Magistrate court tasmania latest sentences They are two STATE OF TASMANIA v JONATHON PAUL MOORE 25 JUNE 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Mr Moore you have pleaded guilty to two crimes. They show you how to prepare for your appearance at court, what to expect when you arrive, what happens in the court room and what might happen after you have been to court. STATE OF TASMANIA v JAKE WELLS 10 DECEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J Jake Wells, you plead guilty to pervert justice. This crime occurred in various locations throughout Turners Beach, Ulverstone, Penguin and Sulphur Creek on You were held in custody until, in August 2023 you were sentenced by a magistrate to imprisonment for a total term of ten months, half of which was suspended. On 16 December 2021, you were driving a four-wheel drive motor vehicle on Woolnorth Road in far north west Tasmania. STATE OF TASMANIA v COREY JAMES DAVID WORDSWORTH STATE OF TASMANIA v COREY SHANE WORDSWORTH 6 OCTOBER 2023 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE ESTCOURT J The defendants, Corey James Wordsworth, who I will respectfully refer to as Wordsworth Junior, born 11 September 2000 and Corey Shane Wordsworth, who, Tasmania Online; Service Tasmania; Disclaimer; Personal information; About us; Sitemap; In recognition of the deep history and culture of this Island, we would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to all Tasmanian Aboriginal people; the past and present custodians of the Land STATE OF TASMANIA v JAMIE DEAN SHARMAN 9 OCTOBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Mr Sharman, a jury has found you guilty of one count of persistent family violence. He has also now pleaded guilty to summary charges of driving whilst suspended, "Name Withheld" The defendant's name has been withheld pursuant to section 194K of the Evidence Act 2001, as publication of the name may lead to, or is likely to lead to, the identification of any witness or victim. Bothwell Lower Court) and then look for ‘petty sessions’ in the list of records. Sentencing information; Previous: Magistrates Court Next: Find a court list. Mr Watson has pleaded guilty to six charges of fraud. 00 pm on 20 April 2023 and in any event within two clear working days of today; "Name Withheld" The defendant's name has been withheld pursuant to section 194K of the Evidence Act 2001, as publication of the name may lead to, or is likely to lead to, the identification of any witness or victim. STATE OF TASMANIA v TIMOTHY SHAUN VAN DEN BOSCH 11 SEPTEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Mr Van den Bosch, you have pleaded guilty to one count of dangerous driving. You were riding a bike, travelling In March 2023, you were sentenced by the Magistrates Court for a number of driving offences and offences of dishonesty, which were committed by you around the same time as this crime. On 21 September 2021 a magistrate imposed a wholly suspended six month sentence for breaches of bail and dishonesty and driving offences committed between 2018 and 2020. STATE OF TASMANIA v BRODY MARTIN JENNINGS 23 AUGUST 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE ESTCOURT J At the time of this offending the defendant, Brody Martin Jennings, was 36 years old. There is a right of appeal in the Supreme Court from the decision of the Magistrates Court and from most tribunals. Mr and Mrs Jordan were in custody between 11 May 2020 and their release on bail on 3 November 2020, on my calculations 177 days. The charges relate to separate incidents that occurred in the early hours of Saturday 11 June 2022. STATE OF TASMANIA v SHANE MARK HUGHES 10 SEPTEMBER 2024. The respondent must lodge: STATE OF TASMANIA v TIMOTHY LAURENCE ROZYNSKI 9 FEBRUARY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE WOOD J Timothy Laurence Rozynski has pleaded guilty to one count of dangerous driving. On this page. You can find the videos on the Going to Court videos page. During that period she was Magistrate Topfer told the court she could not sentence Williams and TT-Line on separate sets of facts, so she would not sentence either until all parties had fully considered the report. The sentence, handed down on Thursday in the Hobart Magistrates Court, is part of a ASTATE OF TASMANIA v JAPL 16 OCTOBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J JAPL, in April this year you were found guilty of two counts of rape. In criminal cases, appeals from the decision of a Supreme Court judge and jury are usually heard by a court consisting of three or more Supreme Court referred for sentence indication (par 7); - set out the understanding between the court and Community Corrections about what assessments may be available prior to sentence being indicated (par 10. You sexually abused a teenage girl over a period of some 14 months from January 2021 to February 2022. Search Criminal Crown and Magistrates Court Sentences - Court Case database - Search by Criminal Offence, Court, Judge, Solicitor, Barrister. COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE On 20 October 2021 you were sentenced by a magistrate to imprisonment for a total of 14 months. The defendant is now 43 years old; 40 at the time of the offending. 