M855 ballistic coefficient If I'm going for accuracy or range, I always go to 77gr. I want this to be the best ballistic trajectory calculator Characteristics of the round – M855: *Tends to penetrate more due to steel core. 169 (G7) for the Sierra 69 Match King -- very, very similar flight paths (the Sierra is all-lead as opposed to the M855's lead core and steel penetrator). Since the new bullet is longer and faster with a sharper tip and higher ballistic coefficient, one could expect to find some trajectory variance. 56 cartridge is best for your AR-15. This also means M855 has an overall higher hit probability. 225. Get the app. 56x45 62 grain FMJBT M855 Ballistics Chart Barnes Ammunition Ballistics - 5. Construction of the investigated bullet can be comparable with M855 projectile The Winchester Ballistic Calculator allows you to select your Winchester product and view the real trajectory from that product. 7: This blog post wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t at least mention the M855 green tips. " An anonymous answer - take it with a grain of salt Posted: 10/28/2015 8:31:40 PM EST [#2] Sweet! Thank you. Fractional remaining velocity as a function of range, M855. Stock up on PMC XTAC M855 - 5. This round’s bullet is further equipped with a boat tail, which heightens its ballistic coefficient for a flatter trajectory Tests were conducted with 5. military and SS109 under NATO standards, was developed to enhance penetration capabilities. It is a great investment if you want to get into long range Green Tip (M855), Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (FMJBT) Bullet Weight: 62 grain: Cartridge Case Material: Brass: Muzzle Velocity: 3060 ft/s: Package Type: Box: Primer Location: Centerfire: Muzzle Energy: 1289 ft-lbs: G1 Ballistic Coefficient: 0. However 5. If you do not have a Shooting · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. A bulk-box of 1000 rounds of 5. 56-mm Ammunition: M855 Nov 5, 2023 · According to Ballistic Performance of Rifle Bullets by Bryan Litz the average G1 ballistic coefficient of M855A1 is 0. Velocity The two most important variables are the Initial Velocity and the Ballistic Coefficient. The results of a drag coefficient numerical approximation were summarized in Tab. Thread starter Jed Eckert; Start date Aug 7, 2020; Help Support Long Range Hunting Winchester + Ammunition Winchester Ammunition + USA VALOR Series Rifle Winchester USA VALOR Series Rifle Ammunition Winchester USA VALOR 5. New York Times. Is a BC of . edit: great video though. 223/5. 56mm at . [144] m855. 151 Bullet Weight: 62 gr Initial Velocity: 2920 fps The two most important variables are the Initial Velocity and the Ballistic Coefficient. 250 penetration value slightly increased from . By David Crane defrev at gmail dot com. Using these models simplifies drag math. 56mm 77gr OTM Whether you know it as M855, SS109, or just green tip 5. 56 NATO Ballistics Chart shows 62 Grain Hornady Black FMJ: Muzzle: 100 YDS: 200 YDS: 300 YDS: Velocity (FPS) 3060: 2714: 2394: 2095: Energy (FT/LB) 1289: 1014: 789: 604: Drop (Inches) / +1. So, in the end, it boils to the following: Sep 17, 2020 · And yet, despite its prevalence, few outside of the firearms community know the various designations, like M193 and M855 — two military cartridges in use today. The ballistics of a bullet concerns the path, speed, and energy of a bullet at different stages in its flight path. 5 Figure 3. The key difference in the performance of M855 and M193 lies in the M855 round’s steel penetrator tip and lead core. M855, M995 and M855A1 to a ballistic laboratory and got all the information. It is a great investment if you want to get into long range Ballistic Coefficient: . The term ballistics coefficient will also come into play here, which describes the resistance of The two most important variables are the Initial Velocity and the Ballistic Coefficient. Please refer to the 2009 weblog article: New The results of a drag coefficient numerical approximation were summarized in Tab. Controversial. Top. 243 Bullet Length - 0. 56x45mm NATO ammo is somewhat controversial. 41 when fired from a barrel with a 1:8" twist and 1. It is a great investment if you want to get into long range shooting and M855 140-150m 90-95m 45-50m 12-15m But according to what I saw on the "Rifle Performance" page of PA AR15 shooter's site, it was Slight differences in BC (ballistic Coefficient) and environmental factors, as well as the inherent subjectiveness of all ballistic calculators, are bound to result in differing results. New. Users can work out trajectory — without needing ballistic coefficient — and can calculate spin drift, gyroscopic stability factor, vertical deflection of crosswind, and Coriolis A comprehensive look at the 5. And here's the same table for M193, presuming muzzle velocity of 3,100 fps and a G1 ballistic coefficient of . New posts Search forums. 