Dos2 rogue build lone wolf I decided to try Mordread's Lone Wolf mod which gives you an extra action and BA, extra spell slots and sorc points, and gives you 20 levels rather than 12 (although ★ Necromancer Build recommended for Elf, Human (or Undead). It felt less tedious. Feb 10, 2018 · ★ Battlemage Build for any origins. There are a few builds that work in LW but not so well in 4man well as the other way around. for the dmg it's only for the base damage. Is there any viable dagger build WITHOUT LONE WOLF? While the glass cannon archer can deal 9/10 critical hits with damage from 3 to 7k, while the glass cannon Fein-aeromage with apotheosis can cast only one thunderstorm or chain light or superconductor out of 2 available casts in 3 simultaneous turns, can to kill an entire army, while glass cannon hydro-geo-retribution tank can solo kill Oct 14, 2017 · Lone Wolf – This is the obvious Talent here, and what makes the Lone Wolf Build possible. You don't really need an big number of skills, but the ones you should prioritize are: The problem is, late game builds (without Lone Wolf) can all reach 100% Crit chance, and there's nothing that is absolutely irreplaceable about Rogue, and they don't get any special treats Basically, a Two-Handed build in late game simply outperforms Rogues in nearly every way: High mobility (because everyone has mobility spells at this point Lone Wolf makes the game much easier (less inventory management stuff) so I'd run that I think a custom character + companion Fane would be good, since dome is good for pretty much any fight and Fane's time warp is the best origin character source skill imo Fun Rogue Builds? DOS2 Discussion Hey Bois, i started a new 4 Player run with my pals and got assigned the role of meelee dd. Posted by u/Firescue42 - 5 votes and 7 comments You dont need specific build guides, just keep in mind for dual dagger rogues that they'll auto crit and therefore dont need wits so everything can go into finese and memory, warfare increases all physical damage, scoundral increases all crit damage, dual wield will increase damage and dodge, check out skill books at vendors and if you see something you think will work well then pick a couple Rogue's Damage output doesn't scale as well in Lone Wolf as 4man due to the diminishing value of free Backstab Crits. http Invest in Finesse and Wits to go first. Once that's done, get either Necro up OR Dual Wielding. If you want to build a battle mage lone wolf is the way to go. Gimme a sec, looking. They’re super powerful and my favorite pairing. Thanks again for taking the time to read this. Paired with a crossbow with points in warfare and summoning character, I am playing another lone wolf character with warfare/Necro and 2 points in huntsman and 3 in scoundrel for rogue abilities and backstabbing dual daggers. I’ve tried out a lone wolf Fane / Lohse duo (Fane using all magics, Lohse summoning / archer) but have read that lone wolf got nerfed in the definitive edition. • Monster Scaling +2: enemies are always 2 levels above player. Necro and a rogue/assassin type, or any physical based build. When you're in the character creator, you can listen to the character backstories. Hi, my friend and I playing a campaign in Normal difficulty as Lone Wolfes. Scoundrel with a little Aero dip for teleportation and repositioning will be more than you need for a Lone Wolf. That is highly subjective. A lone wolf air mage can pretty much one shot entire fights, with anything that survived being stunned. Assassin – Rogue/Ranger Build. So i wondering if there are any fun Lone Wolf mage builds cause I tend to prefer magic in games like this. I picked these two, bec on my previous run I went with the other four origón characters. I recommend Necro, because later on you will have max Fin and Wi Bloodmage is top for sure, S+++ tier. If you aren't, why cram both aspects into one character? Why not have a dual dagger character and then another character who is a summoner? (he not lone wolfing think you know this in case not he said he not (Non lonewolf. g: LW → Glass Cannon, you won't need 2 Aero or 2 Necromancer if there are others in party who can do it for the rogue. 2H fighter on lone wolf can solo the game, so basically you can play anything you want. I'm prob a bit late but what exactly are your current builds? I can prob save your playthrough if you give me loads of info. Feel free to turn Parry Master into Lone Wolf if duoing. Oct 26, 2017 · Lone Wolf – This is the obvious Talent here, and what makes the Lone Wolf Build possible. Talents: Lone Wolf, Executioner, Savage Sortilege, Torturer (apply Burning through magic armor to lower enemy Fire resistance), Hothead. As for gear, best Finesse gear I can find and dual daggers. I can kill 4 enemies with 2 players 50% faster than with 4. Get 4 points in Scoundrel and Huntsman first, then max Warfare, then Max Scoundrel, then max Dual Wielding and Ranged. Even if you go with 2H and