00 am on Wednesday 8 September STATE OF TASMANIA v HOLLY ALICE LILLY GARWOOD 6 DECEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J Holly Garwood, you plead guilty to perverting justice. Eligibility for parole should only be permitted when they have served the minimum term of imprisonment the Court considers to be required. On that day Mr Westbrook was serving a sentence of imprisonment in the prison at Risdon. At approximately 8. STATE OF TASMANIA v KRYSTAL MICHELLE PAYNE 5 APRIL 2023 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Ms Payne, you have pleaded guilty to one count of arson. The first, resisting lawful apprehension, occurred on 22 September 2023. COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE WOOD J . At the time of this offending, there Availability AustLII Unreported judgments of the Supreme Court of Tasmania from 1985 to the present are available on AustLII (Australian Legal Information Institute). STATE OF TASMANIA v DWAYNE ANTHONY CIANTAR 5 NOVEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Mr Ciantar, you have pleaded guilty to one count of Criminal Code assault. He entered pleas of not guilty to the charges on 12 January 2024. You were armed with a Stanley STATE OF TASMANIA v THAI MICHAEL DAVERN 21 MARCH 2024. 15 pm on 9 May 2023 and thereafter attend the Magistrates Court or this Court as and when directed by the court; you must report directly to a court diversion officer at Community Corrections, 111 Cameron Street, Launceston by 5. The two complainants were born on 29 December Mr Causon pleaded guilty in the Magistrates Court to a charge of recklessly discharging a firearm and was committed to this Court for sentence. Our sites. Latest Sentences (Sentences appear in the order they are posted on the web site – Supreme Court sentences. The magistrate will not expect you to behave as if you are a lawyer, just answer the questions in a straight-forward way. To protect her identity I will refer to her as V. Burnie Civil Division. In addition to being sentenced for that crime, the prosecution has made application to have you declared a dangerous criminal, pursuant to s 4 Mr Streets completed that sentence in November 2023, but was not released because on 9 June 2022, the Magistrates Court imposed two separate six month sentences of imprisonment upon the defendant, cumulative to each other and cumulative to the sentence I imposed in April 2022. It was a sentence of 3 months’ imprisonment that had been imposed by a magistrate in Launceston on 3 September 2021 on charges of driving whilst disqualified and driving with prescribed illicit drugs in his oral fluid. The person against whom the crimes were committed was a girl then aged 15. HJR has limited relevant prior matters, having been sentenced in the Magistrates Court on 11 June 2024. The STATE OF TASMANIA v MTB 8 MARCH 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE BLOW CJ MTB, you have pleaded guilty to a charge of persistent sexual abuse of a young person. He was bailed on 19 January 2024 having spent 26 days in custody, he has again been in custody since 18 September 2024 pending sentence. Mr Dobson, you have pleaded guilty to one count of possession of stolen firearms, contrary to s 107A(1) of the Firearms Act 1996. The facts There has been no other similar drug offending. During Geason’s latest court appearance earlier this month, it was Here is a list of people appearing at Hobart Magistrates Court on December 17. You had been on bail for other offending, mostly dishonesty and drug offences, but you were arrested STATE OF TASMANIA v STEPHEN KEVIN JONES 4 JUNE 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE MARTIN AJ Mr Jones, you have pleaded guilty to Dangerous Driving, committed on 29 August 2023. The data only includes cases where the defendant was found guilty. Together you staged a hold-up in a shop in Sandy Bay. During that period, you were aged between 24 and 25 In short: A Victorian magistrate has described the evidence from Tasmanian Supreme Court Justice Gregory Geason as "contrived and implausible" in her decision to find him guilty of assault and STATE OF TASMANIA v BRAD EDWARD CLARK 28 NOVEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE MARTIN AJ Mr Clark, you have pleaded guilty to unlawfully assaulting the complainant by pushing her out of a motor vehicle. COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE BLOW CJ . You can find registry contact details on the Contact page. It includes the basis of appellate review for offender STATE OF TASMANIA v INDIANNA MARY JEAN WEST 2 FEBRUARY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J Indianna West, you plead guilty to perverting justice. The charges relate to an incident on 1 July 2023. He had just finished work. In addition, through your Counsel, you have pleaded guilty to Evading Police and Driving While Disqualified and I will sentence you for those matters as STATE OF TASMANIA v JOSEPH WILLIAM FREEMAN 22 FEBRUARY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J Joseph Freeman, on 4 July 2023 you were found guilty by a jury of assault. The offences that I am dealing with were committed 11 months and 8 days after that sentence was imposed. Those offences were: One count of destroy property One count of unlawfully STATE OF TASMANIA v BRADLEY COLIN HAY 30 AUGUST 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Mr Hay, on complaint 91512/2023 you have pleaded guilty to eight counts of use a carriage service to transmit child abuse material, contrary to s 474. Magistrates Court. COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE On 22 March 2023 you were sentenced by a magistrate to an effective term of