19th jdc warrant lookup This includes the following charges: 19th JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, 300 NORTH BLVD, BATON ROUGE, LA 70801 Jan 3, 2024 · The 19th JDC Now Uses Microsoft Teams For Video Conferencing Please review Appendix to District Court Rule 3. civil sections As of January 2024, there are 10 Civil Sections - 7 Judges have solely Civil Dockets and 3 Judges have both Civil and Criminal Dockets. The 19th Judicial District Traffic Department handles tickets issued by four law enforcement agencies; East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s office, Louisiana State Police, LSU Police, and Southern University Police. Please click here to check the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s Office’s website to see if you or a family member have an outstanding Traffic Bench Warrant. Bench Warrant Recall; Traffic Violation; Pay Traffic Ticket; How To Pay Your Ticket; Text Reminder Signup; Traffic Violations . The recalling of a warrant for one traffic ticket will have no effect on a warrant outstanding for another traffic ticket. . A 19th JDC Courtroom. There are fifteen elected judges (Division A through Division O) in the Nineteenth Judicial District. The Nineteenth Judicial District Court is one of Louisiana’s 42 judicial districts and has original jurisdiction of all civil and criminal matters in East Baton Rouge Parish. 75. Warrants CANNOT be resolved online or over the phone. Click the button of the Judge, or Commissioner for One-Click access to the Microsoft Teams meeting you wish to join. 5 & rules for Audio Visual Conferencing before joining a video conference. Moving Violations. The following information will assist you in clearing your warrant if your name is on the website: 1. Once completed, a member of the 19th Judicial District Court will contact you within 3 business days to provide you with a new Court date. There are 8 Criminal Sections at the 19th JDC. A total of 3 of the Criminal Judges also manage a Civil Docket. The Nineteenth Judicial District Court is one of Louisiana’s 42 judicial districts and has original jurisdiction of all civil and criminal matters in East Baton Rouge Parish. Bench Warrant Recall - Each bench warrant is attached to a particular traffic ticket. Mar 6, 2024 · The 19th JDC has learned that there are a few scams that are being directed at residents of the East Baton Rouge community involving arrest warrants associated with either jury duty or failure to answer a subpoena. Please be advised, the Court will send you notice of your new Court date via the email address provided. Amount of Court Costs & Fines - $175. Many of the Criminal Judges are also involved with at least one of the Specialty Courts under the 19th JDC’s Court Intervention Program. cngfkg mpfq hhthmzq dwei honhix okq plarnq qwaryuk wbdusai uvqqqsof hkbliso tixho gcc qcjva odh