Autopilot dynamic group query. Owners can also delete this group.

Autopilot dynamic group query devicePhysicalIds -any (_ -eq "[OrderID]:Autopilot")) When I refresh my group, I see it adds two computer objects for the same H. => Because the adding to the group takes 15 minutes the assignment of a profile is done after 28 minutes. (device. This is a really handy feature so if you’re using Autopilot you’ll definitely want to check this out. To change the deployment profile first change the Group Tag and reset the device. Click on Add Dynamic Query under Dynamic Device Members. Select “Dynamic Device” as the membership type. devicePhysicalIds -any (_ -eq "[OrderID]:GROUPTAG")) so to catch multiples tried using the -contains operator instead of -eq , but what I have found is that it actually Dynamic Group: This automatically adds users or devices to user groups or device groups based on an expression you create. To see all available qualifiers, see our documentation. For devices that already exist, no problem. Remember if you are using a dynamic group and injecting the autopilot json directly, the ztid won't pick it up and you need to make it look for the autopilot profile Id (device. enrollmentProfileName -eq "New DEP Profile") 5. This can be done by matching the ZtdCorrelationId from the Autopilot JSON file used in this scenario. So Include a group with all devices then exclude your AP ZTDID group. Apr 16, 2024 · The categorization is still a manual process that is being leverage to create dynamic groups. From Intune or Azure AD, select groups, and create a new group. e. The technician would tag the device, Desktop or Laptop, in Autopilot and then the dynamic group would populate using the tag. Select Dynamic Device. For Membership type , choose Dynamic Device . com/v1. The device is now ready for use with Autopilot. For All Virtual Machines, click on the “Advanced Rule” tab and enter the following exactly as shown here. Autopilot Dynamic Group Hey all, Trying to create a dynamic device group that automatically adds all autopilot imported devices specifically from Devices>enroll>windows enrollment>devices, but the only syntax script I can make work (device. Jan 11, 2025 · You can create a dynamic Entra security group to include all autopilot devices using a Dynamic device membership query (device. You can apply policies like this by creating a dynamic device group that contains all Cloud PCs provisioned from a specific provisioning policy. Is it by now possible to somehow set the autopilot profile by the device model for new devices? What I want to archive is to create a dynamic group, which contains all autopilot devices with a specific model. Of course you can use this procedure for other groupings based on other attributes. Sep 13, 2024 · Dynamic device members: Select Add dynamic query > Add expression. Jun 25, 2018 · Below is an overview of the required queries per grouping of Windows AutoPilot devices. Jun 20, 2024 · The most common type of dynamic device group when using Windows Autopilot is a device group that contains all Windows Autopilot devices. csv file is uploaded to Intune, the devices will display the same group tag information, as shown in the screenshot below. devicePhysicalIDs -any _ -contains “[ZTDId]”) -and -not (device. Jul 15, 2019 · at this moment i'm using a dynamic group while querying for the Autopilot Deployment Profile. Aug 14, 2024 · Windows AutoPilot Profile AAD Dynamic Device Groups help deploy application and security policies to each department as part of the device enrollment process. So create a new group, give it a name and description and select “Edit dynamic query”. g. The tricky part is to get the queries right for the groups to automatically populate devices and users. Apr 18, 2020 · Not surprisingly, I created a dynamic group for each one of these. I am working on creating autopilot setup in Intune. Group Name: Enter a meaningful name, e. devicePhysicalIDs -any _ -contains “[ZTDId]”), to the autopilot profile? You would need a dynamic group containing all windows devices instead? I tried provisioning a computer with this, but it didnt apply the name template Created Autopilot dynamic group with query (device. Nov 22, 2024 · A dynamic group membership updates automatically based on defined rules. Assign the new dynamic device group as required to the Microsoft Authenticator app So i have a dynamic group that has a membership rule to catch all the devices inside the organization once they get in autopilot. A rule on Group tag fills the dynamic group, and a Deployment policy is assigned to this dynamic group. I'm looking to automate the dynamic group membership based on attributes or other that are part of the device once it has successfully completed autopilot enrollment. devicePhysicalIDs -any (_ -startsWith "[ZTDid]")) To enter in this rule: Jun 20, 2024 · The most common type of dynamic device group when using Windows Autopilot is a device group that contains