Eu4 custom nation missions. Change this value to your preference.

Eu4 custom nation missions. From there you can back out and choose to play as whoever.

  • Eu4 custom nation missions Apr 18, 2016 · At game start, a custom nation can form, with the proper culture and provinces, the following: France, England, Tunis, Morocco, Byzantium (if Orthodox), Japan (if Daimyo), or Poland. Feb 16, 2023 · Would be interesting to see this turned into a sort of a generator, that would generate mission trees for custom map setups with custom nations, based on specific parameters. And Byzantine ideas… For a custom nation, i would actually say Amsterdam is really strong. The following achievements require playing as a custom Jun 27, 2022 · Every custom nation now receives a mission tree based on capital province location. However, as it exists as a culture in game, you could choose it as primary culture of your custom nation and play as literal tigers. Subscribed Stacking province warscore cost modifiers as custom nation is super broken. Custom Nation Design and Strategies in EU4. That means that if the capital of your nation is in the red zone (see the image above) you get a mission tree, while if the capital is the blue zone you get a different one. These stats are not the same ones I mentioned last week. My plans are: Start as Norse and try the For Odin achievement. Many missions need specific tags, so a custom nation can't fulfill the conditions, but the russian principalities missions have special conditions for custom nations, so they should be available. Btw when you form other nations the custom ideas stay. 6 days ago · Broad overview over the mission density in 1444 - the darker the red, the more missions the nation has access to from the start. 53 votes, 33 comments. Been lurking for a while, but I don't post often. com Oct 17, 2024 · There is a maximum of 75 custom nations. Turns out you need a DLC for Italy. You should just have to add one line in the section where the nations the missions apply to are laid out. 27/1. In the playthrough you will become a tributary of Ming and is in most ways still a part of China, but with some resourcefulness and willpower you can avoid being eaten and start colonizing and conquering the tribes of the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, and eventually become strong enough to become free from China The custom missions are fine. Yes, a few patches ago you didn't get the new nations national ideas and mission tree, someone help me confirm that's still like that. Apr 23, 2020 · This detailed guide covers all 7 custom nation achievements in EU4. is not a custom nation. Crusader Kings, EU4 version: Starting from your base in Sicily, play as Richard the Lionheart returned from the dead, and eliminate all Islam in the world. com] You might also find posts about a norwegian mission event which finds a norse colony in Mughals is a nation with culture assimilation and quick possibility to have at least -60% core creation cost three religions to chose, perfect claims on whole india and missions to get rewards for conquering india. In case you didn't see the other comment you don't get new ideas when forming a nation if you started as a custom nation. Improved relations with Austria, allied Poland, got a mission to take Danzig and called Poland promising land, joined the HRE as soon as the relations with Austria went to 105, got Danzig, Konigsberg and Ermland on the first war (all the necessary provinces to reform into Prussia), now am comfortably Back in 2019 custom nations at-large were the 2nd most played tag after only France, though I don't know if there is a more recent set of data. I’m playing a custom nation which i made some nice ideas for since i’m just gonna chill but i want GB’s missions without losing my ideas, forming the nation is possible but can i keep my old ideas while obtaining their mission tree. But you can also get these generic mission trees as a custom nation. I made a high American custom nation with stupidly ridiculous deving and coring bonuses. ) Still wouldn't make sense. I love playing custom nations and did an opm into germany Run a few years ago. Feb 15, 2025 · See also: Formation decisions A formable country is one that can be formed by decision if certain conditions are met. These missions gave him permanent claims on all of France and Iberia. Most famously you can culture swap to korchin as manchu before forming Qing to get mongol missions. Dec 28, 2020 · Europa Universalis IV. You can see for yourself by making an 800 point custom nation with all 6 "can not" admin ideas, the +20 estate influence admin idea, and 2 generic admin ideas for your national idea set, make your ruler, consort, and heir the youngest possible while having -2 from a ruler trait and 0 in all stats, and making yourself a duchy-rank tribal I started a custom new world nation 200pts 3 dev province (between two gold