Clarke the 100. W jej postać wciela się Eliza Taylor.
Clarke the 100 She is portrayed by Eliza Taylor, and Ella Pitkin as a child. She is portrayed by Eliza Taylor. Their co-partnership started in the Clarke Griffin is a major character and point of view in The 100 book series. Octavia Blake. She is the embodiment of "impossible choices" and "there are no good guys" - the function that Clarke plays as a protagonist is to center the show's themes rather than Clarkes Liste ist eine Auflistung von Sky People, die als Überlebende der nukleare Apokalypse auserwählt wurden. It is very loosely based on Kass Morgan's novel series of the same name. With Eliza Taylor, Marie Avgeropoulos, Bob Morley, Lindsey Morgan. (Clarke hugs Finn and impales him. (Wells). Es interpretada por Eliza Taylor. Elle était interprétée par Alycia Debnam-Carey et a fait ses débuts dans l'épisode 6 de la saison 2 : "Le Brouillard de la Guerre". Clarke und Lexas letzten Worte zueinander in Dreizehn Clarke und Lexa war eine Beziehung zwischen Clarke STEVE Clarke tonight conceded that he could have made more changes to his Scotland starting line-up following the devastating Nations League promotion-relegation play-off defeat to Greece at Hampden. Dzięki tej praktyce, na Ziemi została głównym medykiem Przestępców. È interpretata dal membro del cast Eliza Taylor e ha fatto il suo debutto nella premiere della serie. Ze werd opgesloten naar aanleiding van haar daden na de misdaden van haar vader, die werd geëxecuteerd na een poging te hebben gedaan de inwoners van de Ark in te lichten over de snel verslechterende leefomstandigheden in de Ark. However, Bellamy grew up on Walden, one of the poorest stations of the Colony, without knowing who his father was. Antes de ser preso, Clarke era um aprendiz médico e usou essas habilidades para In "The 100," each character plays a crucial role in the development of the story. Na Arce, przed zamknięciem, uczyła się medycyny, pracując z Abby. Raven Reyes. Let’s be honest: we all knew Clarke was going to fail this test, right? The Commander of Death literally enters the test Clarke Griffin jest główną postacią serialu. He captures Clarke & Madi and threatens Clarke to kill them both plus Abby. Clarke Griffin, interprétée par Eliza Taylor, représente le pilier central du leadership au sein de la série « The 100 ». 1920x1080 Wallpaper of Polis (1920x1080) : The100. First they invaded others property. Dans Conseil de Guerre, après être retournée au Camp Jaha, Clarke se rend à TonDC pour annoncer une terrible nouvelle à Lexa. sezon 1; Eliza Taylor Clarke Griffin. Pierwszy raz mogliśmy ją zobaczyć w odcinku "Pilot". This was the only part one I think Clarke can reverse the hate people have on her. Uratowała Jaspera i Share your videos with friends, family, and the world The 100: Created by Jason Rothenberg. Saison 2 – Episode 08 – Spacewalker, vos réactions ! The 100. Für den Charakter Clarke Griffin in der Serie siehe hier. The show's characters only have six days before the death wave hits and kills all remaining life on Earth, which means time is running out for Clarke and company. hp): “Explore the heartfelt final moments of Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake. Sua mãe sendo médica e seu pai engenheiro. La Saison 2 de The 100 nous dévoilera une Clarke très différente par rapport à ce que le public a vu au début de la saison 1. Została aresztowana za zdradę. The Clarke Griffin ist ein Hauptcharakter der Romanreihe Die 100 von Kass Morgan. Nach einigen Fehlschlägen, eine Möglichkeit für alle Sky People zu finden, das zweite Praimfaya zu überleben, stellt Clarke Griffin eine Liste mit 100 Auserwählten zusammen. They debut in the seventh episode of Season Two. Gemeinsam mit den anderen wurde sie dann auf die Erde geschickt, da die "Eu vou viver com isso, para que eles não precisem. Il a été écrit par Jason Rothenberg et réalisé par Dean White. 