Gen ed jmu pdf. Main Drive MSC 1505 Harrisonburg, VA 22807 .
Gen ed jmu pdf GENERAL EDUCATION HUMAN QUESTIONS AND CONTEXTS: C2HQC (choose one) AMST 200 Introduction to American Studies ANTH 205 Buried Cities and Lost Math 103 is part of the JMU General Education, Cluster 3, Track 1, Group 1 requirements. AI is an example, it generates interest and anxiety, but they can’t A Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Business Management (MGT) from James Madison University requires a minimum of 120 credit hours of undergraduate coursework, comprised of the following: The major is a part of the Department of Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics, an academic unit within the College of Business. ) degree and a Master of Science in Accounting (M. Costs; General Education: The Human Community Catalog PDFs. D. Planner 2024-2025; Planner 2023-2024; Planner 2022-2023; Planner 2021-2022; Planner 2020-2021; Planner 2 Revised 8 /162022 ELED Requirements: Minimum overall GPA 2. You need to complete all of C1 (Critical Thinking, Communication, and Writing) by the end of your freshman year (only cluster that’s required during that year). ) degree in Psychology. Grand Total 130 * Any PHIL course except PHIL 120 or PHIL 150. After completing and submitting the JMU undergraduate admissions application, students will receive an email with a link to apply to the Honors College. The Human Community seeks to educate students in ways that have been fundamental to higher education and to thinking people for centuries. GENERAL EDUCATION (41 credit hours)* UNIVERSITY ELECTIVE (1 credit hour) FOUNDATIONS (18 credit hours) ART 102 2D Design (3) ART 104 Drawing I (3) ART 106 3D Design (3) ART 108 Drawing II (3) ARTH 205 Survey of World Art I (3 Gen Ed) ARTH 206 Survey of World Art II (3 Gen Ed) MAJOR COURSES (51 credit hours) The traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B. The General Education program engages students in the liberal arts, promotes community and civic engagement, and develops students’ abilities to use ethical reasoning in decision-making. General Education: The Human Community 397. If you don't see this option, try expanding out the See All Results section. The major in finance requires a minimum of 120 credit hours of undergraduate course work. About JMU; Facts and Figures; Undergraduate Admissions; Graduate Admissions; Non-traditional documents, and information to help you understand your General Education requirements. Recommendation: SOCI 110 . Students read, analyze and create texts in General Education Program; About. Minimum 48 Credits in SMAD | Minimum 72 Credits outside of SMAD (includes 41 credits of General Education) The “semester” column indicates when a class may be offered, but is subject to change. 5 or higher required in all courses unless indicated. Research Assistant School of Strategic Leadership James Madison University 1077 S. Read more about Dr. If your institution has requested you use Parchment to send your transcript to JMU, please select the Office of the Registrar (Current JMU Student) option as the recipient. American and Global Perspectives (formerly: Cluster Four: Social and Cultural Processes) 398 James Madison University is a public, comprehensive university and is the only university in America named for James Madison. Planner 2024-2025; Planner 2023-2024; Planner 2022-2023; Planner 2021-2022; Planner 2020-2021; Planner 2019-2020 General Education: The Human Community is the core academic program of JMU. Back to Top. Students can search for General Education courses by requirement within each area from the General Education Program Planner. General Education: The Human Community. • APRs for GenEd seem to have paid increasing aten on to JMU’s ability to provide the program as it was created. program builds on the liberal arts to develop Email: erwintd@jmu. 0 minimum overall GPA Submit Graduation Application **As of Fall 2024, these course numbers are no longer offered at JMU. You are almost certainly taking this course as part of your cluster 3 gen-ed requirements, so the goals are intellectual rather than content based. It is required of all students regardless of their major or professional program. The speci c content (in our case, mathematics and Visit jmu. Planner 2024-2025; Planner 2023-2024; Planner 2022-2023; Planner 2021-2022; Planner 2020-2021; Planner 2019-2020 Visit JMU; Traveling to JMU; About Harrisonburg; Campus Map; Tuition & Financial Aid. The School of Accounting enjoys a national reputation for excellence in accounting education and is viewed as a prime recruiting school by accounting employers throughout the mid-Atlantic region. Program requirements add up We know that there is currently varying degrees of overlap between GenEd and programs. Outcomes-based programs help us 540–568–6953 • jmu. Location: Salamanca, Spain Spring 2025 in Salamanca is a special term designed for first-year students and sophomores looking to complete general education requirements. James Madison University’s General Education program is committed to creating an equitable and inclusive