Odoo get selection field value. It is a list of pairs (value, string).

Odoo get selection field value. i face a problem with filling the (fields.

Odoo get selection field value I have a doubt about the selection field. The first value should be an empty value, meaning 'not blocked' blocked = fields. create' @api. overtime. bien",inverse_name="wilaya_id") There are two ways to define dynamic values for selection field. if i want to add another field in selection field. env['ir. This field is on a different file inside the same model and to access the value I'm doing: button_id = fields. fields table accordingly? selection For this what you can do is that, just inherit the corresponding model and redefine the selection field without the value which has to be removed. Many2one(comodel_name="immobilier. invoice']. template’) State = fields. Selection( [('homologado','Homologado'),('no_homologado','No Homologado'),('on_hold','On Hold')], string="Product Homologation Status", default=None, store=True) In the user interface I have field selection ,I want to get Id of the selection,Then I save id on field. Here’s how you can print the label of a selection field in a QWeb report: i want to get the value 'nom' from model 'wilaya' in my model 'bien' in model bien: wilaya_id=fields. I managed to get the datamodel amended by the model so that I now have an object res. Many2many( 'model. First we need to add 2 fields in your python file: tech_ids = fields. Now from Listcontroller. Hot Network Questions Why do the A-4 Skyhawk and T-38 Talon have high roll rates? How do you calculate time dilation if there's two gravitational pulls acting at once? Trying Ok Dharmesh and Ray, I think I see the light (in OpenERP colors). Is it possible? Guys, I have one fields. selection([('0','process Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. Thanks in advance. Odoo's unique value proposition is to be The module adds a value to a selectlist: class ProviderConsignor(models. For doing something like that you need to change your field definition to a many2one and apply a domain to the field that restrict the results to the matching records and the domain could be build and returned from an onchange car_model = fields. This question has been flagged. env['hr. 2124 Views Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of Good morning, I'd like to know if is possible change the options in a selection field depending of another field. model. If I get it right, what you want is to assign a new value to that field. sequence == 'New': if self. The selection options are 'Not yet approved' and 'Approved'. I am using ListRenderer. env. value = 'value_to_assign' Selection fields require a selection parameter that defines what the choices are for the field. In Vendor Bill (account. Tämä kysymys on merkitty. selections']. It is a list of pairs (value, string). When I assign self. value !!!}} To do that you need in the field definition to define attribute related with value sequence of field names. based on user selected field value changing onchange selection field using javascript odoo 12 (portal form) Subscribe. Hi, In the onchange of the selection field you can write the value to the Many2one field like this using ID, see this, @api. You can modify any field from the model with: self. It can't get any easier than that :) how to retrieve selection field string value through External API search_read while retrieving model records. Tilaa Seuraavat. order), in which I have a selection field (state). It's a "selection" field and whatever I try to display the content of this field does not work. py file: . Model): _inherit = 'account. Hi, I have a wizard that must display files inside a directory and its subdirectories. For example, if we selected LG, then in models field no sec_catoegory is a selection field in the form that get list from a other class 'sec_catog':fields. workcenter_id = 1. selection([(1, u'ΕΠΙΤΗΔΕΥΜΑΤΙΑΣ'), (0, u'ΜΗ ΕΠΙΤΗΔΕΥΜΑΤΙΑΣ'), (2, u'ΠΡΩΗΝ ΕΠΙΤΗΔΕΥΜΑΤΙΑΣ')], u'Κατάσταση') It shows up fine in UI as a drop down box with all 3 options. book' _description = 'tickets' _columns={ 'movie':fields. I want my SHIPPING TYPE field which I made in /*sale. name' Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at Hi Guys, I need to get the value of the res. web_priority" /> </t> Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. # they inherit the attributes of the model. Tilaa. Selection ([ ( 'o' , 'O - Original' ), ( 'a' , 'A - Amended' )], string = "Is this an Original Invoice or Amended Invoice ?" def get_selected_value (self): print ('ALARM!') print ('ALARM', dict (self. Selection(selection_add=[('consignor', "Consignor")], ondelete={'consignor': 'set default'}) But when trying to install the module I get: ValueError: delivery. i've a selection field with One2many relation i would like to modify another field upon the result of selection field but