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Solo legion raids 2020. This is limiting how much I can achieve in my limited time.

Solo legion raids 2020 Since you get charmed, while solo, it resets the battle every time (so I’d have to do that part with a group, ugh. Reply reply chief_blunt9 • It was solo content last expansion Reply reply HoytG • Mythic has never been solo content. This expansion breaks the “fun”. By the end of each expansion, Blizzard expects Legion Legacy content not solo able My friend went into Tomb of Sergeras today and told me he couldn't do it alone, so I joined him and we were fighting the boss for about 20 minutes, we are both lvl 60 and both have 180ilvl gear. Punyelf-draenor (Punyelf) July 18, 2020, 9:38am 4. Hi, welcome to the game :). I can solo most of Mythic Nighthold on my 455 BM Hunter. I want to catch up and do the old raids so I can understand the story before Shadowlands. 1 Like Tahra-earthen-ring (Tahra) July 18, 2020, 3:24pm Looking to go back to do old raids in Legion on Mythic difficulty. I've been away for a long time, but recently came back. You can try those on Mythic mode with a group of 5-10 people tho! Everything up to BFA is soloable. First time with just 147 ilvl iirc. Is it possible to solo Ny'Alotha the Waking City with an item level of Loading You can solo most of the old raids up to legion ones, BfA may be tricky, specially Nya'lotha or mythic difficulty ones, and probably nothing from shadowlands yet. There is definitely something wrong, cata raids were easy to solo after the wod level cap. That's why it was fixed. Hey all. 5 un alinéa très intéressant concernant les raids de l'extension Legion. The 8k is done depending on how fast you can run 10 times the dungeon where mobs are skinnable (3-4 mins if slow). I just don’t get why blizzard is making so many stupid decisions, with covenants and the general direction of the game. You could solo WoD raids in Legion already, so go right ahead and nuke 'em. 1 gear. On the beta when trying to do alo raids, like higher legion stuff that I used to solo, but kinda hardy is impossible now. The Demon Within Hi! Curious as to what people’s thoughts are as to if and when we will be able to solo Legion raids. Most of the time I can set it to 25 man to get more loot, and more chances at good mog gear. And i dont need more challenge I am returning to the game and one of my favorite activities is to solo old raids. You can't compare old raids to their current iteration since all of them are going to be like bfa raids currently are. Yes you can solo mythic legion raids, I think the nerf came with 9. Reply reply HoytG • It’s not solo content. On my main toon who had a 450 ilevel it was simple. Used to be able to clear All but the last raid in legion with ease now can only do up to Nighthold I think as a 60 lv rogue, we should be able to one or two shot a legion boss, the fight should be end within 2 mins but now because of the level squish i need at least 5-10 mins to kill a boss and i cant even finish a mythic nighthold. They explicitly said that we will be able to solo old raids, and by the looks of it, they’re keeping that Raids aren’t scaled to 50. A lot of work went into getting Shadowlands ready and it already had to be delayed. And dev don't even have to do anything, the mode is already up and running great, just change the So I went back to BFA the other day thinking I would solo a dungeon for an achievement I needed. Eonar Mythic you need to know the patter to kill and use the extra action For most of legion raids, there's still groups being formed. Have they "fixed" that? (I say "fixed" cause I dont know if Solo legion raids Since blizzard nerfed to the shit WoD raids raw gold output, i decided to try lfr legion, ive done one wing and noticed that it went as smooth as it used to before prepatch (i didnt have any corruption on my 470 hunter so i didnt feel any weaker since that shit washed away) Blizzard vient d'ajouter aux notes de développement du patch 9. Is it possible to solo legion dungeons and raids now in shadowlands? I need that scythe of the unmaker on 2020-11-22T00:37:20-06:00. Noticed then I joined Emerald Nightmare, I knew LFR alwasy show “25man” on icon close map. To level I was trying to solo legion raids on my DH Ilvl 176 and it was hard af. Tank specs, especially ones with a lot of on-demand mitigation or self-healing and/or some solid burst DPS, are very strong for soloing, as are DPS specs that can do a solid heal or absorb some damage when needed. But I don’t understand how you guys can’t solo Legion raids. Old raids might be a little harder at max level now, but part of I think as a 60 lv rogue, we should be able to one or two shot a legion boss, the fight should be end within 2 mins but now because of the level squish i need at least 5-10 mins to kill a boss and i cant even finish a my I can only manage the first three bosses by myself, but then there’s Spellblade in mythic Nighthold She just makes you feel insignificant. Only BFA dungeons will be at lvl50 . Mythic Emerald Nightmare is pretty soloable now. I’m level 51 right now. If you wanna solo Legion raids, the field is much narrower. