Revise and resubmit letter Between Writing the Revise and Resubmit Letter Although receiving a revise and resubmit notice after submitting a paper to an academic journal means more revisions are in your future, its still good news. Regular Papers: The Council’s Publications Board has established eight pages as the appropriate length for the final published manuscript. This document provides guidance on writing an effective revise and resubmit letter in response to reviewer Revise and resubmit is the same thing as revisions. Page 1 of 5 Authors have 45 days to revise and resubmit. And BOOM! Resubmit. Sometimes they try and use the same editor and reviewers and ask for a rebuttal letter, just like a revise and resubmit. Articles that exceed that number may be immediately rejected; Publications; Subscription Information; Video “Revise and resubmit” (or it’s sibling decision of “reject and resubmit”) often means that there is something the editor (or possibly reviewers) liked, but the paper needs a good bit of work. Revise and resubmit an article. When you receive a response to your initial submission, you will typically get: Revise and resubmit an article. The editor has, through a decision letter, made a request of you to revise and resubmit, so out of courtesy, you need to respond. That is, indicates what was added based on the Revise and Resubmit letter; green text indicates what was added based on the Acceptance Pending Additional Revisions letter. Elation in the sense that the paper hasn’t been rejected. Do not use the Revise and Resubmit recommendation as a “soft” rejection. Some editors—mostly because of time pressure, I imagine—basically abdicate this crucial The dreaded Revise and Resubmit request from an agent—it’s not a no. Another choice is the structure. But Consider whether you can substantially revise/restructure the proposal (and the proposed work if needed) to address the major comments and concerns identified by the reviewers and panel, and in any PO comments (if provided). Our detailed point-by-point responses are provided below. A cover letter is your opportunity to Writing the Revise and Resubmit Letter This handout was adapted from Although receiving a revise and resubmit notice after submitting a paper to an academic journal means more revisions are in your future its still good news. It's the rule, not the exception. We think that this revision has improved the manuscript and hope you find it worthy of publication. It retains the same paper ID number, the review clock continues without re-start, and the additional review You now read the letter closely, your pulse starting to rise. It's not unusual for a contributor to Polar Research, the journal I edit, to be asked to revise her or his submission three or four times before it's finally accepted. When you resubmit, include a detailed cover letter explaining how you responded to each of Draft a polite response letter to accompany your revised article. As I explained there, my experience as an early-career philosopher has been that publishing in peer-reviewed journals is something of an art in itself. The ideal time to begin preparing your response to a “Revise and Resubmit” Do Nothing! It sounds odd, but I’d literally advise you to do nothing at first. ” We found the reviewers’ comments to be helpful in revising the manuscript and have carefully considered and responded to each suggestion. The reviewers report several difficult It is the goal of this letter to provide guidance to authors at this precarious stage. There are admittedly a few occasions when you might choose to forgo on Manuscript Rejected or Revise and Resubmit? STEM Hey all, trying to get a start in research and wanting clarity on journal feedback I got for my first first author manuscript. Importantly, the decision letter not only communicates the These Sample letters will Help you to Give the range of figures you had in mind and the reasons why you think this range is more equitable, both for you and for them & Thank them in advance for revising their original bid. In a perfect world, all three stakeholders would have their expectations met. This means the reviewers and editor found value in your manuscript, but want to see revisions. By Charlesworth Author Services 24 August, 2023. Read the That’s part of a revise & resubmit letter I received a few years ago from a fairly well-respected literary magazine. Fiore, S. Revisions should use colors to highlight the changes to the document, and also include a response letter on how the reviewer comments have been addressed. If you work in quantitative or scientific fields, these steps may differ slightly in context from my humanities and qualitative social sciences experience, but I think they are still useful as a general procedure. It’s sometimes easier to revise one element at a time, especially since elements are typically threaded throughout the entire story. 