Home assistant attribute sensor. Automation Templating.

Home assistant attribute sensor To enable this sensor, add the following lines to your I have a sensor with power prices (from Tibber), containing attributes with an array (?) of electricity prices each hour and gets updated each day at 1pm. heat_pump_firmware_version online_state: ONLINE backup_heater_allowed_for: DISABLED smart_photovoltaic_buffer_offset: 5 Create sensor with value of entity attribute? Configuration. In the bottom right corner, select the Create helper button. This means that you might see values like 5 seconds, then 65 seconds, then 125 seconds. That one you then put in a graph. displayData. I’m not sure you can do a template to-do object so I’m starting with a sensor. attribute. How do I I have written a template sensor which increments itself together with a source sensor, skipping any resets and unknown/unavailable states. 358122+12:00' holidays: '' friendly_name: Yellow Bin icon: mdi:delete Is it possible to template on arrays of attributes? (I think I have the terminology right 😉 ) I know I can do this: {% set sensor_id= '1' %} {% set my_value = state_attr('sensor. [your_attribute] which can simplify things further. However, entities can store attributes related to that state Is it possible to set a variable in the value_template of a template sensor for use in an attributes_template of the same template sensor? Or is there an altogether better way to achieve what I’m after? Thanks! In the YAML below, I would like to use the variable type to form part of the entity name in the scheduled attributes template. It’s at-a-glance info for me, and also I don’t like the implied precision in a forecast when the actual overnight Yes. ecobee', 'forecast') %}{{ forecast[1]['templow'] }}°C. attributes['details'] | truncate(255) }}" Lovelace Templates I’ve gone and made a crazy card that allows you to pretty much template anything in Lovelace for your card configurations using any information available on the frontend; states, attributes, user, etc. This is my new sensor: - platform: template sensors: pid_loop_living_room_light: friendly_name: "Living Room PID" unique_id: 12345-67893 using a rest sensor on the config: rest: - resource: !secret config_resource scan_interval: 86400 verify_ssl: false headers: Content-Type: application/json Authorization: !secret api_bearer_token sensor: - unique_id: ha_main_config_rest value_template: > {{value_json. Actually, you should not have to include json_attributes_topic. To achieve this, I’m using template sensors to create sensors whose state reflects the battery_level attribute of the actual sensors, e. state, state. The problem I have is that not always there are 24 prices a day; sometimes 2 or 3 hours have the same price and then the variable I use gives an error: list Hello, can someone please help me to include attribute value in a message? The message is like: action: - service: notify. the values of the new attribute should be filled based on template functions. I’ve found several posts telling me that the way to get this data out of an attribute As described here, there are several ways to view an attribute’s history. “pinned” I can get like that; '{{states. If I remove type: Then use the sensor state in the automation to trigger the notification. Now they display as “unknown” on I have built a sensor so that I can, for example, charge my house battery under certain conditions. sonarr_queue_2. If this is not the case with the integration you are using, you will have to extract the values you are interested in either via an additional template sensor or an additional integration for attribute is there a way to do this without actually creating another sensor? maybe this is a feature request, but i have sensors with tons of attributes that i need only for plotting and nothing else. “next_passages”), then the index number (where in the list of lists to look, starting at 0) and then the key of the sub-attribute. Dev tools/states lists the attributes of this particular sensor as next_date: '2021-09-01T00:00:00+12:00' days: 1 last_collection: null last_updated: '2021-08-31T00:00:23. washer, input_boolean. The temperature and humidity are in attributes of the weather sensor data. data. Having a first-class sensor instead of just an attribute is useful for all kinds of reasons, even if there were some support for seeing history etc of attributes. For old This page looks at the concepts state, state object, and entity state attribute. This has worked wonderfully in the past, until I hit the 255 max length character limit on state The sensors work, and when I look at sensor: sensor. If it’s possible, how can I add attributes to this template sensor to tell me which lights are on (Matches condition for sensor)? When I configure the sensor, at the bottom the Preview says “This template listens for the following state changed events:” And then lists the entities it’s counting. Yours has more attributes and next_trains is displayed as [object object],[object Object],etc. Building templates . The sensors implemented by this component are by default internal, to avoid exporting them back to Home Assistant. This is what I tried from docs template: sensors: SunnyAngle: unit_of_measurement: "°" value I need some help with “json_attributes_path:” and “json_attributes:”. Reply reply droans Home Assistant has support for storing sensors as long-term statistics if the entity has the right properties. Instructions on how to setup scenes within Home Assistant. With this code the attribute does Guys, i have a sensor, there is an attribute that i need to make a new sensor How can i use that attribute in a yaml config? is that possible somehow? Instructions on how to integrate Template Sensors into Home Assistant. Any ideas on how to Quite possibly. at least that’s Is there a way to set an attribute of a value_template sensor? Reading through the docs (https://www. When the actual price is below this price, the switch to load the car is turned on. This is causing issues when using with the generic thermostat. The sensor looks something like this: // sensor. It would be ideal if rest sensors can have an attributes template. zona_33. zwave. 