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. Open comment sort options. SL is boring for me and I enjoy doing older content solo. They explicitly said that we will be able to solo old raids, and by the looks of it, they’re keeping that promise. When your farming old raids do you clear all the trash and loot the bodies or just down the boss's for loot? xposted from r/wow Skip to main content Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home I’ve been farming in surumar for a few days, to get nightborne but mainly the mount. Hi! Curious as to what people’s thoughts are as to if and when we will be able to solo Legion raids. But likely only on normal, maybe heroic but it will be a challenge at least. Problem is that the level squish messed with scaling. Blizzard, I think instead of playing it safe and making players slightly weaker when doing old raids, what’s the big deal about making players at least a little stronger? Mythic Gul’Dan is unsoloable By a long shot. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. I could see that place giving me problems on mythic. I've been solo'ing old raids for fun (and transmog). With the new expansion, you can go 10-50 choosing any previous expansion. There are a couple guides you can find for it. Legion Raids Harder to Solo at 60 in Shadowlands. This scale is what is messed up right now, and what was then. Infernal drops from Gul'Dan. You will still be able to do old raids and dungeons for mount and transmog The last time I played WoW was WoD, and I never did the raids, so I have so far missed out on the story for WoD, Legion, and BFA. Edit: To clarify, every mob and boss which is 11 levels lower than you is easy peasy for you. Valheim Genshin Impact Minecraft Pokimane Halo Infinite Call of Duty: Warzone Path of Exile Hollow Knight: Silksong Escape from Tarkov Watch Dogs: Hello! I have a Blood DK and was trying to solo raids in Dragonflight, I know, raid’s aren’t supposed to be soloed, but I always did that. You get a sprout next to your head like ff14 and I've seen a decent number of these players trying to get back into older raid content. on 2020-11-21T21:17:31-06:00. I was doing the same level of damage I was in BFA at level 120 (now 50) before the pre patch. Popgligor-kazzak July 18, 2020, 9:37am #3. You can also do pinnacle and farm volatile air or skyreach I think's the name in Legion. If this was intentional and working as intended then you will be able to solo Legion raids (2 expansions old raids) by the end of SL because that is when your gear would be good enough. There is Reigns of Green Proto-Drake also but it's a pretty rare mount,so The easiest ones to get would be Infernal and class mounts,but it still would take a lot of time. ) Decayin-burning-legion February 11, 2020, 9:44am #2. But, one of the things I enjoy, is going to old raids to destroy them. No, they didn’t fix the scaling, it’s still a problem, just kill a few mobs in BfA areas to see that. If you have transmog that you wish to farm from the previous expansion, this will be the time to do so! Legacy Loot Rules Coming Currently, Legion dungeons and raids use Personal Loot, meaning you may or may not get 1 item. 0. well except mythic legion raids Hakzertzul-akama November 28, 2020, 5:16am #2. But in dragonflight, I can’t enter the raid solo, or even in a group with only me in it, like I did in legion. Are there any bosses at this point that aren’t soloable? Are heroic legion raids a lot easier to solo? 1 Like. I cant solo world bosses or even raids. 1 Like. That means that all previous expansions are scaled up to level 50 in shadowlands Will we be able to solo old raids as easy as we do now? Or all r Öreg-ragnaros March 9, 2020, 2:49pm 2. 3 Likes I mean, I agree. For bfa you can do dungeons with basic level shadowlands stuff if you have 1 other person. " * Old raid tuning had a bug in the first week of Shadowlands for Legion content that made it harder as you leveled. That means that all previous expansions are scaled up to level 50 in shadowlands Will we be able to solo old raids as easy as we do now? Or all r Old raids have scales to make them steamroll easy, even with NO weapon. Many of the raids will be doable, but some bosses, especially on Mythic difficulty (Gul'dan, Eonar, Coven, Aggramar, etc. Blizzard usually does April Fools ON April 1st, not before. I am thinking of resub to the game and since I am casual, I spent most of my time for vanity items and transmogs. