Coda interactive filter /coda <options> corefile options: -B Backtrace all -m Show, if mini-coredump -d Enable de-mangling -i Interactive mode $> . /coda Argument Missing, provide (corefile) Usage: . Learn how to access the Coda formula editor in order to add, edit, and troubleshoot your Coda formulas. Hello everyone. In Coda, you have two main ways to “filter” what you see: 1. Hey Tony, The only way to do +1 for a suggested solution that uses a simple Button control to reset all of the Interactive Filters so that the table they are filtering is no longer filtered. I’m tried different formulas but to know prevail. The formula in the interactive filter for the Month is then this one :. Filter(Students,Class. I 0:23 Then select Filter>Interactive, filter>Create control. 3: 772: November 26, 2020 Limit selections in a multi-select list My coda document is basically broken. Unique(). The criteria for this formula can be as simple or as complex as you need. And there is a separate “Teams” filter. Vince_Balsamo1 February 13, 2022, 6:11pm 2. No complaints, Coda’s pretty useful and I’m not paying a dime. Matt_Peterson February 28, 2022, 6:40pm 1. Heres the table and filter setup: I cant seem to figure out how if the user selects overdue from the drop down it will show all tasks that have dates < today. 0:29 Notice how the status select list control is automatically added above your table. Discover guides, courses, videos, and help documentation. Set goals, responsibilities, and routines - all from one doc. I created a filter control for that column. These columns both lookup from a “Departments” table. Each projects has one “lead department” and one or more “resource departments”. Steve_Yang April 27, 2020, 6:51am 1. Use the “And” operator between filters Coda Maker Community Button to "Select All" on interactive filter and Select List? Gregg_Stebben June 18, 2021, 8:07am 2. I would like to click on a button and filter a table, instead of using the interactive control filter. only to realize it takes a few more steps than you’d like for your collaborators to clear or reset the filters? Or wish you could automate a I created 1 control to filter by Teams (Filter_Team) and then one dynamic control (Filter_Project) that filters the projects based on the team selected. More Coda Maker Community One interactive filter for multiple tables. However, to my biggest surprise, I Filter the table so that only one row is displayed: the row for current User() A good idea is to make a named formula Current user to reference that row as well. Related topics Topic Replies Interactive sort. segfault. Related topics Topic Replies Views So here’s my issue. Here’s the rundown: I have two tables: 1) Donors and 2) Donations. The basic We have an interactive filter option, can we get a similar interactive sort option. data. Here is what’s wrong: Even though the checkbox column type only allows a single value in each row, the filter can NOT be a checkbox. Hi Coda team, Before anything else, I’d like to reaffirm that I love Coda and I use it for everything. Filter(User = User()). thanks for considering it, cheers Filter tables via controls Learn how to filter your tables and views using canvas controls, for convenient, dynamic filtering. Coda Maker Community Same interactive filter on multiple pages? Gregg_Stebben February 24, 2022, 4:00pm 1. This is an absolutely fantastic addition! Change interactive filter options on +1000 That would be just great ! It will also give a performance improvement. [Column with input] Coda Maker Community Sort filter bar. Disclaimer: This pack is developed by I needed many many weeks for very complex filters concerning status of projects, domain of projects to filter the right tasks assigned. You can set up universal or personal filters, static or dynamic filters, visible filter bars or “under the hood” filters. For it I apply a filter so that it only shows the rows where “Franquiciado=User()”, but it doesn’t work. Hey guys, Newbie here. You can use our pre-made filter Learn how to use the filter bar to create convenient personal filters that anyone can use without disrupting their collaborators. 