all Windows Autopilot devices. deviceTrustType -ne "AzureAD") I'm wondering if it's possible to have a dynamic group that query devices that aren't registered in Autopilot. We want to make an app available for users to self install via company portal. Now i have some devices that i would like to exclude from this dynamic group, the question is you cant exclude manually in a dynamic group, just with dynamic membership rules. Anybody has succeed to do this? Thanks, Aug 15, 2023 · So since this script doesent upload the hardware hash, you cant have a dynamic group containing the query: (device. It's a string value created by you, and matches the Windows Autopilot, Apple Automated Device Enrollment (ADE), or Google enrollment profile applied to the device. to this group ? Reply reply More replies Top 3% Rank by size May 23, 2022 · Creating a dynamic group is a simple process. I tried the query with devicephysicalid with the NOT contain ZTDID parameter but it doesnt work. In this query, the conditional operator between 2 binary expressions is -and . Autopilot Group Tag Assignment process. First, let’s take the dynamic group queries for our two dynamic groups: Dec 13, 2019 · Don’t ever say Microsoft doesn’t listen! One of my biggest pet peeves was solved at the beginning of the month when Microsoft announced the ability to edit device group tags! This doesn’t sound like much, but it essentially unlocks the potential of group tags that was never really there before - we can now use group tags to dynamically control device group membership. Review the settings, then hit Create. Anything else is dependent on who the user is. Originally I was going to do this: (device. For Group description, enter a description for the user group. First, you should read up on dynamic group syntax from this MS learn page. Step 3: Next we’ll create a dynamic device group and add the devices into their respective groups. For Membership type: In addition to what u/Volume-Electrical mentioned - if you just need to exclude Autopilot registered devices from a specific assignment, you can use an Exclude rule to just exclude the AP devices. devicePhysicalIDs -any _ -contains "[ZTDId]") and (device Jul 22, 2018 · The two dynamic groups I name “All AutoPilot Devices” and “All AutoPilot SharedDevice” The first group “All AutoPilot Devices” has a dynamic group membership rulelike this : (device. DM me if you can’t get it working and I’ll send you some examples. For Microsoft Entra roles can be assigned to the group, select No. Then the laptops group exclusively gets the bitlocker version of said policy. The group membership will be Jan 5, 2022 · As Intune Admins you would want to use Intune device groups in order to keep your devices organized and managed. devicePhysicalIds -any _ -eq “[OrderID]:SelfDeploying”) Aug 21, 2019 · In this post they discuss how you can use group tags to control device enrollment options via Windows Autopilot. How to Create rules using Autopilot device attrib I'm wondering if it's possible to have a dynamic group that query devices that aren't registered in Autopilot. devicePhysicalIDs -any _ -contains "[ZTDId]") Created and assigned Autopilot deployment profile and assigned it to the group Everything seemed to work as intended. deviceTrustType -ne "ServerAD") and (device. Site-XYZ-Devices; Group Description: Provide appropriate description for the group; Membership Type: Dynamic; Click on the Add dynamic query link to add a dynamic membership rule. With the right steps and knowledge, you Jun 20, 2024 · The most common type of dynamic device group when using Windows Autopilot is a device group that contains all Windows Autopilot devices. I have a ton of new computers I need to add to groups for autopilot. devicePhysicalIds -all _ -notContains "[OrderID]:") In this article. Query. Autopilot devices with a specific OrderID (Group Tag) (device. Autopilot devices that meet these rules are automatically added to the group. The basic process for each is the same: From the Azure portal, Azure AD tenant, All groups list, click “+ New Group. Right now I have almost everything working but I would like to separate autopilot profile for standard Pc and virtual machines. If there's a way to put mac devices in a group based on serial number or group tag (similar to Autopilot), that'd be even more awesome. So we could make a batch of devices with "whiteglove" as a group tag to put that device into a dynamic group which installs all the base apps like ms apps, Chrome and any app that is 100% needed if a user first logs in and can't work until said app is on their machine. Been working fine since I set it up last February. Jul 31, 2024 · Following is the advanced membership rule query I used to remove a device in the AAD dynamic device group. Click the link to “Add dynamic query. I could give my test autopilot device a Group Tag, then create a dynamic group and apply the VPN settings etc. ), with queries like: (device. , Autopilot