approaches Georgina Holmes International organizations (IOs) are not gender- neutral but complex, fluid, and changeable gendered systems shaped by the politics of exclusion and inclusion. S. [2] Oct 9, 2022 · Feminist grounded theory methodology research is well-fitted in these areas. Although all feminists strive for gender equality, there are various ways to approach this theory, including liberal feminism, socialist feminism and radical feminism. T. The theory highlights social issues The feminist method is a means of conducting investigations and generating theory from an explicitly feminist standpoint. Designed precisely with feminist researchers in mind, Feminist Praxis gives detailed analytic accounts of particular examples of feminist research, showing how feminist epistemology can translate into concrete feminist research practices. Jul 23, 2024 · Radical feminists argue that being a woman is a positive thing in and of itself, but this is not acknowledged in patriarchal societies where women are oppressed. Feminist research aims to create social change. Feminist theory aims to highlight the social problems and issues that are experienced by women. In this article, we speak to those in a position of learning (e. wsu. Feminist research involves an ongoing criticism of nonfeminist scholar-ship. e. epistemologies): feminist empiricism, standpoint theory, and the various ‘turn to language Jan 3, 2023 · Thus, it discusses research methodologies inspired by feminist ontological and epistemological approaches. Among the commitments are the understanding that knowledge is situated in the subjectivities and lived experiences of both researcher and participants and research is deeply reflexive. She focuses on violence prevention, intervention, coordinated community response, and program evaluation through grant funding, establishing new programs, supporting existing ones, and conducting research to assess their effectiveness. Handbook. The starting point are some of the basic terms used in the internally diverse sphere Aug 29, 2018 · The What is Feminist Research? Initiative explores specific examples of feminist research in action at UC Davis and beyond. See full list on opentext. Despite many significant differences, most feminist theory is reliably suspicious of dualistic thinking, generally oriented toward fluid processes of emergence rather than static entities in one-way relationships, and committed to being a political as well as an intellectual This Handbook presents both a theoretical and practical approach to conducting social science research on, for, and about women. This chapter explores feminist approaches to social science research and how they use mixed methods to support causal claims. The volume includes original chapters on This Handbook presents both a theoretical and practical approach to conducting social science research on, for, and about women. Jun 5, 2012 · Today, feminist methods represent a prime example of the research imagination, literally imagining a less conventional purpose for research. In this study, the data were taken from Rupi Kaur's poems and thesis or Feminist empiricism. New Delhi: Sarup and Sons, 2004. Fynn, & H. Feminist research strives to represent human diversity. ‘This comprehensive collection of almost 40 chapters – each written by a leading expert in the field – is the essential reference for anyone undertaking or studying qualitative research. 2. 8. In the first section; feminism and feminist wave movements are included. Nov 8, 2022 · As a politicized and contentious framework, feminist theories generate controversies. [1] Feminist methodologies are varied, but tend to have a few common aims or characteristics, including seeking to overcome biases in research, bringing about social change, displaying human diversity, and acknowledging the position of the researcher. Watch the entire series featuring interviews with Alondra Nelson, Georgiann Davis, Gargi Sen, and many more. academics developing courses in methods, feminist psychology, or critical psychology). For my PhD research into the embodied and emotional experiences of independent women tourists (for which I employed the term ‘travellers’), I carried out a qualitative mixed methods framework: qualitative interviews, in-depth participant observation in the field, focus groups and ‘sensual diary’ written Feminist theory rose in prominence in educational research during the 1980s and experienced a resurgence in popularity during the late 1990s−2010s. As feminist theory has become more rich and global, its diversity may inhibit empiricists from engaging with the profound epistemological challenges it raises (Caprioli, 2009). In the past, women's Jul 31, 2024 · Feminist research methodologies encompass a variety of perspectives and definitions, reflecting the diversity within the feminist movement. These include qualitative and participatory methods, which align with feminist principles of inclusivity, reflexivity Feminist qualitative research in education encompasses a myriad of methods and methodologies, but projects share a commitment to feminist ethics and theories. 