Chopin ternary form All but three of Chopin's 21 nocturnes are in ternary form. pub else. com/Structure. , What are two melodic exceptions to the chordal, homorhythmic accompaniment of section A? and others. The second section of a ternary form, usually referred to as the B section, is expected to provide contrast with the A section that Chopin Structure - Free download as PDF File (. I love how Chopin uses the mazurka as a vehicle for such original music. 17, no. Since we have a full B section as well as the full recapitulation of the A section, this piece is definately ternary. Because of this, it is usually written as ABA. Oct 11, 2024 · An etude from Op. Contrasting Characteristics of B. , Which of the following describes the texture of Chopin's Polonaise? and more. B Minor. 2 TERNARY Chopin. Ternary form can also be called song form. 3 does this by portraying elements of mystery and tense characteristics with the use of extreme dynamics and the two defining sections. Here are further explanations. The piece is in ternary form (A-B-A1), with contrasting sections and changes in tempo, rhythm, texture, and dynamics. They offer a distinct, melancholic melody that floats over broken chords and arpeggios played using the left hand. 10 featuring double-note playing for the right hand. Here is a more detailed form diagram: It features a ternary form of its own, with a(n) 'a' theme followed by a(n) 'b' theme, and then finally a restatement of the 'a' theme. txt) or read online for free. 15 No. The second section of a ternary form, usually referred to as the B section, is expected to provide contrast with the A section that Jul 16, 2023 · 24. Henry_parsons_sauce. Following on from the idea that binary comprises two distinct sections of music, in ternary form, the first section returns to end the piece. pdf), Text File (. More complex pieces such as Chopin's ''Polonaise in A Major'' is also written in Chopin's Nocturne Op. The Chopin nocturnes consist of 21 pieces for solo piano written by Frédéric Chopin between 1827 and 1846. Prominent examples include the da capo aria "The trumpet shall sound" from Handel 's Messiah, Chopin 's Prelude in D-Flat Major "Raindrop", (Op. It starts with an eight measure phrase based on a simple harmonic progression. Chopin's fourth nocturne is in simple ternary form (A–B–A). Sep 10, 2020 · The waltz is in the key of D-flat major and has a tempo marking of molto vivace (very lively). Dec 30, 2009 · Within this melody, one can almost imagine the beautiful architecture of the city as it passes by or of two lovers floating peacefully down the river. 1: Binary and Ternary Form is shared under a GNU Free Documentation License 1. 13 in F# major is in ternary form. The initial arresting figuration leads into the passionate and expressive main melody . 1) is a good example of a compound ternary form. The concluding section is not only unrelated thematically to the opening one but in a different key (F major). So let's take a look at the simple Ternary form, sometimes called song form, is a three-part musical form where the first section (A) is repeated after the second section (B) ends. , T/F: The Étude Op. Iirc, Chopin's ballades are in Rounded Ternary form, except the 4th, which is more of a sonata form? Edit: after trying to brush up a little briefly, I suppose just Ternary was the term I was looking for, not "rounded ternary. Prelude No. RaphGeld on February 09, 2016: Thanks so much, music essay is now finished! Geek on May 13 Oct 3, 2024 · Ternary form, sometimes called song form, is a three-part musical form where the first section (A) is repeated after the second section (B) ends. 1 in A♭ major, Op. Courtesy of Piano Society and Chris Breemer. Expanded Ternary Form Auxilliary Members Rounded Binary Form Incipient Three-Part Form Refrain Bridge Release Quaternary Form This chapter presents one of the most prevalent small homophonic forms in music. All four embody some variation of a tripartite form. In ternary form: The first section (A) presents a theme. The piece opens with a dramatic, almost menacing theme that leverages the lower and middle registers of the piano, setting a dark and tumultuous mood. The middle section in F minor, in great contrast to the outer themes, is fast and dramatic (Con fuoco) using a challenging double note texture in the right Chopin's polonaise in A major (Op. 40, No. Ternary form is usually diagrammed as ABA and is described as “statement, digression, restatement. Ternary Form is a type of musical form, called “ternary” because it deals with a base of three. Chopin's Prelude in D-Flat Major (Op. Examples include the de capo aria “The trumpet shall sound” from Handel’s Messiah , Chopin’s Prelude in D-Flat Major (Op. Musician's or Publisher's Notes. He gained and has maintained renown worldwide Apr 11, 2016 · Brahms approached the ballade in the same manner as he would many of the piano pieces of his last years—i. So let's take a look at the simple Like two of the three nocturnes from the previous set (Op. With the dances, Chopin transformed them into compelling concert miniatures; with the nocturne, he raised it to a level of artistry far beyond the Fieldian prototype and wrung from it emotions of peaceful serenity and poignant melancholy. Al-though the two-part examples presented in Chapter 16 were based on similar materials that united the two sections (a characteristic that Topics: Binary form. Instead, Chopin employs a modified sonata form, allowing for a more extensive development of themes and motifs. Click the card to flip it 👆 chopin nocturne in e minor. However, there is a second middle section that makes me doubt the ternary form hypothesis. 81 and the use of internal repeat signs within the A and B sections. Se você escrever uma peça que toca duas seções separadas, seguido por uma repetição da primeira seção, então é mais provável em forma ternária. e. The Mazurka in G minor, placed second in the posthumous collection, is the last mazurka Chopin wrote. The first part of the middle section introduces chromaticism in the left-hand octave melody. Mar 11, 2023 · Generally, in a ternary form only one theme would be recapitulated. Form: The waltz follows a typical ternary form (ABA), where the A section presents a cheerful and spirited theme, and the B section contrasts with a more lyrical and expressive melody before returning to the initial theme. Preview. Match. As an example of Ternary form, I'd have to say the A section (m1-m44) is open because it begins in the key of Ab major only to modulate to the related key of c minor. The waltz was a foreign musical form to Polish-born Chopin. The Étude Op. Note that these are Nov 2, 2022 · What children's song it used ternary form? somewhere over the rainbow. Back to Contextual Listening: Form Ternary form, sometimes called song form, is a three-part musical form where the first section (A) is repeated after the second section (B) ends. Chopin uses an eighth note pattern in the left hand with two non-harmonic tones - marked in the first measures - repeated through the prelude adding harmonic interest: Robert Ståhlbrand, piano. Dec 27, 2013 · The work was published in January 1834, and was dedicated to Ferdinand Hiller. It is usually schematized as A–B–A. In this case, the first section A can be subdivided into three parts, section B into two: Robert Ståhlbrand, piano. PERIOD/PAGE COMPOSER COMPOSER CATEGORY COMPOSITION ANALYTIC TOPICS; Classical: Amalia, Anna: Female: Divertimento in Bb major (for Piano, Clarinet, Viola, Cello) Oct 21, 1990 · Recorded on 10/21/1990, uploaded on 03/21/2011. 4 days ago · Structurally, Chopin adheres to his typical ternary form (A-B-A-coda). Feb 25, 2024 · Ternary Form: Definition. The Impromptu is in ternary form (ABA), the middle being in the key of F minor. . Section B can often have contrasting key and tempo. The third nocturne of the set, in G minor, is one of Chopin's most famous. 28) and the opening chorus of Bach’s St John Passion . Let's see an example from Tchaikovsky. We now get to hear the piece in Ternary form; a form Chopin used quite frequently. In a drastic change of mood, the second mazurka shifts to the key of E minor. 1 is a masterful example of Romantic expressiveness, blending lyrical melancholy with dramatic intensity. 1, is noteworthy for its departure from the traditional ternary form commonly associated with nocturnes. Brahms’s ballades in this regard are less expansive as Chopin’s. The unusual form of Chopin's Prelude in B-flat major, op. Note the information on the score like the key-signature change in m. Ternary form It is important to think about how a repeated section can be reinterpreted in light of what has preceded it. Recording courtesy of Piano Society. Chopin: "Minute" Waltz. 4 days ago · Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The concept of form is associated with the following elements: A) Relationship and placement B) All of these options C) Shape and pattern D) Organization and structure, T/F: The term étude refers to pieces that are used to teach a particular technical skill to performers. 4 for an example of this. Ternary form (ABAB) What is the time signature of the Nocturne? Simple Quadruple Time. Form: Scherzo. Where a Binary form is often built around a process of exercising a or multiple small ideas around harmonic and modulatory structures, Ternary form is about larger ideas that Dr. OwO. SECTION A: B minor, very dramatic and agitated, in an extended ternary (ABABA) form. This is the final section of the polonaise, labeled A'. 