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. In most cases you'll be able to solo raids which are like 20+ levels below yours, so l guess you can solo Legion raids once you've levelled up to the max in Shadowlands in a near future. This should preserve your relative power while clearing both older and current content” and it shows a legion raid while claiming this. I'm actually doing the same thing and I think it depends on the raid. at least the only way I can think of is if you can hit him hard enough. Am I able to solo the WoD and Legion raids? I know I can’t solo the BFA raids because max level for BFA is 50 So I’ll We need a new buff for doing solo legion raids and while you’re at it for bfa raids aswell. Shadowlands Posted 2020/11/21 at 5:42 PM by Anshlun. But now it isn’t like that anymore. That is so untrue. Thanks in advance! 🙂 With the new expansion, you can go 10-50 choosing any previous expansion. The closest thing you'll find to teleporting into an old raid is talking to the NPCs who let you queue up for a one-person version of LFR for old raids, but you do still have to go to those NPCs. Even on ungeared chars, although some of fights required a bit more, for example Archimonmde Can you currently solo legion and raids before them? I know you can solo raids but I don’t know from what item level that is possible. By the end of each expansion, Blizzard expects Which mythic raids are soloable now, at lvl 120 with a fairly decent ilvl? I want mostly to farm WoD raids for transmogs and titles. On live, I can solo MOP Outdoor Raid Bosses (for the mounts) with fresh ~lvl 105 DHs - this is the level they have after the introduction scenario. 7 PTR 11. Controversial. New comments cannot be posted. Not sure what planet you're on but it's not April 1st. Usually the group leader will not take many (or even more than one) per class. Tried tomb mythic yesterday and it took way too long to kill even the first boss. if it’s just one player, he knocks you off the edge. Thera also a bunch of posts Legion content is currently easier than it was in BFA. While investigating the difficulty of doing legacy content at level 60 in beta, we discovered that, currently, it is way Looking to go back to do old raids in Legion on Mythic difficulty. It entirely depends on which dungeon and raid you want to solo and which level you are atm. But the legion raids, that doesn't seem to work. EG. We can solo current Legion raids tho :^) By the way your question legitimately has me scared. Are there any raids that I can solo that has cool Advertisement Coins. I’ve done every Legion Heroic/Mythic boss that’s listed on my page alone. Mainly did it for the personal challenge as legacy loot rules are not yet in effect. Being able to solo at 60 shouldn’t matter. Got my mythic transmog from both Tomb and Antorus since they nerfed it a few months ago. Turns out I couldn’t. The rest of the raid was easy until this boss, he permanantly roots you and ends up killing you fast. So it is safe to assume you can clear MC on level 40-ish with ease, and trivially at max level. The only boss in WoD which is a bit tricky is the Blast Furnace in blackrock foundry (and i mean there’s a technique to do it, but you can’t We can solo current Legion raids tho :^) By the way your question legitimately has me scared. Is this intended or something that Blizzard is Legion Raids Harder to Solo at 60 in Shadowlands. Game could have great pvp if it tried, great small party dungeon content or solo content but nah, keep pumping more legion raids. In terms of soloing older raids how does Ret do? I hear Blood DK is the way to go but I have a friend who plays one and as weird as it may sound I don’t like being the Soloing Legion Raids: A Guide for High-Level Players 👉 Solo Legion Raids 👉 Discover how high-level players can successfully solo Legion raids by optimizing It is not only Legion that has been effected. Zankara-silvermoon December 6, 2020, 1:55am 5. Pandaria raids are in Pandaria. Blizz says it's going to be fine when we hit 60. true Honestly, I think this game could be played solo if you're willing to put in the work to learn legion raids with other new/returning players. Also, look at the level of the enemies in the raid. Please fix this, i remember i could easily solo a WOD raid when i hit max level in bfa even with crap gear. Blackrock Foundry takes 5 weeks to unlock the skip but after that it's a super fast and easy run. The reasoning behind this seems to be some hidden scaling aura at work for level So, I’m today first time go solo LFR in Legion. Comment by aluucardo on 2020-08-25T12:43:46-05:00. WoD raids If you have a skinning/leatherworking character that can solo Atal'Dazar you can get around 8k g/hour that you can repeat every hour. Shadowlands heroic dungeons and normal raids should be soloable for a tank spec. Thangil-anachronos December 6, 2020, 4:05am 6. Even on my prot warrior that’s like 159 Reply reply DevilsArms • Scaling is also borked for Legion and BFA still, so that adds to it. That means that all previous expansions are scaled up to level 50 in shadowlands Will we be able to solo old raids as easy as we do now? Or all r We can solo current Legion raids tho :^) By the way your question legitimately has me scared. Before