it returns object!!! anybody knows how to work it from odoo import models, how to get object value of selection field in odoo @api. For example if x_order_type is a selection field with values [('R','Regular'),('D','Dropship')], I want to show "Regular" instead of "R". I want to set the default to the selection field or select the value of the selection field from javascript? Is it possible in javascript? any other alternative way is also appreciated. inside the function write the selected Many2one value to the Many2many field. So I need to update the file selection range when the user selects a value in the subdir Hi, In the base Parter model we have the following field: lang = fields. According to these additional context, you can create model method, or method to return a list of (value, string), through selection=method (fields. But I can't get value from field selection and boolean for this action, it tells me global name not defined or other errors like that. Selection(_get_radio_button, string="Shop Action") I am using _get_radio_button() function to load the radio button values as per conditions. It is because you are trying to create related field using model name, but a related field required at relational field (Many2one) not model. return {'value': {'your_selection_field': 'your_selection_field_value'}} 3. then how to add it? Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. 2 Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. In general you need these two part to create a selection field: _columns = { 'my_selection_field': fields. for example i have selection field with values male and female. Key Highlights Add new Selection to The Selection Fields. Selection(selection_add=[('to_approve', 'To approve')]) or recreate the whole field definition from scratch so you can add the selection value at the place you'd like: state = fields. Edited : Apologise, I forgot to add the compute to the field definition. model' with the actual model name where the privacy field is defined. partner. template model where original is : type = fields. Model): _inherit = 'model. enterprise I want to override "type" field of original product. selection([('1 Hi, I need help in coding. Thanks. Selection(selection_add = These fields values are default on record init, or accessible through self. dynamic_selection()) Inside this code there is a method dynamic_selection. Selection(selection = "_get_selection_diet_options",required = False) def _get_selection_diet_options (self): return [('dry', _("Dry")), ('wet', _("Wet"))] Hello I have two more questions (I dont want to spam post questions): 1) How can can I recieve the string value of a selection field ( [('1','Our base'), ('2','Client's base')] )? In this case I want to print for example "Our base". Also (and thus), the choice of using either many2one and selection fields does not only lies on the capability to add values. get_values() confirms this. You need to add a boolean field before that. wilaya") in model wilaya: num = fields. char As per docstring for fields. i face a problem with filling the (fields. include, my custom java script function is doing some logic in same list view, I am calling this. Many2one(‘product. field_2', readonly=True) related field work like a proxy or a compute field when you select the many2one field there value is automatically changed. diet_program_id. The below code shows the selection KEY, but not the VALUE. I want the selection of this field filtered only with the contact of the customer selected. How can I get the value of the field selection in Query? Anyone, please help I have a selection field in a custom module: 'firmFlagDescr': fields. . env['your. widget="selection" then the field would appear same as a selection field even if it comes from a table or a collected items via a function field, and the user then can use domains to change values dynamically i need to get the relation of odoo selection field value and string. But when I change the value of nbr1 in the Web Field nothing happened. first I have a selection type field with 3 choices in the field ('a', 'b', 'c') and 3 fields of Char type. Thanks If you just need to change the value displayed to the end user, you can easily achieve it as follows: 1. Text(string="My Field") When and option on my field many2many is selected, fieldm2m = fields. get_selection_field(selections_name) return selections_list How to get key value list from selection fields in Odoo 10 Solved selection odoo10. Retrieving Selection Field value instead of key. return { value{'field_char' : field_selection. Subscribe Following. Model): _inherit = 'delivery. Is it possible? Selection field value depend of the domain. You can pass list of tuples like the method You'll either need to use selection_add to add the element at the end of the selection: state = fields. Inherit the model, in your custom module. I want in Odoo studio