academic environment for all persons. In order to graduate, each student must complete fourteen requirements across all five areas, which typically comprise General Education: The Human Community is the core academic program of James Madison University in which students come to understand how distinct disciplines look at the world from General Education Program; General Education Program Study Planner; Keep Track of General Education Requirements; Transfer credit for General Education; General Education: The Human Community is JMU's Core Curriculum. Max par cipants at any one me: 6 . Mission & Approach; General Education Council; Area Committee Members; C&I Information; Assessment; Academic Program Review; Program . • Dept of Phil and Rel, areas 1&2 • Madison Founda ons • Director in CVPA, interested in student learning “The Gen Ed conference was an opportunity to really see the benefits and importance of the Gen Ed courses students take here at JMU. You will use the worksheet for your major to guide you to the required courses for your major in your first semester, along with departmental recommendations and General Education options. Fifty percent of this work, or 60 credit hours, must be taken outside of the College of Business. • Is there anything we can do to help make Madison Founda ons courses atrac ve to faculty? the opportunity to direct the JMU General Education summer program in Scotland and be able to help students have similarly life-changing experiences. Topic: Student learning needs . STUDENT HANDBOOK . PSYC 101 General Psychology 3 PSYC 160 Life Span Human Development (may be taken later in the major) 3 MATH 220 (60 or more from 4-year institution and 30 or more from JMU) General Education (41 credits) 2. Next to the "Course Attribute" field, select the arrow for the dropdown menu and choose "GenEd Equity Tag. • Experimental courses that fulfill Gen Ed requirements • How Math 103: The Nature of Mathematics is a general education course that uses topics such as geometry, computing, algebra, number theory, history of mathematics, logic, probability, General Education is organized into five areas of study. During their junior and senior years, students in the computer science major complete their core and general education requirements and choose their electives. Filter this list of courses using course prefix, course code, keywords or any combination. We challenge our community of students and faculty to engage in personal and collective reflection, development, and action. Part- me faculty will always be part of the solu on but we’re not seeing a rise in faculty to parallel rise in student numbers. In counting the 60 credit hours of non-business courses, students The General Education Council approved an updated C & I handbook in April 2024. . See the JMU Academic Catalog ( https://catalog. It addresses General Education objectives 1, 2, 5, and 6 in this program. Its learning outcomes are organized into five areas of study. We embrace the process of making JMU’s General Education program accessible, affirming, and action-oriented. Communication Sciences Disorders, Psychology, Health Sciences, Kinesiology, Social Work, Elementary Education, Secondary Education, etc. Students entering the university as freshman, complete the General Education Program, prerequisite courses, electives, and nursing electives during the first two years prior to applying to the BSN program. To see view JMU equivalents, required scores, and how to submit scores, please visit the Academic Advising website. 0 in all courses used to satisfy CS James Madison University’s General Education program is committed to creating an equitable and inclusive academic environment for all persons. Admissions. Rau, M. Gabbin Hall MSC 1110 971 Madison Drive Room 110 Harrisonburg, Virginia 22807 Email Us 540/568-2852 Fax: 540/568-2913. LEAD. Students may enroll in each of CS 149 , CS 159 , CS 240 and CS 261 at most twice. edu For Blue Ridge, Lord Fairfax and Piedmont: Kate McDaniel mcdanikm@jmu. If you are earning the degree, you do not Jmu Best General Education Classes To Take; Best Gen Eds To Take At Jmu; Best Gen Ed Professors At Jmu; Jmu Rate My Professor; Hist 150 Critical Issues In Recent Global History; Rel 101 Religions Of The World; Thea 210 Introduction To Theatre; Isci 101: Physics, Chemistry And The Human Experience; Soci 110 Social Issues In A Global Context To find sections of General Education courses with the Equity Tag, please do the following: 1. Other optional course possibilities: TESL 300 Concepts in 1st/2nd Language Acquisition [pre-req for other TESOL] LED 254 Literature for Adolescents The traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B. We have developed an enrollment worksheet for each major and degree type. 2 The General Education program contains a set of requirements each student must fulfill. A-Z Index; Directory; all of www. Under "Search for Classes," scroll down to the “Additional Search Criteria” link, and click the arrow next to it to expand this section. Authorized Use Only . Current JMU students may transfer in a total of three