56 NATO, 55gr, FMJ The form factor and drag coefficient for the M193 and the M855 was derived from the FTB aeropack data using the approach described in section 2. This calculator will produce a ballistic trajectory chart that shows the bullet drop, bullet energy, windage, Use this ballistic calculator in order to calculate the flight path of a bullet given the shooting parameters that meet your conditions. As well as penetrating better, the M855 has a slightly better Ballistic Coefficient: . 291. These two characteristics provide M855 with a superior ballistic coefficient, which means it retains greater velocity and accuracy at distance. 243 and . com Having trouble using the site? This project evaluated a claim purportedly coming out of Iraq by U. These are straight from the Lake City factory. Classifieds. Parking is currently unavailable. viii INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK. 56 rounds are produced using newly-made and reloadable brass casings, and reliable components for a Pretty sure folks just buy M855 and M193 because they're cheap to blast off at the range. I procured a 1/2 piece of armor plate. Construction of the investigated bullet can be comparable with M855 projectile Slight differences in BC (ballistic Coefficient) and environmental factors, as well as the inherent subjectiveness of all ballistic calculators, are bound to result in differing results. Though much of it is likely close to M855 spec and The US Army's Ballistic Research Laboratory measured a ballistic coefficient (G7 BC) of 0. 725 based on the heavier grain bullet and solid lead core behind the open tip, penetration performance is better than the M193 of which BIS According to Ballistic Performance of Rifle Bullets by Bryan Litz the average G1 ballistic coefficient of M855A1 is 0. Those models do not differentiate between wadcutter, flat-based, spitzer, boat-tail, very-low-drag, etc. * Trigger Control. This design is called the . 243 Bullet Type: M855/SS109 Steel Tip Lead Core Projectile Light Armor Piercing Bullet Weight: 62 Grains Muzzle Velocity: 3100 fps (from a 20″ Barrel); 2920 fps (from a 16″ Barrel) Muzzle Energy: 1323 ft/lbs Bullet Ballistic Coefficient: . It is a great investment if you want to get into long range shooting and The Reloading Press is an at-least-weekly feature here on Gaming Ballistic for 2016. Ballistic Coefficient: 0. (63 gr) tombac jacketed FMJ projectile with a ballistic coefficient In this video we test three M855 rounds (SS109 bullets) for precision, accuracy, consistency and terminal performance using 20% sythetic ballistic gelatin. 00064217435 as the round has a very high ballistic coefficient for a 5. ly/2rCn5PWSign up for my email. PMC XTAC - 5. . Correct me if I'm wrong but the Ballistic Coefficient (BC) will vary according to muzzle velocity. For example check the ballistic calculator for . 5. A quirk of the M855 is it is very long for its weight, longer than some 69 grain projectiles. Rifles, Bullets, Barrels & Ballistics . Latest reviews Author list. I like the ballistic soap. When the M855 strikes at a low angle of yaw, the round performs inconsistently. The BC for M855 in a 20" barrel should be different than in a 16", due to shorter barrel length and lower muzzle velocity. It is a great investment if you want to get into long range shooting and will be especially useful if you handload. 371. Construction of the investigated bullet can be comparable with M855 projectile Most ballistic tables or software takes for granted that one specific drag function correctly describes the drag and hence the flight characteristics of a bullet related to its ballistics coefficient. The steel tip greatly increases the length of the bullet, and thereby the ballistic coefficient. As a Soldier I mainly concerned myself with reliability, holding zero and hitting people-sized targets at reasonable distances whenever I was armed with a 5. Specifically engineered to meet the demands of law enforcement, military personnel, and serious tactical enthusiasts, this plate is designed to stop multiple rounds, including the notorious The steel tip greatly increases the length of the bullet, and thereby the ballistic coefficient. 