13700k pl1 pl2 这几代的Intel处理器,还有两个功耗指标,一是PL1(功耗限制状态一),数值等同于TDP,二是PL2,指的是稳定释放最 Intel 12代酷睿解锁最大加速功耗 华硕这款主板的默认设置是PL2不锁上限,而PL1则等于251W,但实际上酷睿i7-13700根本跑不到251W,所以这和彻底解除功耗上限没区别,这样使得它和酷睿i7-13700K的区别就只剩一点点的频率差距了,总体来讲,酷睿i7-13700的单线程性能比酷睿i7-13700K落后4. This TDP means that the Core i7-13700F CPU will consume a maximum of 65 watts of power (PL1) at its E-core base frequency Most Z690 and Z790 chipset motherboards include BIOS-level unlocks for the power limits, particularly the Maximum Turbo Power (interchangeable with PL2). The Intel defaults for a 13700KF are PL1=125W and PL2=253W. 0ghz DryIce Max all time Freq FX-8300 7685mhz The Cinebench R23 multi-core score for a single run with PL2=188W is around 30100-30200 points, with CPU package temp maxing at around 85C The score for a 10-minute run (where PL1 kicks in) is around 27500-27600 points, and as mentioned above, the temps with PL1=125W active are very good. 6GHz turbo etc. b2. Or even lower if you like, depending on your cooler abilities, and the degree to which you care about your computer doing sustained workloads a tiny bit faster. if I limit the cpu power to 95w PL1 / 125w PL2, The Core i7-13700F has a base TDP (PL1) of 65 watts and a max turbo TDP (PL2) of 219 watts. And I also changed Changed Long duration power limit and short duration power limit. 而PL2=PL1=4095W的无墙状态下,可以说是温度与功耗都彻底放飞自我,烤机15分钟后CPU Package温度为97度,期间CPU电压功耗最高到达317. The chip Intel 13代 13600K/13700K PL1 PL2問題 假設Disable Turbo,係咪兩個TDP都係一樣? PL1 : 125W PL2 : 125W [size=2][color=#cccccc]via HKEPC Reader for Android[/color][/size] usei 發表於 2023-5-9 20:41. PL2 is probably what you want to limit since that is the boost ranges, you just set Unterschied zwischen PL1 und PL2 Power-Limits Moderne Prozessoren besitzen zudem zwei Power-Limits. Depends on the BIOS and the manufacturer settings, but Intel default for 13700k is 253W PL2 and 125W PL1. これらの電力制限はCPUの型番によって変わり、Core i7-13700Kはインテルの推奨設定であれば、PL2が253W、PL1が125Wになる。 特にマルチスレッド性能は優秀で、Power Limitを無制限にすればCore i7-13700Kの代替えとして十分な性能を備えている。 またPower Limitを規定通りにすることで、シングルスレッド性能を維持しながら大幅に消費電力 I couldn't find a way to disable PL2, but you can just apply a 125W power limit. pl1 pl2값 어느정도 두시고들 사용하세요? 03-06; (13700k) 히들 163 07:03 : 0 : 질문: z790 엣지 ddr5 초보자 75 06:56 結果、13700kではi7シリーズなのに12世代の13900kを上回るパフォーマンスを叩き出せるようになってしまいました。 12700kのmtpは190wとなっているので、ipcが進化していない以上、私はそれに合わせる形で「pl1=pl2=190w 其中,intel 更公開了所謂 intel baseline 的設定值 (pl1、pl2、iccmax),針對 8c16e 如 13900k 的 pl1、pl2 與 INTEL 同時提供了一張表格,詳細列出 PL1、PL2、ICCMAX、CEP、TVB、TJMAX 和 C-STATE 等設定的建議值,供所有人參考。 Set IccMax, PL1 and PL2 to Intel defaults. Composé par Eric B. disable turbo boost - 不會行高過 base clock PL1 - 長時間電量限制 PL2 - 短時間電量限制 Intel I7-11700(k) Power Recommendations (PL1, PL2, Tau) Tech Support Hi Everyone, I'm the new owner of a Intel I7 11700k processor. This is good for maximum performance but can create a lot of heat, especially during any full load stress test. 2%,多线程性能 in TPL window, make sure PL1 and PL2 are checked, not locked, and raise values to desired PL limit, I suggest not power limiting, meaning set 255 PL1 and PL2 You can set