a Sword&Board, they still compete for armor and play quite similar in combat. Spellblade – Hybrid Damage Dealer. A Lone Wolf in act 4 should have their single base damage attribute capped, as well as wits, and should be at or near 100% crit chance. In some ways lone wolf is easier than 4 man party. You essentially just try to squeeze more damage multipliers, add some utility or splash another school that compliments the build. Gear: any good fire staff for a weapon, anything that boosts your Int / Wits. Check Sin Tee's solo Ranger and solo Knight lone wolf builds. Each build type usually gets its power boosts from 2-3 abilities and the attribute points. the rogues remain more powerful because his skills are better for damages and more numerous. My first stab at lone wolf, and so far it’s great. Necromancer seems to be a crowd favorite. You'll see more of the story and you get to play around with more abilities. Good call with ranger Sebille due to flesh sacrifice and bloody arrows. Without Lone wolf: Yes, although it's hard if you don't know what you're doing. I think that a rogue could be an interesting place for Hydro support, but I wouldn't rely on the ice skills for damage whatsoever. As people have mentioned, various stats have soft caps (eg. Dagger + Bow + Lone Wolf is pretty viable in even tactician run, but without a lone wolf it can get tough. Mages by end game are broken OP, air mages in particular and even more so with lone wolf. Is Necro a good choice for a secondary at this level? I'd go 4-man party. Pick up a level of Poly for Chameleon Cloak, and then a level of Warfare for Hammering Blow and Battering Ram. We don't exactly have any experience though having just like made it to and messed around in the Fort for a bit while playing in a larger group like over a year ago. can't level spell trees or weapon skills beyond 10 (5-LW), or attributes beyond 40 (20-LW), but your gear and/or consumables can I really like both character but Lohse does have some more unique story aspects. Fane can be a hobo and just 1shot everyone with all the empty barrels inside barrels inside a chest Jul 25, 2014 · Hey guys, I need some help and feedback on my next character build that I want to try. Strutting around Fort Joy i have so far used the classic Backlash/Chicken/Rupture Tendons combo. (Tactical retreat (when using time warp) costs 0ap and gains one next t 🔻 9:30 to 15:35 is muted because of copyright claims. Personally I only play Lone Wolf, mostly because I find managing and building 4 characters to much of a chore. I’ve gone for the magic heavy side as previously went melee heavy and struggled to manage large crowds in some fights. Edit: I just turned on the game, took a character my friend made on his first time with a little guidance from me, removed the lone wolf talent for glass cannon, and picked a fight with the enemy with the most physical armor nearby He did 9K damage which is more then enough to knock them down. ) And reason Because he wants to and can? Oct 20, 2017 · D4 Rogue Build: Marksman (Lvl 70+) ♦️ See ALL DOS2 Guides With a Lone Wolf build I found it more effective to go full-offensive and secondary-spec . W. if you're lone wolf you're right for the crit. Main Stat: Finesse Jan 1, 2018 · ★ Archer Build recommended for Elf, Human (or Undead). Rangers don't have many good source options until much later and wolf is decently tanky, even without any points in summoning, plus has a taunt skill, so it's decent It's weak compared to any build you can name that doesn't come from Fextralife, because literally any focused build are OTK builds. He guides you through what skills to grab and what kind of playstyle to go for. Lone Wolf makes the game much easier, especially for the first 2/3s of the game. Lone Wolf makes the game so easy, it won’t even matter. Much easier to gear. The other lone Wolf wants summoning. The good news as well is that rogue has good synergy with some warfare moves The Crafting Overhall mod allows you to build a physical staff that uses Int for the base. I had Fane as a rogue. An Aero + Rogue for instance works in LW but no so much 4man same with Necro + Rogue. Rogue Archer Necromancer Making 2 distinct Warrior type builds isn't that much of a good idea. Archer are fantastic on teams as they can adjust to full magic or just go full phys dmg. Look out for chest / head / amulet with +FIN +Warfare or +Scoundrel, Belts have rare RNG rolls to have Dual-Wielding opt on them so keep an eye out. You could play a pure support class if you wanted to and wanted to not fight at all, but that seems boring. You could pick any class you wanted, then change it all to fit this build. If you want lone wolf again go melee and range and physical damage. The duo are insanely powerful physically, and lack slightly in magical damage. Executioner - +2AP each turn for a kill is great value. ♦ My other works: • Solo Archer Series: link • All Solo Builds: link • Honour Walkthrough: link ♦ Difficulty Mods used to make the fights more challenging: • Divine Scaling +2: enemies are 2 levels above player. If you wanted to go magic then you should use a staff for the 2H critical bonus. I have not put them in any particular order. Double Lone Wolf. IMO you should just try and eventually respec your points into one approach. ♦ My other works: • Solo Battlemage Series: link • All Solo Builds: link • Honour Walkthrough: link ♦ Difficulty Mods used to make the fights more challenging: • Monster Scaling: enemies scale up to player level. You're better off killing enemies before they have a chance to hurt you I'd make Fane my theif if I were you. This build is meant for solo experience as a Lone Wolf. Solo : Aero/Hydro Pyro/Geo Aero/hydro/pyro/geo/POLY 5 Duo Aero/pyro + hydro/geo best duo Team Aero Hydro Hydro/geo Aero/Warfare staff Pyro Geo Hydro/geo Pyro/Warfare staff or dual weapons Aero Hydro Pyro Geo Summonner Summonner Summonner Leader hydro pure. Warriors are better for aoe dmg but rogues can use a part See full list on fextralife. Can't say why, but I decided to go totally solo, on lone wolf. -----All that said, if magic isn't your cup of tea, I'd recommend either a Rogue or an Archer. Especially on lone wolf, during act two you’ll be able to cheese most of your fights, regardless of tour class style I'm really enjoying two physical characters. My question is what should I pick next to summoning on beast. Nov 14, 2017 · We'll take a look at a heavily hybridized Lone Wolf (solo) Rogue in Divinity: Original Sin 2, putting her in a battle we've done with a full party in the pas The Definitive Edition has changed the way Lone Wolf works, because you can now no longer pump Attributes past 40 with Attribute Points, and you cannot increase Combat Abilities past 10 with Ability Points. Have 2 points in Aerotheurge for Uncanny Evasion, Nether Swap and Teleport, 1 in Polymorph for Chameleon Cloak, enough in Scoundrel to get the skills you need, the rest into Warfare for damage. I go with lone wolf, my maine as Sebille rogue, and I joined up with Beast who is a summoner. I highly recommend the Assassin - Rogue/Ranger and Elementalist- Mage builds from Fextra-Life. You want a melee and a range for physical and 2mages to work together. Tactician builds, 2 party lone wolf DOS2 Help I’m going for 100% in the game, but am not quite ready for honor mode. Don't bother with much intelligence or extra Aero. Im running a necro caster and dual wield rogue in my current honor run and i feel like the dual wield rogue is a very underrated secondary LW character. By the time I got to the Nameless Isle and Arx, my Fane Pyro/Geo Wizard could wipe the entire battle field in one turn in most battles, so my RP sparks Wizard didn't get a whole lot of use late game, but that seems to be the case in most duo lone wolf builds. 2 lone wolf party. The value of a Rogue in Lone Wolf becomes more about their versatility. Not likley. Aug 25, 2019 · Talents: Lone Wolf, Pawn, Picture of health, Living armour Weapons: Start two daggers, switch to dagger + shield just over halfway. When I lone wolf I like to have one ranged character (Archer or magic user) and one close range character. The game moves faster and easier to build effective Hunstman is one of the easiest to build, especially with the lone wolf talent. Aug 17, 2020 · If you're playing lone wolf, the rogue summoner build will work fine. Both options are fine, though. On lone wolf anything can work but warfare/hydro doesn't have much synergy on it's own. As you probably already know, the classes don’t really mean anything — so there’s no “best class” for the Lone Wolf player if you customize your abilities, skills, and talents out of the class presets. , but you also have way more freedom and leeway with how you build. New to DOS2 Started my first run through Act 1 with a 2H Warrior and picking up Ifan as a Ranger. He is a Two-Handed Warrior. Worth slotting on almost every build in the game. Oct 16, 2017 · Divinity 2 Builds Guide for the Duelist - Rogue. I don’t like playing lone wolf duos because lone wolf is the most fun in solo, but in terms of duos that work, I find that retribution warrior + necromancer works incredibly well. Finesse and more Finesse, you don't need to tank damage when a single shot can kill or CC your enemies. Stormchaser - pure aerotheurge, close range caster. I’m debating running that or a necro build for my honour mode play through. Tactician and Honor mode, that's another story . If you do know what you're doing, it's hard on early-midgame until you get the ability to steamroll every encounter. Lone Wolf is overpowered for letting you use two party members. This build is meant for solo experience as a Lone W Sep 21, 2017 · Best Abilities for a Lone Wolf Build. com/sharedfiles Nov 5, 2017 · Hi everyone! I recently finished the game on classic and decided to start a new one on tactitian. Sep 16, 2017 · Double Rogue with lone wolf breaks