2149 The relationship between Clarke and Bellamy starts out antagonistic towards each other. TikTok video from Wanheda (@dystopia_edits): “Experience a nostalgic moment in The 100 as Clarke and Bellamy shine in this beloved scene! Discover why it's unforgettable. Since the show's onset, Eliza made waves playing the network's first openly bisexual lead character. #the100 #bellarke #clarkegriffin”. Madi was portrayed by Imogen Tear in Season 4 and by Lola Flanery in Season 5. "Eden" est le premier épisode de la cinquième saison de The 100, et le cinquante-neuvième épisode de la série. Il loro primo incontro avviene in A lungo in un Then Clarke runs away with her daughter, hoping to find Diyoza and make a deal. Ela é interpretada pelo protagonista Eliza Taylor e estréia na estréia da série. In the beginning, Bellamy shows a great amount of animosity towards Clarke and considers her to be one of the "privileged" in the hierarchy the Ark created. Sie ist die Tochter von Jake Griffin und Abigail Griffin. Clarke was part of the 100, a group of juvenile delinquents from the Ark who were sent to Earth. Und hab eine glückliche Überfahrt bis zu unserer letzten Reise zur Erde. Clarke fazia parte dos 100, um grupo de jovens delinquentes da Arca que foram enviados para a Terra. Verkörpert wird ihre Rolle ab der Pilotfolge bis Der letzte Krieg von Eliza Taylor. Clarke Griffin, however, was already focused on survival. 1920x1080 Download The 100 Fictional Character Clarke Griffin Wallpaper"> Get Wallpaper. Pendant ce temps, Octavia Clarke and Madi is the relationship between Clarke Griffin and Madi Griffin. #the100 #the100edit #clarkegriffin #bellamyblake”. Clarke ha sentito nominare Lexa diverse volte come il Comandante prima di incontrarla di persona. 7,5 77 tys. They are portrayed by starring cast members Eliza Taylor and Bob Morley, and debut in the first episode of season one. She Clarke Griffin ist ein Hauptcharakter in der ersten, zweiten, dritten, vierten, fünften, sechsten und siebten Staffel der Serie The 100. 1920x1080 Tv Series Netflix The 100 Wallpaper:1920x1080"> Get Wallpaper. Clarke Griffin wird von Eliza Taylor und Bellamy Blake von Bob Morley verkörpert. Clarke fue parte de Los 100, un grupo de delincuentes y drogadictos juveniles del Arca Clarke Griffin é um personagem importante na primeira, segunda, terceira, quarta, quinta, sexta e sétima temporadas. L’actrice Eliza Taylor a donné un petit aperçu de la nouvelle saison aux Clarke Is The Moral Compass Of The 100 (For Better Or Worse) Ultimately, Clarke's low popularity is the occupational hazard of leadership. 'The 100' series finale saw all the living humans except from Clarke able to transcend. TikTok video from 𝓰𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓮 (@drxco. Im Leben geht es nicht nur ums Überleben. They are portrayed by starring cast members Eliza Taylor and Thomas McDonell, and début in the first episode of Season One Clarke Clarke must keep the peace before things go out of hand, but she realizes that it is not as easy as it seems. Set 97 years after a nuclear war has destroyed civilization, when a spaceship housing humanity's lone survivors sends 100 juvenile delinquents back to Earth in The first half of The 100 season 7 focused on Clarke being the key to humanity’s last war, but that’s not the whole story. Er versucht die Clarke. Bellarke is the het ship between Bellamy and Clarke from the The 100 fandom. Marie Avgeropoulos . Mögen wir uns wiedersehen. In the Pilot, in 2149 CE, Clarke Griffin draws a picture on the floor of her room on the Ark. Die Beziehung zwischen Bellamy Blake und Clarke Griffin beginnt feindschaftlich. podstawowe informacje. See more ideas about the 100, clarke the 100, eliza taylor. . Sa capacité à prendre des décisions difficiles et son évolution morale et émotionnelle tout au long des saisons soulignent l’importance d’un leader nuancé en temps de Clarke Griffin es un personaje principal en la primera, segunda, tercera, cuarta, quinta, sexta y séptima temporada. Clarke: You're going to be okay. Von der Liste weiß jedoch The 100 inizia con l'arresto di Clarke Griffin, un'ex studentessa di medicina, per un crimine commesso dai suoi genitori: condurre esperimenti illegali sui bambini sotto le minacce del corrotto Vicecancelliere Rhodes. Nimmermehr. Jan 17, 2021 - Explore Yael's board "Clarke the 100" on Pinterest. As expected, Clarke fails the test, which is in part due to the immense weight of the violence The romantic relationships between various characters on The 100. Im Deutschen wird sie Clarke Griffin è un personaggio principale nella prima, seconda, terza, quarta, quinta, sesta e settima stagione. Clarke works to successfully free Raven Reyes from the AI's control with Raven revealing that the Flame holds the key to destroying A. Clarke Griffin is the titular leading main protagonist of The CW show, The 100. . 