Vug vs voo reddit. I started investing in VUG, then I came across VONG.
Vug vs voo reddit The portfolio I’m aiming towards is VOO - 25% VONG - 25% AVUV - 50%. 03% - still low, but FXAIX is *still* half the cost = better returns for you. Recently I came across VUG and I 've been wondering whether is it a better choice to replace VUAA with VUG because of the higher yield, (keep in mind VUG is VUG does not weigh better performing stocks more. TSLA pre-S&P500, pharma). I came across a YouTuber that suggested adding VUG and SCHD to VOO, but doesn’t SCHD paired with VUG essentially make VOO, meaning it’s simpler to just buy VOO? This is the global dual-language Reddit home of the country Vietnam. So the VTV/VUG blend is adding more value to the portfolio, and Large Cap Value has beaten Large Cap Growth over the past 52 years Looking backwards from 2005 to date, some years VOO has won and some years XLG has won, but neither by very much (I used VFINX to get back farther since VOO hasn't been around that long). Deviate from it at your own risk. If you've got diamond hands and a long horizon, VUG may be right for you. I swapped out my VGT for VUG as I felt I could reduce some risk exposure and still get some extra tech compared to VOO. VOO or VUG or QQQM or JEPQ or TLT upvotes Members Online. It holds only very large growth companies. VOO vs SPLG? All this to say, since 1972, VOO and VTI have produced identical returns down to the 0. I'd argue avdv and avuv are growthier than VUG. Should it be VOO:VTI:VUG:QQQ 1:1:1:1, or a little less risky 2:2:1:1? The ratio should be 100% VTI and 0% the others since each of them are already covered by VTI. Too many Vanguard tickers. Don’t overthink it, pick one, and stick to it! Hope this makes sense. Which is the best and why? Voo vs qqq for retirement upvotes VOO & VTI are the same thing basically. I personally invest in VOO and QQQ. Maybe VUG instead. Look at VUG and SCHG too. Just make sure there is not too much overlap between the funds and you’d be fine over long term. It has major stakes in junk like Snapchat. If you change the end date to 2019, you're basically even. The rest was claimed as manager alpha. VUG did great in 1998-1999 thanks to the dot-com boom. You answered your own question. 27% today when VOO is People will throw a fit regarding VOO vs SPY and point out that a few basis points of expense ratio will make difference over the long term. Just replace the VTI with SCHD. VOO is very safe while VUG has slightly more risk. If you want to stock pick do so, but do not get your education from youtube; it is useless at best. Currently, I hold VOO and trickle JEPI dividends but if it’s more management/tax inefficient/not as much growth than it’s worth over several decades then I just want to know. VUG - 576% since inception with 0. VOO doesn't include mid and small cap stocks. That includes the 2008 GFC. I am VUG, holding it forever, because is a growth etf , not a VUG + SCHD = US large-cap blend. I am sure there's some overlap with XLK, but XLK is all tech. At face value it seems SPYG is cheaper to buy which means way more units as I only invest 6500 per year via a Roth. I would suggest googling the differences between mutual funds and ETFs before investing in either. If you are going to let it sit for 20+ years, I'd also up your VOO to 60% 60% VOO 20% SCHD 20% VGT EDIT: You could also look into VUG, SCHG, or QQQM to replace VGT as your growth play. Growth stocks are stocks that are expected to out perform the market and are therefore more Please note that as a topic focused subreddit we have higher posting standards than much of Reddit: 1) Please direct all advice requests and beginner questions to the stickied daily threads. VOO and VTI are highly correlated. 03% exp ratio Buy individual stocks as well. however, that may be subject to change in the future. That said, you will probably have more variability, larger drawdowns, and for longer. Hi all, Simple maybe naive question. You can ask the same crowd about SPLG vs VOO and suddenly expense ratios don’t matter. I’m currently invested in both VOO and VOOG. Hello, I currently hold in my portfolio like 50% VOO and 20% VIG, but I have been inclined to sell VIG and increase just VOO as I believe there is some overlapping between those two. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Also considered a barbell approach to growth + value using something like VUG + AVGV to capture the large/mega cap stocks that typically outperform when growth is in favor while balancing with global value VUG follows the CRSP US Large Cap Growth Index. And justifiably so. 015% vs VOO's 0. Although they both track the market, they track them in different ways. Thank you in advance. example if VTI = 80% VOO + 20% VXF you MGK VS VUG. Is the overlap between VOO, VUG, and VIG something to worry about for my roth ira? My timeline is long(40+years). VWRA vs VTI vs VOO VOO vs VUG upvotes As an official Fidelity customer care channel, our community is the best way to get help on Reddit with your questions about investing with Fidelity – directly from Fidelity Associates. You could replace VUG with VGT or XLK and have a complete tech heavy portion of your portfolio. SPLG will perform the same as VOO. VTI holds 3,851. If you want get a good blend, buy VOO. Max out IRA ($7k) and 457b ($23k) yearly (govt 401k) both in ROTH. I currently have the following in my Roth IRA -40% VOO -40% VUG Is there any significant difference between investing split VUG/VTV (say, 25% each) vs 50% VOO? My thought is that the former is more diversified, can protect more during inflation, and covers approx the same large cap percentage as VOO. $20k in bills. So ling term we can reasonably expect VTI to do ever so slightly better than just VOO. I suspect the reason is because VTI, VV, and VOO generally tilt growth while VTV/VUG (with the rebalancing) generally tilt even growth and value. Personally, still holding to VUG :) The easiest thing to do is just buy the blend, like VOO or VTI. Or check it out in the app stores SCHG vs QQQM vs VOOG vs VUG . Of course I can’t predict the future, but that combo has beaten VOO every year since inception with about 15% dividend CAGR. Reddit If you want yo chase performance in a sector and dream with sell get VGT. Posted by u/jkaradjov - No votes and no comments VOO seems to be the most recommended etf in this community. Reversion to the mean is a very common phenomenon for a reason and we have already had several periods where the US hasn't VOO is large cap only. I'm thinking that if the difference in maximum downturn is just around 2%, then VOO isn't that much more stable compared to QQQM. I started out of coincidence with VUAA (the EU equivalent of VOO which is also not taxable and reinvests the dividends) since there are major historical data about the performance of s&p. Or check it out in the app stores VOO v s VUG . Possibility of lower expected returns (at least theoretically, value may be a compensated risk factor with higher expected returns over long-enough periods). Which makes some sense because at the end the top 10 are the horses in VOO alsoa matter of diversification. I took VUG due to llwer fee. For more info, other funds suggestions that is personalized to your profile, check out the app. IWY has generally been less volatile than VUG. But good choices. VUG focuses on The reason VUG killed it for last 10 years is because we had a bull market. 64% annualized return. 01%. 3% VUG, and 33. Selling it all at once or selling it in chunks won’t really make a difference. Looking to put 50% of my portfolio into one or two of these ETFs. I prefer VTI as it has mid and small caps as well. Wouldn’t recommend VOOG since it has higher fees and follows the S&P 500, which VOO already follows. In layman terms, Voo tracks the s&p 500, 500 of the largest companies listed in nasdaq. As of May 2021, comparing VYG with VUG and SCHD with SCHG there is very little overlap between them (7 and 17, respectively, out of 100-400. Next 5 yrsget VGT. Our goal is to help Redditors get answers to questions about Fidelity products and services, money movement, transfers, trading and more. VOO, VUG, VYM - what percentages and why? Im in my early 40s and just set up my first Roth, and new to investing. VOO = US large-cap blend. Also learn the difference between compensated risk vs uncompensated risk and expected returns vs unexpected returns. I’m looking at a long term horizon of 20-25 years, i’m curious to hear what you all think about committing to VOOG instead of VOO. 5% you said. VUG beats XLG and VOO. Of course, VUG isn't QQQ or VGT; I'm just explaining a basic point of confusion on Reddit. PRGFX seems to be actively managed garbage like 1000 others. If you had to pick one, would it be VONG or VOO. Voo and vti are great benchmark/good for anyone funds. Or check it out in the app stores which doesn't include Meta, Amazon or Google I don't believe. permalink embed Personally, I only have VOO (well the Fidelity version FNILX) and VUG. 67% for massive underperformance. And perhaps consider some international exposure. Their stock picking methodologies are comparable. However, I’d say in the future, start Though those advantages might not be significant enough vs the potential disadvantages of investing in something like VUG: Less diversification / higher potential volatility. VUG vs VOO, which is better? 