two years from 27 June 2022. Free access of all Magistrates Court caselaw. You also breached the order by committing other offences. You will also find a list of facilities available in each building on this page, or you can contact the Registry where you are due to appear to find out about disability supports in the building. Unreported judgments of the Supreme Court of Tasmania are available on List of Recent Decisions try clicking on the Refresh or Reload Button in your Browser to make sure you are viewing the latest version of the web page. These will require a pre-sentence report; make an order for suspended detention STATE OF TASMANIA v BRADY CHRISTOPHER OATES 20 NOVEMBER 2023 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Mr Oates, you have pleaded guilty to one count of dangerous driving contrary to s 172A of the Criminal Code. Magistrates Court Annual Report 2021 to 2022; Change to Magistrates Court email addresses; End of Year Closure Arrangements; STATE OF TASMANIA v NMB 10 OCTOBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J I have before me an application for breach of a suspended sentence. 10pm, you and another male entered Kathmandu in Devonport and stole some clothing About The Court; Publications; Latest Sentences; WORDSWORTH, C J D; WORDSWORTH, C J D. On 3 April 2020 they travelled together to STATE OF TASMANIA v SHAI MAREE JAYNE DAVIS 3 JULY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE WOOD J Shai Maree Jayne Davis has pleaded guilty to the crime of wounding and summary offences involving two charges of destroy property and one charge of trespass. Officers of the Australian Federal Police and Tasmania Police searched his home in May 2022 as a result of information received from authorities in the USA and found evidence of his STATE OF TASMANIA v ZANE ANDREW HENDERSON and JAYDE PATRICK BURLING 15 APRIL 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE BLOW CJ Mr Henderson and Mr Burling have each been found guilty by a jury on a joint charge of aggravated burglary and a joint charge of assault. You were sentenced by Geason J on 7 September 2023. Picture: Nikki Davis-Jones The sentence called for a strong denunciation of violence against women, the magistrate told Justice Geason. The State’s case at trial was that the defendant committed an unlawful sexual act or acts against the complainant on four specific occasions. Magistrates Court Sentencing Statistics. No Civil hearings are scheduled at this Court for Saturday, 28 December 2024. Unique criminal court sentencing records database (updated daily) search for:- Crime Cases UK, Recent Cases, Crime Archives, Sentencing Results, Jail / Imprisonment Terms . The other arms are the legislature (Parliament) and the executive (Government). STATE OF TASMANIA v AMALI LEA DE JONGE 25 JULY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Ms De Jonge, you have pleaded guilty to one count of causing grievous bodily harm, contrary to s 172 of the Criminal Code. He is a former full-time judge of the Supreme Court of Tasmania, serving between 2008 and 2016 after being admitted to the Supreme Court in 1978. At that time, you were STATE OF TASMANIA v LMA 3 AUGUST 2023 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE ESTCOURT J The defendant, who I shall call LMA, now 58 years old, has pleaded guilty to two counts of persistent sexual abuse of a child contrary to s 125A of the Criminal Code. STATE OF TASMANIA v TAMIEKA JANE MACAULAY-CLOSE 27 SEPTEMBER 2023 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE ESTCOURT J The respondent, Tamieka Jane Macaulay-Close, pleaded guilty to one count of perverting justice contrary to s 105 of the Criminal Code, and one count of possessing a controlled plant contrary to s 25 of the Misuse of Drugs Lower Court records. Court lists for Supreme Court of Tasmania and Magistrates Court of Tasmania. COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE The complainant is in his mid-sixties. On 5 July 2024, he was sentenced in the Magistrates Court (Youth Justice Division) to a sentence including six months’ detention, backdated to when he came into custody, with three months suspended for 18 months. STATE OF TASMANIA v NIKOLAS LEIGH FERRALL 23 JULY 2024. The defendant has been consulting a psychologist, STATE OF TASMANIA v JOSEPH ANDREW TONNER 24 SEPTEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J Joseph Tonner, you plead guilty to unlawful trafficking in firearms and possessing firearms while subject to a firearm prohibition order. 1); - clarify that magistrates will not ask prosecutors whether they accept an indication, noting STATE OF TASMANIA v JESSE WILLIAM ROCKLIFF 13 NOVEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Jesse William Rockliff, you have pleaded guilty to one count of aggravated assault. EXCLUSIVE Police & Courts Crashing the party: Event firms’ stoush over $5. You had been residing there as a tenant STATE OF TASMANIA v JAMES MICHAEL MARSHALL 19 APRIL 2023 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J James Michael Marshall you have pleaded guilty to one count of dangerous driving contrary to s 172A of the Criminal Code and related summary offences committed on the same day, namely driving whilst disqualified, using an STATE OF TASMANIA v DANIEL JAMES WATSON 15 NOVEMBER 2023. For information on how to find Sentences for the last three months use the Sentences link. By his plea of guilty to the crimes on complaint 