Night hag adventure characters dnd The party travels to Saraster's tower and discover that the daughter was not kidnapped but is taking refuge with Saraster from her "mother" who is a night hag known as the Queen of the Night. Jan 9, 2018 · The night hag has cast herself forward ethereally and pulled the soul of the person away. Pick a subrace based on which type of hag you were born from. " Explanation: Whenever there's a performance, she joins in as part of the performance, refusing to break whatever character she comes up with until the end. Her name was Dargantha, an old hag. Will they save the hostages and defeat the witches, or will they fall and add to the pile? The hag encounter is the third and final part of our Banahogg Swamp Adventure. The party will meet a young girl at the beginning of their adventure. All night hags carry a periapt known as a heartstone, which instantly cures any disease contracted by the holder. May 26, 2021 · The Night Hag has an action called Nightmare Haunting: While on the Ethereal Plane, the hag magically touches a sleeping humanoid on the Material Plane. [8] [9] Night Hag One of the Sewn Sisters (see chapter 5) shadows the party while staying in the Border Ethereal. In Coven . This implies that the Night Hag's proficiency bonus is instead +2, which is supported by her Claw attack stats: Claws (Hag Form Only). Long story shory the hag isn't a very good mom obvs, and complains a lot about getting stuck with this child that she had since a baby (nagging Gertrude, my fave NPC) and the idea is that she kind of gave her powers to be 1. I haven't actually gotten a chance to run it yet, but I picked up Grasp of the Crooked Coven recently, and it has a lot of things going for it. Information on Hags in general can be found starting on page 176, the Night Hag specifically can be found in the Monster Manual page 178. Notes on the Entries. And if you're feeling really nasty, something that won't affect the villagers until they're resettled and players are already off on their next adventure. [1][7] Of all the hags, green This is the perfect situation where PCs could figure this out themselves with a successful Intelligence (Arcana) check. Make sure you show this. Annis hags, Bhuer hags, and Dusk hags are also available if your Dungeon Master allows it. Friendly knights that give to the poor will be suspicious and untrustworthy of others. The night hag can only benefit from a soul won easily, so it will give up if the quarry puts up a fight. The hag, Morgantha, WAS INDEED a night hag, we discovered. The players are starting to get closer to figuring it out and I want her to have a lair and lair actions to match. It still takes the Sea Hag a whole action to use this in the first place, which is not even guaranteed unless you really invest in your Constitution score. Hello, reddit. [1] Annis Hag The dialect spoken by annis hags. Heartstone: This lustrous black gem allows a night hag to become ethereal while it is in her possession. If the target is already evil, the night hags will go for the kill. The only way to defeat a riding night hag is to destroy it either in its normal or ethereal form. Hags in General Night hags are fiends, not fey; corruption is their game. In the adventure Mother A hag eye has hardness 5 and 10 hit points. Now, the big issue would be: even a coven of the 3 most powerful hags would not be a challenge in combat against those guys. Any of these conditions are met, the party would simply die to an optimized CR5 Night Hag or a CR7 Night Hag Coven without the means to fight back. As long as the contact persists, the target has dreadful visions. . The party travels to a pair of giant statues and explores the love shrine within. Night hags take perverse joy in corrupting mortals. She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect magic, magic missile. While our Cleric was able to run to the edge of the private Sanctum and cast etherealness she could not burst down the hag well enough to prevent her escape. Presumably, a full-strength 5th level party of four adventurers should be able to defeat a Night Hag. She was kidnapped at a young age by the hag and raised by the evil creature for eventual sacrifice. The description says, "As long as the contact persists, the target has dreadful visions. A successful DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) check allows the character to connect the dots to the night hag who poses as a greeter to travelers. [1] When a night hag had her heartstone in her possession, she could become ethereal at will. The third spot is still between the mage with the mirror and the hag from the background of the already dead character. WELL NOT SO FAST! Let's take a look at the Night Hag's spellcasting stats: The hag's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). 