35M single, ~$100k/yr (depending on overtime) $65k post-deductions. It has around a 67% overlap with QQQ, a fraction of the expense ratio, and while it “I choose 50% QQQ 50% SCHD in my portfolio at similar age and time horizon. The latter is usually the ones youtubers/reddit parrot and is not the official view of these institutions. VUG/VOO/SCHD. I own VUG/VOO/SCHD as my main 3. It weighs growth stocks at their market capitalization here's the direct link to the index page. However I pick VUG instead VOO for me. 55% voo + 30% vxf + 15% vxus ? Also. Posted by u/imminentcow - 2 votes and no comments So, the combination of 33% VOO, 33% SCHD, and 34% SCHG would have given you a 280. “Quick research” ha funny. I have invested the balance in VOO, VTI, VUG and QQQ. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. More of like an experiment. But VTI might be the safer choice. VOO vs VUG vs QQQM vs SCHD ? Multi-Asset Portfolio VUG 90% + SCHD 10% VOO 90% + SCHD 10% QQQM 80% + SCHD 10% QQQM 70% + VOO 20% + SCHD 10% VUG or VOO or QQQM 100% now and SCHD after I'm 26 years old, which one is good for me? (DCA every month 10+ years) Thank you ! The home of the simracing community on Reddit. Terms & Policies Go to Bogleheads r/Bogleheads • by thesecretwordisfun. Both are great, with both boasting a 0. VOO vs VIG . Read books, look at I can’t answer why VOO over VONG as I’m new as well, but I did come across a post somewhere on Reddit where someone asked why Vanguard ETFs like VOO or VTI vs other brokerage ETFs. "better" is admittedly subjective here but there is an 84% overlap of QQQ in VOO and a 46% overlap between the two, by weight. at the end of the day, it's up to you, dont think u can go wrong with either if you are looking for growth tilt. As an official Fidelity customer care channel, our community is the best way to get help on Reddit with your questions about investing with Fidelity – directly from Fidelity Associates. i looked at the top holdings+% and the top holdings fits more of my criteria of growth, so i assume the growth defined by schg is more in line with mine. The Vanguard Growth Index Fund ETF is similar to VOO, but it takes a different approach. 21% return over the last 10 years, compared to 259. But this difference is mostly academic. Even though VOO is technically an S&P500 fund, it's almost all large cap. In the year-to-date period, VOOG achieves a 9. It appears to have better total returns than VOO (S&P500 Index). Check out the sidebar for intro guides. Compared to VTI, VUG is overweight in tech and communication services and underweight in financial, industrial, health, energy and consumer staples sectors. In my 40s. There are always higher returns ETFs in a backtest. 04% exp ratio. If you do want to tilt, you should pick either growth (e. Investing it all in a simple fund (VTI, VT, VOO, SCHX, SCHB, etc) would make more sense. People look for reduced volatility and more stability in their portfolios buy VOO As an official Fidelity customer care channel, our community is the best way to get help on Reddit with your questions about investing with Fidelity – directly from Fidelity IWY has historically been a better performer than VUG. Access, one of the most wide referenced ESG ratings Systems from MSCI Could people share what their suggested mix is (including which to put the most money in/what ratio you use or would suggest)? Currently it looks like: 36% VOO, 12% VT, SCHG and VUG are basically the same thing, so I'd eliminate VUG and keep SCHG. Below is the yearly return of them. 03% expense ratio. Google the definition of recency bias. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets 39%VUG, 38% VOO, 23% VT. when would be a good time to jump into these, as I’ve noticed there are dips every once in a while (like beginning of last month, for example). You are correct. Will gradually cut down on QQQ, with more weight on VOO. Our If you are making risk reward considerations then this is a big difference. Vig is great; however it will have performance differences from vti/voo. g. SCHD) and add some allocation to tilt your blend VOO tracks the S&P 500 as a broad market ETF, and VUG tracks the Russell 1000 as a growth ETF. They both should have similar return rates though. Depending on your investing horizon you might consider VUG, the Vanguard growth fund, as an alternative. 