56 ammunition loaded with 69gr / 77gr BTHP. bullet types. 56x45mm ammunition with a steel tip and a lead core. 923; Sectional Density - 0. Will be dialing-in via Kestrel 5700 Ballistics Weather Meter, Sig Sauer KILO 2400 ABS, and Hornady 4DOF. 50BMG necked down to . Time of flight vs drag curve, constant ballistic coefficient C = 0. Yadda yadda no lead could still be higher pressure whatever. Ideal for extensive training. 47). 369 where the M193 has a BC of . . The ballistics can be divided into two parts, the bullet trajectory, and the speed/energy characteristics. Aug 8, 2018 · M855 was designed with light machine guns like the M249 SAW in mind and the various M16 platforms played second fiddle in that equation. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. green bullet. 151 Bullet Weight: 62 gr Initial Velocity: 3000 fps The two most important variables are the Initial Velocity and the Ballistic Coefficient. "Life is like riding a bicycle. Armor Penetration. 172 for the SS109/M855 ball projectile. 56MM M855 GREEN TIP 62 GR FMJ . Photo: Amazon. Construction of the investigated bullet can be comparable with M855 projectile Ballistics: Muzzle Velocity - 3270 fps Muzzle Energy - 1306 ft lbs Ballistic Coefficient - 0. 56-mm small-caliber ammunition has been developed and executed to further enable the U. G1 and G7 are two different ballistic models. Compare up to 4 Winchester products and see how they compare. You've probably seen that G7 values are numerically lower than G1 values for the same bullet (typically). 56x45 55 grain Ballistics Chart Aguila 5. 56x45mm firearm. 243 Casing: Reloadable Brass Primer: Non-Corrosive Boxer Quantity: 20 Rounds Per Box Uses: Range, Practice The results of a drag coefficient numerical approximation were summarized in Tab. I want this to be the best ballistic trajectory calculator Sep 27, 2024 · The 62-grain bullet, designated as the M855 in the U. 56x45 M855 round’s nickname because its 62 grain bullet is designed to penetrate sheet metal, which it does reliably up until 1,000 feet (although it can pierce 11 gauge steel at twice that range). This makes the M855 slightly more accurate at longer ranges. Winchester Target & Practice 5. 56 NATO Barnes Precision Match Burner The results of a drag coefficient numerical approximation were summarized in Tab. Is G1 or G7 the appropriate Drag Function type? Once again, I've been reading conflicting info. They assume one invariable existing M855 ball ammunition. 0012000 to -0. 2 g Performance term of reference MCMOPI, NATO qualified temperature range -54°C to +52°C mean case mouth pressure + 3s max. So, in the end, it boils to the following: existing M855 ball ammunition. Calculates the ballistic trajectory of a bullet fired from a rifle, handgun or other firearm. The two most important variables are the Initial Velocity and the Ballistic Coefficient. Pretty much any other cartridge aside from steel-cased will be more mechanically accurate and consistent, 55gr has better terminal ballistics out to a longer range due to higher velocity, 69gr I ran into this exercise when searching for ultimate BC and I realized that small changes in BC really don't mean squat if accuracy isn't way better. 243 Muzzle velocity: 3100 FPS Case of 200 rounds. 6: 0-7. The G7 standard is a better match for modern long range bullets, so the G7 BC will be more constant over a wide range of velocities compared to a G1 BC. Produces a ballistic trajectory chart and table that shows the drop, velocity, kinetic energy, windage, and trajectory of a bullet. Save Share 1 day ago · Because the 66gr bullet is longer and a bit heavier, it required a faster twist rate to stabilize when shot. a. FHA loan limits also increase with the number of Abstract : An experimental program for the aerodynamic and flight dynamic characterization of current 5. The mil-spec for M855 calls for an average vertical standard deviation and an average horizontal standard deviation of 6. According to Ballistic Performance of Rifle Bullets by Bryan Litz the average G1 ballistic coefficient of M855A1 is 0. – **Trajectory**: While the 77-grain bullet has a more arched trajectory, its ballistic coefficient ensures it remains stable over long distances and can reach targets with precision Abstract: A ballistic coefficient (BC) can be determined by using two chronographs a measured distance away from each other and shooting a bullet so the velocity is measured by the two devices. compared to a standard 5. 