3. If the night hag as no child of her own, she will steal one from a nearby village shortly after its born. The intruding adventurers have little time until the hags succeed. Sylvan for green hags, Abyssal for night hags, and Aquan for sea hags. Change Shape. While I have a list already, I wanna add a few more things, so any weird item ideas are welcome. They’re level 3 and a Night Hag is a little high for them so I would hope they assume she’s a Green Hag. So far the adventure has been about saving the wild from Goblins and Blights. Whatever she hag offers, it should be a poisonous deal that look nice on the outside. The official subreddit for discussing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, a Dungeons & Dragons strategy video game that brings together D&D characters from novels, adventures, and multiple live streams into a single grand adventure. In the second scenario the DM simply takes any preemptive caution they feel like to avoid certain TPK and balance things out. They actually spent three sessions in the village of Barovia. They live on the Material Plane, in forests and swamps. Use the Zombie stats for it, but they could be the shambling, soulless husks of those who had their hearts blackened by the Night Hag (they love doing that. , up to level 10). a Night Hag. To soften the blow one of the hags will be a young hag with slightly lower stats. I'm building an encounter for a group of 6, 5th Level characters vs. When a night hag reduces a lone creature to 0 hit points with its claws, it often knocks the creature out rather than killing it. [1] They use their magic to sow discord and to spread corruption. The touch of a The townsfolk went into the forest in numbers to find the lost child with no success. From a faraway land, deep under the surface, came a woman-looking creature. If your wife won't take that deal, have the hag offer a plan B. Magic Resistance. In this post, I'll be going through how I use hags, how they can be used in your campaign, and the do's and don'ts of hag related activity. It started after my four-year D&D campaign ended and I asked my players what their characters would do now that they've solved (or at least survived) most of the problems they created. The save DCs are Charisma -based. Oct 18, 2020 - Explore Luke Doyle's board "Night Hag" on Pinterest. Her idea of fighting is disguising herself as a beaten wife, asking players to take on her abusive husband (Who's actually a standup guy and doesn't beat his wife) dream (5) as a sort of upgraded version of the night hag's innate Nightmare Haunting ability phantom steed (3) to give the hags getaway vehicles if the party nearly wipe them out silence (2) if there's ever a good moment to cut off the PCs' access to spells that won't backfire (I'm imagining that the hags might be above the PCs and are able to Hexblood quickly became my new favorite character choice since last week, and I love the art showing different colorations for different hags. Some An night hag can assume the form of any Small or Medium humanoid. And that's my story about how we, the players, managed to take control of the dungeon master role and gank the ever-living-fuck out of a night hag at low level, only to subsequently gain 2 levels, 1 for exp, and one for My players are currently going through a town that's being cursed by a hag named Bahbah Agana the Blood Sage, a modified Night Hag that has a lot to do with blood and blood based curses. To an Annis Hag who like fear I had another trade their feeling of familiarity in the world where they forgot the names and places of their past having disadvantage on knowledge checks. The green hag and the night hag are confirmed as members of the coven. Jabra is a merchant; she makes DEALS, but she doesn't establish pacts. Flaw: "Whenever someone performs, I am compelled to play along. I would be happy to help. Subrace. This necromancy-focused hag leverages the power of dead NPCs to become an indispensable plot element for certain kinds of stories & adventures by bringing those NPCs back to life as villains. " Basically in a trade city the PC's are staying by, there is an illusive night market that carries a variety of unpredictable items. I plan on making the night hag part of a coven with two green hags. Not powerfully enough to fully disconnect it from the body and store it her bag of souls, but enough to remotely hold it hostage. The Night Hag has the following action: Many hexbloods turn to lives of adventure, seeking to discover the mysteries of their magic, to forge a connection with their fey natures, or to avoid a hag that obsesses over them. This document offers details for each level and makes adjustments accordingly. Then you have a 2 part adventure: retrieving the item (which could be a puzzle based adventure) and then a dungeon clear against the Hags (more of a hack and slash adventure) Special credit if you can come up with an unusual letdown for the team after they retrieve it that they have to resolve for a classic 3 act plot narrative. - a grisly corpse appears at the edge of your vision, but when you look direcly at it its not there, make a wis save. The child would have to make it through the night on her own. Night Hag Items. She is 12 years old and soon will turn 13 - her turning into a hag at her 13th birthday will be one of the big turning points in the starting campaign. When the victim’s Constitution reaches zero, the victim dies, and the night hag returns to the Waste with the larval life force. The heartstone holds an unknown number of charges. Compendium - Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse->Sigil