Ai hydra 26 settings. 40 breeder AI Hydra 26 hd settings.

Ai hydra 26 settings Join Date: Dec 2010. Sep 28, 2018 #30 Crabby48 7500 Club Member View Badges. I have a Reefer 250 and 2 lights. 2ft tank . Die Aquaillumination Hydra 26HD ist für Becken von 90-120l geeignet. 0 0 0. Setting a password on the web interface does Hallo zusammen, ich habe eine AI Hydra 26 mit Controller, die über einem Dennerle 60 hängt, etwa 12 cm über dem Wasserspiegel. louienardi Community Member View Badges. The light is 8. These are David Saxbys hydra 26 settings. Reactions: jsker. So you already have the AquaIllumination Hydra 26HD over your tank and you're looking for the best way to set it up right? Today we have the optimal mounting In my 500L tank I have 3 Hydra 26 and it is working very good, the corals are taking very good colors and no bleaching or damage. I have one AI Hydra 52HD on a 54 gallon corner tank. Joined Aug 7, 2018 Messages 641 Reaction score 187 Location Corona. Oldsalt01 Posted Hydra® 64HD/32HD Smart Reef LED. 4hr ramp on both ends. But I find i dont even use the green or red settings. i have I have only had them on the tank a week so far, so time will tell, but so far I am very happy with these settings. It utilizes the cooling fan on the Hydra to suck air in through the top of the hood, and blow it out the vents in the back. Have 2x AI Hydra 26"s and I want to use one of the signature premade settings but am not sure where it goes once I hit download? This is for the app on IOS. Calireefer92 Well-Known Member View Badges. Just added a 48" T5 hybrid in addition to the 2 Hydra 26s over my 75 Gallon mixed reef. Incorporating the features you’ve come to love such as Hyperdrive, smart control with the Mobius® app and a proven track record of I'm currently running my AI Hydra 26 HDs at the settings Red Sea recommends except for the whites, which I have set at 25%. They compare these settings to Aaron's previous attempt with the AI Prime, noting differences in the 415 peak and 460 spectrum area. Ai hydra 26 light settings. Just I am running a Red Sea Reefer Nano (older sumped version) with a AI Hydra 26 HD. 0 AI Hydra 26 Settings. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Die Einstellung ist auf bestmöglichste Farbausprägung und Wachstum ausgerichtet. is heavenly stock with sps frag 98% ( Deepwater acrpora , acrpora, millie, favia , acan, birdnest, leather (Small), digitata, fiji pipe organ, Stylo branching, pocci, Stylo, Monti branching , monti) I have been using these lights for a yr now and just can't seem to find the right settings to not bleach LPS corals. Thread starter ShoreReefer; Start date Jul 12, 2020; Tagged users None Jump to Last Jul 12, 2020 #1 ShoreReefer Active Member View You can always increase or reduce the intensity by dragging two fingers upward or downward on the lighting graph in the AI app. Redsea recommends to max out all the settings for these lights. Anyone using new BRS setting for Ai Hydra 26HD? If so, what do you think? I started using the new setting few weeks ago, but looks very white to me. T5's are on for 8hrs running 2 blue plus 1 coral plus and 1 true actinic. If you want to check out more, the AI Hydra Settings Thread in RC is very good. Hey y'all, As the title says, I have an AI Hydra 26 on my 60G cube. I'd like to give his lighting preset a try, but unfortunately AI was no help when I contacted them looking for an older preset file that will work with my AI Hydra 26's and AI Director. I had them programmed to ramp down and shut off at midnight and 2 days ago they suddenly shut off Does anyone here have two AI hydra 26's running on a standard 75 gallon tank without T5 supplements? I'm curious as to what your Hydra's color settings/intensities are and PAR readings would be even better. Now that you know what the AI Hydra 26 is all about, let’s explore the best starting settings to ensure your aquarium thrives. hoping someone here can help. CKI Active Member View Badges. AI Hydra32HD x 3 . Thread starter James180; Start date Jun 3, 2019; Tagged users None Jump to Last Jun 3, 2019 #1 James180 New Member View Badges. I have the reds max e 260 with two Ai hydra 26 lights AIO tank. Right now I am running the AB+ variant for lps that BRS suggests for the AI hydra 26 (one of their videos about setting up a red sea reefer) and have been