general education courses with each being from a leave of absence, medical withdrawal) are exempt from the above General Education restrictions while away from JMU. g. Its learning outcomes are organized into five areas of Idea 2: Creating Optional Integrative General Education Capstone Projects Original Title: Conceptualizing and Developing Integrative Learning General Education Capstone Experience Summary of Idea We propose to conceptualize and develop Integrative Learning General Education (Gen Ed) capstone experiences for 3rd and 4th-year JMU students. General Education: The Human Community General Education: The Human Community is the core curric- ulum that all Dukes complete. Julie Sorge Way. If you are earning the degree, you do not all of www. Notes: Why are faculty atending today? • Cluster 2 commitee member. edu Jennifer G. leave of absence, medical withdrawal) are exempt from the above General Education restrictions while away from JMU. These documents replace all earlier versions of the handbook and its related forms. Ed. Students select 4 of the 6 Gen Ed courses offered, plus an elementary or intermediate Spanish course, and a 1-credit GENERAL EDUCATION The Human Community • Total number of credits needed in Gen Ed: 41 • View course descriptions here. ) or a Bachelor of Science (B. It is an essential part of every undergraduate program offered at JMU. James Madison University School of Nursing BSN Program Student Handbook 2024-2025 PURPOSE The information in this BSN Student Handbook is intended to provide you with the current The undergraduate Exceptional Education minor is designed for students in programs outside of the Educational Foundations & Exceptionalities Department (e. Email: mulroomm@jmu. General Education jmu. Julie Sorge Way! She is the recipient of the General Education Distinguished Teacher Award for 2025. 0 minimum overall GPA Submit Graduation Application https: CCATF GenEd Conversa ons. ” “From here on out, I plan to achieve that level of excellence in my future work. Outcomes-based programs help us JMU's General Education Program is organized into five areas of study. ) who desire to learn more about persons These courses may fulfill General Education requirements and/or university electives for this program. 420. S. Writing is taught as a process involving invention, collaboration, research and revision. Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window) 2024-2025: Undergraduate ; 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog Addendum 2023-2024: Undergraduate 2022-2023: Undergraduate 2021-2022: Undergraduate 2020-2021: Undergraduate 2019-2020: Undergraduate 2018-2019: Undergraduate 2017-2018: Undergraduate 2016-2017: Undergraduate 2015-2016: PSYC 101 and PSYC 160 Alternative Activity Guides: PSYC 101 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY CHEM 131: General Chemistry I (take with CHEM 131L) ENVT 101: Perspectives in Envt. Your Introduction to Honors course will include discussion of how best to incorporate the Honors minor into your four-year academic plan, and the Honors Advising team is available throughout your time at JMU. at JMU, continue to take a World Language through the intermediate level (101-102-201-202) as all of www. Main Drive MSC 1505 Harrisonburg, VA 22807 of general education program, students had a choice of either a course in General Wellness or General Kinesiology. What do you think about an outcomes-based model, not only in GenEd but also for higher ed in general? Evidence-based prac ces are important. The following courses will meet JMU's General Education requirements. • Anthropology, B. In order to graduate, each student must complete all five areas (13 courses in total). In the liberal arts tradition, General Education: The Human Community aspires to create informed global citizens of the 21st century. Choose Course Explore the 20+ faculty-led programs that offer General Educa- tion coursework. ” We are glad to have you, Zachary! Any questions about the Semester in Scotland can be directed to dorseyza@jmu. ) program prepares students for licensure as entry-level professional nurses. General Education Signature: Center for Global Engagement Signature: Dean Signature for Probation General Education: The Human Community Program of Study Planner, 2020-2021 Critical Thinking (C1CT**) WRTC 103 Cluster Three Cluster Four Natural Systems B Wellness Domain (C5W**) Cluster One: Skills for the 21st Century : The Natural World Choose one: BUS 160 HIST 150 ISAT 160 SMAD 150 PHIL 120 PHIL 150 Email: mulroomm@jmu. • Art, Architectural Design Major, B. The Computer Information Systems (CIS) major at JMU prepares students for professional careers that require both the business knowledge and the technical skills to help clients design, build and deliver 2012 – 2013 General Education: The Human Community Requirements Checklist In the liberal arts tradition, General Education: The Human Community aspires to create informed global citizens of the 21 st century. edu. " *Education and IdLS Majors Only Information Literacy Requirement: (To avoid a registration hold, you must pass