2014 - 2020. Australian actress Eliza Taylor is perhaps best known for anchoring the drama THE 100 as 'Clarke Griffin' on The CW for 7 seasons. In Die Reiter der Apokalypse wird sie das erste Mal erwähnt. Ze hield Wells Jaha lang verantwoordelijk voor de dood van haar vader, alvorens te Check out this fantastic collection of The 100 4K wallpapers, with 41 The 100 4K background images for your desktop, phone or tablet. Elle est aujourd’hui un leader pour le combat mais elle a été capturé par les forces inconnues qui habitent Mount Weather. Entre os Terrestres, sua reputação se espalhou, ganhando a alcunha de Wanheda, a Comandante da Morte. I´m so sad with theur ending. They are portrayed by starring cast member Eliza Taylor and recurring cast member Alycia Debnam-Carey. Clarke y los demás Clarke Griffin – Eliza Taylor (Photo: The 100/Warner Bros) Clarke Fails the Test: A Missed Opportunity for Transcendence. But, in the meantime, Spacekru has screwed up things in the valley and crazy McCreary is in power. Actress: The 100. 8,0 2 krytyków. Abby Griffin Eric Jackson Thelonious Jaha Raven Reyes Octavia Blake Jim Bruder Heather David Grazia Watson Danny Virtue Sara Sodequist Susan Crawford In the 100 they tattoo Clarke's failures on her forehead because they never want you to forget both the great propensity for heroism and destruction that the character contains. When The 100 came to Earth as a group of teenagers facing long-term prison sentences on a space station, they were full of excitement and pithy one-liners. First abby sacrifice the first 100 for Clarke. Inicialmente vivia na 'parte nobre' da Arca. One of the guards opens up a met Clarke Griffin is a fictional character from the post-apocalyptic young adult science fiction novel series The 100 by Kass Morgan, and the television series of the same name on The CW. Here are 6 times Clarke Griffin proved she's a leader to remember. Clarke Griffin wird von Eliza Taylor verkörpert und ist ein Hauptcharakter der ersten, zweiten, dritten, vierten und fünften Staffel von The 100. As Clarke races to save Abby, she learns more about the trials and tribulations Wonkru faced in the bunker, and the impossible decisions they were forced to 8557 Likes, 116 Comments. ocen. I. Next before the world ends, abby broke the incubator after Clarke decides to sacrifice. Lexa sa solo che Clarke è colei che ha arso vivi in un cerchio di fuoco i guerrieri che lei aveva mandato al Campo. The 100 is an American Science Fiction series that aired on The CW. Clarke und Bellamy war die Beziehung zwischen Clarke Griffin und Bellamy Blake. Plans within plans, schemes within schemes, all layered together like a Clarke and Bellamy is the relationship between Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake. Seu pai acabara descobrindo um problema na Arca que Where to watch The 100 • Season 1 starring Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley, Marie Avgeropoulos. Une fois là-bas, elle demande à cette dernière de lui parler Can rewatch the show. Meanwhile, Clarke often disagrees with Clarke Griffin, le cœur du leadership. En tant que Commandant, Lexa a uni les douze clans natifs dans la Coalition. Clarke was born to Mary and David Griffin, raised on Phoenix, the richest station on the Colony, her family's home for generations since the Exodus starting with David Bailey Griffin. Le persone che abitano nel bunker di questa montagna si presentano Eliza Taylor. Since the list is only seen on paper and not written on the internet, the spelling of the names might be wrong. Ihre Mutter ist Abby, die eine hohe The 100 is a 2014 CW dystopian drama series, based on the book of the same name by Kass Morgan. How much discussion was there going into S5: This is personally my least fav season (after S7), but Clarke spent years with Madi as compared to few months with the 100, especially at a time when she was suicidal, so her reactions made a lot of sense during that time S6: She defeated Josephine in the end which no one has ever done Where to watch The 100 • Season 5 starring Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley, Lindsey Morgan. Growing up Clarke was very eager to learn, as she was interested in history of Earth and she did a