Drz400sm 3x3 mod Apr 15, 2022 · Super simple. They also include a 168 jet for air box modifications and more open exhausts. Jul 31, 2010 · I know,sacrifice one for the other but am curious what will be the difference from stock jetting to re-jet with 3x3 mod and full yoshi pipe? Right now I am getting around 160km before having to switch to reserve,that is around town and a little hiway driving. #7. By Prodgers52, August 9, 2020 in DRZ400/E/S/SM. I have a full system RS2 (love it) and now comes the issue. KEIHIN & MIKUNI OEM PARTS ARE STARTING TO ARRIVE. i used a dremel which was cake. It really improves throttle response and overall running. Share 3X3 Mod, Yoshimura " This FCR39 business, is an Internet newb fashion item. Front motor mount via ebay from prev year 12. Oct 4, 2017 · Despite having moved at a glacial pace, I finished the 3x3 mod today (actually only took a couple of days to do, just a while to get started). Enjoy! Apr 21, 2015 · Just wondering what everyone's opinion is on the best performance mods. Nov 29, 2005 · For all that info go to www. The included documents has detailed instructions for each bike and tuning settings. The older Dynojet kit with no change to the airbox was Stage 1. Keep In mind the hole will need to be cut SLIGHTLY larger then the traditional 3" by 3" in order to compensate for the air restriction caused by the Jun 1, 2006 · Newbie here with a mer 350 miles on a 06 S, and looking forward to doing the 3x3 at 500 miles. Bike likes to bog when I’m pulling off from a light or stop sign, I gotta hold the throttle Jun 15, 2014 · Hey all new to the DRZ world looking a head as to what my first mods will be and I will be purchasing the Yoshimura RS-2 full exhaust, doing the 3x3 mod but which jet kit do I purchase? Jul 10, 2016 · I have a 2015 DRZ400SM. Edited June 29, 2015 by One Less Harley Feb 18, 2024 · DRZ400/E/S/SM ; Drz400e 3x3 mod Facebook; Twitter; Youtube; Instagram; Pinterest; Newsletter; Drz400e 3x3 mod. this was good at 8-12,000 feet. Dec 2, 2007 · Like everyone has pointed out, they are lean from the factory to pass emissions. Before I started the re-jet, I went for a quick ride to see how she was running. The "3x3" (a 3" by 3" hole cut into the top of the airbox where the snorkel is now) and proper jetting allows your engine to run much better. Remove plastics/headlamp Jump the clutch switch connector Did my 3x3 mod on my 70 mile old bike. 5 turns out works, for others 2. Look at the "master 3x3" thread pinned to the top of this section. Hit me up in the comments if you have questions or conce Mar 21, 2008 · The 3X3 mod is very popular with DRZ owners but I have not yet done it. The entire install took about 10hrs including the exhaust, busting knuckles with the FCR and the 3x3. 5 main jet with a 150 main from Jetsrus. Factory these bikes come jetted very lean for emissions reasons, this kit allows for better power across the rev range specially if you also have supporting mods like an exhaust. drz 400 s 2005. To make mine a bit cleaner in appearance, I had two ideas which I think worked out. It sounds technical, but it's simply an opening in the air box that's 3 inches by 3 inches wide and long. The help is much appreciated. Having some problems with it though not sure if it’s something to do with the fuel screw & possibly the idle adjustment. 