prior to the Friday before spring break of your first year) MREST Date Passed Cluster One must be completed during your first year at JMU SCOM 121 SCOM 122 SCOM 123 Writing (C1W**) WRTC 103 James Madison University complies with veteran student regulations regarding tuition rates. Max par cipants at any one me: 11 . Overview; Madison Foundations (C1) Arts and Humanities (C2) The Natural World (C3) American and Global Perspectives (C4) Sociocultural and Wellness The major is a part of the Department of Finance and Business Law, an academic unit within the College of Business. Planner. This document is provided as an advising resource only. Most CS courses require a minimum grade of “C-” (minimum of “B-” in CS 149 and CS 227 ) in prerequisite courses, including those taken in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics . Notes: To ini ate conversa on, CCATF members presented basic quan ta ve info from first faculty survey. Dennis Beck. JMU DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WORK, HEALTH AND BEHAVIORAL STUDIES BUILDING, MSC 4303 CCATF GenEd Conversa ons. Recommended: Health Psychology (PSYC 308), Med Sociology (SOCI 375 That’s every category. B. JMU has moved more and more toward the major, a constant drumbeat, so it’s hard to break through that. In case of discrepancies, the University Catalog is the official curriculum students must follow. Students majoring in Elementary Education will be required to complete JMU General Education with additional courses related to Bachelor of Science requirements (Quantitative and Scientific Literacy). degree, you will qualify for the JMU Gen Ed waiver, so you do not need to complete every JMU Gen Ed area. jmu. or A. jacks3jk@jmu. General Education (41 credits) Goal is to be completed before entering the HSA program. About JMU; Facts and Figures; Undergraduate Admissions; Graduate Admissions; Non-traditional Admissions; Pay Deposit; Academics. • Content overlap • Pre-reqs in GenEd • Double count courses in GenEd and majors • Learning outcomes overlap (recent study showed 46% overlap) GenEd should not be designed to be a pathway to a major. ; Students transferring to the university from another college or university need to Coordinator: Dr. The school offers a Bachelor of Business Administration (B. • Experimental courses that fulfill Gen Ed requirements • How to: search for class by requirement in MyMadison • Questions? Contact gened@jmu. 6 February 2024 . What is the General Education Program? The General Education Program, also called The Human Community, is the foundational Liberal Arts and Sciences curriculum of the University and is required of all undergraduates regardless of major or professional program. of ANTH or PSYC or SOCI . Loca on: King Hall 259 . edu/) for all BSN Program Information Course Number Course Name Credit Hours Classroom / Clinical Year 1 - Year 2: College Requirements and Nursing Prerequisites General Education Madison Foundations* (One Critical Thinking & One Communication Course) 9 Arts and Foundation 9 1 The foreign language requirement may be satisfied by successful completion of the second semester of the intermediate level of the student’s chosen language (typically 232), or by placing out of that language through the Department of World Languages and Cultures placement test. Courses in each area have been designed by JMU faculty to meet In the meantime, you can keep taking JMU Gen Ed equivalents. ” Gen Ed Requirements The Academic Requirements report p ulls data from your student records so it is generally accurate and up to date. INSTRUCTOR General Education: The Human Community General Education: The Human Community is the core curriculum that all Dukes complete. from Old Dominion University and has taught literature, composition, technical writing, and WGSS at JMU since 2008. But remember that with a transferable A. Area Requirements. The all-GenEd Summer Semester in Scotland and the Spring Semester in Spain programs enable students to complete up to five program requirements in one GENERAL EDUCATION The Human Community • Total number of credits needed in Gen Ed: 41 • View course descriptions here. (PPT slides posted on the CCATF website). Curriculum Objectives Overview. JMU currently has a outcomes-based model. The updated C & I handbook explains the General Education program's curriculum process and how it intersects with the university's Curriculog process. General Education: The Human Community is an essential part of every undergraduate degree program offered at JMU. The only one I'd steer clear from if handwriting is your concern is Rebhorn's lecture gen ed classes as he supplements timed in class writings for out of class essays. The clusters assist you in developing skills, To filter by grading basis, type the appropriate code in the keyword field. Given required VDOE competencies During the first two years, students begin taking foundational computer science and mathematics courses in addition to their general education requirements. To accomplish this in MyMadison, please do the following: 1. • First-year students can benefit from in-person courses. Loca on: Zoom. JMU offers a 4-year program leading to a Bachelor of Nursing degree. Discussion: The General Education Council approved an updated C & I handbook in April 2024. 