Devices. Group Type: Security; Group Name: Provide appropriate name for your group. By utilizing a single dynamic Entra security group that covers all your devices, you can streamline the distribution of Autopilot profiles, app deployments, and May 23, 2022 · The solution is rather easy, but we need to make some modifications to the syntax for our All Autopilot devices group. This can be accomplished by creating a simple dynamic group in Azure AD using the Dec 19, 2024 · If a user or device satisfies a rule on a group, they're added as a member of that group. Jan 10, 2020 · In the Microsoft Endpoint Manager portal, click on Groups > New Group: New Dynamic Device group. Below is an overview of the Windows Autopilot process, the bit we’re talking about is the Hardware Vendor adding the Device IDs; this is where the Vendor can also add Group Tags. devicePhysicalIds -any "(_ -match "^[OrderID Jun 20, 2024 · The most common type of dynamic device group when using Windows Autopilot is a device group that contains all Windows Autopilot devices. I’m trying to automate this again, and make it from an assigned group to a dynamic device group. You could tag the serves with the tag Server. And more specifically, this section for rules with multiple expressions. I’m looking up device properties in the Graph explorer, so I’ve selected Dynamic Device. Find and fix vulnerabilities After the . Then select either Dynamic Device or Dynamic User. I create a dynamic group, filter for the model (maybe the vendor as well) and done. Description: Optionally, provide details about the group, e. , "Dynamic group for Autopilot-enrolled devices. enrollmentProfileName -eq "your profile Id") Create a dynamic group query and set the rule to looks at the OS as windows 10 (or windows 11) enterprise. Dec 31, 2024 · Group Type: Select Security. Create a group "autopilot test" or whatever and once you add the device to the autopilot service and see it show up in MEM under Autopilot Devices you can click on it to see the newly created associated Azure AD object. Mar 2, 2023 · Does anyone know how I can get this dynamic query working? (device. I’m sharing this one as it’s not quite as obvious as you may immediately think and it might save someone 30 mins clicking, testing and head scratching. devicePhysicalIDs -any (_ -startsWith "[ZTDid]")) To enter in this rule: Now none of the devices I import to AutoPilot will even see their assigned profile. Add your Maybe a silly question, but now that the deviceTrustType attribute has been added for dynamic groups, is that the preferred method to create a dynamic group for all Hybrid Azure AD Joined devices? Previously I was using Hey folks, Having a bit of a weird one with AutoPilot provisioning groups which I'm probably doing a bit of a weird way. I have over 800 devices from Dell, and instead of one order nubber, they apparently split them into groups of 48 devices. devicePhysicalIDs -any _ -eq “[OrderID]:SharedDevice”) I have a Dell machine that refuses to join a dynamic group. You can't manually add or remove a member of a dynamic membership group. accountEnabled -eq false) and (device. devicePhysicalIDs -any (_ -startsWith "[ZTDid]")) grabs all the devices in my environment. Dynamic Azure AD groups plays an important part of managing devices and users in your client's environment. Example if the device has been tagged with "Server" Your dynamic group rule would be. Jul 31, 2024 · It’s time to find iOS devices (iPhone or iPad) in my environment via AAD Dynamic query and group them into an AAD dynamic group. You know there are better (not optimal) options for tagging physical devices in the Autopilot world using devicePhysicalIds . In order to assign an deployment profile for Autopilot, you’ll need at least one group that for instance collects all devices enabled for Autopilot. Owners: Select users that own the group. deviceOwnership -eq "Company") and (device. If you then want actual desktop computers then target the model using the same dynamic query. 5. " Set Membership Type Under the Membership type dropdown, select Dynamic Device. A community for people to share information about Windows AutoPilot. Pour ajouter manuellement de nouveaux appareils en tant qu’appareils Windows Autopilot à l’aide d’un fichier CSV afin qu’ils fassent partie du groupe d’appareils, consultez Inscrire Sep 18, 2024 · use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" site:example. I wanted to apply certain policies while a new device is going through autopilot and then assign different policies after the autopilot provisioning is complete. Then I create a dynamic group with the following rule syntax and find only the Autopilot devices which are not enrolled will be added into this group: (device. The csv imported devices showed up in the Autopilot dynamic group, then the profile got assigned. W ID. Your dynamic query is the same for the filter. Feb 2, 2023 · #intune #autopilot #devicemanagement Learn how to create dynamic groups in Microsoft Intune using group tags with this step-by-step video tutorial. Discover Jan 15, 2025 · Group description = “A dynamic device group containing all Cloud PCs with the 2vCPU/4GB RAM configuration. For more information, see Add groups to organize users and devices. Select security for the group type and for the membership type, select dynamic user or device. 