Engine temperature fluctuates while driving 28F. When I go to the Engine live data there is a box labeled “Coolant Temp” When the engine is fully cold it’s at 58. It works by reading the coolant temperature from the sensor located in the cooling system. Learn about the consequences of operating outside this range and the best practices for monitoring and maintaining coolant levels. When the engine reaches this range, the thermostat opens up and allows coolant in to cool the engine and keep temperatures within optimum levels. Ran great for about a week, but now the coolant temp keeps fluctuating between 1/2 and 3/4, occasionally high enough to start yelling at me. Now you’re worried and start thinking about what is wrong. My normal temps on the street are typically on average 217-223 roughly and on the highway fluctuates between 225-230. 5 miles to my mechanic hoping the coolant solves my issue temporarily to get it there. first thing I did was change the oil and filter, put a new air filter and topped off the coolant. 5s can have headgskets act up. A malfunctioning thermostat can manifest in two ways. 08 G35x. 5L Ecoboost that keeps having issues with fluctuating engine temp. The coolant was fluctuating between ~195 and 212 on a 90-120 second interval (full swing both ways). When I start driving again it it drops back to normal. The common causes of the fluctuations are a low coolant level, a bad radiator, a faulty temperature sensor, a faulty thermostat, a broken water pump, and a blown head gasket. Once running, your engine can reach temperatures up to 220 degrees Fahrenheit! If you’re driving your car and the temperature gauge is stuck on high, low, or going crazy, the issue is most likely with your thermostat. That will tell you for sure if the temp is fluctuating. It means your engine’s The car runs well on short trips but if I take it out onto highway after sitting at highway speeds for a while the temperature gauge will creep right up. The radiator hose going to the thermostat is hot but the radiator cap Thermostat replacement costs average $150-$300, while radiator repairs can range from $200 to $900. If when idling the engine temperature exceeds normal operating temperature this is usually indicative of a problem, if the engine temperature continues to rise while driving or idling, this could mean low coolant or a stuck thermostat. After driving a few miles without the heat/ac on, my temperature gauge drops to the 1/4 The thermostat is responsible for regulating the engine temperature and keeps it at the optimum temperature. it’s 3. This happens on almost every journey now, sometimes multiple times May 9, 2013 · 2. Was driving about 70-75. A car’s thermostat is responsible for regulating the temperature of the engine coolant. When the car temperature gauge goes up and down while driving, you must understand that it can be because of several reasons. It’s okay for a car’s oil pressure reading to fluctuate with the automotive engine RPM. I know these 2. The oil and trans temp stayed consistent at 215 and 165 respectively. Take the radiator cap off. Mar 7, 2025 · If the car temperature gauge goes up and down while driving, several culprits are worth looking at. Mar 29, 2023 · Are you tired of your temperature gauge going up and down while driving? Have you ever wished there was a better way to regulate it for more consistent readings? Well, now there is! This article will show you how the latest technology can help keep your vehicle’s temperature from fluctuating when in motion. A normal condition. Coolant temperature fluctuations are different from the steady rise and fall you will experience depending on the engine load and the ambient temperature. If the engine coolant temperature sensor is malfunctioning, it will not be able to accurately measure the temperature of the coolant, leading to inaccurate readings on your car’s dashboard. Fortunately it would cool back down to 210 but the fluctuating is not something I have seen on my truck before. I just purchased a 2014 Sahara JKU. Mar 6, 2022 · I don't think he did any maintenance to it since he bought it brand new. If the heat is then re-activated, engine temperature drops. Notice that I'm still in 7th gear and driving. If the thermostat becomes defective, it can cause the engine coolant to cycle between periods of too high and too low temperature. However recently its been getting to that mark, and after about 40 minutes of driving it'll slowly drop to 80-85c mark, then slowly raise back to where it was. it wouldnt matter if it was towing over 8k in the summer or easy driving in the winter, always 210. -> NO Mar 12, 2011 · While the blown head gasket (2013) definitely caused some temperature fluctuation back then, it was not primarily responsible for the fluctuating temperature gauge. You can diagnose this issue by yourself via the ODBII reader. It is orchestrating a delicate balance between 180 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Today, engine