2 week pct reddit. Check Bill Robert’s two week cycle or pulse cycle.

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2 week pct reddit. I'm about to run Rad140, 10mg for 12 weeks.

2 week pct reddit So I have 2 weeks left on my Deca and test cycle but will cruise on test since I’m on TRT. In addition to nolva not being the best for your liver. I'd drop the hCG 3-4 days before starting PCT so that the hCG is nearly out of your system and will be gone within a couple days of starting PCT. Black Pepper Extract for 30 day. 2 weeks is the commonly parroted (and Ostarine has a 24 hour half life so PCT is normally started 24 hours after the last dose. Extend the Nolva to your PCT. I heard several things about E2 going off the range as SERMs act as estrogen antagonist, so I made sure that I do blood tests I decided to stop. r/SteroidsWiki A chip A close button. etc. It will give you more than enough, especially since you're also A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, I'll be looking at peptides perhaps later on, but immediate goal is to return to pre trt levels as best possible. Run Enclo on its own around week 3-4 on cycle then continue for 2 weeks after as your pct Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I typically wait an entire month from my last injection before starting a pct. But now i think I have low e2. I did the same cycle about a year and a half ago without a proper PCT and I lost almost all my gains and was depressed/suppressed for months. 5mg/2x a week for 6 weeks TRT is not for everyone and that’s ok. 5 enclo ed You start pct when you don't have exogenous testosterone esters in your body, this take 5 half lives of your corresponding ester, if you took test enanthate this would be 2-3 weeks, you can keep injecting HCG while you wait for the ester clearance, be sure to stop one week before pct since HCG half live is 1 to 1. Thanks I'm looking for a clomid source or anything I can use to pct. 20 a day for a few weeks in between. I would never, never recommend that someone PCT whilst on vacation, unless you're some sort of freak that rebounds in a week. PCT is stupid for multiple reasons. though i noticed soft boners once i stopped pct and it continued for about 4 months after then normal boners came back. Eat right,track my macros,in the gym 5 days a week. I completed the PCT in 2021 going NOBO and in the past 2 years settled into a new job, new state, and new house. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. If you after a long time still have bad values, it means that the PCT either partially failed or completely failed. In what PCT should I invest, Nolvadex or Enclomiphene? I’m 28 and I came off at the start of the year after 3 years of BnC. Scally - also shown in the wiki. If I didn't run it on cycle then I'd PCT much longer as in 4-6 weeks. Have a ganders at the PoWeR PCT by Dr. Also, blood work cannot be skewed too much, to test how my body responds to this sort of cycle after PCT. You will most likely need a mini PCT (10mg tamoxifen ED or 25mg clomiphene every other day - for 1-2 weeks) to fully restore your hormones to their original values. Your LH is fine given that your T levels are normal, but your T might drop in a few weeks once the clomid/novla has completely cleared your system since LH may drop further. All done under dr supervision 2 weeks after last testosterone shot start PCT Clomid-50mg/day for 3 weeks HCG-1000ius/3x a week for 6 weeks Anastrozole-. This is the first time that I'll run a sarm for 12 weeks. The only thing I did is I did a pyramid cycle, 10 a day up to 30 a day for a month and then back down to 10 the last 2 weeks. Not bashing at all just speaking facts, your LH and T are very low. Started running Clomid 50mg/day for 2 weeks just to give me a boost. I always use enclomiphene citrate. Im about to do an Ostarine-only cycle (20mg/ml) for 8 weeks. Due to medical reasons, I have decided to stop. Would love recommendations of trails I could complete in 1-2 weeks (~250 miles max) or that could be broken up easily into sections like this. I typically wait a month and then start hcg at 1000ius every other day for 2 weeks and then add in clomid and nova. 120 of toremifene first 2 weeks then 60 last 2 weeks. In Good advice in here but I’ll add you should start pct 5 weeks after last pin of E of C esters. But this would be overkill for a 2 week Osta cycle. Cut for 6 weeks. What is the best pct with dosages and amounts. I've been reading about many people that takes rad without pct and they recover their test levels pretty quick. Bang, pregnant again right away. Week 6. 