running it that way for probably 2 or 3 months. download the aip file and then go to the webapp and import the settings. Die Aquaillumination Prime HD ist eine der besten und mittlerweile beliebteste LED für Nano Becken bis 90l. I am really confused how to set my lights. I had T5's I have two ai hydra 26hds mounted 1ft above the tank. Connect to the AI Hydra HD. I can There are two ways to connect the Hydra HD 52/26 or Prime. I have a mixed reef with mostly sps on the top and lps (chalice, acan, socly) at the bottom. Manhattan Reefs. Oct 16, 2024. Z. Reef Central Online Community > General Interest Forums > Lighting, Filtration & Other Equipment > General Interest Forums > Lighting, Filtration & Other Equipment I already have two Hydra 26 HD's so I mind as well try to use them than sink money into new lights. ( 60cm x 45cm x 45cm ) 2. Moving on, let's compare the Hydra Prime HDS and Hydra 26 HD models. Joined Oct 14, 2015 Messages 26 Reaction score 10. Apr 26, 2018 #29 debees5 Active Hydra Prime HDS vs Hydra 26 HD. ChopandPop New Member View Badges. I really feel tha My tank is a RSM 250 65g modified with no hood and two hydra 26 HD?s . Joined Aug 26, 2020 Messages 238 Reaction score 96 Location Buffalo Hey Joe, it's better to do it on your PC through the web app. Any settings are appreciated. Go. Joined Mar 27, 2016 Messages 281 Reaction New to Reef Sanctuary. Before we get into the specifics, it’s important to understand a couple of key points. The light is suspended above the tank at 13" . Ok so I am in the process of piecing together my first reef, it's a standard 29 gallon and I found a deal on an Ai hydra 26 hd for $125 and it looks great over the tank. From your iOS device, go to Settings > Wi-Fi. While our focus is on the Hydra 26 HD, we came across a helpful video by VRS on the Hydra Prime HDS. My Tank Thread. I own a signature by Tmc 600. I don’t have any access to a par meter but I feel like there should be some sort of calculation out there for something like height + light settings = ___ par. I use the IOTA with the Apex control. I have David Saxby's settings on a single AI Hydra 26 HD over a Reefer 170. Simply join the group and download the files. Add the preset you want in the AI app and save. The video offers tested mounting heights, spacing configurations, and spectrum ratios for 60 and 120-gallon tanks, ensuring viewers can Sorry for my ignorance, but the AI lighting setting thread is 129 pages long and not much on 26 Hydras. 6 inch from the water surface 4. I have a 17 gallon 24x12x15. Run the hydras at 85% intensity at peak for 4 hours, all blue and viloet are at 100% and white + red at 25% and green at 10%. Thread starter jaxredsoxfan; Start date Nov 22, 2018; Tagged users None Jump to Last Nov 22, 2018 #1 jaxredsoxfan Well Saint Johns, Florida. Jul 3, 2018 #7 Use Stuart Bertram setting downloads from AI, AI Hydra 26 AB+ (emulator) settings. Red Sea's recommended settings for the Ai hydra 26'sI could not be happier with these lights. Tank is 36 x 18 x 25 Highmixed reef. I just picked up (2)Hydra 26 and a remote to place over my 24 x 24 x 20 cube. I have it on the 18" flexible arm. I have it 9" above the Use Stuart Bertram setting downloads from AI, it's the Saxby schedule. After testing various settings, they conclude that the community's suggested The Hydra's have UV, Violet, Royal Blue, Light Blue, Green, Deep Red and Cool White. HD technology also allows you to create almost any spectrum you wish with the easy to use MyAI app and AiFi wireless connection, it is by far one of the easiest lights to connect to and control from . Is there any one or two of the Ai Signature settings that you would recommend for a 4 month old tank with some LPS and softies? I have a Reefer 250 with 2 AI Hydra 26 HD's. Launch the app From your Android device Still, not much growth. Thread starter Kevinkmk; Start date Sep 21, 2017; Tags coloration hydra led Tagged users None Could you send me the pdf file so I can copy it on my settings on my hydra 26 hd. Thread starter randyBRS; Start date Mar 16, 2020; In Ryan's 5-Minute Guide to Setup the Hydra 64, he simply shares all of the BRS Recommended settings to get you on your way to "success mode". Thread starter Circa916; Start date Feb 22, 2018; Tags ab+ ai hydra sps Tagged users None Jump to Last Feb 22, 2018 #1 Circa916 Active Member View Badges. I took the readings at the peak of his schedule, when the par output would be at its highest. With new HD (Hyper Drive) technology you can now transfer power from one channel of LED's to another to give more power to the channels that your tank may need. FB AI Group for Schedules This is a group for owners of AI Prime/Hydra. Currently I have a blasto sitting on the sand that isn't brown on the outside like it's supposed to be. Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk So you already have the AquaIllumination Hydra 26HD over your tank and you're looking for the best way to set it up right? Today we have the optimal mounting i run 4 AI 26HD over an 8 month old 175 gal Red Sea reef. It is a lot of light for this small tank, but I'm planning an upgrade soon. Location NYC. Jump to Last Oct 27, 2016 #21 L. More LEDs, more color, more power, and a more refined design. 60x45x45 my corals that I have are a colony of zoa some finger leathers a few other softies and a touch coral. Setting up and old AI Hydra 26. I run 2 Hydra 26's and 4 36" ATI T5's over a somewhat similar size tank sps dominant, 22 X 42 X 12" tall. Registered Member . Stable internet connectivity is paramount for the AI Hydra 26 app to function correctly. This sounds a little extreme to me and I am nervous this would fry my corals. 4 x Hydra 26 or 52 HD's over the tank Corals need to be acclimated differently depending on placement in the tank. Obviously they are reef focused lights so they have a lot of blues. Using your recommended A/B+ settings with 2 26hd for a mixed lps 120g tank. Joined Jun 22, 2018 Messages 376 Reaction score 277 Page 26- AI Hydra Settings Thread Lighting, Filtration & Other Equipment Best Starting Settings for AI Hydra 26. In the files section, there are profiles you can download for different light schedules. my question is if I’m able to grow sps frags only using the blue setting no cool whites?? Overview The complete product manual for Hydra 32/64HD LED Lights is attached below. Been running the Saxby settings on 50% acclimation with the light about 12 inches above the tank. Currently I have positioned the golden torch on the sand near the front glass. It is mounted about 6 inches off the water, as that is the highest I can get it with the current canopy. Mit der Einstellung lassen sich SPS sowieso LPS Help with Hydra 26 HD led settings. Aug 3, 2020 #11 OP . Thread starter CKI; Start date Nov 26, 2016; Tagged users None Jump to Last Nov 26, 2016 #1 C. It may take a few moments for the network to appear. Might want to use acclimation feature to slowly ramp up light power. dreamcatcherr9 Well-Known Member These are the settings I’ve always used on the Hydra 26 HD’s I UV settings for AI Hydra 26s. Zyk5280b. AI HYDRA 26/52 HD und Prime HD: Weiß und Blau 80%-100% Royalblau 65%-80% UV (400 nm) 10-15% Violett (410 nm) 15-25% Grün: 5-10% Rot: 5-10%. Thread starter Markxc; Messages 159 Reaction score 57. 1; 2; 3; Next. More. i increased the intensity over several weeks and currently run UV at 60% and the blue/royal/violet at 100-110%. Joined Jan 23, 2018 Messages 3 There are now some downloadable profiles on I thought I’d share this with you all. All the colors are suitable for a high demanding reef tank. I get my live rock tomorrow from Tampa Bay and want some thoughts on Exploit Writeup and POC for AI Hydra 26 (and probably 52) series lights - GitHub - Laransec/AIHydra: Exploit Writeup and POC for AI Hydra 26 (and probably 52) series lights. Then we removed the lenses, as they create a hot spot and could possibly melt the splash guard. From your iOS device, open the app “myAI”. Sep 28, 2018 #33 redpine42 Active Member View Badges. Removing the lenses also gave a much better spread. Does anyone know approximately how much stronger a hydra 26 is over a prime on the AI Prime vs Hydra 26. I have softies and LPS. OP. Does anyone know approximately how much stronger a hydra 26 is over a prime on the exact same settings? I'm thinking about switching to a hydra 26 outlet, then plug it into the AI Hydra HD’s power cable. I don't use the AI app. * DOWNLOAD AI HYRDA 26HD. AI Hydra Settings With T5 Hybrid. Joined AI Hydra 26 (non HD) questions. Thread starter Reefcube; Start date May 5, 2018; Tagged users None Jump to Last May 5, 2018 #1 Reefcube Active Member View Badges. im coming from a kessil on a spectral controller on a much larger tank and i am completely lost. New posts Marketplace Build Thread Updates Trending Today's Posts Search forums Unanswered. First, most corals flourish under a warm-white to cool-white spectrum. Dec 26, 2024 *GAREEF* Lighting Dry Goods AI Hydra 26HD. I don't have many corals, been taking things really slow, and have a frogspawn, hammer, galaxia, paly, and clove polyp. 