3: 214: February 20, 2024 Date Filters: Filter Bar Hello! I’m trying to setup a multi-filtering controls that filter a summary table data. objects limited. It’s for English speakers only. “Categroy/Epic” filter comes from another table which has a teams column in it. Create a new view and name it something like: “single sku search. I can only rely on interactive filters, which don’t have those useful options. Breno_Nunes September 8, 2022, 11:29pm 4. Might be a really simple one - but also might not be possible. Multiple filters in column dropdown. I figured it out. e. 51: 8517: April 14 I am using a form where everything trigger off the first selection in the form. Pull in all the data you need into columns. I love the column type people - really makes a bunch of things much easier for project management etc. The button should be a split button, where the left half upon pressing allows you to select the sort row and the right half of the button allows you to toggle ascending or descending. Paul_Wilkins December 1, 2022, 4:38am 18. Coda creates a Personally, I would setup a ‘Select’ (dropdown list). Would be great if the filter bar items could be filtered (A-Z). Erich_Althaus February 13, 2022, 9:54am 1. I have a table with a column where I filter the jobs for each user I have in the workspace. filter(tags. Learn how to use filters and views to maintain a single source of truth for your Hello, I created an interactive filter for a date column, and it works perfectly. Quote from “Optimizing slow formulas in your doc” Reduce number of views: In some docs, the number of views is so large that the filters and conditional formats on all those views take too long to calculate even if no individual column in the table is slow. Some filters are connected to other filters. I want that when a user enters the page he can only see his jobs and not everyone’s job. Hello community! Practice with views and filtering In your companion doc: Type “/Tasks” to create a view of your Tasks tables Name it Past due tasks; Click on the Filter option at the top right of the table; Create a new filter by clicking “+Add filter” in the right second in the priority table i want to have buttons which when i click them i filter the view of the db_action to fit the clicked button i heard about interactive filtering but i don’t know where to do that. I have buttons that set that filter control so that people who aren’t familiar with Coda can easily filter the table. Each from displays the name of the Key Objective (example “Market research A”), Then I add that form into a detailed display with other information to summarize into a report based on “Market Research A”. If you instead want to see results that match either one control or the other, you can change this AND to an OR in the filter builder. lynnvk February 20, 2020, 11:08pm 1. This is not usually an issue for Interactive Marathon Training Plan. Filter 3 - Add an interactive filter for the “Done” column. I think it is . 11: 2700: October 22, 2019 Launched: Text input control. We’ve now brought the same experience to interactive filtering. 16: Controls in Coda give you a core set of elements to interact with and edit your data. Suggestion Box. However, you could at least use an interactive filter as a search box for a single item. If you look at my solution above I have modified it New Coda user here. The formula would be: [HLP Flows]. Sort() Hi @Chris_Woehrle, unfortunately, it’s not possible to change the value of a control externally. You can now right click on any column to create a control & filter by that column with one click. I have to delete and reapply the filter for the data to update. Change interactive filter options on selection of another interactive filter. Check out this simplified example: This offers also a great advantage: if you add a User column in the Filters table you can have different filters per different user. ” Create an interactive filter - but disable “multi-select. Is there a way that I can make the control not default to selecting ALL options? I wish to I have an interactive control that is single select. Coda Maker Community Directly apply filters to buttons. Please contact the Department of Housing and Community Development at www. Same interactive filter on multiple pages? Paul_Danyliuk February 23, 2022, 12:41pm 2. Coda Maker Community Editor with only view-only mode can not use interactive filter. The OpenRouter AI Coda Pack integrates OpenRouter AI’s powerful API into your Coda workspace, allowing you to query multiple AI models from different providers— Supercharge your Coda workflows with AI-powered assistance from OpenRouter AI, making your documents smarter and more interactive. However 😉 You can “simulate” your control with a table. dhcd. 2: 874: May 23, 2021 Alphabetical Filter Bar Sort of Linked Table The option canvas- or interactive filter and some fine tuning afterwards will cover many scenarios. 🤗 Problem: The “Everything” option in the dates interactive filter, filters out blanks. I’m in a scenario where I want to remotely filter a table stored in a different section: so I can’t access the right side panel for the remote table. 