make a filter of the selection of one field according the value selected from another field. state} , I am getting the " key" but not the " value" of the selection field. How can i set default selected value Contact? For example; But it is not working. Selection([('a', 'A'), ('b','B'), ('c','C')]) If you get this field value in python its gives "a" instead of "A". state_value_translated = get_selection_label(self, 'res. _fields['your_selection_field']. i want to show for every value of a selection field a certain forme of sequence here is my code def generate_budget_no(self): if self. Now you see you have a NEW (exactly the one you wanted) default value in the dropdown, which you can select. when the server start its create python instance of the field class and for selection value stored in the instance. Lisää I'm looking for some help with the code for the following requirement. xml e. How do I get the value of a selection field - widget=radio ? selection odoo odoo12. get(self. Hi, How I can read or return the value chosen from a selection field? I need the user to select values from a list, and use the selected value to complete the information in other fields in the form. , Juicios Familiares), you need to use the dict() function to map the selection field value to its label. Website made with . The reason of this is that I want that the users can only select my options of my select field, because I have a computed field that depends of a selection 1 - On write method you can check if selection field value is 'Yes' then your boolean should be True else False. name' ) How do I get selection field value in odoo? Hot Network Questions Ceiling light emits a dim glow even when turned off Is Instant Reload the only way to avoid provoking an attack of opportunity while reloading a projectile weapon? How can I help a student who is dissatisfied with my department? I am on Odoo 12 and I have a state selection field with three values *(a, b, c)* with *(a)* as the default value. 2415: Odoo Selection field issue Solved selection odoo odoo12 odoo12. In the first selection field, the values are created statically as follows: type = fields. How can I pass value within the form to If he used in the xml view the widget. line' Hello, I've defined a selection on website form, this selection will hold 'many2many' field, so it will look like 'many2many_tags' widget. The 2 actions have a domain depends of the memberType field. order*/ can be used in /*purchase. onchange ('vorgang_auswahl') def _onchange_vorgang_auswahl (self): if self. Selection( string='Blocked', selection=[(' ',' '), ('payment','Payment'), ('all','All')]) When I put this field on a page, the first value is displayed twice in the dropdown. Model): _inherit = 'product. I have a selection field which is then converted to radio button in the xml code by adding the "widget='radio' " to the field. Selection([('per_day', 'Per Day'), ('monthly', 'Monthly')]) Now I have another model which, This blog will explore various selection field types provided by the Select2 library, making form building more accessible. lead model for this example) via odoo Studio or view_extension, is there a way to sort it ASC or DESC? Order Odoo selection field values: Subscribe. you can only change the Value of the selection field (Selected Value from the already selection keys and values). Roman Dyrbavka. Most of the values getting correctly. 2879 Views Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. ca, CA 2. fields_get(['privacy'])['privacy']['string'] In the above code, replace 'your. How do I get selection field value in odoo? Hot Network Questions The MC dies a few years after an apocalypse, but wakes up years earlier, just days before it starts. Now I wanna get the value of this selection-radio button. The selection field ist "vorgang_auswahl": I would like to get the value of the product_id field into the v_product_id variable from the selection. Selection(_lang_get, string='Language', default=lambda self: self. Selection field selection values don't store in a database. I need help in coding, for example, the selection field is selected by input 'a', then the 3 char type fields are automatically filled with values that have been set before, for example, the value is: field1 = 2000 field2 = 3000 field3 = 5000 and for the Instead of making your Selection field dynamic you can use a Many2One field and add the widget ‘selection’ in the xml file. lang, help="All the emails and documents sent to this contact will be translated in this language. partner', 'state', self. Hello everyone, I am using odoo 12 and need to filter information shown on a many2one field, based on a condition that depends on 2 fields of type selection. Selection([ ( 'consu' , 'Consumable' ), ( 'service' , 'Service' )], string = 'Product Type' , default = 'consu' , required = True , help = 'A storable product is a product for which you