121 South Dakota; Joined 11 AI Hydra 64HD 5-Minute Setup Guide. If your mobile device and the AI Hydra 26 are not connected to the same network, the app may not work as intended. mpekoske Posted December 12, 2018. The presets “wave form” of the colors through out the day is I purchased a golden torch last week and was looking for recommendations on the best settings to use with my AI Hydra 26 HD's. The AI Hydra 26 HD is a state-of-the-art lighting system designed specifically for aquariums, and its accompanying AI Hydra 26 HD app takes lighting control to a whole new level. My settings are creating green hair algae in my frag tank [email protected] thanks . AI PRIME HD. Aquaillumination doesn't really specify beyond the basics what setting running two Hydra 26HD's over a 73G 36x24x20 all SPS are Page 3- AI Hydra 26 settings Lighting, Filtration & Other Equipment. 1. Joined Aug 28, 2013 Messages 492 Reaction score 37 Location Delaware. Here are some par readings: 330 (center, 2/3 up) to 130-100 (center, sand bed), 60 (bottom, far back corners) and 70 (bottom, front corners). I'm joining this thread a bit late but am curious what settings you are running running your AI Hydra 52 HDs. By mpekoske, December 12, 2018 in General Discussion. You can connect directly to the light/s via your IOS or Android device App or from your PC/Mac via Over my 18" cube I run my hydra 26 at 100% for the blues and violet, 65% white, 85% green and 40% red and uv. Joined Sep 22, 2017 At peak my settings are 51 watts and as follows, UV 18 Violet 25 Royal Blue 93 Blue 95 Green 9 Deep red 6 Cool white 26 I have a red sea reefer 170. Smartphones and tablets: ® Read and follow all of I have the ai hydra 26 lights and would like to know what settings to use for my cube tank-120gallons. Setting for AI Hydra 26 HD on BioCube 16 Setting for AI Hydra 26 HD on BioCube 16. Also 40 breeder AI Hydra 26 hd settings. Forums. The Hydra 26 HD controller screen shows the parameters of the seven different colors. These are my first AI hydra lights. The programs and channel settings don't map directly between Hydra and Radion Pro. Download light profile from AI or another source and then upload on your control panel using the "share" icon to the right of trash icon. 76 0 0. I had a chalice coral on the sandbed and it bleached out, and a green birdsnest that also bleached out. I’m running the system as 12 hour cycle, with hour ramp period peaking for 6 hours. Need advice from the AI Hydra users out there. I decided for lighting I would go with aqua illumination hydra 26 hd. also, there are AB+ coral aip files available, I use it for my Hydra 26 HDs, been working great for my frag tank. Chalice and blastos especially difficult. In the meantime, I'm curious what settings you've found to be best. Easy E; Oct 13, 2024; Aquarium Lighting; Replies 2 Views 282. Just started my first reef tank 75 gallon with 2 AI Hydra 26, and was wondering what settings/schedule and mount height those of you using the AI Hydra 26s are using. Launch the app. Läuft seit 2 Monaten und habe LPS, SPS und viele Bunte Krustenanemonen im As stated in the post title. Diese Einstellungen habe ich so auf 100% Basis gemacht und danach die Leistung entsprechend hochgezogen, das ergibt folgende Einstellungen bei maximaler Beleuchtungsintensität: HI Tony My current tank is:-1. However, information specifically regarding the Hydra 26 HD was scarce, making it challenging for us to fine-tune the settings to our specific AI hydra 26 HD settings. I have been struggling with the UV settings for these lights. Reactions: Oceanavekid, dennislagoon, rgcop and 5 others. AI Hydra 26 Settings, help please Lighting, Filtration & Other Equipment I want to start this post so we can all share the settings we have for our AI lights. I'm currently using them in Great Barrier Reef setting but the lights seem a little purplish, I'm looking for more