One sentence book pitch examples. Why: To get someone interested…
One sentence book pitch examples Now try your own book. That's because we are too close to May 18, 2023 · Book pitch examples. The last person Jon Murray expected was his estranged wife, Sabine Schneider (government-paid assassin), but when he looks up from the podium before announcing a run for the White House, their eyes lock and he can feel the familiar ache to wrap his hands Apr 1, 2019 · How a Book Pitch Changes with Each Revision; The Big 5 Publishers; Top 10 Story Elements for Picture Books; Template for Studying Picture Books; Top 20 Articles About Writing Children's Picture Books; 89 Examples of Craft in Picture Books; Picture Books vs. Fortunately, the smaller the pitch the more likely you are to use it. If cloned dinosaurs start running amok in a theme park, then one gets the idea that there are probably people stranded/in danger and that the point of the story is to a) escape and b) do something about the dinosaurs. And you need to make that simple premise engaging. What: About 25 words that capture your novel, memoir, or non-fiction book. Below I’ve included a logline template that has helped me in the past. When to use it: The start of a query, book proposal, or anytime someone asks you, “What’s your… May 13, 2010 · Funny how we come across what we need in our time of need, I have been struggling with writing the one sentence pitch and here is mine. The goal of the one-sentence description is to lay out a clear premise that’s able to pique a perspective reader’s interest. To that end, below, you’ll find the one sentence I wrote for my favorite book, Howl’s Moving Castle. We still get an idea of the story. Jul 20, 2011 · As anyone who’s ever tried to come up with one of those vital one-sentence pitches for their book knows, getting it right can be maddening. I can write a 67-word one-sentence pitch I couldn't recite without a pause. There are four basic elements in a good one sentence pitch: The opening conflict (or the Inciting Incident) Aug 31, 2023 · Some of the above examples are fantastic to pitch a book to, say, an agent. *Today we’re going to talk about the one-sentence summary, also known as a logline, a hook, or a one-sentence pitch. It’s what you build around when crafting longer pitches. This is not your book’s tagline! What: About 25 words that capture your novel, memoir, or non-fiction book. Here, courtesy of bestseller Jon Land, is one particularly sharp strategy to take your elevator pitch to new heights. ”) Here are some tips for giving your debut novel an irresistible sales pitch. It was cumbersome. Jun 2, 2020 · Let’s welcome back monthly columnist, Patricia Simpson, as she shares with us “The Secret to Building a One-Sentence Pitch. Here are some book pitch examples to help you learn how to craft your own: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. ” Some call this a one-sentence pitch, a logline (usually for scripts). To pitch it is another thing. One sentence on paper isn't the same as one spoken sentence. and scary . My first pitch was really two or three sentences combined with commas and semi-colons. Apr 24, 2016 · Learn what a one sentence pitch is and why it's important for your book marketing. The one sentence pitch, discussed below, and elevator pitches, discussed here. See examples of one sentence pitches for different genres and tips on how to write your own. Today we’re going to talk about crafting that one-sentence summary, also known as a logline, a hook, or a one-sentence (elevator) pitch. Nov 11, 2024 · How to Write a One Sentence Book Pitch A successful one-sentence pitch should introduce the main character, the conflict, and the consequences in one short, yet informative, phrase. A successful one-sentence pitch should introduce the main character, the conflict, and the consequences in one short, yet informative, phrase. Whether you share it with a literary agent, a potential reader, or a total stranger, the goal is to leave them eager to hear more. Sep 27, 2019 · A common mistake with pitches it to make it "one sentence" in the technical sense, but it's not something you can actually say in one breath. But before you dive in, I’ll go ahead and share the formulas with you so they’ll be more recognizable. Apr 1, 2019 · A logline is a one or two sentence description that condenses your book’s dramatic narrative into the essence of your story’s plot. As you read through these examples of short novel pitches, you’ll begin to see a pattern. and sexy . See examples of log-lines from popular movies and books and how to apply them to your own story. The 39 word version hooked a contract with a publisher: The 39 word version hooked a contract with a publisher: Twelve-year-old Wang decides he’ll be rich and powerful if he can become a mystical Eternal; but after a year of hard work as an apprentice, and very Jul 15, 2014 · When you pitch what your story is about, your focus is sharper. The shorter, the better. A classic fairytale and Disney movie is Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Every film ever made can be reduced to a 1 sentence logline. If you can pitch your material in just 1 sentence, you’re forced to include only essential information