York rite degrees chart. Compiled & Arranged by .

York rite degrees chart The Mark Master degree is placed elsewhere in their system) or four degrees (Nova Scotia as well as many US jurisdictions include a Virtual Past Master degree). Order of High Priesthood. The Structure of the Scottish Rite Degrees. My Dad was initiated, passed and raised in Detroit 1962. The York Rite, or more correctly, the American Rite, is based on the early remnants of Craft Masonry that were practiced in the early 1700's. No Masonic standing was dependent on that degree until the Constitutions of 1738. This is due to the fact that up until 1767, the Master Mason Degree of the Blue Lodge contained the secrets of the Royal Arch. The York Rite: The York Rite or American Rite is one of several Rites of Freemasonry. While there is no degree ‘higher’ than that of a Master Mason, 32° Scottish Rite Masonry offers additional light to the studious Master Mason. J The symbolic degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason, as conferred in the United States, are degrees of the York Rite. This pocket reference serves as an introduction to the Rite as practiced in Utah, and will hopefully assist your acclimation into the Degree and Orders of the York Rite. York Masonry is the oldest and best known of all Masonic Rites. The French Rite; England & Wales . Fraternally yours, Dec 8, 2012 · Learn how the degrees and orders of the American York Rite are presented in a non-chronological order and what they represent in the legend of Freemasonry. yorkrite. I haven't seen a York Rite to Swedish Rite conversion chart as exists for the Scottish Rite. Fee: $ Council No. The York Rite creates deeper meaning and relationships while examining the fundamental lessons taught in Freemasonry. The presiding body is a college, and the presiding officer is a Governor, titled Preeminent. BECOME-A-YORK-RITE-MASON. The Degree centers around the events leading to the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple at the hands of the Chaldeans. were appointed special guardians of the S. The York Rite takes its name from the old English city of York. B. York Rite is one of the several appendant bodies of the Freemasonry. several Rites of Freemasonry. All of the Orders of the York Rite and the Degrees of the Scottish Rite are but supplementary to and an extension of the great themes set forth in the ceremonies through which the candidate passes in becoming a Master Mason. Jun 29, 2011 · In addition to my post on the basic description of York Rite Freemasonry, here is information on each individual degree within the 3 separate bodies. The degrees of Royal Master, Select Master, and Super Excellent Master are conferred under the jurisdiction of Councils. Villegas . Today, it refers to three cooperative groups that confer to 10 degrees in the United States. The Master Mason degree did not appear until 1725 and was considered to be a side degree for some 15 years without the slightest recognition from a Grand Lodge. The Holy Royal Arch; The Order of Mark Master Masons; The Order of the Secret Monitor; The Scottish Rite; The Knights Templar; The Order of Royal and Select Masters; The Order of the Red Cross of Nov 7, 2023 · This degree involves more advanced Masonic teachings as well as special rituals that are unique to this rite. Jul 27, 2019 · Our mission is to educate you about Masonry in general, and York Rite Masonry in particular. On the local level at Prather these three Organizations work together as one “Prather York Rite” to accomplish the task of creating new York Rite Masons. If you're talking about which degree in the Swedish Rite you'd be able to visit with a York Rite degree I must admit I don't know. A. The York Rite of Freemasonry is complex organism, with ritual and degree elements predating the Master Mason Degree, and the first Grand Lodge itself. The York Rite in the United States is a grouping of separate Rites joined in order, namely the Capitular Rite, or Royal Arch Masons (General Grand Chapter - Royal Arch Masons International), the Cryptic Rite, or Cryptic Masons (General Grand Council - Cryptic Masons International) and the Chivalric Orders, or Knights Templar (Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America). The 33 degrees of the Scottish Rite #2 VISITORS to York Rite Freem@sonry Since 082597 As of 060110 OVER 9 MILLION Visitors to ALL SITES UPDATED - 031611@1400 HRS ALL www. York Rite Bodies of Missouri . Learn about the 10 degrees of York Rite Freemasonry, a collection of three cooperative groups that confer to 10 degrees in the United States. 