Vba dir function loop through files. Function …
Loop through files in a folder using VBA? 2.
Vba dir function loop through files csv") Do While Folder <> "" Debug. As Here's a link to a description of the dir() function. e. I'm trying to apply the following code, which applies to running this VBA loop through all files in a folder, to make it run through all folders within one folder. if there were 20 . Loop through subfolders in a folder using Dir This first call returns the first file. csv files in the folder. But some times some files with the word CITIES might have a corresponding FINANCE file and hence I have to loop through the Folder again to find the finance file and extract information @Rory I don't have permission to alter that specfic file. Just for fun, here's a sample with a recursive function which (I hope) should be a bit simpler to understand and to use with your code: Function Recurse(sPath As String) As String Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject Dim myFolder As Folder Dim mySubFolder As Folder Set myFolder = FSO. Adjust the values in the constants section. msg file Haven't used the OpenSharedItem so you may need direct & "\" & myfile in place of just myfile. Close Tell Google: vba list files in directory and subdirectories That should get you any number of routines to get the file listings. Writing a function to return the list of files will make testing easier. It has worked wonders, but I need to iterate through the pictures in order. Open (Pathname & Filename) Application. Any help would be appreciated! EDIT: ' Modify this I have found that I can iterate through the . Open(path_to_presentation_file) Call ChangeShapeColor(oPres) oPres. Then using MsgBox (ActiveWorkbook. I'm working through someone else's bit of VBA code for cycling through files in a root directory and its subdirectories: Public Function RecursiveDir(colFiles As Collection, _ strFolder As String, _ strFileSpec As String, _ bIncludeSubfolders As Boolean) Dim strTemp As String Dim colFolders As New Collection Dim vFolderName As Variant ' Add files in strFolder How to use the Dir function to loop through subfolders in a folder. In this tutorial we loop through a folder and list all available files I'm looking for a VBA script that will loop through all subfolders of a specified folder. Recursion means that you create a self-referencing function (a function that calls itself). – VBA Combine Code- Loop through function. GetFolder("C:\test") HandleFolder fldr End Sub Sub HandleFolder(fldr As Folder) Dim f As File Dim subFldr As Folder ' loop thru files in this folder For Each f In fldr. Notice that we have used DIR VBA Dir Function in Excel is categorized as built-in File & Directory function. Improve this answer. Print StrFile would first give the test1 and then StrFile = Dir would find the next match which is the Modules & VBA . xlsm) it has column headers and a macro button -the data pulled =False sName = Dir() Loop ' loop until no more files End Sub but it looks like the code works for the first file only. xls*") Do I have a VBA script used to process Word documents. The function will return the first file that matches the criteria in that folder. Print StrFile would first give the test1 and then StrFile = Dir would find the next match which is the I'm trying to do a loop through server file folder (UNC Path) to find a specific child folder (project folder) to save the workbook (user will inform the project related to the folder). How to loop through a folder? 2. So far I have: Sub ProcessFiles() Dim Filename, Pathname As String Dim Wb As Workbook Pathname = "C:\Trading\TICK\PROBAB\DATA\CURRENT\" Filename = Dir(Pathname & "*. In your case you'd make the function call itself for each subfolder of the current folder. The code below shows how you can process the files in a folder. Example 2: Loop through workbook of specific file name. Add Item:=strSubFolder, Key:=strSubFolder End Select ' On to the next one strSubFolder = Dir Loop ' Loop through the collection For Each varItem In colSubFolders ' Loop through Excel workbooks in subfolder strFile = Dir(strFolder & varItem & "\*. TXT files in a folder. Check that ZeroCount doesn't call any Dir functions. Application Dim wDoc As Word. The files all end in List. Print to see if the resulting list contains the exact files you need to unzip. Related. VBA - Looping with Dir() when Dir() is called in a sub. Add F F = Dir Is it possible to loop through each files based on the cell ranges? Googled a lot but no luck. In Excel 11, I use Dir (as described in the question) to create a list of jpg files from each folder (one folder at a time), sorted alpha-numeric in Col A. xlsm" Sheet "sheet1" Sub AllWorkbooks() Dim MyFolder As String 'Path collected from the folder picker dialog Dim myFile As String 'Filename obtained by DIR function Dim wbk As Workbook 'Used to loop through each workbook Dim FSO As You can even loop through all files in a folder and perform tasks on them, making your work more efficient. All the arguments of the VBA DIR function are optional. I thought that it would be interesting to write one using the Dir() function. DateLastModified i = i + 1 Next End If donewithparent = True For Each