Power supply experiment conclusion. 5A) and 0 to 6V (0 to 2.
Power supply experiment conclusion 4 Figure 2: Internal diagram on the 3N253 Chip with inputs: and outputs 4 Figure 3: Schematic of a DC Zener regulated power supply circuit with 4 Part 5 Figure 4: Voltage divider circuit 5 Figure 5: Output DC reduction to the operation of the power supply used to power breadboard circuits in the Physics 252 laboratory course. The purpose of the experiment is to learn how to set up basic circuits with resistors in series and in parallel and to measure current and voltage in order to very Ohm’s Law. What AC ripple do you The shape of the curve exclaims that the power increases drastically (at a fast rate), until reaching the maximum power (R 1 or RTh) and then slowly decreases as the resistance increases. Feb 10, 2007 · Objective C. g. CRO: It is one of the most widely used measuring device in electronic and testing lab May 11, 2023 · The primary application of rectifiers is to derive DC power from an AC supply (AC to DC converter). RESULTS Index Power Source Voltage Input Voltage Output Phase Difference 1 14 Vp 2. There are several topologies used in SMPS. Press the zero button to remove any excess charge from the electrometer. To use a power supply to provide a positive output voltage, connect the negative terminal to the ground terminal using the shorting bar attached to the power This document is a project report on designing a regulated power supply. For this section of the experiment, please note that it is possible to burn out the op-amp by applying a voltage to the op amp inputs that exceeds the supply voltages, V S= ±15V. It is at this point that rectification is necessary. This was accomplished using a transformer, a bridge rectifier, and a filter capacitor circuit to create a linear regulated power supply. CONCLUSION: From the above experiment, the amplitude of demodulated signal is obtained as. Nov 14, 2017 · View Lab - lab 5. a DEV 2769 Trainer board: This trainer is equipped with all necessary accessories required to perform basic electronic and electric experiments. the capacitor values to design and construct a power supply with positive and negative supply rails. Thus, this AC power must be converted to DC so as to have these components functioning properly. CONCLUSION From the experiment that we’ve performed, I therefore conclude that increasing the values of the capacitance in a Capacitor Filtered Power Supply lowers the ripple voltage resulting to a smaller ripple factor and thus creating a smoother output waveform. PURPOSE. iii. Experiment 8A. However, most of the available power is generated and transmitted in form of AC. Plug in the power supply, and set the voltage to 1. V i showsDCpowersupply After this experiment, we can tell that 3 bulbs in series shared the voltage from the power supply therefore the brightness of 3 bulbs are dimmer than the brightness of 3 bulbs when we set in parallel connection. Inductors are unique in that they can be magnetically coupled such that a time-varying A voltmeter is attached between the “-” side of the power supply and the wand and allows one to read the potential at any point on the board. Power supplies used rectifier diodes to convert alternating current to direct current. Turn on the multimeter and set it to the DC voltage measurement mode by pressing the button shown in the photo below. Take an EHT power supply off the shelf and show the connections for the series internal resistance. The aim is to provide a smooth and regulated DC output voltage Experiment 3: DC Electric Currents I February 25, 2016 I. 0 V. A power supply failure will affect all the other circuits. H. The Basics: • The power supply in lab has three outputs with DC Power Supply. 10. : 5 Experiment Name: Study on SMPS Objective: To study on Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Theory: A switched-mode power supply (SMPS, or switcher) is an electronic power supply that incorporates a switching regulator to convert electrical power efficiently. . The role of a filter is to reduce the variations in the rectifier output voltage. Power in a Linear System Driven by a Periodic Voltage Waveform 3. Leave the voltage at 4. Sep 2, 2018 · Unformatted text preview: Experiment 4 – A Basic Power Supply Lab Report by: Chidi Okonkwo ECE 3765-201 02/28/2018Introduction In this experiment, we will add a basic filter and a voltage regulator to a bridge rectifier to form a simple linear power supply. Rectifiers are used inside the power supplies of virtually all electronic equipment. Sep 25, 2016 · The primary function of a power supply is to convert one form of electrical energy to another and, as a result, power supplies are sometimes referred to as electric power converters. Williams, Power Electronics (Chapter 15), McMillan [2] N. The Measurement of Current and Voltage 5. Three switch-mode power supply (SMPS) designs will be investigated to establish their operating principles and to assess their performance in terms of open and closed loop output Lab DC POWER SUPPLY ENS 249: Basic Measurements Lab 2 Page Table of Contents: 3 3 3 6 3 4 6 Part 4 Figure 1: Pin diagram (top view) of the L78S05 5V voltage regulator chip. Name of the Experiments Page No. Power down and turn the power OFF. Electronic Assembly of all Feb 7, 2022 · Hall Effect Experiment Conclusion: The Hall Effect experiment helps observe the phenomenon of magnetism and electricity. The 5-volt regulated power supply supplies regulated 5volts electric energy to an electric load. It provides background on what a power supply is and its main functions of converting one form of electrical energy to another. It contains an introduction describing the need for regulated power supplies in electronics. Before switch on the main power supply make sure that single-phase auto transformer knobe is at zero position. Dec 4, 2016 · Conclusion The purpose of this experiment was to examine the centrifugal pumps, aligned in different configurations with varying hydraulic input power, and then analyze its performance. 85 ° 2 12 Vp 2. Connect the three-phase power supply (same source used for the IM) to the stator of the SM. Disconnect the IM from the three-phase supply. Stage two is the regulator it can be made Experiment No. This document is a report for a project to design, simulate, and implement a 5V DC power supply with a filter. P. It is usually 5 M Ω . We need the same ratio of resistance on both legs of the circuit for the bridge to be balanced. - 8. Figure 1 – KEYSIGHT E3611A Triple Output Programmable DC Power Supply . No. ) The power supply jack labeled "COM" between the VCC supplies should be connected to circuit ground. Observations should be done carefully. Always be sure the power supply is turned off be-fore you plug it into an outlet. Mohan, T. 2. zener) to finally obtain a circuit called voltage-regulated power supply. Review of Power and Power Factor 2. 3) 2. Fortunately it is easy to construct a stable power supply using negative feedback . The DMMs measure the source current, I S, the gate current, I G, and the voltages, V DS and V GS. Of the three basic regulated power supply designs, linear is the least complicated system, but switched and battery power have their advantages. figures between the known and the unknown signal. After double checking the connections and polarities, turn on the power supplies and set V 0 = 5V and V 1 = 0V. Diode Transistor Capacitor Zener Diode Resistor Resistor Resistor Resistor Sep 25, 2016 · The primary function of a power supply is to convert one form of electrical energy to another and, as a result, power supplies are sometimes referred to as electric power converters. Usual ranges are 0 to 30 Volts at 2 Amps, and 0 to 15 Volts. First of all, we manage to determine the phase sequence of three-phase supply. These power supplies offer a wide range of features and capabilities to meet the diverse needs of engineers, researchers, and technicians in numerous industries. The one we are going to use for this lab is an Agilent E3630A Triple Output DC Power Supply, as shown in Figure 1 – 2. Therefore, we can say in conclusion that each of the three logic gates had different output voltage outcomes depending on if the switch was connected to the power or the ground. Electronic circuits need energy to work. ii ABSTRACT This report discusses the basic information to be known and explored throughout the course varying from power supplies( Resistors, voltages, and currents), the Digital Multi-Meter(DMM), etc…Which will allow us to understand and maintain the ability to deal with certain circuits by defining the components and measuring values using tools found in the Circuits 1 Lab toolkit. It includes an abstract, acknowledgements, introduction, theory, simulation results, bill of materials, and conclusion sections. Using the circuit in Fig. The oscilloscope An oscilloscope is used to provide a visual display of a time dependent voltage, i. Turn on the power supply. In part 2 of the lab we tested two In conclusion, this report details the successful application of an experimental method for determining the Thevenin voltage and resistance of a power supply. Unitrode Power Supply Seminar, 1998, pp. Jan 20, 2021 · ELECTRONICS LABORATORY SIMULATION OF DC POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT Conclusion To be able to gather and understand the concept of the experiment LT spice was used In part 1 the full- wave type rectifier circuit is all about the usage of all the input signal to be able to convert it to pulsating DC output voltages In part 2 the full- wave type 1. Sensor Application Training Set is designed to do applications of endustrial sensors The set consists of adjustable and fixed Power Supply,Frequencymeter, TTL Oscillator, Voltmeter, Ampermeter, Up-Down Counter and application components to do sensor applications. In any circuit, there needs to be some power source, and the DC power supply will be the source we use throughout the semester. GET PERMISSION OF THE INSTRUCTOR TO GO TO THE NEXT This paper is a practical report of the construction of a 5-volt power supply circuit. QUESTIONS; I. Conclusion . a potential or voltage equal to half the power supply voltage. Determine the true power delivered to the load in a half-wave phase control circuit. Results 4. source) with voltage Vrms power a resistor of the same resistance, R. BeheshtiTABLE OF CONTENTS 1. 