27(Theme I m. Actually, I should probably be editing right now because it's due next period. The reference I make to ternary form here is its growing popularity as a form in the 19th century. Which of the following statements describe this excerpt from Chopin's Military Polonaise and which do not? 273 likes, 6 comments - kylelandrypiano on October 31, 2024: "The new Chopin Waltz but with a twist. [1] Although Chopin did not invent the nocturne, he popularized and expanded on it, building on the form developed by Irish composer John Sep 1, 2009 · Embodying a sort of rondo form instead of the more usual ternary design, this last mazurka is one of Chopin’s longest. Learn. (Jeffrey Kallberg has shown that the unfinished F minor Mazurka, op. 3 in E Major An etude from Op. Flashcards. This piece is a Ternary Form which consists of ABA’. 3 license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Robert Hutchinson via source content that was edited to the style and standards of the LibreTexts platform. 15 Analysis Beginning: The piece that I selected is Chopin Prelude Op. Yet only three of the twenty-four preludes in Chopin’s Op. Jul 29, 2015 · 3. " I was mixing it up with rounded binary. It is in simple ternary form. Sep 1, 2009 · A da capo repeat of the opening section rounds out the mazurka’s ternary form. Mar 17, 2021 · Moving from binary to ternary form, Nigel Scaife outlines the rich possibilities of an A-B-A structure with the help of a famous Prélude by Chopin In Part 10 we began to look at binary form, using a simple but charming minuet by Mozart as our illustration. Prelude 15 by Chopin is in compound ternary form. 12 in C minor by Frédéric Chopin is an example of 4) Three-part form, also known as ternary form. Taking a closer […] Ternary form, sometimes called song form, is a three-part musical form where the first section (A) is repeated after the second section (B) ends. 8/m. The variety offered by the dance-like form pushes Chopin to creative heights. 15 a ternary reprise form. 28, no. I thought at first, that this waltz by Chopin is in ternary form, like most dance pieces. Each group was required to identify the musical form of one test-piece and convey responses both through written notes and self-invented notations. 19 terms. It begins and ends with 4 identical measures and is in an overall ternary form. Interestingly, however, Chopin’s Nocturnes often implement subtle embellishments to each repetition of these A-themes. Chopin's Fourth Nocturne is in simple ternary form (A-B-A). A favorite form of Chopin’s, one he cultivated in many genres, was the ternary form, defined here as a three-part A I–B–A II design with a tonally closed first part. , the three-fold division of the ternary form. Chopin’s nocturnes are generally set in “A-B-A” (ternary form), although keys and meters may vary. / Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\): Mozart, Andante in E-flat major, K. Bach, Handel, Scarlatti, Couperin) or Classical composer (Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven) is more likely to be in rounded binary form, whereas a piece by a Romantic era composer (Schubert, Schumann, Chopin, Mendelssohn, and Brahms, among others) is more likely to be in ternary form. 15 is often called the ‘Raindrop’ Prelude due to the repeating A♭ notes that mimic the sound of raindrops. Nov 21, 2023 · The popular children's songs ''Twinkle Twinkle Little Star'' and ''Baa Baa Black Sheep'' are in the ternary form. The second section (B) contrasts with a different theme. After the A theme repeats, we move onto A piece by a Baroque composer (J. Love it!!!! Chopin Prelude Op. Bars 1-8: Introduction. This form provides a clear and balanced framework within which Chopin weaves his intricate melodic lines and harmonic progressions. Sometimes ternary form music has an A 2 to conclude the piece that shows there has been a small variation in the original A section just to add interest and to Jul 1, 2021 · This section ends with a tierce de picardy (like with all Chopin nocturnes), however it does not return to the first section, which is why it isn’t in ternary form. 3 is structured in a ternary form (ABA), a common structure in Chopin's scherzos, diverging from the traditional minuet and trio form of classical scherzos. Sondheim-Send in clowns. Learn & revise Chopin’s Prelude No. ” So ternary form. Samantha M. A song in AB binary form and a song in ABA ternary form? kay liit ng mundo. 