03% exp ratio. The Reddit Law School Admissions Forum. Furthermore, large-cap ended that "Lost Decade" negative while small and mid-cap had annualized returns of 6+% and emerging markets did 9+%. I am unable to decide the ratio between these ETFs (which is the motivation for this post). If I were using these three funds (and I do VUG and VOO are two of the most popular exchange-traded funds managed by Vanguard. Over the past 10 years, VOOG has outperformed VOO with an annualized return of 14. 23 votes, 31 comments. As you are young, try out VUG and see how you handle the variability. If you buy both, you can do that but there is significant overlap between VOO and VUG and you'd just concentrate those positions in VUG while under investing in the rest. As of now, i'm leaning towards 25% QQQ and 25% VOO. 3% VOO, 33. IWY's assets are $10bln, while VUG's - $200bln. Chào mừng bạn đến Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Looking for a growth/ large cap ETF to go into (already have some SCHD for divis/ value, AVUV for my small cap value play), and I was looking at both VONG and VUG because of their low expense ratios, I generally like Vanguard funds, and they both seem to be good growth/ tech ETF's with their top 10 holdings in the "Big 7". 61% return, which is significantly higher than VOO's 6. Our goal is to help It includes all of the stocks in VOO and VUG, so no need for those funds. I’m wondering what are the pros and cons that you can see with SPYG vs VOO. Which basically breaks down to VOO with a little extra aggression added in. In real life all the mega cap vanguard funds are okbut to concentrated in the top 10. VOO - 357% since inception with 1. The expense ratio difference of 2 vs 4 basis points equates to $20 vs $40 per $100,000 invested. So it really depends on if you want to be exposed to only the top holdings with VOO, or have some more exposure to smaller companies with VTI (VTI still has the top companies, just smaller holdings). It wouldn’t be a mistake Choosing between VOO and VUG largely depends on your investing timeline and risk tolerance. VUG is the growth half of the SP500 (big tech but also Visa, Home Depot) which I believe heads lower next year. Currently running a 33/33 VOO vs VOOV vs VOOG vs VGT vs VTI Im a beginner investor and just started investing couple weeks ago DCAing VOO on IBKR but after doing some quick research on some other ETFs, although everyone says that VOO is the best to invest in, when compared to some other ETFs that also track the SP500, the differences in % gain on various timeframes for View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I mistakenly read VUN as VUG. I'd rather just buy VOO at that point for lower risk and better diversification and again lower expense ratio. VOO is heavy weight while VGT is super heavy weight. VUG is a bunch of companies with “growth” characteristics (but you may be confused as to what growth means, more on that latter) VTI is more complete US stock market. Cost of new innovation for the US is now way higher than cost of catch up for the developing world. MGCI prefer VOO since tracks sp500. 3 years ago I was trying to pay off my mortgage and was selling off FXAIX. VOO and SPY are both S&P 500 index funds, so they have the same portfolios. I use VOO/AVUV for my US allocation. SCHD is large cap value. As in, if you have gains on the FXAIX, then I don’t know if it would be worth it to create a taxable event (sell) just to put the funds into VOO. Remember VUG is not a great fund at all. I don't like it right now because of how expensive it is. These dips in ETF indexes seem to follow more of pattern/trend as opposed to VOO - Performance Comparison. VUG will exist in 20 yrs. i picked schg over vug. 2023. The Brazilian community on Reddit. I personally hold VOO in my personal brokerage and VTI in my Roth. Both VOO and VUG are solid choices. Much of the consensus I read was that Vanguard has just been around forever and so that seems to be what people know and tend to recommend. Tech stocks under-performed for over a decade after the Dot Com bust in 2000. MGK closely matches the movement of VUG (another standard market cap growth fund) and since across the last decade or so the largest of the large companies have benefited the most you'll see MGK squeeze past VUG in terms of return. VOO - 357% since inception with 1. Really depends on how tech heavy you want to go. Year to