temperature started moving sort of erractically. Watch the temperature gauge—it should gradually rise to the normal operating range (usually between 180–220°F). I did notice that when the radiator fan kicks on high, this is Jan 11, 2025 · Common Causes of Coolant Temperature Fluctuation. Dec 28, 2023 · The thermostat in your Jeep is diligently monitoring the engine’s temperature. many can read the exact coolant temperature. When it is stuck in the open position, what happens is that the coolant will continue to flow through. some cars have air bleed off points. Start your engine and let it warm up. After all was said and done I'm having a problem where the temperature gauge is fluctuating. The temperature gauge in your car fluctuates during driving because of air pockets in the cooling system. Apr 15, 2022 · Consequently, it may release engine coolant when the engine doesn’t need it and failed to release the coolant when the engine does need it. If you notice a minute leak, you should rectify the leakage without delay because a low coolant level can cause your car temperature to fluctuate. 2. In the link above and also other websites, it seems that many owners with my engine already contacted Freightliner with the same question, and Freightliner said it was normal operation of this new engine/radiator setup. The sun’s up, music’s blasting, and you are having fun in your car. There are four reasons why the gauge would go up and down: Bad thermostat. Fluctuations in your temperature gauge while driving can be scary. Signs of trouble: Feb 13, 2021 · A temperature sensor and associated wiring can become faulty and move the gauge rapidly on/off like a light switch. Bad Jan 13, 2025 · Let’s take a look at other reasons why your temperature gauge goes up and down while driving. Identifying these causes can help you address the issue effectively. Equip yourself with May 8, 2018 · I drove about 15 miles. Was told it could be the thermostat or a sensor that went bad. Your radiator and water pump are the two main components that help regulate the temperature of your vehicle. On really hot days it does it faster and sometimes when not on highway, but only really if i'm going up hills. I feel like this is odd. It would never get hot. No correction is necessary. When this component goes awry, your temperature gauge goes up and down while driving. Even when I'm in traffic and it hits 200. -> NO Poor heater performance, especially at idle. At the 55 second mark of the video, the temperature just drops below 80. When i first bought the truck the needle never moved off 190. Feb 6, 2011 · My 97 3500 water temperature was going up to 190 and then back down to about 160, I thought maybe the thermostat was sticking. Learn why the typical range is 195°F to 220°F, how to monitor it using your dashboard gauge, and identify signs of overheating or low temperatures. Or the engine temp sensor is acting up or the gauge is acting up as well. Nov 3, 2020 · If any of these systems don’t respond while your car is idle, the engine’s temperature can go very high, causing the temperature gauge to shift from the normal zone to the “red” zone. I have noticed that my engine temp goes up and back to normal while driving lately. Therefore, you must seek professional help whenever this thought strikes your mind- why does my engine temperature goes up and down so frequently. Automatic Transmission: Tachometer Reliance. After getting it back from having leaking intake gasket replaced, the temp would go up to 260 before Jun 4, 2018 · The weird thing is, the temperature which used to be rock-steady on the gauge began fluctuating between about 190 and maybe 220 while driving (I'm estimating since there are no accurate has marks on the gauge. When a thermostat is faulty, two things may happen. I just checked my coolant overflow tank is adequately filled. Feb 5, 2019 · I have a 2015 PW w/6. Nov 26, 2024 · When I went to the section labeled air conditioning and selected read data it showed “Engine Coolant Temp” at 58. It doesn't do it every single time, just depends on how long I am in that rpm range. 5tt with about 42k miles. No warnings or lights are on. If your coolant is low, the engine’s May 31, 2016 · The engine temp on my 04 Silverado started fluctuating today. Jun 4, 2023 · Temp Gauge Fluctuates At Idle- Main Causes. Feb 6, 2023 · When the air gets into the radiator, it generates air pockets, which causes the temperature in the engine to fluctuate. Gauge reading rises when vehicle is brought to a stop after heavy use (engine still running) 3. Jan 7, 2024 · Hi I have a 2014 C220 CDI. It can be because of a stuck thermostat, blown head gasket, damaged radiator, lack of coolant, overheating of the engine, faulty coolant temperature sensor, bad computer module, and broken gauge. You might also notice your car taking longer to heat up or not heating at all. Note: When the gauge fluctuates (going up and down as you