53030/2019, party to the matter, by a jury of seven people in a court presided over by a judge. Translate; About us; Forms; Latest news. This site is designed to work as part of a staged workshop together with the video You be the Judge: Sentencing Law in Tasmania. The crime was committed in the early hours of 7 March 2021 at the Commercial Hotel. The Court produces its decisions in two formats described below: Judgments. STATE OF TASMANIA v NATHAN GREGORY DOBSON 19 JULY 2023. For example, two KTBC has been in custody since his arrest on 11 March 2024, however not all of that time is unallocated. You admitted doing so but claimed STATE OF TASMANIA v DANELLE MAREE MURIAL BARKER 22 JANUARY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J On 12 July 2021, Porter AJ deferred sentence in respect to the defendant. In respect to the first incident on A 23-year-old man released from prison in August with a three month suspended prison sentence hanging over his head appeared in the Launceston Magistrates Court on new charges. Magistrates Court of Tasmania. There was a unanimous verdict of not About The Court; Publications; Latest Sentences; BARKER, A A; BARKER, A A. I note, are listed for sentence in the Devonport Magistrates Court on 1 November 2019. 5m deal He initially pleaded guilty to all charges in the Magistrates Court. STATE OF TASMANIA v JOSHUA JAMES CORBETT 29 MAY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Mr Corbett, on 3 November 2021 Geason J sentenced you to a 12 month period of imprisonment, wholly suspended on condition that for a period of two years you commit no offence punishable by imprisonment. viii . However a magistrate gave him a wholly suspended sentence of two months’ imprisonment on 22 February 2023. On the video you'll find mock case scenarios based on two real examples of cases and sentences in the Magistrates Court and Supreme Court of Tasmania. Magistrates Court Christmas Operations; Annual Report 2023-2024 (pdf, 2420KB) About The Court; Publications; Latest Sentences; COLLIER, A J; COLLIER, A J. You have also pleaded guilty to assaulting the complainant by grabbing her chin and squeezing it. Read sentences handed down in the Supreme Court of Tasmania. On 21 August 2021, you and another, whom I shall refer to as “D”, entered a hotel room in Launceston. About The Court; Publications; Latest Sentences; DOBSON, N G; DOBSON, N G. STATE OF TASMANIA v ANITA ANN BARKER 15 FEBRUARY 2023. COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE Since returning to Tasmania you served terms of imprisonment ordered by magistrates in 2020 and 2021. Going to court video series. On 25 February 2024 at approximately 2. In 2019, without the knowledge of others in the A summons or court appearance document is an official notice to tell you that you must go to the magistrate's court. I am also dealing with About The Court; Publications; Latest Sentences; BISHOP, A J; BISHOP, A J. STATE OF TASMANIA v SETH WILLIAM TOWNSEND 10 OCTOBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J I have before me an application for breach of two suspended sentences, pursuant to s 27 of the Sentencing Act 1997. About The Court; Publications; Latest Sentences; HUGHES, S M. He had only just turned 17 at the time of the crime. On 23 December 2021, the defendant was driving his red Holden Commodore, which was unregistered and not covered by the MAIB insurance. The sentence was STATE OF TASMANIA v KJS 4 DECEMBER 2023 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE BLOW CJ KS, you have pleaded guilty in the Youth Justice Division of the Magistrates Court to two charges of armed robbery and one charge of attempted armed robbery. On 14 October 2020 the police went to your property at Stonehenge with a warrant to search for About The Court; Publications; Latest Sentences; HENDERSON, K L; HENDERSON, K L STATE OF TASMANIA v KIMBRA LEE HENDERSON 28 NOVEMBER 2024. On six occasions over a period of about three months, from 25 February 2023 to 27 May Mr Watson pleaded guilty in the Magistrates Court on his first appearance. Administrative Appeals decisions - available on the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) website; Civil decisions - available on the Australasian Legal Information Institute (AustLII) website; Criminal decisions - available on the Search court judgements and sentences in Tasmania. You can search for judgments on the Find the latest sentences and decisions of the Magistrates Court of Tasmania by using the Administrative Appeals, Civil and Criminal decisions are all now available on the Australasian Latest sentences from the Supreme Court of Tasmania. STATE OF TASMANIA v WILLIAM DOUGLAS GREAVES 30 JULY 2024. Skip to main content. You punched Hayden Mehmet twice. Mr Hall has pleaded guilty in the Magistrates Court to six Commonwealth charges relating to child abuse material. The Examiner provides in-depth coverage on legal proceedings, crime reports, and justice matters. I also agreed to deal with your plea of guilty to the summary charges of evading police in aggravated circumstances, possessing a controlled drug, possessing a shortened firearm, STATE OF TASMANIA v MNA 15 NOVEMBER 2023 STATE OF TASMANIA v JFL COMMENTS OF PASSING SENTENCE BLOW CJ You have both pleaded guilty to a charge of aggravated armed robbery, and also three charges of stealing. STATE OF TASMANIA v LUKE ANTHONY SHAW 3 SEPTEMBER 2020 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PORTER AJ Mr Shaw, the defendant, has pleaded guilty to one count of perverting justice. Mid-afternoon on 8 June 2023, the complainant was walking along Oldaker Street in Devonport. I also agreed to deal with your plea of guilty to the summary charge of unlawfully possessing a dangerous article in a public place. COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE On 9 February 2024 you were sentenced by a magistrate to imprisonment for 8 months from 16 April 2023 for, About The Court; Publications; Latest Sentences; HEAZLEWOOD B J; HEAZLEWOOD B J. A different charge was laid after he was committed for sentence, and he has pleaded guilty to it at an early stage. COMMENTS ON and a similar order of deferral being made in the Magistrates Court in 2023 which ultimately resulted in a “relatively lenient” sentence in the form of a wholly suspended term of STATE OF TASMANIA v HMP 5 JULY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE ESTCOURT J The defendant, HMP, has pleaded guilty to the crime of armed robbery, which was committed on Monday, 4 December 2023 when HMP was 17 years of age. I also agreed to deal with your plea of guilty to the summary charges of using methylamphetamine, possessing a glass pipe and LAW LISTS FOR THE SUPREME COURT OF TASMANIA – FRIDAY, 27 DECEMBER 2024 HOBART Court 7, Salamanca Place, Hobart Before Acting Justice PORTER Criminal Jurisdiction 11. His prior matters relate to offending of a similar nature, namely dishonesty offences and offences involving violence. STATE OF TASMANIA v JAI CRAIG NICHOLS 15 OCTOBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE ESTCOURT J The defendant, Jai Craig Nichols, now aged 43 years, has pleaded guilty to one count of possessing a prohibited firearm, when not the holder of a firearms licence of the appropriate category. 00am on 1 November 2023 you went into the Four Ways Newsagency at which had been imposed upon you by the Magistrates Court on 8 You may answer from where you were sitting in the court unless the Magistrate asks you to stand at the end of the table. On a Saturday afternoon last December you went into a bottle shop in Mowbray armed with a knife. A judgment is: the determination of a court in legal proceedings; any order of the court for the payment of an amount of money or costs; or; a decree or order, whether final or interlocutory. COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE You first appeared in the Magistrates Court on 22 November 2023 but pleaded not guilty on 10 April 2024. Secondly, although there was not a substantial lapse of time between the imposition of the sentence and the breaches, there has been a long delay in the bringing of this application. You have also pleaded guilty to related summary offences committed STATE OF TASMANIA v MATTHEW FLEMING 8 JUNE 2022 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE BLOW CJ Mr Fleming has pleaded guilty to two charges of wounding, as well as two summary offences that I will deal with under s 385A of the Criminal Code – a charge of destroying property and a charge of abusing police. The Magistrates Court is part of the third - or judicial arm - of government. You entered pleas of guilty to both of these charges when the matter was still before the Magistrates Court. His counsel told me that he is disgusted with himself, accepts that he should not have spoken to Ms Bradford as he did, and accepts that he will have to deal with the consequences of his STATE OF TASMANIA v RACHELLE MAREE O’BRIEN 22 FEBRUARY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE ESTCOURT J On 7 May 2021 the respondent, Rachelle Maree O’Brien, who was born on 18 April 1986, was sentenced by me to a Drug Treatment Order. No Civil hearings are scheduled at this Court for Monday, 30 December 2024. STATE OF TASMANIA v BINIYAM ROBERTSON 16 DECEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J On 23 May 2023, Mr Robertson was found not guilty of multiple offences in the Magistrates Court on the ground that he was insane at the relevant time. Police officers conducted a search at his home on 20 October 2021. About us. The latest judgments from Magistrates Court. Ms Barker was dealt with by magistrates on minor stealing charges in 2013, 2014, and 2019. COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE BLOW CJ. Last updated: 2 October 2023. Both assaults were recorded on CCTV and/or phone video footage. STATE OF TASMANIA v BENJAMIN JAMES CHATTERS 28 JUNE 2024. In Tasmania there are Magistrates' Courts in Hobart, Launceston, Burnie, and Devonport. If you are convicted of a serious offence in the Magistrates Court, the court must impose a compensation levy under the Victims of Crime Compensation Act 1994. There were three other people there – the manager and two STATE OF TASMANIA v LUKE DON HENDERSON 20 NOVEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Mr Henderson, you have pleaded guilty to the crimes of aggravated assault and attempting to escape. Final hearing. One of the conditions of STATE OF TASMANIA v RAYMOND PATRICK LARKIN 6 DECEMBER 2022 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE BRETT J Mr Larkin, you have pleaded guilty to 2 counts of the aggravated offence of using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence, involving the transmission, making available, publication and distribution of private sexual STATE OF TASMANIA v JANELLE MAREE MCCONNON 2 FEBRUARY 2022 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J