Legion I believe everything is soloable, did almost all old raids since Shadowlands went online. Open comment sort options Best; Top; New; Controversial; Q&A; Add a Comment. My 50 Havoc DH has been able to solo at least LFR up through Nighthold and I think most parts Tomb of Sargeras too, but trying to solo the last wing of Antorus on LFR was a no-go. Been able to solo all of Mythic Legion raids on my DK. Punyelf-draenor (Punyelf) July 18, 2020, 9:38am #4. Legion raids are still 10levels under (well 5levels now with the level squish). Hellfire Citadel is very long and takes longer to unlock the skip, so depends how much Raids aren’t scaled to 50. Raids are unaffected because if Ragnaros drops gear at the same ilvl as N'zoth then there's a problem. Good luck trying to farm for the allseer mount. This is limiting how much I can achieve in my limited time. Half way through SL or more to towards the end? Also, is there raid In an interview with Chinese website Gamersky, Game Director Ion Hazzikostas answered a question about soloing Legion Raids like Tomb of Sargeras and Antorus. How are paladins at soloing raid content? Just wondering. Add a Comment [deleted] • Soloing EN Mythic is cake Soloing ToV is doable if you have a way to split the two adds on first boss and you're extremely mobile for 13 votes, 34 comments. À partir de la prochaine mise à jour, plusieurs boss d'Antorus, le Trône ardent, de la Tombe de Sargeras, du Palais Sacrenuit et du Jugement des Valeureux vont être nerfés afin de rendre ce contenu plus accessible aux Popgligor-kazzak July 18, 2020, 9:37am 3. The problem is this game is barely a MMO in that aspect. Mythic will still be unsoloable until after Shadowlands. Thanks! thats the reason I quit a while back. That means that all previous expansions are scaled up to level 50 in shadowlands Will we be able to solo old raids as easy as we do now? Or all r In the latest Tides of Vengeance PTR build, Blizzard has added the ability for players beyond level 110 to enter Legion's raids in LFR difficulty. It Did I miss something? I set it to 25 man heroic but every time I load in it’s 10 man. If for example you are already level 70, you could pretty much Solo raids up until the legion expansion (mythic raid difficulty maybe not so much with low Item Level (this is the level of all your equipped items in total). I still struggle with Mythic WOD. Comment by manna222 on 2020-11-22T00:44:35-06:00 Öreg-ragnaros March 9, 2020, 2:49pm 2. If you are well geared then you can solo Legion raids, if not, then WoD up to mythic versions. Share Sort by: Best. Certain specs are better at soloing than others. I'll go take a peak with my premade 60 character & see if anything is different at level cap, but there's nothing like the 6. 5. I'm level 60 already so that isn't the problem. In 8. I haven’t tried Bfa ones, but I did solo all Legion raids the previous week with a level 50 rogue (item level 102). Q&A. They explicitly said that we will be able to solo old raids, and by the looks of it, they’re keeping that I’m 456 and can solo normal and heroic nighthold and emerald nightmare. I rather sit it out and wait for pre-expansion event WoD raids are in Draenor. You will most likely be able to do it at 60 tho. Hinabelle on 2020-03-27T06:20:56-05:00. The Legacy buff that makes low level dungeons so easy to solo doesn't kick in till you are at least one expac removed from the content. Now I see 10man. Just try to do ICC 25HC, you can’t 2 shot Raids aren’t scaled to 50. At 120, you can solo a lot of Legion raids. Basically I wanted to do some raids solo to find some cool looking gear to transmog for my warlock. you’re on a platform with no edges and he does a knockback. Players are now able to challenge all Legion bosses in LFR in order to complete We can solo current Legion raids tho :^) By the way your question legitimately has me scared. Are there any bosses at this point that aren’t soloable? I’m currently 430 protection paladin and I might bring You will surely not able to solo BFA raids in Shadowlands, but up to Legion, you possibly can. Best. Realistically it should be super easy to solo legion raids at this point, but it’s harder than bfa. We can solo current Legion raids tho :^) By the way your question legitimately has Realistically it should be super easy to solo legion raids at this point, but it’s harder than bfa. 1 mega dungeon Hard mode rewards 233 item level gear, the equivalent of last two bosses in castle natharia loot on mythic difficulty There are many people with mythic gear that are capable of soloing mythic antorus/tomb of Sargeras right now for examples: Havoc DH thats 40k health, meaning in mythic quality gear Ret Paladin soloing I managed to solo all of ToS on Heroic mode as an Affiction lock ilvl ~390. Locked post. This is ridiculous. 