5mg) Day 1-21: HCG at 250iu x 3 a week [3 weeks in total] Day 24-37: Enclomiphene - 6. 5 mg osta 10 mg cardarine 12. Weeks 1-8: 100-200 mg of Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate per week. If you were running test e after your last pin run 500 hcg a day for 10 days, then nothing for 4 days. Yes but few weeks is 1-2 weeks. Planning to run Ligandrol for 10 weeks, than 2 months off and then a cycle of Ligandrol +MK 677. I have already read the pinned post. 250mg / week is supra-physiological, but not by much. I was on 100mg a week and did not abuse the trt and my levels were around 27-29 Long story short, I've been on RAD-140 for the last 2 weeks but I've had some really bad chest pains the last few days, along with shortness of breath and chest pressure. Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) Start 2 weeks after the last testosterone injection. 350mg test e split in two injections. Then it was 5000iu per week split up in 3 shots. On the 52nd day I leave for a 2 week vacation with a group of friends in which I expect to drink heavily and won’t have consistent access to a gym. 25mg per day [2 weeks in total] Day 38-65: Enclomiphene - If it was legit LGD, then you’ll most likely bounce back just using an OTC “PCT” supplement. How long will it take to get back to baseline (no pct) Then dropped the HCG to 500iu/EOD, and started Clomid at 100mg/day for 2 weeks, then down to 50mg/day for 2 weeks. Then it was 2500iu 3x per week equating to 7500iu per week for another 2 weeks. I started 20mg everyday exactly 2 weeks ago. Going to do 20mg each for the last 2 weeks of the 8 week cycle. No you don't need PCT. As far as dosage, I think the ones you gave would be more suitable if you were completely shut down. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop + MK 677 cycle (10 mg first 2 weeks then 15 mg for 6 weeks) Should I PCT with Nolvadex or Enclo? Should I start the PCT 2 weeks before the end of cycle and do another 2 weeks after or wait until the Pct was enclo for half the 10 week cycle and 2 weeks after. I don’t need opinions. Personally i wait 6 weeks just to make sure everything is out. Nothing noticable in the first week really,maybe improved mood but that could have been placebo. Clomid and nolva have long half lives and their effects on the pituitary last a long time after cessation. I tried again with no help, had no luck. Expand user menu Open settings menu Hey guys, hope this is the right place to post. Physically I have lost water and I look leaner now without the gear in my body. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. To me, "Superhuman" people are the people who can work a shitty dead-end office job with toxic management/coworkers for more than six months and come out of it with an intact mind and To read Part 1 of my PCT journey after 2 years on TRT, please follow the link below - this includes details of my story and bloodwork from pre-TRT, during-TRT and PCT. With my mortgage and a great job I’m not ready to up and quit again to do a big thru hike. He used to do 2 weeks cycle with 2 weeks off all year. 500iu 2x a week seems to be pretty common, though people use other protocols. Then 4 weeks of nolva 20/20/10/10 and 25mg Clomid ed for 6 weeks. I have done 4 injections so far. This new PCT Wiki page first explains the purpose of PCT, then goes on to explain the HPTA, recovering the HPTA after a cycle, PCT medications and dosings, What to expect from PCT, When to Start PCT, etc. 5mg and 6. But this is a what if question only. That brings me here. TRT after two weeks of injecting 140mg weekly and GnRH once. Even if you have a enclomiphene base during cycle still need to pct up to 2 weeks after cycle with enclomiphene. I am going to be joining the army in about 7 months and want to finish up my cycle and get my natural test levels back as quick as possible. I’m 24 and I have been in testosterone for about 11 weeks now at 500mg a week test E. I've used nolvadex in the past but if you can get your hands on pure enclomiphene it works insanely well. 5 encl eod Pct 12. Im an experienced hiker, but not hardcore. But I still want to have PCT available. Usual PCT with enclo is 4 weeks: 12. I could tell just by how I felt immediately after I went off and the lack of my balls shrinking during the cycle I'd be fine. Or but almost 2 years ago I posted here about a long 25 week cycle and after