mountains next to huastec) Catholic + Aztec, ambrosian republic for the mana Gen. This was patched back in like 1. -Limits on province distance is removed. On top of that the tradegood will change to paper at some point. Location you play, culture, religion, tech group can affect it. Ternate/Tidore. hi guys im pretty meh at the game but i enjoy the custom nation mode a lot, i like to make weird scenarios in the world. Custom nation mission tree is a mod designed to give a bit more of flavour to custom nations, giving a custom nation a unique mission tree depending on capital province location. No changes to tags, ideas, missions, etc. This will make the mission work for the custom nation and will make the mission tree's ID's unique. Great Britain has 41 missions, for example, but 31 of them are shared with England. I wanna do my first Custom Nation run, and I wanna do all the achievements I can possibly do. Feb 10, 2018 · Like if I wanted to play a custom France, I could just select the French mission tree while creating it and still get the French missions and events? Maybe even decisions? Just a thought PS: I do think that adding more depth overall to the Custom Nation feature could add a great deal of longevity to the game, too. Playing with normal or historical nations. Hi, new to modding here. These are the mission trees used for this nation: Mongol missions: from Khalkha, Korchin, Mongol or Oirat culture I am 99% sure Custom nations start with the tag D00. Maybe the custom nation just had a war with someone (in your mind), but no truce? Or maybe they have a vassal in your story. Designing a custom nation in Europa Universalis IV (EU4) requires a strategic balance of creativity and gameplay mechanics. I'd even argue that if you wanted to go down this path Ancient Egyptian would make sense (although more CK3 than EU4), but Carthage wasn't that grand in comparison. This will move your capital over there for free and also give you the Manchurian national mission tree (when forming other nations as a custom nation you don't get the option of changing your national ideas -- that would be way too open to abuse -- but you DO get their unique mission trees, and the Manchu one is just a tiny teensy bit OP. Can someone help me find that tree? Thank you Sep 4, 2024 · Starting as Burgundy with the sole goal of forming Lotharingia. Step 3: In the top left, select the check for "Show Incompatible Saved Games" - your previous patch Ironman save should appear. Honorable mention to Poland, Livonian Order, Burgundy, and the Netherlands for me. Ya, quite a few hours but very casual play - more looking to make an OP start just to have fun. Oct 27, 2019 · I think it would be awesome if we could either choose our own mission trees that we ourselves wanted for our custom nations, as to give them more depth, or select mission trees from other nations (say i steal byzantiums mission trees) and make theirs my own. In Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus, you bring some of the universe’s most powerful warriors to lightning-fast tactical skirmishes where you are in full control and only superior tactics can deliver victory. So I have a super op custom nation for relaxing sometimes. 3. I have been trying a bit but stumbled on to some problems; Like does the fact that a custom nation is in the game make it so that the map_setup is set to map_setup_random? Therefore my mission tree wont work? Give yourself some great ideas at the end of your national ideas to save on custom nation cost and given the location you only get in trouble with European nations once you completed them. Unfortunately custom nations can get less ccr than normal countries, which is a shame - but they can still cap it. Byzantium for all your Roman fantasies. All of these formation decisions require that Guys, I've been thinking about some custom nations and the fact that you cannot inherit newly formed countries' NI when forming them, but you can missions. Jan 4, 2025 · As of the April 2019 version, unique missions trees are available for most European countries, but outside of Europe there are only a few countries in Asia and Africa with custom missions. Remember that you can create a custom nation and then form a nation and get its mission trees (but keep your ideas). I haven't been playing them quite as often since the totally-not-hoi mission tree system was put into the game, but I still use them on a pretty regular basis for various reasons like alt-history ideas or cheat modding a specific national idea way Quite a few mission trees give daisy-chained permanent claims, so you have easy CBs and cheaper coring, and custom nations miss out on that. Have fun! Jul 22, 2018 · He started his custom nation on Corsica, I should also add that on the contrast to the other 3 of us he added his custom nation later on when we rehosted while the rest of us made our custom nations from the start. Cool, didn't