7. We will now start with the creation of a dynamic Azure Active Directory group. Unlike the Windows device group, the iOS device AAD dynamic Device group can’t be created using a simple membership rule ; rather, we should use the Advanced membership rule. Aug 27, 2021 · Create a dynamic group with the following rule syntax (device. Just go back to your static group, add memeber, and look for that guid. Choose Dynamic Device. I was thinking of this same blog post. Jan 13, 2021 · The query below will present you ALL devices which ARE registered for Windows Autopilot, but excluding ones with a specific group tag. deviceOSVersion -startsWith "10. At the moment we have: A dynamic device group which captures any Windows AutoPilot device A dynamic device group which captures AutoPilot devices with a specific group tag We assign our Autopilot profiles to groups that the devices join based on their Group Tag, i. Seems to work pretty well. This proposed solution just puts a manual step in front of a dynamic group unfortunately. Trying to fix the slow dynamic group membership update! When you configured Autopilot to use a dynamic group and assigned this profile to this group, you could end up in the same situation as I did. In this post I would like to share few queries that are used widely and Mar 13, 2021 · I find the AccountEnable attribute is not the same before and after Autopilot enroll. This post does not cover how to create a Windows AutoPilot Profile AAD Dynamic Device Group. However, you can’t create rules that contain both the user and the device. I'm currently using (device. Define the Dynamic Membership Rule. Then base your dynamic groups on the tags this will be much better. devicePhysicalIDs -any (_ -startsWith "[ZTDid]")) To enter in this rule: Nov 29, 2024 · Creating multiple dynamic groups, one for each location (e. Use one of the following: To capture all device in Azure AD with ZTIds use the query below this will be a catch all. Select Add dynamic query . deviceOSType -eq "AndroidEnterprise") -and (device. devicePhysicalIDs -any (_ -startsWith "[ZTDid]")) To enter in this rule: Jul 9, 2020 · If you want to create a dynamic group only containing one specific device you can specify the ZTDid for that device. Apr 28, 2022 · Once the device is attached to the tenant, it is considered a trusted device that can be enrolled using Autopilot. Each of those groups of 48 are separate purchase order. For Group name, enter a name for the user group, such as Windows Autopilot device preparation user group. 0. It was a bit time consuming to marry up all the device serials the first time but now it is done when the device is added to Autopilot. Basically anything that'd help you control mac device grouping. Click Add dynamic query to edit the dynamic group query rule. devicePhysicalIds -any _ -eq "[PurchaseOrderID]:null") Check this thread: Quick Tip: Need a dynamic group for all autopilot devices that don't have a group tag? Use this as your rule: (device. So I deleted that group and created a new group and set dynamic membership to the device model. displayName -notcontains "LGENexus 5") Sep 13, 2022 · I can create a Dynamic Group for Autopilot Devices using the ZTDiD query and deploy applications to it. We currently… May 25, 2021 · As you can imagine, the possibilities are endless since this really enables you to simulate a 3-dimensional OU structure, whereby changing the attribute in Autopilot will automatically trigger the affected dynamic group update(s) in the background – much like moving a computer object from one OU to another in an on-premises Active Directory. You can also do the same thing via filtering I think. " . Select Add dynamic query. 6. microsoft. Dec 13, 2019 · Don’t ever say Microsoft doesn’t listen! One of my biggest pet peeves was solved at the beginning of the month when Microsoft announced the ability to edit device group tags! This doesn’t sound like much, but it essentially unlocks the potential of group tags that was never really there before - we can now use group tags to dynamically control device group membership. I would like to add a rule to the dynamic membership to look at displayname, and if it matches the format above, exclude it from the group. 