of a 12K or 15k look not pale white and not too blue. I am trying to dial in the light settings for (2) new Hydra 26 units hanging 14" above water on my DSA Neo 105. Im going to be keeping soft and lps corals. I run a 12 hour light cycle, starts at 9:30AM with 3 hour ramp time to the following: CW: 25 UV: 45 V: 45 RB: 65 DB: 55 G: 8 Page 1 Red Sea Hydra 26 HD LED ™ Scan this QR to register & activate your Red Sea Hydra 26 HD LED *Hydra TwentySix HD is a registered Trade Mark of AI ™; Page 3 10-15 18-23 26-31 34-39; Page 5 Red Sea Hydra 26 HD LED ™; Page 6: Safety Warnings Incorrect use of this device could cause bodily injury or death. mpekoske. I am a kind of a set it and forget it guy when it looks nice. One hydra 26 hd 3. Skip to content. Thanks for stopping by! AI Hydra 26 HD spectrum setting. Mar 17, 2020 #2 PhilT Active Member View Badges. TLDR In this episode of #AskBRStv, the team investigates custom spectrum settings for the AI Hydra 26 and 52, aiming to replicate Ecotec Marine's Radion AB+ spectrum. Thankfully they also have red and green LED's. Is AI Hydra Settings Thread Lighting, Filtration & Other Equipment Reef Central Online Community > General Interest Forums > Lighting, Filtration & Other Equipment: AI Hydra 07/04/2013, 07:26 AM #17: ReeferBill. LED Indicator Descriptions AI-Fi Lights; AI-Fi Device: Using the EasySetup; AI-Fi Light: LED Indicator Settings; AI-Fi Light: I bought a used light and can't add it to myAI; AI-Fi vs. Joined BTW I'm running AI Hydra 26 HD Lights . Select the network labeled “hydra-d89760xxxxxx”. I used to run mind at 65% max, 14. AI Light: What's the difference? AI-Fi Light: White or Red LED Indicator; AI-Fi Light: Store Demo; Why is my AI-Fi light not following schedule at night? Hi everyone - just got the AI hydra 32 for a 34 gallon tank - any recommendation on a ideal light setting I’m new to reefing Page 2- AI Hydra 26 settings Lighting, Filtration & Other Equipment. 75g with 2 hydra 26's. I Looking for some help tweaking my AI Hydra 26 HD settings. First Prev 2 of 3 Go to page. Chefjpaul Advanced Reefer. 115 par 2" above sand David Saxby London, England "David has always considered himself a “Reef Gardener” rather than a scientist and believes that a successful reef tank is more about keeping water than the corals and fish. That’s what you’ll get with the Hydra HD series lights which includes the Hydra® 32HD and Hydra® 64HD. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; Recommended Posts. Home. Reef Central Online Community > General Interest Forums > Lighting, Filtration & Other Equipment > General Interest Forums > Lighting, Filtration & Other Equipment What are the settings for the AI Signature settings (Stuart Bertram) that you are using? Reply. I don’t have issues with algae, either. 3. While these new lights are sure to impress, we know many of you are still successfully using the original Hydra TwentySix HD fixtures with great success. Next Last. AI Light: Getting Started Tutorial and FAQ; Hydra/26/52: Product Manual; AI-Fi Lights: Connection troubleshooting; Prime 16: Product Manual; HMS & Hydra Flex Arm: It is an AI Hydra 26, mounted into the hood. Price: Hi I have recently purchased the new ai hydra hd 26 and I am just wondering the correct settings to use for steady healthy growth. Thank you! Ai Hydra 26 Setting Set Up. I was wondering what settings some of you guys and gals would recommend for some softies lps and maybe some beginner sps. 5K. haze gray and underway; By Oldsalt01, June 3, 2017 in Lighting Forum. Thread starter Riddler05; Start date Feb 4, 2015; Tagged users None Prev. Wanted to know what settings you guys are running and also light schedule. Red and green have very little use to the corals, but can both encourage algae growth. My two Hydra 26 lights are not functioning properly and my lights are properly showing in the app as "parent" and "child". One of the biggest challenges that I had was figuring out the settings. The tank is coming up to a year old and I was just after some advice on light settings. With such a large userbase of dedicated reefers and multiple requests for a new light test around the wildly popular Hydra 26, we listened and finally have the information you are looking for. I use the lower power variant for my biocube 32’s depth. Last night I used a par meter to adjust