9 terms. Chris Breemer, piano. It is in a simple ternary form, as are many of Chopin's compositions. , deixe-nos saber se você tem alguma dúvida abaixo, ou se você encontrar quaisquer outros exemplos. Diagram of a ternary form where only the first section of the form comprises its own complete form. Jun 18, 2020 · The way we express the ternary form is ABA. To help you learn more about this 3-part form, here are 12 examples of pieces in Ternary form: Related: For more information, check out our guide to Ternary form here. Courtesy of Piano Society Nov 8, 2019 · After analyzing Grande Valse Brillante Op. Feb 24, 2024 · Ternary form may appear in a “compound” form, and here, either A or B (or both) comprises two or more parts. 28 No. Below is a diagram of K. Its wistful melody, along with its hesitant rhythms, is likely a reflection of Chopin’s longing to return to his homeland. ” 1 A piece in a rather simple and straightforward ternary is shown below. Its playability has made it a favourite amongst students and masters alike. 15mm. A film for https://www. His first Nocturne Opus 9, Number 1 is a good example of these melodic variations. it is written in ternary close ternary form A musical form in which the opening Dec 4, 2024 · MUSI1023 Materials and Structures of Music (2024-25) Lecture 9: Binary Forms and Ternary Forms Binary Forms • Consists of two approximately equivalent sections (they may be of unequal lengths) • Compare with periods/double periods • Example: Greensleeves • Two-reprise: featuring two repeated sections, regardless of their thematic content • Two-reprise design may constitute an entire ROM: Chopin - Nocturne in E Minor. Form: On a macro-level, the Fantaisie-Impromptu is written in a ternary ABA + Coda form: Exposition (bars 1-40); Middle section – also called Trio (bars 41-82); Reprise – an identical repeat of the Exposition (bars 83-118); Coda (bars 119-138). Cast in the usual ternary form, in which Chopin showed superb mastery and imagination, the middle section, via a monophonic passage in the bass, shifts to the key of A major. The A section ends in measure 15 on a PAC in the dominant of the original key. This musical structure divides the piece into three distinct sections, typically represented as ABA. Gerald Abraham observes that “the piece is one of the finest examples of Chopin's art on the tiny scale, for the rudimentary ternary form is completely transfigured. See full list on viva. There is another thing that I noticed which is also atypical for a waltz. Apr 23, 2017 · It merrily unfolds in a simple ternary form with bounding dance characteristics point that seem to suggest an earlier time. They often feature a gentle melancholy mood with a clear melody floating over a left- hand accompaniment of broken chords . But, waltzes, even Romantic Period waltzes are typically in Ternary Form. Examples include the de capo aria "The trumpet shall sound" from Handel's Messiah , Chopin's Prelude in D-Flat Major (Op. Sep 19, 2020 · That’s all there is to know about Ternary Form, also written as ABA form. Chopin indicates that the waltz is to be played with the sustain pedal used, and makes frequent use of crescendos and diminuendos. It is usually schematized as A–B–A. ” Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following choices describes the large-scale form of Chopin's Polonaise, Op. He gained and has maintained renown worldwide Five groups of college music students (N=126) listened respectively to five ternary arch-form compositions by Chopin, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Bartók and Schönberg. 28 use this par-ticular form, or a close approximation of it — the Preludes in Mar 3, 2005 · Also, Chopin really seems to avoid periods and classical phrases, preferring rather the more organic and melodically adventurous tread of the Romantics. Jul 16, 2023 · Ternary form, sometimes called song form, is a three-part musical form where the first section (A) is repeated after the second section (B) ends. 7 Ternary Form. Dec 28, 2023 · Chopin was greatly inspired by Polish folk music, and the likes of J. The repeated A section could be played differently to help demonstrate the The Scherzo No. The opening arresting figuration transitions into the main appassionato melody . Jul 16, 2023 · Rounded Binary versus Ternary This page titled 24. I tried giving A major a shot as the new middle section, which then transitions back to a minor, using the introduction as source material (that part could use some work). 4, was not his last, as previously thought. A perpetuum mobile in triplets accompanies the piece. The last four bars return to G minor, though the final chord is major (a Picardy third), as is usual in a Chopin nocturne. 