tactitian mode after you leave fort joy. Has enough CC to grind out damage, plus the two best non-buildaround 3 Source in Thunderstorm and Pyroclastic. In lone wolf a warrior will be better since they will also get enough points to accumulate a lot of crit chance, but in a regular 4 person party I find the rogue excels at taking out high value targets with the ability to guarantee critical hits. It was rough but i made it through. Was the weakest character in act 1. For a straight warrior you’ll max out strength and warfare by level 10 if that’s all you put your points in. The Assassin is a hybrid Rogue & Ranger Build that uses Daggers and Bows to deal massive damage to its enemies. Because players are more inclined to Duel Wield when playing a rogue-like character (with Daggers ) there is a natural synergy here with the Talent Parry Master which increases Dodging by 10% when Duel Wielding . Anyhow I'll get into my build specifically and no I don't have a fancy name for it. For those that may have wondered, yes its still possible to play Solo lone wolf but there are certain builds I would advise against. Playing as Lohse. In our previous campaign (in DOS2) I played as an Elementalist Mage so I did not want to play as a Mage again, thus I decided to create a Rogue. The pros are it has massive single target damage when you can backstab, incredibly mobile as it has Vault and Mobility skills and scoundrel increasing movement. When you reach around level 14 to 15, I usually start to find the battles very boring as the team gets too strong, especially, if you are playing as a physical party like a 2 hands necro warrior and a ranger. ie A STR 2h or Dual wield Fighter will endgame at 90%+ Crit chance. Gladial Guardian - hydrosophist/summoner, long range caster. Best lone wolf builds are probably 2hand knight, necro/physical mage, ranger It's just because they have the most skill trees they can dip into to gain multiplicative damage increases. you are on lone wolf, and every bulid in this game is kidna designed around pumping points into a "damage" skill, say warfare for physical or pyro for fire spells. I’m going for one last RP run, where I hit I'll answer for "solo lone wolf" : that depends on the difficulty. In classic mode, Fort Joy will be easy if you pick good skills, then as long you have good physic and magic armor to not be stunned to death you're fine. My first playthrough was 2 lone wolf mages on honour difficulty mode and while it was tough in the beginning, the end game was pretty easy tbh. However I really want to just focus on the interaction I picked this game up and played around with builds for a little bit, but I think I wanna settle for a rogue. But if you have one rogue or archer you should be good. I tried researching the information online, but it seems vague at best. I hope everyone has a good new year's. If I were running that build, I would only take enough Hydro to learn Restoration, Armor of Frost, and Soothing Cold early on. ♦ My other works: • Solo Necromancer Series: link • All Solo Builds: link • Honour Walkthrough: link ♦ Difficulty Mods used to make the fights more challenging: • Divine Scaling +2: enemies are 2 levels above player. Executioner – This Talent is just so damn good with this Build. If you are to bring this in a 4 man, you are going to do some tweaks on your own e. Have fun and experiment! That's being said, this build is meant for Lone Wolf. I want to give hydro/aero a shot because it looks really fun. Any build can be overpowered. May 18, 2018 · Even tie between element mage and 2 handed warrior (one takes AoE and the other wins with single target), then rogue then ranger and lastly summoner. Not all of sin tee's guides has been updated to DE unfortunately, but guide is still relevant. The following Talents are worth considering. Plus hydro isn't all that amazing as a stand alone element due to it's low damage. My first was a pyro/geo Fane, however it was on classic. ★ Night Fury (Rogue) - Honour Build ★↓↓↓ Time stamps & more informations below ↓↓↓ ♦ Detailed Written Guide: https://steamcommunity. Due to the Nerf lone wolf got, around end game lone wolf characters will be more or less equal to normal builds if you don't plan right. Just starting out with two lone wolf builds that I got from Fextralife, adapted for my own use. I would like advice on what the summiner should build into. Personally I enjoy lone wolf more than the standard 4 man party. With Lone wolf: Yes, it's much easier than with a 4-man group. it added a ton of flavor and interesting build combinations while also making the game feel a bit smoother - easier to control 2 characters than 4. Just go Lone Wolf for your first perk and get The Pawn second. I really really like that build especially with Lone Wolf. Players using this sort of Build will use Scoundrel Skills and utilize the Dodge mechanic to avoid being str For a lone-wolf, purely physical two handed crit build, you'd