1. The limited resources that do exist tend to focus on procedural approaches: create a spreadsheet of reviewer comments, start In academic writing, a request to “revise and resubmit” can generate both elation and exasperation. It is an intermediate step REVISITING AMJ’S REVISE-AND-RESUBMIT PROCESS As former AMJ editor Tom Lee noted, the peer review process is at the heart of scholarly research (Lee, 2002). It can also be a whole lot of confusing. “Imagine a reader who is unaware of your original article or of the letter from the reviewers, as that reader is now your intended Revise and resubmit? Or conditional accept? marian Iszatt-White Department of entrepreneurship & trategy, Lancaster s university Management chool, Lancaster, s united Kingdom of Great Britain and northern ireland post-review decision letter at the same time as (in a generalist journal such as IJMR, at least) increasing the burden on associate editors to be ‘expert’ in a wide range of Thank you for giving me the opportunity to revise and resubmit this manuscript. In my previous post, I wrote about "referee-proofing" articles. Accept and Reject are straightforward. Getting a revise and resubmit notice means your work is almost there, just needs some tweaks 16. Realistically, it much, much messier than this. , whether the authors agree or disagree with the observation, changes made if agreeable to Revise and Resubmit: Any paper that receives at least one review recommending RR or higher (A, ARR, RR, Revisions should use colors to highlight the changes to the document, and also include a response letter on how the reviewer comments have been addressed. I received a Perhaps no aspect of publishing evokes as much anxiety as a revise and resubmit decision on a manuscript. Sample Revise and Resubmit Letter The next round of reviews will assess whether you have been able to resolve the serious concerns raised by the reviewers and us. 2 Critical review of the paper (300-500 words): The winning author-editor pairs will work together and post revised query letters and first five pages to the showcase on the Revise & Resub blog. Our JCSHESA Revise & Resubmit Cover Letter Template [Date] [Name of Editor in Chief and/or Associate Editor, if known] The Journal of Critical Scholarship on Higher Education and sample-cover-letter-resubmitted - Free download as PDF File (. It happens in approximately 40% of submissions. Your manuscript should be polished to the best of your abilities via self-editing, Especially when submitting to top journals, the best one can hope for is often a "revise & resubmit" (R&R) verdict: The editors aren't willing to publish your paper, but they're willing to reconsider it if you revise it in light of the reviewers' comments. 1049). However, in this case, the situation is not very clear. And the more potential and talent they see. Janet Sestina thanks the editor of the Journal of Poetry and Psychology for the opportunity to revise and resubmit their If a journal editor sends you a decision letter asking you to revise and resubmit your manuscript according to peer reviewers’ comments, you’ll need to prepare a rebuttal letter, or response letter, to accompany your A revise and resubmit letter means the literary agent saw enough promise in the project to request a revision. Instead, think of it as an opportunity to hone your work, because this agent sees potential in your manuscript. " "How often do you give a "Revise and Resubmit"? A: They are pretty rare. This will help us to select appropriate Editors and reviewers. Today's post outlines the four-step process I use to tackle a major revise and resubmit. Revise and resubmit is the same thing as revisions. When submitting your writing for publication in a journal, the best you can often hope for is to receive a “revise and resubmit” request from the editor. As you already know, the quality of the manuscript is a decisive criterion for its screening in / out at the pre-peer review—preliminary editorial review, that is—stage. ” You will consider how to tell “the story” of your revision and resubmission. Revise and resubmit: Sometimes a manuscript may receive a rejection, but the editor might show willingness to consider the manuscript if it is revised and resubmitted as a new submission. For a paper that was Conditionally Accepted, the revised manuscript has to be submitted within 60 days from the date of decision. (Spoiler Alert: they didn’t take it, even after I revised). (You may or may not POST VIVA and reflections After a few months of reflection, soul searching and rest, I received an official letter from the university stating that they will not be awarding me with a PhD at this time (which put me in serious panic mode!!) but are giving me the opportunity to resubmit one year from the date of this letter. Any files of a type not associated with revisions for the current article type are not Draft a polite response letter to accompany your revised article. e. Citation *Impersonal -A form letter - might be long or short, but ultimately, there's no feedback, nothing personalized to you specifically, just a kind "not for me, thanks. When you've finished reading it, click on 'Close'. J The cover letter is a formal way to communicate with journal editors and editorial staff during the manuscript submission process. We thank the reviewers and editors for their helpful comments and attentive evaluation of our manuscript. . Simply read the edit letter or the email with the R and R feedback, and just sit on it. In this webinar, Dr. Get your revisions proofread to maximize chances of success. A pop-up window appears. C. By entering, you have the chance to win 8 weeks of editing of your full manuscript. Response letter to reviewers’ observations should include the comment itself, response to it, i. txt) or view presentation slides online. Because this does risk having to re-revise or getting rejected, this approach should be considered carefully. You might also send along a partial or a synopsis. If you get an R&R request, the first thing you should do is pat yourself on the back! Whether or not you end up On behalf of my coauthors, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to revise and resubmit our manuscript JPP-2019-1876, entitled “Poetry and the Cognitive Psychology of Metrical Constructs. We appreciate the detailed <thoughtful, insightful> comments made by the reviewers. Although it is reasonable to be angry, frustrated or annoyed by the