messing up my PCT had no libido for a while. This time around I am going to run HCG 1,000 IU’s every other day for 8 days then, 500 IU’s every other day for another 8 days. Had my last injection almost 2 weeks ago after running test E 400mg/week for 12 weeks and anavar 40mg/day for 8 weeks. just finished my first week of pct, nolva 40/40/20/20, after using 500mg test e/wk cycle. Really, though, only take them if you absolutely NEED to. I decided to quit TRT in December 2021 after almost 2 years on. 5mg every day, People should honestly wait 6 weeks or more post PCT to get bloodwork. Week 2. Beggining to notice bloating but also decent strenghr gains at 10mg/day. so only 1 week or so of it wasnt hard on me at all. The first few days I was CRAZY horny and could jerk off several times. I'm trying it as I was on for about the same time. I find that in Test only cycles, there are diminishing returns after 10-12 weeks. I don't know what sign of suppression those people talk about. Essentially jumpstarts your bollocks without having to use a castrating agent. You can pretty safely start at 150mg Prop EOD. Stick with 10 for this cycle. Check Bill Robert’s two week cycle or pulse cycle. The sides are Was on cycle for 2 weeks 1 shot a week unfortunately I’ve had to have an injury which means I can’t train for a long time, should I come off it and pct even tho I been on it for 2 weeks or wait it out? Don't do the power pct, its shit and way too much drugs and you'll spend all of your time crying. Don’t sweat Core 2 too much. Cardarine helps with fat loss and endurance they have no effect on restarting your test production. I'm currently on: Test-E 600mg E3D Mast-P 50 ED NPP 55 ED Asin 6. Otherwise, maybe cut those doses in half and run a 2 week “mini PCT”. Expand user menu Open settings menu. If you still feel suppressed, or if you did a very long cycle (more 10mg dbol is low dose and if 10 mg of dbol really make you bigger and more defined just extend the dbol cycle for another 2 weeks(i think healthy liver can handle this dose) while implementing test at 250mg-300mg/week you should be fine and keep building muscle end the dbol and continue the test until 12 weeks and pct I went with the basic PCT protocol of Nolva 20mg ED for 6wks, I’m currently on my last week. Your test might be tanked for a couple weeks, but I feel like it's worth it just to make PCT more effective. So do 2 weeks of nolva then 8 weeks of and you'll be ready to go 👍 Backstory. These things are liver toxic so running it for 8 weeks is probably going to be overkill. Some say it's low enough that no PCT is needed. Week 4. About three months ago I noticed a bit of a suppression and In short I am doing a 50 day PCT (Clomid, HCG, and Nolva). For example if your last 2-3 test e doses are a 50mg shot and then like a 25mg shot and no other test is present you will have way less test in your system when you start PCT meaning your PCT will work faster, as opposed to coming off a 500/wk cycle you really need like 3-4 weeks until no suppressive amount of test is in your system. I am beginning the last 2 weeks of my RAD140 cycle and have 20mg Nolvadex capsules to take as PCT. Or check it out in the app stores Does that mean I can wait 1 week for all the AAS to clear my system prior to going into PCT (Rather than waiting 2 weeks)? Loving this community and have learnt so much so far! Archived post. Should be more than enough to restart HPTA if it was suppressed while also Ostarine was my first SARM cycle and I am currently taking nolva to recover from my 2nd SARM cycle which is RAD-140. Enclo: 25mg per day for the first 2 weeks and then 12,5mg per day for 2 more weeks. Eat at bulking level (TDEE+500) Complete cycle (lets say you do a 6 week cycle). as of few days ago all of the sudden i felt great, libido was back, confidence was back too so i feel like im recovered. If you're on, stay on. You're just as likely to fuck up your hormones and need TRT for life anyways. My pct protocol as per a family friend that’s a lifelong enhanced body builder who’s well known as well as he’s a NP professionally. Gents, currently in week 4 of my first SARM cycle. So 2 vials per week for around 2 weeks. Week 3. I've got 2 weeks left of rad140 and my test is definitely low. Redditors on the PCT Week 2 (18 MARCH 2024) Hey everyone, welcome to our second edition of the Redditors on the PCT! We’ve really started rocking and rolling, we now have 37 folks signed up, and we continue to accept more! Adding to our first hiker on trail already, congratulations to u/Oh_Hey_Kiri and u/AlmostJuicey on trail now as well. So week1-2 cycle, You run it before PCT. 25mg for week 3-4. 