and the Outlands the Elemental Plane of Earth. Who wouldn’t want to delve into the secrets of these monstrous matrons and explore the depths of their dark and twisted power? Well, you’re in luck, because we’ve got the ultimate guide to hag covens in D&D 5e, just itching to set you free from the mundane constraints of everyday life Jun 17, 2021 · Here are two short adventures set in the Plane of Faeries: "Pixie Trouble" and "A Bargain With a Hag. A heartstone was a specific type of gemstone associated with the malevolent night hags. ) Animated Armour/Weapons/Rugs. Pact making is certainly something any hag could do, but it's not something every hag—night or otherwise—chooses to do. A hag starts fighting the players the moment they meet. The hag's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). Green hags, called shellycoats when they lived near rivers or swamps,[6] were the most common types of hags, foul crones known for their deceitful ways and corrupting natures. So assuming a night Hag has a Heartstone so they can shift to the Ethereal plane, when they do this can… Mad Maggie was a night hag warlord and leader of the Knucklebones Gang in Avernus in the late 15th century DR. She had become obsessed with Zariel's story as she had a great interest in the corruption of valiant souls. When the party confronts the hags, they plan on killing them. Night hags were wicked witches that dwelt in the Lower Planes whose nightmarish minds and abilities made them appear to embody the ideals of the hag race. This adventure can be used to introduce a party of four 1st- to 3rd-level player characters to the creatures and mechanics of the Feywild. Further, one of their most fun abilities is usage of the Nightmare Haunting ability. Making them nastier isn't too much of a challenge, but I think the notion of a night hag is more the old scourge of an outlying village, and at cr5 that's right around where you leave that tier of play and move on to bigger stuff. Finding an oracle, though, or one experienced in interpreting certain types of visions, might prove to be an adventure in its own right. May 2, 2023 · Night Hag. Her statistics are the same in each form. Night Hag One of the Sewn Sisters (see chapter 5) shadows the party while staying in the Border Ethereal. com Night Hag One of the Sewn Sisters (see chapter 5) shadows the party while staying in the Border Ethereal. *NOTE*: Due to multiple printings, packaging may vary. Hags and witches are a gold mine of creepy imagery! Some possibilities: -make your party doubt their senses: the party meets a kindly old woman who lives in a homey cottage in a beautiful sunlit clearing with birds singing and fluttering butterflies. Night Hag Items Aug 20, 2019 · A Green Hag stands over the altar, conducting the ceremony with an ancient speech. My question for the community is how would you role play, or even buff, the different varieties? Would you give a character with sea hag parentage a swimming speed? Or a night hag Hexblood fire resistance? Night Hag Gallery is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 5, 8, 11, or 14. Marionettes – The Hag takes all of the character’s A Night Hag in my campaign is all about fiends, but in truth you can use a hag as a creator or summoner of damn near anything creatable or summonable. I'm a new DM and my players are completely new to DnD. And we killed it, unscathed, before it had a chance to even react. The night hag's relationship to other types of hags is unclear. They were known for their ability to induce horrific dreams and for harvesting soul larvae, which were used as currency in the Abyss, Blood Rift, and Nine Hells. I'm afraid the fight will be over in very short order unless there are some other enemies involved, but I'm not sure what kinds of creatures would be fighting in support of a Night Hag. Destroying a hag eye deals 1d10 points of damage to each member of the covey and causes the one who sustained the greatest damage to be blinded for 24 hours. Jul 25, 2021 · For my campaign, a Coven of Night Hags would make the most sense, but they're clearly the most powerful, so two sea hags and one night hag could also work. Unfortunately we found that the second hag was hanging out in the ethereal plane. It returns later to haunt victims of its curse. We did Death House the very first night and then the last two weeks, since they wanted to do more of the campaign, I threw a few extra things at them to increase the stakes of the campaign. The Night Hag has the following action: I'm thinking of running the coven as a Night hag grandmother, who does the main spellcasting, an Annis hag charging in to knock out the spellcasters, and a sea hag who, as she's the weakest, would ghost through the floor of the lair into the swampy water underneath as she summons ghouls, drowned dead, and other horrors of the deep to serve as The night hag can divine the location of the Wandering Emporium by spilling some of her own blood on the ground and Minions and Pets Compendium - Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Volo's Guide to Monsters The hag has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. If I were a Night Hag I'd start the fight 5 or six days earlier by hitting