the turbo time to whatever, but wouldn't worry about it if both PL1 and PL2 values are the same as it has no effect, it is the time PL2 (peak power) can run for before reducing The games that I play put a 40-60% load on my CPU, but the heat is becoming a problem. During the whole round of testing, power never dropped below the Change those to the same as the cpu multiplier and PL2 will be equal to PL1, instead of PL1 being equal to PL2. Temps for both tests settle in the 60s. 5ghz in games Personally I use 200w PL1 because there is no meaningful performance increase after that. I set my 12900K to 200W with a and lost a whopping 3% performance compared to no limit, which was around 260W, overloaded my cooler, and made the fans spin I just finished building, testing, and benching my new 13700k rig and this is what I'm running and happy with atm, so I wanted to share it in case anyone wants to try the base numbers to see Recommended is to have Pl1 at 125w and pl2 at 253w , at most, and have a TAU of around a minute. 34v+  设置pl1 pl2来匹配自己的散热规格是很正确的事情。 TDP, PL1, PL2 und Tau von der 10. I turned of turbo boost and it has helped a lot. 1GHz、E-Core All 3. AMD Ryzen 5 7600. 但是锁频率得不偿失 改动 Intel Core i7-13700K には、略して iGPU と呼ばれる統合グラフィックスが搭載されています。 具体的には、Intel Core i7-13700K は、256 テクスチャ シェーダーと 32 実行ユニットを持つ Intel UHD Graphics 770 を使 13700번대요. Intel Core i7-13700K. 8G 6核显5. I recommend setting PL1 and PL2 according to the values specified in the Intel® Core™ Processors Technical Resources datasheet, specifically on pages 77 and 99. ie unlimited just like 13900k the cpu Lol that's because I set the PL1/PL2 to 150W, which the dude said his 13700kf would reach 100C with the same PL1/PL2. " Basically PL1 is the normal turbo and PL2 is a 不是塔散壓不住,是你的塔散等級太低了,13700k/13900k這等級需要高階風冷/水冷才壓的住,選對塔散和降壓調教即使用單塔散也很涼快效能也夠用。 其實空冷很多人都是卡在機殼內的熱就排不出去,就只能用熱空氣散熱那 Im bought a i7 13700 without K and have question about the Power Settings in BIOS. Turbo will still apply, and PL2 power draw Core i7-13700Kの場合、インテルの推奨設定はPL1が125W、PL2が253Wとなる。 ただし、実際にどの値に設定するかはメーカーに託されており、必ずしも I’ve set my PL1 to 125 PL2 is 188 ICC Max is down to 249 Voltage at 1. If you set it to 25w or 50w, you will neuter your chip into a high efficiency but low performance 去你的擔擔麵 [blackjackit:リ・フェニックス] 樓主您好 目前自組了一台 13700K+msi z790 tomahawk 發現cpu lite load調到都閃退(mode1) > 經過許多試驗後,我把 PL1 設定為 125W,PL2(56秒)219W > 溫度保護改為 The Core i7-14700K has a base TDP (PL1) of 125 watts and a max turbo TDP (PL2) of 253 watts. It was getting to the 90 degrees ballpark pretty often. 当然解锁之后更高 你强压200w? 为啥不换13700k呢 官方的框架说明里,13代的功耗比12代高20%多 当然同频是低的. The 13700K keeps the maximum number of PCIe lanes at 20 as well as the base power at 125 Watts though the PL1 and PL2 power draw has seen an increase from 190 Watts on the 12700K to a staggering cpu是13700k主板是華碩rog z790a wifi d4 . Bewertungen: mickz. When I run cr23, my cpu is hitting 253w (my set PL2) for about 30s then throttling at 125w (pl1). Motherboard is asrock z690 steel legend on 9. Im set mine in my BIOS to PL1 125 Watts and PL2 to 219 Watts, that's correct Settings? If you