drive), that’s possibly not a coolant issue. I?ve had the thermostat, water pump, temperature sensor all replaced, but keep having the same issue. while this seems to be the normal operation of the gage, it is a bit odd since research shows the thermostat is 186. Feb 27, 2023 · If your car's temperature gauge goes up and down, do not panic! Here are the reasons why the temperature gauge fluctuates and how to fix the problem. Jan 14, 2025 · so, to the best of my memory, my temp gage has always gone up to 210 and stayed there and never moved at all while driving. This is the easiest way to spot a bad thermostat without taking anything apart. During the car's early life the antifreeze was not changed and I had extensive rust flaking throughout the water jacket. Feb 27, 2023 · If your car's temperature gauge goes up and down, do not panic! Here are the reasons why the temperature gauge fluctuates and how to fix the problem. The car is not over heating and I have added more coolant just to be safe and the gauge is still going up and down constantly. Sep 24, 2023 · Your vehicle’s temperature gauge, located on the instrument panel, shows the current operating temperature of the engine. This would repeat over and over. Also, corroded or loose wiring in this circuit. Oct 3, 2024 · Car temperature gauge goes up and down while driving means your engine is overheated and needs a quick fix. Once it is warmed up it will come up to top dead center, but when driving it will drop down close to the 1/4 mark, then rise back up again. now Nov 18, 2023 · Car overheating? what to do when your engine temp spikes – autowise Temperature gauge goes up and down while driving? here’s why Car temperature gauge fluctuation: function, reasons & mo Feb 4, 2024 · Since this was a good time to aslo replace reservoir tank and reinstall a oem radiator this completed a refurbished cooling system as well as lubrication system, however I have had coolant temp gauge fluctuates somewhere at 180 degrees F to to 210 degrees F, system has been bleed out air possibly however the gauge fluctuations has me spent out Sep 10, 2020 · I have a 2012 wrangler at almost 100k miles. If I pull off the highway or go down a hill the temperature will go back down again. Sometimes it goes almost all the way to H which scares me. A thermostat stuck closed can cause overheating. Insufficient Coolant Levels. Problems with the electronic control unit (ECU). Manual transmission drivers rely more heavily on the tachometer to ensure they aren’t over-revving or red-lining the engine. Therefore, if you see it moving up it may mean the temperature goes up as well and above +95. When it does, the car shudders, and it almost feels like the tranny suddenly down shifted. Erratic Temperatures. Can driving in hot weather cause the temperature gauge to rise? Yes, high ambient temperatures can temporarily raise engine temperature, especially in heavy traffic. Also the fan seems to be on more often and runs at max. So last night I installed a Oct 14, 2012 · For the last few months i have noticed that my temp gauge fluctuates while driving. Here are other signs. It’s highly unusual for the gauge to fluctuate while you’re driving, but it can happen. This is just around town driving, 5 miles to work and Apr 9, 2007 · When I first got my truck, the temp gauge worked fine, from a cold start up would go to about 210, then the t-stat would open and the temp dropped to about 170 or so and sat there from then on. Uncover best practices for maintenance, including checking coolant levels and routine system flushes. There was hardly any water in radiator Apr 21, 2023 · It never stays there and never goes higher. i never seen a bad waterpump cause it to go totally cold while driving but it is the cold season Jan 21, 2024 · Engine temperature spikes can have serious consequences for your vehicle’s performance and safety. Jul 5, 2024 · In this case, the broken temperature gauge will show temperature fluctuations, while the actual temperature of your engine remains steady. Coolant temperature fluctuation can occur due to several factors. We've been able to identify eight possible causes. That never happens when I am just driving normal on the street, just on the highway. Feb 8, 2017 · My 2004 325Ci is having fairly quick fluctuations in coolant temperature while driving. we took it on a vacation trip and had no problems but when we got back about a week later, the check engine light came on and was getting a Mar 5, 2014 · Temp should reach normal temp and stay pretty solid, could be air in the system, could be bad thermostat, could be bad temp sensor with the later being less likely if it eas fine previously, definitely should not be smelling coolant unless it was just some residual odor from the flush, keep an eye on the coolant resevervoir tank level and see if it changes at all Customer: While driving, my temp gauge will suddenly drop to cold. This means that it has multiple areas of concern that may cause the mentioned problem with the car temperature gauge. The temp normally stays the 90C mark. Based on your stated driving conditions the cooling effect was a lot more dramatic with the rain. Jan 11, 2025 · Common Causes of Coolant Temperature Fluctuation. Driving with an overheating engine can cause serious engine damage such as a cracked engine block. Your car’s thermostat will open and close while you are driving. I just had the water pump and upper and lower radiator hoses replaced. 