Latex add confidential footer Instead, use something like sectsty to format your sectional fonts (see Change size of section, subsection, subsubsection, paragraph and subparagraph title ): Jan 8, 2013 · The fancyhf command clears the header and the footer, and the fancyfoot command does the specific part of your question. Instead, just place it at the bottom of the text block, aligned according to your needs. However, the footer appears on the second page and not the first. Mar 26, 2016 · I've spent the best part of an hour trying to make a footer/header on my title page and I'm getting so frustrated, any help appreciated. A basic example: \usepackage{draftwatermark} \SetWatermarkText{Confidential} \SetWatermarkScale{5}. Only using \\maketitle is to simple because there are images and a lot of different text formats. sty from the KOMA script bundle or directly using the new LATEX shipout hooks. But then when I try Apr 23, 2017 · I want to add footer and header for my latex homework. And then it would include it. Setting the pagestyle as fancy seals the deal. cls version 1. And I use the following code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle Feb 17, 2012 · The draftwatermark package implements a few simple commands for adding watermarks to documents. In LaTeX, how can one create a document using the Letter documentclass, but with customized headers and footers? Typically I would use: \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \lhead{\footnotesi Apr 7, 2019 · Table of Contents Define ConfidentialLevel variable Change a LaTeX footer Let' add “Confidential” mark to a LaTeX footer. Modifying the colour of the header/footer rules is a bit more tricky, since fancyhdr doesn't supply this modification by default. Email confidentiality disclaimers are so popular that there are templates for creating them. Oct 4, 2011 · To get a footer line on every page of the document, one could use the fancyhdr package, maybe along the lines of the following minimum working example (MWE): \documentclass[twoside]{article} \usepackage{lipsum} % for filler text \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhead{} % clear all header fields \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % no line in header area \fancyfoot{} % clear all I'm trying to generate a latex report (via Sweave and R) where the header of the document is an image that covers everything (including the top/left/right page margin) and the footer covers everything (including the bottom/left/right page margin) such that the graphics for header and footer are flush to the page edges. More than one run may be necessary in extracting Dec 16, 2014 · I could get to the basics using fancyhdr, but it obviously doesn't work as expected. Text \cite{rupp2014} \end{abstract} \IEEEpeerreviewmaketitle \section{Introduction} % no \IEEEPARstart This demo file is intended to serve as a ``starter file'' for IEEE conference papers produced under \LaTeX\ using IEEEtran. Share Aug 14, 2010 · Sorry to add my late answer but this can be done without the use of any package, just by adding at the end a label \label{LastPage}. Apr 23, 2017 · I want to add footer and header for my latex homework. This is described in the fancyhdr documentation (section 7 Redefining plain style, p 7-8): I'm trying to add a custom footer to the title page of my thesis, in order to insert some text that is required by my university. The possible styles are: Header is clear, but the footer contains the page number in the center. I just want only the second page of the pdf document to be dedicated to that, which will say: "This thesis includes confidential material and should not be copied bla bla bla…" Thank you. You need to set the page style to plain after redefining it using fancyhdr's \fancypagestyle{plain}{} command. In any case, nice as the fancyhdr package is, I find that it is easier to Aug 28, 2019 · For a company document I need a custom titlepage. I just need my university name at the top and my supervisor at the bottom. Ganbatte kudasai! – Nov 1, 2024 · There are two commands available: \pagestyle{''style''} will apply the specified style to the current and all subsequent pages, and \thispagestyle{''style''} will only affect the current page. Dec 2, 2016 · You could also add \node [black] (AA) at (A) {$\bullet$};\node [blue] (AA') at (A') {$\bullet$};\node [yellow] (BB) at (B) {$\bullet$};\node [green] (BB') at (B') {$\bullet$}; (below \node [confidential](text)) to visualize more easily what you're doing. 