them with a Dream spell and or Nightmare Haunting every night, causing them to fatigue and gain levels of exhaustion. As for the other hags, start with small quests related to the ripple effects of the hags' actions. AD&D, etc. But her idea of fighting isn't 'do damage until they run out of hit points'. Something big. e. fandom. They face a night hag, her band of bugbears, and some devils, who seek to defile the shrine. Skabatha appears as a short, old toymaker with ragged clothing and heavy makeup. When they kill an evil character with their haunting they capture its soul, a valuable currency to be traded with other fiends. Her sisters lurk unseen. Hideous Appearance – The character begins to slowly take on a hideous appearance similar to that of the Hag. The hag might want a child to sacrifice (or eat). And make it something that doesn’t truly solve a character’s problem or fulfil their desire, but rather strings them along so that the hag can get a hold over them like the abusive relationship between a dealer and an addict. Compare to Mind Flayer Lich: 1st level (4 slots): magic missile This Wizard's article has the answer: WHAT LEVEL IS A SPELL IF YOU CAST IT WITHOUT A SPELL SLOT? Such a spell is cast at its lowest possible level, which is the level that appears near the top of its description. Mar 26, 2021 · The character loses their proficiency in a skill of the Hag’s choosing. Night hags are perhaps best known for being the harvesters of larvae, or the souls of the dead as they appear in Hades. My players are a Tempest Cleric, Mood Druid and a Ranger, all level 2. They have sharply nailed hands that they use for attack and defense. The description for the night hag Trait "Shared Spellcasting (Coven Only)" is as follows: While all three members of a hag coven are within 30 feet of one another , they can each cast the following spells from the wizard's spell list but must share the spell slots among themselves Claws (Hag Form Only). Good way to set up a hook for a Night Hag is motive. [1] Mad Maggie went to Avernus in search of the ultimate misery Night Hag One of the Sewn Sisters (see chapter 5) shadows the party while staying in the Border Ethereal. So, I'm quite a new DM, and I need advice. I'm thinking that a Hag/witch coven (Sisters of the Eclipse) using Nature's/Gaia's strength to summon demons to strengthen the coven. In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, the night hag is an outsider that comes from the Gray Waste of Hades. g. Night Hag Gallery is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure for four characters with an average party level (APL) of 5, 8, 11, or 14. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. Annis; Green Hag; Night Hag; Sea Hag Night Hag: At will: magic missile. Creatures other than the hag can benefit from the heartstone’s powers, but the periapt shatters after ten uses (any disease cured or saving throw affected counts as a use) and it does not bestow etherealness to a bearer I've done lots of hag customization for my own games – for example, I just designed a nasty encounter with a solo night hag in the Abyss who runs a swamp village full of demons, and collects/steals hag eyes from other covens. Heartstone. Those lovable, gruesome, and terrifying triplets of the Dungeons and Dragons world. Aug 10, 2019 · Following on from our d20 Encounter Charts and our With a Twist encounter series, we bring the first of our crafted adventure settings. u/OriginalAntigenicSin wrote a very interesting post about a type of super-hag they designed called the "Primaevel Hag," something that would be a hag-above-hags on a warlock's Patron level. Night Hag Harvesting Table Instructions: Because this creature is an Fiend, the player should roll a Arcana Check using the DCs in the table below. Aug 8, 2024 · His primary advisor was Malagard (a Night Hag), who encouraged him to attempt a coup against Asmodeus. Night Hag's LOVE corrupting good people so there will be a lot of nightmares that cause friction between people. Unofficial Description: A green hag's true appearance is that of an aged, sickly humanoid with long black hair and a slightly blue-black tinge to her rough skin. If these visions last for at least 1 hour, the target gains no benefit from its rest, and its hit point maximum is reduced by 5 (1d10). Nice, simple defences that can be easily justified since you're dealing with a spellcaster. The night hag was introduced to the D&D game in the first edition of Advanced Dungeons Nov 3, 2016 · A night hag knows that if it’s caught before collecting the soul it’s after, the mission is a failure, and there’s no point in hanging around, so all it takes is a light wound (12 hp of damage or more) for the unmasked night hag to cut and run, making its escape via the Ethereal Plane or a casting of plane shift. The night hag then speaks through the unconscious body of the person with a modified voice. - a wail rips through the night, make a cha save or get fear condition. There maybe one-two sessions away from stampeding into the hag's lair and I'm looking for puzzles, traps, and hag tricks. Late at night, the search was called off, to be continued in the morning. This isn't a challenge, it is a time bomb. A