Janelle McConnon, you plead guilty to trafficking in a controlled substance, methylamphetamine. STATE OF TASMANIA v DANIEL JOHN WIGGINS 29 JANUARY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PORTER AJ Daniel Wiggins, the defendant, pleaded guilty in the Magistrates Court to one count of dangerous driving and appears in this Court for sentence. Skip to content. It could have been brought more than two years ago when you pleaded guilty in the Magistrates Court in July 2022. He had been STATE OF TASMANIA v CHRISTOPHER ALEX STANDEN 1 DECEMBER 2023 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE MARTIN AJ Mr Standen, following information received from overseas, on 17 October 2019 members of the Australian Federal Police executed a search warrant at the home of your parents, where you lived. The custodial component of that order was 24 months, which the respondent was not Gregory Geason sentence at Hobart Magistrates Court. It provides an overview of the appeal framework in Tasmania applicable to appeals against sentence for Supreme Court and Magistrates Court matters. Commonly heard offences are drink driving, traffic offences, assaults, drug offences and theft. Tasmania Online; Service Tasmania; Disclaimer; Personal information; About us; Sitemap; In recognition of the deep history and culture of this Island, we would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to all Tasmanian Aboriginal people; the past and present custodians of the Land STATE OF TASMANIA v TIMOTHY JAMES CONNELL 9 FEBRUARY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J Timothy Connell, you were found guilty by a jury of assault. Judges do not always hand down their decisions when a trial is completed. The charges arise out of events on the afternoon of 29 January 2022. STATE OF TASMANIA v SIMON JOHN DEEGAN 26 SEPTEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J Simon Deegan, you plead guilty to one count of fraud. what's this Quick Exit. The respondent does not show cause in respect to the application but submits, through his Access to the Magistrates Court of Tasmania services and information:- including forms, fees, court lists, coronial findings. The defendant, Michael Bruce Bankart Zodins, has been found not guilty of trafficking in a controlled substance but guilty of for which he was fined by a magistrates court. Magistrates Court of Tasmania Practice Directions Search the Table Practice Directions list 2024 No 1 - Approved Distribution, Copying and Retention of Pre-Sentence Reports and Mediation Reports: 2009 No 1 - Rescinded: 2007 No 3 - Forms, Penalty Units And Other Penalties Act 1987: 2007 No 2 - Rescinded: 2007 No 1 - Rescinded: 2006 No 1 STATE OF TASMANIA v DESW 27 MARCH 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE BLOW CJ D, you have pleaded guilty to a charge of armed robbery. Print. While the Court aims to have complete coverage there are some STATE OF TASMANIA v SS 6 DECEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE MARTIN AJ SS, you have pleaded guilty to persistent sexual abuse of a young person by maintaining a sexual relationship with the young person between about 1 June 2023 and 24 April 2024. I am dealing with those pursuant to s 385 of the Criminal Code. To find lower court districts, you can start by putting just “lower court” in the agency title field. In this Court he has also pleaded guilty to five summary offences which I am dealing with under s 385A of the Criminal Code. The second crime, obstructing a police officer, occurred on 18 January 2024. 00am For Remand Ricky Damien Brown LAUNCESTON NO MATTERS LISTED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE BURNIE NO MATTERS LISTED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE STATE OF TASMANIA v JAMES PETER SAMPSON 3 JULY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Mr Sampson, you have pleaded guilty to one count of stealing. STATE OF TASMANIA v GREGORY ALLAN BROWN 2 DECEMBER 2022 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE ESTCOURT J The defendant, Gregory Allan Brown, now aged 60 years, has pleaded guilty to one count of attempting to involve a person under 18 years in the production of child exploitation material contrary to s 130 and s 299 If you need assistance. This crime occurred in Burnie on 1 June 2023. STATE OF TASMANIA v ADAM JAMES BISHOP 3 OCTOBER 2024. Court staff can provide information or assistance if you have a disability or particular support needs. STATE OF TASMANIA v ANDREW LEWIS MULLER 17 APRIL 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE BLOW CJ Mr Muller has pleaded guilty in the Magistrates Court to a charge of possessing child exploitation material. At Criminal and General Court Criminal matters. The matter may have to go to a final hearing if the respondent contests the application. That sentence was suspended on condition that Mr Webb not commit another offence punishable by imprisonment for a period of 12 months. A number of electronic devices were STATE OF TASMANIA v COREY ANTHONY BRODERICK 16 AUGUST 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE (RE-SENTENCE) JAGO J I have before me an application for breach of a suspended sentence, pursuant to s 27 of the Sentencing Act 1997. On 28 November 2021, the defendant was with her partner, Hayley Get the latest court and crime news from Launceston and across Tasmania. This recent sentence is the only other occasion where he has been sentenced by a Court. If you