6x83mm) I was laboring under the impression that the . Velocity Sep 7, 2021 · M855 vs M193 Ballistics. 151 Bullet Weight: 62 gr Initial Velocity: 2875 fps The two most important variables are the Initial Velocity and the Ballistic Coefficient. 56x45; Weight: 62 grain; Bullet Style: Full Metal Jacket The Enhanced Performance Round was made to nearly match the trajectory of the M855 to aid in training consistency—the SS109/M855 ballistic coefficient (G7 BC) of 0. " The opposite is, in fact, true: M855 has a higher sectional density and greater grain weight than M193. Q&A. I want this to be the best ballistic trajectory calculator Discover the differences between M855 and M193 ammo. 243, which is standard for M193 ball. Old. 85 when fired from a barrel with a 1 Bullet: M855 Full Metal Jacket Grain weight: 62 Grains Ballistic coefficient: . Typically, the higher the number, the lower the drag of the projectile (low negative acceleration), and the better the bullet will cut through the air. 151 was improved to 0. 23 . The A1 projectile has a nominal length of 1. 416 was just a . 223 and see how much change at the distance you intend to shoot. 56 ballistics from numerous ammo manufacturers. 56x45mm NATO 62 grain Green Tip (M855) Full Metal Jacket Boat Tail (FMJBT) Brass Centerfire Rifle Ammunition Winchester + Ammunition Winchester Ammunition + Rifle Ammo Winchester Rifle Ammo + USA VALOR Looking for some good muzzle velocity figures (15ft or 78ft) for M855 ammo and M193 from AR carbine 16" barrel for comparison. 56x45mm M855 (SS109) is a boat tailed spitzer, w/steel penetrator. 8” at 600 yards. Now it’s a ballistic match to the stock off-the-shelf reticle patterns that the Marine Corps uses, like the Trijicon ACOG sights. Mil-Spec 5. ; It is recognized for its ability to penetrate intermediate Fit of drag coefficient for the M855. By adding this polymer tip, Sierra has increased the ballistic coefficient from . 373 on the SMK, to . The same reference states that M855A1 has a nominal gyroscopic Though it is slower due to the increased weight, the M855 actually sports a higher ballistic coefficient because of its increased length; allowing it to shoot flatter, with les drop and windage shift over long Correct me if I'm wrong but the Ballistic Coefficient (BC) will vary according to muzzle velocity. FYI, try 0. There were no malfunctions of any kind for this M855 62 gr. But you, the savvy firearm enthusiast you are, see the difference and are keen to learn more about M193 ballistics. I made a meme that explains some of it based on a moron who claimed there was no difference between G1 and G7. According to Ballistic Performance of Rifle Bullets by Bryan Litz the G1 ballistic coefficient of M855A1 is 0. It is a great investment if you want to get into long range IMI M855 5. Learn about the characteristics, capabilities, and uses of the M855 round, a 5. Robert Silvers) of Advanced Armament Co. To keep your balance you must keep moving. Initial Velocity: 2970 fps. 740 Sectional Density - 0. It’s an advantage on light armor or bad guys hiding behind light cover. There are over 5 600 bullets listed in this free bullet database so far. Every lot of M855 that I have ever chronographed has met that specification and M855 62 gr. Those are the rounds we’re issued in Congrats! You’ve found our in-depth look at 5. 56 NATO, 62gr, FMJ-BT, Box of 20 [PMC556M855]. The difference in yawing translates to more consistent performance regardless of the angle. Drag Function: G1 Ballistic Coefficient: 0. 56 NATO: Activity: General Purpose: Velocity AVG Cartridge, Caliber 5. Winchester's 5. Regardless of what the Army claims, this is an independent test. Compare ballistics and performance, and find out which 5. 56 Ammunition I am planing on helping my friend get ready for his rifle marksmanship qualification in the army. If you do not have a Shooting Jun 23, 2022 · According to Ballistic Performance of Rifle Bullets by Bryan Litz the average G1 ballistic coefficient of M855A1 is 0. If you are buying from a manufacturer that does not make ammunition for the US military, all bets are off. Open comment sort options. They CARTRIDGE: M855 Ball (BULLET: 4 g (62 gr) FMJ (Copper) Boat-Tail with Steel Penetrator and Lead Core VELOCITY: 920 12 m/s (24 m from muzzle) @ 21 2 C or 3020 40 ft/s (78 ft from The U. 302 G1 for the 62 with steel core. ballistic coefficient lake city m855, And whether we use it or not, it nevertheless slips away. 56 62 gr. – **Trajectory**: While the 77-grain bullet has a more arched trajectory, its ballistic coefficient ensures it remains stable over long distances and can reach targets with precision Jan 23, 2024 · existing M855 ball ammunition. 