Rounded home assistant.
Nov 3, 2017 · You can use a value template.
Rounded home assistant The sensor is a template calculating the absolute water level: May 11, 2023 · Screenshot_20230516_072400_Home Assistant 1080×2400 149 KB. I haven’t actually gotten around to this yet. I then adjust the existing variables to link them to new custom variables. The dashboard itself is fully responsive for tablets, desktop and mobile, and is About. state ]]]' If I’m getting this right, robotstofzuiger_laatst_actief_woonkamer is a custom sensor added via template integration into Dec 14, 2023 · I thought I would share my dashboard that I have spent the last few months developing and updating. main" "footer footer footer". A while back, I sent in my dashboard for Everything Smart Home’… Go to your profile settings and select the theme rounded if you're not using the default theme. It is perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. anyway to change the 22 to 22. These are mainly colors, but can also be margins, paddings, border-radiuses, or anything else. yaml posted by @CM000n. Nov 3, 2017 · You can use a value template. Here is a collection of themes, tweaks, and template buttons to make your Home Assistant look bold, modern, and clean. shelly_plug_s_nas_monatlich) are utility meters, and Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Cinema rewiring, Tuya converting, DHT to BME replacements, outdoor pir wiring, half a dozen more sensors to build and install and lots more… the list is never ending. 0 with that? May 11, 2022 · That’s not a theme but a dashboard. Available for free at home-assistant. Mar 6, 2023 · I wanted to share something with this wonderful community that has already been so helpful to me regarding my own Home Assistant installation. Rounded Theme UI for Home Assistant. I want to round the number to an integer. Mar 3, 2023 · Let’s start by setting up the Rounded. update_entity entity_id: sensor. Perfect to run on a Raspberry Pi or a local server. You can apply it in button card. yaml. Nov 12, 2019 · I’m using a template to adjust some sensor values, it is working as expected with the catch that it rounds to the 15th decimal. Example, I want to round the numbers below to 912 and 812: I’ve tried something like this, but it does not Hi and welcome to MiniHass MKII, my second version of this minimalistic, rounded, and colorful dashboard UI for Home Assistant. And “bottom tabbar” overlaps part of cards on the bottom of my view. I was fortunate to have this featured in Everything Smart Home's Youtube video and there have since been many requests to share the cards. Based on Leon's Rounded Dashboard, this sleek and minimalist theme enhances usability and visual appeal. Feb 15, 2024 · Just one further code. I use round, and most of the time it does what I want. Oct 7, 2023 · Hi, I have an entities card in which I want to display two values side by side, making use of multiple-entity-row. A while back, I sent in my dashboard for Everything Smart Home’… Nov 18, 2022 · Hi there. 🛟 Help wanted : UI code cards; Docs write documentation; If anyone is interested, please contact me Apr 4, 2023 · Hi @LE0N, Thank you for this beautiful dashboard! I’m trying to setup the Robot vacuum screen, and currently I’m struggling with 6 zone cards, namely with the button label value of: '[[[return states["sensor. Feb 24, 2022 · Hi, thanks that works but the now it shows : 22, 22. mushroom. To enable themes, create a folder names themes in your config directory, add the following code to your configuration. Jun 26, 2019 · Ah, I see. 0. I have been using the shared code in this topic to update my own personal dashboard and thought I would share. grid-template-columns: 120px 90% grid-template-rows: auto grid-template-areas: | "header header header" "sidebar . This Jul 23, 2024 · [quote=“LE0N, post:2, topic:543043”] 6 zone cards. 4. Rounded is a collection of cards for Home Assistant Dashboard UI. Aug 3, 2024 · By the way. Suggestions from searching don’t seem to do anything other than break the template, any way to round to two decimal points? Thank you! sensor: - platform: template sensors: bathroom_humidity: friendly_name: "Bathroom Humidity" unit_of_measurement: '%' value Mar 10, 2023 · The theme is available here GitHub - lovelace-rounded/theme: 🟣 Lovelace Rounded Theme. 