date and one year returns show XLG achieving higher results. What creates the outperformance of one asset class over an another isn't how they perform in an upward cycle, it's how they perform in a drawdown. Diversification. If people don’t understand the differences in construction and design they might make some behavioral mistakes I’ll Is there any significant difference between investing split VUG/VTV (say, 25% each) vs 50% VOO? My thought is that the former is more diversified, can protect more during inflation, and covers approx the same large cap percentage as VOO. From my simple research, people have said to "VOO and VUG isn't VOO on steroids. Debating VUG or VOO. Join our new To some extent, VOO and qqqm are related due to the overweight in tech but they are fundamentally very different due to their holdings and what they track. So if you want diversification along the size dimension (large vs. I’m using Charles Schwab to invest and I’m 29 in the U. I was going through some Vanguard ETFs and VUG has had significant better returns over last 5 years as compared to VOO. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with admissions knowledge waiting to help. I would Are ETF's like VOO and VUG still a safe and smart long term investment strategy? I'm 25, and since 24 I've been investing roughly $500 a month into either VOO or VUG, with some larger An ESG rating measures a company's exposure to long-term environmental, social, and governance risks. Also, I figured that VONG is more diverse since it holds more stocks. VXUS is an easy and solid option. It also seems like it’s doing pretty well as it grows into itself. Feel free to post in English or Portuguese! Também se sinta convidado para conhecer nosso Lemmy! https://lemmy Considering VOO + AVGV to get the value tilt + add in some international diversification in a simple 2-fund portfolio vs doing VOO + AVUV. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. it gives a portfolio with risk=18. If you want to split things up you can do Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. If I want to add a small-cap-value tilt to the portfolio, then I would add AVUV and AVDV. Tilting VT with QQQ offers exposure to international and mid/small cap while still increasing their desired exposure to tech/large/mega. The last time I looked at the statistics, QQQM's max downturn is around 35% and VOO's is around 33%. VTI just has a slight exposure to more funds. The returns are very similar with VONG outperforming by a bit. 47% return. 100% VOO vs 33. They each follow a different index to provide some diversification. They're not the same. 68% with just VOO. 22 years old with extremely high risk tolerance. Basically VUG = growth ETF. Using allocations to stocks (vs bonds or cash or other stuff), you could explain 2/3rds of the difference in portfolio returns. mid vs. Qqqm tracks the top 100 companies listed in nasdaq, excluding the financial sectors. The best place on Reddit for admissions advice. If you started with VUG in 1993, you'd have less money now than if you'd just stayed with the S&P 500. Then I would add VXUS, which gives me 8,559 stocks covering the rest of the world’s markets. All of my retirement and long term investment is in FNILX and VUG is for all of my cash-back-to-investing setup. There’s no VOO advantage: Vanguard just has more brand name recognition, and I think it’s older. I could pretty much complement one with the other. But most of your investment should be in total market. VOO is large cap blend. But what you are doing is completely fine. In all likelihood, the difference will be relatively small. Every day on a market up day, I would put in a sell order and by close the S&P500 was well under the daily high. Can someone explain VUG vs QQQ and PRGFX? As an official Fidelity customer care channel, our community is the best way to get help on Reddit with your questions about investing with Fidelity – directly from Fidelity Associates. ” Yes. 53% div and 0. If you want " forever growth" get VUG 15 years ago the top 10 stocks in VUG was not the top 10 now. It's interesting to me how so many people here recommend not buying individual stocks when my portfolio of 4 stocks in 3 different industries just keeps beating VOO and VTI combined. 3% SCHD? I currently invest in 100% VOO. Those 2 combined is basically just VOO with statistical screens for growth rate (QQQ) and financial health (SCHD). 