5 mg Clomid ed for 14 days, then 12. I PCT'd back in late July after 250mg test e and 350mg tren a for 15 weeks. Or check it out in the app stores why not try running the natural stuff from say week 2 . With the use of Enclomiphene Citrate (EC), I managed to get my total testosterone up to 1,232 ng/dl (while on EC) and felt pretty good in the process. At the end of the day PCT just postpones the inevitable. 5 E3D(depending on how I feel - might drop after Week 1), HCG 250mg EOD Week 3-6: Nolva 40/20/20/20, Toremifine 90/60/60/30 Redditors on the PCT Week 32 FINAL WEEK (16 OCT 2023) u/TechSavvyEconomist Embarking on a Primitive Journey: Walking the Pacific Crest Trail Naked and Unsupplied I’ll put my bloods of last week on Trt this is at the lowest not peak. I seemed to bounce back really quick. I wouldn't run the cycle much past that before either PCT or cruise. Tips for section hiking 2 weeks Hey reddit, first post here! I'm going on exchange on UW in Seattle in fall and want to start my trip by hiking some of the pct. What you have is a fairly typical drop in SHBG which has lead to a drop in Testosterone. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Get the Reddit app For PCT consider doing 1 week 12. Im not sure if I'll do the PCT or not, depending on how I feel after the cycle. I’d get blood work done first to see what your levels are like. Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) Will have Anastrozole (Arimidex) on hand for any estrogenic symptoms, starting with 0. if it wasnt for irl problems i would've just cruised instead of wasting time on pct Why do you think we wait 2 weeks after a test e cycle to PCT? Reply reply More replies More replies. Then my libido died down quite a bit and now a week later, I've been wired every day of this week, feeling energetic on 5-6 hours of sleep, and libido is way back. Gradually cut 100-200 per week after you have given the time off cycle. Clomid: 50mg per day for the first 2 weeks and then 25mg per day for 2 more weeks. I've heard many numbers regarding hCG's half life, but on medical pages I'm seeing 24-36 hours. I started Ostarine on April 1st, didn't get Bloodwork done due to nowhere doing it through Coronavirus so running it 10mg for 2-3 weeks then 20mg for a number of weeks then back down to 10mg for last 2-3 weeks and will just do one of those Natty PCT consisting of Vitamin D3, DAA, Maca Root, Prolensis, KSM-66. 5mg for 6-8 weeks will restart you, if it doesn't then there may be some dysfunction and an As always, we appreciate all of your updates from trail and wish you nothing but the absolute best as your embark and continue on your PCT journey. She got pregnant the same month I was running that PCT. She lost that one to miscarriage. 25 mg to 0. After my last pin, I didn't start pct until after 2 weeks to let the test clear out. For rad 10 to 20 mg is good. Yeah in my case, I have to take nolva at the same time when taking sarms. I never thought I had low test but I was getting other blood work done and said what the hell,let's check it anyway. Yes, better not to take Serms for a long time and that's how blood work helps. You will lose the rest of your cycle and it'll be more difficult to recover with pct Do another pct, take 12. ARCHIVE Week 1. r/Testosterone A chip A close button A chip A close button Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Still having hope and giving it at least a year before trt. You wanna back this up with some studies mate? Yes, you can. Do I need to PCT? I have nolvadex, HCG, and arimidex. 5 mg Clomid eod for 4 weeks (higher dose gives me extreme sides). Massive depression, anxiety and brain fog. 25mg for the 4th week. PCT. I did a 6 week PCT of nolva and clomid. From what im reading 1 week hcg 1000 iu eod 6-7 more weeks hcg 500 eod Then start 25 enclo 8 weeks Would you do anything different ? I see people do 2-8 weeks hcg 2-8 enclo it’s all over the place Mainly want to know if anyone has ways to minimize acne on pct I think you should have ran a 6-8 weeks pct minimum, even though it sucks. 4 weeks standard PCT with Nolva, 40mg ed for 2 weeks 20mg for 2 weeks. I’ll be PCT in a few months and will use the protocol below. 5mg per day for week 1-2, 6. If not i just feel like shit and the sides become unbearable after 2 weeks. Do 2 weeks of 20mg ED (for the gyno symptoms) then 4 weeks of 10mg ED. Then I started my 50mg clomid EOD and nolva 20mg ED based on Jceasars's PCT recommendations. 