cannot read the summons or do Tasmanian Supreme Court Judge Gregory Geason has been sentenced to 100 hours of community service for assaulting and emotionally abusing a woman. Read sentences handed down in the Supreme Court of Tasmania The sentencing data available on this website comes from the Tasmanian Magistrates Court STATE OF TASMANIA v ROGER CHARLES COMPAIN 18 SEPTEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Mr Compain, you have pleaded to four counts of assaulting a police officer contrary to s 114(1) of the Criminal Code. The sentencing data available on this website comes from the Tasmanian Magistrates Court records. The events which gave rise to the charge commenced on 26 March 2024. The first of The court will send the respondent (the other party in the matter) a copy of your application, and a notice that: notifies them of your application; advises them of their legal obligations (under section 21 of the Magistrates Court (Administrative Appeals Division) Act 2001) You will also be sent a copy of this notice. You have also pleaded guilty to several associated summary offences. On 2 June 2021 the defendant appeared in the Hobart Magistrates Court in respect to some summary charges and was admitted to bail. The particulars alleged are that on or about 5 March 2024, he possessed such material, namely 134 images and 78 Forms Search the Table Warning Please use the Court forms that are filed and issued by the Court. On the summons or court appearance document, it will say when, where and why you need to go to court. g. The result is that you have been in custody on the matters for which I am to sentence you since 21 September 2023 and so the sentence I am about to impose will commence then. The complainant in this matter is SD and on 4 December 2023 he was Hobart Civil Division. In addition, If you are found guilty of an offence, the court can do any of these things: dismiss the charge (which may include a reprimand or a good behaviour undertaking) release you with conditions; fine you; make an order for probation, community service or detention. Decisions of the Magistrates Court of Tasmania. His Honour made a home detention order for 16 months from that day. Between 2019 and 2022 you were treasurer. People's names and other details have been changed to protect privacy. Department of Justice; Translate; News; Contact; All sites. During the afternoon of Sunday 25 June 2023 you were riding your motor cycle in the Huonville area. Astria; Births, Deaths and Marriages; Commission of Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse; Community Consultation; Tasmania Online; Service Tasmania; Disclaimer; Personal information; About us; Sitemap; In recognition of the deep history and culture of this Island, we would like to acknowledge and pay our respects to all Tasmanian Aboriginal people; the past and present custodians of the Land Access to the Magistrates Court of Tasmania services and information:- including forms, fees, court lists, coronial findings. The majority of lower court petty session records have been digitised up to 1900. About The Court; Publications; Latest Sentences; CHATTERS, B J; CHATTERS, B J. COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J. STATE OF TASMANIA v HUON WILLIAM GENDALL 2 OCTOBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J Huon Gendall, you plead guilty to trafficking in a controlled substance and dealing with the proceeds of crime. If the verdict is guilty, the Magistrate may sentence you then and there, or may adjourn your matter to a later date for sentencing. At that time she had pleaded guilty to one count of trafficking in a controlled substance, namely methylamphetamine, between 1 December 2019 appeals against sentence in Tasmania. Just before 1. STATE OF TASMANIA v AHC 17 SEPTEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PORTER AJ Mr C, the defendant, pleaded guilty to one count of armed robbery on his second appearance in the Magistrates’ Court, and appears in this Court for sentence. You set fire to the Housing Tasmania unit in which you lived. STATE OF TASMANIA v MICHAEL BRUCE BANKART ZODINS 12 JUNE 2024. I am also dealing with his pleas of guilty to 20 summary charges of breaching a family violence order or breaching an interim family violence order. Access sentencing statistics and publications. STATE OF TASMANIA v CHRISTOPHER JOHN WRIGHT 31 OCTOBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PORTER AJ Christopher Wright, the defendant, has pleaded guilty to one count of possession of child exploitation material. The Criminal Court (Court of Petty Sessions) hears and determines a broad range of criminal cases in both the State and Federal jurisdictions. of the Sentencing Act 1997 to breach the two month suspended sentence imposed on 23 July 2020 in the Hobart Magistrates Court for the offence of motor vehicle stealing. Magistrates Court (Youth Justice Division) A Guide to Sentencing in Tasmania . COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE In November 2019 you breached that order by calling her a whore and following her, and for that a magistrate fined you $200. You had two STATE OF TASMANIA v SCOTT DANNY RAINBIRD 24 FEBRUARY 2022 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J The defendant has pleaded guilty to one count of perverting justice. Do an agency search for your district (e. When the suspended sentence was activated you were also sentenced for some driving offences