and nothing extraneous. We can also use the pitch to guide us as we Mar 20, 2018 · And, here’s my own one sentence pitch for my children’s fantasy chapter book. How to Write a One Sentence Book Pitch. First, give a brief overview of the protagonist and provide some information about his or her character or past to engage the reader. Sep 2, 2021 · Learn how to create a log-line, a one-sentence summary of your novel that captures its essence and hooks readers. No one can remember a long pitch. (It is not a tagline, however. You can find loads of successful query letters here. Mar 7, 2018 · Notice that in each of these examples, we have a main character, a goal, and a source of conflict. Picture Story Books; Types of Non-fiction in Children's Books May 2, 2022 · So let’s talk about the one-line pitch! In my opinion, a great one-line pitch covers your whole book. Which is actually two goals. And there’s an art to it. Previously, we looked at two main components of a query letter; Logline and comp titles. Jun 13, 2016 · Example from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (via Randy Ingermanson): “A boy wizard begins training and must battle for his life with the Dark Lord who murdered his parents. Some advice on crafting your Oct 20, 2023 · A book hook or pitch is a one-sentence summary that encapsulates the essence of your book and leaves the listener or reader intrigued. If you think condensing tens of thousands of words to a single-sentence summary sounds daunting, you’re not alone! Feb 23, 2012 · That one sentence took me a long time to come up with and I had some help from my editor. See examples of pitches for The Wizard of Oz and other books, and tips for Twitter pitch parties. Scriptlogist. Aug 31, 2023 · Some of the above examples are fantastic to pitch a book to, say, an agent. You need a clear, simple premise that more or less describes your entire book. Here is an example of a short pitch that gives us the selling Sep 4, 2015 · You are standing in an elevator and have two minutes to tell someone about your book. To write a story one thing. It’s the heart of your book, whittled down to one sentence. May 22, 2023 · The one sentence pitch is the core of all the summarizing you’re going to do in the future. Read a ton of good pitches and blurbs. Do you have any tips that helped you write your pitch? Jun 2, 2010 · *Contest is closed. Not so easy, eh? Writers are simply abysmal at reducing their books to a sentence. A Google search will show you even more. The best practice for pitching is to pitch any movie in 1 sentence. Now when someone asks what my book is about I can tell them quickly and concisely. Apr 23, 2020 · Learn how to create a one-sentence pitch for your book using a Mad Libs-like approach. . Now, try it yourself. Jun 3, 2016 · Learn how to condense your novel into a one-sentence pitch that hooks agents and readers. When to use it: The start… Apr 30, 2018 · Posted by Nico Waters April 30, 2018 May 25, 2018 Posted in Uncategorized Tags: how to write a one sentence summary, novel pitch, one sentence book summary, one sentence novel summary, one sentence summary, writing, writing a one sentence summary Jan 10, 2024 · But for now, let's dive into the 5 components of a compelling story pitch. Why: To get someone interested…. It’ll highlight character, the stakes, the world, everything–all in one sentence. Familiar and Unexpected. ) What: About 25 words that capture your novel, memoir, or non-fiction book. Apr 10, 2019 · Let’s discuss the one-sentence summary, also known as a logline, a hook, or a one-sentence pitch. Fill in the blanks with four things about your story: hypothetical situation, main character, issue, and assumption. ” Enjoy! *** Writers use one-sentence pitches for just about everything: query letters, hooks, book summaries, back blurbs and for pitching ideas to editors and agents. Now do another. Pick a book that you know well, and boil it down to one sentence. A logline, also known as an elevator pitch, is a one sentence description of your book meant to hook someone’s interest as concisely and quickly as possible, whether that someone would be a reader, an agent, or a publisher. Why: To get someone interested in reading your book. The easiest way to discover how to write a pitch is by studying one. Clearly state the main Great pitches combine a tiny bit of WHAT the book is (eg: in Twilight‘s case, that’s a teen romance), with a sense of WHY the book will be great to read (eg: “ooh, a girl and a werewolf: that sounds dark and sexy . After all, most of the time you only have a few seconds or minutes with a children’s book editor, agent, or possible reader of your book. In this blog post, you will read the pitches authors used to sell the manuscripts which we see now as picture books. This pitch houses the 5 important components of a one-sentence pitch. One of the ideal ways to learn how to write a book pitch is to see it in action. com makes this suggestion: Jun 22, 2020 · Back in the early 2010’s the Founder Institute developed a one-sentence pitch template that became the basis of many of those vying for the judges (& their customer’s) attention: Mar 5, 2020 · THE ONE-SENTENCE DESCRIPTION. dgfmzlvgwougpneqjhdeuqjoseyoqlpjooedhdmaafdcu