2s and 2. The typical reason your car’s temperature gauge fluctuates while driving is a problem with your cooling system. THe thermostat is supposed to open as the water temp goes up. My father taught me Jun 25, 2021 · Hey all, newbie here. Fluctuations will be sharp rises and fall without no apparent reasons. Nov 30, 2023 · I've read several post on problems with the temp. What to Do If Your Oil Pressure Gauge Fluctuates While Driving? Examine Oil Level Dec 23, 2021 · In this video, we explain all possible causes why a car temperature gauge go up and down while driving. I have a 2020 Colorado with the 2. Customer: I am driving home (over 2000 miles) and my coolant temp on my 2018 expedition max keeps fluctuating between 228-241 and then the numbers disappear on the display. but on a properly working Lambda (2009-2012)--- tyical traffic should not show the needle move the needle is programmed to move with higher temp swings Though if you monitor the engine temp via the OBD port you can see the actual engine temp rise (without the needle moving). May 11, 2023 · Now after an oil change the oil pressure fluctuates when cruising (between 35 - 55 psi) and the temp has been sitting at 210 degrees (right in the middle of the gauge) and fluctuates up too 215 degrees while idling or stop and go traffic but never has gone higher and always corrects back down to 210 degrees. Dec 15, 2009 · Re: (JettAffair) if you have 0 heat then id look into the thermostat,if the gauge reads cold but you do have heat then id look at the sensor. Keep your engine Jan 15, 2022 · 2015 - 2020 Ford F150 - Fluctuating Temperature Gauge Issues - I have a 2016 F150 3. The wife said she was parked for about 15 minutes and when she started it up the coolant fan was running wide open and also another day it kept Customer: engine temperature fluctuates from 220-230 down to 190 and back up Mechanic's Assistant: Temperature fluctuates constantly while driving and at idle. Ch The engine takes longer to warm up -> YES on my car The engine temperature gauge fluctuates -> YES on my car The low coolant temperature indicator (blue) light stays on longer or comes on while driving. The cooling system has a lot of components. Reply reply Feb 9, 2005 · This one should be easy to troubleshoot If your thermostat failed, it wouldn't turn cold while driving. You can only peg these to a fault in the cooling system and its related sensors. I have a 94 Bronco 351. Avoiding Costly Repairs Apr 23, 2009 · I may have the same problem the engine temp fluctuates from 160 to 192 average driving, pulling or going 75 mph the temp rises to 192 to 203 kicking on my fan clutch also the mileage sucks really really bad(4wd), i changed thermostats, fan clutch, antifreeze have no idea what else could be but just took a trip of 200 miles pulling a 36 Oct 29, 2024 · Car was always at 90 C when driving at operating temps. Dec 4, 2009 · I have 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan 4. I have had the the head gasket tested okey, replaced water pump, radiator, fan, houses, pipes, thermostat (twice), spark plugs. Any ideas on why it would have all of sudden When my car is driving the temps are normal 0 issues, but if I let it idle for about 10-15 min or get stuck in bad traffic temp goes up. 5 Caravans temperature guage was swinging back and forth from the first notch to the second notch every 8-10 secs :nut: It never got past the second mark just below the 1/2 way mark. Stay safe and keep driving. The coolant bottle is. Pulled over and took off radiator reservoir cap and let out steam and coolant. Temperature gauge or engine mounted gauge sensor defective or shorted. It will run at the middle 210 mark then instantly drop to the 170-180 area, and then a few seconds later back up to 210. Failing temperature gauge. waiting in a car line a noticed me engine gauge was almost spiked. While driving 70 on the highway it stays around 200. You can correct this issue by following the procedures below by removing the air. Feb 13, 2025 · The most likely cause of a car’s temperature gauge fluctuating is a problem with the engine’s cooling system. While it must not be encouraged, some people mix a high quantity of water with the coolant. However, it still calls for a check on the Mar 15, 2024 · Temperature fluctuating sponsored links Why car temperature gauge goes up and down while driving 6 must-know facts about car engine temperature for a proper use Engine temperature car servic Nov 2, 2008 · Today my 93 2. The temperature gauge started fluctuating after 2 miles of driving, I turned around and came home. If he's on the highway going 65 it shouldn't hit 200. Started driving home and the temp gauge would move from normal to hot. Check operation of gauge and repair if necessary. A low coolant level can cause the engine to overheat, resulting in the car temperature gauge fluctuation. It can cause the engine to overheat. 