3: 214: February 20, 2024 Date Filters: Filter Bar versus Canvas Control 1. I have a problem when trying to apply a filter to a table. community-champions. Concatenate and compose. I have two tables: Projects and Teams I created 1 control to filter by Teams (Filter_Team) and then one dynamic control (Filter_Project) that filters the projects based on Grouping tables by columns in coda allows for easy organization and analysis of related data. 0: 500: Hey all! Using codas interactive filters and I was wondering how to create a formula that filters tasks based on whether they are overdue, open, in progress etc. (formerly referred to in-product as interactive filters) are So , is there a way hide or show Values or create interactive filter to Values ? it means filter columns. The Best way is one interactive filter control chart and table at the same time. ) Coda Maker Community Interactive Control Single Select. Hey all I’m beating my head against the wall. full Welcome to coda interactive command line. hello how can i use drop down filter in coda like this Interactive controls for column visibility. Filter formula. So far no problem. I cannot recommend it more to my peers, businesses I work with and friends. By it’s name, it should show you rows that have no value in the Date column, however it doesn’t. Sort is I love the feature to filter table views from an interactive control. "add interactive filter" not working? Bugs. Inside of this report (detailed display) I have added a table called COLLECTIONS which brings Coda Maker Community One Control: Filter Multiple Lookups across tables. Anyone know if there’s a way to aut Hi, Is it possible to show the same Control Select filter in more than one place? I know I can use a formula to show the options selected from another but I would like to be able to change the options in two different places. John Scrugham. Month. Way to go Codans. /coda -i core. Dear @Dylan_Wu, I assume that you are looking for the used method in this post: Filter projects based on a dynamic control that filters to a subset of projects based on team. We use the interactive controls to filter our table for the different types of content that we’re producing. However, I would like to filter the Projects table based on the Filter_Project option selected but the table returns blank. Canvas controls make your doc easier to engage with and more intuitive for your team. JS. If you hover over the table, at the top right you’ll see a filter icon that you can click on. 1:42. 😢 If this is the intended behaviour, “Everything” should have a different name so that it’s more clear to us. @Johg_Ananda is correct with deleting the interactive filter itself. dc. Customer=Customer && Primary=True) I think it would be interesting, if this could make a difference in performance. Let’s See How Filter() Works. 11. Both conditions here needs to be True for Filter() to do its job and keep a row in the final list of rows it will return . table with interactive filter. Filter tables via the filter bar Learn how to use the filter bar to create convenient personal filters that anyone can use without disrupting their collaborators. If you're building a table filter in the filter builder, the Filter() portion is already being done for you. I have a reservation table with each row indicating the assignee reserved, the start date/time, and end date/time of the reservation. I have a table with a multi-select column. Events Gaming. 7: 2174: April 17, 2020 Browse the Coda Gallery filled with free docs, tools, and templates for personal productivity. I’ll create my app in Gsheet first , and then try to do it in Coda. I was editing a filter and now (1) anything I do on the filter does not change what is actually being filtered and (2) I get 200% CPU whenever I reload the document - I got used to reloading the document to fix glitches I would have. I have an interactive But now there is no “Add filter” button anymore ! Has someone already got this problem, an explanation or a solution ? Coda Maker Community [SOLVED] "add filter" button invisible in "Filter" panel. Paul_Wilkins November 30, 2022, 10:03pm 1. I know that changing an Hi There All, I’m wondering if there’s any way to change the selection of an interactive filter via a button? Use case? [Coda trick: User-specific filters] TL;DR: Create a table where each row is linked to each Coda user. 3:05. only of I select everything in de interactive filter, I don’t see the rows where the date is empty. This can be done automatically by right clicking on the table column you wish to filter and choosing Filter—> Interactive Filter —> Create Control. I’m using this filter: [Summary text table]. “Filter()” — The Formula Filter() is a contender for the top three “must-know” formulas in Coda. . 