definitely want to max it out along with warfare. The best use/ build I've found for Ifan's wolf is just doing the standard Finesse ranger build on Ifan and Pre- summoning Wolf at the start of combat , to sort of protect Ifan. I’m fine on combat and how those work, but my only full playthrough was on Fane solo. Put a point in Geo for Fortify (maybe two if you want Worm Tremor), a point in Fire for Peace of Mind, two points in Scoundrel for Cloak and Dagger + Adrenaline. Part II – Lone Wolf Builds 1. Constitution is often pretty weak on any build since armor is what prevents CC and most lone wolf builds kill fast enough not to take much damage in return. Tbh with lone wolf you are better off focusing on damage than wasting AP on healing skills. I will not be discussing Lone Wolf but of course if you are doing a Lone Wolf playthrough, you should prioritize that Talent. 2hander Warrior didnt seem to do much damage and was thinking of making Ifan a rogue type. When it comes to Divinity you have a great amount of options, as for best build, unless you are looking to cheese each and every act where you one shot any and everything, there is no “best build” just play what you think is fun, but there is min/max potential in this game. If you're going Lone Wolf, you'd spend the points like this: Max Scoundrel, Warfare, Dual Wielding and ranged, put the rest in Huntsman. Most builds really only need like 20 memory, all the extra memory probably translates into going absolutely ham on source skills. I managed to get off the ship using a Scoundrel + Necro (for lifesteal and Blood Sucker) build with max Finesse, but I haven't progressed beyond that yet. This build is also quite flexible so you’re free to use ambidextrous – often, you’ll find yourself with not much to cast so scrolls will come to your rescue. Playing as Beast. Edit- Okay, I would say start getting Scoundrel to 10. Going to run a lone wolf duo, curious which 2 characters would have the most interesting story interactions together or barring them having that with each other, which 2 would give the most content through ought the world. A friend and I are gonna be playing together and using Lone Wolf. Lone wolves can be multiple/hybrid classes pretty well. Also, once you get to act 2 you can respec if you don't like anything, and with how this game works damage is king, so healing isn't perfect but the aero for mobility and pyro for Necro and Summon go very well together, and Bone Widow is a beast of a pet that will help immensely - especially in Lone Wolf, every extra body on the field helps - and it has Opportunist by default, to help it keep choke points or bash enemies going by it. com Dec 18, 2017 · ★ Rogue Build for Fane or any Elf. Opportunist – As with all melee Builds, this one Talent drastically increases your damage output, so take this one immediately after Lone Wolf. I’ve beaten the game with a 4 man party and with a lone wolf play through and I enjoyed the lone wolf much more. With 2. That build was most fun mid game. I'm doing a solo build with it and I'm having a blast. So hybrid builds become viable. You’ll get 2 extra AP nearly every round because you are that strong. Certain builds are better suited for L. One using hydro for the healing while trying to be a back line mage. Yeah, though I'm not sure how good it is with a 4 person party since that's 6 skill points to get them all, 2 of which are kind of wasted as melee, and you have more people to spread around and lock enemies down, but having all 3 does make Lone Wolf a lot more fun. I’m not a fan of micromanagement and dealing with less party members makes it easier for me to focus on the part of the game I enjoy. After our first run we have realized that combat is much more harder and Jan 22, 2019 · In this video, we'll try to answer everything you need to know about the Lone Wolf builds in general and learn how to make our builds here in the channel int May 2, 2023 · Despite being new to DOS2, I went with 2-man Lone Wolf for my first run (which is still ongoing) -- mostly because I prefer a more tight-knit experience. Necro Lone Wolf with Hydro, Pyro and a little bit of others just for skills plus item bonuses is very op once you get more skills. You can wipe the floor with nearly every enemy. You best start as Fane or any Elf for this build. You can't really make 2 distinct builds without actively choosing to not to optimize one of them, just so that their build can be different. Also different strategies are possible. I don't have to worry about nuking my own guys or enemy resistances. Including summoner if you know how to build. two handed is one of the only ways to improve your attack damage with a staff outside of intelligence and your elemental school of choice. If you want to try an interesting alternative, Lone Wolf makes it possible to instead play hybrids such as: Character builds open up because you can build 2 in 1. It makes the game very easy and very boring. Gaia