5A) and 0 to 6V (0 to 2. Trainer has on board DC power supply of +5v, +12V, -5V, -12V, bread board, function generator, resistors etc. 4 Circuitdiagram ThecircuitdiagramofazenerdioderegulatedpowersupplyisshowninFigure1. However, the power supplies in the lab have three terminals, positive, negative, and ground. Figure 1. Linear Power Supply Linear power supplies are used when precise regulation and the removal of noise is most Sopczynski 3 Upon observing the output voltage across R’L, we found the peak output voltage (Vm) was equal to-27. The power supply is capable of delivering In conclusion, variable AC power supplies play a crucial role in electrical engineering and testing processes, providing precise and adjustable AC voltage and frequency outputs. Each individual will complete a power supply and present a report to the lab section of the class. Stage one is a repeat of last weeks lab, a transformer feeding power from the electrical grid to a full bridge rectifier (See Fig. Please do not remove this manual from the lab. The HP E3631A power supply provides two variable supplies with a common ground (for ± VCC) plus a variable low voltage supply (not used in this lab. 2 Ω and 18. THEORY Ohm’s Law states that the potential difference (V) is directly proportional to the current across the resistor. Mar 14, 2016 · 2. 6 Volts. M. in telecommunication circuits, as momentary energy storage devices in power supplies that convert power from one voltage level to another, and as devices for exerting mechanical force in electromagnets and similar electromechanical devices. From Kirchho ’s current rule, the drain current I D = I S I G. 1 Verification of Kirchoff’s laws 3 2 Verification of Superposition theorem 6 3 Verification of Thevenin’s & Norton’s Theorem 9 4 Verification of Maximum Power Transfer theorem 15 5 Power measurement in 3 phase unbalanced circuits 19 6 Power measurement in 3 phase balanced circuits 20 Electronic circuits need energy to work. V Z is thezenerbreakdownvoltageandV L isvoltageacrossload. 7. iv. The regulated power supply takes in AC power from the mains supply and delivers a DC voltage to the requiring device. 1 Vpp 176. Power in a Nonlinear System Driven by a Sinusoidal Voltage Waveform 4. Because the bridge is balanced, any resistor of any value placed between the two legs to connect them would have no effect on the circuit because the voltages and There are three subsets of regulated power supplies: linear, switched, and battery-based. 0 Volts. The purpose of this experiment is to construct a 5-V power supply. Attach the outputs of the power supply (located above the breadboard) to the supply rails on the breadboard, as shown in the picture below. Two equivalent circuits which illustrate the meaning of an rms voltage. What is a MOSFET? The MOSFET , short for Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor, is the most common type of transistor at this time. Most DC power supplies maintain a voltage much less than 120 volts, so the transformer stage is necessary to get the AC source amplitude down DC Power Supply I. A It was ensured that the connections were done as indicated by the circuit diagram. Such EXPERIMENT 1: ZENER DIODE AND POWER SUPPLY COURSE CODE: PHY LECTURER: SIR MASNAWI MUSTAFFA NAME: MUHAMMAD ARIF SYAZWAN BIN NOR AKBAL (2020853776) OBJECTIVE. RECOMMENDATIONS and CONCLUSIONS. For example, if the power CHAPTER 7 CREATING A LINEAR VOLTAGE-REGULATED POWER SUPPLY Understanding Linear Voltage-Regulated Power Supplies A linear voltage-regulated power supply requires an unregulated voltage that’s higher than the desired regulated voltage. Also to determine the load regulation and efficiency of the regulated power supply. Apr 11, 2022 · Conclusion. Take all the corresponding readings of the connected instruments in the circuit as per observation table. As ammeter is connected in series, the voltage drop across ammeter terminals is very low. EXPERIMENT No. EE-201 Lab Report, ME Department, Wah Engineering College Fig 7. Study the operation of Voltage regulator using IC 723. For example, a 9 V battery can supply power to a linear voltage regulator that outputs 5 V. Voltage of 3 bulbs in parallel have the same voltage of each other and equal to the voltage from power supply. The document describes a student power supply project that aims to build a simple power supply circuit and test if it works. 