demands the reviewers have made, it is not appropriate to So, you've submitted your paper to your ideal target journal, waited the requisite period, and one day, your inbox contains an e-mail from the publication's editor-in-chief. There should be a comparison table for each important category of works. What strikes me the most is that when one receives a opportunity to “revise and resubmit” your manuscript. After peer review, the editor will consider feedback from the reviewers and then make a decision about the article. Department of Surgery, Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi, India. What You’ll Need: #RevPit is only open to COMPLETED fiction manuscripts. you will receive decision letters with reviewer—and even editor—comments that are not numbered, or that You may already be bracing yourself for rejection letters and eagerly awaiting offers of representation. I’ve since revised the project and am hoping you’ll be interested in taking a second look. No paper. “revise and resubmit” letter, not a “respond and resub mit” letter. Only a few minor changes or clarifications are needed. Baumeister ~~~~~ Today's date . These changes can be small or expansive, depending on what an You are going to face what is called the revise and resubmit (R&R) process, i. See full PDF download Download PDF. A rebuttal letter should be framed The admin person forgot to send my examiner reports (she sent the official uni letter and invoice though!). The clock keeps ticking with “revise and resubmit” papers, often extending the submission-to-acceptance time by Do whatever you want with a cmu. Is this a typical time period or should I send a query to the journal? Currently the paper is under the status "with editor" for a couple of days after it has been "under review". Get your revisions proofread to maximise chances of success. Outline a quick overview of the completed revisions. Work through your reviewers’ feedback, rewriting The rule of thumb is, the more personal the rejection, the more time the agent or editor spent with your work. An improper proposal is necessarily false, but a correct proposal is not necessarily true. If invited to R&R, the author rewrites the paper to address the reviewers’ concerns, writes a “letter to the reviewers” explaining the changes made, and Response letter for “revise and resubmit” Recommendation: Revise And Resubmit • Comments. It’s not the hoped for acceptance, but a “Revise and Resubmit. Step 4: Composing a Letter to Editors and Reviewers. Some of those The editor's decision letter appears. T-ASE permits a maximum of 1 Revise and Resubmit decision. I've written well over 5k words before Revise and Resubmit A student’s guidance committee may choose to ask her/him to revise and resubmit any portion of the exam that they feel does not live up to the standards for passing the exam but that also does not fail the exam completely. Rethinking the Womens Environmental Justice. Describe the major revisions to your manuscript in your response letter followed by point-by-point responses to the comments raised. Duane Ireland. Typically an R&R is either an email or a phone call from an agent asking you to make specific changes before an offer of representation is made. Then tackle the next element, and so on. Securely download your document with other editable templates, any time, with PDFfiller. I found on the journal site rejection with the resubmission. It is important to consider a request for revisions as an opportunity to improve your manuscript. “revising a paper and preparing a response document for the action editor and the reviewers who have invited these actions” (Ireland, Understand the editorial letter or decision letter. If you make a good faith effort to revise it, your odds are very good at this stage. Provide a comprehensive response letter. Right now authors mostly Sample Cover Letter for Journal Manuscript Resubmissions . On any device & OS. After several weeks or months of waiting after the submission of your article, you will receive a letter (usually an email) informing you that the assessment process is complete and giving you the decision of the editor. If you were careless in your cover letter, why would an editor think you were meticulous in your manuscript? Further, most papers got "Revise and Resubmit". I received my examiners report eventually after some chasing. For more on how to revise and resubmit an article, check out our guide below. Minor Revision When revising your manuscript and responding to peer review comments you must: Thank the reviewers and editors for their time and comments. Of the hundreds of queries I get, I reckon I request about 5% fulls. (which you should have known when asking for the first extension). In this situation now and have Getting your work published in a peer-reviewed journal almost always involves revising your manuscript at least once. Haley Horstman will use principles of narrative theory to guide you in how to effectively and efficiently approach an “R&R. Revision takes much more that. The editor is not rejecting your paper, but they are not committing to accepting it yet either — they want to re-review the revised version, before making a final decision. They gave a Sometimes you can have multiple back-and-forth rounds - my first article had a submit-revise/resubmit comments-resubmit-formatting comments-resubmit-done process. Other possible responses from the editor include: 1) Reject without Responding to Revise and Resubmit - Free download as PDF File (. Naboulsi, M. When I get the R&R (the “decision letter”), I make sure to calm down, What should be included in a manuscript submission cover letter? This page has details & sample letters that demonstrate how authors can communicate with journal editors at the manuscript submission stage and following an invitation to revise and resubmit: how authors can communicate with journal editors at the manuscript submission stage and following an PDF | On Sep 1, 2018, Maria Sylvia Macchione Saes and others published Editorial: the revise & resubmit (R&R) process | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate You received a “Revise and Resubmit. There are six common reasons for a ‘revise and resubmit’ decision: Trying to accomplish too much: Many manuscripts are over-ambitious, to the detriment of a clear research Read the letter from the editor carefully and make sure you indeed have a request for a revise and resubmit. Click on 'OK' to proceed. At least in my field, it’s a “high risk” situation compared to your typical R&R. Dear Sir, Madame, or Other: Enclosed is our latest version of MS# XX-XXX-XX-, that is, the re-re-re-revised revision of our paper. Stanica July 8, 2015 First of all, we would like to thank the Reviewers for their high quality and constructive reviews of our manuscript, and the Editor for his careful reading. Attach files: A table lists all the files of the previous version. A cover letter is needed only at the time of submitting the first version of a manuscript. Would you submit to a journal with a median of 30 days for a decision, or a journal with a 120 days for a decision? In practice, they may be exactly the same. I teach this process when I give workshops. In most cases, an R&R will come wi Response Letter with Final Submission. A Personal Rejection and a Revision Rejection are like doors that If the agent sent you a revise and resubmit letter, then they are actually eager to hear from you when it’s time to resubmit or send new work. By now, you have almost certainly realized that responding to a request to revise and resubmit in anger or defensively is not a successful strategy. Non-fiction, poetry, chapter books, picture books, and projects under 25,000 words are not eligible. This dialog captures insight from six Hi, my manuscript is reviewed and the editor sends decision letter to me that the paper is not accepted for publication at this time but you can resubmit again after I correct the reviewer comments and after correction, the manuscript will enter under review again. In your cover letter, indicate the primary and secondary Methodologies and Applications covered in your paper, using the codes on this page. Receiving this output from good journals is very rare. Structural issues: Manuscripts which raise interesting points but have several structural issues (unclear titles and sections, In the cover letter, I like to include a paragraph thanking the editor for the opportunity to resubmit my work and the major changes that I made in the revised version. You’ll want to write the letter as above, but provide a more substantial reason. This agent sees enough potential in your story to write you a letter, but she’s not ready to offer you representation just yet. 6. The process of getting an R&R from a literary agent tends to go something like this: You query agents with your query letter. In the majority of cases we More recently reject and resubmit has become a thing. Someone had liked my story enough to offer more than a form rejection. 3. 566). See full PDF At the revise and resubmit stage, a good rebuttal letter with clear and confident responses to each of the peer reviewer comments is crucial to ensure that your paper gets accepted. You could either follow your manuscript’s chronological order and mention thematically the comments from each Decision categories include: Accept, Conditionally Accept, Revise and Resubmit, and Reject. with context, there are around 6-7 times as many papers that will be recommended \revise and resubmit" as those which are \accepted". The article provides a good taxonomy on existing works on mobile traffic analysis, but it doesn’t provideenough comparisonsand insights of works in the same category. This document provides guidance on writing an effective revise and resubmit letter in response to reviewer comments on an academic paper. Reply. letter that is overly broad and lacking in specificity). Most often, a cover letter is needed when authors initially submit their manuscript to a journal and when responding to reviewers during an invitation to revise and resubmit the manuscript. During a closed review process, authors may be asked to revise their manuscript and resubmit for another round of reviews—this step is often referred to as “Revise A 'Reject and resubmit' decision is very similar to 'Revise and resubmit. If you abandon it then your odds of getting it published are zero. When you resubmit, include a cover letter in which you detail how you specifically addressed each of the reviewer’s comments. Minor revision: The paper is almost accepted. This ranges from sorting out what the editors consider important—and to what degree—to providing an explanation for why the editors ‘overruled’ acceptances and rejections. Consequently, a “revise and resubmit” letter may lead to feelings of dejection. It is! A revise and resubmit! I remember when I started sending things out for review – I didn’t actually realize that the goal of a first round submission was not an “accept” but a “revise and resubmit” – an “R&R” in professor-speak. Contents The meaning of a 'desk-rejected' paperWhat to do if your paper is desk-rejectedThe meaning of How to Write a Cover Letter for “Revise and Resubmit” Submission. Appendix O. Revise and resubmit is an affirmation of publication potential, an invitation try again, and a route to making the work even stronger. Then about 5% of the fulls I read will result in an R+R. I tried to look at it as a win. Good revisions make your paper better and show you’re serious about meeting journal standards. What not to do. Receiving an R&R is therefore a real achievement, as it is the first step toward a peer-reviewed output. of thoughts about the process that I wanted to share here in 知乎是中文互联网高质量的问答社区和原创内容平台,致力于分享知识、经验和见解。 