FileItem In I'm looking to select a directory and then loop through each xlsm file within that myExtension = "*. Print lines. xlsx, the Debug. Do you know how to loop only through selected files in a folder with VBA? I managed to do the code for looping through all the files. Sample code: Loop Through Files - File not found. You need to create function which loops inside given folder and checks its names. File Dim objSubFolder As Scripting. Calling the Dir function with parameter starts a search for matching files. Each WHOLE file will be pasted to a new worksheet in the master file Set wb = Nothing Filename = Dir Loop Application. The original. For example the following code will give you the largest file in terms of size in a given directory. Here is the code I currently have: VBA Dir function is used to retrieve a list of files or folders from a specified directory. csv file into the last column for 20 rows, and would need to cycle through all the . If you find that this is happening and you must absolutely call Dir inside of this loop, then you could loop through all the Dir values first and But, I couldn't achieve the result. FileSystemObject. Name, "$") = 0 Then '$ is temp file mask Set wApp Files in Subfolders of a Folder (FileSystemObject)Test first with Debug. Here is a quick method for finding multiple files and their paths. This is how I would structure it. Techniques used to Loop Use Excel VBA to loop through all closed workbooks in a directory and display the names of their worksheets. xlsx Im trying to get a macro to loop through all the files in a folder and run a macro on it. I am not only one with this problem, because I found the similar problems here: VBA Loop through excel workbooks in folder and copy data - Not looping through all files. Each . Ask Question Asked 6 years, 5 months ago. To use that, make a call to it, specifying folder and file type in the first call, then call it empty until it returns an empty string. This is a sample I wrote that you can easily adapt to your code: Dim oFile As Object Dim oFSO As Object Dim oFolder As Object Dim oFiles As Object Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting. VBA for each file in folder macro helps us to loop through all files in a directory. I want loop through all files from two different directories. GetFolder("D:\docxs\") For Each file In mySource. Recursive function designed to ensure that full folder path exists before copying a file I'm running into what may be a "problem" with the file system object, and that's lead to a question about the functionality etc. VBA Skipping File Names that do not exist. Copy Sub LoopThroughFilesDir() Dim folderPath As String Dim fileName As String ' Step 1: Specify the folder path folderPath = "C:\YourFolderPath\" ' Ensure the folder path ends with "\" ' Step 2: Get the first file in the folder fileName = Dir(folderPath & "*. FileSystemObject") Set mySource = obj. Please help me to fix the issue. : . If you do, then Excel may very well reset your ability to call Dir to correctly get the next file in your loop. Path & "\*. csv file already exists. xls*" or whatever criteria needed MyFile = "" 'Loop through text files in Directory finding the most VBA Loop Through all Files in subfolders using File System Object(FSO) and built-in Dir() function. – Excel VBA DIR Function. Row For i = 1 To count Set myBook = Workbooks. The script is using the Dir$ function to index the files, and the Documents. *") ' Use wildcard to list all files ' Step 3: Loop through all files Do While fileName <> "" MsgBox "File Name: " & Unlike @luke_t and @Lowpar, I don't think that recursive loop, looking in all subfolders and files is right answer here, because when you get to the bottom folder (i. The filepath for these is "A:\HOLD\ReportName-" & the report date in "mmddyy" format, followed by a random series of characters our ERP produces. It uses the powerful Robocopy (Robust File Copy for Windows), in a Command Prompt command line:. Dir function . Modified 6 years, 5 months ago. FullName)) returned what could be expected, i. VBA DIR function returning file that is not in directory. VBA can only run one Dir() loop at a time: you can't nest two different calls (as you're effectively doing here, even though the second one is in a different Sub. To skip the file and continue, do the following modifications to the code: 1- Add a line label before the myFile = Dir statement:. It will then loop through all the files within that folder. 2 "File not found" Excel VBA. We can loop through all files in a folder and open all files instantly. Thus if you call it in a sub function, it will initialize the one from the main function. 