134,. Although I would argue it is more correcting a factory defect than a performance mod. I also have a Yosh exhaust. I bought a FMF Power up jet kit off the world wide web but it says its for a mildly tuned machine using the stock airbox. I'm not one who typically does a lot performance mods, in fact, I have never done a performance mod on any of my motorcycles. if i remember correctly from sea level to 3,000ft was 25 pilot (stock was 22. DRZ400 3x3 Mod Mesh Lip thingiverse. Is it worth it to spend the money for exhaust. Anyone have that setup? I’ve taken out the snorkel and noticed a difference in throttle response but some say after doing the 3x3 mod that you get even better performance. Thanks in Jul 18, 2009 · I am planning on doing the 3x3 mod for my 2000 Drz400s. Can’t say how many times my levers have been saved by them after dropping it. Discussion in 'Thumpers' started by jvicars, After 3 x 3 mod, rejetting, and slightly lower gearing, I get a pretty steady 50 mpg. 5 main jet Here are the dyno results from a bike with the 3x3 mod and Yoshimura RS-2 exhaust: https: Jan 15, 2011 · I have a 2007 Suzuki drz 400 s I am thinking of doing the JD jet kit and 3x3 mod. I can't recall, but I don't think you'll notice much if any noise increase once the 3x3 mod is done. The sun came out long enough to go for a quick ride. ( whatever air box mod mean, and they do not refer to removing the snorkel, that is required even with the 162 ). Do you feel a big change other than sound. FCR MX 39 TT conversion kit. full fmf system. Everyone especially the drz owners rave over the 3x3 mod, (Jetting, Air box, Pipe) but, how much does it actually help? I have heard people say it makes the 400 actually feel like a 400, I have also heard some say it just makes the bike have a noticeable but small power gain. search for 3x3 jetting. Second, I purchased some edge trim from the local auto parts store and finished up the edges. I bought a JD Jet Kit and knocked out the 3x3 mod. Double check but I believe the correct jetting with stock pipe and 3x3 mod is 140 main, 25 pilot, fuel screw 2 1/2 to 3 turns. The newer JD (James Dean) kit with the 3x3 airbox mod is Stage 2. Dynojet DRZ SM Jetting Kits - SUZ 00-07 DRZ400SM. 160 main jet. The 3x3 mod isn’t worth it without getting a bigger header than stock and getting your jets dialed to that set up. 45 HP) Run 6 is my personal bike 2006 Drz400s (64. JD Jet Kit. K&N is good, but some say it fits a little loose. I bought it used with an MRD/SSW full exhaust and a JD Jet Kit (part JDS005) already installed and supposedly jetted for the exhaust. After 9 months of reading about it here, I finally ordered the JD Jet Kit (JDS005), float bowl bolt kit and Keintech extended fuel mixture screw from TT. Did mine a while ago. A slip on exhaust is another great modification and if you want to later down the road the 3x3 mod and JD jet kit is awesome. Im wanting to do the 3x3 mod, rejet the carb, and debaffle the exhaust on my 01 drz 400 kick only. Bark busters are another must have if you do any off road. 3x3 and jet, you might as well get a full system. Feb 20, 2009 · I've reviewed quite a few of the discussions on air box mods but it looks like most people doing this have the "S" version of the DRZ400. I had read the mod & JD jetting made the DRZ come alive, but always took that with a grain of salt. I read and reread the Master 3X3 Post, plus several more “3X3”, “exten Mar 28, 2008 · DRZ400 3x3 air box mod step by step video Jump to Latest 4. Hopefully this list will help future owners or current owners that May 31, 2019 · What’s up guys , when I bought my drz it was already jetted and had a fmf powercore 4 on it , not sure what kind of jet was installed my question is , would I be able to do the 3x3 mod regardless of the jetting or is there a specific jet to support it ? I went to MMI years ago and during the Dyno clinics we got a DRZ400 on there and did a three part test on this stock, middle open (3x3) then a wildly opened up variation. Dec 23, 2006 · Dynojet DRZ S Jetting Kits - SUZ 00-07 DRZ400 S. My bike has never surged and has smooth, if not strong, throttle response. I have the "e" version (dirt only) and apparently the better Keihin 39mm carb on my 2000 DRZ400e. Don’t worry, you are not carelessly risking getting water into your engine by removing the snorkel. Jan 11, 2005 · I was talking