still feel temps are too high, set PL1=PL2=200W and be done with it. Generation Intel Core. AMD Ryzen 9 5900X. 13700k 目前 PCore 3核心5. AMD Ryzen 5 5600X. If you run two tests one after another, the PL1 could kick in and limit the frequency to 3. They decided to allow unlimited turbo by default. On the second run I got slightly more points with the same settings (PL1 & PL2 limited to 253W, XMPI 6200Mhz + Multicore Enchantments being turned off in BIOS). You are correct that Short/Long duration are the PL1 and PL2 limits. Below are the teaks I made for those interested. To me it was not worth the extra 700 on the Cinebench test. Still gets 27k on cinebench R23. Historically, the default settings for these have been PL1=Thermal Design Power (TDP, 125 W), PL2=Maximum Turbo Power (253 W), and Tau=56 s. Currently PL1 is at 125W and PL2 at 242W. 9GHzに張り付く; PL1:125W制限でも定格のPL1:181Wに対してマルチスレッド性能の低下は5%程度; PL1:105W制限でも定格のPL1:181Wに対してマルチ With the default "optimized" settings of my MB at 280 W PL1 and PL2, I would score around 2200. It is very sensible to set these to intel specs. Many motherboards at default are setting the power limits to infinity. 05 (on my 13700k nhd15 msi z960) but quite hot, what can I do to improve temps with that settings? Reply reply more replies More replies More replies More replies More replies More replies. This TDP means that the Core i7-14700K CPU will consume a maximum of 125 watts of power (PL1) at its E-core base frequency Intel Raptor Lake不具合でPL2は最大188Wがデフォルト値に。5月中にBIOSと設定への反映を要請. 616w. pl1跟pl2都設253然后ai cep跟gt cep都關掉,其他不動就行了嗎 . Reply reply     TOPICS. 4ghz. A little research on the 11700k has shown that it can run hot when under heavy load - I'd like to avoid this. For example, I undervolted my 12700K with PL1=PL2= unlocked. I put a 65W power limit for PL1 and Blender now holds that and is able to run 3. The extra temps/power draw just isn't worth it, especially if all you're doing is gaming because the single core clocks will still be just fine on those P cores at 125w. In games, it stays below 100W normally. I've limited my 13700k to 200 watts. 中低端型号例如13700k 14600k 12900k 以及非k或以下规格处理器的用户,如果你也被不稳定问题困扰,请将这些中低端型号的ia vr vmax设定限制为1400毫伏或更低,可以起到立竿见影效果。 pl1 pl2决定处理器功耗上限,pl1是长期负载功耗,pl2是短期负载功耗。 When PL1=PL2, the value for Tau is functionally useless. 23 volts. 12900k’s, even set to 241w, very rarely approach anywhere near that outside of synthetic benchmarking. Gaming. (pl1/pl2 253W). Với Core I7-13700K các bạn điều chỉnh giá trị PL1 = PL2 = 230W và với Core I5-13600K điều chỉnh PL1 = PL2 = 160W như minh họa của PL1:181WにおいてコアクロックはP-Core All 5. Voltage whilst in bios is 1. Test en settings par défaut : Résultats cinebench : 30280 pts Thermal Throttling : Oui Température max : 100c Test • Intel Core i9-13900K, Core i7-13700K, Core i5-13600K & Z790: no ragotz. TDP (PL1 / PBP): 125 W: TDP (PL2): 253 W: TDP up:--TDP down:--Tjunction max. Ainsi, Same PL1/PL2 limit for 12600k/12700k, would they have same performance for handbrake? I am planning on running either a 12600k or 12700k inside a small ish case using a low profile 95/125watt cooler. 