6 KB Good day all. mined and after nr. Home Assistant Community Rest Sensor Support Attribute Templates. IOW, do it the other way around from what you are trying tgo do now. however many packages are out for delivery). fordpass_elveh attribute: Hello, I’ve been spending some time trying to extract data from the FlightRadar24 sensor, filter it, and put it out as a different sensor with attributes. bus_139_test From my understanding this should work with the So, wondering if there’s a way to configured a homeassistant sensor in esphome to pull attributes from a list? For a weather component I have a state, plus a long list of attributes, like such: temperature: 90 humidity: 17 ozone: 286. I’d like to be able to use custom_initial_state to decide which automations should be enabled. livingroom', 'Battery numeric'). Your test is flawed; it’s not actually checking the output of a template. flotteemse July 4, 2021, 3:29pm 16. Values are I just want to display cell_voltages attributes in a dashboard card from the delta voltage sensor in an dasboard card. The sensor has support for GET and POST requests. Creating a “new” sensor for every single item just pollutes a lot. They were displaying fine on my dashboard before the 2023. I do have a fairly frequently updated weather service that provides me with what seem like accurate temperature and humidity values for my location. 168. washer, state. Context . helligkeit. Under the “attribute:” key I’ve tried various things like state, input_boolean. aeotec_ms6_kitchen. It is a template extension that Probably using external sensors to define attributes or state could be more reliable in some cases. summary |regex_findall I’m using ENTSOE to choose the optimal time to load my electric car by finding the lowest 5 (or 6 or 7) prices for electricity. days_in_water_veg_patch upper: 3 name: Threshold water_veg_patch Cheers, Steve Use two conditional rows — one if the sensor is off without the secondary info, the other if on with the info. binary_sensor. Though you would have to add the icon via customize as it is not a configuration option Hi, thanks. If, instead of norwegian_temperature, you use weather_hki, your sensor will be sensor. State versus state object . This is to decouple my e. My goal is for the sensor to tell me how many lights are on, which is @meconiotech, thanks a lot, that helped me imensely to get the whole arduinojson thing going!How does your forecast_5 sensor/entitiy look like on the HA side? I’m using the weather entity of openweathermap, but it’s too big to just “import” the attributes into an esphome text sensor (it gets cut off after the first 5 or 6 forecast objects). 0 and 2023. My ultimate end goal is to get this data into a to-do list with an automation so I can sync the to-do list with Google Keep. 5 count: 4 scan_interval: 60 platform: template sensors: ping_nuc01: device_class: connectivity entity_id: - binary_sensor. I Can you confirm that I understood it correctly? The switch. Many times this is the first step of using templates for many and this would make it even simpler for the community to get such sensors going to use them both for frontend, automations etc. actually suggestion from 123 was correct but you have to add this line:. state and this. test_this_template name: state - type: attribute I’m not sure of terminology (which is hampering my search), so please bear with me - and correct as neccesary :. Another way to state the problem I am trying to solve is that I need the Yes. yaml entry sensor: - platform: template sensors: aquarium_temperature: friendly_name: 'Aquarium Temperature' unit_of_measurement: '°C' value_template: "{{ state_attr('switch. My 1st post as a HA user, after many years of Openhab use. I want to trigger an automation if any of them change the bateria_baixa attribute from 0 to 1. Is it possible to count the number of sensors that has the same icon attribute? Tried the template below in the editor but got TypeError: object of type ‘generator’ has no len() {{ states. bateria_baixa | int == 1 }}" How can I do this without declaring the sensors separately?. ” Which is good, it works. Hi, I am still a newbie when it comes to HA so please be gentle with me! I am using a custom intergration (Wiser Heating Component) and and trying to display a state attribute. You don’t need to have separate sensors, one to get the total number of games, and another to process the data using the ‘total games’ value. 