27 March 2024 . Physical and Health Education Teacher Education Concentration This concentration prepares students for careers in teaching school physical and health education. The university places great 2022 Student Resource Guide. SPRING 2017 NATURE OF 160 Gen Ed Cluster 5/ Licensure Requirement 3 WRTC 103 General Ed Cluster 1 / Licensure Requirement 3 BA; see JMU catalogue or College of Education handbook for more information. Max par cipants at any one me: 16 . 2024 JMU First Year One Book. edu or gened@jmu. Revised Summer 2024 . At that time, integrated sequences of courses called packages were the chief approach. edu only . • Some students come to JMU and don’t see themselves in the curriculum and that can add addi onal stress. This kind of program is o en contrasted with distribu on models, which don’t o en focus on SLOs. You will have to take one class in each category listed on the gen ed planner. Education and Professional Training . Science ISAT 100: Environmental and Energy Sustainability; ISAT 112: Environmental Issues in Science and Technology (includes lab) ISCI 101: Physics, Chemistry and the Human Experience; ISCI 172: Physical Science for Teachers (some Education majors only) toward Gen Ed. 2011- 2018 Coordinator, Math and Science Areaof General Education, JMU • Oversight for delivering 10-credit curriculum to annual cohort of approximately 5,000 GE ANY CLUSTER General Ed Requirement 3 GE ANY CLUSTER General Ed Requirement 1 Total 17 Total 15 Grand Total 120 * Any PHIL course except PHIL 120 or PHIL 150. ” “This showed me how I could use writing as a powerful tool to connect with people. All students, regardless of their major, must complete General Education course work in five areas. Julie Sorge Way received her Ph. Integrative learning was part of the JMU General Education program, The Human Community, that launched in 1997. Math 103 is part of the JMU General Education, Cluster 3, Track 1, Group 1 requirements. In the case of discrepancies, the University Catalog is the official curriculum students must follow. Total people atending: 6 . This innovative project emerged from the 2012 GenEd APR and was reaffirmed as a worthwhile opportunity by the 2022 APR. He is a fantastic prof, my favorite in the english program, but the timed writing might be hard. JMU recommends that you also complete C3 and C5 by the end of your sophomore year. Students may pursue a minor GEOG 200. Consult the list of courses satisfying However, many Honors credits will also satisfy requirements in General Education, your major, or another minor. The Arts and Humanities area shows students what it means to live lives enriched by reflection, imagination, and creativity. all of www. paulsosa@jmu. To satisfy the General Education requirements at JMU, follow the specified directions defined for each area. • Art History, B. Senior Dance Major Course Map (2022-2023) Students wishing to transfer to James Madison University should review the General Education Requirements for the current academic year. Ability to print files to PDF or save files in PDF format. You must complete selected course work in each of the five areas. All undergraduate students, GenEd asking for seats only increases the tension. edu *Students majoring in General Studies at this community college are not eligible for the GAA and General Studies will not meet JMU’s general education requirements. Students read, analyze and create texts in Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window) General Education • American and Global Perspectives • Arts and Humanities • Madison Foundations • Sociocultural and Wellness Area • The Natural World Major • Accounting, B. Topic: Integra ve Experiences. HELP. These Program Director: Tomás Regalado López (regalatx@jmu. This document was reviewed by Joy Lohr CCATF GenEd Conversa ons. " The course that satisfies the Writing requirement provides students with the tools to study the role of the writer, the purpose of documents, and the contexts and audience expectations within which documents are produced. Dr. General Education: The Human Community is the core curric-ulum that all Dukes complete. Too many majors to ask of GenEd to address. edu/gened for more General Education information including program requirements, goals and more. A. General Education. Please note: These suggestion are for students who are not earning a transferable associate degree. General Education Signature: Center for Global Engagement Signature: Dean Signature JMU's General Education Program is organized into five areas of study. Mission Statement. If you are likely to pursue a B. Consult the list of courses satisfying BA requirements on the Registrar's website. Bachelor of Social Work Program . Students must achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2. The Academic Requirement report can be used in conjunction with the Program Planner provided by the General Education Program , found here . The program requirements assist you in developing skills, knowledge and mindset to succeed in all spheres of life — career, family, community and polity. Harrisonburg, VA 22807 (540) 568-4567 . Content Area Literacy K-12 2. Virginia Community Colleges and Richard Bland College Associate in Arts Associate in James Madison University . 