to the mechanic from the local Suzuki dealer and was discussing the mods i will be doing, and he agreed with all but we differed on the 3X3 mod, he sugestted leaving the deepness of the hole alone and only opening the width, so i would end up with roughly 1. When you open up the air box, more air can get through the intake and the carb. Oct 5, 2022 · The 3x3 mod was already done to my DRZ when I got it, so I'm going to try shrinking the hole with some tape gradually to see if there is a noticeable difference. (32. That being saidno, I haven't done the 3x3. Jul 1, 2022 · Okay, let's get down to business. Not required to do the airbox mods. By Jayden Mcnally, February 18, 2024 in DRZ400/E/S/SM Apr 7, 2015 · Anyways I found a 2005 listed for $3500, it has some after market parts like a full Yoshi exhaust, hand guards (didn't say what kind), and some plastics. If you order a JD jet kit, the first part of the instructions tells you to cut the 3x3 hole in the air box before replacing the jets. 5 pilot jet, etc. 5 main in the bike with the exact same setup and it seemed to be running rich. Jun 26, 2010 · I did the 3x3 mod last night on my DRZ. Why - The final fine-tuning (after 3x3 and jet kit) is done with the fuel mixture screw to get the best off idle throttle response. From getting all the parts (MRD took 5 weeks) to installation. I stand corrected. Will the same… Finally this kit also includes a 3x3 mod template to easily cut your original air box and increase air flow. And also I commented another anecdote in here, in which I solved my poor-running DRZ by doing nothing more than removing the snorkel. The plan is to do initially keep the stock exhaust and do a pipe and header next year. In addition, does anyone have complete fmf pipe system on their bike also with these mods? Nov 21, 2008 · After that, there's the FCR-MX conversion kit for the DRZ's (instant 4 hp bolt-on mod. Jan 15, 2010 · check out thumpertalk. 5K views 3 replies 3 participants last post by Dragonrider1 Mar 31, 2008 Mar 25, 2006 · just did the 3x3. I am thinking about doing the 3x3, the jet kit and maybe tailpipe or full exhaust. I ride it on the street not dirt. Take the carb cap off and check the top of the needle generally it will have red or blue paint on it indicating it's a jd jet kit, alternatively if it doesn't, take the needle out of there are 5 clip positions then it is jetted but maybe from another manufacturers kit depending on what's dontle to the bike and what elevation you are at will depend on the jets usually the pilot is the same as Apr 12, 2008 · The 3x3 mod. (other than modifying my old XT350 by replacing it with the DRZ(S)) Sep 18, 2009 · I have been slow to add farkles on my 2003 400S due to budget but have been riding more and more and want to know if the 3X3 mod w/jet kit will gain noticeable/appreciable power if I keep the exhaust stock. I ride at sea level and it is hot (95+) and humid. Duck Tape for 3x3 mod 11. May 24, 2022 · Making the 3x3 hole bigger on a stock motor will not make any more power and you'll end up putting a larger main jet to compensate. 75 works. New to the Drz & carb seen so go easy on me lol. i've got a full yosh, dealership "carb adjustment for yosh $85" before i got it which i guess means it was jetted, and just did the 3x3 mod. Torch for 3x3 mod 10. we slammed the 155 in,moved clip to 2nd groove on needle(new needle in kit),3 turns out on air/fuel screw dealy (you'll need a 5/32nd drill bit to drill out the brass plug to get to it,comes in the kit) and his DRZ went from a fawkn turd to a beast. The 3x3, middle test was by far the easiest to get everything right on and make clean power throughout the rpm range with proper air/fuel ratios throughout the rev range according the the emissions sniffer. He told me that he has installed about a dozen of these kits and the DRZ with only stock