68, no. Chopin was a virtuoso pianist and composer from the Romantic period, known for his piano compositions. Already in the last nocturne from opus 9, in the key of B major, Chopin had applied the principle of strong contrast and the poetic of a sudden shift in the middle section of the work. S. Ascending forcefully with dotted rhythms, the melody in octaves evokes a powerful presence, complemented by the continuous and tumultuous accompaniment provided by the left hand. Two loud, arresting chords, inversions of ii half diminished seventh, and the dominant seventh. html to teach people about musical form. 10 which is in ternary form (ABA) and similar to a nocturne in style. 28) and the opening chorus of Bach’s St John Passion. During his brief stay in Vienna, he wrote home to his parents, “I have acquired nothing of that which is specifically Viennese by nature, and accordingly I am still unable to play waltzes. The scales used in the Étude largely consist of rapid-fire C minor scales, with some instances of using diminished seventh chords, augmenting the composition's stormy mood and virtuosic character. The middle section in F Jul 13, 2015 · Like his waltzes and mazurkas, Chopin’s treatment of the nocturne progressed far beyond the conventional expectations of the form. Sheet Music: Chopin-Prelude No 6; Publisher – Sämtliche Pianoforte-Werke, 1838-1839 Topics: Ternary form, augmented triads, Aug 6, Ternary Form. The idea of a nocturne is to portray the nighttime, and No. The first, perhaps, has the closest connection to Chopin. pressbooks. Note that these are Music by Frédéric Chopin This piece employs a TERNARY FORM (A B A) structure: A 52 bars 4 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 B 32 bars 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 A1 56 bars 4 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 Chopin was a Polish composer and virtuoso pianist of the Romantic era who wrote primarily for the solo piano. Jan 3, 2022 · Frédéric Chopin's Impromptu No. Op. Thank you again :D. 9-m. OVERALL FORM: A B (link) A sectional, symmetrical TERNARY. 17, No. Ternary form can be found in music from Middle Ages, to the present day. The structure is in Chopin's usual ternary form (A–B–A–coda). mus Author: Clark Winslow Ross Created Date: 10/31/2012 10:48:00 PM Music by Frédéric Chopin This piece employs a TERNARY FORM (A B A) structure: A 52 bars 4 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 B 32 bars 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 A1 56 bars 4 + 4 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 Chopin was a Polish composer and virtuoso pianist of the Romantic era who wrote primarily for the solo piano. In contrast, the second one modulates to the C major recapitulation via an extended circle of fifths. The octave melody's upward ascending forte dotted rhythms and the continuous tumultuous LH accompaniment provide great drama with few moments of respite. Examples include the da capo aria "The trumpet shall sound" from Handel's Messiah, Chopin's Prelude in D-Flat Major (Op. Title: Example 7. 20-m. The first section, in F major, features a very simple melody over a descending triplet pattern in the left hand. 1-m. However, what’s unique about Ternary Form is that the first section and third section are the same. The mazurkas often show more folk features than many of his other works, sometimes including modal scales and harmonies and the use of drone basses. Jul 16, 2023 · A piece by a Baroque composer (J. student at daca on April 26, 2017: where could you find what instruments he uses. The A section contains a complete rounded binary form. 10 No. The piece departs from the usual ternary form in a Chopin nocturne. It features a ternary form of its own, with a(n) 'a' theme followed by a(n) 'b' theme, and then finally a restatement of the 'a' theme. 27, Theme II m. The structure of the Nocturne in C Minor, Op. 19) For Section A, D♭ Major key, the structure of the period is obvious. Pieces in ternary form are often larger and can have more defined and contrasting sections. 12 in C minor by Frédéric Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like What is the overall structure of the piece?, Give two words to described the accompaniment of section A. It utilizes strict ternary (ABA) form structure, but with distinctive modifications that embody Chopin's idiosyncratic style. Examples include the de capo aria “The trumpet shall sound” from Handel’s Messiah, Chopin’s Prelude in D-Flat Major (Op. How is Chopin able to mesh together Sonata Form and the waltz so well? Sonata Form isn't typically used for any type of dance, not even the most elaborate of them. It's been about a decade since I took music theory in college Feb 21, 2025 · Chopin’s Nocturne in C minor, Op. Mar 8, 2005 · Chopin Mazurka in A minor, Op. And this is the earliest published waltz by Chopin and second most well known waltz by Chopin. 