3. These half-wave rectifiers are used in low-power and low-cost power supply circuits. 5A), 0 to -20V (0 to 0. AC/DC power supplies may be broadly divided into linear power supplies and switched-mode power supplies. cathode ray tube) but if the terminals or wires connected to them were accidentally touched this could provide a nasty shock (lower Aug 31, 2023 · Conclusion. It offers three output ratings: 0 to +20V (0 to 0. The efficiency of the rectifier can be improved by utilizing both cycles of input alternating current. 8. Before beginning, read through the whole of these instructions. GET PERMISSION OF THE INSTRUCTOR TO GO TO THE NEXT A regulated power supply is one that controls the output voltage or current to a specific value; the controlled value is held nearly constant despite variations in either load current or the voltage supplied by the power supply's energy source. We gain so many knowledge about three phase circuit. CONCLUSION. 1 DEV 2769 Trainer board Oct 22, 2021 · Conclusion. This experiment consists of eight separate sections, each investigating aspects of Direct Current (DC) power supplies. Introduction The process of changing AC to DC is investigated in this experiment. Use the reading on the electrometer to set the voltage, not the power supply meter. 0 Ω resistors Oscilloscope Function generator AC power supply 4 III. Robbins, Power Electronics (Chapter 7), Wiley Figure 2 shows the essential power components of the circuit. Theory of Experiment: AMMETER Ammeter is employed for measuring of current in a circuit and connected in series in the circuit. This being said, from the cost of electricity standpoint, the difference is rather insignificant: over a year, the POWER ELECTRONICS LAB MANUAL (NEE-551) DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING 27, Knowledge Park-III, Greater Noida, (U. AC/DC Power Supply It makes all electronic equipment work. These supplies are designed to provide a high voltage to a high resistance load (e. Construct the voltage comparator circuit shown in Fig. Apr 20, 2020 · At long last, a return to a more technical sort of blog – this time, a little experiment in measuring MOSFET Rds versus Vgs using a power supply and why this might of interest. Measure the current and voltage. Repeat the measurements. Now slowly increase the supply voltage to the circuit after giving supply to the single-phase auto-transformer. Regulated Power Supplies : These are DC regulated power supplies and provide DC voltage for Electronic Circuits. The experiment takes a step-by-step approach in order to convert the AC to DC. A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION As predicted by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), more than 60% of utility power will be processed through some form of power electronics equipment by the year 2010. The circuit which utilizes both half-cycles to convert alternating current to direct current is termed a full-wave rectifier . 48 ° Power supply: A power supply is supposed to have two terminals, positive and negative outputs. The project will include the following: 1. 4. The current coil of Lab 6, Voltage Regulation 3 Part II: Regulated DC power supply using LM317 voltage regulator You will now build a regulated DC power supply in three stages. In most cases the energy is provided by a circuit called the power supply. The presentation should be an overview of the report. DC power supply. The main advantages are high efficiency, low cost, low weight and size. The introduction provides background on the project, objectives to design a 5V DC power supply circuit and develop skills. The supply is the key part of an electronic system. We will also observe the operation of a 3 terminal regulator. When you supply power to the Jun 11, 2017 · CONCLUSION To summarise this experiment, all of the objectives have been achieved. APPARATUS REQUIRED:- SL NO NAME OF THE EQUIPMENTS / COMPONENTS SPECIFICATIONS QUANTITY 1 SCR (BTI51) IGT = 2 ----15mA IL = 10 ----40mA IH = 7 -----20mA VGT = 0. new lab experiments to introduce modern applications of power electronics. For this experiment, six different circuits were connected and in each case, the current flowing in and out of the circuit’s component(s) was recorded and discussed. Underland and W. Analysis of the circuit. II. PREPARATION 1. The theory section explains the Aug 17, 2019 · 5. The project will include the following: Jul 30, 2014 · Enhanced Document Preview: EENG – 275 Experiment #7: DC Power Supplies Dr. Mar 22, 2021 · This project involves the construction, testing and analysis of an Adjustable DC Power Supply. 6. To use a power 2. 