2. York Rite of Freemasonry is complex organism, with ritual and degree elements predating the Master Mason Degree, and the first Grand Lodge itself. There are four Royal Arch degrees, three Cryptic Mason degrees, and three Chivalric orders. Discover the Capitular, Cryptic, and Chivalric Orders, and their respective degrees, symbols, and lessons. The York Rite degrees actually begin in the “Blue Lodge” (or Symbolic/Craft Lodge), and it is considered the first of the four York Rite bodies. com Sites are MB660 York Rite of Freemasonry History and handbook for all York Rite bodies … by Speidel, Frederick Softcover, 5. The York Rite Degrees and Orders exist to explain and make clear the wonderful knowledge imparted to us in symbolic form, and to supply that which was lost but later FOUND. Moreover, the York Rite is more than just a series of degrees; it is a vibrant community of brethren who share a deep commitment to the principles of Freemasonry. Your email Address. In 1480 we read of the handiwork (de opera manuali) of Bene- Apr 19, 2021 · This degree also historically occurs prior to the third Degree, and deals with incidents that occurred at the building of the first Temple. In contrast, the Scottish Rite emphasizes philosophical teachings, including moral lessons and esoteric symbolism, with degrees ranging up to the 33rd degree. See a graphic illustration of the timeline and a list of the degrees with descriptions. There are three primary bodies of the Y The York Rite For all Masons, our masonic journey begins in our regular "Symbolic Lodges", or "Blue Lodges" as they are more commonly referred to. The York Rite is made up of three separate bodies, each having a separate Statewide or Grand Body, and having authority over a number of Degrees or Orders. Understanding the Rite. SD: A brother, who has been regularly initiated as an Entered Apprentice, passed to the degree of a Fellowcraft, raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason, advanced to the degree of a Mark Master, inducted into the Oriental Chair, and now wishes to receive further light in Masonry by being received and acknowledged a Most Excellent Master. Henry Newton Sweeting 1902 Moved from Pinner, England, northwest of London, soon after 1884 to West Florida near his brother William Sweeting and opened a jewelry store in Milton. SECRET MASTER. You’ve just taken your first step in a larger world. A chair degree conferred upon installed or past High Priests. The only pre-requisite to complete the York Rite degree is to be a Master Mason and to have faith in a Supreme Being, and the latter is fundamental for all Masons, regardless of degree. Mar 22, 2014 · In the Scottish Rite, it is the 13th Degree. Became a Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner bot long after that… this poster was drawn and reproduced by a brother of both York and Scottish Rite in 1952. A poster Chart of the Degrees within the York Rite Branch of Freemasonry courtesy of Wor. It offers beautiful and instructive lessons Some notable examples include the Scottish Rite, York Rite, Knights Templar, and the Shrine. Freemasons. The GEKT attempted to bring a spuriously chartered version of it into the US and oust the existing one; with disastrous results I might add. C. If you have an interest in joining our great fraternity, contact any York Rite member, ask your lodge secretary, or click here for a petition. To assist in worthy efforts to improve the ritualistic and dramatic presentation of York Rite work. Our ancient Grand Masters placed three treasures of the Temple into the Ark of the Covenant to preserve the items for use in a future time. Within York Rite Masonry, the Royal Arch Degree is described as the Master Mason’s Degree completed. Welcome to the York Rite of Freemasonry. It is in Blue The York Rite in the United States is a grouping of separate Rites joined in order, namely the Capitular Rite, or Royal Arch Masons (General Grand Chapter - Royal Arch Masons International), the Cryptic Rite, or Cryptic Masons (General Grand Council - Cryptic Masons International) and the Chivalric Orders, or Knights Templar (Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America). The York Rite is a system of degrees practiced mainly in America for Master Masons who desire further knowledge and experience in the craft of Freemasonry. 923. What Were the Early Scottish Rite Degrees Like? York: Routledge, 1991), pp. D. Since the inception of the Cryptic Degrees, companions have been directed to preserve the treasures of Freemasonry, but what are Rites, orders, and degrees . A Rite is a series of progressive degrees that are conferred by various Masonic organizations or bodies, each of which operates under the control of its own central authority. Learn about the York Rite, a series of 10 degrees in Freemasonry that build on the Craft degrees and explore the symbolism and history of the fraternity. To foster a spirit of cooperation an coordination among each of the Bodies of York Rite Masonry. Inquiring minds often seek to find the answer to this question; “What is York Rite . York Rite Chapter Degrees Mark Master Degree. These are called Cryptic from the Greek word “crupe,” or the Latin “crypta,” meaning a vault. It is closely connected with the Royal Arch Degree and affords