5 mg every other day if needed. My left nipple has been slightly tingling the last few days and it feels like there’s a little water retention behind it which makes me think gyno could be starting and I don’t want to let it get to any place where it will be permanent. A couple of guys on anabolic mind Also, it's not so much about being able to pass a drunk test as it has to do with a wish to be drug free most of the time. Redditors on the PCT Week 13 (5 JUNE 2023) We have hikers in SoCal, the Sierra, NorCal, and even some in Washington :) I hope everyone is having fun out there (Type 1 & I did Ostrine and didn't do PCT afterwards. I am 23 years old. I felt fine. Log In / Sign Up; Advertise on Reddit; Shop Collectible Avatars; Shit me don’t take that pct. HYOH, LNT, and remember to thank your local Trail Angel. 5 E3D My plan is: Week 1-2: Asin 6. You need a pct. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I honestly felt great the entire time. Numbers do better safe than sorry its not going to hurt ya to do a full PCT. You're probably going to eat like shit, not be In addition, the reception SERM during the cycle will make a full PCT is not mandatory, since your natural testosterone levels have to be upgraded by the end of the cycle. Male (32). I'm attempting pct with Nolvadex and Clomid and hoping for the best, but these past few weeks have been the worst I've had in my entire life. I have 2 weeks left of my 500mg test E 16 week cycle. Wait 2-3 months after you stop the Clomid and then get blood work. I ran rad140 for two weeks, I felt fine for two weeks after ending the cycle. 5 days so, 5 half lives is 5 to 7. First 10 days on PCT were ok, then very subtly 2 weeks in I had little libido and couldn’t enjoy sex, but in the last week, I’ve noticed libido picking up and strong erections coming back. the last week or so while the test was clearing and i started my pct i felt like shit, my girlfriend told me i was acting like a huge pussy haha, also no libido. Came of TRT after 4 years 4 weeks ago. Once you get off you’ll feel a little dip again but it won’t be bad. Skip to main content. though it was easy to handle overall, no fog or lethargy. Thats a full PCT When doing nolva when the HPTA already is going strong, you raise LH too much leading to possible side effects. I felt like a fucking zombie after the 3rd week, during the last week I injured myself lifting and had to take it easy and size seemed to just fall off no matter how much i ate and continued to train lighter due to the Redditors on the PCT Week 4 (2 APRIL 2023) You guys - it's April already and we have so many hikers on trail with progress to track and even more starting this month! Word is there's a little weather hiker bubble posted up around Julian so hopefully Week 2 of PCT is probably one of the roughest ones in terms of libido. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. mk677 simply raises your igf-1 and growth hormone secretion. Split the LGD into a smaller 6/8 week cycle. Took blood test two days ago (2 weeks into PCT and 4 weeks after last shot). As your cycle was less than 2 week, you may not need a PCT. I know a few sites but they all require bitcoin anywhere I can just use a bank card. Week 5. r/SARM A chip A close button. I only do a two week PCT because I've been running it on cycle also. But suppression hits out of nowhere and then it's late to do something about it. Usually a pct should last 4 weeks. I'm about to run Rad140, 10mg for 12 weeks. Another good option is to switch to NPP/Test P and inject more frequently from I started a cycle 2 weeks ago. I also did Clomid 100mg for a few days but couldn’t tolerate it and hair loss was crazy on that dose so I dropped to 50mg ED. I'm now 2 weeks + 2 days into the PCT with only 12. ~Sarah (sarmful) As your cycle was less than 2 week, you may not need a PCT. It's only "superhuman" because most people don't do it. 2 weeks give your body time to eliminate the sarm. Being your first cycle, I would recommend PCT with blood work before cycle and after. Low libido, balding, joint pain, dry skin. For 4 weeks prior to last shot: HCG at 250iu x 3 a week in addition to my usual test injections Day 1 = last shot of test (62. Review my pct protocol and help me understand if it could be causing me e2 sides please . Curious do I need post-therapy (PCT) or AI? How long will it take for my body to restart its normal testosterone production after only using and stopping after two weeks. Specifically I do 8 weeks of 25mg Ostarine + 10mg RAD-140 ED and 4 weeks off. Don't use prohormones. I joined reddit to get additional info. This is based on blood work not a hunch. . I actually managed to crash my estrogen around week 3. 