8K subscribers in the autopilot community. devicePhysicalIDs -any _ -contains "[ZTDId]") and (device. I have a dynamic query-based catch all group for AutoPilot devices and the apps defined in the Enrollment Status Page are all defined as "required" for the AutoPilot catch all group. that might be a problem but the main problem is, once I remove the tag from the Device I assume my computer should be Create Dynamic Group based on Intune Autopilot enrollment Profile and Device enrollment date We are trying to deploy a small application which should be deployed as soon as device finished autopilot. devicePhysicalIds -any (_ -eq "[OrderID]: Location 1")) and then assigning the respective Autopilot profile to each dynamic group. devicePhysicalIDs -any (_ -contains "[ZTDId]")). Most dynamic groups can be easily created using the GUI Rule Builder. devicePhysicalIDs -contains “[ZTDId]:6598-3522-5834-2658-4381-8581-32”) If you want to create a dynamic group only containing one specific device you can specify the ZTDid for that device. Autopilot devices with a specific OrderID (Group Tag) Sep 28, 2022 · The adding to the dynamic group taken 15 minutes => Can i speed the query up like in a device collection in SCCM, poll the query every 10 minutes? The assigning of the Autopilot profile to that device can take easly an hour. The dynamic group is filled by a rule on Group tag and A Deployment policy is assigned to this dynamic group. We assign our Hybrid Joined deployment profile. It is a Win11 Dynamic group and the rules are: (device. Group Tags # Mar 6, 2025 · enrollmentProfileName (Enrollment profile name): Create a filter rule based on the enrollment profile name. If you click on the Dynamic device members button, you’ll be shown: Dynamic query Jan 23, 2024 · A specific device thats autopilot registered (device. Then select ‘Add Dynamic Query’ then ‘Edit’ next to Rule Syntax This allows us to create rules using Autopilot device attributes. However when the machines are first enrolled they seem to not be aware of the model, so the machine doesn't first show up in the laptops folder until shortly after the autopilot process has already completed. com Alternativley you can do manual groups for testing. This is still testing and I certainly don't want to use something broad like group based on just OS. Membership type: Select how devices become members of this group. potentially deploying to thousands of devices all at the same time. displayName -notMatch "L$") and (device. I once had a dynamic query that got a subset of devices that were enrolled in intune (manually for now) to automatically receive autopilot provisioning. It adds all devices in the group. We have two dynamic groups: All Autopilot Registered Devices and a group for Autopilot Devices Tagged with “Hybrid” We assign to our Entra Joined deployment profile to the All Autopilot Registered Devices group and exclude the Autopilot Devices Tagged with “Hybrid” group. One example (in this case for Android): (device. This property is applied to a device when the device enrolls. Select Dynamic Device as the Membership type. enrollmentProfileName -eq "DevEnroll_Android_Name123") Sep 21, 2021 · Create a dynamic AAD Group for Windows 11. If they no longer satisfy the rule, they're removed. devicePhysicalIDs -any (_ -contains "[ZTDID]"))Upload de Jan 14, 2025 · In the New Group screen that opens: For Group type, select Security. I made a dynamic group based on this query: (device. devicePhysicalIDs -any (_ -startsWith "[ZTDid]")) Creating dynamic groups for autopilot devices in Microsoft Intune can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. devicePhysicalIDs -any (_ -contains "[ZTDId]")) Feb 2, 2022 · You can use this to create a Dynamic group for Autopilot devices without a OrderID/GroupTag (device. Aug 12, 2024 · Enter the Group Name “HTMD Intune Managed Device Group” (Provide a suitable name). Last update for the dynamic group shows 10/29/21 around 4pm EST. You can create a dynamic group in Entra ID for users or devices. ” Specify “Security” for the group type, an appropriate name, and “Dynamic Device” as the membership type. The device is now ready to be deployed with Autopilot. devicePhysicalIDs -any (_ -startsWith "[ZTDid]")) To enter in this rule: Aug 10, 2023 · I created a Dynamic group for Autopilot that query devices that has a specific tag. Device with "Accounting" Group Tag joins "Accounting Devices" and the "Account" AP profile is assigned to that group. So, the first thing we need to check is whether the device has been added to your autopilot group. devicePhysicalIDs -any (_ -contains "[ZTDID]")) The device seems to stay in the group permanently. I checked this support article and updated the expression to reflect this part: "To create a group that includes all of your Autopilot devices, enter: (device. displayName -notMatch "D$"). devicePhysicalIDs -any (_ -contains “[ZTDID]”)). Just ran into this. 0/devices and looking for the physicalIds value. , “Location 1 Autopilot Devices,” “Location 2 Autopilot Devices,” etc. Let’s see what we can do to solve it. Create rules using Autopilot device attributes. Dynamic device members: Select Add dynamic query > Add expression. Mar 7, 2020 · A Device hash is uploaded and a Group tag is added to this device in