the explana- tion needed for its perfect understanding. The Scottish Rite; The York Rite; France & Brazil . A Rite is a series of progressive degrees conferred by Oct 11, 2023 · Royal Arch Masonry is a specific degree of the York Rite, while Mark Masonry is a specific degree of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite. When Brothers of the Honorable Order of Universal Co-Masonry, met for a workshop this past November at the Order's Grand Temple in Larkspur, Colorado, they did more than work the York Rite Degrees. The York Rite is one of the appendant bodies where Freemasons seeking further learning and degrees can progress. The Degree is narrated by small interludes of biblical prophecy that highlight the end of the first Temple and the construction of the second Temple. Outside the United States, Grand Councils have the right to confer other degrees such as the Royal Ark Mariner degree in Canada and the Excellent Master degree in Scotland. Masonry and why should I be interested in it?” The York Rite or American Rite is one of . Its members, called Companions, meet in Chapters under the jurisdiction of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Missouri, and they in turn under the voluntary jurisdiction of the General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons, International, thus constituting the largest Masonic body in the world. This Degree is highly dramatic and of great interest. This list will focus on terms common to the York Rite of Freemasonry and the chair degrees attached to it; I will also include the abbreviations, initialisms, and acronyms for the optional and invitational groups attached to the York Rite, but I will not include all the Feb 28, 2021 · The first appearance of the degree in this country is in the Columbian Council of Royal Masters of New York, organized in 1810, although there is some evidence that Royal Masters were in existence prior to 1807, and the degree was worked as a side degree of the Scottish Rite, or as the first in a system of Sublime degrees which included both Nov 26, 2023 · The York Rite Degrees. org/. 3. Aug 25, 1997 · Any Mason in good standing from a Lodge of a recognized jurisdiction may become a York Rite Mason. Lodge of Perfection (4° – 14°) 2. Based on a Pamplet Developed by New Bern York Rite Bodies Information & Graphics Provided by: J. You must already be a Master Mason before you can join the York Rite. SUPER EXCELLENT MASTER: Nov 24, 2014 · However the focus on The Word is not as big in the Swedish Rite as in the York Rite. well-travelled York Rite Mason would notice that all the degrees he received and of almost all the orders to which he has been admittehave their own d individual stories and traditions derived from both history and biblical narratives. We must go to the Super Excelant Master degree to see in. Council of Kadosh (19° – 30°) 4. The York Rite Sovereign College of North America – An invitational body dedicated to the assistance and promotion of York Rite Bodies and degree work. Freemasons know that this "landmark" only dates from the union of the Grand Lodges of England in 1813, 2 but—with rare exception such as the Swedish Rite—the convention holds that a regular and recognized The York Rite in the United States is a grouping of separate Rites joined in order, namely the Capitular Rite, or Royal Arch Masons (General Grand Chapter - Royal Arch Masons International), the Cryptic Rite, or Cryptic Masons (General Grand Council - Cryptic Masons International) and the Chivalric Orders, or Knights Templar (Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America). While the York Rite does focus heavily on Biblical teachings, it also teaches Masons about themes relating to the medieval crusades, as well as elements of The York Rite is one of the appendant bodies of Freemasonry in which a Master Mason may proceed to supplement and amplify the Blue Lodge degrees, affording historical background on the work and meaning of Freemasonry. 184, AMD, NC St. Ye seekers of Wisdom, desirous to learn The Ark Mason secret, you here will discern; Give but close attention, it soon will unfold, Ark Masons at present, are like those of old. W. Royal Arch Masonry is often referred to as the “Fourth Degree” in the York Rite, though it is not technically part of it. THE SOVEREIGN COLLEGE The York Rite Sovereign College of North America is the supreme governing body for all Colleges within its jurisdiction. It is perfectly natural that having begun your Masonic work in that Rite, you should want to continue with it. The York Rite has similarities and differences in ritual, degrees and practices among the various countries where it is worked today. There are no "higher" degrees than that of Master Mason. In the York Rite version of the degree, the degree is set during the building of the Second Temple, that is, the Temple of Zerubbabel, built about the year 516 B. Any York Rite member will be glad to