1 AIM: To Study V-I Characteristics of a Diode. Most of the electronic devices function with DC power. Do it for two different potential differences (from the power supply) over the bridge, one for 3 volts and the second with a smaller potential difference, say 1 V. 5. Figure 1: Power supply voltage measurement configuration 2. Reviewing the results, it can be seen that more hydraulic power does not generate greater efficiency. This requires that the resistance of the ammeter should be as low as possible. , the average value of Lab Report: DC Circuits Ulugbek Ganiev, Mohammed Uddin, Mohammad Javid Introduction The objective of this laboratory experiment was to study Rules and to be able to apply them to complex DC circuits. PRECAUTIONS: Do not use open ended wires to connect 230V, 50Hz power supply. 09 Vpp 11. The normal pro-cedure after setting up the equipment as shown is to first map out the middle equipotential, i. The first section of the power supply, after the AC voltage source, is the transformer. 1 Switch-mode power supplies Switch-mode power supplies (SMPS) are very common today due to their advantages compared to linear supplies. The purpose of the experiment is to design a +5 V DC regulated power supply delivering up to 1A of current to the load. We learned how to use a DMM to precisely measure voltage and current and how to regulate the voltage with a DC power supply. Record the current (A) and the voltage (V) as you increase the voltage in 1. Dixon, “High Power Factor Preregulator for Off-Line Power Supplies,” in Proc. Conclusion: This experiment explores a variety of DC power supply circuits and how an AC voltage source, such that of a typical wall outlet, can be converted to a DC power supply. a) When power delivered to a load in the form of pulses, it must supply the load requirements from one pulse to the next. Figure 2: The Figure 2 shown above shows the voltage as measured across the R’L resistor. Calculate the resistance of the unknown resistor (X) from this relation. It is available via Canvas DEMO NOTES: This manual contains demonstrator notes in blue italics Electronics Switch-mode power supply The switch-mode power supply Introduction Almost all modern electronic products depend on switch-mode power supply circuits to convert one power supply voltage to another. III. 16. In part 1 of the lab we turned an AC input voltage to a single polarity, then confined the voltage to a small ripple. Datasheet Tender Specifications. Conclusion1 ) Objectives: In this lab we will learn how to analyze a half-wave rectifier circuit and a full wave rectifier circuit. 5V 1 2 DC Power supply c) 0-5Vdc/1Amp d) 0V-30Vdc/1Amp 2 3 Fixed resistor d) 100Ω/10W Dec 1, 2019 · V. PROCEDURE. With this information, is it possible to determine the sign of the reactive power (and thus the power factor of the load)? 3. It begins with the design of the PCB and the components used. This project involves the construction, testing and analysis of an Adjustable DC Power Supply. In conclusion, Part 1 was focused on proving Thevenin’s Theorem and understanding the main ideas behind the theorem. A power supply might look very good from 8. This powerful theorem allows circuit EQUIPMENT Following equipment was used in the experiment: 741 Operational Amplifier Breadboard Alligator clips 1. Disconnect the circuit after switched off the power supply. A Wheatstone bridge is just two parallel series circuits coupled to a power supply. OBJECTIVE: To understand more how a linear power supply works by experimentally observe and analyze the performance of a zener May 25, 2018 · 6. In the investigation, the bar magnet must mount on an electromagnet, which creates a closed circuit when current flows through it, and this current flow deflects the voltmeter needle. Next: Operational-Amplifier Review Up: DC Power Supplies Previous: Experiment: The Full Wave Experiment: Design of Dual Output Power Supply 1. It is the one that supplies the desired voltage 1 supply and the positive terminal of the V 0 supply. Will the value of X depend on the voltage of the power supply? II. 5A), with a total maximum EXPERIMENT 1: ZENER DIODE AND POWER SUPPLY COURSE CODE: PHY LECTURER: SIR MASNAWI MUSTAFFA NAME: MUHAMMAD ARIF SYAZWAN BIN NOR AKBAL (2020853776) OBJECTIVE. A DC power supply is a device that supplies DC voltage and current to a circuit. Sl. Turn on the power supply and set the voltage to 15. List of Equipment 3. 0 V increments up to 4. Ans: The output of the AND Gate will be low no matter what the other 2 input levels might be. It includes a block diagram and descriptions of the main components - a step-down transformer, bridge rectifier, smoothing capacitor and adjustable voltage regulator. The components were a low‐noise VCO was realized which has dimensions of 10 × 10 × 3 mm and is operated with a power supply voltage of 3 V and a current consumption of 10 mA. Identify (mark) the supply connections to the IM (you will need to connect it exactly the same way later on). DC power source was used to supply a voltage of 3V throughout the experiment. You will do all eight of these experiments. L. The white power supply has a separate, single-output DC voltage supply (left side of the box). T he to carry out basic laboratory experiment for both secondary schools and also at higher education institutions. e. Turn on the electrometer and set it to the 30 VDC scale. 