622 visibility: 10 forecast: - datetime: '2022-06-18T00:00:00+00:00' These attributes are not exposed to home assistant as a sensor by default so I cannot show what the TRV is calling for in a lovelace dashboard. like to record the print material and volume being used over time GitHub - Disane87/spoolman-homeassistant: Spoolman home assistant integration 🏠 When an attribute contains spaces, you can retrieve it like this: state_attr('sensor. thnx for answering , but thats not whai mean Hi How can I create a sensor from a climate attribute that will constantly update so that it can be used in dashboards such as gauges (which currently only show MODE) etc, and in other sensors I managed to get a template sensor but it doesn’t update. Numerous posts I’m trying to use a template to find if an attribute matches a particular string. state }}" And then you can change it in a script or automation like this: action: - alias: Update my sensor event: set_my_sensor event_data: state: new_value Can even add I am getting battery level as part of mqtt location sensor. Compensation The Compensation integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. This sensor only has attributes when a download occures, and the look like: - Example: Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller S02E08 - 8. Narration: I’ve just installed the MacOS version of HA. battery_level | int }}' I have a binary sensor which has 4 attributes. As you can se from the pictures below the value the sensor is This sensor works perfectly, but I have to call the website multiple time, which is not ideal. I have some temp sensors around the house and set up a fire alert to alert me if the temps get too high. The attributes are stored in a TEXT field named - surprise - attributes. fedex2. Futhermore: The sensor and its attributes should have Attribute: Which attribute you want as it's own sensor Options that you can change at any time Value template: Use a template to manipulate the retrieved attribute from the source entity Entities (sensors, binary sensors, buttons, images, numbers, and selections) are defined in your YAML configuration files under the template:key. Hi, I am feeding the battery levels of my sensors into InfluxDB to generate nice graphs using Grafana. mm is processed. pge, energy. It ties events Every time something happens in Home Assistant, an event is fired. However, everytime I restart my router, this alert gets triggered due to some wifi sensors being I have a sensor that gives me the time a bus leaves from a station. 6°C. information}} {% else I have an automation/script that keeps my living room light at a measured light level. google_keep_XXXXXXXX. With these templates you can create new custom sensors based on other sensor values to use on the dashboard or in automations. <details><summary>Radio Station Template Sensor</summary>Note: My sensor actually has dozens of stations, it is just cut down here for the example. naechsteZiehung" json_attributes: - ziehungsdatum My problem: “ziehungsdatum” is too generic of a naming. I’m wanting to display the current HA climate action attribute of my Daikin AC, on a status page of the 16x2 LCD on a current project I have. package_state = {{sensor. 96 wind_bearing: 294. My trash sensor has a list of attributes with the type of trash and the remaining days before it gets picked up. This device previously exposed an entity for temperature, but this temperature entity also previously had attributes associated with it for some other measurements (humidity, battery level, link quality, etc). media_seek data: seek_position: "{{ state_attr('media_player. Sorry for my english but i h Actually, it is now common practice in Home Assistant for integrations not to pack additional information into the attributes, but to offer separate sensors with the respective values. {% set o I’d like an overview of all sensors that have a attribute “battery_level”. skycryer (Skycryer) August 17, 2021, 11:38am 1. Can someone advise me how can I use that batt attribute in configuration. trigger: - platform: template value_template: "{{ states. test from the docs were trigger-based (and the Hello! I have an integration for Tibber, which allows me to view current power price, as well as current consumption. At the top of the screen, select the tab: Helpers. From Home Assistant I can see the attribute value if I go to Zigbee Home Automation, select the device, select the cluster then select the Hi, the Discogs integration adds a random_record sensor to pick a random record out of your collection. I know I could create 5 template sensors (examples below) and use min_max to get it, but there must be a more elegant way: {{ s Note. Please correct me if I am wrong. That’s because it wasn’t clear (at least to me) what the JSON data you displayed in your first actually represents. state_attr('sensor. You need to identify the key of the attribute you are looking under (i. I’m trying to get an output of true, if the map name is “Kitchen-Lounge-Study” entity vacuum. It outputs “The overnight low will be 18. Each block defines sensor/binary sensor/number/select entities and can contain an optional update trigger. I want to create a template sensor that reads the attributesthat way i can display it a number of waysi have tried several things, but nothing is workingim sure it is very simplestill kinda new with HA the sensor is called ‘sensor. You can’t create a sensor under the weather domain. Unfortunately the state and attributes are fairly ugly natively, but can be cleaned up easily in a template. windowstatusfrontleft: INTERMEDIATE_POSITION windowstatusrearleft: CLOSED windowstatusfrontright: CLOSED windowstatusrearright: CLOSED The attributes have 3 values and I want to set the state depending on these attributes. yaml in HS config root I am trying to setup a template sensor with an attribute from inside the Xbox Live Sensor. In Home Assistant, the state object is the current representation of the entity An entity You can also reference the state and its attributes within the sensor using this. The parts I need are the values for ‘text:’ in this example for the sensor attributes. All the sensors are in a group I created. There are different types of events, such as state change events, when an action was triggered, or the time changed. wichita’ and the attribute is Your sensor from your code above will be called sensor. If it was left out, the sensor would simply default to using the state_topic as the source for attributes. my_sensor_' ~ sensor_id, 'my_attribute') %} But what if the attributes are an array? As far as I am aware the only way to extract these is to use the form: {% set my_value Create a new helper attribute_as_sensor that consumes the attribute of one entity to create a state for a new sensor. Also, state_class, unit_of_measurement are not inherited from the imported sensor so you need to set them I want to have some way to get some news either displayed to me or read to me using TTS. Instructions for setting up Home Assistant sensors with ESPHome that import states from your Home Assistant instance. Are you positive it is called watering-program with a hyphen and not water_program with an underscore?. I’m looking at the entity and I opening settings then expanding the drop down to reveal attributes with a hubitat to make things easier easier and have recently getting an odroid n2+ and transitioned to just using the home Im trying to pull a attribute from a entity but it wont show tried this code type: entities entities: entity: sensor. The sensor is sensor. I got last week x1c in, saw very nice intergration whit it. XboxOne full }}' I have tried to quote around json_attributes_path: "$. hello, i am using an integration that reports weather alerts. Having issues with the z-wave stick so I have integrated the homeseer into HA. I want to show on my mobile phone the min/max target set temp Is there a string length limit? Yep, 255 characters. sensor's value: "Remo E lite" (anything) attribute[0]: { Hello, I searched a lot but couldn’t find a simple solution to a relatively small problem I have. ) The first one is a single attribute per data point (works mostly okay - just need hundreds of them) - platform: homeassistant entity_id: Hello there everyone, this is probably my first post in the community 🙂 Question: I have stopped seeing the attributes of the sensors of my Roborock S5 Max (remaining hours of use of the filters, etc). ) I’m running a HA instance with various sensors/lights using both default automations and node red routines. I’ve got a little question, I’m trying to build a sensor, the main state is just a simple on/off switch basically but with different words, but there’s like 50 lines of code inside the Value-template. I had problems with RSS feeds, but I found out I can use a Reddit sensor in HA. sun” sensor to get the actual time in HH:MM:SS for Sunrise and Sunset. pixel_5_bluetooth_connection and its attribute is connected_paired_devices which lists the MAC addresses of paired devices. Hello. jan_b data: message: Block nr. fedex. yaml. 01234567-890a-bcde-f012-34567890abcd: group: completedBy: {} Home Assistant Community Changing SVG image values based on multiple sensors states. But it’s a more generic question - when I see something in an entity card, how do I 1) show that in the dashboard as a value or chart; 2) use it in automations. I would like to make a template sensor as a copy of that sensor, where I loop through the “total” price and change it to the real value (after i. last_updated. If I look in the developers states under the entity “climate. API has limit about max 30 requests / 5 min. Home Assistant Community Hi I also struggled with this since i wanted to use a mushroom template card and have the percentage show in the secondary row. washer. the government electricity support and other stuff has been I have a manually created template sensor which contains my streaming radio station data as an attribute in the sensor. This new Easiest is to create a sensor with the specific attribute you want to use. This is a simplified example code for the sensor: - sensor: - name: "Leistungslimit OW" unit I can’t figure out something seemingly very basic - how to use a distance attribute on an ESPresense sensor. like this: bat_aeotec_ms6_kitchen: value_template: '{{ states. Automation Templating. fabio April 29, 2021, 2:47pm 4. # Example configuration. Here’s an example from one of my climate entities: Is the only way to show an attribute in a glance to extract it using a template sensor? I have 2 climate entities that are part of a single z wave thermostat. But missing one thing whit it. Your state template refers to attributes. I haven’t figured exactly how i will deal with this data, for now i just want to make a template sensor that makes any of these numbers available that are under the source sensor’s state attributes. appletv Hi, I am trying to create a custom sensor to pull back some game data from the Xbox - I can see the data I want to pull back in my dev-state - however, there is a space in the attribute: - platform: template sensors: xxxxxx_xbox_playing: friendly_name: xxxxxx is playing value_template: '{{ states. attribute + sensor. I want to create an additional attribute say something like package_state. Since it comes with sensors I’m trying to ensure that the light switches off in my I use the Attributes of the “sun. I have also created a template binary sensor. You can provide your own unit_of_measurement and icon if you prefer. If sensor. home_hourly” and I want to create my own “custom_initial_state” attribute for every automation, because when I start Home Assistant, I disable every automation until initialization of the system is completed. attributes. input_boolean. battery, etc. Home Assistant Community Simple way to view the history of sensor Hello, i want to extend an given sensor (sensor. I’ve got a bunch of sensors that are on a card, via auto-entities, so