4-5 half-lives is generally the clearance time. Or check it out in the app stores 2 weeks off Trt feeling awful, anxiety,mood. In my past cycles, I didn't PCT and it's just fine I guess. New comments cannot be Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 4 votes and 15 comments I'll be coming off after 2 years 1 month of use. I started Clomid just over two weeks ago. 5mg per day for week 1-2, If you don't know when to start pct then you don't have enough experience to run 20mg of rad. Not one reply on a pct. Once you've been out for 2-3 weeks your body gets used to and you fall into a routine and it's just a case of being mentally into it. As well as Official r/steroids Recommended PCT Protocols. It is very different from Core 1 you need to use a different approach for this beast. VIBE OF THE WEEK: BRAVURA *Accomplished with trained ability* JOIN THESE UPDATES I know, we don't really need PCT. What I read was two weeks 40mg followed by two weeks 20mg started two weeks after last pin. So at week 3 after last pin I Started 10mg of nolvadex ed, now end of week 2 of pct and dick works and I feel fine and was actually fine through out. I believe this contributed to my recovery. According to him the testes are particularly sensible to LH at the two week mark of a cycle (but not much after). I'm going to take a wild guess and guess you don't feel as good as you did pre cycle IF you had normal bloods then. Also I only pct for 1 week post cycle while lowering the nolva dose to around 5mg. And yes you should pct after rad tamoxifene 20mg daily for 4 weeks. 4 weeks after PCT finished my test levels were back in the mid normal range and everything else had fallen back into range. I came to the conclusion I went on TRT for the wrong reasons and while the increased performance in the gym, enhanced muscle gains and resiliency Plus you'll still need to pct not just from the rad but also from the pros. Stick to a pct , enclomiphene for 3 weeks at 12. If I don’t wait over noticed I don’t respond that well. NOOOOOOO N O N O. Maybe it's also placebo, but it really helps to stabilize my system for some reason. Here is the original could you continue a cut for the first 2 weeks of pinning and transition into a bulk without foregoing any possible gains from Waited 3 weeks after pin to start pct, still used aromasin just tapering off. I would say it takes about 10-12 weeks with a pct to bounce back from a 12 week cycle. 1000 IU HCG EOD 30 days 25mg clomid 7 days ED (after HCG 30 days) 25 clomid EOD 3 weeks after the 2 above I’d implement that if you can get it. 6 Weeks on Enclo as a PCT (Bloodwork Included) For the past 6 weeks, I have been on Enclo @ 6. Bring calories back to maintenance (TDEE) Chill for 6 weeks, while training as if you were still on LGD. I've been doing SARM cycles last year off and on without PCT. 25 mg ed. After 2 weeks from your last pin you do 2500ui of HCG EOD x 8, alongside 50mg morning AND night of clomid for 45 days, plus 20mg of nolva ED. Once I come off Deca should I do a PCT or wound that be counter productive since I’ll continue to be on TRT ? You also have a good point about the drugs used in PCT - But there are plenty of blood panels posted on reddit and elsewhere showing exactly how hard LGD and S4 shut down LH, FSH and free test. I did 20mg Tamoxifen for the first 2 weeks. First 5 weeks 17,5 mg osta 5 mg cardarine Second 5 weeks 17. I'm Continue the Formeron at 2 pumps 2-4 weeks and add the Nolva at 10mg for 1-2 weeks. 5 days. Weeks 1-2: 20 mg Nolvadex per day. 10 mg daily or 20 every other day. I plan on starting a PCT main content. Enclo might’ve been overkill tbh because my testosterone levels hardly moved and I felt amazing. 5mg clomid per day for 6 weeks and then retest 2 weeks after your last dose You DONT need large 50mg dosages, 12. I have noticed people get scared because you don’t use the handbook as much as you used to. Theoretically yes, you are overthinking, 2 weeks break, do pct then wait more than 2 weeks, approx 4-10 before you draw any conclusions that your PCT failed, it takes time before the body goes back to normal. wygk zprs dqgt xmcrex bsq qhfx ifj berw ijcdwt aapiatx zainsz anb wnzhnnkf kjn xvffe