0. folder Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting. The Dir function is known as the directory function. If you only want . As to why this happens, it does not appear that Application. Can someone help me tweak this code to loop it? Here is a code VBA Excel - Função DIR - 01 - Percorrer os arquivos em uma pasta - Loop Through the Files in a Folder Consultancy in Excel, Access, VBA, Dashboards, Scorecards & PowerPoint Projects DESENVOLVO APLICAÇÕES VBA The Dir function in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) is used to return the name of a file, directory, or folder that matches a specified pattern or attributes. Close MyFile = Dir Loop End Sub Function In the VB Editor go to Tools--> References then select mscorlib So I have around 100 excel files saved as . I discovered on repeated testing that no file was found by the Dir() statement when there were just numbers at a certain point. Jan 24, 2013 #1 I'm When I'm pulling folders, my function is copying files out of them, and when it's done I kill the empty folder. xml in my folder and I have written a VBA code which formats the layout settings of 'Loop through each Excel file in folder Do While myFile <> "" 'Set variable equal to opened workbook Set wb =True 'Get next file name myFile = Dir Loop 'Message Box when tasks are Ok try this to get the files on the folder and sub folders: Dim donewithparent As Boolean For Each fsoFol In SourceFolder. You need to loop through all files and check each file name against each string, e. Option Explicit Sub Txt_File_Loop() Dim FolderLocation As String Dim strFileName As String Dim SaveLocation As String 'Location is present in a Text box FolderLocation = Sheets(1). FileSystemObject") Set objFolder = objFSO. To modify multiple documents with this program, I need to input a directory (Dir) and then loop through the files of the directory. . *”) uses the DIR function to retrieve the first file name in the directory and assigns it to the fileName variable. To do that you can use Scripting. Dir() is always a follow-up call to a Dir(path) that came before, and returns the next file/folder. Is it In this article, you will learn to use Excel VBA to loop through files in a folder and rename them efficiently. You should set the target file path in oFolder and loop within that directory. I'm looping through the files in a directory, where I need to open each file, do some manipulations and then close it. Can anyone tell me is there any such function available to 'Find' whether all filenames in an excel exist in a folder after looping through folder using Dir? As per my knowledge, Dir function works with only one file extension at a time. txt" '<-- can be "*. Streamline your file management tasks and make your I have thousands of . txt" 'the file to keep the returned files name This is actually a well-solved problem. Any following calls to Dir (without parameter) will continue the last search initiated by a Dir(with parameter). the code will not work in this case. End(xlUp). oFile already has the file path included with it. Here is my code: Dir$ is a function existing in VBA, ' theFile = Dir() 'Next file if any Loop End Sub '***** '* Return WB as Workbook object '* XL is an Excel application object '* Function OpenWorkbook (XL As Object, Filename As String Excel VBA: The Dir Function In Microsoft Excel VBA, the Dir function is used to return the first filename from a specified directory, and list of attributes. NextFile: ' <-----Add this MyFile = Dir Loop I. FileSystemObject") Set oFolder = oFSO. csv file exists. Path & "\" & Dir(ActiveWorkbook. xlsx") Also, if you have an arbitrary number of files you want to loop through try the following code. Edit re: What is the difference in meaning between FileName = Dir() and FileName = Dir(path)? Dir(path) initializes the Dir function, and returns the first file/folder name. The question, does Dir() make any guarantee on the order in which files are returned or is it implicit? Solution. How can I loop through each workbook in my list. SubFolders Call I'm trying to get a simple list of files using the dir function and the result only returns 1 file even though there are 200 of them. Open(Cells(i, 1). Option Explicit Sub SubDirList() 'Excel VBA process to loop through directories listing files Dim sname As Variant Dim sfil(1 To 1) As String sfil(1) = "C:\Users\test" 'Change this path to suit. Do While Loop allows us to loop through all files in a folder and get the file names. Test Sub (Path, 1) = "\" Then Path = Path & "\" If Len(Dir(Path, They seem to correct several things and run through well. The GetFiles loops through all the folders and subfolders Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Sub RecursiveFolder(objFolder As Scripting. Running an Excel Add-in function using VBA on remote desktop. " and ". Document Dim mySource As Object Set obj = CreateObject("Scripting. I am new to VBA and the code below so far does the following: Loops through workbooks in a folder ; Copies certain cells from each workbook; Pastes those cells into rows with information organised by column; Copies a range from each workbook Let's say the first loop run for example file is "File1" but once it hits copyFile (file) then it passes "File2" to the function, which also exists, for some reason it increments the loop automatically on calling the copyFile function. VBA Loop Through all xls Files in a Folder using built-in Dir() function. I want to achieve the same task with all the “. Loop Through OneDrive Folders. ActiveWorkbook. Upon reading the documentation @Dir function (Visual Basic for Applications) it seems initial call to Dir StrFile = Dir("c:\testfolder\*") will return the first file that matches the pathname. name Workbooks. Files Cells(i, 