2020, 12:44am #12. X+. They explicitly said that we will be able to solo old raids, and by the looks of it, they’re keeping that So what you are saying is. I’ve heard that some raids drop loot from bosses and some drop tokens that you can turn in for loot. If you can't get it done: You just suck! Think you ignore 10 pages of posts explaining how you could solo Cata raids in WoD prepatch, MoP raids in WoD, WoD raids in Legion and Legion raids in BfA. I can solo brackenhide normal to get to the LW bench inside, so anything bfa and below on mythic should be easy. Nothing like that is in the game yet it seems, or at least, if it is, it's nowhere near enough to tackle Legion raids as comfortably as it is on live. To level through In the latest Tides of Vengeance PTR build, Blizzard has added the ability for players beyond level 110 to enter Legion's raids in LFR difficulty. After You can solo some normal/heroic Legion raids. On the PTR, I get oneshot by Sha of Anger on those toons. Some normal, some heroic. Have Blizzard officially addressed the fact that legion raids still do not get the legacy damage buff? I've seen a few posts about it on the beta forums, but I've never seen Blizzard say anything about it. I can solo legion dungeons. Might stumble on a few mechanics on mythic, but i did the normal mode ones up thru Antorus with like ilvl 250 gear. Here I’d recommend BM hunter as they got immunities, combat drop, a tank pet and decent selfhealing depending on the pet. Thinking it is just a dungeon issue with the squish, I went and attacked uldum nzoth forces to test and found some trash pleb npc who yup you And there’s a function where you can click on the current raid bosses, select what weather you have currently, and it’ll tell you which ones you can or can’t solo and which mons to use! Got me to solo alolan raichu for the first time, I’ve been able to solo it every time now :) I can solo every 3* raid now we’ll, except shuckle lol There's also Felfire Hawk that u get for 300 mounts,also looks sick. can’t avoid it. Live PTR 11. Remember, no weapon drops in any legion content due to artifact weapons. WoW WoW. Not to mention he still hits pretty hard even at 60 170 ilvl. Once we hit 120 we could easily solo raids that was 2 expansions old, WOD for this example. I’m wondered How? Is reason I’m alone and enemies health drop Or do you now have to be super geared mythic raider? My warrior is ilevel 74 and I can barely do mythic dungeons. These special Legion Raid can be a great stepping stone for newbie while provide meaningful (albeit slower) progress for their character. While players may feel slightly weaker without corruptions, tuning and scaling on the PTR is not yet final. In Legion, I was able to solo all the emerald nightmare bosses (except Xavius), Helya, Gul’dan and Elereth Renferal in Heroic mode. Is there some trick to it? Thanks. Still totally doable, just some fights like KilJaeden or Argus you still sorta need to In BFA, we could solo Legion without much of a problem. Yes, solo Legion raids are now possible, and Blizzard has even upgraded the Legacy Loot system to allow Legion raids to use it. One of the things that I enjoy doing often when playing alone is farming older tier sets. 3 Likes. Haven’t done all Antorus yet, need to read some mechanics on that, but it’s doable. The video on the launcher even says “everything has been scaled down roughly evenly. Legion raids are just a check mark on a spreadsheet for most people and they want them done as fast as possible since there's many characters to play. i can solo SOME legion raids but not all ex skyhold raid cant be done because you cant separate the bosses but you can do the raid in suramar solo. Hi folks, I just hit level 60 ilvl 146 on a Vengeance DH while doing the quests in BfA and wanted to do Legion content for the transmogs. I’m am not a pro player, far from it, but I’ve done Nighthold and Tomb on Normal without any problems at all the last 3 weekends. I was just pointing out that they’ve addressed this so it’s probably Being able to solo at 60 shouldn’t matter. You get some sort of legacy buff in old content which makes you damage millions to mobs and bosses up to warlords of draenor (legion raids presumably gets this buff when shadowlands releases). Before laying into devs, bear in mind this is not A couple of specs could maybe solo them, but you're better off waiting Shadowlands. 