exhaus Oct 5, 2009 · The header pipe is a restriction, many people do change the exhaust, but that might be considered a 'Stage 3' mod. I was thinking about waiting to do it all at once, but thought I'd ask the experts for opi Feb 23, 2011 · This seems like a good idea to me; Start a list of "MUST DO" mods or "fixes" for the DRZ400. Jetting: Blue needle (Phx, AZ is ~1000ft above sea level) Clip position: 4 (elevation again) Main jet: 170 (because of full exhaust system to go with air box/jetting mods) Those were all per the instructions that came with the jet kit. 5 PJ. Are there any suggestions for the jet sizes I will need if I live in rainy Vanco DRZ400 Jetting for: sea level, stock exhaust or quiet 96db aftermarket pipe, 3x3 Mod 155 main jet EMN needle - clip 3 45 pilot jet 2 turns fuel screw DRZ400 Jetting for: sea level, aftermarket pipe with open muffler, 3x3 Mod 160 main jet EMN needle - clip 3 45 pilot jet 2 turns fuel screw May 15, 2022 · Hey guys, I'm stoked to jump on Team DRZ with a 2022 S. Bike specs (DRZ400SM): BSR36 carb stock 142. The muffler on the DRZ is not considered to be the restriction. 700 ft. I also installed a JD Jet Kit on the stock carb with the following specs: Red Tip Needle, 3rd Clip 160 MJ 25 PJ Stock Screw (2. I’ve raced a 3x3 drz400sm before my airbox mod and custom exhaust and was neck & neck with it. You get better throttle response all over. the 3x3 really opens things up nicely. but i dnt know wat to choose. 09 drz400sm. Dec 8, 2013 · Installed a JD Jet kit today used the blue needle with the clip on the 4th pin from the top, 22. is a no brainer if you can cut a straight line and make it exactly 3" by 3". Link to comment Share on other sites Mar 20, 2020 · This is a how to video that covers the three basic power mods most people perform on their DR-Z 400. bike feels good to me, don't think i'll bother with carb/cams/etc. First ride impressions of all the recent mods on the sumo! Overall I'm extremely happy with it all, it feels amazing! This bike itself is a whole new monster Apr 7, 2017 · I searched google for the 3x3 air box modification and no clear cut directions pop up. He bought the Dyno Jett kit for $50 and came with everything needed. i live in florida right above sea A stock bike (no 3x3 mod) will cough, sputter and act like it's going to die. I'm thinking about 3x3 modding my '17 DRZ SM. Dec 5, 2023 · One of the most popular DRZ400 mods is the 3x3 mod, which modifies the air box. Nov 6, 2016 · It was developed to work with the common 3X3 air box mod, is more complete - comes with a replacement pilot jet, 2 custom needles, Mikuni main jets and socket head screws to replace the bowl screws. I am going to do the 3x3 mod and insert the James Dean jet kit on a stock DRZ400SM. ), hotcams, big-bores, stroker kits, etc. Teamed up with upgraded jetting and a performance exhaust it provides a noticeable performance improvement. Zip ties for wires hoses and plugs 14. You will have to rejet if you do this. Jun 29, 2015 · My set up 434 BB, 3x3 mod 155MJ. So, I'm trying to figure out if I should also do the "3x3" mod or just leave the airbox/snorkel stock. bike now hoists up the front end in second zero problem. info BTW yes, the 3x3 mod is great improvement with a stock pipe. WOW. I asked the owner about mods and they said it was rejetted then I asked if they also did the 3x3 mod and they weren't sure, they said the work was already done when they got it. Oct 29, 2018 · Also, 162 is the jet recommended by JD Jetting for 0-3000ft with the standard exhaust and snorkel removed ( 3x3 mod ). DRZ400 3X3 Airbox Mod The 3X3 airbox mod is the opening up the airbox inlet to a size of 3 inches x 3 inches to increase airflow. Apr 15, 2012 · Just jet'd up my room mates DRZ. I search on the TT drz400 page, it says no results. Do you want to Jan 24, 2010 · spent my sat night doin this mod now the bike wont even start nearly killed my battery trying. CHECK WEBSITE FOR STOCK. Which does give more fuel. The exception being the rejet and 3x3 on my old DRZ. I believe if you're using stock stock exhaust you use the stock 22. 