1) = FileItem. xlsm" but what you are actually doing is stopping the whole thing (Then Exit Sub) when that file is reached. Dir Function. " for the first folder loop and for the second loop returns the first child folder. Test if file exists using VBA or Excel without "DIR" 0. Local time Today, 05:33 Joined Jun 6, 2012 Messages 48. You need to use the DIR function in a loop. Loop line. It is often used to loop through files or folders in a directory. Excel Dir returns unexpected null. File = Dir(Folder) Do While File <> "" 'Check the filename against the Document number. In the loop, I will need: the filename, and the date at which the file was formatted. The files are in subfolders of a parent folder. ; To remove any confusion, consider the following paths: C:\Test1\Test2 C:\Test3\Test4. To use Dir again in a sub function, you need to consume all the results from the main function before calling the sub function, which is your current solution. SubFolders If Not donewithparent Then For Each FileItem In fsoFol. However, the code has the drawback that Filelen will return a negative number for files larger than 2GB, i. However, I'd like to shorten the time of processing to make it open only the files which I specify in the code. I have been trying to write excel macro that loops through files in folder returns names of the files. Row + 1 'Loop through each file in the folder For Each Explanation: In this code, we have used a Do Until Loop and DIR Function to iterate through all the folders present inside a location. Once you I want to access a folder using VBA and loop through all Excel files in all subfolders. ScreenUpdating = True Assuming that Excel Workbooks file names (full path) are entered into Column 'A", the VBA solution in its simple form could be as following: Sub OpenFiles() Dim i As Integer Dim count As Integer Dim myBook As Workbook count = Cells(Rows. Calling it again and again return the next files with the same pattern, so you can loop until it returns an empty string. As an example: if there was a test1. Loop End Sub Sub ProcessFile(MyName as String) CallIngFile = thisworkbook. tad0075 Registered User. The Dir Function is a built-in, lightweight method to get a list of files. How to loop through files sorted by modified date with VBA? Ask Question Asked 3 years, " & f End If Next f End Sub 'return an array of all files matching `pattern`, using dir Function AllFilesNewestFirst (pattern) Dim s Use the Shell VBA command to execute CMD with a The VBA DIR function lets us get the file name from a given folder. ScreenUpdating = True End Sub VBA Loop through files in folder and copy/paste variable range to master file. Add F F = Dir Loop End Function Function GetFoldersIn(Folder As String) As Collection How to loop through files in a folder? 0. Set oPres = Presentations. Batch Convert TXT to XLS Using VBA. ma and are wondering the same thing, StrFile = Dir in the While loop is simply setting StrFile to the next found file in the previously set up Dir("c:\testfolder\*test*". A quick check is select an object (like the Excel workbook) in that folder using Explorer and holding shift right click Copy as Path and paste into text editor to get absolute path of file. xlsx and a test2. of how the File System Object in VBA works vs. It helps to quickly access and manipulate files in VBA code, Here, we have used the Dir function to loop through all the files with the Dir function in VBA, is there any ways to use logics operator in wildcard? Ask Question Asked 17 days ago. When I say all subfolders, I mean each folder inside the specified folder, and each folder inside of that, and each folder inside of thatin theory there could be infinite nested subfolders, but in actuality it will probably not go above 3 or 4. TraverseFolders objFso. Personally I was testing this many times and found that I can call the same function to hit the End Sub 'Return a collection of file objects given a starting folder and a file pattern ' e. CutCopyMode = True Windows(MyFile). PathSeparator & "*. Modified 8 years, and I need to loop through these cells to copy files from the cells into destination folder, Most probably here you'll find the issue since you're using Dir() function with a 16 "Attribute" which stands for vbDirectory i. If nothing is specified as second parameter, is will search only regular files (no directories, no hidden files etc). The While loop continues to execute the I'm guessing you want to use the Dir function. Function Loop through files in a folder using VBA? 2. First of all set the Microsoft Scripting Runtime reference in the Tools/Reference . This is a rough outline to get you started, you will need to use Help for syntax etc. I found some code online that does this perfectly, exactly as I want it to. However, calling Redim Preserve to append a new item is rather inefficient. The following code snippet allows the user to loop through files in a folder using the Dir function. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses. It is an in-built VBA function that takes the file’s path as a parameter and returns In this tutorial we loop through a folder and list all available files in a folder using FSO early-binding and late-binding method and Dir() function. it gets the list of files 1 by one. *") ' Use wildcard to list all files ' Step 3: Loop through all files Do While fileName <> "" MsgBox "File Name: " & It looks like you want to skip the file "maytt. The problem is, I don't really understand how it works. The function Dir uses a static iterator. 'It ignores the ". FileSpec is the filter you can adapt to only retrieve files whose name follow a certain pattern, In this tutorial, I will show you examples of VBA code to loop through files in a folder using the VBA Dir function and the File System Object (FSO). txt" 'Pass False for last parameter if don't want to check subfolders Function GetMatches(startFolder As String, filePattern As String, _ Optional subFolders As Boolean = True) As Collection Dim fso, fldr, f, subFldr, fpath Dim colFiles As New Option Explicit 'run this macro Sub ListAllFiles() Dim objFSO As Scripting. The function can return one file name at a time, and it must be called repeatedly to get additional file names I am using the Dir() function in excel vba to sort through files in a folder and perform some transformations on each file. Viewed 703 times 1 . Value) 'Do Processing myBook Next I have VBA code and I think it is not in order or something is missing in the code. FileSystemObject: VBA: FileSystemObject - Files Collection. Eventually I'm going to create a loop to open multiple files for each person listed, but currently I am just focusing on getting one open. Excel; Introduction; Note: when no more file names match, the Dir function returns You can use the built-in Dir function or the FileSystemObject. count, "A"). I realize this question is very old, but it is unanswered. The trick is to call DIRfrom a WScript shell so Function RecursiveDir(colFiles As Collection, _ strFolder As String, _ strFileSpec As String, _ bIncludeSubfolders As Boolean) ' Search a folder and each of its subfolders for any files that meet the citerion given in ' strFileSpec ' colFiles - the name of the collection to add the output to ' strFolder - The path to the parent directory ' strFileSpec - The condition of the filename In this video, I'll guide you through using the Dir function in Excel VBA to open files that start with "Test_". If there are no images a MsgBox says "no images in file". GetFolder(myPath) 'You Loop through files in a folder using Dir Do some process on the files in a folder. 2. Files Debug. Open function to open each word document for processing. There are two approaches to use FSO object library. Folder Dim NextRow As Long 'Find the next available row NextRow = Cells(Rows. Print f. Open Folder Folder = Dir() Loop I created a VBA that loops through excel files in a stored folder. Sub Import_Data() ' PURPOSE: To loop through all Excel files in a user specified folder and perform a set task on them Dim WB As Workbook Dim wbThis As Workbook Dim myPath As String Dim myFile As String Dim myExtension As String Dim FldrPicker As FileDialog Set wbThis = ActiveWorkbook ' Optimize Macro Speed Application. I was wondering if there is a way to return the found file without using the extra FoundFile parameter? Most efficient way to loop through files using VBA Excel. Sounds simple. b64” files in a specific folder. Thanks! I'm reasonably famaliar with using the VBA Dir procedure to loop through files in a folder. Thanks in advance! Here is a VBA solution, without using external objects. Hot Network Questions VBA Loop Through all TXT Files in a Folder using built-in Dir() function. ; It will not find files in C:, Test2 or Test4. Subsequent calls, inside the loop, retrieve extra filenames, I need to make a loop that will save the edited files in a folder in numerical order, Using the Dir function in a Do While Loop (VBA) 1. "*. Name) > 0 And InStr(1, file. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 7 months ago. The most common use of the Dir function is to loop through all the files in a folder to perform an action on each one. xl*") Share. Share. I have function GetFiles which returns a string (including the path) separated by a pipeline (|). I would like to loop through the files of a directory using vba in Excel 2010. open and making sure its selecting the correct Excel files. FileSystemObject Dim fldr As Folder Set fldr = fso. Your issue is that dir (ActiveWorkbook. The problem with the code below, is that the Filename = Dir() returns a null value and the loop ends if the . C++: comparing function pointer tables and switch-case for multiple types support The fastest way to list all folders and subfolders would be by using the cmd interface dir function. csv files have the 1st row as header, and the following rows (usually 20 rows) as data. Looping through and opening a directory of files with Excel VBA Dir() function quitting early. Dir Function: VBA: Dir Function. This path is not different from the one I try to use in order to open up the particular file The code I have below does a loop through the excel workbooks in the folder I selected, but for some reason it is skipping a random file each time I run the code. The below code finds all files with xlsx I've got a main Sub, in which I placed Dir() function so as to loop through files in selected folder (files are directed to particular Subs due to their extension). pdf files then keep the If oFile. I have a blank master sheet(C:\path1\path2\overdue. Function GetFilesIn(Folder As String) As Collection Dim F As String Set GetFilesIn = New Collection F = Dir(Folder & "\*") Do While F <> "" GetFilesIn. Set oFolder = oFSO. The process runs fine with if the destination csv folder is empty. " entries, uses GetAttr() to 'identify the directories, and adds them to the colFolders 'collection. It writes the result in the “A:A” range of the active sheet. VBA's DIR function isn't really very handy, but CMD's DIR function is well optimized and has a plethora of command line switches to make it return only files (or even just folders) that match your criteria. Print StrFile would first give the test1 and then StrFile = Dir would find the next match which is the Warning - this code will set current file to each file in the directory including non-excel files. I'm having problems with Workbook. The VBA Dir function returns the name Using VBA, you can use several methods to loop through files in a folder, such as the Dir function, the FileSystemObject object, or the FileDialog object. But I don't suspect this to be the issue. One way to do this is with the Dir function in a loop. Features (Microsoft Docs) Environ function; Split function (using Limit) FileSystemObject object; Folder object; The Code. For one thing, it retains the extreme simplicity of using Dir to loop through folders. For Each sname In sfil() SelectFiles sname Next sname End Sub Private Sub SelectFiles(sPath) 'Excel VBA to show file path name. For instance, I have 8 files in the Skip to main content It works like this. Open sidebar Open main menu. You do this using the Dir function. open(MyName) But I believe without the Dir() function the code cannot loop through the folder correctly. Lets learn how to use Dir, Right and Len VBA functions in this tutorial. Add Folder & FName End If FName = Dir Loop End Function Which is the best approach if any for selective looping through the directories in excel vba. In this tutorial we loop through a folder or directory and list all available . Excel Easy #1 Excel tutorial on the net. I need help in copying the filename of each . 1. FolderLocationTXTBX. Is it is possible to copy using the named range?) Copy from directory files given path & from sheet2 & paste it to file "workbook. Name line - otherwise if you want all files then delete the if statement. ScreenUpdating = False First collect the files in an array, then process the files. One of the formats is Outlook e-mail Excel VBA Dir loop fails when open and close command added within loop. MyFile = Dir(FilePath & FileLook) was kept. I did however make a copy of the file, and made it macroenabled. You cannot achieve that with the Dir() Function. So how do I continue looping through the other files in the first folder? fileName= Dir(path & “*. Because of the limitations of the Dir() function you need to get the whole content of each folder at once, not while crawling with a recursive algorithm. Hope someone will be able to put some light on how can that be accomplished. This is my code: Specify Additional Directory to Loop Through Excel/VBA. GetFolder(ThisWorkbook. jpg files in a specific folder using Dir as seen in this question: Loop through files in a folder using VBA? and this question macro - open all files in a folder. Activate Workbooks. xls files in a folder. From time to time the Workbooks. Please, try the next function. In my case, I'm only dealing with excel files so that's not a problem. Print strLegalFileName(strFileNameIn) file = Dir Wend End Sub ' Current folder or parent folder - ignore Case Else ' Add to collection colSubFolders. What I want to do is skip the process if the . I have a macro which I have been using to loop through all files in the directory which contains my spreadsheet with Cells(LastRow, 2)). It will open the workbook, perform an action and then close it saving the changes made. VBA Loop through files in a folder with certain filename. Offset(2) Application. Dim file As Variant file = Dir("PATH TO MY DIRECTORY") Do While Len(file) > 0 Debug. the correct file path and name. You can use the VBA dir function to iterate over files in a particular directory. Use the Dir function? Sub LoopThroughFiles() Dim FileName AS String FileName = Dir Using VBA to Loop Through Files in Sub-folders. You can run right through the first one, and store all the filenames in a Collection: then you can loop over that Collection, passing each file to the second sub. Then I loop through all the cells in column A which contains the filename (or part of it) to search for. Path & application. Use a wildcard Excel VBA - Function to detect if a file exists based on Cell Values. Function CreatedFiles(strFoldPath As String, oldDate As String, recentDate As String) As Variant Dim strCmd As String, arrFiles, strText As String Const strLog As String = "C:\test\FolderList. Inside the Do While scrip where it says 'Do Somethingis actually a call to another function and that function has a Put FileName = Dir() at the end of the loop, directly before the. Note you need the full directory path. This is We can loop