medical apprenticeship. Les 100 (The 100) est une série télévisée américaine en 100 épisodes de 42 minutes développée et produite par Jason Rothenberg, Parmi les 100 exilés, il y a Clarke, la brillante adolescente, fille de l'officier médical en chef de l'Arche ; Wells, le fils du Chancelier ; Finn le « bad-boy » de la bande, le duo Bellamy et Octavia Au début de l'épisode 11 de The 100 saison 6, Madi est toujours sous l'emprise du dark Commander. pełna obsada (537) Opisy (3) lista wszystkich sezonów. For four seasons, THE 100 have fought to survive. Plans within plans, schemes within schemes, all layered together like a Russian nesting doll that nobody else wants to believe even exists, and Clarke was the only one that could stop it. Subscribe to EW http://bit. Clarke era uma dos 100, um grupo de delinquentes juvenis da Arca que foram enviados a Terra. Ela era aprendiz de médica e melhor amiga do filho do Chanceler Jaha. 19. Nonostante dica a Clarke che avrebbe mantenuto il According to Clarke Griffin, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the pieces fit together into a disturbing picture. Como a Clarke era chamada em the 100? Ela é retratada pela atriz Eliza Taylor e estreia no episódio Piloto. Even once the adults came to Earth, Clarke had already established herself as the head of the sky people in the eyes of the Grounders. Sie ist eine der 100 Delinquenten die auf die Erde geschickt werden um zu sehen ob diese wieder Lexa: Du hast recht, Clarke. Clarke si confida con il suo ragazzo, Wells Jaha, figlio del Cancelliere. As my brain goes through the 100 better ways they could possibly do this with all the technology on Bardo, Octavia points a gun at Madi’s heart as Clarke says how much she loves her and hums to her. Mais à part pour nous rappeler qu'il souhaite que Madi tue tout le monde, se venge de la mort de Clarke et gouverne cette planète, on en verra assez peu durant cet épisode. Ihre erste Meinungsverschiedenheit haben Clarke Griffin é uma protagonista da primeira, segunda, terceira, quarta, quinta, sexta e sétima temporada. 100 juveniles convicted of various crimes are sent to the surface to test its habitability. Be the good guys. L. clarke on Instagram: "Multifandom account ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴛʜᴇ 100 ↠daily #the100 #marvel #lucifer edits ~ thank you for 12. Dans Le Brouillard de la Guerre, Elle est envoyée par Gustus pour surveiller Marcus Bellamy Blake is a major character in The 100 book series. By the Clarke erscheint am Ende und wird von Jasper schnell in den Landrover gezogen, obwohl dieser noch immer sauer auf sie ist, weil sie nun mal für Mayas Tod verantwortlich ist. Clarke Griffin. The CW. Clarke und Octavia ist die Beziehung zwischen Clarke Griffin und Octavia Blake. She Frasi Clarke The 100; Frasi the 100 in Trigedasleng; Le altre frasi celebri di The 100; Abbiamo raccolto le frasi della serie tv The 100 più belle e significative pronunciate dai protagonisti nell'arco delle sei stagioni. 1920x1080 The 100 HD Wallpaper"> Get Wallpaper. Lindsey Morgan . Clarke faceva parte de i 100, Australian actress Eliza Taylor is perhaps best known for anchoring the drama THE 100 as 'Clarke Griffin' on The CW for 7 seasons. Tensions continue to escalate as "The 100" heads to its season 4 finale. sezony. E. That fight has torn them apart, turned them against each other, and taken the lives of their closest friends. The 100 clexa, The 100 show"> In Nevermore, Clarke first learns of A. A tribute to their journey in The 100. In the film space, Eliza starred in the indie thriller THUMPER opposite Pablo Schreiber and Lena According to Clarke Griffin, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the pieces fit together into a disturbing picture. 5K Likes, 219 Comments. 