6GHz base, to 4. In game my 13700kf would stay at 5. 3. 050. I researched the CPU quite a bit before buying it, so I know it has a reputation for running hot, and I researched the 13700k and D15 combo as well. 我都不敢拆封. I am not a computer expert, but I've learned that Surely it's better to continue gaming during power cuts with pl1 or pl2 limits set in the BIOS and lower FPS, than trip out the backup mains supply by pulling too much current? The alternative is to go out and buy yourself a 1kVA petrol generator. AMD Ryzen 7 5800X3D. My 13700k defaulted to 241w limit, when I selected air cooler in bios it sets 125w. I'm considering upgrading to the 14900K as well, but I don't really think it's worth it right now. This is just for PL1, PL2 stays on auto. CPU PL1 PL2 Tau; Core i9-13900K: 253 Watt: 56 Sekunden (irrelevant) Core i7-13700K: Core i7-13700K AVG/Max: Core i5-13600K PL1 and PL2 are package wattage limiters on some recent Intel CPUs. However, this can also lead to potential issues such as system Also, the Intel limits of 253W don't make a lot of sense for this CPU model in general, because the 13700K naturally peaks at around 250W or so, so the 253W power limits will achieve nothing in particular. Edit: I just tried checking the data sheet and I was wrong, PL1=125 is the "recommended value". AMD Ryzen 7 5800X. But this is where I got PL1=PL2 用對角轉半圈的方式確定四個角都是相同壓力,再使用利民附的TF-7散熱膏用五點點法,剛剛在CPU lite load Level5的bios設定跑出單核2053分多核29356分,電壓在1. Max Freq 13700K 6. sa cep要關嗎,這板子的mce要在那關,沒有設定降壓也可以關cep嗎 So it’s a matter of whether you want the most performance (k version is pl1+ pl2 = 253w. Now if you set the pl1/pl2 to 4096. Of course all depending on the amount of cooling you have and your We know that a 13700K (F) can draw around 250W during fully multithreaded load (if the cooling allows), so whatever cooling you have, it is not enough to run it with no power limits. : 100 °C: Détails techniques. 500Ghz. 188 watts and a load voltage of 1. However, since their 12th generation, Intel has been setting PL1=PL2 (the full 253 W for both) by default on “K” SKU processors. 且未触及100度温度墙,没有功耗墙的限制后P核心频率最高也始终坚挺在5. PL2 can be whatever. 5Ghz 得 ~1. 正在查14700k的災情如何. 15v, it is running at non turbo clocks i. . 追风者P500A机箱,室温27℃,最终成果如下: a,补充超频设置,我就改了这2个地方。 3,指定核心电压1. There’s no reason not to just leave that alone. My temps at 253w are low 90s high 80s so If yes, that could be the PL1 kicking in. AMD Ryzen 7 5700x. 目前很擔心ram回來的14700k會不會有問題. Skill DDR5 / NVMe: Crucial CT2000SPSSD8 / MoBo: Wichtig wäre das nur beim PL2 da PL1 sowieso dauerhaft sein sollte. 目前用13500~2號機. You'd see a turbo boost from 4. AMD Ryzen 9 5950X. Ví dụ Intel Core I9-13900K các bạn điều chỉnh giá trị trên sao cho PL1 = PL2 = 253W. AMD Ryzen 5 5600. So I am back to pl1=125, pl2=253, and a negative voltage offset of 0. Si Watercooling : PL1 = 4000w Si Aircooling : PL1 275w Si Aircooling standart : PL1 = 253w Objectif : Trouver la valeur de PL1 et de PL2 compatible avec mon système ET ne générant aucun Thermal Throttling, ni par PL2, ni par PL1. Beim Einstellen des PL2 ist es auch wichtig was deine Kühlung wegschafft ohne die Akustik einer Flugzeugturbine. 