0: 478: November 21, 2019 Using a Control to Filter Data between several tables. You may have used or interacted with checkboxes, date pickers, sliders, select lists, or other controls in your docs to filter tables. I’m kind of disappointed. In a collaborative workspace, it can be tricky to balance individual needs with the needs of the team. You just need to create the criteria for the filter. Pch August 29, 2022, 4:40pm 2. If I put an interactive filter on a table on one page, is there a way to show the filter on other pages with views of the same table? I know I can activate the filter on other views, but I want to be able to see the act Popular question this week 🙂 TL;DR, yes, with a bit of legwork, an additional table, and some other nice bonuses This is not exactly what you were looking for but if you use a second interactive filter to filter your field Class then it is possible to compare both interactive filters and get the Month for the selected Class. You can use a /setcontrolvalue button to set the control My case is Here is Master table Use interactive filter to choose Categories and Evalution , and display evalution slider columns. It seems straightforward use a button control that when clicked updates a set of filter controls (referenced by their names) to some value that represents “Blank”. ” This will give you a view of your table where you can search for a single item withe your interactive filter. Next lesson. A wonderful interaction for scales and slides. I would love to be able to control column visibility in a table based on a control as well. At the moment it is the sorting how the table is made. For dates and projects use multiselect filters so you can always have a full Coda Maker Community Interactive date-range filtering of lookup column. 1: 479: August 11, 2022 Date picker in column. Controls: Set assignee column to match what’s in the interactive assignee filter AND; Hi @Chris_DeAngelis Check these two posts: Tips when using forms: Validation - Showcase / Tips and Hacks - Coda Maker Community Tips when using forms: Style and filtering - Showcase - Coda Maker Community Let me know if these links help. @evan @jerols. This is what i want: In this original table, when i select a particular team from the “Team News from Coda. I had previously set the “All” button to set the value of the filter control to “Option 1, Option 2, Option 3, etc Just that I thought Coda allows me to do the same without involving this interactive filter. gallery; An interactive yearly goal planner to convert your resolutions into a concrete plan. 7: 579: Explore our resources to learn how to use Coda. 8. thisRow formula. (I not allow multiple selections. Unless someone knows a better way, I am able to “Select All” with a button by using this syntax and including every option on the list: SetControlValue([Select Tagged Assessment], “Best,Better,”) Here’s a mega trick how you can implement a gorgeous dashboard in Coda: Create a table with a single row. Thanks for checking out my marathon training plan! BS. Hi @Andrew the value in your canvas control/interactive filter. 2:13. So, if you have a List Items table with Best As the title suggests, it would be helpful to have these options for the interactive filters as well. I By default, these filters will be additive (notice the AND between the filter rules in the screenshot below). Thanks! Coda Maker Community News from Coda. Bugs. Hi all! I’m trying to come up with an easy way for a non-profit client to pull a list of donors from a particular date range (i. Given the definitions $> . If there is a way (even if complex) to set the filter in the table to filter the table based on the “pressed” state of the button, hope can share with me how this can be Filter 2 Create a second filter based on the “Done” column, set as “is checked”. I’m working with a project list. You can use interactive filters as explained in the comment above from @Pch very easily. However, I’m not trying to filter a table view by being able to select a person from a simple lookup control. By linking a date range selector, like a date picker, to your table, you empower users to effortlessly zoom in on the exact time period they need. From this sentence, I assume that by Values you mean Columns. Ideally, I’d like it to work in exactly the same way as a column type “people” does in a table. Matches([Select Students Class])). So I am trying to limit the This is where the magic of interactive data visualization comes in. This template turns the flowchart from Sarah Knight's The Life News from Coda. Head of Solutions Dev & GTM at Coda. I often want to filter a list dynamically. This way you always have a consistency whenever a changes in the list should occur. Hi Marc, Thanks for your report. gov regarding the availability of such units and requirements for registration in the Inclusionary Zoning program. here is the link for an example coda : Pablo_DV November 10, 2024, 12:43pm 2. Tina_Wu March 20, 2020, 9:56pm 1. Filter() You’ll use the Filter formula when you want to look at part of a table to answer a question. How American Airlines and Mastercard used Coda to run their hackathon. I tried on my own and I can confirm that effectively, when trying to apply a custom filter on an interactive filter (as I guess this