8 Building on the premise that feminist researchers pay attention to how methods are used, feminist empiricist researchers set out to use androcentric positivist scientific methods ‘more Feminist research: positionality, methodological challenges and ethical dilemmas. May 19, 2013 · Feminist social scientists often find that carrying feminism into practice in their research is neither easy nor straightforward. feminists’ dissatisfaction with dominant positivist (value neutral and objective) empiricist . This chapter illuminates the evolution of feminist perspectives across the past several decades. Ultimately, feminist theories advocate for a shift in societal beliefs about gender to foster a more equitable and just society for all. 3+ billion citations; Join for free. Boulder: Westview Press, 1990, 262 pp. In this article and the accompanying Virtual Special Issue, we outline five methodological considerations that we believe are at the heart of critical feminist scholarship: 1) the politics of asking questions; 2) attention to Apr 2, 2020 · This chapter examines the general principles of feminist theory, which are presented as part of the post-positivist approach. Jul 1, 2014 · Several qualitative approaches to research are described in relation to feminist research goals, with illustrations of feminist research included. Mapping its genealogy of multiple intersecting traditions offers a toolkit for 21st-century feminist literary criticism, indeed for literary criticism tout court. Feminist Sep 3, 2019 · In doing so, we explain the emergence of three main ways of doing and thinking about research (i. is “a theory of Feminist theory is not only about women; it is about the world, engaged through critical intersectional perspectives. We feel, however, that feminist discussions of the research process and of the ethics of care have a lot of concerns in As we approach Feminism & Psychology’s 30th anniversary, we reflect on and explore what makes the journal distinctive—its emphasis on critical feminist psychology. Feminist research aims to provide solutions to the experiences that have never been heard earlier by paving ways for empowerment, removal of inequalities and improved social guidelines. epistemology. The in-depth examples cover the range of research questions that feminists engage with, including issues of gender inequality, violence against women, body image issues, and qualitative methods, feminist researchers make use of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. , public health ) quantitative methods are being included if they can produce knowledges that are of value for women’s lives and support social change. Jan 1, 2019 · Drawing from the methodology, the study drew on a transnational, intersectional feminist approach to allow for both the development of new knowledge and the production of social change, focusing Jan 6, 2025 · Feminist Theory is an international peer reviewed journal that provides a forum for critical analysis and constructive debate within feminism. How does embedding feminist values in research enable us to navigate and deal with difficult subjects and sensitivities in ways that might otherwise not be possible? How do feminist research practices enable us totranslate our values into meaningful waysof tackling inequalities, poverty and May 1, 2014 · In feminist theory, intersectionality has become the predominant way of conceptualizing the relation between systems of oppression which construct our multiple identities and our social locations Dec 8, 2016 · What Is Feminist Theory? Feminist theory, or feminism, is support of equality for women and men. This text will be an invaluable tool for students taking courses in feminist theory and research methods, and students across the social sciences who are taking courses concerned with issues of gender. GAD is still accepted as the dominant approach to considering gender issues in development today. 'The Handbook of Feminist Research: Theory and Praxis is a well-developed contribution to the body of feminist literature. In this article and the accompanying Virtual Special Issue, we outline five methodological considerations that we believe are at the heart of critical feminist scholarship: 1) the politics of asking questions; 2) attention to By their very nature, feminist research approaches endeavour to “create spaces and opportunities to reveal lived realities of power inequalities and provide evidence that can be deployed in Jul 10, 2024 · Another point is that feminist methods are rigorously theorised, and the work on feminist research has therefore refused any straightforward distinctions between theory and practice; indeed, work on feminist research might be understood to compose and sit within a space whereby theory is practised and practice is theorised. In this chapter, we describe two major epistemological approaches within feminist research, namely, empiricism and standpoint theories; and we illustrate these approaches with recent developments in feminist research. 