看了看13700K的价格,等下一代了,没钱换 Intel Core Ultra “Panther Lake” muestra sus clasificaciones de potencia PL1, PL2, etc. Power Limit 1, or PL1, is the threshold Tower Air Cooler:PL1/PL2 253w, current limit 512a Water Cooler:PL1/PL2 4096w, current limit 512a If I pick Boxed Cooler, my 13600k will be throttled because of the current limit, I had to manually change it to something higher. PL2 lag bei Alder Lake S (ADL S) bei 188 Watt und konnte bis auf 241 Watt im Performance-Szenario ansteigen, je nach der Situation die Para ajustar el consumo, podemos jugar con estos tres factores, aunque para conseguir siempre unos valores estables, podemos prescindir del modo PL2, con lo que tampoco necesitaremos preocuparnos por la duración de dicho modo. A wattage limiter affects how high on the voltage-frequency curve a processor can go. It never goes past 155W, and that is in Cinebench with slight OC. This is just my sample, your voltages will differ but it’s Hello, I just got the 13700k and am trying to understand properly setting my bios for optimal performance. Einmal das so genannte Short Duration Power Limit Intel Core i5-13600K * könnte ein Prozessor mit schlechter Chipgüte sein, der nicht die Toleranzen eines Intel Core i7-13700K * einhält. 7ghz DryIce Max Freq 14700K 7. I'm going to be assembling my PC in the next few days. AMD has the same thing, just by different names. Le Intel Core i7 Betrachten wir zunächst die 125-Watt Klasse des Core i9-13900K, wo PL1 ja bekannt ist. bis zur 13. I7 13700k (stock atm) Corsair dominator platinum 32GB 5200mhz ddr5 Gigabyte aorus z690 elite ax Gigabyte rtx 3090 24g Samsung 980pro 1tb Thanks in advance! Last edited: Oct 27, 2022. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; Pokimane; Halo However, we don't have a recommended PL2 as it may have different values based on the different motherboard (Power supply and VRM) thermal solution, if the customer has a higher PL2 it may result in a Current/EDP Limit warning and VRM thermal warning and cause system is unstable like overheating, etc. These passed a 1 hour Linpack stress test in OCCT - this is my go to for general stability tests. 307A, 125W, 253W. 16V PL1-220w PL2-190w,室溫29度全程不撞溫度牆就算 5月中頃よりIntel製CPUのPL1/PL2設定方法についてのお問い合わせが増えておりましたので設定方法を画像にてご案内させて 13700K+B660 max降压终于成功了,13700K+微星B660 max+FC140. I changed pl1 back down to 125 and set max temp back to "Auto" which defaults to 100C with this processor. I've run my 13700K capped at 165W and it was a similar experience. 7 all core and hits full 125W TDP. 275v,PL1和PL2功耗上限253W,CPU LITE LOAD模式设为3档(总共23档),跟1的性能和温度差不多。 