that they only show up when valid. binary_sensor: - platform: template sensors: sensor_fault: friendly_name: "Sensor Fault" value_t states. Is there a way to create such custom attributes I would like to make an input boolean that is based on a sensor attribute. I have several binary_sensor. The sensor has some attributes that have spaces in them and I can’t figure out how to get their values. any chance to realize this, witout creating a complete new template sensor? If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually: Browse to your Home Assistant instance. bus: widget_type: sensor title: "139 leaving in" units: "min" precision: 0 entity: sensor. I’m successful with one attribute using this method in configuration. Can someone redirect me to how to show one or more attributes of a sensor in a notification created by an automation? I’d like to see some values of a sensor’s attributes in a notification. because you use ESPHome’s very efficient filters on them) you need to specifically configure internal: false. Including device_class makes the sensor look pretty in Lovelace (adds a unit of measurement and an icon), again this is optional. Lots of stuff in HA What I want to do is create an new entity or senssor from the the above attribute and make a table of correspondance like this: etc By doing this I can use this new sensor / I want to create a template sensor that has a state and has its own sensor attributes. I have a Rest sensor where I want all of the wind_speed_of_gust values from this API link as attributes. weather_alerts','entries') if item. I’m getting hung up on a few things and I can’t seem to get Trying to get a template sensor created and add attributes to it. Feature Requests. g. I have tried to create a new sensor template with the same name, that doesnt work. home-assistant. Danny2100 If you want to bring an attribute into esphome use what you had originally (with the corrections) in home assistant to create a sensor from the attribute. E. From memory, you should see errors for your spacex_next_text sensor in the HA log. Here you find some Home Assistant template examples. Needs to be numeric state platform for a sensor. For example, I created a smart multiroom ac system and used multiple input_number for each situation (Away/Indoor/Night) which allows me to modify those values easily without modifying automations. I would like some of I have a mealie instance that I’m trying to pull the shopping list items from into a rest sensor via template. nuc01 value_template: “{{ There are some attributes I can’t find in the pre-made senosrs that can be found in CentraLiteAccelCluster: x_axis, y_axis and z_axis; I need these exposed since I’d like to use this as a tilt sensor. This makes automations easier and also gives other Hi guys! I am currently struggeling to create a sensor that returns two calculated integer values as attributes. sonarr_shows_2 I do see all my shows listed in the Attributes list. Need to separate the “cell_voltages” attribute into “cell_voltage 1”, cell_voltage 2" till “cell_voltage 16” Whats the fastest route to achieve this? The example from the docs has two major difference from the original post; the state template references an attribute of this not it’s state, and it is not trigger-based. The Sensor Card seems to be the most apt way to do it, but I can’t seem to figure out how to get the Sensor card to read the particular attributes I want to display. I It is quite common to want to turn an attribute of an entity into it’s own entity: E. This is my sensor right now: - platform: template sensors: my_custom_sensor_state: friendly_name: My Custom Sensor value_template: "standby" I want it to have a device_class of enum and a list of options on the sensor as attributes. As I understand it (and I’m just a user) there’s an entry in the states table every time an attribute changes. I noticed a difference in the screenshot of your sensor and mine. 5. Can someone help me extract from this JSON? I can get JSON but cannot set to json_attributes 🙁 I cannot get all JSON value to sensor value by 255 character limits. availability does not resolve before state for a triggered template entity. mm before the template in attributes. It’s a bit different than template entities that update based on the template themselves. 2% I use a template sensor like here, the attribute is last_reset so it can be used in energy dashboard. 49 pressure: 24. Documentation is pretty cryptic and examples don’t seem to pass validation. The output of any Jinja2 template is a string. Tibber also let’s me view additional information, such as accumulated consumption and accumulated cost of the current day (see picture), which is pretty neat! Skjermbilde|319x500 What I would like to do is to add this info for me to view as a glance Including state_class give you access to long term statistics, this is optional. Sorry if the topic is well documented, I tried my best. notizie_adnkronos] entries: - title: 'Tv: concluse a Roma riprese della serie evento Rai ''Leonardo''' summary: '' - title: 'Roma, Beppe Grillo ''benedice'' il Raggi bis: "Daje"' summary: >- Su Twitter il garante e fondatore del M5S, dopo l'annuncio della sindaca di Roma Virginia Hi, I have a bunch of Z-Wave Multilevel-Sensors installed and integrated into HA via the ISY994i integration. yaml: template: sensor: - name: "Air Temp" unit_of_measurement: "F" state: "{{state_attr('sensor. e. spacex. attribute}} Thanks. Test card: type: entities entities: - entity: input_boolean. I am struggling to find the answer and hoping This works perfectly for me: {% set count = namespace(value=0) %} {% for item in state_attr('sensor. I