29 was composed in 1837. See Chopin’s Mazurka in A minor, Op. The first half is made up of two asymetrical phrases (4 and 3 measures long, respectively), both ending with half cadences (I'll call them 'a' and 'b' from now on). And just like the binary form there is two types of ternary form, simple and compound not rounded this time. Repetitions of the main theme generally add increasingly ornate embellishments. They are generally considered among the finest short solo works for the instrument and hold an important place in contemporary concert repertoire. 15mm by Mozart. (did I spell that right?) The B section, I think, can only be characterized as a transitional section. The piece does not exhibit the A-B-A structure of ternary form, the repetitive verse structure of strophic form, or the single-section structure of unitary form. 4 There is a very symmetrical look and feel to this piece. 28) and the opening chorus of Bach's St John Passion. This document outlines the structure of a piece of music using ternary form, which consists of three sections - an opening A section, a contrasting middle B section, and a return of the A section. The main key areas are D♭ Major and C♯ Minor. Sep 29, 2024 · The étude, like most études by Chopin, is in ternary form (A–B–A), recapitulating the first part. I’d say that the A section is a parallel period…but it’s assymetric. Chopin's mazurkas and waltzes are all in straightforward ternary or episodic form, sometimes with a coda. 9), Chopin gave the Nocturne in F major from Op. robertstokes9. This “nighttime music” number opens with a fitting, calming melody – just the thing you would expect from a nocturne. Inman discusses the common features of compound ternary form, analyzing two menuets from Rameau's Les Indes Galantes and Chopin's "Raindrop" Ternary form. ) This really helped me to finish a page on my assignment for Chopin. The first episode, if it can be called such because of its brevity, changes to the key of B-flat major, though much inflected by its parallel minor. 15. 18, I noticed something about the form of the waltz. S. So ternary form. Sep 5, 2024 · The Waltz in B Minor follows a typical ternary form (A-B-A), a common structure in classical music that consists of an initial theme (A), a contrasting middle section (B), and a return to the initial theme (A). 28) and the opening chorus of Bach's St John Passion . 25 and m. Nov 26, 2018 · In many of them, Chopin exploits a ternary-like form (A–B–A) in which the A section might conjure up a sound world that is unearthly, magical, remote, hesitant, dream-like, serene or overtly Mar 2, 2005 · Now to end we have a full recapitulation of our A section. Just like binary form is in two parts, Ternary Form is in three parts. The first A section, "Lento," is 20 measures long and is comprised of an extended double parallel period. andrewdownes. 1?, Chopin's Military Polonaise derives from a traditional Polish dance. 28) [2] and the opening chorus of Bach 's St John Passion. Composed in 1841, it departs from the intimate style of earlier nocturnes, embracing a more symphonic and structured approach. Go to website for more information, teaching resources and worksh Ternary form, sometimes called song form, is a three-part musical form where the first section (A) is repeated after the second section (B) ends. 1 in F Major is characterized by its two distinct sections, each repeated, which is the defining feature of binary form. Test. Section A: m. What is it? It's a music form that consists of three sections. 48, No. Chopin's fourth nocturne was composed in 1832 in simple ternary form (A-B-A). Bach, Mozart, and Schubert. This piece is short. I think that it’s pretty safe to say that this piece is in ternary form. Ternary form, sometimes called song form, is a three-part musical form where the first section (A) is repeated after the second section (B) ends. Nov 9, 2021 · Many of Chopin’s Nocturnes follow a ternary structure, or ABA form, where melodies of the A-section repeat and flank a different middle section. 21 has attracted the attention of scholars. 15 in Db major with BBC Bitesize for wider listening AQA GCSE Music. Character pieces from the Romantic era with titles such as “Nocturne,” “Intermezzo,” and “Song Without Words,” among others, by composers such as Schubert, Chopin, Mendelssohn, Schumann, and Brahms, are often in a larger ternary form where each section might be longer than eight bars. pkfj bgfq gaxxfa cqdsn kjftmx avydneni tifqma rocqy siwxw ztkhckw aqgcv jxdf hayh nnq amk