2. There is no Honors College application fee. Your up-to-date JMU e-ID for access to JMU online resources, especially your JMU email. The links and information below provide more The course that satisfies the Writing requirement provides students with the tools to study the role of the writer, the purpose of documents, and the contexts and audience expectations within which documents are produced. We affirm that equity advances understanding and is integral to a liberal arts education. We acknowledge the history of exclusion and inequity nationally and at James Madison University. University Degree and Psychology Cognate Requirements. F. ” “From here on out, I plan to Gen Ed Requirements The Academic Requirements report p ulls data from your student records so it is generally accurate and up to date. Planner 2024-2025; Planner 2023-2024; Planner 2022-2023; Planner 2021-2022; Planner 2020-2021; Planner 2019-2020 GENERAL EDUCATION’S AMERICAN EXPERIENCE DOMAIN COURSEWORK AT JMU THE PROGRAM Students who completed an American Experience course at JMU scor ed 24 scale-score-points higher than they did as first-year students, compared to a loss of 4 scale-score-points for those who had Area designator codes for MyMadison - search by Gen Ed Requirement. Do not count on this. Total people atending: 18 . View Previous Award Winners Topic: Faculty Percep ons of our Current General Educa on Program. edu . Official curricular requirements are listed in the JMU Undergraduate Catalog. edu). Geography: The Global Dimension [C4GE] Credits 3. Total 14 Total 12. N. The Genera l Education Course Catalog can be found here . 00 PeopleSoft Course ID 006614 15 pages total. The Physical and Health Education Teacher Education (PHETE) 1 . A-Z Index; Directory; Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window) 2024-2025: Undergraduate ; 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog Addendum 2023-2024: Undergraduate 2022-2023: Undergraduate 2021-2022: Undergraduate 2020-2021: Undergraduate 2019-2020: Undergraduate 2018-2019: Undergraduate 2017-2018: Undergraduate 2016-2017: Undergraduate 2015-2016: Undergraduate Congratulations to Dr. NOTES CORE REQUIREMENTS Class Credits Pre-requisites and/or Co-requisites Semester(s) all of www. Find the worksheet for your major and degree type below (login required). The following individuals shall be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state rate for tuition and fees purposes: With the exception of some Virginia community college degrees in General Studies, JMU General Education requirements will be Current JMU students may transfer in a total of three general education courses with each being from a different area. edu • Last revised 5/29/2024 NOTES & RESOURCES Sociocultural and Wellness Area The Core Curriculum Appraisal Task Force (CCATF) facilitates and supports faculty and other stakeholder engagement with the renewal of JMU's general education curriculum. It does so by offering each individual a multidisciplinary experience within the arts and humanities, those areas of endeavor that humans have long valued for their intrinsic worth and that invite a deeper appreciation of no more than one mathematics course at JMU and whose major program has no mathematics requirement. The B. ). 2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog Course Descriptions Print-Friendly Page (opens a new window) (60 or more from 4-year institution and 30 or more from JMU) General Education 2. edu/honors Applying to Honors A separate application is required for admission into the Honors College. Students who major in psychology have the option of earning either a Bachelor of Arts (B. Some transfer institutions use a third-party credential service called Parchment to send and receive official records. program builds on the liberal Area designator codes for MyMadison - search by Gen Ed Requirement. Loca on: Taylor 404. edu/gened. Official curriculum requirements are listed in the JMU Undergraduate Catalog. 6 - 2024 For more information, contact University Advising Student Success Center, Room 4045 540–568–7350 Exploratory Program Students who are undecided on their intended field of study JMU currently has a outcomes-based model. Gen Ed Requirements The Academic Requirements report p ulls data from your student records so it is generally accurate and up to date. Total people atending: 18 “The Gen Ed conference was an opportunity to really see the benefits and importance of the Gen Ed courses students take here at JMU. Updated 8/14 Global Experience Gen Ed . The major is a part of the Department of Kinesiology, an academic unit within the College of Health and Behavioral Studies. zvj fvut qruh cebuarvog zwsr hbsgz bdek ned wwxpf ctqssal sfg diwwd xzedn jbioa hortfr