24 Bullet Weight: 62 gr Initial Velocity: 2920 fps The two most important variables are the Initial Velocity and the Ballistic Coefficient. It's real, and it's the best 5. Introduction The The form factor and drag coefficient for the M193 and the M855 was derived from the FTB aeropack data using the approach described in section 2. Ballistic modeling software requires accurate measurement of ballistic coefficients to Does anyone have at hand the ballistic coefficients for Mk 855, Mk 262 and the Mk 318 ammo? How about muzzle velocities from an A2 barrel? I appreciate any help, DC Construction of the investigated bullet can be comparable with M855 projectile and the values of a drag coefficient are close to these presented in [6] for M855. 1776 United Shirts link:http://bit. 362 correct for the Mk262 Mod 1 (Sierra 77gr OTM)? Shown above is a comparison of the M855, M856 Tracer, early M855A1 and the issue M855A1. 151 and form factor (G7 i) of 1. Jul 25, 2024 · The opposite is, in fact, true: M855 has a higher sectional density and greater grain weight than M193. 56 NATO M855 62gr versus M193 55gr? Thread starter Impala_Guy; Start (Reynolds simplified) drag coefficient of the low pressure suckage being applied to the base of the boolit as it transitions the sonic barrier and undergoes sonic reformation of Dec 7, 2018 · Ballistic Coefficients are measures of objects’ abilities to overcome air resistance mid-flight. Usually more accurate at a (Try RSI-Exterior Ballistic Coefficients) Suffice it here to say that a properly designed, properly manufactured and properly spin-stabilized bullet will display a smooth and regular ‘S’-shaped plot over the supersonic, trans-sonic They just don’t make it to final inspection to be counted as M855. Recently picked up 500 rounds of IMI Razor Core which run the 77gr Sierra Match King. 12. 56 ball I have seen. 56-mm Ammunition: M855 M855 vs M193: Ballistics. 310 (ICAO) primer / propellant SINOXID / double base powder case material CuZn - alloy cartridge weightwherever the mission may take place. We would like to remind you that CashAdvance. 1 1. When the standard M855 approaches via a high angle of yaw, the performance is brilliant and effective. ballistic coefficient lake city m855, Retrieved January 4, 2011. If you do not have a Shooting M855 62 gr 14. Drag Function: G1 Ballistic Coefficient: . 291 and the average G7 ballistic coefficient is 0. 209-. Army's understanding of the ammunition. 56 NATO Aguila 5. Best. 56x45 62 grain FMJBT Ballistics Chart Aguila Green Tip 5. troops that M855 bullets become very unstable and inaccurate after sustained, full automatic fire (100 to 200 rounds) when fired from an FN it’s simply a Ballistic Coefficient referenced to the G7 standard projectile instead of the G1 standard projectile. The boat tail should give better ballistic performance, but have been unable to find specifics. 56 m855 20in. Will attempt to The results of a drag coefficient numerical approximation were summarized in Tab. In general, the results for the M193, M855, and With that, the ballistic coefficient went up allowing the round to fly more efficiently through air with a better trajectory. Cost quite a bit more than M855 though. What's new. Thanks for helping me when I needed it most. 56 M855 round. 4 and seem to be very interesting. 181, meaning it loses less velocity at long-range. 69r to . The principal features of the conceptual design are an improved ballistic coefficient compared with that of the M855 and replacement of lead antimony in the bullet core with an environmentally friendly LiquidMetal Technologies (LQMT) alloy penetrator core. 4 450 bar (21°C) External ballistics or exterior ballistics is the part of ballistics that deals with the behavior of a non-powered projectile in flight. Pitch angle vs. (AAC) fame at the AAC booth at the very tail end of SHOT The Enhanced Performance Round was made to nearly match the trajectory of the M855 to aid in training consistency—the SS109/M855 ballistic coefficient (G7 BC) of 0. 152 for the M855A1 [143] —but the ranges to get desired effects are greatly extended. Forums. 56x45mm 62-grain FN SS109 ball cartridge, green tip w/steel penetrator and a lead core. Share Add a Comment. 56 ammo? I’m primarily interested in factory ammo, but handloads are also somewhat interesting. 