- English speaking exercises a2 Practise greeting people. Download the Tracktest A2 English Test pdf with answers Print it and start answering the questions. If both are correct, circle both. So, you’re a student, right? 1. We’ve successfully raised £500. Create a New World – Practice speaking and question English / ESL Speaking A2 - Speaking Practice Term 2 KET - Speaking A2 - Relative clauses (which, who, where) - TALK ABOUT IT - Speaking A2-B1 English Speaking Exercises for B1 with Answers Business English Listening Exercises for A2 with Answers English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Photo description and comparison; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Making a complaint; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Photo comparison and presentation; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Planning a holiday; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Choosing a job English Verbs and Tenses Exercises with Answers and Explanations. Heather: [door closes] Wow, this is a lovely apartment. Browse our range of ESL speaking topics for beginners. Hello everyone, a We’d like to thank everyone for their help over the past few months raising money for the National Trust. Because she was the last person to apply, she was the first candidate that they looked at. 1 quite keen 2 think, good idea 3 quite fancy. 5 The man gave them directions to the village. Zero preparation for your A2 Key class, just print and go. Visit also our English test preparation page for more downloadable resources and videos. 3 the microwave oven. Listen to a customer complaining in a shop. She also has dyslexia, so she found it difficult to read and write. . 7 longest, c 8 largest, b 9 driest, a. English Speaking Exercises for B1 with Answers English Verbs and Tenses Exercises with Answers and Explanations. 4 cut out 5 blank (screen) 6 hang up. Mar 1, 2024 · A2-Level General English Speaking Activities Lesson #1: Directions. A It’s my birthday on Saturday. b internet dating is a normal way to meet people. 3,206 Speaking, Pre-intermediate (A2) English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. 1 The nicest restaurant is in the town centre. Yes, because she asks Ron questions and responds to his comments in a friendly way. Complete sentences 1-4 with must or can’t. d 07901 672301. This A2 Key complete practice test is designed to help you prepare for the speaking part of the exam a variety of engaging and realistic tasks. 5 6 (It’s not a swimming beach. Series; Practise greeting people. I can describe, compare and contrast photos. 3 The first photos shows … , whereas the second photo shows … 1: lime leaves, mushroom soup, lemongrass, mushrooms 2: chicken, chicken curry parcel, curry, fish sauce, ginger, coconut milk, rice χ: noodles, egg, beef, tomatoes A. 1 name, before. Find out more Our online self-study, live classes and one-to-one courses with personal tutors help you improve your English and achieve your ambitions. f on the number 16 bus. She shows interest in him (see the sentences in bold in the audio script below). When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut, because I like reading about different planets and space travel. 1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 b. BEG A1 1. Practise your English and get ready for your Cambridge English exam. 3 making a great product Audioscript. 1 What time is basketball practice today?. 1 To: holly@email. She lives in a beautiful flat near the Canal Saint-Martin. It isn’t easy running a small company. 10,000+ results for 'speaking a2' Speaking practice - A2 Spin the wheel. English Speaking Exercises for B1 with Answers Business English Listening Exercises for A2 with Answers English Verbs and Tenses Exercises with Answers and Explanations. Boy 1: Are you going to basketball practice this afternoon? Boy 2: Yes, I’ll go if it doesn’t rain. Possible answers. Scientist discovers how to cook food in seconds. Photo description. A: Where did you go for dinner last night? B: I went to the Apple Pie Restaurant on Smith Street – by the Post Office. c 30% of young people have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Learn to speak English with confidence. Advantages for the employee are that they will feel more motivated, and happier, working from home. A selection of English ESL speaking a2 printables. They are designed to encourage students to express personal opinions, ask for information, and handle a simple conversation in English. 1 town 2 recommend 3 nice 4 main 5 worth. i case j old. 1 sales rep 2 sales department 3 a team of two other reps, customers 4 time 2. 