know, ooh well. (missions will most likely be affected, but it's alright) Of course it will also be a nice if it was possible to change the rulers, ideas, etc. But EU4 went through a lot of power creep, and some of the recent custom nations bonuses are really overpowered. If you want, you also can reduce Immortality cost for your ruler in \Europa Universalis IV\common\ruler_personalities\00_core. It should be better to make a mission tree so you can follow a path. Change this value to your preference. You can stay a free city, have awesome trade and start with dutch polder wonder. Reply reply Kappa699669 However, you do get their missions. You can expand into gold mines of Kilwa for cash, monopolize the Cape for trade, expand into spice territory for gigantic trade income. 34 MOD VERSION Custom Nations Pack 1. Playing a Custom Nation is still the most popular choice, so these are the top 23 historical nations played. Nov 27, 2024 · * a custom nation * the A Wave of Curiosity [eu4. The new religions are very fun and create big numbers which are extremely fun. This is assuming you pick horde government type (as you obviously should). When you form a nation you get their missions too. Although one can give a custom nation OP national ideas, it's not an easy start either way. I am currently making a modded nation but need the dlc mission tree of one of the nations, Brandenburg in particular. First ideas should be something like 20% trade efficiency and maybe -10% idea cost, this way you can complete Exploration-Expansion for faster colonies,which in turn will turn profits faster. 28 I think. I look on the wiki, not that many nations have a "proper" mission tree without DLC (a lot have like 5 unique missions). Allow. So maybe Intellect Buff (the "all power cost" one) needs to go up a bit in price, but the effect isn't brokenly powerful. Diplomacy. The best I can recommend is to make a mod that adds your custom nation to the game, and then make your own events (or make it so those events you want can fire under your country's tag). Ccr tradition is a must. You can already go beyond what a custom nation is capable of if you switch into centaur military as jadd/ram dwarves/adenica But if you wanna go bonkers start in west dwarovar near asra expedition or in escann, your goal is to get enough dwarves for their military and then move your capital into escann so you can later form castanor (i dunno if this gives their mt, but lets assume that) Hey Everyone! I am fairly sure that most of us saw the post about a map of nations with Missions in current EU4 version. So, let your imagination run wild and enjoy the process of bringing your unique nation to life in the grand world of Europa Universalis IV. But you would miss out on the mission tree. Find the lines (#3159-3160) : (#3159) immortal=1 (#3160) nation_designer_cost = 800. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Missions for Custom Nations. There is a maximum of 75 custom nations. When you have selected "Single Player" after starting the game, there is an "Options" button appearing in the bottom left corner. 1) England 2) France Anybody into Persia and Eranshahr is great fun. I've been thinking of running a non-OP custom nation start in Japan for a little while, hoping to build on a "Taira resurgence" theme since the daimyo I can identify as Taira are not all to my taste. I can’t answer based on your specific categories, just give an answer on the best custom ideas for generally maximising expansion. You should certainly start a horde with mongol culture to get access to mongol missions, and timurid ruler so we can reform them later. EU4 customized nation creator with custom flag, history, missions and events Resources Feb 21, 2020 · If I understand the "code" correctly this wouldn't be all that difficult to do as a self-mod by editing the mission file you want your custom nation to have access to. ↑ The script code is located in /Europa Universalis This is a web application that helps you create a custom nation and it's missions. Missions are available to custom nations if they fulfill the conditions. Then I thought - wait, if a nation is custom, then why not give it custom mission system. That's a lot of work compared to using the in-game nation editor, sure, but its better than your custom nation feeling like a generic one. Oct 17, 2024 · Player-controlled custom nations may take decisions that form nations if they meet the conditions. Then I realised, that I don't know my custom nation's country tag. like a typical custom nation, but it is not necessary. We will usually make massive broken custom nations and randomly generate the starting nations and then spend 400 years battling for dominance over the world. They get permanant claims on all of France, Gibralter, the mediterranean islands, northern Egypt, Bremen, Lubeck, Gdansk, and Riga that I can name off the top of my head, and that's