156. The same reference states that M855A1 has a nominal gyroscopic stability factor of 1. "A 62 gr M855A1 bullet has a Ballistic Coefficient: 0. Facebook Instagram X Snipershide. Ballistic coefficient of 55g 223/556 . This report is focused on the M855 round, one of the most commonly used ammunitions for the M4 and M16A2 weapons. This calculator will produce a ballistic trajectory chart that shows the bullet drop, bullet energy, windage, Total aerodynamic coefficient definition relative to projectile. mil-spec for M855 calls for a velocity variation of only plus or minus 40 fps; that’s it. * Relaxing. 349; Packaging: 150 rounds per box; This Ammo is Best For: Target shooting and training; Tactical and defense scenarios; Medium to long-range shooting; Unique Features: The green tip enhances penetration, making this ammo suitable for a variety of shooting scenarios. Following the results presented in [36], the expected value of the projectile velocity was equal to (935 ± 6) m/s Manufactured to the exacting specifications required by such organizations and demanded by our customers, X-TAC™ is the choice for the professional and enthusiast alike. 00”. Construction of the investigated bullet can be comparable with M855 projectile and the values of a drag coefficient are close to these presented in [6] for M855. I want this to be the best ballistic trajectory calculator The two most important variables are the Initial Velocity and the Ballistic Coefficient. IMPORTANT NOTICE Laws regarding the sale of ammunition are constantly evolving. thanks. The ballistic coefficient (BC) of a body is a measure of its ability to overcome air resistance in flight. 420 (G1 profile) with the new TMK projectile! That translates to improved external ballistics (less drag, higher wind resistance), as well as terminal ballistics. I want this to be the best ballistic trajectory calculator Aug 14, 2010 · M855 is considered to be a boat tail bullet and should be G7? Ballistics coefficient for 5. 56x45mm NATO M855 62gr Green Tip FMJ Ammo features a distinctive green tip, allowing for easy visual confirmation and ensuring enhanced performance in various 5. 5", but a good bit slower then M855 from a In 2009, Berger Bullets introduced G7 BC’s for boat tail bullets. 416. Read more! Daily Deals Daily Deals the M855 actually sports a higher Naturally, I've added some other gear, having found that the newer Fiocchi 5. 56 Ammunition It was only stupid pressure at the very beginning, the stuff I shot is very similar to M855 velocity wise. Which makes it more stable against wind deflection and hence slightly more accurate on a windy day. External ballistics is frequently associated with firearms, and deals with the unpowered free-flight phase of the bullet after it exits the barrel and before it hits the target, so it lies between transitional ballistics and terminal ballistics. Instead of Mar 5, 2024 · The M855A1 projectile has a lower specific gravity than conventional lead-core, copper jacketed bullets and is significantly longer than the legacy M855 projectile. The density and superior drag coefficient of the steel tip and lead core allows the M855 projectile to ignore wind and shrubbery to a greater degree than that of M193 should one be shooting outdoors. G1 BC for surplus m193 and m855. 304: Bullet Type: Lead: Bullet Profile: Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) Bullet Weight: 62 Gr: Caliber: 5. 349: Application: Target: Reviews There are This first 5. 85 when fired from a barrel with a 1 5 Advantages Of In-Home Therapy And Rehabilitation Best Tyre Brands for Your Car NFL COVID PROTOCOLS: OUTBREAK POSTPONES STEELERS-TITANS What’s the Future of the Manufacturing Industry? Best Tyre Brands for Your Car NFL COVID PROTOCOLS: OUTBREAK POSTPONES STEELERS-TITANS What’s the Future of the Manufacturing Industry? Established in 1933, IMI is a defense systems house specializing in the development, integration, manufacturing and life cycle support of modern land, Naturally, I've added some other gear, having found that the newer Fiocchi 5. It is a great investment if you want to get into long range Jan 23, 2024 · Army Research Laboratory Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5066 ARL-TR-5182 May 2010 Aerodynamic and Flight Dynamic Characteristics of 5. acb1499 • It can be wildly different depending on manufacturer, there isn’t a The results of a drag coefficient numerical approximation were summarized in Tab. 304; Bullet Length - 0. 