3x3 mod,exhaust. 38. Jul 16, 2015 · Riders, I just had my local wrench instal the JD Kit on my DRZ. This RacingPowerSports Power Kit will transform the way your Suzuki DRZ400S/SM runs! Reviews 3 Jan 18, 2018 · Must have mod for the DRZ400! Woke my bike up. Oct 17, 2022 · Just wanted some advice on doing the 3x3 mod after jd jet kit. elevation. Full y Jump to content. It comes with main jets . I would also recommend a new exhaust system if youre gonna rejet and do a 3x3, but there are plenty of DRZ owners who just did the rejet and 3x3 mod while keeping their stock exhaust system. We currently have this exact exhaust system on our Black DR-Z400SM Project Bike, our White DR-Z400SM Project Bike and also our Yellow DR-Z400SM Project Bike. Mar 9, 2025 · Oh my, looks like the 3x3 was cut in the wrong place by a beaver with bad teeth, directly under the CDI module, which is blocking good air flow. 3x3. I want to do this with the stock pipe. Everything was literally finished yesterday. if you order the jet kit you will get evey thing you need except the drill bit to drill out the plug to acess the pilot feul Does your DRZ have more than 800 horse power?? Ask yourself why everyone who owns a drz thinks a “3x3” “mod” unleashes all this “power” when all you are doing is ruining your factory air box (if you cut it for this “3x3 mod”). Now i did the 3x3 mod. May 8, 2009 · drz400sm 3x3 mod Jump to Latest 15K views 5 replies 4 participants last post by RedSaki Jun 22, 2010 OPTION 1: Yoshimura RS-2 Performance Exhaust Package (shown above) This is our personal favorite exhaust system for the DRZ400's. 5 turns out, tried no turns out tried 3,4,5 turns o My Drz400sm, 2007, DynoJet Jet Kit, FMF exhaust, 3x3 Mod. 3x3 mods more air more fuel more power? Let's find out what it mean in real life. Trying to keep it cheap but what would be the best b Sep 26, 2014 · If you want more oomph out of the DRZ, the 3x3 is the first thing you should do, it's the cheapest performance boost you can do, and it is a foundation for the rest of your mods. 5) and 155 or 160 main (open pipe) but the JD jet kit also includes two main needles to complement the jetting and 3x3. DRZ400/E/S/SM Jun 15, 2014 · Hey all new to the DRZ world looking a head as to what my first mods will be and I will be purchasing the Yoshimura RS-2 full exhaust, doing the 3x3 mod but which jet kit do I purchase? Sep 30, 2008 · Have searched the forum as best I can but haven't found the answer to the following question. Dec 29, 2016 · I bought the JD jett kit this past season for my 2015 drz400sm and now im running into an issue. First, I retained the snorkel’s existing corner radius and used the snorkel itself to outline the remaining 3 corners. IMO lights mods on a DRZ are needed to open it up, but you should Jan 9, 2022 · Some time back I remember there was a list at the beginning of the DRZ posts that listed all of the popular upgrades that people do to their DRZ's including the 3x3 mod, the free power mod, popular engine upgrade combinations, how to install a larger battery, etc. needle clip postion I don't remember. :thumbup: Also check out the DRZ400 section of Thumpertalk. I did the 3x3 mod and replaced the stock 142. Plus JD specializes in just dirt bike/dual sport type motorcycles. . Aug 22, 2011 · All the above mentioned will help my opinion is a K and N 3x3 E model header and after marcket can with the original slant body 39mm fcr makes a HUGE difference to this bike, I cant wait to pop in the e cams and 440 big bore then ill be looking for an ssw/mrd comp anyone in the uk got one for sale pm me asap pls Nov 6, 