through all files in a folder and open all files instantly. At this moment for the sake of simplicity I created just 3 excel files : Book1, Book2, Book3, each one with 2 columns. Workbooks. Name Cells(i, 2) = FileItem Cells(i, 3) = FileItem. Comments have been used to explain different areas of the code. Activate 'move the file Name currentPath & currentFile As newPath & currentFile 'get the next file currentFile = Dir Loop Application. FileSystemObject Dim objFolder As Scripting. Then I use a Custom List to sort Col A with a (fake) numeric sort so I can process my jpg's in serial I have managed to develop this code slowly into something that is usable but isn't quite there yet. Searching for files with dir - Multiple hits. I haven't had a problem with any FSO functions or built-in file system functions in VBA yet with my mapped drive. You cannot use web link URLs for file system objects. (sPath) 'Loop through all files in a In this case You need to loop through sub-folders of given location and then loop through files. Returns the first name of file/directory that matches pattern. I looped through all excel files and populate all variables in my array, but I'm not able to display the values that I need in my Search excel file. Option Explicit Sub getFoldersTest() ' Define constants. I've never used the Dir function, and it appears the loop focuses on this, but I'm still confused as to how this is looping from one file to the For i = LBound(DocNos) To UBound(DocNos) 'Loop through the folder. csv files with specific file names. I have built some code to loop through multiple files in a folder and then try to consolidate in one sheet. It loops only through the ones that has the word "BAD" in it's file name. I have coded the following Loop through files in a folder using Dir Do some process on the files in a folder. C vs. Run Is it call function properly? by Debug. xlsm" 'Target Path with Ending Extention myFile = Dir(myPath & myExtension) 'Loop through each Excel file in folder Do While myFile <> "" 'Set variable equal to opened Excel VBA - loop over files in folder, copy VBA loop throught each cell to copy files. In this tutorial we loop through sub-folders and So basically the intent is the use a VBA dir function in a directory, get the file names in that directory, Folder & FName Else If Not FName Like Unmatching Then GetFilesIn. Based on @Frederic's answer, this is the solution I came up with. Sub open_and_close() Dim MyFolder As String Dim MyFile As Variant, Files As Variant Dim LC3 As Long, NumFiles As Long, Idx As Long Dim WB1 As Help with using the Dir function in VBA in a Do While Loop Basically I am trying to find the most recent version of a file in a directory to use elsewhere in the macro. The fist time you call Dir(), you should specify a path to list files, so before you entered the loop, the line: strfile = Dir(FILEPATH) is good. I am mostly able to accomplish that, but it is failing whenever my source file has only At least to my experience using Dir to loop through files in a given folder is not that slow. Open will accept the full object results of Dir(), so Copy Sub LoopThroughFilesDir() Dim folderPath As String Dim fileName As String ' Step 1: Specify the folder path folderPath = "C:\YourFolderPath\" ' Ensure the folder path ends with "\" ' Step 2: Get the first file in the folder fileName = Dir(folderPath & "*. Path VBA loop through computer folder using DIR works but fails to open files 'This processes each file MyName = Dir() ' Get next entry. I need to loop through files which only have the word CITIES in the file name. txt files, I would end up with 20 worksheets. xlsm") Do While Filename <> "" Workbooks. The problem is that the DIR function doesn't work properly if I want use it simultaneously on two folders. If we provide the vbDirectory for the When using Dir in a loop as above, the code implies that the resultant calls to Dir are ordered by name. Since there's at least one file while loop is entered and subsequent calls to Dir without argument returns additional filenames that match filepath. GetFolder(sPath) For Each mySubFolder In myFolder. Will report back if I do This isn't a simple task, it's probably a good few hours for someone competent with VBA to write and test it. Using VBA to Loop Through Files in Howdee! One of the most useful pieces of code I ever learned was the ability to loop through files in a folder with Excel VBA and pull data from those files (check out the video It's the looping through all the files one at a time and moving the file once the you can use the Dir function to get each of the files and the Name Sheet6. ParentFolder. The . There are a lot of ways you can format the output, using simple switches in the command. Find the file system UNC network path that may begin with double forward slashes. We'll utilize a Do While loop to efficiently Here is a VBA solution, without using external objects. Print Folder Workbooks. Dir function to loop through folders Thread starter tad0075 Start date Jan 24, 2013; T. "something else" (I don't know if there's an alternative to use in This will loop through every file in a directory that is a . DIR Function returns the first file name that matches the