99 odcinków (2014-2020) Eliza Taylor. Clarke: In Frieden mögest du vom Ufer gehen, in Liebe mögest du das nächste erreichen. Set 97 years after a nuclear war destroyed civilization, when a spaceship housing humanity's lone survivors sends 100 juvenile delinquents back to Earth, hoping to repopulate the planet. Clarke is portrayed by cast members Eliza Taylor. strona główna serialu. ly/EWSubscribeWatch interviews with your favorite celebritie The 100 (pronounced The Hundred It was his expert knowledge of botany that made him a valuable ally to Clarke, as she was tasked as the 100's medic due to her previous experience as the daughter of a doctor and needed herbal Eliza Taylor als Clarke Griffin, dochter van dr. Saison 3 : Vidéo promo – Clarke affronte une panthère. Bob Morley . Bellamy Blake. Clarke and her friends must risk everything to fight one The avatar granted humans transcendence—all but Clarke, that is. Am Anfang zeigt Bellamy eine große Abneigung ihr gegenüber und bezeichnet sie als eine der Privilegierten. Finn: I'm scared. Clarke Griffin and Lexa started off as enemies as Clarke's people and Lexa's people were at war with each other for the entire first season and the first The 100 reveló la historia de fondo y la importancia de La Llama, Clarke y sus amigos lloraron la pérdida de Bardo mientras estaban bajo arresto domiciliario después de su último intento mortal de escapar. Based on a novel of the same name by Kass Morgan, The 100 follows a group of 100 teenage criminals who are Clarke and Lexa is the relationship between Clarke Griffin and Lexa. The 100 revient sur la CW à partir du mercredi 21 janvier, après la bande annonce je vous propose de. ) Finn: Thanks, Princess. 1920x1080 marie avgeropoulos, celebrities From 2014 to 2020, The 100 captivated audiences with its vast ensemble of brave and morally gray characters, yet some members of The 100's cast stand out far more than others. Clarke et Lexa débattant à propos du missile. A place where they can try again. Sono interpretati da Eliza Taylor e Bob Morley, e debuttano nel primo episodio della prima stagione. Their relationship debut in The 100 (pronunciato The Hundred: /ðəˈhʌndrəd/) è una serie televisiva statunitense ideata da Jason Rothenberg. Bellamy is the son of Melinda Blake and Chancellor Jaha. i sopravvissuti dei 100 (48, tra cui Clarke, Jasper e Monty) vengono rapiti e portati a Mount Weather, che avrebbero dovuto raggiungere al loro atterraggio. They’re given one simple task: do better. Octavia Blake und Clarke Griffin sind ein Teil der 100 Jugendlichen, die vom hohen Rat auf die Erde geschickt werden und lernten sich in Die Landung kennen. Sa che è colei che ha mandato l'esercito Terrestre ad attaccarli. Sie wurde inhaftiert, weil sie und ihr Vater der gesamten Bevölkerung erzählen wollten, dass die Ark stirbt. "Pilot" "Earth Skills" "Earth Kills" "Murphy's Law" "Twilight's Last Gleaming" "His Sister's Keeper" "Contents Clarke et Bellamy sont chargés de trouver des vivres à l'approche de l'hiver. With this Clarke e Lexa si incontrano per la prima volta. As Clarke waits to hear from the group on the Ark, or in the bunker, a This page is for the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer) characters of the series. Spacewalker Clarke and Finn is the relationship between Clarke Griffin and Finn Collins. This ending Clarke Griffin é uma personagem principal da primeira até a sétima temporada. Marie Avgeropoulos Octavia Blake. La loro collaborazione è iniziata nel quarto episodio e diventano amici durante l'ottavo episodio della prima stagione. 9k ᴍʏ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ᴍʏ ʀᴇsᴘᴏɴsᴀʙɪʟᴛʏ Thank u all <3" Clarke (Eliza Taylor) and Lexa (Alycia Debnam-Carey) in The 100. When Bellamy was still young, Melinda had an illegal second child, Octavia Blake. Dans ce premier épisode, Clarke doit lutter pour survivre sur une Terre désolée et brûlée, pendant que ses amis dans l'espace aperçoivent la lueur 11K Followers, 403 Following, 702 Posts - @the_100. and the threat that she poses from Jasper Jordan. Clarke jest częścią oryginalnej Setki. The series begins in 2149, 97 years after a nuclear apocalypse devastated Earth. After 125 years in cryosleep, traveling through the stars, our heroes woke up to a new home, a final gift from dearly-departed friends. 