0 fiesta where you could run Firelands 25HC in 10 mins. You will still be able to do old raids and dungeons for mount and transmog farming. So for example doing antorus, what ilvl should you be if Skip to main content. For example, MC drops ilevel 29 loot, which requires level 25 to equip. However, I’ve been able to easily solo everything I’ve tried so far, even on heroic. I need to get exalted with all non-argus reps before I start doing the argust questline and only after that I’ll get to Argus the raid. There was an issue in shadowlands that old raids was harder at level 60 than level 50. Aggramar is a bit of a road block. Also I’m confused on what raid tiers are and why they are not just called by their name. If it’s older content, any class will do. The reasoning behind this seems to be some hidden scaling aura at work for level 50s, increasing the damage for all spells cast. I was waiting for shadowlands to get to 60 to be able to easily farm legion raids for transmog. Comment by rosencrants on 2020-11-21T19:24:34-06:00. Legion LFR Solo Queue Coming in Patch 8. r/wow A chip A close button. I didn’t mind the squish, but doesn’t your character level mean anything anymore? level 60 over a level 50? This game isn’t fun anymore and I have joined the “Legions” of people who cancelled their sub. To level through Normal and heroic Legion raids are easy to solo. Yeah no, your didn't need Game Director Ion Hazzikostas has responded to players concerned about Legion content overtuned on the Shadowlands PTR. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming Well you didn't need corruptions to solo wod raids, it just depends if they lowered the numbers in the legion raids to make them soloable so you just one shot everything i think, not sure how it works Reply theplaidviking • Additional comment actions. So much for scaling not affecting old content. Edit: you asked about mythic. I want to do legion raids solo too. Blizzard bent their own rules for a small group of people that can solo legion content because they are running around in OP gear or because of the class they are playing ? Normal raids are pretty easy and should be doable by just about anybody with even halfway decent gear. The scaling made them have way more health that you, in comparison with live. And then I am a tank. It’s also possible to adjust your Azerite abilities to See more Some are impossible to solo due to mechanics on mythic. It’s a blatant lie, and I’ve reported it on the PTR as a bug and We can solo current Legion raids tho :^) By the way your question legitimately has me scared. Always up to date with the latest patch (11. I haven’t got a ultra high gear score so I don’t know if it’s actually possible. So I tried going into Tomb of Sargeras for a transmog run and noticed that we don’t get the invisible buff, where the character does more damage so that you’re able to solo the content inside the dungeon for missing parts of transmog. Raids aren’t scaled to 50. While investigating the difficulty of doing legacy content at level 60 in beta, we discovered that, currently, it is way harder to solo Legion content at 60 than it is at 50. Old. And, yes, even with the Shadowlands’ class changes and level squish, the majority of these raids are still easily soloable, with a few notable exceptions. I think new players just need to be willing to play with each other A complete searchable and filterable list of all Legion Raids in World of Warcraft: The War Within. Few bosses you might need a second person. I tried to get my friend to join but he couldn’t join the same instance. Yep easily, and the emerald nightmare mythic is soloable too. Unleash Your Solo Power in Shadowlands! Discover the exhilarating thrill of conquering Legion raids all by yourself! With the level cap raised to 60, your ne Mythic dungeons will be easy. Wait till SL comes out and u'll be able to solo Legion Raids. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on I really like Underrot Crawg mount and I want to know if we`ll be able to solo-farm The Underrot mythic in Shadowlands? I know its maybe too early to farm it, cuz now Draenor Ms are soloable by casuals, but with all level squish, do you think the BfA raids gonna be soloable or we have to wait for the next expansion after SL? Blizzard has announced that legacy loot rules will be coming to Legion dungeons and raids on the next weekly reset. This has happened a bunch of times in the past. I was soloing the BFA dungeon Kul’tiran unlock quests in that dungeon (storm, or someting?), until I hit the snag where the boss charms you for a second. The latter two Legion raids (Tomb of Sargeras and Antorus) require a fully geared character for mythic difficulty and some fights may be tricky if you are running a certain class. I think they should be easily soloable, maybe only the BFA ones should be hard-ish. Is this true? So here it is boys Ion basically says nothing is going to be done and that it will “eventually” get better as we gear and get more soul binds. Please help I’ve spent countless hours farming in this zone solely for this mount. Once level 60 with a certain gear threshold, everyone will be able to solo every raids up to Legion's Antorus Burning Throne. Edit: With legacy loot, thats whats important Edit: With legacy loot, thats whats important All Legion raids on normal difficulty are soloable on a fresh 60 and if you have half decent gear you can solo the first one or two Legion raids on mythic. I've been farming early bosses in normal and heroic Emerald Nightmare just fine in Prepatch. Heroic raids aren’t that much harder. Expand user menu Open settings menu. They needed to get Shadowlands working before they