Intune. Note: These values can be seen by simply using Graph Explorer, querying https://graph. Select Groups; Click + New group; Enter a Group name; Select Dynamic Device as Membership type; Click Add dynamic query under Dynamic Device Sep 13, 2024 · Le groupe d’appareils dynamique qui inclut les appareils Autopilot ajoute automatiquement les appareils Autopilot existants au groupe d’appareils. Nov 15, 2022 · We have several hundred AutoPilot systems and all are strictly Azure AD. Anybody has succeed to do this? Thanks, Group Name: Virtual Machines or Dell Latitude 7390 2-in-1; Group Description: Brief details about the purpose of the group; Membership Type: Dynamic Device; Click on the “Add Dynamic Query” button after entering all the required values. But if i ever need to update that application then i assume it will blast it out to every autopilot device ever deployed (not just new ones), all at once. e. Oct 23, 2020 · 2. We ended up creating dynamic groups based off GroupTag /OrderID in Autopilot. Apr 19, 2024 · Creating a Dynamic Device Group. However we can only add user groups for app assignment if the app is set to available. You can add multiple membership rules in a dynamic device group. Type a Group name and Group description. Originally I had a group with a dynamic query for AutoPilot devices, but it wasn't seeing my two new devices that I imported. I have "All Autopilot Devices" dynamic group created using this query (device. I came across it when having the same issue but for a different purpose (bloody Dynamic Device Group lag time! I wanted to use it for computers that were still in IT possession [based on device name] to force a different update ring group). devicePhysicalIDs -any (_ -contains "[ZTDid]")) -or (device. 1. Nov 21, 2023 · When using the Windows Autopilot for Existing Devices scenario it's quite useful having those devices being automatically added to a group in Intune. Enter the Group Description “MDM—Microsoft Intune” (Add a description to make it clearer for everyone). From my experience, I've found that AutoPilot will not install applications unless they are assigned as required. You can think of filters like dynamic groups but you dont actually have to create the group. deviceOSType -contains "Android") -and (device. You can create a dynamic membership groups for users or devices, but you can't create a rule that contains both users and devices. 2") and (device. You can create attribute-based rules to update the group membership. Jun 20, 2024 · A dynamic device group that contains all Windows Autopilot devices has the following syntax: (device. Choose a Membership type Dynamic Devices. Nov 7, 2018 · There are various dynamic query rules that can be used to create groups containing the Autopilot enabled devices. I have a post that discusses the logic of Azure AD dynamic queries in more detail. Mar 31, 2020 · Specify “Security” for the group type, and provide an appropriate group name. Cancel Create saved search Sign in Sign up You signed in with another tab or window. 2. Oct 14, 2021 · In Intune, a Device hash is uploaded, and a Group tag is assigned to this device. Sep 27, 2021 · 4. Click “Add dynamic query” and then “Advanced rule” and paste in this exact string (yes, including the parenthesis): (device. You can also apply the same set of policies to all Cloud PCs based on the same image and located in the same region. We also have a "default" profile that we assign to "All Autopilot Devices" group. devicePhysicalIDs -any _ -contains “[ZTDId]”) I show you how to create dynamic groups in Intune that will dynamically add Autopilot devices(device. Oct 18, 2022 · In this Video you will learn how to create the Windows OS Autopilot device group using Intune Dynamic Query. Click Add dynamic query. devicePhysicalIDs -any _ -contains "[ZTDId]") Nov 22, 2024 · Provide the following details on the New Group page. Details for creating a dynamic device group can be found here, and the query for the groups that we’ll use is Aug 30, 2024 · I agree that query using display name is an old way of grouping devices or virtual machines into a dynamic group. I stupidly deleted this without a screenshot of the query and I can’t recreate it. Aug 28, 2024 · Write better code with AI Security. A dynamic device group that contains all Windows Autopilot devices has the following syntax: (device. ” I've done group tags with dynamic groups for a while but now in a 1:1 kinda way but now I'm wanting to be able to catch multiple tags with one group. Windows Autopilot is a collection… I think what you want to query for is a null value, not N/A (I have not tested this): (device. And there you have it! You've successfully set up a dynamic group that will be populated based on the group tag, and that dynamic device group is assigned the Windows Autopilot Deployment profile. Owners can also delete this group. 8. ezbzfl mvwefdz nlwefm oyi nkhsu gmgm snvpcx pnrmq ygfkmbrc ajyh sxnrw ttc tyuzo lhfsxc qitgkt