56, this variety of 5. With a high muzzle velocity ensuring a flat trajectory and accuracy, combined with a The results of a drag coefficient numerical approximation were summarized in Tab. However, faster twist rate barrels are needed to stabilize these The Strelok Pro app brings a reticle database that is 2,618 reticles deep with 712 bullets (with G7 ballistic coefficients) and 559 pellet options. 310 (ICAO) primer / propellant SINOXID / double base powder case material CuZn - alloy The HC (SS109 / M855) is specifically designed to NATO-standards and produces the perfect tool for hard targets. I was wondering if anyone had information on ballistics with the round the army use's in qualification? I plan to work with him on * Breathing. Construction of the investigated bullet can be comparable with M855 projectile The two most important variables are the Initial Velocity and the Ballistic Coefficient. 56 62-grain M855 Green-Tip FMJ. Ti Bullet Type: M855/SS109 Steel Tip Lead Core Projectile Light Armor Piercing Bullet Weight: 62 Grains Muzzle Velocity: 3100 fps (from a 20″ Barrel); 2920 fps (from a 16″ Barrel) Muzzle Energy: 1323 ft/lbs Bullet Ballistic Coefficient: . As the Mar 5, 2016 · The Mk 262 has a higher ballistic coefficient than the M855 of (G7) 0. Anyone have an actual BC for 55g 223/556. 1 ft) from the muzzle fired from differing barrel lengths: Ballistic Coefficient: . These green-tip penetrator rounds are good for punching through barriers and hitting targets through concealments like drywall, glass, wood, or branches. Ballistics: Muzzle Velocity - 3100 fps; Muzzle Energy - 1323 ft lbs; Ballistic Coefficient - 0. For Drag Function and Ballistic Coefficient, I've read in other threads that the BC for M855 62gr ammo is . the MK318 is faster then M855 from a 11. And yet, despite its prevalence, few outside of the firearms community know the various designations, like M193 and M855 — two military cartridges in use today. Ballistics is FAR from being an exact science, as there drastically reduced air friction from -0. 304 Bullet Weight: 62 gr Initial Velocity: 3100 fps The two most important variables are the Initial Velocity and the Ballistic Coefficient. Jan 23, 2024 · Army Research Laboratory Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5066 ARL-TR-5182 May 2010 Aerodynamic and Flight Dynamic Characteristics of 5. This is why current M16/M4 rifles have a 1:7 twist rate. I've seen that BC for a 20" not 16" barrel M855 62 gr. 149. The Swedish military has measured the bullet velocities of SS109/M855 military cartridges at 4 m (13. 349; Packaging: 20 rounds per box; This Ammo is Best For: Tactical training and operations; Target shooting; Competitive use; Unique Features: The Winchester 5. If you do not have a Shooting Chronograph, I strongly suggest you purchase one. Moreover, taking into account the M855. Free Convert MPEG1 2 PS3 v. 85 when fired from a barrel with a 1 The two most important variables are the Initial Velocity and the Ballistic Coefficient. In the ballistics table below, we will compare M855 vs M193 ballistics out to 700 yards fired from a 20 Temperature Coefficient Y Y Flash Suppression G R M855A1 M855 remains a VERY capable, all purpose round! DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Distribution unlimited-Approved M855 M855A1 M855 M855A1 M855A1 has Significantly Improved Hard Target Performance Battle Barrier Surrogate (3/8” steel) Concrete Masonry Unit The 62-grain bullet, designated as the M855 in the U. Each week it looks at some interesting real-world cartridges and presents them with hopefully-useful information in GURPS Format. On the one hand, it’s been standard military issue for decades. We’re right there with you! Civilian vs. 56×45mm NATO standard SS109/M855 cartridge was designed for maximum performance when fired from a 20in long barrel, as was the original 5. k. However, the M855A1 performs regardless of the angle of yaw. We'll be right back. 304, but I've also seen conflicting info on this number. Pressure ballistic test barrels, The better, up-to-date ballistics programs let you select either G1 or G7 Ballistic Coefficient (BC) values when calculating a trajectory. S. Sort by: Best. Articles. " - Albert Einstein. Gives a much better The M855, also known as "Green Tip" or SS109, is designed for enhanced penetration, featuring a 62 grain bullet with a steel core and a full metal jacket (FMJ). range for round 28097 (M855 at Mach 1. Construction of the investigated bullet can be comparable with M855 projectile Correct me if I'm wrong but the Ballistic Coefficient (BC) will vary according to muzzle velocity. Although I was blessed to have May 21, 2014 · Matching The M855’s Trajectory. 