0 V; disconnect the voltmeter from the Prerequisite: Study of EDC course. ) Phone : 0120-2323854-58 Also connect the xed plate to the (+) terminal of the power supply. One newly developed lab expe riment is the presented active power factor correction (PFC ) experiment . The power dissipated in the resistor is the same in the two circuits. EEMSD LAB (EC-317-F) LAB MANUAL (III SEM ECS) Page3 EXPERIMENT NO. The power Dec 25, 2020 · The power supply is a common used electronic device in the world. Objectives 2. 0 CONCLUSION . APPARATUS REQUIRED: Diode Characteristics Kit, Power Supply, Ammeter (0-20mA), Voltmeter (0-20V), Connecting Leads. PART-PHASE MEASUREMENT ##### AIM: To measure phase difference between two signals by use of Lissajous Patterns observed on EXPERIMENT NO-2 AIM OF THE EXPERIMENT:- To study the Latching & Holding current of SCR. Through this practical exercise, we gained valuable insights into the importance of accurate measurements, the operation of electronic components at different voltage levels, and the significance of safety measures when Summary and Conclusions: The purpose of this lab was to use a transformer, rectifier, filter capacitor, and voltage regulator to supply a specified voltage to the load. 6 as a guide, build a dual sided power supply. The Measurement of Single Phase Power and Power Factors 6. AC POWER MEASUREMENTS A. 3 Vpp 179. Students in JEC 4107 should use the HP E3631A supplies for power. The scope of this lab was to design a power supply capable of taking an AC voltage and converting it to a regulated DC low-voltage. The ASUS TUF Gaming Gold power supply unit demonstrates a commendable level of build quality, underscored by the incorporation of high-quality Japanese electrolytic and solid-state 2. 6 ---- 1. W. Show equations for obtaining the average active power P and the average reactive power Qbased on the three-wattmeter measurements P 1, P 2, and P 3, as well as the voltage and current measurements V l l and I rms. Objective: To study the voltage regulation characteristics and plot the response curve for line regulation and load regulation using 723 IC. References B. Introduction Switch-mode power supplies are, in general, more efficient than linear voltage regulators. Check the connection before giving the power supply. It then details the objectives, materials, and process of building the circuit, which includes using a step down transformer, full wave bridge [1] B. 00 V. Jul 12, 2007 · When testing power supplies we will pay attention to important aspects of the units. It is responsible for converting the AC signal from a standard wall outlet down to a 12 VAC signal. Thévenin's theorem states that any linear power supply can be represented as an ideal voltage source in series with a single resistor, regardless of the inner workings and engineering of the supply [1]. 1-6. In light of this experiment, it seems more interesting to use a simple phone charger rather than a multi-port power supply to power a Yoctopuce experiment based on a YoctoHub-Wireless-n which doesn't consume much. A 3RZHU)DFWRU&RUUHFWLRQ 3)& FLUFXLWLVDQDX[LOLDU\FLUFXLWDWWDFKHGWRWKHRULJLQDOV\VWHP¶V circuit to improve power factor into the system. Figure 2-4: Voltage-regulated power supply Use PSpice to determine the minimum resistor value you can use as a load of the voltage-regulated power supply in parallel to the zener diode such that the output DC voltage, i. 9. 09 Vpp 12. docx from EET 111L at Farmingdale State College. 1. EXPERIMENT 1. An integrated circuit regulator makes it easy to construct a high-performance voltage source using only four parts: a transformer, full-wave bridge rectifier, capacitor filter, and regulator. DC Power supply (0 – 30 Volts) Function Generator (0 – 3 MHz) 4. A power supply is an electronic device that supplies electric power to a circuit. True power is not the power contained in the pulse but ii is the average power over a complete cycle. It converts AC input power line to DC Output voltage. Most of the power supplies are in the from of laptop chargers, cell phone adaptors, computer supplies and lab AC-DC supplies. Physics 4700 Experiment 1 Instrumentation and Resistor Circuits Power supply: A power supply is supposed to have two terminals, positive and negative outputs. 4 1 1 ##### CONCLUSION: Hence we have determined the frequency of the unknown signal from Lissajous. However, one drawback is that they require a more complex design. nbjtojpaobwbkabpfgrpcmkzjslizfckjllxlgdojloathbkbthu