provide you with a petition for the degrees of York Rite Masonry and help A Degree emphasizing the lessons of loyalty and faithfulness. degree has in very little detail the destruction of the temple. “Further Light” and the long lost Master’s word may be found by completing all Degrees and Orders of the York Rite. It is claimed as an Ancient Landmark of Freemasonry that there are but three degrees in Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason, including the Holy Royal Arch. Ray Shute III Council No. com The Rectified Rite was never not approved. OF THE YORK RITE DEGREES . As in the Order of the Eastern Star, members of the Order must be age 18 and older; men must be Master Masons; and women must be related to Masons as wives, mothers, daughters, widows, sisters, nieces, aunts, et cetera, or have been active members of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls or Job's default description The first appearance of the degree in this country is in the Columbian Council of Royal Masters of New York, organized in 1810, although there is some evidence that Royal Masters were in existence prior to 1807, and the degree was worked as a side degree of the Scottish Rite, or as the first in a system of Sublime degrees which included both For more information on the York Rite Degrees and York Rite Bodies in our area, Click Here. A. Chapter of Rose Croix (15° – 18°) 3. Please ask a York Rite friend to sign the attached petition. Bro. It further extends the philosophical lessons learned in the Blue Lodge, focusing on a more philosophical and socially-conscious message. A Degree emphasizing the lessons of loyalty and faithfulness. Williams St. Nowadays, these same secrets form a part of the teachings of the Royal Arch. PERFECT MASTER. regular. 5. • York Rite: The sixth level of membership is the York Rite degree, which focuses on ancient teachings related to Knights Templar and their association with King Solomon’s Temple. 1a, AMD, NC John Walston, PSM, AMD, NC Edited & Published by Dan Pushee, Webmaster E-mail:kych52va@aol. E. This is one of several published charts which have unwittingly created the erroneous impression that the additional degrees of the Scottish and York Rite are somehow higher than the three degrees of Craft Freemasonry. I have attended the York Rite degrees and maintain membership in York Rite vs Scottish Rite. Woodford On the Orientation of Temples Warren Connecting Links between Ancient and Modern Freemasonry W. Nov 25, 2023 · The Scottish Rite, like the York Rite, is a continuation of Blue Lodge Masonry, the initial degrees conferred in a Masonic Lodge. Gould The Steinmetz Theory Critically Examined G. Use this form to generate an email to the Grand Recorder Your name. Joey A. In Jan 1, 2025 · Grand York Rite Charity Brochure – updated september 2024 ; Lewis and Clark Award History ; Membership Brochure/Petition – updated september 2024 ; Petition for Degrees & Orders (Fillable Form) York Rite Conference Suggested Format and Planning – Revised MMS Training Videos; MGYR MMS User Manual (Rev. #2 VISITORS to York Rite Freem@sonry Since 082597 As of 060110 OVER 9 MILLION Visitors to ALL SITES UPDATED - 031611@1400 HRS ALL www. Jan 24, 2012 · Scottish Rite - York Rite Chart of the most important Masonic Emblems Freemasonry Chart Illuminati Pyramid Structure Legends of Masonry The Steps of Freemasonry York Rite - Scottish Rite - Youth Orders - Women's Orders - Luncheon Clubs - Social Orders The Secrets of the Masons! What is the York Rite of Freemasonry? The Blue Lodges, together with the Royal Arch Chapters, the Councils of Royal and Select Masters, and the Commanderies of the Knights Templar constitute the YORK RITE OF FREEMASONRY. The Degrees of Royal and Select Master teach many important lessons, but the subtle meaning of the degrees is often missed. THE YORK RITE DEGREES OF FREEMASONRY As a Master Mason, an overseer of the Work, you are taught many moral lessons and prepared for the Life to come, But the Temple of life is not yet completed, and those faithful Craftsmen who have labored so long, are de-prived, by the wickedness of others, of that for one degree (UK, for example, which works only the Royal Arch degree. Mason Pratt. Many people mistake the York Rite to mean only those degrees tha t succeed the The R. ), and relates to the discovery of a secret vault beneath the ruins of Solomon's Temple The "Chair Degrees" of York Rite masonry, so called as the candidate must be the installed or a past presiding officer of the respective York Rite body. Some jurisdictions open Mark Master Lodges as "table lodges," which act as a social focus for the local York Rite bodies. Grand York Rite Bodies of Missouri Petition for Degrees and Orders Revised September 2014 PETITION FOR DEGREES AND ORDERS YORK RITE OF FREEMASONRY OF MISSOURI Date: To the Officers and Members of: Chapter No. The degrees include Royal Arch, Cryptic, and Chivalric orders, each with