5. I’ve had a look at Rounding number in a card? and Templating - Home Assistant but am still scratching my head. The entities being displayed (sensor. Apr 16, 2023 · Hi, after update to 2023. yaml file and restart Home Assistant: frontend: themes: !include_dir_merge_named themes Then enter to your new folder themes and create a new file named e. 5 or 23. Here is my config to round down a humidity sensor. Now I found a situation where it doesn’t work as expected. I already tried the current Beta version as well as the last Rounded. g. How do I get them back? What’s weird is that when I go into edit mode, the corners all show as rounded in the preview, but they never render correctly when edit is exited. The theme has three sections: Here I adjust all variables that already exist within Home Assistant. I ve just noticed the mistake. Usennn :host { --assistant-width: 50; --assistant-scaler: calc(var(--assistant-width); / 200); --assistant-color: white; } so here the complete code. type: custom:button-card show_name: false show_state: false show_icon: false show_label: false tap_action Home Assistant is an open source home automation server that integrates nearly 2000 existing IoT services into one powerful, private, and unified user interface. I can add: card_mod: style: | ha-card { border-radius: 20px; } to some cards and get them to round, but others won’t even with this added code. io. Mar 15, 2023 · Hey there! I wanted to share something with this wonderful community that has already been so helpful to me regarding my own Home Assistant installation. yaml - alias: "Update waschmaschine_timer every second" trigger: - platform: time_pattern seconds: "/1" action: - service: homeassistant. Jun 22, 2023 · Hey there! I wanted to share something with this wonderful community that has already been so helpful to me regarding my own Home Assistant installation. Dec 29, 2022 · I’m new to HA so please go easy. platform: mqtt state_topic: "conservatory" name: "Conservatory Humidity" unit_of_measurement: "%" value_template: '{{ value_json. class: graph style: | ha-card { --graph-color: var(--blue); --graph-background-color: var(--blue-tint); } . . Here’s what I mean: Here’s the yaml code. In the code I use two helpers. You do not need to add the scaler, width and color to the theme. So here it goes! Jan 28, 2024 · Next, open the service named “Home Assistant Frontend: Set theme” and run the service twice with both the “Dark” and “Light” modes checked. In couple of days cards will be available GitHub - lovelace-rounded/ui: 🟣 Lovalce Rounded UI components like Mushroom integration. Here we also highlight one of the six buttons. Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. waschmaschine_timer Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. shelly_plug_s_nas_jahrlich and sensor. I’m using the Speedtest integration/sensor on my dashboard to display up/down speed as a gauge. humidity | round(1) }}' Home Assistant Mar 11, 2023 · Rounded theme allow you to customize your Rounded dashboard using Home Assistant themes. A toggle for selecting and deselecting the area and a date helper for keeping track of the last cleaned date. Mar 18, 2024 · Sure, I can share how I made it. This works in principal, but a few releases ago, the values started to be displayed without any rounding. 1 if I use “bottom tabbar” there is back an empty space in the place where top navbar was located. I used custom:layout card in the view tab to make a custom grid with header, sidebar and main area. I am one of the lucky ones. It is actually quite easy. A while back, I sent in my dashboard for Everything Smart Home’… Apr 5, 2024 · All my rounded corners have disappeared after updating to 2024. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts. To get the washing machine timer / countdown to also count the seconds, add this to your automation. So much stuff going on. Rounded mission is to propose easy to use components to build your Home Assistant dashboard. robotstofzuiger_laatst_actief_woonkamer"]. jonezy35 (Justin Jones) February 9, 2024, 1:59pm Aug 5, 2021 · as the Title says I have one of the Home assistant gauges that goes out past the decimal point alot further than I want how do I get it to round to one decibel from the decimal like the other 2 without having to use cust… Mar 7, 2019 · bumping this thread because I have tried adding ha-card-border-radius: ‘20px’ to my theme’s but it isn’t working… hoping for some guidance, please. I’d love to have feedback from the community and see what I can do to improve or make better. qlvhccjqillxwkatfhxfvljzayxvumebfwktdwrbqbkvlhbswa