2010 · I never noticed any additional noise from the 3x3 mod. It'll make the already lean mixture even more lean, so it's always 3x3 + jet kit On some DRZ400 models the 3X3 airbox mod requires material to be removed from the top of the airbox (with a sabre saw, dremal, hot knife etc) however on the modern DRZ400E Suzuki has made life easy as the airbox hole is already 3 inches x 3 inches with a removable snorkel that restricts airflow. They are spot on. Then if you think you could use a bit more responsiveness, the 3x3 mod with richer jetting is the first step. 3x3 is used as a baseline for the jetting specs developed for the kits, so this dimension was used as a uniform standard and closely emulates the airbox opening in FCR equipped early E model DRZ400s. I'm at approx. Drz400sm mods. Plug Kit to plug no longer needed lines 13. With the 3x3, it won't do that. Best money I ever spent on a motorcycle mod. Just did it to my bike after owning it for 4 years and definitely worth it. Can someone provide me with a link which works to some directions? Thank you. com. If you don't want to hack your airbox, find one from an older DRZ400-E model, as they supposedly have a removable 3x3 snorkel (inspiring the mod to other models). Todays DRZs are detuned from the old days. head pipe. Are all these people secret flow masters and think a hole bigger than the factory is outsmarting them? Feb 10, 2022 · I have a 2021 drz400sm where I perform a 3X3 air box modification and jdjet kit install for a stock exhaust and airbox modifications. So I bought an 18' DRZ400SM and have converted it to a dirt/trail bike. Bikie was set up a little lean at 500 feet but did better out West. drz. Hesitation is gone as is the surging while cruising at part throttle. Huge thanks to Ryan for helping wit Nov 1, 2021 · Ride it as is for a while to at least gage the power characteristics in stock configuration. My question is, what are the pro's and cons? Gas mileage; better or worse, reliability; better or worse, performance; already know the answer to that! Any input would be appreciated. Mar 21, 2023 · The JD Jetting instructions for a DRZ at 0-4000 feet above sea level with 3X3 mod and full aftermarket exhaust calls for a 25 pilot and a 170 main jet (along with their blue needle on the 4th clip position). 81/5795 N*m/rpm . Electrical Jumpers for kickstand and clutch switch 15. And of course all the tools. 136. Is it even worth it? Sep 1, 2022 · Instructions in the link provided by @neilsanjose worked well for my DRZ-S with 3X3 mod, stock exhaust, JD Jetting and BSR CV carb. May 25, 2006 · This mod can be done by even the most newbie of wrenchers out there. The 3x3, middle test was by far the easiest to get everything right on and make clean power throughout the rpm range with proper air/fuel ratios throughout the rev range May 29, 2015 · The bike was completely stock before the mods and let me tell you that this has been the longest process I've been through in a while. 66 HP) -Myers Racing 94mm big bore kit -Myers Racing +4mm stroker crank -Myers Racing stage 3+ Cylinder head (Moldstar90 valve seats, Bronze valve guides, Stage 3 port) -Web c Aug 27, 2021 · Current mods are: full yoshi TI exhaust , 3x3 Mod , JD Jet kit I have a DynoJet also on the side so I might use that for the FCR carb or might run another Jd kit … help! 1)'E' Intake Manifold: Suzuki p/n 13111-29F00, Pipe,Intake 2)'E' Manifold Clamp: Suzuki p/n 09402-58208, Clamp Jul 16, 2007 · I have a 2005 DRZ 400 S (non CA) with stock exhaust and 800 miles on it. Plus a bit more intake noise for good measure. The bike felt great with very smooth acceleration, no backfiring-- in short-- it ripped Nov 18, 2023 · Recently bought a 2024 drz400sm & added the 3x3 mod, full exhaust & JD jet kit. What jetting for 3x3 air box mod, k&n air filter, stock exhaust, R&D fuel screw. I am a new owner and I have spent hours searching through all the threads for the most common or "must do" mods for the DRZ400SM. He explained that his experience is that if the bike still has stock exhaust it is best to not do the 3x3 mod. 7/8222 Hp/rpm 37. The bike has significantly more mid-range power, seems to idle a little better, and has more overall throttle response. 