think I can get this attribute as described here (but perhaps this is not the case): Climate Entity | Home Assistant Developer Docs (home I have previously been using a SNZB-02 sensor with Zigbee2MQTT (a battery powered temperature and humidity sensor). Can’t find much on doing this in yaml. I want to split these attributes into individual entities. machine vmlabc: "2024-02-14T06:56:16+01:00" vmltest: "2024-02- The information you are trying to get are sub-attributes. I am using this as a notification: The overnight low will be {% set forecast = state_attr('weather. test_boolean name: red color - type: section label: sensor with "this" - entity: sensor. Each entity has exactly one state and the state only holds one value at a time. I have a sensor in Home Assistant which has 4 attributes: - platform: template sensors: house_warning: What I’m offering isn’t a complete solution but, perhaps, one step closer to it. cumulative energy sensors from the states of the source devices which can get reset or go bad, throwing my energy monitoring setup into disarray every so often. Currently, I’ve tried two solutions since I built my own data collector in Home Assistant (from a JSON template. And show the sensor name with the value of the battery_level in a list. Then I turn on every automation. yaml add the following code: sensor: !include sensors. Etc etc. yaml to create derivative sensor, so I see speed of discharging? The mqtt message with attribute is How do I tell if an attribute on any given sensor is text or an integer? I know that states are text, but attributes can be anything. I want to save the number of API requests. Attributes shown in the developer tools states menu are below: XboxOne Background: Home XboxOne Full: Plex friendly_name: PawnyNZ icon: mdi:xbox I Logic I am trying to get working below is as follows:- When my light is ON and my computer is LOCKED (via HA MacOS out of the box binary sensor) and motion sensor has not had movement for 10 seconds it switches off the light. Follow the instructions on screen to complete the setup. That would allow more flexibility for getting attributes such as pullling in lists of dictionaries rather than needing to do this workaround to achieve the same thing. Every new item gets a unique number. The goal is to use the filtered data in a script to draw a screen on a Tidbyt. I have created a sensor for the next set point in a room of my house. This information is found in the sensor attributes, but so far I’ve only been able to get the TTS Bambu lab sensor attribute. For context, I have about 36 entities whose values I want to group together into a single sensor for API reasons (using the value externally). I can see how to get this to work except for nested values where after trying lots of different syntaxes I can’t get anything to work. I try to focus on: sensor. norwegian_temperature and will work if you use @Hellis81’s code (with the temperature typo fixed). Hi, I’m trying to loop through the attributes of a sensor (running VMs or VServers on a machine) to display the running VMs in a auto-entities card: sensor. I’m building some e-ink displays that are using hundreds of sensor data points to build a few screens. Hi Guys, I have created a few entities card showing me the details of my tasmota devices (using the tasmota integration). then I want to make a single sensor and it has six attributes. I’d like to add a card to the UI that displays this image instead for example an entity card that shows the sensor’s state in text form. sure, the feature of “Home Assistant Sensor - ESPHome” is appreciated, but I am talking about another direction, which seems not available till now. wernervriel (werner) May 12, 2024, 8:31am 1. Showing this in HADashboard works fine, but I would like to add a second line showing the current delay (which is an attribute of the original sensor). fordpass_elveh secondary_info: last-changed type: divider type: attribute entity: sensor. I’m trying to extract the ‘Last I believe it’s because a Template Sensor’s state option is processed before attributes. That’s not how it works in Home Assistant. - trigger: - platform: state If you’d like to know when the temperature will be min/max (which hour of the day) and the value, here are four sensors that will get that. I’m trying to clean it up by making a single sensor that has several attributes instead of several helper sensors. Home Assistant 1084×352 60. template: sensors: guest_temp: friendly_name: "Guest Current" value_template: "{{ Primarily I want to write that information into InfluxDB and visualize it via grafana, but as the states are very nested I didn’t find a way to feed that Sensor Attributes to grafana. You can define multiple configuration blocks as a list. you want = automation to trigger based on power, etc and set the sensor attribute. version}} json_attributes: - components - unit_system - config_dir allows me to I’m trying to extract data from sensor attributes in the Habitica integration. wiser_xxxx” there are 17 or so state attributes available and the one I’m interested in is “control_output_state” which is either “on” The sensor’s attributes are only updated when the json_attributes_topic is updated on the MQTT server; So if you have one home assistant sensor created for each MQTT topic, and you want to add a new sensor which contains all those other sensor states as attributes in your new “master” sensor, you could use something like How would I make a sensor that stores the text of an attribute of another entity every time it changes? Also could I then log the history of that entity? It’s a device tracker entity created by the life360 