worry too much about legacy raids being done solo. THE With the new expansion, you can go 10-50 choosing any previous expansion. Jarbek-thrall April 24, 2020, 1:03am 6. They explicitly said that we will be able to solo old raids, and by the looks of it, they’re keeping that Legion Raids Harder to Solo at 60 in Shadowlands. you can solo Legion raids if you are wearing high enough gear. 3) due to us being able to solo most legion content with ease Reply We can solo current Legion raids tho :^) By the way your question legitimately has me scared. Are the legion raids/dungeons(was looking to do emerald nightmare and antorus the burning throne) at any difficulty solo-able at my current ilvl? If not, how should I go about increasing my ilvl?. If you look at my character’s raid You can solo all 5 mans and all raids from Legion. I believe Legion's is in the courtyard in front of the dungeon in Daparan (violet hold?) Legion raids have been soloable for a while. Retail Classic Cataclysm ··· Diablo IV D4 ··· Live PTR 11. Might clear out some things. tbh I haven’t tried yet. Khraine • You should be Depends on the content really. Hardest bosses were host, naga lady, avatar, and Kil’Jaeden. I’ve never tried anything but LFR for burning throne. I went with these groups for some quests and people would pm me when they needed an item i looted (and wasn't eligible to learn). currently, it is way harder to solo Legion content at 60 than it is at 50. 7). The content in the game currently is I was just curious to see how many here can solo legion raids on mythic. At 435 you can solo everything up to normal legion raids, no need for group, you just get all the loot, it’s also a good way to make gold running panda and Draenor raids. If you go to a legion raid in the SL beta it’ll be around lvl 45 iirc. I don't understand why they made it Hey, folks. I'm about to try as I type this, so I will update when i can. Can’t solo mythic NH. You can solo everything up to Legion content easily. I’ve only been playing for a few months on and off very casually but I’m wondering if anyone has any tips on where and when I should start soloing Vanilla content in Retail for mounts, old gear, achievements, etc. 3 Likes . They'll fix it. You can solo dungeons but not raids so it will most likely come in future patches. It’s pretty much the same power level I had at 120 (or 50) in BFA. Cata raids are in Cata added zones, WotLK raids are in Northrend, BC raids are in Outlands, and Classic raids are in the oldest zones. The scaling issue also translates to other content. I didn’t think of this at all. I am close to being able to solo mythic EN but not quite. From the 9. Can you solo legion raids like wod ones yet? Coins. Every week having no meaningful content to do but running legion raids back to back got old. Soloing legion raids Question Are we able to solo legion raids now I just went into tomb of sargeras to farm some mogs and couldn't even kill the first boss. Comment by di3di3di3 on 2020-11-21T19:34:28-06:00 So yes, especially at 120. I’m working on all the Legion content little by little and Argus is kinda the last raid I’ll get to. I am hoping to solo up through legion and possibly some BFA raids once I get geared in SL. Here I’d follow the other comments about speed sets Lol no that’s not going to happen until 10. Top. Loading Nope. Is this intended or would there be a future patch allowing players to go in and solo said content? Legion raids are easy to solo the only boss that is difficult to solo is mythic eonar but its doable with proper pathing. They either need to implement a legacy buff for us or a legacy debuff to the enemies . I know solo-able Vykas and Valtan announced Loa-on, but solo is solo and this game is all about team raids. For raids you need 2 tanks 2 healers and about 4-6 dps. That means that all previous expansions are scaled up to level 50 in shadowlands Will we be able to solo old raids as easy as we do now? Or all r What i meant is that it was easier to solo raids like antorus tos etc in bfa, with lower lvl and less scaling, compared to now that we are in a new expansion. 0 coins. Like Leontii's solo clear of Mythic Sanguine Depths yesterday, Rextroy has inspired the Protection Paladin Chitor to clear Mythic Spires of Ascension completely solo! Trash The dungeons trash packs are sometimes Warlock's best spec for Soloing old raids? - General Discussion - World Loading I remember for whatever reason legion raids didn’t roll over like the other legacy content. I've never tried Mythic because the first boss is impossible without swapping to tank spec and I didn't Raids aren’t scaled to 50. 2 i Believ(might be 8. The ones that was a breeze, like hc tomb of Sargeras and below are very much more time consuming. I've just assumed it's a bug, but build after build, and now 2 weeks to release, the problem is still there and as far as I can find, Blizzard hasn't said a word about it. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 3 votes and 8 comments It’s currently nearly impossible to solo legion content because blizzard messed up scaling. ) are either very difficult or impossible to solo. Anything below 45 (as long as you're not in Chromie time) is pre-legion. So I’m still trying to decide which class to main in Shadowlands and right now I’m leaning more towards a Ret Paladin. The bossese are slow to kill, but there’s never any That means that all previous expansions are scaled up to level 50 in shadowlands Will we be able to solo old raids as easy as we do now? Or all r No, only the open world and group finder will scale. As in past expansions, they will adjust it when they have time. So the prepatch havent really done anything about soloing legion raids (except maybe making it a bit harder). Hardstyle-burning-legion November 26, 2020, 8:25am #9. To level With the new expansion, you can go 10-50 choosing any previous expansion. Mythic dungeons maybe, mythic raids with a 5 man team should be easy enough. I can run nearly every boss solo including mythic aggramar and Argus, although mythic enonar is still trouble with the ship. Log In an interview with Chinese website Gamersky, Game Director Ion Hazzikostas answered a question about soloing Legion Raids like Tomb of Sargeras and Antorus. I didn't do all the bosses of Tomb and Antorus though so some specifically might be difficult. Druid is better due to self sustain. Anyone upvoting Please tell me raids are soloable now, this is the only thing that will bring me back to the game at this point. Then we’re at The War Within now, Shadowlands is on Legacy Loot which is awesome Good Morning. That means that all previous expansions are scaled up to level 50 in shadowlands Will we be able to solo old raids as easy as we do now? Or all r I really like Underrot Crawg mount and I want to know if we`ll be able to solo-farm The Underrot mythic in Shadowlands? I know its maybe too early to farm it, cuz now Draenor Ms are soloable by casuals, but with all level squish, do you think the BfA raids gonna be soloable or we have to wait for the next expansion after SL? We can solo current Legion raids tho :^) By the way your question legitimately has me scared. To find the groups press i, then look for legacy raids. I’m a druid and i want to get the glowy bear skin but nothing i do triggers the quest, no guides explain on how to get the quest, people told me it’s impossible to get as of now and i don’t know what to do, trade chat ignores all of my questions, no friends that play the game, i’d appreciate some help If you want to solo something, you have to actually go there. 1 - Tides of Vengeance. When it comes to Mythic, Nightmare can be soloed, but it isn’t the first boss that would be a problem, it would be Ursoc due to the mechanics at low gear levels, or that is what my experience was when I first tried to solo the raid in 8. New. Not true, All legion content is under Legacy Loot regardless of us bejng 10 levels above, Blizz turned it on in 8. Same goes for all other legacy raids. Some BFA raids aren't due to mechanics There's an NPC somewhere you can talk to to que for old raids. This was way easier and way faster at 120 before the squish. Needless to say you cannot solo Dragonflight raids Go tell that to my poor 10 yrs old gaming pc that I still had back in 2020 and it wouldn't let me catch the elevator in Ny'alotha. Half way through SL or more to towards the end? Also, is there raid encounters in Legion that would be extra difficult due to mechanics, like Hellfire Citadel was prior to the changes. . It's intended that level 50 players in the pre-patch can basically solo the same things they could at 120 in BFA. How stupid wasn't it to solo wod raids for almost all of legion, then at the tail end they bring these new loot rules where the content is obviously too hard or whatever to justify legacy loot on 2020-08-25T12:42:34-05:00. 1. 3 I was able to very very easily solo Mythic Gul’Dan with a lot of slack, but now I cannot even get Illidan to 50%. Same goes for Jaina, or really anything else in BFA until blizzard puts in a one shot level of tuning for the bosses. Players are now able to challenge all Legion bosses in LFR in order to complete transmog collections or raid quests. Except they're not. Kil’jaeden Mythic is difficult but doable and DK is the best to do it on because Death’s advance knockback immunity if you screw up on the orbs. The only thing left for me in Legion is the Shackled Ur’zul mount, for which I have a lockout on 1 The only thing left for me in Legion is the Shackled Ur’zul mount, for which I have a lockout on 1 Could we hope to have Dragonflight legacy loot sooner than Midnight? There was a brief time during the Dragonflight beta that Shadowlands instances had legacy loot, but that was switched off before launch and only one piece of loot is guaranteed from bosses when it’s like that. Those What difficulty? You can’t solo Mythic Legion yet, but Heroic yes.