2. The A2 Key speaking paper tests basic communication skills in English through short exchanges, picture descriptions and simple discussions. Part 1 (3-4 minutes) Use phrases from exercise 1. I can describe and speculate English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Making a complaint; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Photo description and comparison; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Photo comparison and presentation; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Planning a holiday; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Photo comparison 6. Instructions: Using your voice-recording or video-recording tools, upload a recording of you describing your living space. English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Photo comparison; English Speaking Exercises for B2 – Photo comparison; English Speaking Exercises for B1 – Photo comparison; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Making a complaint; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Photo description and comparison This interactive speaking activity is designed for A1-A2 students, where participants receive a card with three images and must choose the one they like or need the least, explaining their reasoning in a simple discussion. Whole page with prom. You can use the result to help you find online courses or learning content on our website that is appropriate for your English language ability. g 11am Saturday. … a people rarely use the Internet to find love. Look at the photos of a house in Germany after a burglary and a shop in London after a riot. Grammar Exercises A1 The interactive exercises will help you practise and remember the new language. Grammar Exercises A1 10,000+ results for 'speaking english a2' Motivate 2 - Unit 08 - Present Perfect Questions Speaking cards. When there is a word that you cannot say in English, look it up in the dictionary and write it in a list. Get a pack of printable and interactive activities; When Mexican actress Salma Hayek moved to America, she couldn’t speak English. 3 He sent a text message to Alex. J = Jamie R = Renée A selection of English ESL speaking printables. 4 ever since he was a child. 1 five thirty 2 the ABC movie theater 3 six o’clock. Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. 1 d 2 a 3 e 4 c 5 b. Guide: …We’re now approaching Tower Bridge, the international symbol of London. c feel happy and excited about a future event. , and be able to raise money from renting office space; production usually goes up 10-40%. More than one answer is possible for each sentence. Practice speaking English regularly. Outcome: I can give a tour of my residence. Anatol suggests they stop the meeting and meet again in a couple of days when they’ve had time to think about the issue a bit more. WORDPOWER: preposition + noun – English Grammar Exercises for A2 WORDPOWER: Multi-word verbs with on – English Grammar Exercises for A2 WORDPOWER: Multi-word verbs with put – English Grammar Exercises for A2 This online level test will give you an approximate indication of your English proficiency level. She said, ‘Everyone is wearing fancy dress to school tomorrow to raise money for charity. English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Making a complaint; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Photo description and comparison; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Planning a holiday; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Choosing a job; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Photo comparison; English Speaking Exercises for A2 – Reaching English Speaking Exercises A2 with Answers Practice; A2; Narrating events. Jun 15, 2022 · The activities are suitable for a group of students, as well as for a one-on-one class. digital camera digital radio DVD player e-book reader games Pronunciation practice of minimal pairs. Written by experts from around the world, our activities are easy to use and aim to give your students the skills and confidence they need to enjoy learning English. Practise the important pronunciation differences between these words. I’d like to go out for the day with you and a group of our friends. These conversation questions are a great kick start for A1, A2, B1 level English learners. c B13 4TY. Exercises for elementary and beginner students of English (A1 – A2 level). On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the A2 Key exam. A2 Key (KET) >> A2 Key Speaking Practice >> The A2 Key speaking test assesses candidates' ability to communicate effectively in English through a face-to-face interaction with an examiner. 2 saying what someone’s job is. 4 better option 5 agree 6 can we agree. You are planning a trip with a friend to a famous town in your country. A2 Elementary level Games and Activities that can be used in both One-to-One and classroom English lessons. 2 In the first photo … , but in the second photo …. A2 CEFR Level - Free learning resources for English language exams at A2 level. A. 5 11th 6 17th 7 Jewel House. You can also work on our Reading and Writing and Listening parts to fully prepare for the Cambridge A2 KEY exam. 2 working on radar for the army. e arnaudl1@hotmail. Grammar Exercises A1 English Verbs and Tenses Exercises with Answers and Explanations. I love to eat out. English Speaking Exercises for B1 with Answers Business English Listening Exercises for A2 with Answers WORDPOWER: preposition + noun – English Grammar Exercises for A2 WORDPOWER: Multi-word verbs with on – English Grammar Exercises for A2 WORDPOWER: Multi-word verbs with put – English Grammar Exercises for A2 This online level test will give you an approximate indication of your English proficiency level. 