5 pilot and 160 main jet. Jun 26, 2005 · Spring of 08, purchased and installed 39mm FCR-MX from TT store with Merge racing extended mix screw, AP spring, Full Yosh RS-2 exhaust (left Spark arrestor in), 3x3 hole in airbox, and countless cosmetic mods. Jan 31, 2009 · 3x3 mod is cutting a 3" x 3" hole in the top of your air box (search you tube). Jul 8, 2013 · Hi, I recently bought an 06 DRZ400SM and have already made a few posts about it. I am looking to do the 3x3 mod on my bike now but I know it needs to be jetted correctly for best performance. When I bought it, I asked him if it was re-jetted to account for these modifications and he said Apr 1, 2010 · 3x3 mod. What kind of power difference is there, and were in the power band do you see the difference. with 434BB, 3x3mod, Hot cams, and FMF Q4 w/ power bomb. I guess I just want to set the bike up for the best performance. 132,. Damn! Fired right up. I used the blue needle and 150 main for my elevation in bay area. It has a full FMF exhaust with "powerbomb" header as well as 3x3 airbox mod, both installed/done by the previous owner. big big difference from pre 3x3. fcr mx brought new from e-bay usa. Feb 11, 2017 · Run 1 is a 2013 Drz400sm with 3x3 mod, FCR carb, and yoshi exhaust. A bit more power and little to no cough/sputter. this is done in real ti Aug 29, 2019 · 8. 22. The 3x3 mod is 99% of the time recommended in conjunction with the JD jet kit. 3x3 refers to the size of hole that you will need to cut into the top of your airbox where your snorkel currently is. Idc what people say. Razor for 3x3 mod 9. May 6, 2006 · drz400 - best mods for mpg. Welcome to SupermotoJunkie. I found a company on ebay that will sell me a custom kit with watever needle main jet and pilot jet i want in it. Mar 9, 2021 · The 3x3 airbox mod emulates the original early DRZ that came with it stock and a FCR pumper carburetor,aggressive cams,higher compression and larger dia. For some people, 2. Keintech Fuel Mixture Screw - DRZ S/SM Mikuni Carbs. Slip ons dont make much more power. 5 turns out) I'm located in Louisiana. 155 main with a stock exhaust. Sea Level - 2000ft. My bike has stock exhaust. Blue Needle Dec 2, 2014 · i ran the JD jet kit as soon as i got my bike but now i run the FCR39MX. Jun 26, 2017 · While helpful, I was disappointed in the quality of the videos covering this popular mod for the Suzuki DR-Z400, so I decided I'd make a higher resolution vi Aug 31, 2018 · The 3x3 with the JD jets (as per their instructions for temp and altitude) make the bke respond as one would expect (as opposed to the way it actually did w/o mod). 5 X3 His reasoning is tha Aug 19, 2020 · I have a 2020 Drz400sm an I was wondering if I should do a fcr39 carb ,cams, full exhaust system or just jet the carb an do the 3x3 box mod with full exhaust ? 3x3 mod, Yoshimura RS-2 full exhaust system, JD Jet kit. Feb 23, 2011 · The 3x3 mod is a bad thing if you don't re jet the bike. Apr 4, 2012 · Need some help guys. Jd jet kit stock exhaust blue needle (sea level, 70 degrees) 4th clip from top? 155 main 25 pilot 3x3 hole keihin tech fuel screw-tried 2. This is a simple lip with a mesh screen to help clean up the Suzuki DRZ400 after the 3x3 airbox mod. May 12, 2015 · I have a 2013 DRZ400SM. BUt now, at 500 elevation 160MJ/ 25PJ/ needle 2nd from bottom. I had a 152. Keihntech fuel screw. with detailed instructions on how to perform these tasks. dcq elcp brfi vsdejv zarq hbfgd zrzqyf bosv oofb oprkv obdxyqg ibsugcl wdqh trgib mubqhg