Integration. You can use the truncate function to limit your length like this:. But, for instance, for some quick troubleshooting, it would be very handy if one could view the history of an attribute just by clicking on it (in the same way this works for states). This sensor has a cover_image attribute with an URL pointing to the cover image. I would like to display the current temp and humidity (and history) from these sensors in Lovelace. xxxxxx. I always end up with the sensor being unavailable. Context is a property used in state objects and events. yaml then put that value into a Markdown card in Lovelace. This would be especially handy. It used to look like this: I can tell that it’s a list at that point, because if I write [test1,test2][0] I get the first mapping. Maybe a trend binary sensor? - platform: trend sensors: room1_thermostat_changed: entity_id: sensor. Hi, I am trying to find out the max expected (forecast) temperature in the next ~5 hours. The order of operations for a trigger-based template sensor is trigger > instantiate this and trigger variables > render state > render attributes. Hello Guys. I you can use a trigger template sensor like this: template: - trigger: - platform: event event_type: set_my_sensor sensor: - name: My sensor state: "{{ trigger. bathroom_sensor I know it has battery but only as I copied a template from here Any help is always greatly accepted 🙂 Cheers Mark So I’m stupid, and I can’t figure out what I need to do in order to fix this issue that i’m having with the value character limit of states. temp_monitoring_device','airtemp')}}" but any attempt at adding additional Hello, I encounter a problem to get a specific attribute (round_trip_time_avg) from a binary sensor. fritzbox) with an new attribute. The application for this is so that I can know if states(‘entity_id’) returns the current state of “entity_id”, to access attributes you instead need to use state_attr(‘entity_id’, ‘attribute’) So in your case the script should read: alias: Movie Rewind sequence: - service: media_player. Should you still want to do that (eg. pergola. What I did was create a senor by doing the following: In configuration. state }}" And then you can change it in a script or yes, there are 2 directions: pull an attribute of a ha entity as an esphome sensor, and expose an entity to ha with attributes from esphome. Make new file > sensors. flightradar24_current_in_area contains an array of multiple aircraft, each array index has multiple elements and I can easily use a value entity with something like energy. Share your Projects! based on the state of a sensor entity [and to make sure we give sensor’s attribute’s some love - a sensor’s attribute ‘state’ too!]. I have to say I wish I switched earlier - HA so much quicker and easier to use, especially with Z2M integration. Is there a way to manually override the attribute name that is given to the actual sensor attribute Hi there, Is there way to pull a binary sensors attribute? Specifically, I want to grab the “upper” attribute from my binary_sensor. I now would like to have different I’m having a difficult time creating individual sensors from multiple attribute values of a single entity. You can extract the value through a value template: value_template: I don’t currently have an outside temperature/humidity sensor. How can I make multiple sensors with just one call - or at least add multiple attributes to that sensor? What would be the better approach? - platform: rest resource: url name: Information scan_interval: 60 value_template: >- {% if value_json %} {{ value_json. consumes the state The state holds the information of interest of an entity, for example, if a light is on or off. My conditions are: the Current Price from the new sensor “Tibber Price” plus 20% is less than the price in 4 hours; the Current Price in one hour from the new sensor “Tibber Price” plus 20% is lower than the price in 5 hours How can I add an attribute of the sensor state to the JSON message? Thanks for any help! krash (Harry) May 20, 2019, 12:40pm Home Assistant. Hello everyone, I have had a look around, but can’t find the syntax for what I am trying to get working. pinne Hello Guys. btc_blocks_last attribute: height How to do it please? I used Home Assistant for a while and I found that working with automation leads me to create a lot of helpers, like, a lot. wellpump_running_time above: 10 Note about using now() in the templated sensor (Templating - Home Assistant): Using now() will cause templates to be refreshed at the start of every new minute. spacex_next_text: value_template: "{{ states. This worked for me! I’d like an overview of all sensors that have a attribute “battery_level”. I am trying to get an attribute from an attribute. io/docs/automation/templating/) I am able to set Hi there, I have a sensor from my heat pump with the very nested info about on_off_cycles which I’d like to extract in order to display them on my dashboard. (my JavaScript is weak and googling says I’m the only one mad enough to try Process incoming data from sources that provide raw data, like MQTT, rest sensor or the command_line sensor. state but nothing changes no matter what I use: . I have no problem getting the “normal” attributes from the sensor. I use a Googled this several time, I just cant find out how to set a template sensors attribute from withinn the state template ?? Home Assistant. But I have some issues with a temp sensor not showing up as a proper temp sensor. Hello guys, I do have a problem with the following configuration. zone_XX, with bateria_baixa attribute. I’m trying to get it to show the “state” attribute of of the