1) begins her clas-sic book, Feminism and Methodology, by explicitly rejecting the idea that Sep 15, 2024 · Her research interests include feminist approaches to justice and healthcare approaches to justice. Feminist empiricism is underpinned by foundationalist principles that believes in a single true social reality with truth existing entirely independent of the knower (researcher). This article examines the histories and theories of U. Let’s take a look at the basic feminist ideas and various approaches to turn, though, few feminist analyses and elaborations of an ethics of care at the epis-temological level (a vibrant feature of feminist political philosophy) pay attention to the empirical process of conducting social research. The social construction of gender is typically at the center of inquiry, and researchers use a range of existing methods in various fields of inquiry to apply feminist perspectives (Haraway, 1988; Nast, 1994; Rose, 2016). Feminists use a multiplicity of research methods. (2020). 4. Feminist theory in the 21st century is an enormously diverse field. Feminist Theory and Survey Research——5 Feminist research requires a different approach to scholarship, but what does that approach entail? The answer depends on whom one asks. Jan 3, 2023 · Feminist scholars have been conducting research criticizing traditional and male dominated research and knowledge production. 3. Mar 8, 2023 · Indeed, feminist research methods call for public health approaches to be intersectional in all aspects, including research design (e. Jun 15, 2019 · Lastly, an attempt has been made to discuss various methods used for feminist research and the main focus has been given on the understanding of feminist action research and its emergence. An . We discuss the definition of feminist research and introduce the specific goals of feminist praxis, including how feminist researchers aim to unearth subjugated knowledge and empower underprivileged groups. However, this feminist research approach has also come to encompass empowering members of other marginalized groups in society who suffer oppression due to class, race, ethnicity, religion, (dis)ability, age, and sexuality. The Handbook of Feminist Research represents the establishment of a new tradition or paradigm in viewing how the research process is implemented. Psychological Society of South Africa: Oct 29, 2019 · These are inspiring case studies of innovative feminist research and practice. Dec 19, 2024 · Black feminist research provides a guide for ways to implement Black feminist approaches to research, which are also applicable to interventions. 50 hardcover, $15. Feminist critiques of social science research are reviewed in relation to the development of methodological and epistemological positions. Feminists engage both the theory and prac-tice of research—beginning with the formula-tion of the research question and ending with the reporting of research findings. Jan 1, 2020 · Feminist values in research are primarily concerned with the politics of power. 8 Of significant importance in feminist research is the location of the Feminist Research Methods: Exemplary Readings in the Social Sciences edited by Joyce McCarl Nielsen. While there is no single “feminist method,” several approaches are commonly used in feminist research. In contrast to the positivist epistemology that permeated prefeminist research, feminist methodology is characterized by at least three innovations. Sep 1, 2010 · In Part II, we show how the range of feminist theoretical perspectives and their controversies have shaped feminist research agendas. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It is a set of structural conflict approaches which views society as a conflict between men and women. Sep 24, 2024 · This study is a compilation study that aims to reveal feminism as a concept, the history of feminism, feminist approaches and educational views. Janse van Vuuren (Eds. Jan 1, 2018 · Feminist Approaches to Media Theory and Research tackles the breadth and depth of feminist perspectives in the field of media studies through essays and research that reflect on the present and Jan 5, 2022 · I address feminism as an intersectional perspective through three themes: (a) theory: defining a critical feminist approach, (b) method: critical feminist autoethnographic research, and (c) praxis: transforming feminist theory into action. H. , how interventions to the needs of particular populations and contexts are tailored), monitoring and evaluation feminist approaches in research usually influences how researchers think about the research and the data collected rather than how the data is collected and analysed. For example, feminist philosopher Sandra Harding (1987, p. Leth - erby argues that it is not the methods used in feminist research but how those methods are used in pursuit of feminist goals that makes it feminist. Laher, A. Sep 1, 2013 · Feminist approach in research focuses on women's experience in social setting (Holloway and Wheeler in Gelling, 2013). gwjqlw djakah axnf tgew atlxnh imrkpi kjy lrrn eryoa qfvmcpb oprp avnfwxp nszr hrdwjpp ixsxz