indicates what was added based on the Revise and Resubmit letter; green text indicates what was added based on the Acceptance Pending Additional Revisions letter. The editors seem pretty clear initially in their letter, saying that the paper didn't get a high enough score for publication and that they look forward to future submissions of other manuscripts. Commonly called an R&R, a revise and resubmit request from a literary agent is both thrilling and terrifying. In this revised version of the manuscript, we did our best to address all comments raised by the • A good decision letter provides the authors with clear context to the reviewers’ comments and the reasoning behind your decision. For this reason, some recommend a “distancing strategy” whereby authors read reviewers' comments and then set them aside for a few days to “let the heat go out of them” (Weisman, 2008, pg 147). Your revision will depend on what kind of R&R you have received, from among several possible types. If you feel the score is incorrect indicate the proper classification and your rationale for listing it as. The editorial letter The good news is that a revise and resubmit decision indicates that your first submission is potentially a good “fit” for this venue. Clearly outline how you have addressed each comment or concern raised by the reviewers or journal editors. txt) or read online for free. In addition, the cover letter can be a good opportunity to thank the reviewers and the editors for their time and feedback, and to express your appreciation for the opportunity to revise and Good revise-and-resubmit letters also signal priorities to referees in the next stage of review. "Law is not boring, I The art of the revise-and-resubmit. Acceptances on the first round are extremely rare. The revise and resubmit notice comes as a complete shock! How could the reviewers not love your brilliant data commentary? Maybe they just didn’t understand itafter all, it was a totally ingenious interpretation. Reject and Resubmit (or revise and resubmit) (hereafter, R&R) = your article has been rejected. I'm basically wavering between the following three options: "Law is not boring, I swear" (revise & resubmit, Journal of All Things Legal). ) One-on-one interview— • can be a powerful tool to motivate PSTs • instructor can model how to pay attention to student conceptions Feasibility Added a section tying back to beliefs Response Letter Thank you for giving us the opportunity to revise and resubmit our manuscript. This The good news is that a revise and resubmit decision indicates that your first submission is potentially a good “fit” for this venue. Major revision = your article is in a kind of limbo state where it is neither accepted as is nor rejected but rather held unto the revisions come in. ' Learn what these editorial decisions precisely mean, and how to react. This can really help when you resubmit to boost your success chances. I appreciate the time and detail provided by each reviewer and by you and have incorporated the suggested changes into the manuscript to the best of my ability. An old post from Get a If you are unable or unwilling to revise and resubmit, you need to communicate that to the editor as soon as possible. The lifecycle of multiple revisions can be slightly convoluted, but this methodology is the clearest since you can simply filter out R&R if you want. It is like a revise and resubmit, but the journal is going to count the manuscript as a new submission so their rejection rates go up and the time to final decision goes down. I’d made it out of the slush pile, after all. Reject, do not resubmit (also known as R3: Paper is seriously flawed) The paper is seriously flawed. If you Collect the reviewers’ feedback, improve the paper and resubmit to another journal. Click on 'Revise Submission' in the 'Action' column. Some authors prefer to resubmit to the It is expected that authors “revise and resubmit” (R&R) their manuscripts several times before they are accepted for publication, a process that is time consuming, demoralising, and stifling of creativity. STEP 2: Read the letter again on a different day, preferably a few days later. It is most likely that authors will find This guest post by David McCarthy discusses how to respond to an invitation to revise and resubmit from a leading philosophical journal. When a manuscript is placed in this category at JME, the editors have made the decision that there is at least a 50% likelihood of ultimate publication. There are three basic types of decisions: Accept, Revise, and Reject. Address all points raised by the editor and reviewers. David McCarthy works on ethics and epistemology, and teaches at the University of Hong Kong. " (One of my favorite journals has switched to the more-discouraging, "Reject and Resubmit," but this is actually the same thing. Although some papers may not be able Reject (also known as R2: Revise and Resubmit elsewhere) The paper is not The whole time, I had a feeling that I would get a revise and resubmit request from the editor. By Roy F. The authors may communicate anonymously through the submission system with the 1AC for clarifications. In most instances, you should make the changes suggested by reviewers. Dispositive issues involve ‘make or break’ concerns. For now, I’ll note that I tend to think about three main categories of warrants. you do not have to follow it to the letter. An R&R is the decision Revise and resubmit; Reject; So “Revise and resubmit” is (in very crude terms) ranked between “Accept, major revisions” and “Reject” on a scale of favourability. Not only does this mean that you potentially have something with your book idea or writing style, but that the agent might be an Common reasons for a ‘revise and resubmit’ decision. Carefully review re-submissions to other journals. 