not including the obvious British Isles stuff. . But look out for fun cultures because later you can really exallerate your game with the missions from countries like prussia, Hanover or Bavaria. As far as I remember (might be wrong), you used to be able to get an idea set of the nation you form. 37 -Changes idea level limit to 25. Which nations have the best mission trees? By best, I generally mean containing the most missions unique to that nation, like Spain or the Ottomans I've played them both before, and my favorite part of them is all the particular missions they have. its used in a funny event for harimari where your ruler takes a consort who is an actual tiger instead of harimari. Anyone know where I can find a nice, clean list of nations with unique mission trees? Plan to make a mod that adds more custom nation emblems (as I see nobody has done it before), so I present 2 questions 1 - Where do the vanilla emblems come from? I know a few of them but most of them I do not know the specific origin of. Last update: v1. Oct 2, 2018 · This mod simply makes custom nations more 'custom' and free. Ottomans get more than most nations that have custom missions, however England has the third most behind Byzantium and Castille. Not only that, but most of the formable nation achievements can be achieved by custom nations. Less than 50 points, to achieve From Humble Origins Apr 25, 2024 · is not a subject nation other than a tributary state or a cultural influenced state. The idea was to make a custom mission tree for the custom nation for role playing reasons. The country: is not a subject nation other than a tributary state or a cultural influenced state Honestly I don’t think eu4 really needs colonial nation mission trees, since most colonial nations only began gaining independence around the final 50 or so years of the game irl, and didn’t really have any prior history that could make for an interesting mission tree (e. So if there is a formable nation that has missions you like, plop down your custom nation wth custom ideas in a region that will let you form your desired formable nation Apr 6, 2019 · Customs Nations Pack is a bundle of Custom Nations mods for convenience-Client States enabled from the start of the game-Custom Client State Symbols-Custom Country Colors EU4 VERSION Europa Universalis IV 1. Custom nation mission trees. Depending on what you want to do, these are interesting permanent bonuses from missions for formable/reformable nations that aren't end-game tags: Croatia: -5% Development Cost, -5 Years of Separatism Feb 15, 2025 · See also: Formation decisions A formable country is one that can be formed by decision if certain conditions are met. Using his rivals against him or supporting vassal independence are good ways of doing this. In there you can change "Custom Nation Difficulty" under "Custom Setup" - this determines the maximum points you can spend creating a custom nation. You have to create a custom nation to select and launch the game, but then it will populate the rest of the world with the other nations. For example, you can form Rum to get Ottoman missions. Yeah, it's easy to miss. As you complete them you get rewards and unlock other missions. And if you're only doing a single custom nation then it should always be D00. If it isnt working for the first time, then try change it to another value. I’d also strongly recommend Mongolian culture for their unique mission tree and Hindu religion for an extra 25 ccr. I decided that sharing a map of how far the Missions Expanded mod has come would be a nice addition to the subreddit, please note that all Releasables and Revolter tags in Europe also get a mission tree excluding Ruthenia, but we will make sure to fill the gap in soon enough. For example, a 1444 start with France already having control of its entire region. In the nation designer, you can take any province that is far away from your capital. However, I haven't been on in a while, and am unfamiliar with some of the mechanics introduced by Apr 25, 2024 · These are the top 23 most played countries in EU4 measured in new starts and saves loaded as that country (not counting duplicate starts/loads on the same day). If you want create a custom nation the biggest mission tree is Mongol culture/Polynesian tech. I heard America is boring for doing this. I have done Byzantium runs so many times that the first war is more of a chore than fun. Note that a few nations start with a very short tree that is supposed to speed them towards forming another nation, upon which they get a much more extensive tree. There will be generic mission trees, but most of the countries that have country specific missions currently will have those missions incorporated into a country specific mission tree. So for my next game(s) until 1. I’m tired of the normal mission tree for custom nations. Early game,even if you can colonize,+2 colonists and the one from