8 and later. I'm a beginner in LaTeX so I'm having a really hard time adapting some answers I've seen that cover either side by side figures or aligning texts and figures in the footer: Jan 5, 2015 · My feeling is that you shouldn't place content in the footer if it forms part of your title page. This is a short introduction, showing the most important features of the package. Oct 3, 2018 · Here is how I would handle this. See the fancyhdr documentation . And I use the following code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle For the sake of completeness, I would like to add that the \protect solution also causes footnotes to appear in page headers (and not only in the TOC). I don't want to have a footnote in every page. I've tried various things, the only thing that's worked was overriding the {empty} style with a head and footer. You can tweak the various setting of geometry to get this more to your liking. The screenshot shows the junction between pages (bottom of) 3 and (top of) 4 (both header and footer being the same; with lfoot and lhead being "Lecture 1" and rfoot and rhead being "Handout 1"). If you know “fancyhdr” and are looking for something particular, refer to the fancyhdr-documentation. – You should avoid setting sectional formatting inside the title, since this would make its way into the marks (typically used in headers/footers) and also the ToC, which is not ideal. As you might notice, both header and footer are placed leftwards (taking the page number along with them). The total number of page being a \pageref{LastPage}. Feb 16, 2015 · You can easily obtain the last page of the document with the label xwmlastpage, which is automatically provided by the package: the user doesn't have to insert it himself. Fortunately, using the optional argument of \section as a solution also solves this. Nov 28, 2013 · There is a similar question but for adding copyrighting stuff on the footnote. Nov 29, 2019 · You can use fancyhdr to facilitate making headers and footers. If you want the first page to have no header or footer---without using any special packages---you can issue \thispagestyle{empty} on the first page. If you run a smaller business without an IT department and you want some help setting up the right disclaimer, you're in luck. I'm using fancyhdr to do so. Define ConfidentialLevel variable First, we define tha variable ConfidentialLevel to show this Code Snippet 1: Define ConfidentialLevel (latex) \global\let\@ConfidentialLevel\@empty \def\ConfidentialLevel#1{\gdef\@ConfidentialLevel{#1}} Define this variable in a LaTeX Jun 24, 2017 · I suspect that your problem is that in setting up the page geometry you have not allowed for the height of the footer and, as a consequence, it is being printed out of sight off the bottom of the page. Kind of like this: They should be able to automatically add a confidentiality disclaimer to every outgoing email on your server. This package extends LATEX providing a means to add a textual, usually light gray (but possibly colored) watermark on every page, the first page, or selected pages of a document. I've also used the includehead option to get the geometry package to actually calculate the height for the text on the page. How would I create a footer on the bottom of every page? Ideally, I wish I could just add: #+FOOTER: Confidential. It provides some flexibility that is sufficient in most cases. How easy would it be to do that? Otherwise, is th For complex layouts, consider scrlayer. See full list on overleaf. In general, you can use the command \xwmgetpagenumber to extract page numbers from LaTeX labels (even in expansion contexts). So I created a page using titlepage environment. com Nov 7, 2007 · Creating headers and footers in Latex can be done by using the package “fancyhdr”. To replace the rules of fancyhdr, you can redefine \headrule and \footrule including just the solution at your question Two rules directly under each other \documentclass{article} \usepackage{lastpage} % number of last page \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhf{} \renewcommand\footrule{\begin{minipage}{1\textwidth} \hrule width \hsize height 2pt \kern 1mm \hrule width \hsize \end Jan 4, 2017 · Appropriately iterate prospective solutions via competitive data. Here's an example: Jul 1, 2016 · I'm using "facyhdr" to add a footer on all my pages, and I also use the extension "etoolbox" to color it, but the problem is that it also color the page number, do you know how to color only the footer ? Here is the code I'm using: I use here the advanced settings of the KOMA script \usepackage{scrpage2} %header and footer using the options for the KOMA script \renewcommand{\headfont}{\footnotesize\sffamily} % font for the header \renewcommand{\pnumfont}{\footnotesize\sffamily} % font for the pagenumbers %%the following lines define the pagestyle for the main document Apr 17, 2013 · Headers and footers are simultaneously cleared using \fancyhf{}, and individually set using \fancyhead[<pos>]{<stuff>} and \fancyfoot[<pos>]{<stuff>}. zcm sbnigbv mphc mdfpfxu apltz fanirph sxij slwoxnl etua xqdrzp