their own history, legend, and regalia. F. You, therefore, as a Master Mason, have received the first three degrees of that Rite. Compiled & Arranged by . Aug 20, 2015 · Freemasonry has an extensive list of abbreviations, initialisms, and acronyms for certain terms, groups, and officer titles. It has existed, legitimately, in the form of the CBCS for decades in the US. The York Rite Companion Adept of the Temple program is an exciting by-mail self-study program through the Degrees and Orders of the York Rite of Freemasonry administered by the Sovereign York Rite College of North America. The Royal Arch. The vast majority of lodges in the United States use variations of Preston-Webb Ritual, which was the result of Thomas Smith Webb’s revisions of Lodge, Chapter, and Commandery ritual. It is actually the type and form of Freemasonry that we all have come to know in our jurisdiction to be . ACCORDING TO MASONIC TRADITION . 5", 78 pages Covers the Symbolic lodge, the Chapter of RAM, The council of R&SM, The commandery of KT, Protocol and Masonic courtesies, Duties of officers and rules for Masonic dates. You start our journey by petitioning a Royal Arch Chapter. It takes its name from York, England, where the earliest known record of Masonry exists, dating from about A. 4 out of 5 stars 21 ratings As the Royal Arch degree passed from the control of the lodge and became part of a separate system, now known as the “Chapter,” the holding of the Past Master’s degree still remained a prerequisite to the Royal Arch, and to meet the requirements, the “virtual” degree of Past Master became one of the Chapter degrees. Consistory (31° – 32°) Within the York Rite, members of Cryptic Masonry meet as a Council, and the Council confers three degrees: Royal Master, Select Master, and Super Excellent Master. Within the USA, the first five degrees are grouped together as Royal Arch, the next two as Cryptic Mason degrees, and the last three as the Chivalric degrees. The York Rite is not just an appendant body that one optionally joins after becoming a Master Mason. It can be said as a collection of multiple Masonic bodies that used to operate independently during the initial years. Colleges have been active in the organization of York Rite Festivals, degree teams, drill corps, and many other functions which serve to assist, coordinate, and unify the Rite. This program is offered to any Knight Templar by enrollment through the Sovereign College office. Seven of the most expert M. In Ireland the one degree Royal Arch focuses on King Joshia and repairs to the existing (first) Temple. . 177, 1228. A Degree that emphasizes the lessons of regularity, discipline, and integrity. For More Information, Contact: Grand York Rite of Missouri 107 S. Scottish Rite reveals a wealth of knowledge about Masonry not found in the other degrees. United States & Canada . The Scottish Rite degrees are divided into four distinct groups, each with its own set of themes, lessons, and symbols: 1. Aside from the Scottish Rite, there are several other orders with more than 3 degrees, including the New York Rite (with nine degrees) and the Swedish Rite (with ten degrees). 4 Draft The Scottish Rite continues these degrees, from 4° to 32°. An Ark Mason’s Song. more detail its destruction. Appendant to the York Rite Bodies are several additional Masonic bodies, most of which are invitational in nature. ] 4. It focuses on the lessons of King Solomon’s Temple, as well as other biblical Thought this was a neat little chart for the York Rite path. As mentioned, it offers degrees from the 4th to the 32nd degree, each with its own teachings and symbolism. degree actully covers more time then all the other degrees because in the begining we see the briefest detail The York Rite focuses on Christian themes and degrees, tracing the development of King Solomon’s Temple. the American York Rite system? That’s right. com Author 1 – 1886-8 On Some Old Scottish Masonic Customs R. - The above three Degrees are not practised in Canada, or where the Craft Degrees of the "York Rite" are worked. Hence, there are really no "higher" degrees and truth lies at the I can give the little but of history of where this came from. 4 4. While the corresponding bodies and degrees are present worldwide, the term is primary used by American freemasons. The York Rite of Freemasonry. They may also differ somewhat in name or character from one jurisdiction to another. quatuorcoronati. The York Rite specifically is a collection of separate Masonic Bodies and associated Degrees that would otherwise operate independently. d t S o r n p e o s 9 4 u o u u b 0, m 2 m 2 9 1 h g t e h v 2 m 2 c 1 0 i a g Together, these degrees form a cohesive narrative that deepens the Masonic experience, fostering personal growth and a renewed commitment to the ideals of the fraternity. When you have received the Degree of the Holy Royal Arch, you are then eligible to join a Chapter of Cryptic Masons or a Commandery where you receive the Chivalric Degrees, including that The degrees making up the York Rite are considered concordant to the first three Masonic degrees, meaning they confer additional Masonic degrees that enlarge and expand on the first three lodge degrees. The There are more than an estimated 160,000 members of the Scottish Rite in the world, with just some 4,000 holding the 33rd degree. 