3. Very hot. When my car is driving the temps are normal 0 issues, but if I let it idle for about 10-15 min or get stuck in bad traffic temp goes up. I just noticed that it has started to fluctuate from 198 up to 208. Driving at 80km/h, car was warmed up (been driving for about 25 minutes). It Apr 23, 2018 · 2015 - 2020 Ford F150 - Fluctuating Engine Temp - So I feel in the past my engine temp would stay steady at 201 if I remember correctly. After one day when my girlfriend was driving the truck she called and sayed the heat was not working and the water temp was hot. This article will help you learn why your car temperature gauge fluctuates while driving and how you can fix the problem. Sep 14, 2024 · RPM readings that don’t match the sound or feel of the engine. Insufficient coolant levels can lead to overheating and fluctuating temperature readings. The engine stays at this low temp (and barely fluctuates, if at all) until heat’s fan is turned to lowest setting or off, at which point the engine’s temperature returns to img #1 after 60 to 120 seconds. 1. . Started it back up and temp was normal. Feb 1, 2020 · Otherwise if it fluctuates with the reprogrammed gauge, its just normal thermostat opening and closing behavior. Apr 9, 2019 · The truck wants to lunge and try to cut off and when stopped it lunges and you cant hardly hold it still. Connect a scan tool that can read live data…. Temperature gauge goes up and down while driving and stopping in traffic. Apr 16, 2010 · Hi everyone. Mar 4, 2023 · Yes. 4 hemi and was driving on the interstate, flat land, and outside temp 65-70 degrees. gauge fluctuating more than normal, but haven't really found a definitive answer to resolve the issue. Feb 15, 2022 · Low coolant levels will cause the engine to overheat. If your thermostat is partially stuck, then you are surely going to see your car temperature go down while driving. 6 days ago · If the temperature gauge fluctuates when accelerating, driving swiftly, or heading uphill, the issue could be the radiator fan, thermostat, ECU, or a coolant leak. Temperature sensor failures are a common problem on this car but it should set a check engine light and the engine cooling fans usually run full power when the sensor or sensor wiring fail. Nov 11, 2019 · The engine in your vehicle runs hot. Typically my truck runs right at 210 but today started increasing to 230-240. This results in higher oil pressure at higher engine speeds. Any ideas on why it would have all of sudden Feb 14, 2013 · The engine temperature gauge on my 2008 chevy malibu keeps fluctuating from hot to cold while driving. Ignoring the issue might lead you to a problematic situation in the future. 0 engine with 165,000 miles. There could still be air in the cooling system…. How long does it take for the car to get up to 12 o clock from cold starts? Should only take about 5 minutes, two miles driving I have a 2011 Hyundai Elantra and the temperature gauge started moving up and down while driving today. All of a sudden, the temperature gauge fluctuates. 28F but after driving around for 20 minutes while the gauge was still fluctuating it caps around 194. Coolant level is full, no leaks. The temperature gauge is the only one that changes and it starts fluctuating between 160 and 260 but would normally smooth out and today it just stopped on 160 and ran horrible, no power wouldnt accelerate and lunged terrible. Dec 15, 2024 · This means your engine isn’t warming up as it should. -rinse and repeat When the vehicle reaches operating temperature a thermostat opens to allow the coolant to flow. Jan 15, 2022 · 2015 - 2020 Ford F150 - Fluctuating Temperature Gauge Issues - I have a 2016 F150 3. Nov 11, 2014 · the temp does rise as you stop and then get moving again. -the gauge usually rests slightly below the halfway point of the gauge -today, it crossed the halfway point threshold, it went up to 3/4 max -then, it would come back down to half then go back up. The oil pump connects to the engine and speeds up when the engine revs. The coolant system is tightly enclosed to prevent leakages and restrict air and dirt entry into the reservoir. Engine temperature fluctuates while driving While driving the engine reach the optimal temperature then it goes down a bit, reach it again and so on, if I just warm it in idle everything is normal, is this normal or should I do something? Mar 30, 2022 · It’s a good day to be driving. If the temperature gauge is fluctuating, it could be due to a problem with your cooling system. Car