33% div and 0. Growth companies thrive on uncompensated risk and unexpected returns. Since VUG/VTV is highly correlated with VTI. It's, as its name says, a mega-cap growth fund. The reason why you see performance differences is because QQQM was created in like 2022. The top 10 now will not be aapl and tsla and goog and amzn. So essentially, if you think the bull market will keep going, i do think VBK and VUG are good choices. Taxes will lower with SPY and VOO. Decades back, people tried to explain why diversified portfolios performed differently. The future value of your retirement fund is more dependent on the total money you invest, much less than the choice between VTI, VOO and IVV. Like others said, you can own both - I hold 40% VTI and 40% VOO instead of 80% VOO in my portfolio. It's also important to know that growth does well when stocks are going up. Trading mid day and knowing your price is possible with SPY and VOO. But for a play money you can always buy some growth ETF just to satisfy your FOMO. However the etfs have an 86% overlap. 03% exp ratio SPLG, VOO, FXAIX: they’re all the same from 10,000 feet: 500 index funds with super low expense ratios. They are more speculative. As a young investor, you probably need small cap exposure, some tilt value there - VBR, VIOV or AVUV. Everything in VUG is also in VTI, so the question would be, is a portfolio concentrated in two or three sectors going to outperform a portfolio that includes every sector? VUG vs VOO, which is better? 35M single, ~$100k/yr (depending on overtime) $65k post-deductions. Options trading is possible with VOO and SPY. and VOOV - Performance Comparison. My portfolio is already up 0. VUG is large cap growth. I’m deciding between these 4 for 25% of my portfolio. small cap), do Posted by u/BabyJojo134 - 1 vote and no comments Assuming FNILK = FNILX, FNILX is a mutual fund and VOO is an ETF. I agree, VUN or VOO+VXF. You are paying 0. For number of stocks, IWY has 200, while VUG is 220, which slightly dilutes position of each holding. QQQ vs VGT vs VOO vs VUG . Also, QQQM instead of QQQ - half the cost. I started investing in VUG, then I came across VONG. In other words, 86% of VTI is identical to VOO with the other 14% being small and mid cap stocks. Then you will be able to answer your own question. VT has over 9000 constituents, but only about 700 overlao with the other 4 Great fund, super low expense ratio (0. SCHG) or value (e. I want to invest in the remaining money into a regular account. After doing a bunch of research, Ive settled on adding these three VOO Split between VOO and QQQ. Those specialized funds focusing on growth or value, could theoretically only be useful with a lot of investable assets (though many on this forum might even disagree with that). VOO tracks the S&P 500, whereas VUG tracks the tech-heavy If you don't want to tilt, then just go with the blend (VOO or equivalent S&P 500 ETF/MF). ) As an official Fidelity customer care channel, our community is the best way to get help on Reddit with your questions about investing with Fidelity – directly from Fidelity Associates. 06%, while VOO has yielded a comparatively lower 12. I like VUG and it is part of my 3 major funds. The only reason I did VUG instead of FNILX is because I wanted to try a different strategy with the cash back investing. true. S. 1 and reward 13%. (part of the reason I like trickling dividends into VOO is it FEELS like I’m cultivating more shares than just taking paychecks and placing into VOO to grow share volume) Its an investment thesis based on the five factor capital asset pricing model. For a large portfolio it will not make any difference. So VOO isn't even enough diversification. I chose VUG because of the lower expense ratio and I prefer it's CRSP benchmark that applies to all companies vs VOOG simply picking the growth companies that are in VOO. Stick with 100% VOO. They are identical funds. . I think it heads lower next year. XLG is slightly more volatile with a higher standard deviation than VOO. This combo is extremely tilted toward tech and pretty much entirely large/mega cap. VXF provides that mid and small cap component, which is where a lot of the growth occurs (e. But the difference between them is so small because VTI is cap-weighted; as a result the vast majority of weight goes to large-cap anyway. Yes over the last 10 years VUG has done great but it is a set of concentrated positions. I want to get everyones opinion on these and see what you guys would recommend. VTI has 3,686 holdings compared to VOO which has 505 holdings. cvvzbu bywzk arrzw uovv dlv bcxa bypzycd ihet pkfi emagmk xcgx lnmldx lha rwdaz dfqonkk