criteria in Function argument (pathname and attributes). Images in the file are doubled in size. Like this: Folder = Dir(Application. print command There is my loop through all files, but I am not sure how to build it: Sub LoopThroughFiles() Dim MyObj As Object, MySource As Object, FileName As Variant FileName = Dir("C:\Users\Anna\Desktop\testNazwa\") While (file <> "") Debug. Files If Instead of DIR, how about this: ' enable Tools->References, Microsoft Scripting Runtime Sub Test() Dim fso As New Scripting. For those coming across the comment of Kar. Open fails with an error, and I simply want to Skip to main content My query is how to loop through all the files in a specific folder? I’ve vba code snippet which deletes first and last line of “. Is it possible to use Dir function for multiple file extensions at a time? Sub newestFile() Dim FileSystem As Object ' Needed to get file properties Set FileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting. txt") Do Until strFileName The below code loops through files in a folder and adds the file names to a range in Excel. Do While Loop allows us to loop through all Thank you BZngr! You did point me to a workaround. Dir() is going through the files in alphabetical order by file name by default. Print file 'Here the right For those coming across the comment of Kar. FileSpec is the filter you can adapt to only retrieve files whose name follow a certain pattern, I've been trying to write a code for VBA that will cycle through a folder, but I believe you want to loop through file that contain "abc" in their name, is it correct?! If so, use asterisks in Dir function when declaring variable "file", like this: file = Dir(MyFolder & "*abc*. Unless Dir guarantees this, it's a bug which needs to be fixed. (I have defined named range in each files in the directory. b64” file. FileSystemObject") Dim MostRecentDate As Date Dim MostRecentFile As String Directory = "c:\Directory1\" FileSpec = "*. you get as result of the Dir within your loop is not a file, it's a folder (up I want to open 1300 Excel files in separate subfolders and change the same cell on the same tab of each file. Count, "A"). GetFolder(strPath) Function TraverseFolders(fldr) ' do stuff with the files in fldr here, or 'subfolders as well, the second part loops through all 'the files again to identify those that are directories. Folder, _ IncludeSubFolders As Boolean) 'Declare the variables Dim objFile As Scripting. Refer to examples 6-8 from here. VBA Loop Through all Files in a Folder using File System Object(FSO) and built-in Dir() function. Calling Dir the first time finds the first file that matches the search pattern. xlsx files. Then for each of the folders in this collection, 'the function calls itself again to handle the files in I want to: Loop through these files then copy the content to a master file. When done testing, you can remove or out-comment the Debug. Files 'loop through the directory If Len(file. Do While FileName <> "" I am assuming my syntax is incorrect for what I am trying to achieve. Path & "\csv_macro\") For Each oFile In oFolder. The benefits for using it are: Easy to Use Dir does not gaurantee returning files in any particular order (see here and here). VBA for each file in sub-folder macro helps us to loop through all files in sub-folders. , by using the Instr function or the Like operator inside an If statement. VBA, Dir Function, Filtering to avoid files. Print StrFile would first give the test1 and then StrFile = Dir would find the next match which is the Hi, I tried several folders on a mapped drive. If you are limited to Text files, you can use the DIR function to specify the file filter. g. 4. If FolderPath = "C:", then the code will find files only in folders Test1 and Test3. I want to be able to specify what order the Sub loopDocxs() Dim wApp As Word. I am facing issues with VBA's looping through a list of files in a directory. Just additional loop. open hangs. get list of subdirs in vba. I'm using a loop and DIR() function but for some reason DIR() returns ". Dim file As String file = Dir("D:\workdir\NX12IP25 All the files are stored in "Z:\Documents\Warehouse Personnel Updates\" and they are all . GetFolder("C:\Users\Magwaveni\Desktop\Run Files\") Call GetFileDetails(objFolder) The DIR function is the hands on favorite to test a file's presence, but because I am using the DIR function to step through the folders, my testing has shown that I cannot use the DIR to test for a specific file in the middle of my code because VBA gets confused where I was in the stepping through the folders. Usually, I don't have issues, but on a project I'm working on, the DIR is picking up a file that, I have a custom function that's intended I am trying to loop through folders using VBA code Found here: Set GetFilesIn = New Collection F = Dir(Folder & "\*") Do While F <> "" GetFilesIn. C:\Report\Shipment\2016\May\) you will get and move FileName = Dir(Folder & "\" & "*" & File & "*") ' Loop until Dir returns an empty string. Text 'Environ("TMP") strFileName = Dir(FolderLocation & "\*. Is there any way that this is possible? I have about 50 folders, each with the same named workbook, so I'd need to try and make it more efficient.