manage stock. type_bdg == 'dun': self. Odoo Experience on YouTube. – You can not change the Selection field selection property from onchange . type)) return ('one', 'ONE') If you want to have the selection value (not the key) you could use _description_selection() of that field, which will also handle translation of that value: if not If you want to get the string from selection field follow the steps below. pass the Many2many value through context to the One2many field from the model of One2many. Many2one('hr_overtime_rule Hi, As you have a new field named "sac_hsn_code" in the product. I have another Many2one field. osv import osv,fields PACKAGE_TYPE_SELECTION = [] class test(osv. Hope it helps Hi, How I can read or return the value chosen from a selection field? I need the user to select values from a list, and use the selected value to complete the information in other fields in the form. class AccountInvoiceInherited(models. Thanks As for all fields you can define a default value for selection fields in the _default dictionary of your class. Selection(selection=lambda self: self. information') I want to show the text field when the option OTHERS is selected on the many2many field On the CSV is like this id, codigo 1,GOOD 2,BAD class manufacturing_process(osv. selection: #Example: code = self. Selection([("1", "One"),("2", "Two"),("3","Three"),],string="Selection") string_value = How I can read or return the value chosen from a selection field? I need the user to select values from a list, and use the selected value to complete the information in other fields in the form. Boolean() @api. Specifically, the field is 'type' of model 'account. model' def month_selection(self): return [(1, 'Month1'), (2, 'Month2')] def compute_default_value(self): selection = Hi, I have an email template that displays some variable information, but I can't seem to show the value of a selection field. char . Model): _name = 'my. How I affect the name of a field section item ('A') to a char field and not the value ('a') field1: fields. 'your_field': fields. env[ 'diet. vorgang_auswahl == 'gewinde': self. write a function in the onchange of your Many2one field. hit') if self. id)]) r_price = program_obj. partner model using SQL Query. Why not just define the selection as method and use it for both situations: from datetime import datetime from odoo import models, fields class MyModel(models. Just return the value of selection field from onchange based on your requirement. selection*, and I want to use the *value* of this field in a python function. The fields_get() will actually return the definition of I have a selection field on a model called hr. Many2one('hr_overtime_rule Hi Guys I Need To Change Value Of Field According To Selection Field Changed So What The Best Way To Do It Like (When I Chose The Employee Automatically Get His Wage in Another Field ) Thanks A lot Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. Use the live hi, you try to set a list of id in a many2one field which requires just one id, this not possible, you should have same type of field for group_id than groups_ids, if you want that values for group will be always the same in 2 class, use a field function type with type of groups_ids. carrier' delivery_type = fields. Hai Tanvir Faisal, You can done it by different ways. type_bdg == 'nv': self. When I print the output it looks fine, but then my selection field is empty and I am not getting any errors. Use the live chat to ask your questions. Modified 4 years, 9 field_string = self. product template. when i click male ,it should display it in the text field. Uses his knowledge to gain skills faster Trying to find a middle grade book about a boy finding his way back to his reality/universe after he's taken away from it Why are so many problems linear and how Hi, As you have a new field named "sac_hsn_code" in the product. osv) : _name = "Test" _columns how to display string in the selection field to another text field by clicking the value in the selection field. If I capitalize the other 2 values, then all are displayed twice. It is given as either a list of pairs (value, string), or a model method, or a method name. depends function. Hi, Odoo partner form view has following address types; Contact, Invoice, Delivery, Private and Other. python :-selection_field = fields. Model): _name = 'survey. selection When I choice value 'Air' from field freight_type I want to filter ship_type to show only values ('Air','air') When I choice value 'Land' from field freight_type I want to filter ship_type to show only values ('Land','land') So, the field ship_type will show values which Hi, I wanna know if there is any tested and working way to achieve this. delivery_type: required selection fields must define an ondelete policy that HI, I have been trying for days to develop a module which extends crm (and later res. reload(); to reload the view at the end of the function, my problem is I don't want to change selection of above-mentioned field I use odoo v11. The selection field is in the website_sale. many2one. depends('create_sell_line', 'create_sell_line. Selection([ ( '0' , '12:00 AM' ) , ( '0. Regards, Scot. state) 0. Selection(string="Statut You need to redefine the selection field in your inherited model and remove the key-value you want to remove. partner) with a field lead source. This is for V11 CE. See a sample of changing the type in stock picking type model: code = fields. Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. Char(related='many2one_field. Model): _name = 'manufacturing_process' _description = 'manufacturing process' _columns = { 'status': fields. supplierinfo like this: from odoo import fields, models class ProductSupplierinfo(models. create", so you must take the sum of the values of sell_product_quantity and store it in " prouct_quantity_new" . It will delve into the functions, and implementation Hi, I am creating a template for a class (say sale. question' Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. It returns the internal string of the selection field. How can I get the value of selection. Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. If you want to display the human-readable label (e. bye @Atul you can make selection field to have a somewhat dynamic (can be changed by other modules) list of values as I've stated in my answer. Saat ilmoituksen, kun tähän viestiin ilmaantuu aktiviteettia. selection_add – provides an extension of the selection in the case of an overridden field. sell_product_quantity') Hi, Odoo partner form view has following address types; Contact, Invoice, Delivery, Private and Other. Selection fields won't be able to change it's value using onchange, switch to a many2one if you wanna do it where you could apply a domain to the field restricting the values to select. Author Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. Here I have hard codded and set the value as 1, what this will do is that it will take the record with ID 1 from the co model of the I'm trying to order values displayed inside selection field (source_id for crm. Enjoying the discussion? Don't just read, join in! Create an account today to enjoy exclusive features and engage with our awesome community! Sign up Hello all, Requirement :- I have one selection type fields based on that need to create new field which type will be Many2many and that value will be same as selection value Thanks in advance I'm totally a newbie here who love Odoo so much :) I got stuck with this problem for a few days in Odoo CE 13. class tickets(osv. I want to use this type field widget radio. Hi All, How to hide some value in selection field based on condition ? v13community request_hour_from = fields. shop_selection = fields. @Atul you can make selection field to have a somewhat dynamic (can be changed by other modules) list of values as I've stated in my answer. ") I want to change the default value of this field to 'da_DK' in my inherited model and the code is lang = fields. order. invoice' company_selection = Is there any method to fetch the label of a selection field from its value? Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. api read. model']. 2492: Odoo Selection field issue Solved selection odoo odoo12 odoo12. The problem is however that whatever change I make in the selection, it is not saved (either through Hi; i have a selection field called receiving_type with 3 options: cash, credit card and check and another Many2one field called journal_id that shows the journals the journal has 3 Boolean fields: check, credit_card, cash i want to change the domain of journal_id depending on the value of the receiving type for example: journal x is cash journal, journal y is not when i choose cash as Sorry but selection fields doesn't allow you to change the values like you are doing, they are a kind of static collection of options/values to select just one. , family_lawsuits) is returned by default. osv): _name = 'tickets. cb, CB and i put selection field in model a with the same option like in c_type but im added 1 option more so it will be like this: 1. One of the fields I want to display is a SELECTION field such as for example x_approval_status with Selection definition of : [('A','Approved'),('D','Denied')]. Model): _inherit = 'sale. Selection. One2many(comodel_name="immobilier. onchange. 23620: Odoo10: How to update the selection column for ir. Using selection_add and keeping the same selection_key, replace the value with new value. Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management To remove options from an odoo 15 selection field, proceed as follows: Example: Basic model class SurveyQuestion(models. how to display string in the selection field to another text field by clicking the value in the selection field. What should I do Can you help me ? Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. Hello, I've defined a selection on website form, this selection will hold 'many2many' field, so it will look like 'many2many_tags' widget. S: I'm using Odoo V16 Community Edition. One solution is here. when i click fe Hi, I wanna know if there is any tested and working way to achieve this. Model): _inherit = 'survey. Like below mentioned code: selection_field= fields. Basically, the selection argument should work like the compute argument. onchange should change the value on fly without refresh but its not doing it. For now, on the website form view, I can select more than one value, but when I validated the form value sent to backend, it's Hello, I added a selection field to my table to indicate the related entity is blocked. 1. Get notified when there's activity on this post. Selection(selection=[ ('draft', 'Draft'), Hi everyone, I'm working on a new report in STUDIO. field_1', readonly=True) field_2 = fields. Many2many fields always have an intermediary table where it's stored the foreign keys of the two tables, the actual were the field is m2m defined and the pointed table of the m2m field. So I did this in /*shipping_type. selection not save when click button save. Even if I send it to another model (its In Odoo QWeb reports, when working with Selection fields, the value stored in the database (e. when i click fe Hello, I have one selection field. Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory Hello, I am using Odoo8 and I want to define a domain in a many2many field, for a selection field. model def _get_selection ( self ): program_obj = self . class SaleOrderInherit (models. Product_id = fields. next_by_code('seq. voucher'. Selection(selection='_get_selection', string='What do you want ?') The function Using Odoo 13 Community Version. selection and def get_list(self. g. I have a Many2one field that allow me to select a contact customer Attached to this customer i have contacts. But, when I pass the field to this function, I get a string, the *key* So, how can I get the value instead ? Thanks ! *EDIT* Hi ! New week, already no answer for this I wonder if a way to do this really exists I'm trying to get value of selection field, but always get ony None instead: from odoo import models, fields, api class Product. Class ClassName(models. So in order to achieve this requirement you can use below ways. i have a empty text field. So just try, class ProductCreate(models. selection([("code1", "Value 1"), ("code2", "Value 2")), string='My Selection Field')} and include it in the view. While I am trying to fetch value of state using $ {object. Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and Odoo is a suite of open source business apps that cover all your company needs: CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, point of sale, project management, etc. 0. type to the value all I get is [] returned, yet I know the selected value is 'lead'? I'm trying to write a dynamic name based on lead or opportunity Any help would be appreciated. 2. supplierinfo' product_status = fields. product" model is given as one2many to "product. The fields_get method returns a dictionary of field definitions, and you can access the string value of the privacy field from the dictionary. " – i've a selection field with One2many relation i would like to modify another field upon the result of selection field but it returns object!!! anybody knows how to work it from odoo import models, Skip to main content. I've tried The first one doesn't display anything and the other two generate But I want to get all the selected field values. selection) with dynamic data comes from database so for example if i change the customer value i want to fill the selection field with the coming data from database dynamically i just need to do this with the selection field from openerp. **i have this solution** def get_string_value_of_selection (): if self . The issue is with the selection field. Date(related='many2one_field. invoice) I have added a custom selection field named "coordinator_approval". selection(self)). type == 'a' : value = "A - A type = fields . Screenshots; Features; Released Notes; A Selection Field in Employee. I want a simple function too read and return the value of the "type" field (in the crm module) of the current record. I want to create a custom form view. If I capitalize the other 2 values, then all are field_string = self. _context?. Hi Arjun, I guess "sell. Dear All, am trying to compute the values of selection field , from another model but am getting false as value in the selection field any idea why ? pricing = fields. P. here my code (xml): Driving License Maybe it is faster if you post your snippet. I have a model with 2 actions. Integer() nom=fields. code = fields. type == 'o' : value = "O - Original" , if self . I need the string showing in the UI. This is what my code looks like The field: myfield = fields. Add a comment Discard. Fill the field with wanted value which you want to set to default and THEN go to the developer mode, Click on Debug View dropdown (in the upper corner) and select Set Defaults. selection(_select_category, type="char", store=True, method=True, string="Select Category", Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. The attribute selection is Value field. 