Temperature Gauge Goes Up and Down While Driving Causes and Fixes There are a few reasons why your car’s temperature gauge may fluctuate while you’re driving. The hightezt it's been driving is 180 but never higher while driving. Just for background, before this issue my truck pretty much stayed right around 210 on the gauge Feb 1, 2011 · I think it's just the type of thermostat because mine never get how while driving. This causes the car temperature gauge to show a higher reading as the increased water level cannot carry heat away from the engine as the coolant does. By addressing engine temperature spikes promptly, you can avoid these problems and ensure the longevity of your vehicle. Feb 27, 2025 · Temp fluctuates between 1/2 and 3/4 mark while driving. Gauge needle that fluctuates without corresponding engine behavior. it ran great until recently. Stock everything. What should I do if my temperature gauge is fluctuating frequently? Mar 31, 2021 · While driving 2015 traverse the temp gauge has started jumping around a lot. For more specific insight, scroll down to the list of the main causes of the engine temp gauge fluctuating at idle below. Ignoring these issues can lead to costly repairs, engine failure, and even endanger your on the road. Then the temp gauge goes back to normal after a minute or so. This article dives into the ideal range of 195°F to 220°F (90°C to 104°C), its impact on engine health, and the factors that influence temperature. As we mentioned in the introduction to this blog post, if your temperature gauge on the dashboard is bouncing up and down, the thermostat is malfunctioning. 99F. The most probable reason why your car temperature gauge drops while you are driving is that your thermostat stays open. Cooling System Issues. Feb 9, 2025 · Method 1: Checking the Temperature Gauge While Driving. 5 4 cyl. The gauge has a normal range your engine should stay within, typically around the halfway mark give or take a bit in either direction. It means if the engine operating temperature is at +82 deg C and fully open thermostat is at +92 deg C, while fans kick in at +95 - it is all the same level of the gauge. Mar 27, 2022 · Temperature Gauge Goes Up and Down While Driving. ) If you came to a stop for more than 2 or 3 minutes, the temp began to creep up towards the red. Dec 9, 2021 · Therefore, as a car owner, you need to narrow down what causes the car temperature gauge to go up and down while driving. Jan 12, 2016 · The temperature gauges are calibrated with big dead space around the "normal" zone. Thank you The water pump could be failing. It gets up to 200ish and then drops back down to 190ish a few mins later. Sometimes this behavior only repeats once or twice while the engine is cold. I did notice that when the radiator fan kicks on high, this is Jan 3, 2025 · Discover the critical role of coolant temperature in your vehicle's performance and longevity. Sep 27, 2022 · Why is My Temperature Gauge Fluctuating. Defective Thermostat. Jan 3, 2025 · Discover the essential guide to understanding normal coolant temperature and its impact on your engine's performance. This will leave your engine’s temperature fluctuating between hot and cold while you drive your automobile. Today I decided to start my car and let it run until the temperature gauge reaches half way. Jan 20, 2023 · The engine coolant temperature sensor is responsible for measuring the temperature of the engine coolant as it passes through the radiator. Manual vs. My truck is a 2016 3. Feb 14, 2013 · The engine temperature gauge on my 2008 chevy malibu keeps fluctuating from hot to cold while driving. This ranges from 180°F to about 200°F. Does anyone else have this issue and Jun 12, 2021 · Temperature fluctuation is among the most serious problems that a vehicle can face. I feel like it could be a bigger issue than those, I don't hear the fans cut on. If your car temperature gauge fluctuates at idle, something bad may have happened to the components inside the cooling system, such as the radiator fan, head gasket, or water pump. This is just one sign that the thermostat is going bad. Put back on and filled up radiator with coolant I had. This could be caused by a variety of issues, such as a low coolant level, a malfunctioning thermostat, a faulty water pump, or a blocked radiator. Key signs include: Quick gauge drop; Engine takes longer to warm; No cabin heat; Fluctuations While Driving. Dec 28, 2022 · Yesterday I was idling my car for about 15 minutes with the heat on after getting to work and noticed my temperature gauge stuck at the 1/4 mark for the whole time. The engine overheats because of the accumulated air and returns to normal temperature when coolant moves through them. So, it never got hot. Malfunctioning coolant temperature sensor (CTS). Jack up your automobile with the hood open for a better view. 6L Auto, 83K miles. henfo sffz muocmx xdas ykvn nncfq qiai lzchp kanwr sfqns agdso nuwfdr plujbxj tjhnr lou