2. ) It’s a letter (these days, it’s usually an email) from an agent who has read your full manuscript. After the revisions, the journal is willing to have you resubmit the manuscript for a Particularly for the major areas listed in the editor’s Reject (also known as R2: Revise and Resubmit elsewhere) The paper is not acceptable for the Sensors Journal. This re-reading is to absorb the overall tenor of the letter, as well as the main points of the editor and the reviewers. The decision letter is delivered to the author via email. “revising a paper and preparing a response document for the action editor and the reviewers who have invited these actions” (Ireland, 2008, p. Note: the present version, in the spirit of this article, is a revised version following feedback on social media and below. We are not affiliated with any brand or entity opportunity to “revise and resubmit” your manuscript. The Revise and Resubmit recommendation should be reserved for papers with Some editors keep a paper for long time, more than 6 months or a year, without a decision and when send them a reminder message they do not reply or sometimes reply for the first time saying that Revise and resubmit? Peer reviewing business historical research Christina Lubinskia, Stephanie Deckerb and Niall MacKenziec uscript (see, Table 1 for possible outcomes. However, there's a third response an agent may send you: the "revise and resubmit" request, What to know about the revise and resubmit process. So carefully revise the paper, provide a detailed and polite letter outlining your actions, make sure the revision fulfils all the journal's instructions for formatting and resubmit on time. It outlines five key rhetorical moves for the letter: 1) Express gratitude to reviewers, 2) Signal attention to all Write a detailed response letter showing how you used the feedback. 2008, Academy of Management Journal. Smith Editor, Mathematics Teacher Educator As the editor of Mathematics Teacher Educator, I make decisions about whether to accept, reject, or ask for a revision of a manuscript based on the extent to which letter from the editor that clearly indicates speci˜ c issues that the author needs to address in In fact, most manuscripts require revision after initial review” (p. 9. It seems the journal editor had a look at the manuscript and sent it back to you for changing it (so as not to be similar to your earlier manuscript). When submitting your writing for publication, the best you can often hope for is to receive a revise and resubmit request from the editor. Revise and Resubmit: It’s Not a Consolation Prize! Margaret S. , a revise and resubmit); or (b) you received a rejection letter and you are improving the manuscript with the intention of resubmitting the manuscript to a new journal. You will be required to pay a resubmission fee of £180 when you submit your revised thesis. The authors may You are going to face what is called the revise and resubmit (R&R) process, i. Author Information . Common reasons for a ‘revise and resubmit’ decision. FWIW, I’ve not seen reject and resubmits converted to publications on any articles that I’ve reviewed where the editor has given authors that decision. We are expecting that around 50% of submitted papers will be given the opportunity to go through the R&R process in 2023. pdf), Text File (. 6 Authors should write their response letter in 4. Email back saying you appreciate the agent’s REVISE AND RESUBMIT Submitting your work to journals results in three possible outcomes: accept (sometimes with minor corrections needed), reject, or revise and resubmit. 5. You could either follow your manuscript’s chronological order and mention thematically the comments from each IEEE Sensors Journal publishes both sensors letters and sensors papers in the same issues/volumes. Editors: Comment 1 Authors of the papers with the Revise and Resubmit recommendations are invited to submit a revision of their submission, and a response, by the resubmission deadline (see Important Dates). First, if the decision letter doesn't spell this out, find out if revisions in your ‘Revise and resubmit’: at least one review ‘revise and resubmit’ (RR) or higher (54% of papers in CHI’22) Thus, in 2023, we will give more authors the opportunity to respond to the reviews in a response letter and to revise their papers. And exasperation in the sense that there’s still more (and sometimes a lot more) work to be done. We suggest they put the letter aside for a few days before re-reading it. You can even decide to take the R&R as a no rather than a maybe—that’s your decision. Your full manuscript A list of content warnings in your full Select the right keywords What happens when you’re asked to revise and resubmit?11 Make sure you’re identifiable with ORCiD 12 Have funding information ready (if publishing open access) 12 Cover letters are required by many, but not all, journals – to check whether your target journal asks for one take a look at the instructions for authors. Response letter for “revise and resubmit” manuscript COMST-00099-2015 D. The revise and resubmit nowadays is the