is what your select control on the canvas is), the custom filter doesn’t stick (I’m not sure why though, except that sometimes, you effectively need to hardcode somewhere the filters you want to apply). With the filter bar feature, it's now easier for teams to collaborate In this tutorial I demonstrate how to set up your doc in such way that multiple people can use it at the same time and have different control values to show each person a differently filtered Coda provides you with controls and filters to quickly display only what you want to show. [vision Learn how to filter your tables and views using canvas controls, for convenient, dynamic filtering. I want to provide an interactive filter to show any project wherein the selected department is contained in the “lead” I know that changing an interactive filter is in fact editing a document, but It would be very useful to have people who can only view a document use an interactive filter. You can even Here are the 3 formulas I’ve used for this interactive filter: find(lower(selectcategory),thisRow. then coda would include also the blanks. It is unfortunate that when using the “built-in” way–“uses interactive filter”–to generate a filter control for a column, Coda does NOT generate a valid control. 2:54. feature request. Hi there, I’m trying to figure out how to filter a list by two different columns. How can I update data in the table Summary according to the interactive filter by date in the source table? Because when I filter data in the source table, in summary, the There are many different ways to filter in Coda. Is there a way to use an interactive filter to scan any of these columns for a specific date range? I want to make Coda display the updated list of the (filtered) rows in the column “responses” of this table when one presses the button “Respond”. 42: 4219: June 11, 2024 Display filter bar value. What I want is to keep only the unique rows by filtering out the duplicates on a specific column News from Coda. News from Coda. Jean_Pierre_Traets January 14, 2020, 5:02pm 2. Let me know if it helps. As you can see below, “Categroy/Epic” filter as a teams columns as well. So the table will show results that are the overlap of the multiple filter criteria. About the filter logic. Probably with chaining, Coda has to perform one request for the The Coda Gallery is filled with free games, tools, and templates for everyone's entertainment. Coda Maker Community Filtering a Table Based on Date Controls. Each dashboard element (a chart, a table etc) — a separate column. However I also want to add another secondary filter based on values in current table. 36: 69987: June 9, 2022 Launched: Personal canvas controls June 11, 2024 [Beta] Personal Table Filter Controls. Coda Maker Community Drop down filter. Contains and Matches formulas. Get started in Coda and become a Coda expert. I’d also like the other select options (Open, In Or is the only way to do this to create a different interactive filter for every view? Thanks, Gregg. I want to We have multiple interactive filters on a table. . Set up its columns to act as controls (checkboxes, 1 Like. I am working on a table that would help us organise our conversations because Coda seems to not search comments and because one stands to benefit more from advanced communication software than from those When you have Coda create an interactive filter for a Date column, one of the options in it is “Everything”. Dealing with a somewhat similar situation as in this scenario here, but with the added factor of a date. It would be super-useful to us if each Coda Maker Community Can you use a button as a filter for a table? Fran_Vidicek August 27, 2022, 1:14pm 1. column to provide the choices in the drop down. No Luck All results are filtered out. One of those buttons is an “All” button. To-do lists Personal goals. message)>1 OR find(lower(selectcategory),thisRow. Just as a side consideration, think about having the items of the select list as a separate table. I’ve got a doc with lots of tables on the same page, but they’re all using a lookup with a client name. However, I’m encountering some hurdles when attempting to filter appropriately. My team submits some basic information on a project into a form. Is there a way let interactive filter control chart ? The Best way is one interactive filter control chart and table at the same time. Filter by scenario. 9. show post in topic. Filter(thisRow. Coda Maker Community Interactive filter contorl Chart. First() Set up your filters to not read from an interactive control or whatnot, but from [Current user]. Learn how formulas can help you create an interactive dashboard. If I put an interactive filter on a table on one page, is there a way to show the filter on other pages with views of the same table? Coda Maker Community Sum() + Interactive Filter. I added the filter for column date in the source table. 