手里还有13/14代i9的都建议锁上253w的pl1/pl2用吧,原因不多解释了,锁功耗应该是最靠谱的方法了,电流和温度都不会太大,而且 I recommend setting PL1 and PL2 according to the values specified in the Intel® Core™ Processors Technical Resources datasheet, specifically on pages 77 and 99. By default, the i9-13900K and i7-13700K come 找到bios內可以設定 pl1 和 pl2的地方,這邊就是所謂的功耗限制,都手動改成 253 / 253 為何習近平不當中國人 我用13700k每用一年壞一次共2次不能開機. If you choose to increase the PL1 and PL2 values beyond the recommended levels, you may see a performance boost. You have to set some power limits to Note that the latest stable BIOS for my MB doesn't actually have the Intel Default Settings preset, but PL1/PL2, ICCMax are set automatically as above by selecting "Boxed It's not, intel's specs for 13th gen K-series is PL1=PL2. With default settings Blender runs at the rated 4. TDP = 125 W / PL1 = 125 W / PL2 = défaut / TAU = 56s pour les Intel Gen 13; Pour rappel, la gestion de la limite de puissance diffère entre les 2 constructeurs. Also, it’s power limit - not power average or minimum. Oder er benötigt mehr oder weniger CPU-Spannung als We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. IntelのRaptor Lakeに関する不具合では高すぎる電力設定が原因でCPUに不可逆的な劣化が生じてしまい、ゲームプレイ時 Core i7-13700K:前世代のCore i9以上の性能でやや安い価格。だけど消費電力および発熱も従来のCore i9並みに 「Core i7-13700K」は8個のPコアと8個のEコアによる 合計16コアを備えた高性能CPU です。コア構成は前世代のCore i9と同じになりました。 13世代Intel Core i7-13700Fの推奨電力設定は以下の通りです。 ・PL1(長期消費電力)の推奨値: 65W ・PL2(短期消費電力)の推奨値: 253W PL1の65Wは既にデフォルト設定値になっているようですね。PL2の方は219Wと低めに設定されているようです。 对比酷睿i7 13700k来看,两者在1080p分辨率下游戏性能差距最大也仅有6%。 默认状态不解锁功耗的情况下,酷睿i7 13700的pl1为65 w,pl2为219w,此时进行考机的话,可以看到经过短暂的爆发期(pl2)后,其功耗被严格限制在了65w(pl1)上,其核心封装温度仅为38 The temps then settled. Without OC, it never goes past 135W. Frequency affects performance; therefore, wattage constraints affect performance, just not linearly. My 5950x and 13700k pull the same 30-35w from the wall (monitor excluded, peripherals included as 続けてPBP(PL1)、MTP(PL2)はCore i9-13900Kと同じだが、コアが16コアになるCore i7-13700Kの結果をみていこう。 Core i7-13700Kの動作クロック(単位:MHz) Using 65w in PL1 and 65w in PL2 i get the SAME REsults, so wtf? PL1 Automatic PL2 160/180W Cinebench: 24k Max temps: +88° PL1 65W PL2 130W Cinebench: 20k points Max temps: 70°/80° I have a 13700k, and want to move to SFF but worried about heat. 03 bios. Sort by date Sort by votes Eximo Titan Power limits would be PL1 and PL2. i7 13700k, ls 720 overheating at 100% usage My 13700k defaulted to 241w limit, when I selected air cooler in bios it sets 125w. 771 seconds This stands for Exponentially Weighted Moving Average. Should i run another cinebench or is there other tests that follows after? citay said: The intake fans together move 13代K版PL2耗电量终于公开 ?,根据爆料 , 13900K PL2 253W13700K PL2 253W13600K PL2 181W这样看来台积电5奈米制程还是更省电vs 7950X / 7900X PPT(Package Power Tracking)功耗230W耗电多23 ,电脑讨论(新),讨论区-生活与技术的讨论 ,Chiphell - 分享与交流用户体验 13700K PL2 253W 13600K PL2 181W The default Turbo Boost parameters for the Core i7-13700K are as follows: PL1: 253W; PL2: 253W; Tau: 56sec; ICCMax: 280A; Here is the benchmark performance at stock: SuperPI 4M: 30. 4ghz all-cores (not turbo-boost) all the time since it's not throttled by 150W limit. Reply reply 13900k PL1/PL2 的官方限制是253w. There are 3 parameters to consider: PL1, PL2, and Tau. "Long Duration Package Power Limit (P1) defines the maximum wattage the CPU is allowed to run when under sustained loads. 4/2. 5 base speed PL1とPL2に「180」と入力した場合、Core i7 12700Kにどれだけ負荷がかかっても消費電力(実測ではなくPackage Power読みで)は最大180 Wに制限されます。 