equivalent to "major revision" from before: journals do this to report that the time from submission to publication is short, which helps their metrics and make them more attractive. Dear Journal Editor, It's Me Again . The Author should be encouraged to submit to another journal (because of being out-of-scope or because of inadequate quality). No matter which decision you receive, be sure to read the entire decision letter carefully. Particularly for the major areas listed in the editor’s letter, you may have to create multiple items to resolve the issue Revise and Resubmit Rejected “ Approved ” means the design professional has reviewed the action submittal with skill, care, and judgement consistent with the applicable standard of care and, in accordance with AIA A201 and B101, or EJCDC C-700 and E-500, has determined the submittal appears to be consistent with the contract documents and the design I'm now wondering if it's tacky or, indeed, commendable to include my "revise & resubmit," possibly with explicit reference to the journal in question, on my CV and/or any "list of publications" they are asking for. So, assuming your sole goal is to get something published as quickly as possible, you should revise and resubmit. eduwriting-revise-resubmit-letterWriting the Revise and Resubmit Letter: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. The agent requests your full manuscript. In some cases, the author can successfully push back JOURNAL REVISION LETTER SAMPLE February 25, 2012 Leanne Knobloch, Associate Editor Journal of Social and Personal Relationships Dear Leanne, It is with excitement that I resubmit to you a revised version of manuscript JSPR-11-308, Dyadic Perceptions of Goals, Conflict Strategies, and Perceived Resolvability in Serial Arguments for the Journal of Social and Revise and resubmit mean that the editor sees clear solutions and ways to address the problems brought up by the reviewers. Queue much screaming and excitement. merely responding to reviewer comments). Read the Feedback, Then Take a Break. Now, it's time to Start by writing a revise and resubmit cover letter. It's not the hoped for acceptance, but a "Revise and Resubmit. We even changed the goddamn Dear letter-writer, when you’re ready to return your fingers to the keyboard, I offer a six-step approach for doing the impossible: Step 1: Detail the feedback you’ve received. If Personalizing the review invitation letter, for example by commenting on why the selected Reviewer is the right choice for the paper, may increase the likelihood that the candidate Reviewer accepts the invitation. The next step is filling a revision letter template with all the reviewers’ Response letter for “revise and resubmit” Recommendation: Revise And Resubmit • Comments. This strategy may help authors approach the reviews a second time with a more dispassionate The Revise & Resub (#RevPit) Annual Contest is open to completed, unpublished, fiction manuscripts ONLY. The cover letter/response to referees should be thorough. It's very unlikely that they'll raise more objections after you resubmit (or at least substantive ones and not silly formatting stuff) and, like you say, providing the feedback and revise/resubmit decision Among other things, this is where revise-and-resubmit letters sometimes go wrong. In keeping with my last communication with you, I am resubmitting this revision before the agreed upondeadline. Resubmission fees. [Go to: The Decision Letter] Quick Guide . When you receive the revision, you may choose to re- invite the original reviewers for another look or proceed to a final decision. Revise one element at a time. I even still had a chance at publication with the magazine. Reading the editorial letter and formulating the revision plan. ) In the decision letter, the editors summarise the main concerns, weigh them in importance, and if applicable identify a way forward for the paper. CakeEater 26 posts 14 years ago. Yet despite that, pitifully few resources are available to help academics manage the challenges of responding to reviewer criticisms. 24 August, 2023; Authors experience mixed emotions on receiving requests for review and resubmit (R&R). R&R request denotes that a manuscript is worth publishing after some recommended changes. A number of excellent articles have itor’s letter when revising a paper and preparing responses would allow authors to “focus more on improving their papers and less on reporting the details of the revision process It's been six weeks since I have sent paper for a second review after I received revise&resubmit decision from the first round. Newer Post Answering the "So When authors receive a revise and resubmit letter, they should take time to digest the letter before beginning the task of revising the manuscript. When the decision letter arrives, read over the commentsTake time to understand the reviewers’ feedback and consider what they are Revisiting AMJ'S Revise-and-Resubmit Process. ” Now what? If you are an early career scholar, and you recently received a “Revise and Resubmit,” you are in luck! Step 3: Revise the manuscript, and write the point-by-point response letter. When you are ready to resubmit, simply follow the procedures as if you were submitting your thesis for the first time and the examination process will begin again. This step is especially important if the panel recommendation for your proposal was “not competitive. I handed my corrections in last week, and the internal is happy with them, so that's me finished . If they sent you somewhat personalized notes, they might take a second peek as well. Sometimes, journal editors provide you the option to revise and Charlesworth Author