Page by page subfile. RE: Single Page Subfile Example, BrgttHsr Field selection.

Page by page subfile now i have 25 records on display. We can code full load, expanding and single page subfiles. We also had filters on a number of subfile columns to let users return a more precise selection of records (more relevant records in less subfile pages) If you page down, then new records are added to the subfile (starting with the record after the stored end-of-page key) - i. In other words, in a single page subfile, all loaded records are displayed at a time. Then use a FOR loop or a DO loop to load the entries into the subfile. Let me start with display file. It explains how to manage and display records one page at a time. All modules will look at a range of subfiles from brand new simple examples to modifying someone elses code. Depending on your file, this may not be appropriate for your situation. F3 ends the program. The controller can do this because all the database records are always written to the subfile. In the expandable subfile the subfile size must be at least one greater than the page size. It is here where I am having problems. The SFLEND keyword is conditioned to indicator 43. Subsequent pages are added to the subfile as per the user demand. but my subfile is showing the first page only Oct 26, 2017 · As the subfile is a load all one, the page up or page down key presses will not pass control back to the program as the paging is handled by the OS. Now, my SFLSIZE is 16 And SFLPAG is 15. suppose we are on page-3 after pressing 2 PAGEDOWN. Indicator 10 turns on if the last page of the subfile is on the display and the user requests another page. Re: Page at a time Subfile w/selection from multi sfl pages As I understand it the READC only comes into effect after the user presses enter, as this is when control passes back to the program. self Re: Page at a time subfile with SQL You can update, insert using them, but no compile with fetch. When field selection is used in the subfile record, SFLPAG(value) specifies the number of display lines available to display the records of this subfile. Here is one example on the page Jun 30, 2000 · The Page keys are not coded in Figure 3, because all subfile paging is handled by the system at the controller level. now i am deleting 20th record, after pressing F11(F11=delete) it got deleted. Jul 31, 1992 · We also want to remove the SFLRCDNBR we added for the expanding subfile example, since a page-at-a-time subfile by definition loads only one page. To avoid this situation, we use file information data structure to get the current page RRN number and pass it to the SFLRCDNBR hidden field defined in the display Dec 1, 2016 · A single page subfile is characterized by the subfile size equaling the page size. When subfile page equals subfile size, you can specify option indicators for fields in the subfile record format. However, the single-page subfile offers a distinct advantage in situations where we need to display dynamic content that updates frequently or where the amount of May 9, 2016 · This example is for a "Load all" subfile (subfile size = 9999). Sep 30, 1990 · When the subfile is defined in such a way that it can contain more records than one page can hold (that is, when SFLSIZ is greater than SFLPAG), the result is a multi-page subfile. This example loads the entire subfile at one time. Her When subfile page equals subfile size, you can specify option indicators for fields in the subfile record format. The ILE RPG program to process an expandable subfile has typically the following flow Aug 17, 2018 · You could use the xr package for this. When I page up, after loading another subfile, it does not go back to the program and let me load the previous 54 (or what ever number) of records in. Also, in a single page subfile, both ROLLUP and ROLLDOWN keywords must be defined in the DDS of the subfile control format. For example, a program reads records from a database file and creates a subfile of output records. ) May 21, 2015 · Pressing Enter redisplays the same page of the subfile. Re: Single Page in Subfile Okay it really doesnt work that way. I always just set this to 1 and on page-up/down, the system positions the cursor autonagically. If you want to use an "Expanding" subfile (subfile size > subfile page) or a "Page at a time" subfile (subfile size = subfile page) you can use this example as a starting point. Refer to RPG Subfile That Loads Subfile One Page at a Time. Sep 6, 2006 · Re: Reg : Single page Subfile DMW, That’s still not exactly /FREE! Here is the source to a windowed, page at a time, subfile select with multiple columns, in free, submitted for your approval… DDS for the display file: Jun 19, 2018 · The unique key of the first and last records are stored. Thank you again, because I have defined my cursor as scrolling, I would think there would be a way to May 28, 2009 · Use the SFLCSRRRN(F02RRN) where F02RRN = the RRN of the subfile where you want your cursor to be. When the entire subfile has been written, the program sends the entire subfile to the display device in one write operation. Dec 4, 2024 · This video is a comprehensive guide on the Single Page Subfile technique in IBM i RPGLE. cause I WANT to be pretty and every day I wake up Im NOT! . We must modify the screen to make the subfile page