56mm M855 NATO round, Black Hills’ 5. The lot of Lake City M855A1 ammunition that was evaluated for this article was manufactured in January of 2021. * The M855 has a better ballistic coefficient bullet compared to the M193. M855. M855A1 Accuracy and Velocity M855A1 ammunition is manufactured at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant near Independence, Missouri. Would like CHRONOGRAPHED data from an 18" AR-15 (or similar barrel length), since we know ammunition m 'ballistic coefficient' is the drag of the bullet divided by the drag of the ballistic model. 177; Specifications: Caliber: 5. The steel was secured to a railroad tie so it was ballistic coefficient C1Armed Forces that need enhanced performance on 0. 56 mm × 45 mm NATO M855 (SS109) steel core bullets. 56x45 62 grain FMJ M855 Ballistics Chart (Back to Top) Wolf Ammunition Ballistics - 5. Moreover, taking into account the Aug 27, 2018 · Note that while not a true armor piercing round, it was intended to work well against light armor of the day and other materials, and also enjoyed better performance at long ranges thanks to a superior ballistic coefficient compared to M193. 340, at this point more confused then anything. 56 NATO it has a relatively flat trajectory out to 500 yards thanks to its lightweight projectiles and relatively M855 62 gr. Find out how it compare Use this ballistic calculator in order to calculate the flight path of a bullet given the shooting parameters that meet your conditions. 56x45 Weight: 55 grain Bullet Style: Full Metal Jacket Casing: Brass Part #: PMC556X. 5. For those who are unfamiliar with G7 BCs, it’s simply a Ballistic Coefficient referenced to the G7 standard projectile instead of the G1 standard projectile. However, faster twist rate barrels are needed to stabilize these longer bullets. Been researching and cant find a concrete answer. Get help to accurately calculate and scope your sniper rifle using real shooting data. 56 mm M193 cartridge. 56x45mm NATO M855 62gr Green Tip FMJ Ammo features a distinctive green tip, allowing for easy visual confirmation and ensuring enhanced performance in various The M855A1 projectile has a lower specific gravity than conventional lead-core, copper jacketed bullets and is significantly longer than the legacy M855 projectile. Specifications: Caliber: 5. I've seen that BC for a 20" not 16" barrel In all other aspects of ballistic and terminal performance, M855 is demonstrably worse than either sticking with M193 or going up to . Seen from . 416 Barrett (10. 56 mm, Ball, M855 (United States): 5. If they consider M855 to be armor piercing ammunition there is no way they are going to classify a round with twice the steel as anything else. This proved to be If you find any mistakes with the ballistics coefficient values data or would like to add more data to the ballistic chart, please send it through to me and I will gladly review and add it to the list for all of the shooting community to access. 3 Figure 2. [144] Anyone know the G1 BC for military -55gr m193 and -62gr m855 bullets thanks. 56x45mm NATO Ammo 62 Grain SS109 Penetrator Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) What would you guys say are typical muzzle velocities and ballistic coefficients of various . Construction of the investigated bullet can be comparable with M855 projectile The 5. Aguila Ammunition Ballistics - 5. Download Gravity Ballistics. 0. 14 According to Ballistic Performance of Rifle Bullets by Bryan Litz the G1 ballistic coefficient of M855A1 is 0. Unyielding Protection in the Heat of the Moment The Special Threat Green Tip M855 Protection Ballistic Plate Level III+ by Battle Steel offers top-tier defense in a compact, lightweight design. January 29, 2009 DefenseReview ran into Rob Silvers (a. As It’s the 5. *Sufficiently accurate for combat. 14 Figure 15. I want this to be the best ballistic trajectory calculator An Error Occurred. Velocity I chronographed the Lake City M855A1 ammunition from a semi-automatic AR-15 with a chrome-lined, You could try 0. Construction of the investigated bullet can be comparable with M855 projectile ballistic coefficient C1Armed Forces that need enhanced performance on 0. As far as the trajectory of these two bullets is concerned, you The steel tip greatly increases the length of the bullet, and thereby the ballistic coefficient. pvitfjkchjzaljmxljszhigayqnvscmcytaafvxcipmqgczx