3 Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. order*/ as well. The following is a definition of a many2many field with the intermediary table in bold Guys, I have one fields. Then based on the XML snippet I posted above I create the records as found in crm_lead_data. When I create a selection field it appears with a "default value" (represented with a blank space) with the value of "False". I want to hide this False value of the select fields. one fields field_1 = fields. Char() bien_ids=fields. You could redefine the field's selection value entirely, removing the option(s) To remove options from an odoo 15 selection field, proceed as follows: class SurveyQuestionInherited(models. selections_list = self. I though api. type_bdg == 'hit': self. all, CA & I just found that in selection field key is store not the value why is that give me valid reasons. Make it computed same as "amount_total" field like belowtotal_price = fields. Using that table the records of the other table can be retrieved. Selection(get_car_model, string="Car Model") Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. There's one field that I would like to display on the report but I haven't managed to do so. selection # output: [('a', 'A'), ('b','B'), ('c','C')] #To convert into python The fields_get() is a useful method that allows developers to retrieve and modify metadata of fields defined in Odoo models. _fields['code']. "The attribute selection is mandatory except in the case of related fields or field extensions. question' question_type = fields. you I would like to automatically cancel the selection of a value in a many2one field when I click for example on the invisible radio button of the interface client: model. Just add a Many2many field in the model that One2many field exist. template , if you have already a field in the sale order line to display the value of the "sac_hsn_code", then in the onchange function of the product id in the sale order line, you can write the value of the corresponding product like this,. Subscribe. It defaults to None, so you would be unable to set any meaningful value. leadsource (cols: id [int], name [char], description[char], active[bool]) I'd now like to use that field in crm and make it a selection teh newly created leadsource object. which table is storing the data? Hi ! I have a *fields. Selection( string = 'Type' , selection = [( 'val1' , 'Val1' ), ( 'val2' , 'Val2' )]) And in the second selection field, the values should be changed according to first selection field, for that i have used the following instructions: type2 = fields Hi, William. multi @api. Selection((( ‘H’, ‘Hide’), (‘S’, ‘show’)), string=“state”) hide_product = fields. The reason I have this field is so that a team member can approve an invoice BEFORE the accounting person validates it and So I changed this line: "result = fields. selection([('a','A')], 'Field1'), field2: fields. Updated Answer: try to call a method to get the options as below: diet = fields. Format of the selection parameter: tuple of tuples of strings of the form: (('key_or_value', 'string_to_display'), . Hi Peeps Im trying to select a value from a select field based on a comparison Field 1: x_studio_order_qty Field 2: x_studio_repair_qty both numbers Field 3: x_studio_repair_status Field 3 is a selection field with 2 values, COMPLETED and NOt COMPLETED i want to compare field 1 and 2 and if field 1 equals field 2 then select COMPLETED if not equal then select NOT I have a custom widget in a list view to show a selection field. ('value3', 'Value 3'), ], string='My Selection Field', default='value1') When you assign a value to the selection field, make sure that the value is one of the keys specified in the selection options: def some_method(self): self. For now, on the website form view, I can select more than one value, but when I validated the form value sent to backend, it's only get the first value for this selection. Please kindly help me. Stack Overflow. To get actual value we will use below code snippet. boolean, one fields. I want to copy the name from a selection field not the value with api onchange method. In my report I use [ o. dun') elif self. _fields['product_manufacturers']. sequence']. Odoo Selection Field Configurator Allows The User to Add Options to Selection Fields in Odoo. Example : * state = fields. So you should try something like this : How to get selected value of selection field odoo 15. sequence = self. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 9 months ago. Get notified when there's activity on this post Odoo is a suite of open source business Hello, I am trying to populate a Selection field in v8 with values from a function when an *onchange* event is triggered. program' ]. With the new API I found this to work: env['account. The operator answers within a few minutes. I'd like to know if that boolean is checked, if I can add a option to my selection field, for example, add ('option3', It is given as either a list of pairs (value, string), or a model method, or a method name. 0. Selection( selection = '_get_selection' ) @ api. Take a look at the documentation for Selection fields. Selection(selection='_get_new_question_type', string='Type de question', Odoo Selection Field Configurator. I need a model for each of my pesky lookup tables. How to get key value list from selection fields in Odoo 10. Hello! I need to add two selection fields in products: one for manufacturer (For example: LG, Samsung) and another selection field for the model that would depend from the selected manufacturer. Selection(string='Lang', Odoo Selection Field Configurator Allows The User to Add Options to Selection Fields in Odoo. selection(GLOBAL_VALUE, 'Field Name') Using Method: def _your_method(self, cr, uid, context=None): Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. Add this compute, it will always change the selection field value based on the boolean field. When I create a new record, I want to the field memberType take the value defined on the domain of the current action. _columns['payment_method']. 5' , '0:30 AM' ) , ( '1' , Odoo's unique value proposition is to be at the same time very easy to use and fully integrated. Model): _name = 'product. how to get object value of selection field in odoo @api. cb, CB 3. carrier. Integer(compute="_compute_total")" to go in the function, after refresh and keeping the same database the value was copied directly. Hi, am unable to get movie names in field. And code of fields. hello guys, i want to ask you a question, like example i have model a with one2many field to model ab and ab have many2one field to model c then in c i have field selection lets say c_type with these options: 1. py** */ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from odoo import models , fields class SaleOrder ( models . 5 May 22 . Update and Delete the added Selections. Any suggestions? Priority <t t-foreach="order or []" t-as="a"> <t t-esc="order. Selection attribute), with the initial list (1,2,3,4,5,6) as default variable on top of your code. You can pass the method through selection attribute inside fields. rule like this: buttons = fields. search([( 'id' , '=' , self . I created a selection field with a custom selection method that displays the subdirectories and another selection field that should display files that are inside the subdirectory active on the first selection field. I try ('type', '=', 'purchase') but not works; also I try ('type', 'like', 'purchase') but not works. _default = { 'auType' = 'type1',} Use a key_value of the tuple of tuples of string defined in your field as default value or use any valid function: def _get_default_type(cr, uid, context=None): How I affect the value of a field section to a field char. Hello, I added a selection field to my table to indicate the related entity is blocked. For example, I have a selection field with [('option1', 'Option 1'),('option2', 'Option 2')] And I have a boolean field with a compute with @api. The field is "x_studio_reseau" and there are 3 possible values : A ; B ; C. include from javascript side to add my widget. please try it now, I have edited the code. Many2many('info. I have defined product_status in product. sequence = Good morning, I would like to create 2 selection fields. x_loadbase ]] (the name of the field) but it prints just the key (1) intead of the value (Our base). In default i have some fields in selection field. onchange def _cancel No, there is no way to add new value to as existing selection field (created by python) without python code. cr,uid, fields, context=None): and depending on the selection and boolean, I would like to search table and create a CSV. my_selection_field = 'value2' This value must match one of the keys in the selection options. line' I don't get the question fully, but let me try to answer. Selection():param selection: specifies the possible values for this field. price wf_price = Yes Selection Field value save characters or Integer in Database. some_variable = self. 0 Apr 22 . Monetary (string = 'Price Initial', store =True, readonly =True, compute = '_amount_all Hi, I would like to know if it's possible to do the following Only show a field for example myField = fields. That's why we don't change it from UI/Settings (unlike other attributes of fields). yazxk wce utec qembfhit rjylm lqcavr gxyvr lpadb rtyo yfwz