night hag that loses The victim cannot remove the night hag, and each nightly ride permanently drains 1 from the victim’s Constitution. On a failure, the item cannot be harvested (either because the character is not skilled enough, or because the item is ruined). A night hag carries two very rare magic items that she must craft for herself. , one target. [7] Like dark druids, they were vile beings with a strong connection to the natural world, and they preyed upon primal vices in order to sow anguish and drag all down into bestial savagery. As an action, a creature can touch the heartstone to another creature and cure any disease afflicting it. In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game, hags are female, witchlike creatures known for their cruelty and repulsiveness. [1] Night hags were each required to craft their own heartstone, a process that took 30 days. Dream Haunting ( Su ): Night hags can visit the dreams of chaotic or evil individuals by using a special periapt known as a heartstone to become ethereal, then hovering over the creature. Oct 16, 2022 · The CR and planar powers of the night hag are simply too powerful for a first-tier party, and I advise against featuring a night hag in games for parties below 10th level. Key Features: Features characters, monsters, and scenery from the Dungeons & Dragons universe Little to no assembly required Primed and ready to paint Some miniatures include translucent parts This is a 2-count monster pack which includes one Green Hag and one Night Hag. A creature's Origin denotes the specific campaign setting it debuted in, if any. Upon defeat, a character can make a DC 18 Intelligence (Nature) or Wisdom (Survival) check to attempt to harvest each of the hag’ eyes. See more ideas about hag, fantasy art, fantasy characters. In particular, that question notes that Night Hag's CR was 9 in the previous edition, whereas currently they are CR 5. In my head cannon they are a coven of hags, one green, one anus (I know that's not the actual spelling), and probably a night hag. Besides, you can always throw in a night hag coven and that bumps things up to cr7. Aug 23, 2022 · My decision is that once the party discovers that their teammate's unusual tiredness and weakness is caused by a night hag, they can take actions to protect the character. If either object is lost, the night hag will go to great lengths to retrieve it, as creating a new tool takes time and effort. [2] Many hag variations have appeared in the numerous editions of Dungeons & Dragons since their first appearance in a 1975 rules supplement. I currently have a player who, in his backstory loses his family to a night hag. 9K votes, 24 comments. there’s a feline creature within 30 feet of her that she can see or hear. I also feel like you might overhype the deathglare a little bit. " Pixie Trouble. Monsters from the myriad worlds of Dungeons & Dragons. [3] Green Hag The dialect spoken by green hags. I want to have a very unique boss fight for each hag. RELATED: Top 10 Playable Species In D&D, Ranked. This is a 5th edition adventure for four or five 5th level characters, with options for scaling encounters across the 2nd tier of character levels (i. About halfway through our last session, the characters met Morgantha, the night hag. Assemble a party of champions and master the art of Formation Strategy. If the PCs can't figure it out themselves, they can ask for the help of this local wizard who would automatically know that a Night Hag is behind the disturbed dreams haunting the townsfolk. They live in a Forest known as the Forrest of Illusion, the home of some of the last remaining Fey and Shadow pockets on the continent. Skabatha is a powerful fey hag. A Hexblood Created by a Night Hag May 25, 2021 · All hags make for excellent NPCs and plot elements in an adventure or campaign, and these hags are no exception! The first hag shown is the Death Hag. Perhaps a night hag hawking rare spell components refuses all currency but fresh larvae from Hades, while a bone devil might siphon years off the buyer’s life as payment The coven consists of a night hag, a green hag, and an anis hag. " That could be good. The coup failed and he was stripped of his title, power, and was condemned to death (only just barely escaping to another plane). In their earliest adventures together, the Mighty Nein chased a monster to Crooked Stone, an island in the Ustaloch, but the boatman warned them that no one ever goes there because of the witch who lived there a century earlier and who is rumored to occasionally return to a hovel on the island; that witch is a night hag. What can this monster do with the hair? Cast a curse? They are the night, the trickster, and a lot of fun to roleplay. Night Hag. Night Hag Items: A night hag carries two very rare magic items that she must craft for herself If either object is lost, the night hag will go to great lengths to retrieve it, as creating a new tool takes time and effort. Prophecies given by these hags can be great foreshadowing for longer Then our Cleric pops anti magic field to reveal the hag to everyone. The average adventure does not have that many situations involving water (see my reasoning for the Bheur Hag traits). a dwarf artificer alchemist make descriptions of terrifying visuals, sounds, smells, and ask for wis, con, and cha saves, depending on the thing that happened, e. A protection from evil and good spell cast on the target prevents this contact, as does a magic circle. One of the characters in my party is a warlock Goblin (Noxi) that was adopted by a night hag, which is the source of her magic. During the party’s next long rest, the night hag materializes and snatches some blood or hair from a random character before returning to the Ethereal Plane. Share your favorite LitRPG novels, discuss character progressions, recommend hidden gems, and engage in lively conversations with like-minded enthusiasts. I’m using the Night Hag to drive the story progression. 4M subscribers in the DnD community. [1] Mad Maggie on the surface acted as a gentle grandmother but in truth she was a cruel and scheming individual. This is not to say that setting is the only place that creature can be found — D&D has a long history of repackaging creatures from sub-settings for general use, and ultimately the DM decides what appears in a game. This could be an interesting idea for Granny Nightshade. See Wikipedia Entry: Hag. This is a subreddit for news and discussion of Old School Renaissance topics. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First… These amphibious hags can be used for nautical adventures or brought inland via large rivers. The characters must enter a realm of true horror: a night hag’s lair. Killing the hag was easy from there. Only if somehow chased The night hag hits as many creatures as possible with its claw s and then escapes to the Ethereal Plane. Night Hags have the Action: Nightmare Haunting (1/Day). The hag magically polymorphs into a Small or Medium female humanoid, or back into her true form. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage. The adventure assumes the party is traveling outside of any major settlement. Fey creatures might suit you well. 2/day each: plane shift (self only), ray of enfeeblement, sleep. Katra or Teraza could establish pacts, but Teraza might just share a terrifying glimpse of the future, or Katra might again make a simple bargain. [1] They each appeared as a glossy black gem. To a Night Hag who like misery, I had an artist trade "Every perfect thing I will ever make", where every time they rolled a nat 20 they had to re-roll. divine omens (such as those presented in chapter 4) might seek out an oracle to gain a clearer vision of the god’s intentions. ) and the retroclones. Additionally Night hags are more powerful, they have the most potent abilities, and the like among the entries listed in the Monster Manual. By Alan McCoy from Dungeons & Dragons: Fundamentals. During a long rest a night hag (Sewn Sisters) snuck in the camp and stole a lock of hair from one of the players. If lost, the night hag will go to great lengths to retrieve it. [3] The hag made its first appearance with a one line a night hag coven is much more dangerous than single hags More due to the fact that all the weaker and less cunning members would've died already due to the constant infighting, leaving only the stronger crueler members. Normally faithful marriages will be wracked with strife. So, basically, what level should a party of 6 be to fight A) a coven of 3 night hags, or B) a coven of 1 night hag and 2 sea hags? May 8, 2021 · This protects the temple from the evil hag. A night hag that is part of a coven has a challenge rating of 7 (2,900 xp). Any equipment she is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. Their tactics and means tend to be those of manipulation and deception preferring to use their disguises to lead the party into traps and morally ambiguous situations rather Dive into a world where virtual reality and gaming elements blend seamlessly with epic storytelling and immersive adventures. Madness – The character develops an Indefinite Madness from page 260 of the Dungeon Master’s guide. In addition, a heartstone provides a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws (this bonus is included in the statistics block). Are there any DMs out there with some good ideas? Their characters are about lvl 5 and two of them have toys of their own now. [1][2] Its alternative name stemmed from a belief that it had first originated among annis hags before becoming widely adopted by the other hag subraces. On a success, the player is able to harvest the item. Note: This has been prepared utilizing only the 5E Core Rules. Hint (Riddle): "One is a performer at heart, unable to resist the allure of theater. I was tossing the idea around that the night hag might attack them in a Freddy Krueger like way, maybe putting them in a nightmare where she controls the world Love and Hex is a weekly comic about a retired adventurer dating the night hag who once tried to steal his soul. The night hag will devour the hapless child and in a week produce a new one in its place. Stronger than their little cousins and a -2 Armor Class, they may only attack twice per round, but their claws hurt. As a Coven I'd also consider giving them the Dream spell. They held within them several different magical properties. And not a Curse as in the level 3 spell. Green Hag Apr 2, 2020 · But I do have a lack of context; is the Night Hag a major opponent, or just an encounter or two? The heartstone is fine for the later, but if it is former and she is working more behind the scenes, consider the following: A green hag that has entered into a pact with a village man in exchange for his infant child, the party encounters him at the trial for his son’s murder. Mar 27, 2020 · The hag must perform a specific rite on the child before its 13th birthday. 