the light setting to achieve approx. any suggestions on what settings i should be running. What would be useful would be to set each light up as a I am changing my light to the Hydra 26 HD. Do need to up or down and on what setting? Anybody out there got a similar setup with some successful lighting with the Hydra 26? Recommendations? Thanks in advance! Does anyone know how to calculate or even guess par readings based on ai hydra 26 settings? I have 2 hydras on a 40b 16” deep reef and plan on using the ab+ spectrum. Thread starter Calireefer92; Start date Aug 7, 2018; Tagged users None Jump to Last Aug 7, 2018 #1 C. I don't own a par meter. Thread starter rooneyj889; Start date Jul 23, 2021; Jump to Last Jul 23, 2021 #1 rooneyj889 Active Member View Badges. Rating - Hey guys, Running a AI Hydra 26 on my 25 gallon IM Lagoon tank ( I know its not a nano light) , but I will be turning it down and wanted to see what you guys thought. Does anyone Hey guys, Running a AI Hydra 26 on my 25 gallon IM Lagoon tank ( I know its not a nano light) , but I will be turning it down and wanted to see what you guys thought. Here are some common factors that may contribute to the AI Hydra 26 app malfunctioning: Connectivity and Network Issues. For example the Hydra 26 uses 8 white to 10 blue (total all blues), but the Radion XR30pro uses 10 white (8 cool and 2 neutral) to 16 blue so I got my 20gal (standard petco)long tank coming together. I have a IM Nuvo 20 gallon mixed reef lighted with a hydra 26 running brs ab+ program but without any cool whites. In this blog post, we will provide a thorough, step-by-step guide to the AI Hydra 26 HD app, helping aquarium owners maximize their lighting system for the best possible aquatic environment. Joined Jun 2, 2019 Messages 9 Reaction score 1 Location Port Saint Lucie, Florida. Thread starter ChopandPop; Start date Jan 23, 2018; Tagged users None Jump to Last Jan 23, 2018 #1 C. Mar 4, 2018 #12 Fudsey Jack of all trades, Master of none ;-) View Badges. Reply. 30 *30*30*30 watts at 33 You can find pre made settings on the AI page. Followers 0. Apr 25, 2020 #4 Johny Cash Active Member AI Hydra 26 HD Review: Features and Benefits · Seven Dynamic Controllable Colors. If you don’t know who David Saxby is, google him like I did. Nun habe ich Probleme mit dem Setting der Leds. first post. I personally really like the mixed reef setting that waterbox aquariums offer. I plan on keeping mostly softies and LPS. I have a red sea emax 260, with 2 AI Hydra 26 LEDs about 10" above water. What settings should I use, should I just max out the red channel, some green and the rest white and leave the blue/violet channels After several year hiatus I just bought a Red Sea MAX E-Series 170 Rimless Aquarium 45 Gallons with AI Hydra 26 HD LED Light. Thread starter ShaggyRS6; Start date Sep 23, 2019; Tagged users None Jump to Last Sep 23, 2019 #1 ShaggyRS6 Valuable Dec 26, 2024 *GAREEF* TOP 10 Trending Threads What is the actual evidence for marine algae growth vs lighting spectrum? Biocube32 Hydra 26 settings. And I must say I am thoroughly impressed. At the brightest time of day my settings are: UV - 40 Violet - 40 Royal - 40 Blue - 30 Green - 0 Red - 0 Cool White - 20 With these settings my corals open up nicely and have great extensions on the polyps. Reef Squad. My SPS, LPS, and RTBA Love it. Still waiting for it to finish the cycle. I know everybody is probably sick of people asking for settings by now but I need rather specific settings or help with settings due to my circumstances. TLDR BRS investigates the optimal setup for the discontinued AI Hydra 26HD LED lights, providing data-driven recommendations for height, spacing, and spectrum settings to maximize performance in both LPS and SPS dominated tanks. I have been using these lights on my Red Sea Reefer 450 for a year. Is anyone running this currently and able to AI Hydra 26HD Setting For Waterbox 100. Direct Local Connection . At peak I am running around 60% on the blues, 25% on whites and around 10% on everything else including UV. Tank is 12" deep. So it will allow you to increase or decrease the brightness of the lights. Wondering what is your successful spectrum for coral color pop and growth. Rating - 0%. Rating - 100%. rjsdct rgmcf ldhe jtsdp wvlym kpcvrm ezzv ikxde eaih jtted uwimdss svw ydrl ksscl dpkqhl