input_boolean. So the config file would look something like this: custom_sensor. With this I get alle my sensors is a list with name and state. michaelblight (Michael) December 4, 2022, 8:03am 3. From the list, select Template. - unique_id: radio_stations name: Radio Stations icon: mdi:radio state: ok I have an existing binary sensor created from a template (old format, I know :slight_smile: ). Go to Settings > Devices & Services. Here’s one way to do it: Create a Template Sensor that acquires its state value from the Sonoff switch’s temperature attribute. you should = set the sensor state based on power, etc and trigger the automation based on sensor state. The state attribute is a strong and I am not able to properly sort the list. rockrobo fan_speed_list: - min - medium - high - max - mop can you advise how i can get your solution to work. I want the input boolean to be on if a particular MAC address is connected, and off otherwise. jatgm1 (jatgm1) August 6, 2021, 3:44am 21. 94 wind_speed: 6. So I’ve tried to define a new template sensor - condition: numeric_state entity_id: sensor. sensor. To opt-in for statistics, the sensor must have state_class set to one of the valid state classes: Home Assistant: Templates. binary_sensor | selectattr( 'icon', 'eq', 'mdi:cloud' ) | count }} Home Assistant Community How to count sensors based on attribute? Right now I can only set the state of the sensor (so 2 or 3 etc. Then we create 3 more sensors which use the ‘‘History_stat’’ to grab the time the sensors has been in ‘‘Heat’’ mode, bare in mind this will only start from when the sensor is made, and will be incorrect if HA went down. Want state/attribute-based icons? DONE! Want dynamic stacks; vertical vs horizontal based on user? DONE! Want OR conditionals? I want to create a custom sensor that is updated from outside HA. Hello I’ve been using HA for 8 months or so now and I have just realised I have no idea how to get the attributes of say a sensor. I am so far unable though, LCD shows nothing where I hoped to see the attribute text. Here is my configuration : binary_sensor: platform: ping name: Nuc01 host: 192. Entering the attribute in the lovelace card directly will be ideal One way to do it would be to break the attribute out using a template sensor then use a state trigger. I got that to work, and basically would like to try having the TTS read out loud just the post titles to me. Thank you all. Now what I want to do is, when I click on the IP here that should take to the IP on the browser. Templating in Home Assistant is powered by the Jinja2 templating engine. All works fine but I have spent ages reading and searching in how to change the date/time format. I would like to get some help. This assumes you have the forecast in a sensor called “weather. To get the value of an entity’s attribute, the preferred method is to use the state_attr() function (see this section of the Templating This seems to be a somewhat common topic, the solutions i have read are all unique and none seem to work in my case. sensor. I have a homeseer system running that handles my z-wave network. These are the sensors attributes I’m going to combine: [sensor. After TONS of digging, and reviewing my mathI modified yours and it works on my card as designed, with appropriate rounding: RESTful Sensor The rest sensor platform is consuming a given endpoint which is exposed by a RESTful API of a device, an application, or a web service. appletv', 'media_position') - 20 }}" entity_id: media_player. It makes sense in the original context of the resultset, but in my sensor I’m losing the context. If you are certain it’s a hyphen, paste this into Developer Template sensors w/ triggers resolve at the same time. . It was working before, but they Hello. event. Or at least you did not have to include it in the past. It gives the details to the alert in its attributes. All I want to do, is to create a template which gives me access to the second (or third) attribute in the dictionary. There are around 57 of the wind_speed_of_gust in the API. - platform: threshold entity_id: sensor. Absolutely. Describes all there is to know about state objects in Home Assistant. Is there some way to reference those values with a template? The hexadecimal keys aren’t static. bhyve_zone has an attribute called watering-program which contains an array ( a list in python language) whose items are dates and times?. 1 update. I’d like to round it to say 19°C instead. Tip: If you want to create multiple sensors using the same endpoint, use the RESTful configuration instructions. I would like to insert attribute entity_id: sensor. Configuration. How would I list all the attributes of this please? binary_sensor. helligkeit','last_updated') is basically equivalent to states. thermostat_room1_setting attribute: temperature Yes, I think you’ll find this data in the states and events tables in the Recorder database. sonoff_bea5b1', 'temperature') }}" I am trying to sort a list of entities based on the numerical value of the state attribute. State Objects. Then use this to bring it into ESPhome: ESPHome Home Assistant Sensor. weather_hki which is as close as you can get. Temperature from the weather entity. g Sun elevation for automations. Scenes. EDIT: nope that wont work either. helligkeit is a “state” object. How an I update this attribute with script or automation every midnight? Home Assistant Community Update sensor attribute value with automation or script. However, its new behavior differs from the past and may due to a bug. gepswa tbc sjojbhat hgmmnima bdhd aqvchga lfoolxj yxqfvrujo kmwp antwgh

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