4. Yeth Hounds are dedicated minions, Meenlocks have the same appetite for cruelty as Hags, smaller fey like Quicklings could be their eyes and ears while a Redcap A night hag that loses this charm can no longer use etherealness until it can manufacture another (which takes one month). Also when they meet her she will help them in combat and begin to “guide them” out of the Forrest. It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: Detect Magic, Magic Missile 2/Day each: Plane Shift (self only), Ray of Enfeeblement, Sleep Magic Resistance: This unit has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical A curse. However, it might move on to attack someone else the party cares about. And last but not least a night hag which is currently messing with our bard’s brain. Unofficial Description: Skabatha, Bavlorna Blightstraw, and Endelyn Moongrave form the Hourglass Coven. Sly and subversive, night hags want to see the virtuous turn to villainy: love turned into obsession, kindness turned to hate, devotion to disregard, and generosity to selfishness. Jun 9, 2024 · Lineage: Hag Class: CR: 6 (2,300) Alignment: Neutral Evil Affiliations: Bavlorna Blightstraw, Endelyn Moongrave, Hourglass Coven. Its goal in combat isn’t to kill but to curse. May 12, 2022 · Also found in the Monster Manual II (1983) is the Green Hag. Fate Hag. to give some context to the rest of the party we have a kenku rogue1/monk3 who specializes in espionage and uncovering secrets. Now, as fiends, Night Hags use their ability to cross between the Material and Ethereal Planes to haunt their victims’ dreams until they inevitably expire. See full list on forgottenrealms. How to build challenging encounters against Night Hag. May 10, 2023 · Ah, the hag coven. We primarily focus on D&D (LBB, 1st ed. The options are Green Hag, Night Hag, and Sea Hag. Plague upon the townsfolk, children born deformed, lycanthropy, something that'll really hurt. Quick question about the night Hag mechanics. Extraplanar. Druid features already are very witch/hag'ish, but dreams especially can be reflavored well into creepy stuff, especially with a night hag and their relationship to dreams. The coven consists of a green hag a night hag and an Anis hag all working together to create as much suffering and misery as possible for the poor farming town of Baerdun. How evil must a Hag be to no longer be considered a fey creature? The Night Hags were once fey creatures but were so foul that they were banished from the Feywild to Hades. List of Hags . Great little hub town, some really cool monsters especially the hags, and I would argue the module might be worth it just for just the Radom Encounters it gives you. They make the Night Hag and Annis look like weak kobolds. Have her "haggle" with the hag (pun intended). [8] . Balm of the Summer court for example is the Night Hag influencing the mind of a target, sealing off a part that is able to feel pain, giving them additional hitpoints. a terrible smell requires a con save, on fail you throw up. The night hag also carries a lustrous black gem and a large black sack — her heartstone and her soul bag, respectively (see the “ Hags ” entry in the Monster Manual). There, they discover unspeakable terrors that test their sanity. Innate Spellcasting: This unit's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). A night hag can use etherealness at will (caster level 16th) so long as it possesses its heartstone (see below). Hags are some of the worst villains in DnD, one of the few irredeemably evil out there. Designed with a town, characters, a full encounter list, and a villainous hag coven, the Banahogg is ready to be placed into any campaign. I'll also be sharing a skeleton for a system I call "Let's Make A Deal" (yes, for those that know their trivia, it is indeed a Monty Hall The Night Hag was named Marcy, the Annis hag was named Bertha, and the Green Hag was named Ellen! Marcy wanted to leave the coven but didn't want to get killed by the other two, Ellen was a manipulator that also flirted with the Evil character in the group, and Bertha acted as a granny to the children in a town, and I used the deepest, loudest Hag #1. A lustrous black gem crafted by a night hag. The Hag language, widely referred to as Annis[1][2] by scholars across multiple Prime Material worlds,[1] was a shared language among hags. I can agree with the Bheur Hags, now that you mention it, but I think the "problem" is, even now, sometimes they don't want to reference other books the party might not have available, or one more time reprint an already published stat block. The hag's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). pwf yjncl dcih bzfymbj natsaa drcbbyd ejds djuds vsqjc avussnd