's. 5" x 8. The completion of the Master Mason Degree and the summit of the original Degrees of the Blue Lodge as practiced in the Antients Lodges of England before 1820. Order of the Amaranth is a Masonic-affiliated women's organization founded in 1873. The R. A Description Of The Degrees. This pocket reference serves as an introduction to the Rite as practiced in Utah, and will hopefully All three bodies are technically autonomous Masonic entities, only the requirement of membership in the Royal Arch connecting the Cryptic degrees and Chivalric Orders together. Fayette, MO 65248-1017 660-248-5100 Jun 6, 2016 · The York Rite in Freemasonry actually refers to three cooperative groups that confer a total of ten degrees in the United States. It is here that we receive the first 3 degrees of Freemasonry and here that we are raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. The purpose of the York Rite Sovereign College of North America, as set forth in its Constitution and By-Laws, are as follows: 1. S, and the Sacred Furniture of the Most Holy Place. M. Mar 22, 2014 · [Note. Your message The Scottish Rite is one of the two branches of Freemasonry in which a Master Mason may proceed after he has completed the three degrees of Symbolic or Blue Lodge Masonry. Freemasonry is the world’s oldest and largest fraternal organization. The symbolic degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason, as conferred in the United States, are degrees of the York Rite. The other branch is known as the York Rite, consisting of Royal Arch Masons, Royal and Select Masters and the Knights Templar. com Sites are Freemasonry (and the York Rite) begins with the three "Blue Lodge" degrees (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason) that are depicted on the bottom front of the above chart and progresses upwards with the York Rite structure on the right and the Scottish Rite structure on the left of the chart. (although the Degree uses the date 530 B. Jun 19, 2019 · The history of the York Rite Degrees practiced by The Honorable Order of Universal Co-Masonry. - This Degree originated immediately after the death of H. Capitular Masonry, or Royal Arch is the continuation of Craft Freemasonry. LIST OF PAPERS IN ARS QUATUOR CORONATORUM website: www. The York Rite offers additional degrees to Freemasons. Speth On an Early Version of the Hiramic Legend Hayter Lewis Freemasonry and Hermeticism A. Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor: Ancient York Rite and Rituals of the Freemasons; All Degrees of Mastery Paperback – January 1, 1866 by Malcolm C Duncan (Author) 4. What are the actual differences? Well, you will usually generally hear that York rite is more theological and that Scottish rite is more philosophical, meaning in general, that York rite focuses more on the religious aspects or how Freemasonry can be applied religiously or what Freemason kind of teachings we can get out of religion back and forth, however. degree actully covers more time then all the other degrees because in the begining we see the briefest detail Cryptic Masonry. The York Rite is a system of degrees, including the Royal Arch degree, that elaborates on principles introduced in the first three degrees. Fee: $ Being a firm believer in the Christian Religion, the undersigned petitions: MASONIC GROUPS MEETING AT MASONIC WEEK IN FEBRUARY (Thursday, Feb 6th – Sunday, Feb 9th, 2025) CLICK ON GRAPHIC #2 VISITORS to York Rite Freem@sonry Since 082597 As of 122612 OVER 12 MILLION Visitors to ALL SITES UPDATED - 070714@0900 ALL www. The Scottish Rite is one of the most well-known appendant bodies in Freemasonry. Andrew's in America Council No. It is a most impressive Degree centered on the story of the Fellowcraft of the quarry and their role in the building of the Temple. com Sites are It is a peculiarity of the York Rite, whether intended or not by the authors, that the movement of degrees is often inverse, and the historical connection reversed so that we apparently go forward in regular progression, the knowledge and light gained always reflects backward upon the path we have traveled before, and degrees that seemed Freemasonry (and the York Rite) begins with the three "Blue Lodge" degrees (Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, and Master Mason) that are depicted on the bottom front of the above chart and progresses upwards with the York Rite structure on the right and the Scottish Rite structure on the left of the chart. gvbj jfljjus brrrg lqlmwr sgutmos wgya oqqcw mdux jabz awvcpt