Rogue Solo Lone Wolf Hybrid Build by @vietfox8751 Full build in the beginning of the video, then build up until level 16 near the end of the video. I’ve generally found good use pairing any teammate with an archer. With rogue I’d say second character can be a warrior with two-handed weapon, although it would be pretty difficult without a ranged character. Was the strongest by far in 3 and 4. Let’s jump into this Build and see just how it works. So for the first half of the game, play as a dual wield dagger rogue, then in the second-half switch to dagger and shield necro-tank. In terms of build in 4 man go 2 magic and 2 physical. Pairs well would be any physical damage class, rogue, ranger, necromancer, dual wielder, spear user, sword and board. A pure rogue build is incredibly good in terms of damage and adrenaline is one of the best skills in the entire game. That’s gonna be especially true for the leadership build. But didnt get good synergy from the two. From there, you can cap Scoundrel regardless of your build for even more crit damage. Take this one whenever you are ready to make the jump to Lone Wolf. On average a normal end game character will reach level 21 meaning you'll be able to max out 2 abilities, gear excluded. I’m going two handed beast and ranger ifan both lone wolf for my tactician play through. That was my first character as well, and with a little tactical cheese, you can roflstomp the whole game. How should I build the character? Stat distribution, talents, civil? My finesse is maxed, and currently with my memory I have more than enough slots. However, if your want to make some flavor build, I see no objections. I have played a classic run with a four person party and another with two lone wolf and both are really fun but lone wolf does kind of trivialize the game. Take it early and don’t ever unslot it. Personally I’d go with either: a ranger build if you wanna keep your distance, 2H necro/warfare for something “tanky,” or a rogue with high mobility to steer clear of your buddy’s aoe spells. Does anyone have tips for making it easier to get through Act 1 on Tactician? I am playing single-player and want a Lone Wolf build. Skills (marked the mastery they are from for convenience. For now I pumped int, with hydro support in mind Feb 22, 2019 · I'd probably do Air/Water as my primary skills. Like for the melee knight you can max warfare, 2hand skill, scoundrel, and polymorph and all will passively increase your base damage Would two elemental mage builds based around apotheosis work? Is a ranger/rogue pair viable? Two 2h users? Two summoners who let their incarnates do all the talking? Edit: Thank you to everyone who provided names and builds, I kind of want to try everything lol. Do this for both of your rogues, Then, you simply needed to pump Finesse and max Scoundrel. (besides meme-builds like unstable suicide bomber or chest+telekinesis) It'll get to a point mid-game where you stomp everything. I loved Lone Wolf mode in DOS2. Oct 9, 2017 · Duelist – Rogue Build The Duelist is a high risk, high reward Build whereby the character focuses on high damage and Dodging . Here’s some advice for lone wolf / advice in general. Oct 27, 2017 · In this Build Guide were going to cover the Lone Wolf Build: Assassin. It's just way more fun. In any case I have been playing for about 15 hours and I played a full mage (all 5 schools) and a 2-handed warrior and the 2 companions that you get and everything is going good. It's also great for melee staff builds because warfare is useless for those. . Nov 4, 2019 · But if I, for some sad reason, couldn't play Lone Wolf as Pyro my runner-up choice would be a Geo with Aero support. I ended up respecing him into an Archer with a 50% crit chance late game to utterly shit on everything with ongoing damage and give lots of mobility skills. it's really difficult with only one character, even with Lone wolf. Dos2 os excellent in this way for builds. This could let you do a witch/poly/warfare/2h build that uses a lot of melee skills as well. Sure you can make it work if you are good at strategy games, but same could be said of a full CON meme damage over time build. Just use it to get those backstab crits on your weapon skills. Solo Fane lone wolf is arguably better than a full regular party, and getting a second member to assist you by staying out of combat and reviving Fane when he dies makes Honour Mode surprisingly easy. For instance play dead You could with 4 undead but. You get the strongest and most reliable CC from those, plus a bunch of other important skills like Armor of Frost, Teleport, Uncanny Evasion, etc. The game progresses faster. After that, Wits to ensure you go first and you can crit consistently. Dec 4, 2024 · I've played both 4 men and Lone Wolf builds several times, but I don't really think Lone Wolf is only strong in the early or midgame. hzexjhm jxi urixix caz qxbyq gcgfn tfzu qxbnc slvue gqfb wwa nqik fbxh ksxgq pvqmyeor