Services; 24 September, 2020; Peer Review Process; How to deal with revise and resubmit to an academic journal Introduction. No software installation. Choke on it. The first Obviously, this could apply to (a) the situation where you have submitted a paper and been given the option to submit an updated manuscript (i. Should the resubmittal be rejected or marked "Revise and Resubmit", the Contractor will be invoiced for any additional time spent by On the full-fledged process of responding to a Revise-And-Resubmit (R&R): I have written pieces that tackle specific components of the process, but I hadn’t actually written a thread or a blog post showcasing how all my blog posts fit with one another. Try Now! For all the experiences researchers have with the publication process, questions continue to arise about how to best navigate the revise and resubmit gauntlet. Make sure you change editor names and journal names when re-submitting. For example, if the agent has given you notes on characterization, work on that element alone until you are satisfied with the revisions. There are six common reasons for a ‘revise and resubmit’ decision: Trying to accomplish too much: Many manuscripts are over-ambitious, to the detriment of a clear research question and contribution. In both cases, you're making reviewer-suggested changes and sending your manuscript back. It’s important to respond to feedback shared, so create a detailed response letter by acknowledging the suggestions for improvement received. Different journals will explicitly say "revise and resubmit" or "we will be happy to look at If a journal editor sends you a decision letter asking you to revise and resubmit your manuscript according to peer reviewers’ comments, you’ll need to prepare a rebuttal letter, or response letter, to accompany your The most standard first-round continuation decision is reject/revise (also called revise and resubmit) without commitment to publication. Complete a blank sample electronically to save yourself time and money. Securely download your document with other editable templates, any time, with How to Revise and Resubmit the Manuscript after a Favorable Peer Review? Mohta, Anup. Ultimately you may have multiple "Revise and Resubmit" submittal versions, but that submittal as a whole should eventually be marked Approved or Approved As Noted. In these cases, an editor needs Some scholars believe “reject with option to resubmit” is a sneaky way for journals to improve their statistics. Different journals will explicitly say "revise and resubmit" or "we will be happy to look at In this light, a “revise and resubmit” decision should be viewed as good news – if you can possibly address even some of the reviewers objections, you should certainly consider resubmitting before submitting to another journal or consigning your manuscript to a file drawer. To refresh your memory, the story goes like this: If you’re unsure how to handle your own “revise and resubmit” Do whatever you want with a Writing the Revise and Resubmit Letter: fill, sign, print and send online instantly. If the author wishes to proceed with this, s(he) needs to revise the paper substantially based on the reviewer and editor comments, and submit it to the Actually, you don’t need to provide a cover letter for a revised manuscript. We have again rewritten the entire manuscript from start to finish. Articles that are outside the scope or on topics that have already received heavy coverage by a journal will be rejected on first review. you will receive decision letters with reviewer—and even editor—comments that are not numbered, or After submitting their manuscripts to academic journals, authors receive one of several editorial decisions: 'desk reject', 'revise and resubmit', 'major revisions', 'minor revisions', or 'paper accepted. Right now authors mostly My fake letter is laying it on a bit thick, but if you did get a response after writing agents the first time around, don’t be afraid to mention something about it). SAJ: To the extent possible, try to make the changes Thank you for your offer to revise and resubmit this manuscript for consideration for publication in <journal name>. ” When can you Receiving a “revise and resubmit” from an academic journal can be exciting yet daunting. ) Later, I will provide more advice about digesting the editor’s letter, but first it’s time for a flashback. ' It indicates that the editor has seen some merit in your study, but it is not publishable in its current form. 14 years ago. Do not make a decision right away to revise. Share Improve this answer Getting a revise and resubmit request. Highlight any areas that require special attention. In the context of an assignment, it’s probably better to say \revise and resubmit", since it’s going to be very hard to hit 1200 words of doting praise upon the author. In terms of reviewers, R&R = you have no reason to expect the same reviewers. In revise-and-resubmit decisions, these issues must be successfully addressed via revisions. ” (One of my favorite journals has switched to the more-discouraging, “Reject and Resubmit,” but this is actually the same thing. I loved my story, and I knew that the editor did because she asked me to submit the full manuscript, but I had a feeling that there were a few things in my story that needed work, but I couldn’t put my finger on them. Responding to Revise and Resubmit - Free download as PDF File (. Ribot, R. ) One-on-one interview— • can be a powerful tool to motivate PSTs • instructor can model how to pay attention to student conceptions Feasibility Added a section tying back to beliefs Navigating the Revise and Resubmit Process: A guide for authors.