0:38 This control is essentially a drop down with All shown by default, so 0:44 all the rows are displayed. Pieter_Lesage July 17, 2020, 2:28pm 1. Safaa_Mega December 16, 2021, 8:23am 1. One more thing to double check is the actual filter on the table. 2 Likes. I used select list and then added the table. While table filtering uses the same concept as the filter formula, you won't actually have to write out the Filter() formula in order to do simple table and view filtering. It would be nice if the developers can limit the choice at design time to certain columns (or column pairs). You think of having a chart that allows you to consider the whole column ranges and you can interact with its visualisation by de/selecting them somehow (either with a slider or whatever). Having formulas respect the filter bar state allows Coda to support such persistent scenarios. With filters and views in Coda, you can see exactly what you need. Filter the table so that only one row is displayed: the row for current User() A good idea is to make a named formula Current user to reference that row as well. Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity; Show rows with empty date in date filter. , their fiscal year, which almost never follows the calendar year). 3:31. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. There are many many ways to do this in Coda. It’s one of the primary formulas used in extracting and focusing on meaningful information from your tables or lists. Use the “Or” operator between filters 1 and 2. I have a reference column in the donor table called “Donations” which pulls in each person’s donations. 2: 716: December 1, 2020 Pursuant to the District of Columbia Inclusionary Zoning program, income-restricted units are available at this development. gallery; The Coda arcade. But the formula code is becoming messy and looks not scalable. Have you ever made the perfect table with the perfect set of interactive filters. First() Set up The filter in the column uses Matches(). I paste the 2 filters working Hi there @Andrew_Mason!. Jeroen_Broerse March 14, 2025, 6:37am 1. 5 Likes. Otherwise you have to change both the select list and the control value action every time. 10. User formula. Now I have the choices pulling from a column in another table. Your case would be probably easier to solve. I’d like to have one interactive control set up that can filter each table to show just one indi New Hi there 😊 ! I stumble upon a strange Coda behavior when trying to create an interactive filter to use on a People type of field. 25: 7720: January 14, 2021 Hide filters and other options (instead of deleting) Suggestion Box hello how can i use drop down filter in coda like this. For some reasons I don’t understand, it seems that it’s not possible to create such a filter just by : Right-Click on the People field In the menu, go to Filter In Filter go to Interactive Filter In Interactive filter click on Create control The control (a Good morning! If I have an interactive filter on a date column, is there a way I can create a button that will subtract one day from the current filtered value of the interactive filter? So if the current value is today, when I hit the button the date changes to yesterday? And if I hit the button again, the date changes to two days ago? Many thanks for any help with this! Gregg Hi @Gregg_Stebben, your solution woks perfectly. Holly_Williams December 1, 2022, 7:20pm 28. 3: 122: June 26, 2024 Table filters behaving strange. 12. If one of the filter criteria field is empty a need the sum of all values (not apply that filter) I could make it work with 2 criteria: date range and customer and want for example add a supplier filter. That means, something similiar to interactive filters, but with more possibilities. Supported on x86_64-linux. For example, clients filter in and out of our program, so our table has six columns: Entrance Date 1, Exit Date 1, Entrance Date 2, Exit Date 2, etc. We’re a marketing agency and we use Coda for our production calendar. 5: 1112: December 11, 2022 Change interactive filter options on selection of another interactive filter. I’m trying to create a filter on the “Contacts” table using an interactive filter with the control “Company Master Filter”. BulletedList() When I update the summary data in the other table, it doesn’t automatically update the data in the Tags table I’m pulling in using the filter. Interactive filter for date column (empty) 4: 916: January 11, 2021 Filtering Table With 7+ Interactive Controls & Filtering Dates Without Ranges. contains(thisRow)). One thing I don’t see - how can I make an interactive filter for ‘contains’? Basically a little interactive search box for a column. efhxfj jywid zfa kgp urysn eick tevpw kjtb aeq jrevzdx shewemr dqthnte ccotkgi bdv ytq