2 Which three parts of the gadget are mentioned? Help students develop conversational skills by teaching them interactive phrases like: "Yes, I agree", "I think so too", "What do you think?", "I don't agree because" Free worksheets for Cambridge A2 Key exam, Practice Speaking Tests. Fun exercises to improve your English. I can compare ideas for spending money on schools and justify my opinion. 6 say 7 repeat 8 park 9 walk 10 buy. I can compare and contrast different part-time jobs. Grammar Exercises A1 English Speaking Exercises for A2 1. 8 1859 9 14 10 bell. 2 c Reshma says ‘I live next door’. Transcript. Are you a learner at A2 English level (pre-intermediate)? This section offers speaking practice to help you learn and practise useful phrases that will help you to speak English clearly and effectively. Handbook with grammar and exercises. Advantages for the company include the fact that he thinks the company will save money in heating, lighting costs, etc. Secondary Plus English course This online level test will give you an approximate indication of your English proficiency level. ). Most popular 1 In the U. 3. 3 slowly, clearly. b Most of you know one of the ways we raised money, because you bought our cakes every Wednesday! 1 1886 2 engines 3 ships 4 towers. ESL students and teachers can access free listening lessons that come with audio, script, quiz and vocabulary support. 4 employs 5 organize, training English Speaking Exercises for A2 with Answers Speaking Exercises B1. How to use this A2 English practice test: 1. S. Speaking English alone, with classmates, friends, or family regularly will help you improve your confidence and fluency. I stayed with my penfriend Cécile in Paris last week. They are wearing shorts, T-shirts and helmets. ………………………………………… 3 I’m going to be on TV tonight! ………………………………………… 4 I got a new moped for my birthday! ………………………………………… 5 I left my wallet in a shop, but they returned it to me. 2 1 2 (Jason doesn’t like listening to opera. Adult education English Speaking and Listening. Practise; Multi Series. Make a list of ideas for your won role and think about ways of suggesting them. English Speaking Exercises for B1 with Answers Business English Listening Exercises for A2 with Answers a visit a place and see the things in it. In pairs, read the exam task and the role-play information for Student A and Student B. Take our free online English test to find out which level to choose. Preparation exercise for A2 Key, Speaking Part, Example Test One. Speaking practice- A2 for schools This PPT is divided in two parts: questions and collaborative speaking. 1) The owners _____ be away or at work. A. In the first lesson of the set, students revise past simple irregular verb forms and use them to tell a story from the video. I’m pretty happy living here. Use the-ing form of the verbs in the box. Read the forum post about an event and complete the notes. But Salma refused to give up. 5 he used to cook 6 we used to watch 7 used to play. 2 are not really happy. I can discuss and plan a holiday trip. 1 The highest mountain in Europe is (a), Elbrus. Read the Strategy. i. h digital. I’m very lucky to have João and Leila working for me. 1 b. Simply explain your space in 3-5 minutes. ) 3 4 (Jason tried to play the violin but it was difficult. 4 sunniest, b 5 most polluted, c 6 most common, a. The speaking section is divided into TWO parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. He says there’s too much negativity. the first apartment (Sunny room and sea views) B. Cambridge A2 Key (KET) – Exam 1 – Speaking. English Verbs and Tenses Exercises with Answers and Explanations. Student The photo shows two children on a climbing wall. It corresponds to the updated version of the exam Key for schools (Cambridge examinations). Last January, my employer, a big electronics company, held a corporate event for its top salespeople. not completely. Transcript (Arnaud = French) 1. 4 the only one of something. 5,000-year-old body found in the Alps 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 A. littlehelen It was the last day of the summer holidays and I was at friend Alice’s house. Practice Exercises Go to Practice Writing Tests. Our Secondary Plus English course will teach you the skills to build your confidence and help you reach your full potential. b 27 Park Road. The questions are guided by the teacher and the picture activity can be done in pairs or small groups. 1 difficult. They look quite young – about nine or ten years old. She learned to speak English quickly and in less than a year she was in her first English-language film. Paper Three - Speaking. Speaking Activities: At the A2 level, speaking activities progress to include more varied and challenging tasks. 3 something mentioned for the first time. 1 f 2 e 3 d 4 a 5 c (e is also possible) 6 b. Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, Listening and much more. Our online English classes feature lots of useful learning materials and activities to help you develop your speaking skills with confidence in a safe and inclusive learning environment. SORT BY. 2 brief, speak. ’ Master A2 grammar with our Pre-Intermediate Grammar Lessons! Advance with our clear rules, amazing charts, and engaging exercises. Audioscript. 11 1703 12 queen 13 takes place. i will practice some of these phrases with my friends at the café because I believe the best strategy to perfect anything is by practicing 1 highest, a 2 furthest, c 3 deepest, c. 2 They heard a dog barking. 8 didn’t use to complain 9 Did you use to live 10 did you use to live it's the first time I try to give instructions to someone ,i think that to learn English very well ,we should follow the correct method to improve our level in a short time and less effort . 6. Teacher Please describe the photo. I can describe and speculate about a photo. b appear, seem. 1 produces 2 calculate, product 3 supplier. A Comparing and contrasting: 1 Both photos show …. I can discuss and agree on a video game to play. Complete the sentences. I read almost everything I can: books, magazines, newspapers. Circle the correct words. 3 c Reshma says ‘I’ve known him since he moved in, a couple of years ago’. Hope you enjoy this! 5. 1 Percy LeBaron Spencer. 2 3 4 (There aren’t any buses late at night. Match the parts of the gadgets (1-10) with the words below (a-j). Then match the sentences with the pictures. 1 1 Mia 2 Jason 3 Jason 4 Mia. I can describe and compare photos of crimes. com. 4 button, noise 1 it is clear what we are talking about. Then make notes on each of the four points. B. Perfect for students with an A1 or A2 level who want to improve their English conversation skills. A2 / Pre‐Intermediate B1 / Intermediate 60 min Standard Lesson Unlimited Plan Unlock these lesson worksheets with the Unlimited subscription A2 Beginner English listening lessons. It’s expensive, but I don’t care. 340586 uses Transcript. e give a person or animal what they need 1 a He says ‘a few more people have just arrived so I’d better go and say hi’. Practise tenses, vocabulary and grammar in these interactive tests. Then find the people in the two photos on this page. The answer the questions. 2 remember that the only way to learn to speak a second language is by speaking; 3 try practising new vocabulary and grammar we learn in class by repeating it at home; 4 think about extra speaking practice outside the classroom; 2. Dear Holly, Hope you’re well. I eat at restaurants most of the time. 2 1 school bell ringing / leaving school 2 He had an argument with Alex. Try to practise talking about the different topics on the list above. Grammar Exercises A1 A. Select your level, from beginner (CEFR level A1) to upper intermediate (CEFR level B2), and improve your speaking skills at any time and at your own speed. 4 They help each other when times get difficult. 1 Which gadget from exercise 1 is faulty? …………………………………………. You don't need to show your space. A site which lets you record and listen to yourself speaking English. Learn English with our free online listening, grammar, vocabulary and reading activities. Grammar Exercises A1 See our guide to the A2 Writing Paper: Part Six and to the A2 Writing Paper: Part Seven. 1549 uses 2 go to university 3 twenty-seven 4 kind 5 important 6 big city 7 easier 8 live longer Transcript. 1 echo 2 volume settings 3 mute button. I can relate and react to past events. Anne: Thank you. 2 I recommend the Queens hotel near the station. 1 I lost my mobile phone! ………………………………………… 2 I went scuba diving when I was on holiday. Go back and try an exercise whenever you want – they’re free! 1 no 2 yes 3 yes 4 no 5 yes. Speaker 1 only saw the advertisement at the last minute. These simple and engaging conversation topics and questions are perfect for beginner and intermediate students. Practise and improve your speaking skills 1. Here is a set of gen. The test lasts around 8-10 minutes and 1 They had been careless; Mary said she knew the way. In the second lesson, they do a set of activities focused on practising Past Simple through speaking. 2 We didn’t use to have 3 we didn’t use to go 4 we used to invite. Audioscripts. Join thousands of learners from around the world who are improving their English speaking skills with our live online classes and personal tutoring courses. 1. 5 a generalization Here you can find a range of short activities to use in your adult classroom with students at pre-intermediate level. Hi, my name’s Jason. 3 because they were lost and wet. Label the gadgets with the words below. Read the Speaking Strategy and the task below. ) 1. d try to find information in a book or on a computer. Lots of conversations to listen to and practise Social Practice your speaking and listening skills with me in this Basic Imitation Lesson! | English Imitation Lesson | English Speaking PracticeSpeaking English cl 3. Practise; Record yourself. All of our activities are designed around engaging themes engaging and relevant to adult learners of English. uib ambsrd harrqb ubag iie hdqty ezac qoana bhlfiof ypmep ccnms xqic ddo ovggcho ixefnp