設定した消費電力に対して、CPU温度がどの程度に収まるか予想がつかなくて不安なら、「Maximum CPU Core Temperature Le Intel Core i7-13700K marque 2,065 points dans le benchmark Geekbench 5 monocœur. 13700k has a PL1 Tau limit of 56 seconds. I just want to take a step further until I buy a new cooler, and read about lowering PL1/PL2 values. 裝. However, this can also lead to potential issues such as system 「Intel Core i7 13700」にはCPUクーラーが付属するので、比較しているCore i7 13700Kのパッケージより奥行きがあります。 (=PL1=PL2)を250W程度から125W程度まで下げても性能低下は20%程度に収まり、また241W動作のCore i9 12900Kと比較して、Core i9 13900は電力制限を65W The 12700k has a PL1/PL2 of 150w. 第12世代Core以降のCPUでは、TDPに代わりPBP(Processor Base Power=PL1)とMTP(Maximum Turbo Power=PL2)という指標で発熱量や消費電力を規定している。 I run my 13700K at 125w PL1 and PL2 and I think it's the sweet spot. It stays comfortably under 85° C on an air cooler (Thermalright PA120) on all-core workloads (in this case, Davinci Resolve CPU renders), with basically no performance hit on lightly-threaded workloads. It will go PL2 from idle and roll back to PL1 after 96 seconds, that’s also default. Intel's new policy of sending reference BIOSes with PL1=PL2 settings I have my cpu undervolted by -80mv and I set my PL1 to 125 and PL2 to 125. e. ) or you want the most efficient/power conscious cpu (non k is 125w pl1 and 253w pl2) 13700 has a PL1 Tau limit of 28 seconds. AMD Ryzen 5 5500. By sustained workloads, I don’t mean gaming. 5G eCore 4. I am not sure what it means PL1 (200W) with "Best Case" is too high or too low? On my SP 97 13700k, with Cinebench R24 my max temp is 78C on a 360mm aio and contact frame. 2 and offset at -0. 8 all core but still maintains the stock single core boost in lightly threaded applications. Today I decided to undervolt my i7 13700K. 差别最大的其实是处理器的 pl2 和 pl1 ,酷睿i7-13700的pl2是219w,pl1则是65w,酷睿i7-13700k则是pl2=pl1=253w,不过功耗限制这个东西,许多主板默认会帮你解掉。 酷睿i7-13700图赏 华硕这款主板的默认设置是PL2不锁上限,而PL1则等于251W,但实际上酷睿i7-13700根本跑不到251W,所以这和彻底解除功耗上限没区别,这样使得它和酷睿 However, we don't have a recommended PL2 as it may have different values based on the different motherboard (Power supply and VRM) thermal solution, if the customer has a higher PL2 it may result in a Current/EDP Limit warning and VRM thermal warning and cause system is unstable like overheating, etc. 7G 全核心5. Stays at 5. 5G cache_max 5G //// 我用的是Linux, 测试主要是 y-cruncher vray/blender intel mlc 以及 代码编译 和一些 CFD软件 如果放开功耗, y-cruncher 能通过 5. 其中KS结尾CPU的基础TDP为150W,我们看到有一种“Extreme Config”,对应的PL1(支持长时间运行)和PL2(短时Turbo)功耗释放都达到320W——可能就是这个设计在最近引来了一点风波? 至于标准的125W“K”结尾CPU,基础的PL1是125W,Extreme Config原则上支持长期稳定运行在 CPU: 13700k / RAM: 2 x 32GB 5600 G. - CPU is 13700K / MB - Z790 Gaming Plus WiFi / Cooler - DeepCool AK620 - PL1 and PL2 are set to 125W and 188W, respectively - ICCMax is set to 307A - LLC is on Auto - Core voltage mode and Core voltage were on Auto, for the Lite Load configurations - Core voltage mode was on "Adaptive + Offset" and Core voltage on Auto, for the offset configuration So I recently upgraded my PC with a new mobo, DDR5 memory and an i7 13700k with a Noctua D15 cooler, and a RTX 3070. yurgwh qrkl batzc bwtmxpu gqajnyk msxcmwo wcsb upwn tgtndg jyhlu eocw bgg jfv wjl roklum