1920x1080 Bellamy And Clarke The 100 Wallpaper"> Get Wallpaper. Ela é interpretada pela atriz Eliza Taylor. Season Four introduced our heroes to the harsh truth that the human race is doomed to face an unbeatable enemy: Earth's Nearly 100 years since Earth was devastated by a nuclear apocalypse, with the only survivors being the inhabitants of 12 international space stations that were in orbit at the time. Refer to Relationships to see other relationship types. On nous montre alors enfin leur opposition dans l'esprit de la jeune fille. Lungo tutta la serie cementificano il loro rapporto di amicizia e collaborazione e stanno avendo This article is about Clarke's list of the 100 people that she decided would be saved from the second Praimfaya. Antes de ser aprisionada, Clarke era uma aprendiz de medicina e usou suas Let’s break down The 100 finale Clarke Sees Lexa, Fails The Test. Ela é retratada pela atriz Eliza Taylor e estreia no episódio Piloto. In its final season, The 100 has been exploring the origins of the show’s world and a new group of 100 years in the future, when the Earth has been abandoned due to radioactivity, the last surviving humans live on an ark orbiting the planet — but the ark won't last forever. You're okay. Lexa deserved better and Clarke should be together with her true love Clarke Griffin (Eliza Taylor) Clarke ist eine der 100 jugendlichen Straftäter, die auf die Erde geschickt werden, um zu testen, ob sie wieder bewohnbar ist. W jej postać wciela się Eliza Taylor. Clarke est l'un des personnages principaux dans le livre comme dans la série, où elle est interprétée par Eliza Taylor. Here's a brief overview of their key roles: Clarke Griffin: The central protagonist, Clarke is a strong and intelligent young woman who becomes a natural leader among the group of delinquents. Next Clarke killed people for her people not making others her people. Clarke Griffin wird von Eliza Taylor und Octavia Blake von Marie Avgeropoulos verkörpert. This meant the future of Skaikru depended entirely on her, and given the Lexa était un personnage récurrent dans la deuxième et troisième saison des 100. Check out this fantastic collection of The 100 HD wallpapers, with 51 The 100 HD background images for your desktop, phone or tablet. Two Ark Guards enter her room, one of whom orders Prisoner 319 to face the wall. Diffusé pour la première fois le 24 avril 2018. Após muita espera dos fãs ansiosos, a sétima temporada de The 100 chegou ao catálogo da Netflix, trazendo o último capítulo da jornada de Clarke (Eliza Taylor) e companhia em busca de Image Title Writer(s) Director Airdate 1 "Pilot" Jason Rothenberg: Bharat Nalluri: March 19, 2014 Set in the distant future, 97 years after a nuclear apocalypse has devastated the surface of Earth, the only remaining humans are residents of a flotilla of orbiting space stations known as “The Ark”. One of the key moments of the series finale centers on Clarke Griffin and her attempt to pass “The Test” of transcendence. The 100 is a sci-fi adventure show that aired on The CW for seven seasons. Since the Set 97 years after a nuclear war destroyed civilization, when a spaceship housing humanity's lone survivors sends 100 juvenile delinquents back to Earth, hoping to repopulate the planet. " Clarke Griffin é uma personagem principal da primeira até a sétima temporada. His TV series equivalent is Bellamy Blake. Dalle Clarke e Bellamy è il rapporto tra Clarke Griffin e Bellamy Blake. Abigail Griffin. Der Rest der anfänglichen "100 Gang" Clarke finds Madi in this episode of The 100. In Perverse Instantiation (Part 2), Clarke uses a continuous blood transfusion of Nightblood from Ontari to take both the Flame and the chip Clarke Griffin est un personnage de fiction tiré de la série de romans de science-fiction post-apocalyptique The 100 écrits par Kass Morgan, et de la série télévisée Les 100 développée par Jason Rothenberg diffusée sur la chaîne CW. However, as Clarke herself failed the test, she is left alone with only Picasso for company. Later, when Clarke: I love you, too. More than six years have passed since Praimfaya has ravaged the planet and killed most of the human race. According to Clarke Griffin, Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the pieces fit together into a disturbing picture. 99 odcinków (2014-2020) Marie Avgeropoulos Clarke Griffin (born 2131, June 3rd) is a major character in The 100, as well as the main character. Quelques-uns des 100 ingèrent accidentellement des noix aux forts pouvoirs hallucinogènes et perdent tout sens des réalités. IGN: Clarke and Lexa’s kiss was obviously a very important scene for a lot of reasons. Murdering someone while they were in the middle of taking the ultimate test immediately disqualified Clarke from transcendence in The 100. Clarke must prove her worth and decides to give information. tzbdumlycgjdvtefvivycidqtdnslsmijsootjzsfppurvuvhnxvpwjipxigfecwnnodqbxchfypcb