Exploration are going to be extremely expensive. Achievements [edit | edit source] Main article: Achievements. That known, you can make a copy of Bohemia's mission file and do a simple find and replace on boh to D00. If you want to have a Mughals game but feel their idea set is underpowered (8-/) then just start as a custom nation with all the provinces required to form Mughals and boom you're the Mughals with their overpowered government type and mission tree and They get mission trees like generic nations. Golden Horde and Mongol Empire don't give new missions. Instead you get a mission tree with the first three or so missions unlocked. I guess you’d avoid Liberty desire problems. Reply reply So today I got El Dorado and just started a game with a custom nation (Oceanian Empire, starting from Eora in Australia to colonise its surroundings). Showing 1-10 of 11 entries < 1 2 > Update: Jul 29, 2024 Jul 12, 2024 · Do you have experience playing EU4 yet? If not, I don't recommend that a new player use a custom nation. Hello, all! First time posting, long-time player. I don’t want to blob super hard, conquer X or Y really quickly and become basically unbeatable by 1500. I was thinking of placing it somewhere in Far East Asia or maybe in South Africa since it have a good trade node for expanding in Asia. Subscribed I just started a campaign based on this idea, but instead of starting in the HRE I got Tuchel. Given that the game isn't ironman anyways, I reckoned I might get rid of an particularly awful heir via the console. This is the most missions I could get on one nation. Just wrapping up a Venice game. I formed Italy, quite dissappointed that there are no new missions, infact some missions got removed. I gather it was easy cheesing custom nation achievement with those, as you would use lowest ideas you can, just get broken ruler/heir and then all the land you can. In the nation select screen, you can go to Options -> Custom Setup and set Nations to Random Setup, and Random Nation’s to Historical. Anecdote: I sometimes play lan games with a friend, we always dreamed of playing our selfmade custom nations with their flavoured missions and events. Start by allying the Emperor, Austria. From there you can back out and choose to play as whoever. I've been playing EU4 for a couple years now, and I'm looking for some new nations to try out while I wait for the next expansion, but I prefer playing nations with unique missions. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 3 votes and no comments We like the increased point caps and new religions. Even a custom nation that can immediately form Persia is worth it. Depending on the difficulty selected the number of points available changes between 50 (very hard) and 800 (very easy). You'll get 3 colonist from ideas, 1 from Ternate missions and one from Alcheringa cult. It also rebalance other custom nation designer features. Even Muslim nations claimed Rome because it was such a great civilisation. It's a great incentive to play the game along historical lines. Siberia Fronteir, in New world, superb ideas. 2 UPDATES This mod will ALWAYS stay updated! LANGUAGE Dec 3, 2024 · These Missions are also available for non- nomadic custom nations with their capital in the Russia region. I did find a mission tree for Prussia connected to Emperor, but I think it just includes the few extra ones they get. Jul 11, 2024 · This was always very poorly balanced, and initially custom nations bonuses were weak. So, setting national ideas aside, which of those would you say is the best, in terms of missions, events, and decisions? France is probably it. Feb 27, 2015 · This page was last edited on 27 February 2015, at 12:36. But my question is… Custom mission trees. -Max custom country limit is 100. would be nice if there was a list of all vanilla emblems and where they originate from I am planning a new "Roman' campaign. Step 2: Click on Custom Nation in the bottom right and have the custom nation overlap the land you'd like to grant yourself - in this case, make a custom nation that overlaps Byzantium's unowned cores. Maximizing colonists. Content is available under Attribution-ShareAlike 3. To make a long story short, a -2 Interest Per Annum bonus can basically allow you to spend/buy about 50% more throughout the game (admittedly, more like 25% without Economic Ideas, but that is still gigantic). Polynesian. ; About Europa Universalis 4 Wiki; Mobile view R5: As the title says, this list includes all countries in EU4 that has missions only available to them. Heyo. Find a way to undermine France. Jul 29, 2024 · Europa Universalis IV. is not a former colonial nation. 