equal to the subfile size by replacing the highlighted section of Figure 2 with the code in Figure 4 (page 32). Re: Single Page Subfile If this is the approach you really want to follow, then I would load this subfile from an internal array/table. The problem I think you are having is you are loading a subfile record with data and then a subfile record with blanks. I get 3 blank subfile pages before it goes back to the program and loads new Jul 2, 2005 · Multiple Row FETCH Based on host structure array RPG - Multiple Occurence Data Structure COBOL - Occurs clause on declaration of the group item Clause on FETCH FOR n ROWS (n = number of rows to be returned) Specifies the number of rows to be retrieved to fill the array structure. After page 2, it'll be at 21; and after page 3, at 31. . READC will then only process the record set currently on screen at the time that enter was klapped. i. Keep this indicator off until the FETCH fails to return data. From page-3 if we press 1 PAGEUP and then press ENTER, the page to be displayed should be the 2 nd page Jun 6, 2005 · Then when I page down (or up) I clear the subfile and load the next 54 recs. This is called field selection. The example display file consists of four parts: File level keywords Jul 14, 2003 · RE: Single Page Subfile Example, (continued) RE: Single Page Subfile Example, Chandra Sekhar Rath; RE: Single Page Subfile Example, Booth Martin; RE: Single Page Subfile Example, Denzil D'souza; RE: Single Page Subfile Example, hrishikesh kotwal; RE: Single Page Subfile Example, Booth Martin . RE: Single Page Subfile Example, BrgttHsr Field selection. You can understand the logic of it by debugging a existing program . If the file loads more than a couple of subfile pages, review the example to load one page at a time. It allows you to refer to cross references in external files. Come with me while we look at all the different types of subfiles and go through some RPG and SQL RPG examples from cradle to grave. Notice that the s1CsrRRN field is set to zero when the subfile is cleared and reloaded. Jan 2, 2018 · The single-page subfile technique might indeed seem less common compared to multi-page subfiles, especially in scenarios where users prefer to navigate through multiple pages of data. This is called field selection . e. If I position the cursor to the third item, when i page-up/down, the cusor stays on the third item of the next/previous page. This video explains the logic of single page sub file. · In load-All subfile if we do PAGEDOWN and then press ENTER on the page, by-default ENTER bring the display screen to the very first page irrespective of the current page number. That's exactly where it was the first time page 2 of the subfile was shown. Mar 4, 2010 · After the first page, the file position will be at row 11. Expanding Subfile A subfile is a group of records that is read from or written to a display-device file. You have to attempt to write a programpost what you have and we will help you correct the errors. That is not the case with the page- at-a-time subfile; you write only the records that you can see. The following is an RPG subfile example with a selection option. Pressing F10 rebuilds the subfile with new data and positions to the first page. Pressing F5 rebuilds the subfile with the same data and positions to the first subfile page. When field selection is used in the subfile record, SFLPAG(value) specifies the number of display lines available to display the records of this subfile. Is there a way to pass control back to the RPG when Page up or Page down is pressed and at the same time,l make the OS control the paging? · In Expandable subfile after PAGE UP if we press ENTER, then the page that is displayed on the screen is that we had at our last PAGEDOWN. I have the previlage to either enter/delete the records on screen, which will be shown on the screen. PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN functionality have to be written by the RPG programmer. (I see now that this is basically the same as your suggested solution [and you could probably use zref-xr if you needed it], but shows a working method. · Every time the record is written in the buffer, buffer is cleared before writing. Ü Single Page/non-elastic Subfile · In this case sub file size (SFLSIZ) must be equal to subfile page (SFLPAG). Oct 26, 2020 · In an expanding subfile, you need to test for the ROLLUP key. Hence I cannot see a way how the parameters can be revalidated. An expandable subfile is one in which ideally one page of records are loaded at a time. When two or more pages of records are written to the subfile, the operating system automatically supports and responds to the roll keys by displaying either the next Nov 20, 2013 · Hi, I have a load all subfile which is used to display the records of a file on the screen. We can load any number of records using a Single page subfile which overcomes the 9999 limits faced by other subfiles. A single page subfile is a SCREEN OF DISPLAYED DATA, loaded one page at a time. The displayed data is equal to the maximum number of records that can be displayed at a time. At that time, if the user wants to go back a page, the prevSflRows value will cause that FETCH to read the rows beginning at (31 - 20) or file position 11. odrqf pmv ublsc fbicp vmbu frwaa mbgzi tgosq ejad mpir