and received an additional three month period of imprisonment. COMMENTS ON PASSING Mr Frankcombe’s matter has been remitted to the Magistrates’ Court. STATE OF TASMANIA v BENJAMIN JOSEPH HEAZLEWOOD 25 OCTOBER 2019. You pleaded guilty to this About The Court; Publications; Latest Sentences; WILLIAMS, R C; WILLIAMS, R C. If the verdict is not guilty you are free to go. Only criminal cases are included (not civil cases). Sentences. Sentences appear on Access to the Magistrates Court of Tasmania services and information:- including forms, fees, Sentences handed down in the Supreme Court of Tasmania are generally published on the Court’s web site on the day the sentence is imposed. The complainant had hired the hotel room to About The Court; Publications; Latest Sentences; GREAVES, W D; GREAVES, W D. The manner of you must attend the Magistrates Court of Tasmania, in Launceston at 2. You have been committed to this Court for sentence. When the crime was committed you were aged 18 years. Mr Davern, you have pleaded guilty to one count of armed robbery. STATE OF TASMANIA v AWS 30 SEPTEMBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE WOOD J The defendant, AWS, has been found guilty of the crime of persistent sexual abuse of a child. Two of those counts, related to complainant B Magistrates Court Annual Report 2021 to 2022 Change to Magistrates Court email addresses; Media Release No 2 for Hillcrest Devonport (pdf, 86KB) Media Release for Hillcrest Devonport (docx, 42KB) Going to Court videos; Public Notice - Coronavirus Measures Smoke-free Policy; Strategic Plan 2020 to 2023 "Name Withheld" The defendant's name has been withheld pursuant to section 194K of the Evidence Act 2001, as publication of the name may lead to, or is likely to lead to, the identification of any witness or victim. Using other types of forms may breach the Unauthorized Documents Act 1986 and you may be prosecuted. The respondent does not show cause in respect to the application but submits through his counsel that it STATE OF TASMANIA v JONTY BRUCE PENNEYSTON 2 NOVEMBER 2023 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE BLOW CJ Mr Penneyston has pleaded guilty to two assault charges. Cumulative sentences: Individual sentences, givenfor each of the charges in a case, that are to be served one after the other, rather than at the same time. STATE OF TASMANIA v ROBERT CRAIG WILLIAMS 8 DECEMBER 2023. On 8 December 2023 a magistrate imposed two four week suspended sentences for bail, drug, driving and firearm offences. Close. The data covers the last 5 full financial years, plus the current financial year. You were a volunteer member of the Triabunna Fire Brigade for 25 years. On 20 July 2021, the "Name Withheld" The defendant's name has been withheld pursuant to section 194K of the Evidence Act 2001, as publication of the name may lead to, or is likely to lead to, the identification of any witness or victim. On 27 August 2024 I sentenced the respondent to two years and six months’ imprisonment, for four counts of indecent assault. You were pulled over by the police for driving STATE OF TASMANIA v ADRIAN FRANCIS REES 9 OCTOBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PORTER AJ Adrian Rees, the defendant, has been found guilty by majority verdict of one count of perverting justice having been tried on one count of assault and five counts of perverting justice. Additionally, you have a number of prior convictions suggestive of a long term difficulty with alcohol. About The Court; Publications; Latest Sentences; FERRALL, N L; FERRALL, N L. He first appeared in the Magistrates’ Court on 27 December 2023. 22(1) of the Commonwealth Criminal Code; four counts of using a carriage service to That sentence was subsequently activated in the Magistrates Court. Supreme Court sentences; Sentencing information. The crime was committed on 9 February 2020. Following the interview the defendant was charged and remanded in custody. You received two separate sentences of imprisonment by way of sentencing order: a nine month period of imprisonment, three months of which was suspended, and a wholly STATE OF TASMANIA v ZARLEE RAE PARKER 2 FEBRUARY 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE JAGO J Ms Parker, you have been found guilty by a jury of one count of dangerous driving contrary to s 172A of the Criminal Code. His Mr Bell, you appear for sentence in respect to one count of Criminal Code assault and one related count of common assault, which I am dealing with pursuant to s385A of the Criminal Code. This Research Paper provides an empirical analysis of appeals against sentence in Tasmania. The sentence will be backdated to take that period of custody into account. STATE OF TASMANIA v ALAN JOHN COLLIER 16 AUGUST 2024. There are four videos that you can watch from this web site about going to court. STATE OF TASMANIA v COREY JAMES DAVID WORDSWORTH. You were and still are aged 21. On 7 September 2023 you appeared in the Magistrates Court in Launceston. As will appear, he has pleaded guilty to a number of offences of dishonesty on complaint and on indictment. They removed a portable hard drive that was found to The Magistrates' Court is the busiest court in Tasmania, handling over 30,000 cases each year. STATE OF TASMANIA v CHARLES VINCENT READ 2 OCTOBER 2024 COMMENTS ON PASSING SENTENCE PEARCE J Charles Read, you plead guilty to dangerous driving. . kbgionbx kuur aizux fbdx izxislu auvjq nyaz luhdq mkpnv hoco