34 drops I am looking to just pick a nation with a fun and interesting mission tree and follow that without any grand ambition. For example when using CK2 - EU4 generator (the official or the unofficial one). ELDORADO This was also very fun. It’s the mission tree that allows you to play the most different kind of style in the game, imho. Subscribe. (Did this a while ago, and discovered you can in fact use the missions to PU France even as a pagan nation. The mission trees are the same for a certain area, which was decided arbitrarily (but For maximising fully optimised fast conquest, the theory-crafting gets more interesting. Custom nations go up to D75. However, their national ideas do not change even if the decision would normally cause this to happen. Add Mongol culture for claims over most of Asia. -Max point is high enough to take the whole world and 25 lvl ideas. There is a culture in the harimari group known as "tiger". Still good pips and the largest mission tree for a custom nation. You can get -20% and another -25% against other religions. This is correct, but the OP is asking about missions and not ideas. A reformable country is a formable country that exists at the 1444 start; if it ceases to exist other countries with similar culture may transform into it, adopting their flag, ideas, and identity. How do you this? Your own religion and culture. Jun 27, 2021 · Lore This micro nation is based on the 2 Chinese cities of Canton and Macao. New tags [edit | edit source] Europa Expanded adds several formable nations which don't exist in the base game. 0 unless otherwise noted. like, literal animal actual tiger. Lotharingia does not exist. In the options it's possible to set the custom nation's difficulty. I want to try an original playthrough by playing as a christian custom nation outside of Europe. Subreddit for Warhammer 40,000: Tacticus, the brand-new turn-based tactical strategy game. About. I started with 1 province as the city of El Dorado was just 1 province. Fun times. I use an exploit to exceed and go over the custom nation point limit for custom nations t Michael the Archangel returns to earth: play as Jewish nation anywhere in the world, leapfrogging all the way back to the holy land. I started around muisca and added 1-2 more custom nations connecting to inca just so I can reach them easier. Problem is I can’t find it. txt. Right now im interested in making a custom nation focused on cavalry, is there a way i can make this or does cavalry become useless either way when reaching the endgame? Lets do this in order, and at the end i will show my personal strongest custom nation (for MP). Most of them have more missions, but they are usually generic missions or shared with other nations. The idea is to speed the process of files creation for a self made mod containing the custom nation files. Tech group: High American is completely broken and is the best tech group for the entire game, except tech 32 where western catches up. Armenia recreating Greater Armenia despite Armenia not existing in this time period irl) Don’t really see the point of creating a custom nation when you can full annex Ajam in one war and get their vassals as timmy anyways. What are the short-comings of the Tool? You cannot import any existing mission tree into this tool, nor can you save mission trees you've created other than of course exporting them as working files. Subreddit for the Europa Universalis IV, Crusader Kings 3 and Victoria 3 mod Anbennar and its fantasy setting Ok so I know that custom nations get generic missions, but is there a mod or something that lets me assign a mission tree? Most of my searches just takes me to missions on the eu4 wiki. Perhaps both would be swell. And yes Feb 25, 2021 · You can within minutes create a full mission tree with data such as the Required Tag, Localized Names+Descriptions and Required Mission(s). Finish mission chain, convert to Alcheringa. To make OP custom nation, the best way is to make geographically smallest country that's viable, and put all the point in ideas. Description Discussions 0 Comments 59 Change Notes. g. Together with Diplo ideas, mongol missions (which you can get by setting the primary culture of your custom nation accordingly) and possibly monuments, you can full annex most nations in one war. Destroy and replace England, re-form England, follow their mission tree (since custom nations do get new mission trees when they form new tags), become Great Britain, etc. This means that you absolutely have to create the custom nation meant for France first, and can't delete it at some point. If you want to replace the second or third custom nation, simply increase the number behind D. paradoxwikis. D00 is the tag of the first created custom nation. As custom nations you form other nations to get missions/claims. Dec 27, 2015 · I made a thread recently where I showed the math behind how powerful interest per annum bonuses are. So, what do you guys recommend me? I already took a look at the achievements list in the wiki, but Im afraid I will miss something. See full list on eu4. gdu wyebqxfk kkenqi hzxde wgyjpf cxxddem jakuj izix wlayp ojn vfrpz uwwtfjn llxjr ulwqi xautf